Z57 Inc Reviews (183)
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Description: Internet Marketing Services, Web Design, Consultants - Social Media, Online Social Media/Networking, Real Estate Services, Advertising - Internet
Address: 10045 Mesa Rim Rd, San Diego, California, United States, 92121
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[There is nothing here that addresses my complaint, cancelling and being billed the entire amount for being bullied and verbally mishandled (the reason I hung up the phone to begin with) does not tend to my complaint. Also, I did take the call from the manager who called and he was going to call me back when he reviewed the actual complaint. He was very nice, however, again - the company is misspeaking as he never called back.
According to my contract under "Cancellations" 25. After the cancellation period provided in paragraph 4 above, customers may cancel monthly service by providing us with 30 days prior notice. You will be responsible for any charges incurred after the 30 day notice is given, which includes, but is not limited to, monthly website hosting, domain renewals, email services, traffic products, or any other services purchased from Z57..." I DID NOT have monthly website hosting, domain renewals, email services or any other items provided by Z57. I had all of this on my own.
Nowhere did it say: "After the cancellation period provided in paragraph 4 above, cancellation of a service that is still under contract will result in immediate billing of any remaining contract months".
It seems that I am targeted at this point as my monthly billing ($49.99) was what I was to be charged for my "30 day notice".
I stand by my first and follow up report. A refund of the $350.00 charged to my card without permission and two months credit $100.00.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear
As you stated my account was closed in October 2013. In addition; you are confirming you called me after the fact I canceled so now it is documented and that you are liable for soliciting to a caller whose phone number is active on the DO NOT CALL LIST. I will pursue....
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
1. The response claims that the site was "Initially build on 03/03/16" this is incorrect - March 8th I received an email from [redacted] stating that he is still working on the case and said "I should be wrapping up with the majority of the work over the next day or two"
March 14th I received another email from [redacted] stating that he is still working on the site and the "I was out of the office on Thursday and Friday sick which is why I did not get it over to you. I am currently working on finishing the rest of it. Also I did inquire about removing your email from the front of the page, we at this time do not have the ability to do that. So I have submitted to my products team that this be a feature we offer. I do appreciate your patience as I finish up the last bit of your site"
On March 15th I received another email from [redacted] saying he had finished the work and that I should review the site.
I immediately headed to the link and quickly realized the the bulk of the work had not been completed. [redacted] had basically taken their stock template and added my name and logo to it and ignored the entire list of customization and graphic changes we had discussed and that I had emailed him.
On March 15th, realizing that I could not cover all the issues in an email I contacted their customer service and spoke to the rep that answered the phone. I spoke to the representative explained that none of the changes that I had requested had been completed and asked the representative to have [redacted] give me a call.
On March 16th, when I did not receive a call back from [redacted] I contacted the customer service number and again spoke to the representative. The representative said that I had to talk to [redacted] and that the things [redacted] had promised such as changing the buy sell images on the home page & other graphics on my “Fully Customizable” site where not editable & that I was misinformed. I asked to speak to the supervisor and I was told [redacted] was the supervisor and that they would let him know to call me back.
I did not receive a call back to I contacted z57 again on April 1st and again I was told that [redacted] was not available. I asked to speak to a different supervisor and the rep told me that I would have to speak to [redacted] because he was the one handling my site.
On April 5th I called back and was told that [redacted] was still not available, I explained that the issue was with [redacted], the representative apologized and said she will notate the account to have a supervisor call me back.
On April 6th I called back to cancel again because I had not received a call back and I was told that someone would definitely get back to me today.
On April 8th I was billed again for 117.49 - site was still not live.
On April 20th I received a call back from [redacted] telling me that she was calling me back regarding my cancellation request from April 6th. She apologized and told me that she was out of the office and could not call me back in time. She agreed that there was a failure on their end and said that her supervisor would not allow her to credit me unless I agreed to stay with them. I said that was unacceptable.
2. In their response Z57 claims that I am not eligible for a refund of the hosting because that Fee is not tied to weather my site was live or not. That would be true if the site was completed to my specification. But considering that the site did not match the agreed upon specs that [redacted] and I had spoke of on our "Phone Design Consultation" and that no one contacted me to fix the issue in the entire one month span of me contacting the,. The site was not completed and the hosting of the incomplete site does not count as any services rendered.
There was no additional contact via phone or email from [redacted] after my phone call on March 15th and no attempt on Z57's part to resolve my concerns.
Finally, [redacted] repeatedly apologized and stated that there were clear notes in their system that I had called and requested a call back and apologized that neither [redacted] or she called me back for over one month. She also said numerous times that there were clear shortcoming on their end and that no matter how hard she tried, her supervisor was not allowing her to issue the credit unless "I agreed to let them fix their mistakes" by agreeing to stay with them for a minimums of 2 additional months
At the very least, I am due a credit for the $199 for the design which was never completed to specs and the last month fee of $117.49 because I called to cancel again on 4/6, was billed on 4/8 on and [redacted] did not call me back regarding my cancellation request until 4/20
In conclusion, I request that you please re-open this case and request a minimum of a credit of 199.00 for design and setup and the last months payment of $117.49 for a total of $316.49. Since they credited me $40 for the two months discount, we can go ahead and subtract $20 from the $316.49 for a total credit of $296.49
If they refuse to issue the credit, I would like the complaint to show that they did not offer a satisfactory resolution and that the customer is not satisfied.
If you need me to forward you any of the emails I referenced above please let me know.
I apologize for the long email, just wanted to provide you with all pertinent information.
Best Regards,
As a company, we have the right to dictate our terms of cancellation. Our Terms and Conditions state that clients must make a verbal cancellation request to our Client Development department. We do not accept emailed requests to cancel due to security reasons. An account will stay active until the...
client places a 30 day notice verbal notice. Mr. [redacted] has been a client for more than 10 years so we do not have his IP address on record for agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, but because he used the product for 10+ years this constitutes agreement to our services. The Terms have been emailed to him each time there is a change and they were readily available in the admin panel of his website. Z57's cancellation policy states as stated in terms:24. After the cancellation period provided in paragraph 4 above, you
may cancel monthly service by providing us with 30 days prior notice.
You will be responsible for any charges incurred after 30 day notice is
given, which includes, but is not limited to, monthly website hosting,
domain renewals, email services, traffic products, or any other services
purchased from Z57. An email will be sent to the email address on file
to confirm cancellation.
25. In order to protect your account, if you wish to cancel your
service, you must contact Z57 Client Development via telephone at (800)
899-[redacted] so that we can authenticate that your are the authorized
account user. All cancellation requests must be verbally communicated
directly to a Z57 Client Development Representative.
Z57 Resolution:
Z57 will not be providing Mr. [redacted] with a refund since we processed his verbal cancellation request the day he called.
Z57 Response:
Mr. [redacted] called in on 9/15/15 and spoke to [redacted] (who is still employed). During that phone call Mr. [redacted] wanted to confirm his billing contract and when it expired and expressed his frustration that the leads he was receiving weren't qualified. He...
did express his unhappiness in the Search Engine Marketing Program but didn't request to cancel. On 2/19 Mr. [redacted] forwarded [redacted]'s case follow up email stating it was a cancellation confirmation when in fact it was only answering the questions asked by Mr. [redacted] during the phone call. The text of the email is below the line:__________________________________________
Update for Case #[redacted] - "Billing - General Questions"
Hi Eric,
Your website hosting started on 4/14/2015, on a one year agreement. The 12th month would fall on 3/16/2016. That is a recurring charge of 119.99 a month billed in advanced.
You also signed up for Search Engine Marketing, on 7/2/2015 for a 6-month agreement. 1/2/2016 would be the 6th month's billing date. That is a recurring charge of $299.99 billed in arears.
Mr. [redacted] called us on 9/28 and spoke to a different service rep who scheduled him for an appointment with his SEM account manager. Mr. [redacted] had to cancel that appointment. We spoke to Mr. [redacted] 5 times between his call with [redacted] and him making the SEM cancellation request in February.
Z57 Response:
As a business we do not provide internal recordings to outside parties. That is a standard policy of most businesses who record calls for quality assurance and training purposes. Even though Mr. [redacted] didn't place his cancellation request of the SEM program until Feb. and it is billed in arrears so he is technically liable for the $299.99 overdue balance, we are willing to waive this final payment so ensure a clean end to our business relationship. We wish him all the best of luck in the future.
Hello [redacted],
I apologize for any confusion, you did not overpay rather it was an overcharge that was waived on your account making the final balance taken care of and the account settled in full. I have tried to contact you via phone three times to clarify this matter however as I'm sure you are busy so I wanted to let you know through this platform. Should you have any questions for me please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank You,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I was not told I over paid and if so should have that amount returned back to me.
Z57 Response:
Ms. [redacted] signed up for a website/social package on 7/27/15. Her website and account were generated on that same day. As a company we focus on providing the best tools on the market. Ms. [redacted] website was fully functional and all the automation was working as promised. We...
understand that Ms. [redacted] didn't like the look of her website and wished to make several changes which could be done it the admin panel of her website. As a company we focus more on the tools behind the website rather than the design because design of a website does not change the overall results our clients see.
Z57 Resolution:
Because Ms. [redacted] did sign a 1 year contract and service was provided she is still liable for the remaining months of her contract. Z57 will not be issuing a refund for remainder of her contract. However, we are willing to offer Ms. [redacted] a contract buyout. At the point of sale, all clients are offered the option of a Month to Month contract or a 1 year contract. The difference in setup price between the two packages is $150 so we can just charge Ms. [redacted] the $150 buyout + the 30 day notice to cancel ($150 + $125 = $275) . That would provide Ms. [redacted] with a refund of $100. If Ms. [redacted] accepts the offer we will immediately process this refund.
After an additional review of the recorded sales call, Ms. [redacted] agreed to sign up that day, was clearly made aware of the monthly charges as the setup charges. When the sales rep wanted to transfer Ms. [redacted] to the onboarding department to get setup she said that she wanted to wait until next Wednesday to go active. The sales rep confirmed that she meant having the site published to the internet and Ms. [redacted] confirmed that was correct. She said she had several things going on that weekend and didn't want to feel pressured about the release of her site. After being charged, Ms. [redacted] said she didn't want to be billed for the week that her site might not be live to the internet. The sales rep said she can look into it but the agreement was not made that she wouldn't be charged until her site was live. The sales rep specifically said that she would be charged each month from the date she signed up regardless of whether her site was live.
Z57 Resolution
The resolution has not changed. Ms. [redacted] is not eligible for a full refund and her 30 day notice was submitted on 7/1 so her account will be officially canceled as of 8/1/2016.
Z57 Response:Ms. [redacted] signed up for our SEM traffic program on 4/24/2015 on a 6 month contract. She agreed to the Terms and Conditions for this product on 4/29. Line item #9 in the terms state:"To cancel service, you must contact Z57 Client Development via telephone at (800)...
899-8148. all cancellation requests must be verbally communicated directly to a Z57 Client Development representative."As a business, Z57 has the right to determine and set a cancellation policy. We do not accept email cancellations because of security risks. Ms. [redacted] should have had no issues calling the Client Development Department to place her request. The average hold time for all clients is 2 minutes or less. We are able to see all the calls that Ms. [redacted] made to the number listed above and we don't see any calls between June 2015 and January 2016. The calls made in 2016 are listed below.1/8/16 at 12:18pm (PT) --> Ms. [redacted] held for 2 minutes 17 seconds before disconnecting the call. .1/8/16 at 12:21pm (PT) --> Ms. [redacted] held for 3 minutes 19 seconds before disconnecting the call. 1/31/16 at 4:26pm (PT) --> Ms. [redacted] held for 24 seconds before disconnecting the call.2/5/16 at 9:34am (PT) --> Ms. [redacted] held for 54 seconds before disconnecting the call.Z57 Resolution:Currently Ms. [redacted]'s SEM program has been canceled due to non-payment. That add-on program will remain canceled. If Ms. [redacted] would like to cancel her entire account she will still need to place a verbal cancellation with Z57 Client Development by calling 800-899-8148 x* Monday - Friday 6:30am - 4:30pm PT. Ms. [redacted] is still responsible for her overdue balance of 849.96.
Z57 Response:Mr. [redacted] signed up for a one year contract on 3/24/2015. The signed contract is attached. He signed up for an Elite package which does not come with a lead guarantee. The results of the program depend on how the client utilizes the program since it is an organic product. Mr....
[redacted] called on 1/18/16 to cancel but was advised he was still under contract until March. He opted to stay on board at that time. He called again to cancel on 2/25/16 and had a 13:45 min phone call with a client loyalty representative. During that call Mr. [redacted] said he was interested in learning more about what we can offer him. The client loyalty rep said that he would like to keep Mr. [redacted]'s account active until they had a chance to review his options. He verbally agreed and said he would like that. The client loyalty rep called out to the client to discuss his options on 2/26/16 and the rep left a voicemail for him saying that they still needed to review their options. We reached out to Mr. [redacted] again on 3/1/16 and left another voicemail. When Mr. [redacted] had a past due balance he was under the impression that he canceled so the client loyalty rep reached out again on 5/18. During that phone call Mr. [redacted] agreed to stay on board again after the client loyalty rep agreed to push out the automatic shut[redacted]n to his account due to non-payment. Z57 Resolution:
After reviewing the recorded calls, Mr. [redacted] willing agreed to stay a client each time he requested to cancel and was happy with the service provided. However, we are willing to take the last conversation date as his 30 day notice as a compromise. That means the 30 day notice started on 5/18 and this 30 days would expire on 6/18/2016. We are willing to waive his final payment of $124.99 but he is still responsible for the remaining balance of $374.97.
Review: Z57 was notified on multiple occasions by Landmark officers and representatives that Z57 was no longer authorized to make charges to Landmark company credit cards following notification from Landmark to Z57 to terminate services no longer rendered. Z57 continued unauthorized charges to these credit cards. Z57 claims that they do not recognize Landmarks representatives authority to terminate services or credit card charges on Landmarks accounts. Z57 does and has recognized these same representatives as their primary point of contact and authority to add services that create new charges claiming that Z57 now only recognize the original point of contact at Landmark when services were first started over a decade ago. Z57 is aware that this individual is no longer the point of contact but has used this to claim they can still continue with charges.Desired Settlement: Refund of unauthorized charges
Z57 Response:
This has been resolved.
Please see details below.
Z57 has agreed, in this case, to cancel Mr. [redacted]’
account and waive the overdue balance.
Per the Terms and Conditions of the account as well as
for the security of the account, only the account holder or the name on the
credit card on file can make financial decisions for the account. The default
credit card holder did call in to cancel, but by an accidental oversight she
was told it could only be Mr. [redacted] (the account holder on the file).
We apologize and have trained all current employees on
who has permission to cancel an account to avoid situations like this in the
Mr. [redacted] and a Z57 representative spoke on the phone
on 4/17/2014 and mutually agreed upon a resolution. Z57 will waive the remaining overdue balance
of 3 months of website hosting for Mr. [redacted]’ account: $177.
There will be no further charges to Mr. [redacted]’ account.
Review: A sell person from the company called me on feb 18 talked to me to buy a website ",the best that is on the market" with all the technologies that exist right now for real estate professional. I really didn't want to work with this company as in the past I had issues with my first website . The sell person was very smooth and convinced me that this is a new management and I will get the best what ever I want and if I sign immediately I will get $200 deduction from the price. I gave him an example of a website that I would like to have exactly the same as www.parklandparrot.com He promised me and assured me that that's what I will get if I will sign with them. I will get everyday a free blog and free Facebook site, with everything I want . I just need to tell the web designer what I want. 3 days later when I spoke to the web designer it was not at all what I wanted and was promised. I received [redacted]. The level of the website I got I can get better for free . This is shame the level of this product. I spoke with the sell guy couple of time after and he promise to call me next morning with the changes. Nobody called me. I called again and was promised that he will call me later. Nobody called. Next day I called again, and as soon as he heard my voice he sound like he cant hear and he hanged the phone on me. I sent him an email and I asked to cancel everything and get my money back he answered that it doesn't work between us and I should call customers service. I called customers service and a rude young girl talked to me as I was her girlfriend. Rude and unprofessional. She sent me an email that I have to pay also 30 days extra.
When we talking to payments. The sell person told me that it will be $399 after the $200 deduction for order the same day +$20 domain name. My credit card shows $547. I never received a receipt and brake down. When I confront the sell person he told me I told you, which it is not true. I want refund and I don't want to deal with this company. I had very bad experience in the past and I have it as well now. This company practicing bad sell methods. I have all the email from both the sell person and the girl from customers serviceDesired Settlement: Get my money back and remove myself from this company.
The company didn't honor what was promised and I don't obligate for them in anyway.
Z57 Response:
On 2/17/2014 Ms. [redacted] signed up with a Z57, PropertyPulse Elite
account and agreed to our Terms and Conditions. Our Terms and Conditions are always
provided at the point of sale, as we ensure all clients have the opportunity to
ask any questions they might have on these before finalizing their purchase.
Review: The call started out okay, and that's why I gave him a chance. The sales person seemed friendly and enthusiastic. I answered a lot of questions for him about my real estate business. We were on the phone for quite a while. I could tell that the questions were poised so as to make it sound like we need their services, and I didn't really mind that. Unfortunately, the point came when I wasn't giving him the answers he wanted, and he kept badgering me; raising his voice and repeating his questions over and over, all the while becoming increasingly more hostile. It got to the point that he wouldn't stop yelling at me so I hung up. I'm taken aback by his lack of professionalism. If this is how they train their workers to generate sales leads, it is disappointing to say the least.Desired Settlement: An apology?
Reply to Revdex.com Complaint ID
- [redacted]
Review: Oct. 10, 2014 Signed contract with Z57 after talking with sales representative that offered services by their company for $199.00 for joining & 119.99/mo for 1 year. They made promises that their company would set up a web site for me to draw traffic, send e-mails to clients, set up a business page on face book & other social media. Showed a list of everything that would be done for me with minimal, 10 min/week effort on my part if I wanted to clarify something or add a listing or comment, otherwise they would be doing everything and have information about my area on the web site and face book and real estate articles that would draw business for me. I stated I was not internet savvy and they said that is why I'd hire them for $$119.99/moth to do my advertising & work. There is a 3 day cancellation after signing, but I still believed them & my first contact with somebody too help me was after that period. The first contact wanted to sell me something to draw business to my web site for XXXX more dollars. I couldn't afford more. Referred again & was told to gather information and referred me back to their sight to read to learn "how to do it my self" and ":they would help"... Call,ed for help and received word again to read but they did accept pictures to put on the front of a web page. I sent information I wanted on my web &^ business page & they didn't use it. Instead they put incorrect information totally on my web page regarding my area. I called them Nov. 7th and said I thought I had been told they would do the services & that the information they put up was wrong & they threatened me to charge everything then for the whole year. Right before Christmas I couldn't afford that. I have asked to be leased from contract as they have not done anything except to add an article to my face book page twice a month and none of the other promises have been fulfilled. They have threatened to ruin my credit and put a &900 collection on me.Desired Settlement: Cancel contract is my goal! I would like too get cash back for at least part of the services promised and not delivered, but mainly I want out of the contract. The contract only states what they expect of me and not what they will deliver. That part on the computer that was shown to me has never come up again. I want my credit protected.
Dear to whom it may concern,
The client came onboard with our company on October 10th,
2014, three days after signing on we delivered a beautiful website and assisted
the client for the last six months with website edits, listings and more. Most recently the client contacted us on
March 6th. 2015 for assistance in signing up for our webinars. As we
offer unlimited support we are always available to assist clients with
directions and details on what our product can do. I cannot offer a cancellation
of our product as services were and continue to be delivered. I would however be more than happy to reach
out to the client directly to show them new product enhancements and how we can
work together to reach a positive outcome. Thank You, [redacted]
Review: I have asked to stop the SEO with fee of 299. per month. They first said they would, then said someone from there would call to do. Didnt This month alone , they have debited my acct 299 and 389. They did stop sending me the leads though.Desired Settlement: Refund for all moneys debited after I told them to stop.
Reply to Revdex.com Complaint ID - [redacted]
Review: Z57 continues to take payments from my account after I verbally told them that I was no longer interested in their services after my one year contract expired with them. On Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014, I went to check my bank account and discovered that z57 drafted two payments in the amount of $49.99 each from my account to cover unauthorized services with the company. I spoke with a few representatives and ask that they refund my money and they told me that they could not do that. For one year I have not been satisfied with z57 services. I did not find the services rewarding for my business and the customer rep services is despicable. In fact, one particular representative hung up the phone on me.Desired Settlement: Refund of two payments from 10/27 or 10/28 in the amount of $49.99 each
Dear to whom it may concern,
This matter was addressed with the client yesterday and a resolution was made. Although we typically enforce a 30 day notification policy I was happy to waive it as a token of good faith. I wish the client nothing but the best in her future endeavors.
Review: This company miss led me in what they would actually offer. The telemarketing rep told me the following inaccurate services that would be offered:They could help me set up a Facebook business page that would keep people on my site by searching homes for sale, and solds in my territory as well as community info.Problem:After making the payment on July 27th I was sent documents on Aug 2 to get IDX set up so they could help me get the Facebook site set up in order for people to interact in the way the sales person sold the services to me. When I went to get the IDX signed by the MLS in MN I was told it's not allowed in MN to post this information on Facebook.When I contacted the sales rep to ask for a refund he said he needed to get in touch with someone about this. He did come back a day later and offer me 1 month of free service for free after realizing he should not have contacted a MN agent. Review:I have been requesting a refund since this issue has been discovered. And I do not get reply's finally someone did look into things more and said I will not be getting a refund because I should have canceled within 3 days. They can't honor the services they sold to me I should get a full refund regardless of time. They purposely sent the IDX documents after the three days had passed. This is stealing!Resolution:Refund my credit card the full $299.00Desired Settlement: Refund my credit card the full $299.00 as soon as possible so I don't have to waste any more time with this.
Review: On June 12, 2014 I was contacted by [redacted] with Z57, Inc. He informed me that My current web site was ineffective and obsolete. He also told me that I was missing out on potential business due to my lack of social media integration in my business. Mr [redacted] promised that his company could "accelerate" my web and social media presence and get me results within weeks with the staff at Z57, Inc. and the "accelerator Boost Program" Mr [redacted] also explained that at this time it was being offered at a promotional discount. Mr [redacted] guaranteed me total satisfaction and quick results. He told me that Z57, Inc. enjoys a 97% retention rate of its clients. I was promised that I would be working with various experts in the employment of Z57 to "accelerate" my web results. At 1:30 PM on June 16th I was contacted by [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] spent roughly 20 minuets asking me questions about my real estate practice and indicated that she was creating a business Facebook page. She also set an appointment with another representative Christy [redacted] at 11:00 AM on June 24th to continue the "accelerator Boost" At 1:00PM I received a call from Ms. [redacted] who apologized for not making the 11:00 AM appointment and said she had computer calendar problems. I then informed Ms. [redacted] of several issues that I could not log in to Facebook and that there were problems with my web page, specifically the the IDX search not finding all listings as defined in the search on my web site verses the actual active listings on the MLS. Ms [redacted] promised to reschedule the missed appointment and that the IDX problem was not her area of expertise but she would transfer me to some one that would assist me. I was placed on hold and after 23 minuets on hold I was disconnected. As of today I have had no further contact from any representatives with Z57, Inc. Today I contacted Z57, Inc. A person Named Terry answered the phone and represented to me he was the manager. I began to inform Terry of the problems and to request a refund for the service that I have been promised and not received. Terry became very belligerent and informed me that Z57 would not refund any of my monies but would gladly cancel my account. I proceeded to inform Terry of the unfulfilled promises and that three agents in the brokerage I am with had similarly negative experiences. I told him that that did not match the 97% retention rate that his salesman had boasted about. At this time Terry hung up the phone on me. I then received a email from terry (no last name) containing the agreement that I E-signed. I have not received the promised services that I was charged for and I believe that the sales force are misleading consumers about the services to be preformed as well as falsely touting client retention and satisfaction rates.Desired Settlement: Restoration of my former web site and a full refund.
Review: Z57 , they continue to call and email stating we owe them. We have been with them for years and they have charged our credit card. We had no problem for a long period of time. About three months ago we had unauthorized charges on card, we discontinued card and notified z57 that we were discontinuing service. We had actually hoped to re-start service when investigation showed who was utilizing card unauthorized. We gave proper notice, but they kept billing to the point of harassment.Desired Settlement: Quit harassment
Client Regarding Revdex.com Complaint ID - [redacted]