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Description: Taxes - Consultants & Representatives
Address: 1215 K St Ste 1600, Sacramento, California, United States, 95814-3954
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Dear Ms. Atkisson: Please find the attached follow up response to the complaint first filed with the Revdex.com Serving Central Virginia on March 28, 2018 regarding [redacted](Case #: [redacted]). If you require any further information, please contact our...
office. Sincerely, Brandon G[redacted], MBA, EA, CTRS
Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in timely response to the
complaint made by Mrs. [redacted] received on July 29, 2015 (copy [redacted]). Mr.
& Mrs. [redacted] hired Wall & Associates, Inc. for administrative tax
representation before the taxing authorities to assist in resolving their...
liability. We realize that tax problems are stressful and frightening for any
taxpayer and we work hard to help our clients through these matters. We work as
quickly as possible to resolve tax matters, but working with a party such as
the IRS, and working with tax matters that cover a span of several years in the
past can mean resolutions take time. A substantial amount of work has been
completed on Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] case upon hiring our services for
administrative tax resolution for the IRS on December 1, 2014. Upon receipt of
their case, we attempted to contact them to go over the initial case
information received and left a message for a return call. We also mailed
letters welcoming them to Wall & Associates, Inc. as well as requesting
pertinent financial information in order to determine their ability to pay the
liability owed and plan for a resolution on their case. The Power of Attorney
forms were immediately filed with the IRS and State of Virginia to notify them
of our representation. The next day, December 2, 2014, we contacted the IRS and
were informed that there was an outstanding liability for tax year 2011, 2012,
and 2013 form 1040 totaling $12,322.85 due to an underreporting issue from the
original returns that were filed. We contacted Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] later
that day and went over the initial case information with Mr. [redacted]. We
scheduled a conference call with him for December 16, 2014 to further discuss
the case and to allow them time to submit the financial information requested
and allow us time to complete their case research and to develop a case plan.
Mrs. [redacted] called back later that afternoon and we discussed the same information
with her as well. We contacted the State of Virginia for a compliance check
once the Power of Attorney forms had processed on December 5, 2014 and were
informed of an outstanding liability from tax year 2011 totaling $563.29. We
were also informed that the clients were currently in an Installment Agreement
with the State of Virginia for $141.00 each month. We created the IRS financial
statement Form 433-A for Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] based on information that was
initially received with their case on December 16, 2014. We contacted them for
the previously scheduled conference call and left a message for them to return
our call. Later that afternoon, Mrs. [redacted] called in and instead of
rescheduling the call, we held the call at that time and discussed the case and
financial statement with Mrs. [redacted] in detail. During that call, Mrs.
[redacted] informed us that they have a rental property that they receive rental
income from as well as their primary residence. We also discussed the types of
income and expenses that are paid within a normal month’s time. We discussed
with her that we would need the financial information that was previously
requested in order to complete the financial statement as well as documentation
on the rental property. On December 17, 2014, we received some of the financial
information from Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] via email. We saved the documentation
and updated the financial statement on December 22, 2014 with the information
we had. We contacted Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] on January 7, 2015 about the
information that was still needed and left them a message to return our call.
Later that afternoon we spoke with them and asked for verification of some of
the expenses and income that we had previously discusses as well as mailed them
a letter asking for the information. On January 19, 2015, we again received
some of the information needed for the financial statement, but we still needed
verification of the income and assets that we had previously discussed them
during the conference call. We contacted the IRS on January 27, 2015 in an
attempt to hold off collections until the remaining financial information was
received. We reinstated the previously defaulted Installment Agreement with the
IRS for $155.00 each month. On January 29, 2015, we received an email from Mr.
and Mrs. [redacted] about a notice they had received from the IRS threatening
enforcement action. We contacted the IRS to confirm that the installment
agreement was reinstated, which stopped further collection attempts and contacted
Mrs. [redacted] and explained to her why the installment agreement was
reinstated with the IRS. We also verbally requested the remaining needed
financial information. Subsequently, we mailed and emailed her a letter
requesting the financial information required. We contacted Mr. and Mrs.
[redacted] on February 13, 2015 and left message for them to return our call. We
received a return call from Mrs. [redacted] on February 17, 2015 and asked her
about the verification of the income received. Mrs. [redacted] informed us that
Mr. [redacted] was no longer receiving wages and the changes to their current
financial situation. Additionally, we discussed the financial verification
items we still needed to accurately plan for a resolution of their liability.
Mrs. [redacted] then asked about the progress of her case and we explained to
her that per the information that we have their financial statement looked good
for a settlement, but that we would still need some additional financial
information which we had requested multiple times to acutely prepare and plan
for their resolution. We updated the IRS form 433-A financial statement with
the information that we had in the case file on February 18, 2015. We then
contacted Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] on March 6, 2015 to ask about the additional
financial information we still needed. Mrs. [redacted] expressed concerns about
our monthly payment while she was continuing to pay the IRS on the Installment
Agreement. We advised her that the installment agreement was to hold off further
collections and if the monthly fee to us got to be an issue in the future that
we could refer her case to our Client Services Group. We again discussed the
financial information required to accurately complete their form 433-A. We
indicated that we would send the IRS form 433-A completed form the
documentation we had received to that point to them for review, completion and
notation of any adjustments or changes. We reviewed the financial statement and
mailed it to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] on March 9, 2015. On March 13, 2015, we
received an email from Mrs. [redacted] about the rental property not being
included on the financial statement. We replied to her email asking again for
substantiation for the income and expenses paid on this property before we could
include it on the financial statement. We also informed her that she could
return the signed form 433-A along with the substantiation for the rental
property and we would properly adjust the financial statement once it was
received. We received an email from Mrs. [redacted] on March 16, 2015 containing
only the address for the rental property. We reviewed the case on April 3,
2015, and based on the information that we had in their file Mr. and Mrs.
[redacted] appeared to be good candidates for the IRS Offer in Compromise
program. We additionally created a list of items that were still needed in
order to complete the assessment and evaluation of their financial situation
for their case which included the 2014 tax return, proof of investment
accounts, and information on the rental property. On April 6, 2015, we received
an email from our accounting office that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] were having a
concern with the monthly fee being paid for the services we were providing. We
immediately contacted them to discuss and left a message for them to return our
call. Later that afternoon, we were able to speak with Mrs. [redacted] who
expressed issues regarding the monthly fee and the Installment Agreement that
she was paying for the IRS. We explained to her that the installment agreement
was a temporary resolution to their case as we were still planning for a
resolution to resolve the liability as a whole. We discussed the IRS Offer in
Compromise program and that based on the information we had in their file, that
they would be good candidates; however, additional financial substantiation was
required to complete the evaluation. We also informed them that we would not be
able to settle any tax liabilities with the IRS as long as the 2014 tax return
was unfiled. Mrs. [redacted] expressed concerns about paying to get the returns
filed and paying us and the IRS. We advised her that the best thing for her is
to be proactive in being compliant with the IRS. We also discussed the 2015
return and if they would anticipate owing. We explained to her the compliance
requirement with doing any type of settlement with the IRS and that if they
anticipated owing for 2015 they would need to begin making Estimated Tax
Payments to avoid owing when the tax returns were filed. On April 8, 2015, we
completed the Offer in Compromise documents from the documentation in their
file and mailed them to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] for review and signature with a
detailed letter explaining that we would need the Offer in Compromise
documents, the completed financial statement, and the offer fees all with
original signatures returned to us via mail. We received another email from our
accounting office on April 13, 2015 informing us that Mrs. [redacted] again had
concerns about the monthly fees. We then contacted Ms. [redacted] immediately
and left a message for her to return our call. We contacted Mrs. [redacted]
again that afternoon and discussed the issues she was having with the monthly
fee. We discussed the 2014 return that she had prepared. We submitted a request
to our Client Services Group that afternoon about the concerns Mrs. [redacted]
was having with the monthly fees. On April 23, 2015, we received an email from
our Client Services group that no fee consideration was granted to the
[redacted]’ due to the nature of the case and the work completed thus far on
the case. . Later that day we received an email from Mrs. [redacted] wanting an
update on her case. We contacted her immediately and discussed the 2014 return
that we had received and requested a legible copy as well as the current plan
for working towards a resolution with the IRS. On May 20, 2015, we contacted
Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] and left a message for them to return our call. We
expressed that we had not received a legible copy of the 2014 return or the
Offer in Compromise documents that were previously mailed to her. Mrs.
[redacted] said that she had returned them, but we had not received them. We
confirmed our address with her and she indicated that it was not familiar to
her and she probably sent them to a different address. We emailed her another
copy of the Offer in Compromise documents and explained to her to look over
everything to ensure that it was correct on the financial statement and submit
it, the offer documents, and the required offer fees back to us with original
signatures. We received a legible copy of the 2014 Federal and State return on
May 26, 2015. We contacted Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] on June 25, 2015 and left a
message for them to return our call. We returned Mrs. [redacted] call that
afternoon and inquired about the Offer in Compromise documents that were
re-emailed to her on May 20, 2015. She indicated that she had emailed us a
copy, which we did not receive. We received an email from Mrs. [redacted] on
July 2, 2015 asking for us to submit the Offer in Compromise documents to her
again via mail. We placed them in the mail that day for their review and
signature. On July 22, 2015, we received the signed Offer in Compromise
documents, financial statement, and the offer fees from Mr. and Mrs. [redacted].
We began preparing the Offer in Compromise packet with the information that we
had in their case file. We noticed that we had never received any information
(proof of income or expenses) on the rental property from the [redacted] to accurately
put that information in the financial form. We then called and spoke with Mrs.
[redacted] regarding the equity in the property and the IRS Offer in Compromise
process. We explained to her the different options of proceeding with the offer
and the documentation required in order to further evaluate accurate property
equity. We additionally notified her that we could reinstate their Installment
Agreement if they were not willing to provide this information. Upon reference
of the Installment Agreement Mrs. [redacted] was upset and expressed concerns
about the money that was paid to us. She requested that we reinstate the
Installment Agreements. We informed her that we would submit another request to
our Client Services Group to address her concerns. We contacted the IRS on July
23, 2015 and were able to reinstate the original installment agreement that Mr.
and Mrs. [redacted] were on of $155.00 each month. We also contacted the state
and reinstated the installment agreement for $141.00 each month per Mrs.
[redacted] request. On July 27, 2015 we mailed the checks for the offer fees
back to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] since she requested to be set up on the
Installment Agreement for the IRS and State of Virginia. We received an email
from our Client Services Group on July 28, 2015 that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] had
terminated services with our company. Our office was doing all things possible
to keep collections from the IRS at bay and working on planning for a viable
resolution for Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] tax liability. Without the proper
documentation, we were unable to do the necessary case planning and solidify a
plan to resolve the liability. The process of convincing tax collection
personnel to adjust a tax account requires detailed records of the taxpayer’s finances.
This is why we request the financial documentation frequently throughout the
case. A resolution cannot be planned and submitted until we have the proper
documentation to fully evaluate the financial situation of Mr. & Mrs.
[redacted] and determine possible resolution programs. Our office requested
financial documentation from Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] on multiple occasions
which was not received. In order for our office to plan for a successful
resolution with the IRS and complete the same collectability calculations as
the IRS, we needed this documentation. We have [redacted] copies of the letters
and emails sent to the clients as demonstrations of our ongoing communication
with them. Our goal was to successfully get the clients complaint with all
filing requirements and complete a resolution with the IRS to resolve the tax
liabilities. We were actively working on the IRS form 433-A Collection
Information Statement in order to accurately calculate the [redacted]’ payment
potential to the IRS. Unfortunately, not receiving all of the financial records
and documentation we needed halted our progress and we were unable to fully
complete the form and proceed with the initial plan for a resolution.
Submitting an incomplete form to the IRS would have led to return or rejection
of the Offer by the IRS. We were doing all things to complete the form, by
requesting the required financial documents on multiple occasions from the
[redacted] are copies of the letters mailed and emailed to the
[redacted] requesting information. Mrs. [redacted] complaint states that “the
whole point of joining their program was to reduce the amount I owed”. Our
office was working diligently on case planning and completing the IRS form
433-A which is used to determine collectability by the IRS. Without having the
complete financial documentation, we were unable to accurately plan on the
[redacted]’ case for viable resolution options. There are still options
available to the [redacted]’ to assist them on resolving their liability with
the IRS as a whole. It is unfortunate that they terminated services before we
had the opportunity to discuss and explore these options with them. We
encourage them to contact our office directly to discuss these options for
their case. While it is our understanding that Mrs. [redacted] would like a
refund of the fees she paid for the representation services. Mrs. [redacted] sought out our services and made the decision to hire us and to pay us. We
completed extensive initial work and fact finding on this case and began the
proper process of planning for a resolution with the IRS. . Ultimately, we put
forth great effort on Mrs. [redacted] behalf, and would like nothing more than
to resolve the ongoing concerns that she has expressed in the complaint. We are
also open to discuss the options for fee consideration with her so that we can
continue work on this matter. There are many options available to resolve the
outstanding balances due the IRS and we request that the [redacted] contact our
office directly to resolve any miscommunication or misunderstanding that has
taken place and to discuss the plan for moving forward with their case. If any
additional information is required, please contact our office directly. Thank
you for your time and assistance with this matter.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I writing a response due to the fact that Mr Brandon G[redacted] stated some facts that are untrue and I deem that as a lie. It also appears he was not given full account of my case and may need to checks his facts. At no point was I offered additional options to resolved my case with the [redacted]. What were those options? I have correspondence from wall & associates that states nothing of that fact. They advised me to settle my case with the [redacted] administrative in February 2016 and I did not object, hoping that they could resolve my case with the [redacted]. All the correspondence I received from the company never confirmed that I had insisted on a particular cause of action or confirmed that I had been provided additional options or confirmed that I insisted on preferred method of resolution. If such fact existed why was it not mailed to me in writing? I challenged Mr. G[redacted] to produce evidence of any letter that was mailed to me stating that I been offered additional options.This not how you treat clients by making false accusations. Wall & associates also seems to be missing the point that I hired them to resolve my case. They keep talking about the services that they provided. I paid with the understanding of hiring wall & associates to resolve my case, I didn't pay wall & associates to take notes or do something else other than resolving my case. That was the end product and the failed to deliver. They didn't fulfill the part of helping me resolving my tax issue and they should refund $[redacted] deposit.
RE: Mr. [redacted].: Revdex.com Case#: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in January of 2014 for...
administrative tax representation. Mr. [redacted] raises several concerns in his complaint and we will endeavor to respond to each one of them to his satisfaction. As always, if a client has concerns about their case the absolute best way to have those concerns remedied is to contact our office directly. The first point that I would like to address is that Wall & Associates, Inc. is not a law office and none of our staff are attorneys. Mr. [redacted] states that he believed we were a ''real law office." Wall & Associates, Inc. docs not hold .ilsct r out to be attorneys and does not hold itself out to represent clients in legal matters. Wall & Associates, Inc. represents our clients purely on an administrative tax basis. This is clearly reflected in our contract for services. Secondly, Mr. [redacted] states that our office is a scam and we have not been in contact with the Internal Revenue Service and that no work has been performed. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our office has been in frequent contact with the IRS and have spoken to them as necessary to resolve his tax controversy. The most recent contacts occurred in February when the LRS issued a wage garnishment against Mr. [redacted]. Our office spoke with ACS Agent Thompson (ID#: 10002l3743) and successfully argued a rcleThe wage garnishm.ent had been issued in error by the IRS since there was an open Collection Due Process Hearing request on Mr. [redacted]'s account. During this call our office made sure the appropriate coding was on the account and that no further levies would be issued. Our office subsequently contacted Mr. [redacted] to get a fax number to send the release to and he informed our office at that time that he was no longer working with the employer to which the wage levy was issued. Mr. [redacted] also states that he has contacted his local taxpayer advocate service. Our office also utilizes the taxpayer advocate service, when needed for a representation case, and they are a valuable resource for us when our clients are placed in dire situations. Unfortunately, the taxpayer advocate in this case is just simply not correct. Our office doesn't know the details of the conversation that Mr. [redacted] had with the taxpayer advocate, but our office is not and has never been a scam. The numerous cases our office has submitted to the national taxpayer advocate for review should more than prove that point. We expect that during his scheduled meeting on March 18 he will be made fully aware of that fact. Wall & Associates wants to ensure our clients have the most competent representation available, if circumstances arise in their case thatl they have concerns about, they should contact our office regarding those concerns and they will be remedied. We request Mr. [redacted] place a call to our office so that we can discuss his specific concerns in more detail. We are devoted to the satisfaction of our clients and want to make sure they are made aware of the circumstances surrounding their cases If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc.
WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. Box 747Marshall, Virginia 20116Phone: 877-291-1109Fax: 877-291-1114October
20, 2016By
E-mail: complaints[redacted]Revdex.com Serving Central Virginia AT1N: [redacted]720 Moorefield Park Dr. Suite 300Richmond,
VA 23236RE: Mr.
[redacted]; Revdex.com Case#:...
Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint
filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr.
[redacted]. Mr. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in June of 2015 for
administrative tax representation.Our office has reached out to Mr. [redacted] in
regards to his concerns related to a partial refund for services we provided.Several attempts to reach him were made and to date
we have been unable to reach him. If he wishes to speak with someone in regards to his
refund request he can call us at 800-989-5911. Someone will be available to
take his call.If you require
any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and
assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Brandon G[redacted]
Re: [redacted], Revdex.com Case #[redacted]We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against
our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to [redacted]. This client
sought out and hired out services in November of 2015 for administrative tax
resolution services.This client of their authorized third party has made no additional
contact with Wall & Associates, Inc. since October of 2016. During our last
conversation it was explained that our office had mailed her the requested
documents she referenced in her follow up response date February 1, 2017.
Respectfully, she has had 86 days to make additional comments in response to
our timely sent rebuttal date November 7, 2016. In order to clarify
some additional points on this case our office would like to state that we
worked with this client in relations to her concerns and our fees. We made several
concessions, as a customer service gesture, to ensure that service could
continue with her. The expectation, confirmed with this client was that monthly
billing would resume, at a normal rate, in September of 2016. A confirmation
letter mailed to the client has been enclosed as substantiation to out
statements, Due to a failure to pay the September monthly fee this account was
placed in a non-working status on October of 2016. Subsequently, this case was closed
for non-payment. We routinely secure releases of license seizures, but our
office was unable to ultimately address the license seizure this client failed
to become current with the payments she had agreed to make.Out office makes no guarantees in relations to the time that
a case will take to complete. In the interest of providing our clients
satisfactory service we did, in the past, provide timeframe approximations
based on historical data we had acquired from other cases. We also prefaced
that with the simple notification, all cases are different. The provided
timeframes appear to have be correctly relayed as she identified them as approximations
and not guarantees.This client states the following in her complaint “They have
comes across to me as an agency you have to threaten or nearly insult to get
updates.” In response to this we would like to state our company, like any, takes
client concerns seriously and we used them as a way to learn from issues that
we can rectify. We will not let a client use threats to solicit unwarranted
refunds or work from us. We understand that the tax resolution process can be
frustrating and we routinely work out billing concerns with clients, the
overwhelming vast number successfully, but we will not be taken advantage of. In
response to this we would like to state that this client did make various
threats and it was determined that we had addressed all applicable concerns,
amicably, through the fee consideration we had previously offered. Further threats
would not warrant additional fee reviews.We trust this response in conjunction with our previous
addresses all applicable concerns that this client has at this time. If you
require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your
time and assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Wall & Associates, Inc.Brandon G[redacted]
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
[redacted] I want you to know about additional issues I have with Wall & Associates. At my first visit I did not get a copy of the contract that I signed. It was mailed to me about 4 days later. There were some dates added as to when I would be making future payments that was not there when I signed.I called the salesman (Tom C[redacted]) and told him this was incorrect. Since I receive my checks once a month I can only make payments monthly. I know I would not have agreed to make earlier payments for that reason. At that time I disclosed my income. We also made an agreement not to withdraw any money from my account without speaking to me first. They did not adhere to this and later took money without speaking to me. This resulted in Wall reversing the payment with my bank.When I had my first visit I had the impression this would take 3-4 months. I don't know whether it was said or implies.I also said at the first visit that my income taxes were not yet filed for 2015. The response was we'll take care of it. I assumed they meant they would file it. In July I received a call threatening to put a stop work order on my account. I was so upset because it seemed like nothing was being done. I felt taken advantage of and told them I was going to call Revdex.com.At that time I was told my account would be credited for June and July ($800). My latest statement dated Oct.1 still shows I owe a balance of $800. In August I sent back a form 433 that I signed even though the income was incorrect. I told them this in a phone call and was told they would have to redo it . I received a call in September asking when I was going to pay my bill even though I had til end of month according to my agreement with them. Now today I received a call saying everything is set except I need to get my taxes done which I am sure now has interest and fines added. If I stop their services I feel like I'll be in big trouble with [redacted] and now they have put the blame on me for not having my taxes done. I feel stuck and scammed. If I could afford a lawyer I'd get one. don't believe anything they say at this point.
WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. Box 747Marshall, Virginia 20116Phone: 877-291-1109Fax: 877-291-1114By E-mail: [redacted]Revdex.com Serving Central VirginiaATTN: [redacted]720 Moorefield Park Dr.Suite 300Richmond, VA 23236RE: Mr. [redacted]: Revdex.com Case#: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in October of 2015 for administrative tax representation.Our office has attempted to address all of Mr. [redacted] concerns. There is no further information that our office can provide in regards to his case. Our office is committed to working with our client in any manner necessary to see their tax matter resolved successfully. Our office has attempted to waive a number of the fees that Mr. [redacted] agreed to pay in order to address his concerns and see that his tax controversy be resolved in as quickly a manner as possible. Furthermore, our office has agreed to review his fees at the end of such term and make additional modification as necessary. No further forms of consideration can be granted at this time.In the past Wall & Associates, Inc. has utilized the services of the Revdex.com Arbitration process. We remain open to utilizing that in this case as well should Mr. [redacted] continue to have concerns regarding the fairness of the options we have presented to him. Our office has done what was necessary in order to try and address Mr. [redacted] concerns and believe that we have fairly presented a solution to resolving his concerns.If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Wall & Associates, Inc.By: Brandon G[redacted]
RE: Ms. [redacted]., Revdex.com Case#: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in April of 2015 for...
administrative tax representation. In Ms. [redacted]'s complaint she states that she feels our office was unethical in our dealings with her regarding her case. Wall & Associates, Inc. is one of the leading tax representation and negotiation firms in the industry and as such we have a wide range of satisfied clients whose tax controversies we have successfully resolved. Our office in good faith did offer to alter the payment terms, Ms. [redacted] had previously willingly agreed to, in order to better accommodate her current financial situation. Our office, at no point, was deceptive with Ms. [redacted] regarding the expected timeframes involving her case. Our office does not give out expected timeframes regarding the resolution to a case, but we do acknowledge the process can sometimes be time consuming. Dealing with a third party government agency, the Internal Revenue Service, can sometimes result in timeframes that are longer than may be anticipated. During the time Ms. [redacted] has been with our office she has not had to engage the IRS directly and our office has handled all applicable communications with them. Our office has represented her, in both a competent and professional manner, while actively working to progress her case forward. She has responded to inquiries as our office has requested information and we have been utilizing the information we have been provided. Our office does apologize for the timeframe the case is taking, but unexpected delays will always arise when dealing with the IRS. We would like nothing more than to resolve Ms. [redacted]'s concerns and to quickly put this matter behind us in order to continue our representation of her case. We request that she, once again, reach out to our office and allow us to continue working with her in continuing active work on her case. Our office remains open to honoring the previously offered arrangement or discussing alternative arrangements with her. If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Hi good evening... today [redacted] I received a letter from Wall & Associates saying that they are actively working on my case with the IRS which I think it's a lie ... because since they started my case they contacted [redacted] from The IRS and they didn't even talk to him they just left him a messege.. I am not interested in continuing doing absolutely nothing with them I just want my money back . They want me to call them . All they do is lie to people. Infact they don't suppose to be working on my case because I told them to stop everything on [redacted]. They would tells that they were going to send us a list of papers they needed and they never send the list or they would say we will call u and they would take their time ... I am going to call them and I will demand my refund again . Any suggestions? Thank you
WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. Box 747Marshall, Virginia 20116Phone: 877-291-1109Fax: 877-291-1114October 19, 2016By E-mail: [redacted]Revdex.com Serving Central Virginia ATTN: [redacted]720 Moorefield Park Dr. Suite...
300Richmond, VA 23236RE: Mr. [redacted]; Revdex.com Case#: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in October of 2014 for administrative tax representation. Ms. [redacted] raises several concerns in regards to the services we have provided to her and I will attempt to address them. In her complaint she states that we are not responding to the [redacted] by their imposed deadlines and then her case keeps getting closed. On review I can confirm that her last Offer in Compromise was closed. Our office had a deadline of June 17, 2016 to provide a formalized appeal for her offer. Recent [redacted] procedural changes in the past year require that a client confirm via signature that the information disclosed on the offer appeal is accurate. Our office on June 13, 2016 E-mailed Ms. [redacted] a copy of the offer appeal requesting that she return it to us as quickly as possible. Our office can confirm that we received the offer appeal; however, I cannot confirm if our office received this before or after the deadline in question. I have attached a copy of the envelope in which she mailed the offer appeal back to us. The postmark date indicates a June 14, 2016 mailing date. Normally, in instances like this, our office requests that these types of documents be returned via E-mail or Fax to ensure adequate turn around time.Our office has spoken with Ms. [redacted] in the past and have worked with her in relation to her fees. Most recently we agreed to suspend billing pending the outcome of the current Offer in Compromise. Furthermore, prior to this our office agreed to waive her December 2015 monthly fee and agreed to adjust her remaining monthly fee to a more affordable amount moving forward. Had Ms. [redacted] called us about additional fee consideration we would have reviewed this for her and make a recommendation that would be both fair and equitable.Our office is and will remain in contact with Ms. [redacted]; however, this complaint has only delayed the time frame that a review of this nature would normally take. As always, we request that our clients contact us directly if they have concerns about their case.If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.
Sincerely,Wall &AssociatesBy: Brandon G[redacted], Quality Assurance Manager
RE: [redacted]., Revdex.com Case#: [redacted] To Whom It May Concern, We are writing in...
response to the recent complaint filed against our company (copy enclosed) regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in September of 2014 for administrative tax representation before the Internal Revenue Service. I will attempt to address Ms. [redacted]'s concerns in this response and should she have any specific follow up questions we strongly encourage her to call our office to speak with a knowledgeable representative regarding her case. In her complaint Ms. [redacted] states that our office made numerous false claims regarding the services provided and the level of effort that would be allocated to her case. I have reviewed the account and Ms. [redacted]'s case in detail. Our office took all reasonable steps in attempting to address her balance with the Internal Revenue Service. Upon review it does appears that sporadically there were payment discrepancies that prevented Wall & Associates, Inc. from actively working on Ms. [redacted]'s case and in several instances work, unfortunately, had to be stopped on her case. During one such instance there was a scheduled hearing our office could not conduct. Our office was never made aware of any ongoing financial hardship in meeting the terms of the agreed upon arrangement between Ms. [redacted] and our office, but if we had been, arrangements could have been made that allowed us to continue work on her case. Wall & Associates, Inc. understands that life is sometimes unpredictable and we work with our clients as necessary so that we can continue the valuable work we do on their case. Our office is very upfront regarding the services that our clients can expect, but more importantly we are very upfront regarding the results they can expect. We have each of our client's sign a simple, three page contract that clearly explains, in an understandable manner, the terms of what they can expect from us while under our care and their obligations to us. It clearly explains that while Wall & Associates, Inc. has a tremendous record of success we cannot provide a specific guarantee of results. Any company that makes such a specific promise, in our industry, is just being untruthful. Our office as a matter of professional responsibility does not provide timeframes in resolving a case. Our cases are dependent on outside taxirrg authorities and there is no consistent average timeframe one can expect. Ms. [redacted] mentions "random unscheduled phone calls" that our office made. This would have been a simple error to rectify if we had been made aware of it. If Ms. [redacted] wanted to establish a more consistent contact frequency and time she would have only had to make her request known to the case team. It would have immediately been addressed and scheduled calls established. Ms. [redacted] mentions that all the services that our office has provided to date can only be considered clerical work. A case summary has already been sent to Ms. [redacted] and I have enclosed a copy as an attachment to this response. Ms. [redacted] is well aware of the services our company has provided. We made numerous calls to the IRS to address her tax issue and our work has exceeded that of clerical work. At this time our office cannot offer Ms. [redacted] a refund. Our office was consistent in our work and our office undertook reasonable step.s in addressing her tax controversy. It is unfortunate that billing discrepancies arose during the handling of her case and our office was forced to stop work, but that does not warrant a refund for services we have fairly provided. A majority of the issues that Ms. [redacted] had with her case could have been addressed by a simple phone call or email to our office. I would like to offer Ms. [redacted] the opportunity to speak with someone regarding her case in our office. As you know, tax issues are complex, and som.etimes issues arise for one reason or another in the resolution of a case. We are there for our clients when those issues arise regardless of when they may have happened. I strongly encourage Ms. [redacted] to reach out to our office. We want to be of assistance and we want to be provided a fair opportunity to explain the issues involving her case with her directly. ff you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc.
Dear [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed
against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr.
Morgan. Our office is in receipt of the two sentence complaint and would like
to respond to this client.[redacted] alleges he hired Wall & Associates...
administrative tax resolution services on April 11, 2013. According to the
terms of our administrative tax controversy agreement the factually established
start date is actually December 8, 2014. This would make his statement that our
office has had a relationship with him for 3 years factually inaccurate.
Subsequently, the alleged amount this client has paid our office is far off
from the actual amount.This client is well aware of the ongoing communication attempts
our office has undertaken on his behalf. Our office made outbound calls to
reach this client on July 29, 2016, August 31, 2016, September 30, 2016,
October 31, 2016, November 23, 2016, and December 22, 2016. Subsequently this
client’s account with Wall & Associates, Inc. was placed on a stop work
status in January of 2017 for non-payment and closed for non-payment in March
2017. Furthermore, this client was provided with ample opportunity to supply
our office with time- relevant financial information that we would be able to
utilize towards the resolution of his case. The last case substantive
information provided to our office was in March 2016.Our office was reasonable and thorough in our attempts to
contact this client and perceived case delays can be attributable to the fact
we have been unable to reach this client for close to 7 months despite repeated
attempts. Our office during this time continued to represent this client before
the taxing authorities and as necessary communicate with any applicable taxing
authorities to successful resolve his case and prevent aggressive collection action.Our office is unable to grant this client a refund, but our office
is committed to customer satisfaction and would like to speak with the client
to address many lingering concerns that he should have. Our office in the past
has been able to work with clients with case concerns and ultimately achieve a
favorable resolution to their case. We encourage this client to reach out to us
at [redacted] to see if any of these resources can be employed to help him.If you require any further information, please contact our
office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Wall & Assocaites, Inc.Brandon G[redacted]
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I was never informed that they do not conduct "line-item billing", in fact Mr. G[redacted] told me he would require 2 weeks to get together a summary of what were billable hours to determine the amount of a refund of the $6,000 paid. In addition, I would now like to file a complaint due to Mr. G[redacted] violation of attorney client privileged and mentioning case particulars which are irrelevant to the matter at hand.
ATTN; Emilee [redacted] I am writing you on the case number [redacted]. I am still not happy with the outcome of my case. I would like you to see if you could still get my full refund back from Wall and Associate. I can be contact at [redacted] if you need to talk to me . Thank you so much for your help on the matter.ATTN; Emilee [redacted] I am writing you on the case number 11299415. I am still not happy with the outcome of my case. I would like you to see if you could still get my full refund back from Wall and Associate. I can be contact at 9196630461 if you need to talk to me . Thank you so much for your help on the matter.
WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. Box 747Marshall, Virginia 20116Phone: 877-291-1109Fax:877-291-1114By E-mail: [redacted]Revdex.com Serving Central VirginiaATTN: [redacted]720 Moorefield Park Dr.Suite 300Richmond, VA 23236RE: Mr. [redacted]: Revdex.com Case#: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in October of 2015 for administrative tax representation.Wall & Associates, Inc. spoke with Mr. [redacted] on June 13, 2016. Our office has worked out a solution that would see his case brought back to active status. If Mr. [redacted] has further questions we encourage him to reach out the case team assigned to this case or the Client Services member whose number he was provided.If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.Sincerely,Wall & Associates, Inc.By: Brandon G[redacted]
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This is an argument is moot point,if this is a tactic in order to test my patience to quitting point Wall and Associates is doing a fine job. I stand my position of rejecting this offer. Wall and Associate may have been in operation for over 30 years but I have been scammed by the organization for the last year and clearly mislead and misrepresented at the high cost of $6000 of my hard earned income. The same week I filed this complaint I took necessary actions to pay my back taxes in full. If Wall and Associates were upfront and honest with me I could have had a better outcome in settling much more favorably. The firm Wall and Associates is good at crafting responses and pretend to be professionals when in fact they are not, this company should not be allowed to operate. I'm sure my voice will not take them down but it is an additional voice that experienced lost and will stand the ground of not accepting additional insult from them. If Wall and Associates believes that I am desperate to accept a 1% then claim later that they have settled with me they have the wrong person. They are still running commercials and I hope more people will not fall for the scam. I paid $6,000 and I can afford to live without $600 that you are offering. I will maintain my dignity and honor but will not accept your offer. the below notes were times when I was asking and pressing Wall and associates to the job I was paying them to do.
Thank you for the response. Per my last conversation with sharee few days ago I informed that my situation has not changed since this form was originally sent out.
Earlier this year I went to the IRS seeking resolution and they presented me with the same document and informed me that I was going to disburse any fund remaining in my bank account for as long as I have an unpaid balance. This is the reason why I came to Wall & Associate for solution, your professional help in solving tax matters is an ability I do not have so I am asking once again for your help.
Every month that passes since this process began is passing with agony for me. For years the IRS never bothered or threatened prior to me initiating this process, I am certain sooner or later this would need to be addressed. So please let me know what else I could do because I do not have any additional expense not already identified. I have copied Mr. Mike who was my contact to Wall & Associate.
Sharee,Had to wait for the information request before I could send it to you.Please find supporting document that I am in fact supporting my mother in law and three of wife's sisters, they are part of our household. This is legal document sent the USCIS earlier this year prior to them being granted entry to the US, I am the head of the household and the only working in case that changes input on the 433 Form.
Dear all, I am coming to you once again seeking resolution for this case. I have made several attempts in the last year trying to find answers however my efforts have gone in vain up to date. I have been very disturbed by the consumer reviews I read over the weekend about Walls & Associates and can relate very much with some of the comments and concerns expressed by others. I still hold faith that my case would be an exception although there's not been any indication to me that is the case. Attaching the response I received over the weekend for your review and action. Please call me today to inform on path forward.
In my email dated back August 2015 and prior dates, I have always made the first contact to you or any contact for that matter. It is if I don't make an effort to reach out to you there is no proactive effort from your office. How is this helpful to me? How could I have any proof that you are in fact representing in my best interest when all I hear is it takes time and that you are working hard? The information you've sent to the IRS is not that complicated, I settled with the IRS in 2007 without any third party involvement. I sincerely thought you would live up to the commercial I saw on TV.
How can anyone accept to settle several thousands of $$$ for $100 without substance and hard work? I was shocked to see how little substance was attached with the letter in compromise. From the document it gives the appearance as if I misrepresented the facts. my salary was different because I really work to earn my income so I got a raise when you submitted. there's a timing factor. My in laws that temporarily lived with us last year was not a made up story, I never informed you of that I was asked by you and company to come up with any additional expense I had that's when this came up.
Thank you for nothing,
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I was offered a proposal where I would pay $300 a month instead of $400 a month and they (Wall and Associates) would reopen my case and start the process over again something that should have happened months ago. They would send me form #433 to fill out, also I was told that this would take several more months of me paying. In my initial complaint I stated that they have not done anything in the months that I have been paying them and this is proof also when I requested to see the paperwork that was done in my case they stalled until I made this complaint now they want to send me form #433 and want me to pay again for months in order for them to do what they should have done months ago, I also believe that they are stalling to prevent me from replying within 7 days to this complaint as I was told that form #433 was in the mail days ago. I am not satisfied nor impressed with their stalling process and trying to get me to pay for something that should have been done months ago. Why should I have to pay $300 a month for several more months and why was this form not sent to me before?
Revdex.com Serving Central Virginia ATTN: [redacted] 720 Moorefield Park Dr. Suite 300 11px;">Richmond, VA 23236 RE: [redacted]: Revdex.com Case #: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to the recent complaint filed against our company regarding the fees paid and services rendered to Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] sought out and hired our services in August of 2013 for administrative tax representation. I have enclosed a copy of a 1prepared case summary that was forwarded to Ms. [redacted] on November 18 h for her reference. Ms. [redacted] lists several issues in her complaint that our office will address. As always, the best way to ascertain the reason for certain actions taken on a case in lieu of others is to merely contact our office. Ms. [redacted] states that she believes our company may be attorneys. To clarify, Wall & Associates, Inc. staff are not attorneys, we do not hold ourselves out to be attorneys. We make this clear to clients at the onset of their case to ensure miscommunication issues do not arise during the case. Our office has worked with Ms. [redacted] for several years in order to obtain a favorable resolution to her tax issues. Our office submitted an offer in compromise on two occasions for Ms. [redacted]. The first offer was submitted in early October of 2014. In November of 2014 our office was informed that Ms. [redacted] was considering filing bankruptcy. Mr. K[redacted], an authorized contact on Ms. [redacted]'s case, was informed that filing bankruptcy would cause any offer to be closed, he stated to our office that he would recommend to Ms. [redacted] that she not file bankruptcy. On February 18, 2015 our office was informed by the offer examiner assigned to Ms. [redacted]'s case that the offer had been closed due to an ongoing bankruptcy. Our office was unable to submit an additional offer until the bankruptcy coding had been removed by the Internal Revenue Service and the bankruptcy had been finalized. Ms. [redacted] informed us the bankruptcy was completed on May 13, 2015. The second offer was submitted to the IRS on July 16, 2015 and was assigned in early October of 2016, but due to billing discrepancies on Ms. [redacted]'s account we were not able to argue the offer for her. Our office is more than willing to work with our valued clients when billing complications occur due to circumstances that arise during their case. Our office was very accommodating in this regard with Ms. [redacted]. Our office has worked very hard to address her ongoing tax liability and bring it to a succt!ssful resolution. Unfortunately, circumstances arose during her case, which were not the fault of Wall & Associates, Inc., that significantly hindered her case. Ms. [redacted] mentions repeated requests fur updated Power of Attorney forms. Our office does request updated Power of Attorney forms when necessary to increase the number of individuals who can actively represent a client on a case. This is standard practice and is purely for the benefit of our clients. Ms. [redacted] mentions speaking with Ms. [redacted] at the IRS. I cannot comment as to the reasoning behind this agent's defamatory statements, but it is important to remember that our office aggressively defends our clients' interests and some agents may have a negative impression of the tax resolution industry or our company. This is unfortunate, but our tremendous record of success stands in stark contrast to Ms. [redacted]'s defamatory statements. Our office cannot authorize the full refund of the fees paid to our company. Our office has not taken advantage of Ms. [redacted] and we have worked to resolve her case in a professional and competent manner. Our office would never delay a case to facilitate collection of a monthly fee. The added administrative burden make this an unreasonable assumption. Our case teams are incentivizecl to hpossible. We have nut defrauded Ms. [redacted] and it is unfortunate that she feels this has been the case. I hope she will review the attached case summary and understand why our office cher a refund. If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Wall & Associates, Inc.By: Brandon G[redacted] Enclosures: As Stated WALL & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. Box 1301 Pulaski, VA 24301 Phone: 888-680-3211 Fax:888-678-5091 November 18, 2015 Robin [redacted]
[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: It is our goal to provide a high level of service to all of our clients while working to bring their tax matters to an ultimate resolution. We work very hard to ensure that we are doing our best in these regards. Below, you will find a summary of the action taken by our company on your case. You sought and obtained administrative tax representation from Wall & Associates, Inc. in connection with outstanding tax matters with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state of Ohio. Your file was established on August 30, 2013, and we began working immediately. We called you tha: day to discuss some initial information regarding your case, introduce the team that would be working with you, and schedule a follow-up call with you for September 12, 2013 so that we could discuss your case in greater detail. We faxed Power of Attorney forms to the Central Authorization File (CAF) Unit of the IRS to notify them of our representation. We then prepared a formal, written request to have your account placed in Currently Not Collectible status, and submitted it to the IRS for processing. We mailed several letters to you that day, including a request for the initial financial information we would need in order to evaluate your case, and updated Power of Attorney forms for both the IRS and state. We attempted to speak with the IRS Practitioner Priority Service that day to discuss your aecount, but were unable to reach an agent directly. We called the IRS Practitioner Priority Service (PPS) on September 4, 2013 and spoke with Mr. [redacted]. He advised us that you had no outstanding balances at that time, and that all required returns had been filed, but that your 2011 return was under review for underreporting, and a balance would be assessed. We then called the state of Ohio and spoke with Stacy. She advised us that you had small balances for tax years 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2009, and that we would need to contact the state Attorney General's office for more information. We called them that day, and were advised that your name and Social Security Number were not on file, and they had no record of your account. We spoke with Ms. Calabreeze with the IRS Automated Collection Service on September 6, 2013, and requested a collections hold on your account. On September 10, 2013, we received updated Power of Attorney forms from you, along with some of the initial financial information we had requested, and saved copies to your file. We mailed a letter to you that day regarding our representation, and returned a call to you. We discussed an email you had sent to us, and also requested paperwork regarding your service-related medical issues, as this could assist us with your case. We received these documents from you that day, and responded to your email to confirm receipt. On September, 12, 2013, we spoke with you for our previously scheduled conference call, and discussed your case in detail. You provided information regarding your current financial and medical situations, including your monthly income and expenses. On October 14, 2013, we called the Ohio Attorney General's office regarding your case, but were unable to speak with a representative, as their office was closed for a holiday. We called the following day, and were informed that they still did not have record of your account on file. On October 25, 2013, we placed a call to you to discuss any recent changes to your financial situation. We explained that we had been in contact with the state, but had not been able to discuss your account, and you stated that you were not aware of any balances you had with the state. We called you on November 27, 2013, and discussed your case. We explained that you would have IRS balances for tax year 2011, but that they had not yet been assessed. You stated that you were working on obtaining disability, and had hired an attorney to assist you wHh this. We then mailed a letter to you to advise you of our recent office address change. We spoke with you on December 13, 2013, and you stated that you were being denied for disability and Social Security income, and that your wounded warrior benefits would likely run out in early 2014. We also discussed several of your monthly expenses, including a USAA loan, and the $400 per month you paid toward your car loan. We used this information to prepare an updated financial statement, and on December 16, 2013, we obtained updated IRS Account Transcripts in order to verify the balances on your account. At that time, your 2011 balances had not yet posted. We received your 2012 federal and state tax returns on December 17, 2013, and saved copies to your file. On December 26, 2013, we mailed a letter to you to update you on the status of your case. On January 2, 2014, we received an email from you containing several IRS notices, which we saved to your file. We called you that day and advised you that these were computer generated notices, which you would continue to receive while you had an outstanding balance. We called the IRS underreporting unit on January 10, 2014, and spoke with Ms. Marcinas. We requested the CP2000 notice for tax year 2011, and received it via fax that day. We mailed a letter to you on January 29, 2014, reminding you of the upcoming deadline to file your 2013 return. We spoke with you on February 18, 2014 regarding your case, and explained that we were following up with the IRS, and waiting for your 2011 balance to post. We mailed a letter to you on February 28, 2014, reminding you to send copies of any IRS notices you received. We requested and received updated IRS Account Transcripts on March 14, 2014, and determined that your 2011 balance had not yet posted. We spoke with you that day, and you stated that you had not yet filed your 2013 return. You stated that you would likely owe a balance, and we asked that you file the return so that we could include the balance in an Offer in Compromise. We mailed a letter to you on March 24, 2014 requesting a copy of your 2013 tax return as soon as it was completed. On April 2, 2014, we received your 2013 federal and state returns, and saved copies to your file. We prepared cover letters, and submitted your original returns to the IRS and state via certified mail on April 8, 2014. We spoke with you on April 24, 2014, and discussed your current financial situation. You explained that your current income source would be ending, and that you had applied for Social Security. We emailed you a copy of the financial statement we had prepared on your behalf on April 25, 2014, and asked that you review it for accuracy, sign, and return it. We spoke with you on April 28, 2014 regarding an error on the financial statement, and corrected our copy with the information you provided. On April 29, 2014, we mailed a letter to you informing you about an ongoing solicitation scam that our office had been made aware of, in which individuals were impersonating the IRS, and calling taxpayers in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from them. We called you on May 16, 2014 regarding your financial statement, as we had not yet n!ceived it, but were unable to reach you and had to leave a voice message. We spoke with you later that day, and you stated that you had sent an email requesting that your Social Security Number be corrected, and a new copy of the form sent to you for signature. We made this correction and sent the updated financial statement to you via email on May 19, 2014. On May 29, 2014, you called us and stated that you had received an IRS notice that they were making changes to your 2011 tax return. We asked that you send a copy of this notice to us so that we could review it, and respond if necessary. We explained that your 2011 tax return had been under review, and that this was likely the letter notifying you that they had assessed the additional balance. On June 6, 2014, we spoke with you regarding this notice, as we had not received it from you. You also advised us that you had an attorney assisting you with your tax matters, and would like us to speak with him. We received an email from you on June 9, 2014 regarding your financial statement, and called you that day to discuss it, but were unable to reach you and had to leave a voice message. You returned our call, and we discussed your financial statement. At that time, you informed us that you would rather have us communicate through your attorney, and we asked for a signed statement allowing us to speak with him in detail regarding your case. We also discussed the Notice of Deficiency process, and the Tax Court rights afforded to you by this notice. We spoke with you again on June 23, 2014, and on June 30, 2014, we mailed a letter to you requesting a signed authorization for us to speak with your attorney. We spoke with you on July 7, 2014 regarding an IRS notice you had received about our Power of Attorney form. We explained that these notices were common, and that we would respond to it. You requested copies of all IRS correspondence, which we agreed to send to you. We inquired about the signed authorization for us to speak with your attorney, and you stated that you had sent it to us via email. We verified that we had not received it, and you re-sent it to us that day. We attempted to call you to confirm receipt, but had to leave a voice message. We placed a call to your attorney, Mr. K[redacted], on July 16, 2014, but were unable to reach him and had to leave a voice message. He returned our call the following day, and we explained the Tax Court waiver, which we had mailed to you the previous day. We asked that he have you sign this and return it, and explained the next steps 'in your case. At his request, we emailed a copy of the tax court waiver to him that day. We received it back from you with signature on July 21, 2014, and saved a copy to your file. We also spoke with you that day, and explained that we would forward it to the appropriate parties, and that we would send copies of all IRS correspondence to you by the end of that week. We prepared this information, and sent it to you on July 23, 2014 via certified mail and email. We spoke with you regarding the correspondence on July 25, 2014, and explained that the majority of our work with the IRS was done via phone. We further discussed the financial review we had performed on your case, as well as the Offer in Compromise process. On August 28, 2014, we attempted to obtain updated IRS Account Transcripts in order to determine whether your 2011 balance had posted, but were unable to do so. We spoke with Mr. K[redacted] that day and explained that we would need updated Power of Attorney forms from you in order to do so. We further explained that after the balance had posted, we could finalize your Offer in Compromise documents and send them to you for signature. We received a call from you the following day, and you requested that we send the Power of Attorney forms to you via email. The forms were sent to you that day. We received the signed Power of Attorney forms from you on September 2, 2014, faxed them to the Central Authorization File (CAF) Unit of the IRS, and saved copies to your file. We called the IRS Automated Collection Service (ACS) on September 15, 2014, and spoke with Mr. Phelps. He advised us that there was an updated balance for the 2013 tax year, and stated that he would fax updated Account Transcripts to us. We spoke with you that day and explained this, and discussed our plans for your case. We called the IRS ACS the following day, as we had not received the updated Account Transcripts, and received them from Ms. W[redacted] that day. We reviewed them, determined that your 2011 balances had not yet posted, and saved copies to your file. On September 19, 2014, we mailed an informational letter to you regarding the IRS federal tax lien process. We called the IRS underreporting unit on September 23, 2014, and spoke with Ms. F[redacted] regarding your account. She stated that your balance sho.uld he . assessed soon, and we explained that we needed this to be expedited so that we could submit an Offer m Compromise. She stated that she would request the CP90 to be issued, and that the assessment should close within a few weeks. We called you that day and explained our conversation with Ms. F[redacted]. We verified the information on your financial statement, and in anticipation of the 2011 balance posling, we prepared Offer in Compromise documents and emailed them to you for review and signature. W e received your signed financial statement on September 25, 2014, and called you the following day to request the signed Offer documents. You stated that you would print the forms and mail them to us the following Monday. On October 1, 2014, we received the signature page of your Offer documents, and saved a copy to your file. We verified on October 6, 2014 that your 2011 balance had posted, and immediately sent your Offer in Compromise documents to the IRS via certified mail. We mailed a copy of the submission letter to you for your records, and called you to inform you that it had been mailed. We received an IRS notice regarding the changes to your 2011 return on October 16, 2014, and saved a copy to your file. On October 31, 2014, we received notification that your Offer in Compromise had been received by the IRS. We called you on November 7, 2014 and explained that your Offer had been received, and was awaiting assignment to an Offer Examiner. We discussed the timeframe for an Offer, and mailed a letter to you that day to advise you that your Offer was in queue. At your request, we called Mr. K[redacted] that day, and explained the Offer process to him. He stated that you were considering filing bankruptcy, and we advised him that doing so would cause your Offer to automatically be rejected. He stated that he would advise you against filing bankruptcy at that time. We received a message from our accounting department on November 21, 2014, asking that you call Mr. K[redacted] to discuss concerns regarding your case. We spoke with him that day, and further discussed the Offer in Compromise process, and the associated timeframes. He stated that you were in a dire financial situation, and we agreed to submit a request for a member of our Client Services Group to contact you and discuss your fees, as the case team did not handle that portion of your case. We called the IRS on November 24, 2014 and spoke with Ms. Banchbag, who verified that your Offer had been received and was still in queue to be assigned to an Offer Examiner. On December 9, 2014, we called the state of Ohio and spoke with Angela regarding your account. She confirmed that you had no outstanding balances, and that all required tax returns had been filed. We also received notification that day from our Client Services Group that your account had been placed in a monitoring status until your IRS Offer was assigned. On February 18, 2015, we received an IRS notice stating that your Offer in Compromise had been closed due to bankruptcy. We spoke with you that day, and you confirmed that you had filed for bankruptcy, which would be closed within the month. You stated that you had spoken with the IRS, and they had advised you to submit a new Offer once your bankruptcy was complete. We explained that speaking with the IRS directly could cause them to revoke our Power of Attorney form, and also confirmed with you that you had not included your tax balances in your bankruptcy filing. We received an email from you regarding this on March 23, 2015, and you requested that we file a new Offer in Compromise. We verified through IRS Account Transcripts that your bankruptcy code had not yet been closed, and called you to discuss this. We explained that we could send a new Offer at that time, but that it might be rejected if we did so before the bankruptcy code had been closed. You ultimately decided that it would be best to wait until this code had been closed before submitting a new Offer. We received an email from you on May 13, 2015, advising us that your bankruptcy was complete, and you were ready to submit a new Offer. We discussed this with our Client Service Group, as your case was still in monitoring status, and were advised that we could submit a new Offer without resuming your monthly billing. We requested and received updated IRS Account Transcripts on May 20, 2015, and confirmed that the bankruptcy code was closed. Per these transcripts, you had not yet filed your 2014 return, but had filed an extension. We spoke with you that day, and you stated that you hac the return finished and would submit it. You confirmed that there were no changes to your financial statement, and.we mailed an updated copy to you that day, along with the updated Offer in Compromise documents. We received these documents from you with signature on June 17, 2015, and submitted them to the IRS that day via certified mail. On July 16, 2015, we received an IRS notice regarding your overpayment being applied to your outstanding balance. A copy of this notice was saved to your file. On October 7, 2015, we received a message from Ms. Brooks with the IRS, and returned her call, but were unable to reach her and had to leave a voice message. We also attempted to call her the next day, but were unable to reach her, and a message was left. We received an IRS notice on October 15, 2015, requesting additional financial documentation, as well as Offer in Compromise fees, in order to review your Offer. We called you that day to discuss this, but had to leave a voice message. We then mailed and emailed a letter to you regarding the information that had been requested. You returned our call later that day, and we spoke with both you and Mr. K[redacted] regarding your Offer. We explained that it had been assigned for review, and that there was a deadline of October 23, 2015 to provide the requested information. We explained that if this deadline was not met, the IRS could close the Offer, and Mr. K[redacted] stated that you would begin working on gathering the information. We attempted to speak with you on October 23, 2015, as we had not yet received any of the information. We were unable to reach either you or Mr. K[redacted], and left messages for you both. We sent a fax to Ms. Brooks that day, requesting additional time to provide this information, and also left several voice messages for her that day. Ms. Brooks returned our call on October 28, 2015, and stated that she would allow us until November 6, 2015 to provide the requested information, as well as the Offer fees. We were notified by our accounting department on November 4, 2015 that your account had been placed in a non-working status, due to a payment discrepancy. We called you on November 6, 2015 to discuss this, as well as the requested information, but were unable to reach you, and had to leave messages for both you and Mr. K[redacted]. We received an email from you on November 9, 2015, regarding your case. We placed a call to you that day, but were unable to reach you and had to leave a voice message. Ultimately, we work hard to resolve our clients' tax liabilities and concerns and take customer satisfaction seriously. We have worked very hard on your case during the time we have represented you, and would like nothing more than to resolve any misunderstanding or miscommunication that h~ taken place. There are still resolution options available for your tax matter, and I request that you contact me directly to discuss moving forward with your case as quickly as possible. We want you to be satisfied with our services, and request that you please contact our office so that we may promptly resume work on your case. Thank you. Stefanie [redacted] Team Manager
Re: [redacted], Douglas Case # [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to the above referenced complaint received on November 9th 2015 (copy enclosed). In our response dated November 16, our office responded to the aforementioned complaint and informed the Revdex.com of our intention to...
attempt to address this matter internally before directly addressing the complaint with them. On November 18, 2015, our office contacted Mr. [redacted] and in response to that phone call a follow-up call was scheduled for November 20, 2015. At that time Mr. [redacted] and Wall & Associates, Inc. came to a mutually beneficial arrangement that satisfied both parties. Our office now considers this matter closed and we request that this complaint now be moved to the resolved category. If you require any further information, please contact our office. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Wall & Associates Inc. By: Brian G[redacted], Public Relations Department