Wall & Associates, Inc. Reviews (477)
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Wall & Associates, Inc. Rating
Description: Taxes - Consultants & Representatives
Address: 1215 K St Ste 1600, Sacramento, California, United States, 95814-3954
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I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I would like a refund of $4,000.00. Wall & Associates have done nothing but take our money and done nothing to help with our situation with the [redacted]. They told us from day one not to pay the [redacted] any more money on our installment plan. Now we are in default and all the interest and penalties are added back and we are going to be out even more money and the [redacted] is getting ready to put a levy on our accounts. I could have made several payment to the [redacted] if Wall & Associates had not taken our money.
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I actually attempted to resolve my concerns before I submitted the complaint with Revdex.com. I asked for the summary before and they just sent the same letter with a little modification at the beginning and the end. I am not complaining about that they haven't worked on my case at all. My complaint based on billing issue. If you analyze their summary of work there are big laps between most actions performed. I understand that dealing with a long standing [redacted] problem take a time, but this company took their time months and even years without actions, but continue charging me for their services. I will bring more details below.I read their letter and I learned about my situation from their summary more than from all our previous communications. Here are details about our interactions:I hope the period from sept 2011 to June 2012 was reasonable to finalize the necessary [redacted] forms to submit an Offer of Compromise. In December 2012 [redacted] assigned Officer Examiner and Wall and associates contacted me to follow up. In January 2013 my accountant failed to provide additional financial information and I was assessed with additional taxes for unreported income of my wife who received unemployment income and I didn't know about. She just hided this fact and I couldn't get requested pays tabs from her. I have very busy season between January to August where I am out constantly in the ocean with no connection with world. The only way they tried to contact me this period were voicemails, and tell the truth I was outside of any communications and I had no idea what is going on. In April 2013 in our over phone conversation I told them about my tax return for 2012 and we agreed I will send them paper return for 2012 and they will send it to [redacted]. I promised to make a payment as soon as possible. In fact when I called to [redacted] in May 2014, because I couldn't get any clear respond about my case from my representatives, I found out that the [redacted] don't have my 2012 return on file but they received payment of$31000 from me. Now from their summary I don't see if they received it or not. If they never received it then they never let me know, because they are representing me and its a lot of information about my filing and financial situation. In May 2013 I received a letter from [redacted] about rejected offer. I tried to reach out the office in June - July 2013 and find out details of my situation, but all I was ensured that they are working on my case. I asked my accountant to contact the office to find out more because I didn't know where we are and what is the next step. Finally they got in touch in September and ensured my CPA that they are getting ready for submitting a new Offer. They wrote that they have been preparing the New OffEr of Compromise, which should be based on my financial liabilities, but I was never asked any additional information about my financial situation. They received tax assessment on the 2012due unreported income which belong to my exwife and we filed separately. I told them I will be out of the country from Nov 2013 to Feb 2014 and they had my email if they need anything. I heard nothing. In March 2014 When I came back and got in touch with them, they requested some information. I mailed them a copy of my 2013 return and signed requested forms extending Power of Attorney. In April 2014 I got a letter from [redacted] returning Power of Attorney forms informing that they do not match to their record. I called to the office right away and sent them a scan of forms through email. Again they promised to check them and get back to me. It turned to silence. During 2013 I sent a few emails trying to contact them to find out what the company do to resolve my case. It seemed they just forgot about me. i couldn't wait anymore. I called to [redacted] to find out my status and I learned that they didn't have 2012 return on file, but they had the full payment received. Then they had no information that Wall and Associate represents me and my tax balance for 2004-2010 increased from 52k to 95k due interest and penalties and [redacted] prepare to apply a tax garnishment over my income. On May 30, 2014 I contacted the office with following concerns:1. It was over a year since the previous Offer of Compromise was rejected.2.we had a barely a few contacts described above.They were not able to provide any information on what they do right now for me. I requested the summary of work. 3. They continued charging me monthly $425 and I realized that they charged me already around $17000. I wanted them billing information about charges. They sent me in a day or two the draft of offer of Compromise and the note to call on June 2, 2014 to follow up with missing information, but they never called on this date. They asked for 10-14 days to make up summary and to resolve my concerns through Client Service Group and offered a refund of $1000 in a good faith effort. Overall:In 2011 I wanted to build my relationship with [redacted], I wanted to pay my current taxes and pay off my debt for period 2004-2010. I was afraid and unexperienced to deal with [redacted], that's why I hired Wall and Associate inc who contacted me through a mail. I took them seriously and rely on their expertise in tax representing services.Results:1. They prolong the process for three years2. Charged me continuation fees for period when they haven't provide any service3. Provide poor communication through the process Wall and Associates inc stopped working on my case after May 2013 when they attempted to extend hearing for the offer. Let me know if I can bring more evidence of that. They shouldn't charge me for the period May 2013-May 2014. They need to return money back for this period $5525 (425*13 months). Then it will make my payments for their performed services around $12000(17,5k-5.5k). I would like a compensation another $2000 for prolonging the process for another year unreasonably, which occur higher liability to [redacted] due penalty and interest. Please let me know if I can provide any other information.Thank you.
Dear Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent
complaint filed against our company regarding thefees paid and services rendered to Ms.
[redacted] A. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our servicesin September of 2015 for administrative
tax representation.In Ms. [redacted]'s...
complaint she is
requesting a refund, minus any fees, that our company mayhave earned for services rendered and is
requesting an itemized listing of each charge that has beenbilled to her. Due to the sometimes
complex nature of tax resolution, and the inherent uncertaintiesin rendering services to clients, our
firm operates on an initial fee I monthly fee based structure inlieu of itemized billing. We sincerely regret
that due to this policy our company does not keep anitemized listing of charges. Our company is,
however, committed to fair and honest billing whichis why we clearly lay out all of these
policies prior to an agreement to represent a client before anytaxing authorities. As a matter of
policy, we strictly require that all clients sign this agreement inorder to make sure they have been made
aware of these terms and to prevent any unnecessarygrievances from occurring.In response to Ms. [redacted]'s request for a
refund, we clearly explain to each client that anextraordinary amount of work is required
in the initial phases of a case. This is part of the reasonwe charge a reasonable initial fee to
begin a case. Ms. [redacted] herself believed that she would havea tax issue of around $12,840, and our
office took the necessary steps to resolve a case with sucha balance. While we are pleased to hear
that Ms. [redacted]'s actual tax liability turned out to be muchless than she anticipated, our office had
already completed a substantial amount of work inpreparing to resolve her anticipated
liability. While we would like to offer some form of refund,our office is unable to do so due to the
amount of work completed on her case. While our office cannot provide Ms. [redacted] with ail itemized
list of charges, we do keepdetailed records of all work associated
with an individual case. We have summarized the workcompleted on her case and genuinely hope
that this will satisfy her request.Ms. [redacted] first contacted our office on September 16, 2015.
She was unsure of theamount she owed, and stated that she had
not filed her 2014 taxes, and had questions. She requestedto meet with one of our associates, and
a meeting was scheduled for September 26, 2015, in ourNew York office, with our associate, [redacted]. They discussed her tax issue, and shecontracted us that day to assist her
with her IRS, state of New York, and local tax issues.On October 5, 2015, Ms. [redacted]'s case was
assigned to a case team. We immediately filedpower of Attorney forms with the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to notify them of ourrepresentation. We contacted Ms. [redacted]
that day to verify the information we received with thecase, to provide our contact
information, and to obtain background information regarding her taxmatter, but had to leave a message. An
introductory letter was then mailed to her that introducedher case team, and requested specific
financial documents in order to begin evaluating possibleresolutions regarding her tax matter. We
spoke with her at length on October 6, 2015, anddiscussed the details of her tax
liability. She explained that she had been issued a 1099-C forapproximately $12,800, due to a debt
with [redacted]. We explained that we would look into whethershe would have to claim this as income
on her 2014 tax return. After determining how she shouldfile, and what her eventual balances
would be, we would then establish a plan for resolving hercase. We scheduled a conference call
with Ms. [redacted] for October 22, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. Wefollowed our call by sending her an
email with our office contact information, and a copy of theinitial letter we had mailed to her.On October 7, 2015, we performed a
thorough review of the information we had receivedwith Ms. [redacted]'s case. We researched the
applicable IRS statutes pertaining to her situation, anddetermined that she would need to
include the 1099-C in her 2014 filing, but should have her taxpreparer complete IRS Form 982,
Reduction of Tax Attributes, to determine whether the 1099-Cshould in fact be viewed as income. We
called Ms. [redacted] that day to discuss our findings, andadvise her on how to proceed. We explained how she
should file her 2014 return, and she statedher intentions to dispute the debt with
[redacted], as well as file a complaint with the New YorkDepartment of Finance regarding this
issue, as she felt that their actions were unfair. We explainedthat we would research her case and
determine whether we could assist her with this process, andassured her that we would assist with
any potential balances resulting from her tax filing. We alsoasked that she forward a copy of her
2014 tax return to our office once it was completed. We sentan email to Ms. [redacted] following our
call.We received an email from Ms. [redacted] on
October 9, 2015, in which she informed us thatshe was no longer in need of our
services. She stated that she had filed her 2014 return, and thather total balance due was approximately
$2,700. She felt that her balance was not substantialenough to warrant our assistance, and
requested a refund of the initial $2000 fee she had paid. We immediately
contacted Ms. [redacted] and explained the substantial work that had already beenperformed on her case, and assured her
that there were still_ resolution options available for her taxmatter, and that we would like to
continue to assist her. She again stated her desire to terminateour contract and obtain a refund of the
fees she had paid,' and we explained that a member of ourClient Services Group would contact her
to discuss her request.Our Client Services Group spoke with Ms:
[redacted] on October 9, 2015, and discussed herrequest to terminate our contract. As
she had also contracted us for her state and local taxes, weasked what her liability would be for
those taxing entities. She stated that the balances would beminimal, and requested a refund of a
portion of her initial fee. Our Client Services Group thenperformed an internal review of [redacted] verified that she had noadditional outstanding IRS balances, and
that her 2014 tax return had been received, and wasprocessing. As we did not yet have New
York Power of Attorney forms uu file, anti were unsurewhich locality Ms. [redacted] might owe tax
to, we were unable to verify those balances. Our ClientServices Group followed up with Ms.
[redacted] on October 15, 2015, and discussed the work that hadbeen completed on her case since we had
received it. We also explained how we could continueto assist her with her tax issues; however,
she declined our offer of further assistance. We explainedthat, as a substantial amount of work
had been completed on her case in a short lime, a refundcould not be granted. She then requested
an itemized hourly billing statement, and we explainedthat our services are billed monthly,
not hourly, but that we could provide her with a writtensummary of her case. We reiterated our
desire to assist her with her tax matters, but she againdeclined.If you require any
further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your timeand
assistance with this matter.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Initially when I first meet Mr. Keith C[redacted] at a rented downtown [redacted] office with a receptionist whom he didn't know, I was a little skeptical, but he assured me that this process most likely would not take long since my debt was a small amount, also he played on my [redacted] stating he also was a [redacted] and was being truthful which eased my suspicion somewhat, even showing pictures of his family. Little did I know this was part of his con. After 6 months of paying $400 dollars a month I contacted a Ms. [redacted] a representative of Wall & Associates requesting copies of any paperwork that was presented to the [redacted] on my behave ,she instantly became irate and unprofessional telling me that it would take 2-3 weeks for her to send me this paperwork, two weeks later I'm still waiting. As a supervisor where I work I keep files on my subordinates, and at any given time I can present these copies to them, I just don't understand why a company who states that their goal is to provide a high level of service to all clients can not produce these files in a much timely manner. It was also stated that Wall & Associates have not requested a negotiable settlement for several reasons including the on going compliance issues without explaining what that meant. As stated in their response to this complaint they stated that they tried to contact me 3 times without a response I gave them 2 numbers to contact me one being my cell number which I use as my 24 hour on call business phone. If I did missed 3 phone calls in 6 months how could that effect working on my case. Wall & Associates has a policy of which they call "stop work' in which regardless of how much you have invested you will lose and they will stop working on your case until you make payments. On 5/22/2016 to my surprise I received a letter for [redacted] stating that I have 14 days to make a payment to them, which reinforce my believe that Wall & Associates have NOT being doing anything but collecting money from me. As I stated before I have paid them 1/3 of what I owed [redacted] without any proof that they have done anything or tend to do anything on my behave. Once again their goal is to provide a high level of service which I am still waiting to see.
Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in timely response to the
additional comments received for the aforementioned complaint on September 16,
2015 (copy [redacted]). We are sorry to hear that our previous response did not
resolve Mr. [redacted]’s concerns regarding the work performed on this case. Mr.
[redacted]’s most recent complaint comments state that he had “no positive
results”. Mr. [redacted] has not allowed our company time or opportunity to seek
positive results. Upon Mr. [redacted] becoming a client, he requested that we
argue against the previous Audit as he had proof of the expenses disallowed. In
order to proceed with his request, an Audit Reconsideration was submitted to
the IRS. We corresponded with the IRS and provided them with all of the
additional documentation to support the Schedule E and the Passive Activity
Loss which was denied by the Auditor. With the documentation provided it is
unfortunate the IRS sustained their denial as Mr. [redacted] did not qualify for
those deductions claimed due to the IRS policies. Therefore, our office began
planning to proceed with a resolution to resolve the liability, as there were
no grounds for the audit to be reversed. There are options to resolve Mr.
[redacted]’s liability which would produce “positive results”. Had our office had
the opportunity to explore these options, Mr. [redacted] would more than likely
find himself at a different opinion of our services. Again, we are clearly
stating that we did not file a petition in the US Tax Court on Mr. [redacted]’s
behalf because our staff are not attorneys and Wall & Associates, Inc. is
not a law firm. Mr. [redacted] knew this when he hired us. There were and are
other options to resolve the tax matter other than the US Tax Court which can
be a very lengthy and expensive process. Again, we understand Mr. [redacted]’s
frustrations on this matter. We worked as quickly as possible to resolve this
matter. Our office proceeded with Mr. [redacted]’s case accurately and correctly.
Contrary to Mr. [redacted]’s slanderous statements, we are tax professionals and take
our work seriously. Our staff go through regular and intensive continued
education and training. Mr. [redacted]’s statement of how we should describe our
business is only his unfounded opinion which has no business being part of a
formal complaint with the Revdex.com. In order to resolve this complaint and end the
matter, we are willing to offer Mr. [redacted] a refund of $350. We make this
offer not as an admission of liability to the client, but only to resolve any
complaint or misunderstanding. If Mr. [redacted] agrees to this refund, we ask
that he contacts us directly so that we may initiate the refund process. We are
also open to using the Revdex.com Arbitration process to resolve this dispute if Mr.
[redacted] would like to as well. If you require any further information, please
contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.
Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc.
Dear [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed
against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to [redacted].
[redacted] sought out and hired our services in June of 2015 for administrative
tax representation.[redacted] raised several concerns in his...
complaint that I hope
I will address. First, [redacted] brings up
the issues or our repeated requests for information. This is accurate. Our
office has asked [redacted] several times for financials information in order to
determine his current financial situation. This is a necessary component of any
tax controversy case, because IRS results are highly depended on a client’s
current financial situation. It appears our office requested this financial
information on June 24, 2015. Information necessary to move [redacted] case forward
was not received so a subsequent request took place September 11, 2015. This information
request letter was honored and our office received most of the required financial
information. During the interim our office had requested a Collection Due
Process Hearing on his account. The IRS requested updated financial information
for that hearing and a third request was made by our office to honor the IRS’s
request. Again, our office apologizes, but the request for financial
information were in line with normal case averages and it is a required
component of any case. We apologize if this was an inconvenience, but I assure
[redacted], it was a necessary one.[redacted] brings up concerns about the timefame of his case. Resolving
a tax controversy is a two part process; (1) prevent future balance from being
accrued and (2) resolve the controversy. [redacted] had a balance for tax year
2014 that was substantial enough to warrant a request that he modify his
withholdings to compensate for that balance for the subsequent tax year. There were
serious concerns that he would generate a balance for tax year 2015 as well. The
accrual of a new tax balance while trying to resolve an older balance would
default any progress made on a case. Our office was requesting financial information
from [redacted] to move forward with his case when we could confirm that he did
not generate a substantial balance for tax year 2015 as well.[redacted] raises concerns regarding the number of
individuals handling his case. Our office works on a case team format. This is
done to ensure that someone can be available to address a client call or
contact the IRS as necessary and in a timely manner. [redacted] concern is a
simple one to address, if [redacted] wants a single contact point on his case, he
just needs to ask for one. This will immediately be arranged. If [redacted] wants
scheduled case calls on a set time frame he needs only ask for them.[redacted] case is still active with our office. I,
respectfully, encourage him to contact the team assigned to his case. In many
cases out client’s concerns can be addressed by a well-orchestrated case
planning call.If you require any further information, please contact our
office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Brandon G[redacted]
Dear [redacted]We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against
our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to [redacted]. **
[redacted] sought out and hired our services for administrative tax
representation.Wall & Associates has reached out to [redacted]...
regards to his concerns and have spoken with him. Our office is awaiting the
return of a letter in which we request his signature declaring the matter
solved. This will be forwarded to the Revdex.com serving Central Virginia on receipt.If you required any further information, please contact our office.
Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Hello Ms. [redacted],
This daily log from Wall and Associate is a great deal. I am so glad that you requested it.
We learned so much more about our case. Unfortunately English is not our f[redacted]t language and tax complexity seemed even more overwhelmed, that's why [redacted] hired professional help to stay compliant with [redacted] regulation.
We slowly are getting to understand the process and wish we could provide more information or figured out other option on time.
Our relationship as service provider and client were not open for discussion. We worked by requests.
There were points when [redacted] didn't provide the information, because he couldn't get it and there were moments when they didn't take any actions (moments with [redacted]'s RI taxes, moments with OIC resolution and the whole last year).
I believe they should update [redacted]'s personal file at least once a year. He filed 2012 MFS, he got divorced in 2013 and he got a new born dependent in 2013. There are many other factors effected his tax situation.
They insisted on ETP payments, but per note from accountant on 9/20/2013 farmer/fisherman category are not required to make quarterly ETP. FYI -[redacted] actually asked his employer to withhold taxes per CPA advice
After [redacted]'s current CPA checked submitted the offer of compromise, he said it wouldn't work.
After Revdex.com requested [redacted] account transcripts, we were able to reconcile it against returns [redacted] had on file.
Here what we got:
I pulled my tax returns from 2004 and reconciled it against [redacted] account balances. I come with big difference especially for CY 2006 .
Here is the table:
Year Tax return(line 75 from 1040, [redacted] Account balance
with tax penalty, line 76)
2004 114 337.77
2005 773 1,515.38
2006 5,700 22,326.11
2007 6,500 10,736.11
2008 8,790 11,849.88
2009 8,741 11,494.71
2010 6,898 13,423.22 (7553 + additional tax assessed 3570 (Wendy's unemployment-23K no reported)
2011 5,551 9,605.65 (5443+ additional tax assessed 3981 (Wendy's unemployment-24K no reported)
2012 -33847
Total 43,067 81,328.83 + recent penalty+interest=95,830.81
Have anybody done analysis for [redacted]'s case?
I know they stated that it was hard to work on the case when they were getting with new tax assessment for past two years. It was unexpected thing for [redacted] too and wish he knew it before he filed MFJ. They were solution to withdraw offer and resubmit. We think it was good option to reconsider and plan it better.
There are more things we find out lately after we stop working with Wall and Associate.
Please let us know if we can provide more details.
THank you so much for all your work.
WARNING-- Do not do business with this company. Hire a tax lawyer. These folks are NOT tax lawyers. They neglected to handle a problem I had with the State of NY in a timely fashion. 16 months of paying them for the end result of a warrant sent to the county office to take my paychecks. Fortunately, I figured something was wrong and called the State of NY directly. Warrant will remain in place till the tax debt is paid. The warrant will not be initiated to attach to my paychecks. Of course, as long as timely payments are made that I set up directly with the State of NY today.
Terrible practice of so call tax resolution:
I am from SC. I paid Wall & Associates
3000 upfront/w 400 a month too settle and offer with IRS.
Contact was made 11/15 with upfront fee of 3000.
1st pymt started Jan. 2016 as agreed.
All info was sent in Dec. 2015 and in Jan. 2016 (everything plus more than required that was helpful and much needed for my case NOTHING was left out.
Signed all documents plus POA.
Got a call about the approach of the case in March 2016 with the first team stating they've reviewed all my documents.
Got switched to another team had to sign another POA in May 2016.
By the middle of May I had to call them and ask for updates and proof of production. They told me they will talk to me at the end of May never really gave feedback.
June has past no offer nothing tangible reported to me by mail to view.
Then after all this time they told me that they "just ordered transcripts from IRS in June. Wow!!!! Within 8 months from:
Nov 2015 to July 2016 no resolution or offer.
Milking, dragging, misconduct, failing to summit forms to IRS etc. just gettin the run around. It's a racket!
No work has been worth 5000k that I've spent.
It's a SCAM! It's a JOKE! It's a RIP-OFF!
File your COMPLAINTS with th
Let's do it! Time to get busy! They MUST be STOPPED!
Dear [redacted]
We are writing in timely response to the above referenced additional comments for the
complaint received on October 31, 2014 (copy [redacted]). We want to work in any way possible
to resolve this complaint by Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]. We want to help resolve this complaint in
any way possible.
In our response dated October 13, 2014 (copy [redacted]), we did request further details
on how Accelerated Tax Service has resolved Ms. [redacted]’s tax problem. Please note we did
not receive that information.
It is unfortunate that the [redacted]s still feel that the communication with our case team
was inadequate. We worked very hard to keep them informed of the process, what the IRS was
requesting, and what to expect next. Our previous response details the work completed on their
behalf as well as the communication held between our office and the [redacted]’s.
We are sorry to hear that Ms. [redacted] feels that we did not deliver results to her
expectations. We have worked very hard on this case for the time we have represented her
though. We have kept aggressive collection action by the IRS at bay. Additionally, we worked
through the stringent Offer process, and into the Appeals process with the IRS. We realize the
IRS likes to take their time on these matters, but we do make all attempts to push their timely
review of the cases. To our knowledge, the Offer in Compromise is still open and pending with
the IRS Appeals department. We have not received any further correspondence from the IRS
on this office in some time now. We would be glad to follow up with the IRS on this matter,
and we will offer to cap the fee for the [redacted]s so that no further fees are required to our office
for services.If the fee arrangement we have offered is not acceptable to Ms. [redacted], we are also
willing to a refund of $500 in a good faith effort to resolve this complaint. We are offering this
plan as a way to resolve Ms. [redacted]’s complaints and concerns and further demonstrate our
intentions to do so. We would like to speak with the [redacted]s directly regarding these options,
whether they are open to it or not, so that we can resolve the matter either way. They can reach
our office during normal business hours
If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your
time and assistance with this matter.
Dear [redacted],
We are writing in response to the complaint filed by [redacted]. We last attempted contact with [redacted] in September 2013, however no return calls were received in our office from him. Due to payment delinquencies on the account, we...
stopped all work on [redacted] case in August 2013. At that time [redacted] did express some concerns and we were attempting contact with him in order to provide fee consideration so that we could resume work on his behalf.
[redacted] sought out and hired our office for administrative tax resolution for the IRS and North Carolina on April 12, 2012. Upon receipt of his case we attempted contacting him to go over the initial case information received and left a message for a return call. The Power of Attorney forms were immediately filed with the IRS and State of North Carolina to notify them of our representation. We then contacted the IRS and were informed that there were balances due for Form 1040 for tax period 2009 in the amount of $[redacted]. We contacted the North Carolina Department of Revenue and they stated that they had no active balances showing but that the 2010 Individual Income Tax Return was unfiled. We attempted to contact [redacted] again on April 13, 2012 and April 16, 2012. We left messages for a return call and subsequently mailed a letter to [redacted] asking him to contact us.
We contacted the collections department of the IRS on April 18, 2012 and were granted a hold on the account for collection action for 6 weeks. The agent advised us that the final notice of intent to levy had been issued due to the taxpayer promising to supply financial information and never calling back to provide it. We received a call back from [redacted] on April 19, 2012 and we set up a conference call for May 11, 2012 to allow [redacted] to supply us with financial information requested. [redacted] did confirm he received the updated Power of Attorney forms and financial information request sent to him on April 13, 2012. We asked [redacted] to send us copies of any recent notices received as well as income verification for his wife.
We called [redacted] for the conference call at the scheduled time on May 11, 2012 and left a message for a return call. We received a return call from the client later that day and agreed to reschedule the call for May 18, 2012. We contacted the IRS again to order the remaining transcripts. We contacted [redacted] for the conference call on May 18, 2012 and spoke with him at length regarding his case. When we spoke with him about the 2010 North Carolina Return he advised us that he and his wife had filed joint for that year. We requested he send us a copy along with the remaining requested financial information.
We had not received the requested financial information by May 30, 2012 so we contacted the IRS back and received another hold on the account through June 29, 2012. We contacted [redacted] on June 15, 2012 to inquire about the unfiled returns and financial information and left a message for a return call. We called the collections department back three additional times in order to request an extension on the hold and were able to finally speak with an agent on July 2, 2012 who agreed to set up an installment agreement.
We were able to speak with [redacted] on July 9, 2012. We discussed with him the final notice that had been issued and that we would be filing a Request for a Collection Due Process Hearing in response to that. We also advised him that we would be sending updated Power of Attorney forms to him as well. We filed the hearing request on July 10, 2012.
We contacted [redacted] on August 20, 2012 and advised him of the installment agreement that was set up. We explained that having the installment agreement in place would prevent any type of levy action on the account. We called [redacted] again on September 14, 2012 and left a message for him to return our call. We called again and left a message on October 17, 2012 to follow up on the case and the requested financial information. We again attempted to contact [redacted] on November 28, 2012 and November 29, 2012 and left messages for a return call.
On December 14, 2012 we received a letter stating a hearing was missed. We immediately called the IRS to notify them that we did not receive a notice scheduling the hearing and requested that they reschedule. The Settlement Officer agreed to hold the hearing on December 20, 2012. We contacted [redacted] to request information for the hearing and advised him that we would send the updated financial statement to him for his signature. We sent that to him that same day. We held the hearing on December 20, 2012 and the Settlement Officer agreed to allow additional time to receive the signed financial statement through December 24, 2012. We sent the financial statement to [redacted] again that day with a request for updated financial information. We did not receive anything back from the client for the deadline and therefore could not send the information requested to the Settlement Officer. We contacted [redacted] again January 15, 2013 and left a message for a return call to follow up on the information requested. We received the signed financial statement back from [redacted] on January 15, 2013.
We contacted the Settlement Officer to attempt to hold the hearing and she advised that the information was late and she had issued a Notice of Determination.
We called [redacted] on February 19, 2013 to request supporting financial documents and the 2011 tax return. We left a message for a return call. We received a return call on February 25, 2013 and [redacted] advised he had sent us all of the information requested. We advised him that we had not received the supporting
documentation and sent an E-mail with the information requested again on February 26, 2013. We called [redacted] on February 28, 2013 to confirm that he received the E-mail and would be gathering the information requested. We left a message for him to return our call. We contacted him again on March 7, 2013 as we had received no return call and left another message. We received the financial information from [redacted] and spoke with him on March 21, 2013 regarding his case and his concerns. We explained the Offer in Compromise process to him and explained the need for all financial information prior to submission of the Offer in Compromise. [redacted] also advised that he had received a garnishment notice from the State. We told him that we would work on getting this
released. We sent [redacted] updated State Power of Attorney forms in order to continue working on the levy. We explained to [redacted] that when we previously spoke with North Carolina they confirmed that he did not have balances due and an unfiled return for the 2010 tax period. We asked that he sign the Power of Attorney form and send it to us as soon as possible.
After multiple calls to the North Carolina Department of Revenue we called the client back on April 22, 2013 to find out how much was being taken and if he had the 2010 return. [redacted] advised us that he believed the State was taking $115 bi-weekly. On May 9, 2013 we received a phone call from [redacted] that he resigned from the Police Department and no longer had income. He advised that he is looking for a job and will be filing for unemployment. At this time the levy for the State became inactive as he no longer was employed. We discussed with [redacted] throughout May about the amount he possibly would receive for unemployment and how that would affect his financial statement. We ultimately decided to send [redacted] the Offer in Compromise documents based on his current financial situation after we had order update account transcripts from the IRS to determine compliancy.
On June 12, 2013 after receiving all transcripts we E-mailed the Offer in Compromise documents to [redacted]. That same day [redacted] called back and stated that he was working and had just started a new job. We updated the financial statement that day and resent it to him via E-mail for the Offer. We received the signed Offer in Compromise documents back from [redacted] on June 14, 2013 and sent it to the IRS for processing. We called [redacted] on June 28, 2013 and left a message for a return call to update him on his case. We received a return call from [redacted] on July 2, 2013 and explained the progress of his case to him.
We contacted North Carolina on July 5, 2013 and were advised that there was now a balance for the 2009 tax period in the amount of $5,433.48. The State agent also
advised us that the 2010 tax return was still unfiled. We spoke with [redacted] on July 23, 2013 and he was upset that he received a letter from the IRS Offer in Compromise unit stating that the Offer would not be reviewed until November 2013. We explained that this is a typical notice from the IRS and we contact them regularly to push the Offer to assignment. This notice is issued frequently and we find that contact from the IRS happens much sooner than their projected date. [redacted] then stated that he felt he was lied to and would be contacting the Revdex.com regarding his case. We offered a review of the case for [redacted] and informed him we would send a request to our internal committee for fee consideration. Although [redacted] expressed no interest in fee consideration, we did send this request that day. We also contacted [redacted] back that day and left a message for a return call. Our internal committee attempted to contact [redacted] to discuss his case and offer assistance. [redacted] never returned their phone call.
[redacted] case was then placed into a non-working status by our accounting department due to lack of payment on August 7, 2013. We spoke with [redacted] in
detail on August 13, 2013 about his case, his concerns, and moving forward with the Offer in Compromise. Our internal committee attempted to contact him again that day and left another message for a return call. On August 26, 2013 we received an E-mail from his wife regarding complaints on his account. Our internal committee spoke with him that day and agreed to review the case and the fees determine if we could offer assistance. A committee member called [redacted] back on September 11, 2013 in order to offer to waive the past due fees to our office so that we could resume work. A message was left for him but we received no further contact from the clients.
[redacted] has not indicated how his Offer in Compromise ended with the IRS. However, given the fact that a professional was no longer working this matter (to our
knowledge) we can hypothesize that the Offer was not favorable. [redacted] hired us to do work on a serious tax matter, and then ceased all communication and payments to our office at the most critical point of the case. Often times clients believe they can take over the case once the Offer was submitted and handle it on their own, but that is not the situation. Offers in Compromise are difficult and require the knowledge of seasoned tax professionals. If the Offer was in fact rejected, [redacted] has no grounds to now blame our office for that circumstance.
If [redacted] would like to resume services, he may contact our office regarding this and we will gladly return to work on his case upon a sufficient payment agreement.
If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.
Wall & Associates, Inc.
By: [redacted]
Chief Operating Officer
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I have copy of the contract we sign. Copy of the 2 $5,000 money orders. Copy of the payments they took from my acoount while no work was being done. I have Copy of the levys of the irs, and the $12,000 the irs TOOK from my account while supposedly wall and associates were working on my case. I spoke with trudy she told me that my attorney has not contacted her.After the irs took the 12,000 from my account and froze all my accounts I had no money at all I was under water and wall and associates contact me for another payment while a lien was place on me and a levy, they wanted more money or no work was goin to be done. Well no work is what happend since the begening. $14,000 =wall and associates , irs= $12,000 = $26000 total wow what do you think about that, and I have proof of all this documents. I spoke with the irs my self i confronted them and I end up resolving the matter my self. I have c
Dear Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent
complaint filed against our company regarding thefees paid and services rendered to Ms.
[redacted] A. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our servicesin September of 2015 for administrative
tax representation.In Ms. [redacted]'s complaint she...
requesting a refund, minus any fees, that our company mayhave earned for services rendered and is
requesting an itemized listing of each charge that has beenbilled to her. Due to the sometimes
complex nature of tax resolution, and the inherent uncertaintiesin rendering services to clients, our
firm operates on an initial fee I monthly fee based structure inlieu of itemized billing. We sincerely regret
that due to this policy our company does not keep anitemized listing of charges. Our company is,
however, committed to fair and honest billing whichis why we clearly lay out all of these
policies prior to an agreement to represent a client before anytaxing authorities. As a matter of
policy, we strictly require that all clients sign this agreement inorder to make sure they have been made
aware of these terms and to prevent any unnecessarygrievances from occurring.In response to Ms. [redacted]'s request for a
refund, we clearly explain to each client that anextraordinary amount of work is required
in the initial phases of a case. This is part of the reasonwe charge a reasonable initial fee to
begin a case. Ms. [redacted] herself believed that she would havea tax issue of around $12,840, and our
office took the necessary steps to resolve a case with sucha balance. While we are pleased to hear
that Ms. [redacted]'s actual tax liability turned out to be muchless than she anticipated, our office had
already completed a substantial amount of work inpreparing to resolve her anticipated
liability. While we would like to offer some form of refund,our office is unable to do so due to the
amount of work completed on her case. While our office cannot provide Ms. [redacted] with ail itemized
list of charges, we do keepdetailed records of all work associated
with an individual case. We have summarized the workcompleted on her case and genuinely hope
that this will satisfy her request.Ms. [redacted] first contacted our office on September 16, 2015.
She was unsure of theamount she owed, and stated that she had
not filed her 2014 taxes, and had questions. She requestedto meet with one of our associates, and
a meeting was scheduled for September 26, 2015, in ourNew York office, with our associate, [redacted]. They discussed her tax issue, and shecontracted us that day to assist her
with her IRS, state of New York, and local tax issues.On October 5, 2015, Ms. [redacted]'s case was
assigned to a case team. We immediately filedpower of Attorney forms with the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to notify them of ourrepresentation. We contacted Ms. [redacted]
that day to verify the information we received with thecase, to provide our contact
information, and to obtain background information regarding her taxmatter, but had to leave a message. An
introductory letter was then mailed to her that introducedher case team, and requested specific
financial documents in order to begin evaluating possibleresolutions regarding her tax matter. We
spoke with her at length on October 6, 2015, anddiscussed the details of her tax
liability. She explained that she had been issued a 1099-C forapproximately $12,800, due to a debt
with [redacted]. We explained that we would look into whethershe would have to claim this as income
on her 2014 tax return. After determining how she shouldfile, and what her eventual balances
would be, we would then establish a plan for resolving hercase. We scheduled a conference call
with Ms. [redacted] for October 22, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. Wefollowed our call by sending her an
email with our office contact information, and a copy of theinitial letter we had mailed to her.On October 7, 2015, we performed a
thorough review of the information we had receivedwith Ms. [redacted]'s case. We researched the
applicable IRS statutes pertaining to her situation, anddetermined that she would need to
include the 1099-C in her 2014 filing, but should have her taxpreparer complete IRS Form 982,
Reduction of Tax Attributes, to determine whether the 1099-Cshould in fact be viewed as income. We
called Ms. [redacted] that day to discuss our findings, andadvise her on how to proceed. We explained how she
should file her 2014 return, and she statedher intentions to dispute the debt with
[redacted], as well as file a complaint with the New YorkDepartment of Finance regarding this
issue, as she felt that their actions were unfair. We explainedthat we would research her case and
determine whether we could assist her with this process, andassured her that we would assist with
any potential balances resulting from her tax filing. We alsoasked that she forward a copy of her
2014 tax return to our office once it was completed. We sentan email to Ms. [redacted] following our
call.We received an email from Ms. [redacted] on
October 9, 2015, in which she informed us thatshe was no longer in need of our
services. She stated that she had filed her 2014 return, and thather total balance due was approximately
$2,700. She felt that her balance was not substantialenough to warrant our assistance, and
requested a refund of the initial $2000 fee she had paid. We immediately
contacted Ms. [redacted] and explained the substantial work that had already beenperformed on her case, and assured her
that there were still_ resolution options available for her taxmatter, and that we would like to
continue to assist her. She again stated her desire to terminateour contract and obtain a refund of the
fees she had paid,' and we explained that a member of ourClient Services Group would contact her
to discuss her request.Our Client Services Group spoke with Ms:
[redacted] on October 9, 2015, and discussed herrequest to terminate our contract. As
she had also contracted us for her state and local taxes, weasked what her liability would be for
those taxing entities. She stated that the balances would beminimal, and requested a refund of a
portion of her initial fee. Our Client Services Group thenperformed an internal review of [redacted] verified that she had noadditional outstanding IRS balances, and
that her 2014 tax return had been received, and wasprocessing. As we did not yet have New
York Power of Attorney forms uu file, anti were unsurewhich locality Ms. [redacted] might owe tax
to, we were unable to verify those balances. Our ClientServices Group followed up with Ms.
[redacted] on October 15, 2015, and discussed the work that hadbeen completed on her case since we had
received it. We also explained how we could continueto assist her with her tax issues; however,
she declined our offer of further assistance. We explainedthat, as a substantial amount of work
had been completed on her case in a short lime, a refundcould not be granted. She then requested
an itemized hourly billing statement, and we explainedthat our services are billed monthly,
not hourly, but that we could provide her with a writtensummary of her case. We reiterated our
desire to assist her with her tax matters, but she againdeclined.If you require any
further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your timeand
assistance with this matter.
Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services...
rendered to Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in March of 2014 for administrative tax representation. In her complaint Ms. [redacted] lists several concerns that I will attempt to address. First, our office does not prepare tax returns. This is made clear in our initial consultations with clients. Our office handles every administrative tax issue except the preparation of tax returns. Wall & Associates, Inc. is an administrative tax resolution firm, not a tax preparation firm. Unfortunately, our office cannot prepare Ms. [redacted]'s 2012 tax return because of this. We simply don't offer the service. Our office does have a sister company who does, and unfortunately, their fee structure is entirely separate from our own. Referrals are made for our clients upon request or they are free to go to any reputable local preparer in their area. Our office does require an initial fee to begin work on a case and a monthly fee afterward to continue work on a case. Our fees are fairly offered and no potential client should feel pressured into accepting them. When difficult life circumstances arise our office can work with our clients in regards to their monthly fees, but a continuing fee is a requirement for any work to continue on a case. Our office in good faith has worked with Ms. [redacted] in the past and did waive the December 2014 monthly fee in good faith to allow her additional time and funds to have the 2011 and 2012 returns prepared. Our office did ask Ms. [redacted] on multiple occasions for the 2012 tax return as it was causing a delay in the resolution of her case. Unfortunately, the receipt of financial information is but one part necessary in resolving a tax controversy. Another equally important part is the filing of all required missing returns and ensuring returns moving forward with not generate a balance. Our office has supplied Ms. [redacted] with the applicable wage and income transcripts for the 2012 year as well as a copy of the 2012 1040 Form and Instruction Booklet. Our office is more than willing to continue speaking with Ms. [redacted] and working with her to resolve her tax controversy. We encourage her to reach out to us directly with further questions. If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter. Sincerely, By: Brandon G[redacted]
We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed
against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to [redacted]
[redacted]. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in May or 2015 for
administrative tax representation.Our office understands [redacted] continued concerns, however,
all of the additional inquiries in the updated response dated June 28, 2016 have
previously been addressed. Our office remains open to honoring our pervious
refund offer solely because [redacted] continues to have concerns regarding his
case.This issues of timeframe and the issues of the work perform
have already been addressed in prior responses. Our office cannot control and
does not pretend to control the timeframe associated with having an offer
reviewed by the IRS. Our office does follow up on offers to ensure that the IRS
is made aware that it is a matter of urgency that it be addressed, but cannot
force them to review an offer any faster. Furthermore, our office has explained
the nature of the work that goes into preparing a client to have a successful
resolution to any offers submitted. At this time our office has nothing further
to state in regards to [redacted] case other than that we do stand behind the
work we have performed.In the past our office has utilized the Revdex.com Arbitration
process and we would be willing to consider utilizing it at this time in order
to address any further concerns that [redacted] may have.Unfortunately, our office cannot offer an additional refund
due to the nature and work on the case. We remain open to our original offer at
this time.
Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in timely response to the
additional comments received for the above referenced complaint on May 11,
2015. It should again be noted that we previously provided significant fee
consideration to Ms. [redacted]. We have previously let her know that the monthly
fees to our office would be suspended for the duration of her current Offer in
Compromise that was pending with the IRS. We respectfully disagree with Ms.
[redacted]’ latest statement that our last response contained “made up paperwork.
Our responses are based directly on the case file and work we complete for the
client. We again have no need or desire to falsify information regarding a
case. Our responses are drafted to resolve and or explain any confusion Ms.
[redacted] may have regarding the work completed on her behalf. We had hoped our
previous responses would alleviate her concerns. We would be glad to discuss
the case further and the work that was performed and detailed case plan with
Ms. [redacted]. We additionally disagree with Ms. [redacted] statement that we “ignored”
her request for a refund of the fees paid for the services we rendered to her.
In reviewing Ms. [redacted] comments, a common goal was further seen of fully
resolving her liability. We were not ruling out the possibility of a refund,
however, we saw an opportunity to continue working on her case and ultimately
resolve her tax liability Ms. [redacted] comments states “I was not given the
results that I was originally promised”. Our office worked diligently and as
quickly as possible with the IRS to resolve her tax liability. When Ms. [redacted]
decided to terminate services with our company, we were in the middle of negotiations
with the IRS for the Offer in Compromise. Ms. [redacted] did not allow us to
complete the work we had case planned for and submitted on her behalf. She did
not allow our company the opportunity to complete his case and finalize the tax
matters for her. It is our understanding that Ms. [redacted] would like a full
refund of the fees paid to our company for the services we rendered. We
completed extensive initial work and fact finding on this case and began the
preliminary plan for the case to resolve. In a good faith effort for the
client, and to resolve this matter with the Revdex.com, we are willing to offer a $500
refund to Ms. [redacted]. We make this offer not as an admission of liability to the
client, but only to resolve any complaint or misunderstanding. If you require
any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and
assistance with this matter.
May 19, 2016
WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. Box 747Marshall, Virginia 20116Phone: 877-291-1109Fax: 877-291-1114
By E-mail: [redacted]
Revdex.com Serving Central VirginiaATTN: [redacted]720 Moorefield Park Dr.Suite...
300Richmond, VA 23236RE: Mr. [redacted]: Revdex.com Case#: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in October of 2015 for administrative tax representation. A copy of the actions taken on Mr. [redacted] case to this point has been attached for reference. In his complaint Mr. [redacted] brings up several issues I would like to address. First, Mr. [redacted] states that he is only contacted when our office wants him to make a payment. Our case team staff have had issues in trying to reach Mr. [redacted] in order to resolve his case in as rapid a manner as possible. Initially our office had great contact with Mr. [redacted] and his case was proceeding in a manner our clients can expect. Unfortunately, our office in later months had trouble reaching Mr. [redacted]. On January 21, February 18, and February 24 of 2016 our office was unable to reach him culminating in us mailing him a letter requesting contact (copy enclosed). Our office had been attempting to contact Mr. [redacted] in order to discuss the ongoing compliance issues regarding his account. Mr. [redacted] has been accruing tax balances every year back to 2009. This issue would still need to be addressed pending the outcome of his 2015 Federal 1040 income tax return.
Our office has not requested a negotiated settlement for several reasons including the ongoing compliance issues, but we have been in contact with the [redacted] regarding his account in order to request holds as necessary and ensure that collection action is prevent while we work to bring him into compliance and present a fair and honest offer - in - compromise to the [redacted]. At this time our office is unable to offer Mr. [redacted] a refund for services provided. We do encourage him to contact our office in order to discuss the specific reasoning's for why certain actions were or were not taken on his case.
If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.
Sincerely,Wall & Associates, Inc.
By: Brandon G[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted], We are again responding to Ms. [redacted]’s
continued comments and rebuttals. It is very apparent that Ms. [redacted] has no
intention of taking our statements as fact, even though that is what we have
provided to her. This process of back and forth with Ms. [redacted] does not seem to
be fixing the complaint, although we have tried to do so. Ms. [redacted] continues to
state inaccuracies in attempts to complain against our company. In good faith
again with the client, and to resolve this complaint, we will offer to increase
the refund amount to $350, which was her original monthly fee for our services
when she signed up. We will send the necessary paperwork to her to sign if she
is agreeable to this resolution. We have worked very hard for Mrs. [redacted] and
tried to assist with her case. Our work helped her to avoid IRS bank and wage
levies, seizures, and other intrusive collection action. This refund offer is
only a means to reconcile this complaint that continues to stay unresolved. We
hope that we can bring this matter to a close as soon as possible. Ms. [redacted]
states she will have her tax matter resolved with the IRS before the end of
2015. Given this quick timeframe for expected resolution, we are sure that she
will either pay the debt in full, or the IRS will provide her with a monthly
installment agreement. Though she will pay a monthly payment to the IRS,
interest and penalties will continue to accrue on her balance due. We have
offered Ms. [redacted] several options. Most recently, this week, as you may have
seen since you were copied on the email, Ms. [redacted] contacted her case team
manager regarding billing suspensions to our office. We are not even sure what
she is referring to as she has not been billed by our office in some time now.
The email from her seemed to infer that we would eventually continue work for
her as well after the Revdex.com matter resolves. Therefore we are left questioning
Ms. [redacted]’s intentions for our services. If Ms. [redacted] would like to see the
assistance of an independent arbitration service, we are open to proceeding
with that route as well to resolve this matter. Not only does Wall &
Associates, Inc. typically refer matters to the [redacted] Group for arbitration,
but as you know, we have used the Revdex.com arbitration service in the past as well
which helped to resolve the matters. Ms. [redacted] would have to decide as to
whether she is willing to pay the fees for such service however. If you require
any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and
assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
This is not an offer, they think it is good business to reel people in with their promise of resolution in six to eight months. After almost two years and thousands of dollars later they make a ridiculous offer to the IRS of 100.00, knowing it will be rejected so they can get more money out of the consumer. I will use all means I can to ensure that they do not take advantage of more people.