Van Chevrolet Reviews (203)
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Description: Auto Dealers - New Cars, Auto Dealers - Used Cars
Address: 8585 E Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, 85260-1901
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Dear Sir or Madam;Van Chevrolet did send Mr. [redacted] a check for $1500 on March 13th. Since, Mr. [redacted] did not receieve the check we will issue a new check and send it via [redacted]. We apologize for any inconveience. If you have any questions please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]...
You don’t know me, but you have driven my car.I bought it in May 2014. It was a rare find, literally a one-of-a-kind car that had been special-ordered in a non-recommended color combination--a Velocity Yellow on Cashmere Z51 3LT 6-speed. With only 8,059 garage-kept miles, it not only looked brand new, it even smelled brand new. Hagerty Insurance appraised it at $40,000, and insured it as a Collector Car. I felt so blessed and fortunate to have found something so beautiful! I even named it, “Pac-Man,” my first-ever Corvette, and my first-ever second car.It had been a long time since I’d bought anything nice for myself. Most of my disposable income went to my mother, my brother, friends who needed help, or charity. This time, I bought something nice for myself. Yes, it was a 2006, but I loved it. Whenever I had a rough day, I’d go out to the garage, look at it, and smile. Every rare occasion I got behind the wheel, that happy yellow hood and the lovely scent of new leather made my heart sing. It was my “instant happy—just flip ignition switch”...which is why it was the car I chose to drive in my long-time friend and vocal teacher’s funeral procession. Just trying to bring a little sunshine to everyone on a dark day.Like all Corvette owners, I’m careful and meticulous with my car. I worked hard for the money to buy it, and I appreciate it very much. In fact, I spent over 4 hours detailing it myself, by hand, before it came to the shop this time. That is why I hate letting it out of my sight, and never liked even getting an oil change at a service department. After multiple trips to the Van’s Chevrolet service department with my cars, I finally felt safe and confident in both the workmanship and care for my property. Scott and Jason had worked hard to earn my trust, and then you destroyed it today.I can’t even begin to describe the sickening combination of emotions I felt when I saw it after you had your filthy hands on it. Angry, disrespected, violated, nauseated, and sad begin to cover it.When I first saw my formerly showroom-perfect Velocity Yellow Corvette sitting in the shaded service drive on the evening of January 5, 2017, I thought you were simply careless. The fact that you didn’t put paper down to cover the pristine Cashmere mats, or put plastic on the Cashmere leather interior, meant that you stained the seat in the shape of your a
s, legs, and body. The disgusting black print, highlighted with bright orange and yellow spots, made the formerly brand-new seat look as if it had been salvaged from a junk yard. The interior even had a weird smell now, not the fresh, new-car scent it had before. Perhaps a combination of body odor and food?Then I saw where you had repeatedly kicked and scuffed the driver’s side plastic near the steering wheel and on the door in multiple places. You even damaged the door sill paint and the plastic Corvette logo cover for good measure. Now I could see you weren’t just careless, you were a ham-fisted caveman, no better than a gorilla with a piece of Samsonite luggage in an old commercial.That’s when I noticed the rest of the damage. It immediately became clear you were not careless and this was no accident. Instead, you deliberately and willfully set out to disrespect, violate, and damage me and my car.How do I know you damaged my car intentionally? Because:• You drove a car with a museum-quality undercarriage through mud. This car had never even been driven in the rain, let alone through mud! Where did you even find mud in Scottsdale when there hasn’t been rain in days, and it was a beautiful day when I dropped off my car? Why was mine the only customer car out of that entire line that had mud on it? You made sure to slop up as much as possible into all 4 wheel wells. I can only imagine what the undercarriage looks like now. However, there is no mud anywhere else on the car, so it’s a mystery how you managed that...• …Unless you washed the rest of the mud off. There are standing orders on my file NO ONE WASHES MY CARS. NO ONE TEST DRIVES MY CARS BUT ME. That is NOT optional; that is a DIRECT ORDER. My car is MY property, not yours. It is not your choice and you don’t get a vote.• You took the Targa top off my car and gouged chips out of it down to the core. There was no reason to take the top off for any of the work that was done! I can only surmise that when you decided to go 4-wheeling in my Corvette, you thought you’d look cool if you took the top off. Who did you take for a ride in my car? That must be why you took the plastic and paper out, too, so you could pretend it was your car when you drove it. Who do you think you are, anyway? You have an utterly sickening sense of entitlement. Oh wait, perhaps you just swapped my perfect Targa top for a chipped one because you thought I wouldn’t notice?• You clearly leaned something against the driver’s side rear quarter panel and bumper (perhaps my wheels?). I know because there are several long scratches down to the plastic, as well as scratches near the back bumper. There are even scratches on the back deck.• You left a single penny on the driver’s side floor. That is just like what people do when they get bad service in a restaurant--leave a penny on the table. You clearly meant to send a message and insult me with that gesture. However, I can’t imagine why, since I’ve never been anything other than nice to everyone I’ve encountered here. I even brought cookies one day.How else do I know this was deliberate damage? Because there is no way you would still be working at Van’s Chevrolet if you mistreated other peoples’ cars like you did mine. One or two scuffs on the interior plastic would have been accidental but forgivable. This much damage is obviously deliberate. I just can’t understand the mentality of someone who takes something beautiful and feels the need to destroy it. You are like one of those degenerate, jealous, hater people who sees a nice car in the parking lot, then deliberately slams your door into it because “why should that person have something nice?”I still don’t know the extent of the damage you did, since there wasn’t good enough light to do a full inspection. Since the exterior looks like this, what did you do to it mechanically?The worst part is there is no way to fix what you did. The bad feelings you created will stay with me forever, and I’ll remember them every time I look at what used to be the car that put a smile on my face. My skin crawled driving it after you violated it, and I cried this evening because you destroyed something I love. I would rather have had it stolen than have experienced what you did to it.Aside from the emotional damage to something of such great sentimental value, the financial damage is irreparable. Now, my previously perfect survivor Corvette will have a bad Carfax for paint and bodywork. Even if there is no insurance report, a repainted car is never the same, and collectors will know. You have forever diminished its value. Not only that, but I can’t tolerate the thought of leaving my car with yet another set of disrespectful people like you who will do god knows what else to my car while it has to spend weeks being repainted. Then will begin the endless rounds of trips back and forth to the dealership, to the body shop, redoing the work because it wasn’t done right, repairing whatever else they damage when they try to repair the damage you did...I dread the restless nights and pointless stress of dealing with the aftermath of your actions. Top that off with the fact that I’ll be further deprived of my car and forced to drive a down-level rental or a loaner while going through the months of stress you inflicted on me.The way you treated one of my most prized possessions, you might as well have raped me. You should never be permitted to work on people’s vehicles, because it’s clear you don’t respect other people or their property. You should be fired immediately and forced to pay restitution for all the damages. Really, you should be prosecuted for criminal damages, willful infliction of emotional distress, and whatever else an attorney can throw at you. You are a horrible human being and there is no excuse for your appalling behavior.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in...
reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
When I signed my documents for van cherolet all documents had a customer copy. All copies looked like the original; I receiced a copy machine copy not the customer copy. I have no idea why this is so hard for the dealership to send me my orginal copies I signed. The contract was yellow, the CPO agreement was blue.
The dealership is refusing to send those copies, that was the reason for the complaint to the Where are those copies???
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They said I had the vehicle for a week, that's a bald face lie. I signed the papers with the agreement that they would fix everything with the vehicle, I never even took it home until a week passed, it was in there body shop, then when I got it to take it home for the first time alarms were going off, I made it across the street to the gas station. I took it back, look at my complaint. There absolutely lieing...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I read the response from Van Chevrolet... I am not accepting the response because of the findings from the 3rd party shop... If Van's had indeed did a "safety" inspection of my car... They would have found the fact that the two rear tires had belt separation which is NOT caused or have anything to do with the 10,000 miles I have put on the car since having it... They continue to bring up the fact that I have put 10,000 miles on it in a short amount of time ... But as I have explained many times I drive daily for my job ... The amount of mileage is irrelevant to the fact that they sold this car with bad tires the car was in bad need of an alignment which I believe was the case when I drive it off the lot because of the way it drove when I test drove it which is why I asked to have it re -inspected in the first place!! They stated that they told me about a 500 mile/ 15 day satisfaction with the inspection?? This is the first time I have heard that... When I read it in their response...this is something they just came up with.. I was never provided with a copy of the safety inspection they supposedly did stating the amount of tread that is supposedly acceptable to them, To sell the car that way. Since having the car repaired at MY expense the car now drives the way it should have in the first place like a new preowned car ... The fact is Vans Chevrolet does not want to take responsibility for the fact that they sold this car with tires that essentially could have cost me my life with the condition they were in , which by the way I have photos of ..any professional inspector could see that these tires were defective and in bad shape and in no way possible did the 10,000 miles I put on the car post purchase would have caused this kind of wear on them... I expect Van's Chevrolet to own up to their responsibility of reimbursing me the cost of the tires and Alignment that the car needed upon purchase ... The amount they would have to reimburse me for tires and an alignment is much less than what it would have cost had I lost my life in this car due to their gross negligence.
Dear Ms. [redacted],Mr. [redacted] purchased a vehicle from Van Chevrolet in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mr. [redacted] lives in California. It was explained to him at time of purchase that he would have to title and register the vehicle in the state of California and pay the applicable...
taxes. Van Chevrolet did not collect the California tax for Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] only paid Arizona tax. Van Chevrolet did cancel Mr. [redacted]s warranty and sent a check for the warranty and [redacted] to Mr. [redacted]s lienholder. The refund is for the full amount. We apologize for any confusion. If you have any questions please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I reject this response based on the fact that I was not aware I had to reregister and retitle the vehicle in California. In addition I asked Wayne Reese on several occasions, "Am I going to be liable for any additional taxes upon returning to California?" he assured me after the third time I asked. And after consulting with someone outside the finance office. Before I agreed to sign the contract. That I would not be liable for any more taxes. As I described in the original complaint. A question for Trina. Was my conversation with Wayne in the finance office recorded? If so, we could clear all of this up immediately. I did finally receive the refund for the [redacted] undercoating 7 weeks after purchasing the vehicle. The service plan has been refunded also. The confusion about why the check was sent to Van Chevrolet has been cleared up. I have been informed that the owner of Van Chevrolet is also the owner of the Mechanical Protection Plan company. Which is why the check appeared to be sent by Van Chevrolet to the bank. Not directly to the bank from MPP as the MPP contract stated. The refund for the plan cancellation has been received by the bank. As of yet I still have not been able to title and register the vehicle in California. The bank ([redacted])has insisted that the California dmv must request the title from them. The California dmv insisted on several visits and telephone calls that they do not make such requests. It seems I was caught in bureaucratic black hole. so I paid off the bank in order to even have title sent to me or the California dmv. When I informed the California dmv that I purchased this car new. They seemed surprised that the Van Chevrolet did not title and register the vehicle in California for me. As is the case with most out of state purchases. However, not every customer from California has lived in Arizona at one point in their life. Like I have. There by allowing Van Chevrolet to surreptitiously attempt to title and register the vehicle in Arizona without my knowledge. I see now that Van Chevrolet used this loophole to avoid putting the appropriate tax and reg fees due at the time of sale. Otherwise, sending the full amount of taxes and registration fees to the California dmv. In addition. I never gave Van Chevrolet my old Arizona driver' license number. I only discovered they used it when I recognized it on the title and registration application from the Arizona dmv. The driver' license number I gave Van is my current California license. The same California driver' license that was photocopied for my test drive. I was told by April, with the Chevrolet corporation, that [redacted] informed her there was a document Van Chevrolet had in their possession. Which [redacted] says I signed. That acknowledged I knew I was going to have to register the vehicle myself and pay the additional taxes in California. I have requested a copy of this document be provided to me. It has not been mentioned again. I would also like to address the inconsistency of Vans response to my complaint. If Arizona and California are reciprocal tax states. And Arizona was going to send the taxes collected to California anyway. Then why not include the entire tax amount on the contract? The 387 collected on the contract would not have covered the entire Arizona sales tax either. I guess it would also be fair to say, based on Van' response to my complaint. That if you are an out of state buyer. Do not expect Van to title or register the vehicle for you in your home state. Especially with a brand new vehicle purchase.
Van Chevrolet
To who it may concern,
I am writing this letter to inform you of my recent buying experience with your team on April 16th 2016.
We had been in the market for a few moths looking for a 2015 Chevy Tahoe or GMC Yukon. As you know, these vehicles are very nice, hard to come by and not inexpensive. Knowing these things we were looking for very specific features. One of which was that we were not interested in a rental, as we were finding most available 2015 were rentals.
On April 16th 2016, I called Van Chevrolet in regards to a 2015 GMC Yukon you can had your website. Mike Nations was the salesman we got the pleasure of working with. At that time, he had informed me that your dealership along with many others were hosting a huge tent sale and that vehicle had just sold the day prior. He took down my information and the details of what we were looking for. Not but 30 min later, Mike calls us back. He had found a 2015 Chevy Tahoe with most of the features we were looking for and it wasn’t a rental. He sent us pictures and the vehicle information. We scheduled an appointment with Mike to come down and test drive the Tahoe that day. Being from the Prescott area, we were there within 2 hours to make our appointment.
We test drove the Tahoe and decided we would go ahead and run the numbers. I had been preapproved through my bank so I knew my budget and it also helps the process of getting financed. The sticker price was $45,999.00. After “working” the numbers for a bit, we agreed on $45,484.00. This also included paying off my current loan. Later that night, we found that the actual sale price listed on the website was 43,999.00. It was disappointing that this was not brought to our attention prior. Seems like it was our burden to know that?
When it came time to sign the paperwork, I was directed to Sammy Tramontana. As times before with other vehicle purchases, Sammy informed me of your extended warranty and Gap coverage. At that time, I asked him if I could add those options later. He said, unfortunately those options needed purchased at the time of sale. That I could cancel within 30 days of purchase for 100% monies back. I agreed to add the options as I understand this is a large purchase and I want to protect my asset.
The day of purchase was as easy as they come. It wasn’t until the days after that I ran into several issues. The following Monday (4/18/2016), I contacted my bank in regards to their warranty and Gap coverage and the cost. As you can imagine, I found that I was able to save money being a member. The very next morning (4/19/2016), I called Sammy to request the cancellation paper work, left a message with no call back. I called the next day (4/20/2016), getting his manager Justin who took my name, number and email and informed me that Sammy would be in later that day and he would email me the quick one page sheet to complete. Still not hearing back, I called each day since until 4/25/2016 when I got Justin again. He again informed me that Sammy would be in later that day. That afternoon, Sammy finally emailed me the information. I filled out the paperwork cancelling all extra coverage and emailed it right back.
Not hearing anything back, I assumed all was well. A few weeks go by and I receive my extended warranty membership cards from MPP (5/24/2016). At that time I just assumed they were mailed prior to the cancelation paperwork being confirmed. I called the next business day (5/25/2016), finding out that Van Chevrolet never sent the cancellation paperwork and that it had now been past the 30 day mark for cancellation. I told her that I had sent the cancellation form to Van Chevrolet on 4/25/2016. She asked if I had the email still to help “prove” that I had in fact cancelled the coverage in time for a full refund. I did and since forwarded that to their cancellation department.
Hopping that was the last of the hoops I’ve had to jump. Unfortunately, that was not the case. On 5/24/2016, I received my registration stickers. I noticed at that time they were through Jan 2017. Being I purchased the vehicle in April with a registration due date of 5/31/2016. I thought it was odd I didn’t get the registration through May 2017 instead. In the years of purchasing used vehicles, I had never came across an instance where I didn’t get a whole year of registration. Once again, I called Van Chevrolet. Left a message with your vehicle registration coordinator. She called back the following business day, informing me that the “law” states the vehicle should be registered the same month of original purchase each year thereafter. I asked was this a new law and then mentioned that I had never gotten less than a year registration when purchasing used vehicles in the past. That’s when she processed to tell me there “wasn’t enough funds to extend the registration further”. Confused and not sure what to say, I said “thank you” and we hung up. Not sure why there wasn’t enough funds as I financed the vehicle at $49,891.09.
I must say, being a customer who spent nearly $50,000.00 I am more than disappointed in the treatment we received. I don’t feel the items discussed were unreasonable as the vehicle purchased was not detailed, gassed up, missing the second fob and key (Mike sent a second set that I have to get programmed at my cost) and had a cracked window that was hidden under the sale price stickers.
Hoping with this information, your future customers do not have to have the same experience as we did.
Sierra Smith
I have...
reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
When I signed my documents for van cherolet all documents had a customer copy. All copies looked like the original; I receiced a copy machine copy not the customer copy. I have no idea why this is so hard for the dealership to send me my orginal copies I signed. The contract was yellow, the CPO agreement was blue.
The dealership is refusing to send those copies, that was the reason for the complaint to the Where are those copies???
Dear Ms. [redacted],
Ms. [redacted] did sign and agree to be on the car loan with her brother [redacted] to help him establish more credit. Unfortunately, [redacted] did miss making a payment with the bank and that does not help with him refinancing on his own. Van Chevrolet did...
give [redacted] a copy of the contract but we will make a copy for [redacted] and mail it out to her as well. Van Chevrolet apologizes for any confusion. If you have any questions please call me.
Executive Assistant
Thank you again for bringing Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to our attention. Mr. [redacted] did purchase a Used 2011 Chevrolet [redacted] from Van Chevrolet on 10-15-2014. Mr. [redacted] did bring the vehicle back the following weekend with some service concerns. Van Chevrolet did...
address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. (Please see attached R.O.). We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant
[redacted], the service director spoke to the customer and the daughter yesterday in his office. He explained to the daughter that this is a 12 year old vehicle and there was as internal problem with the ECM module. The customer came in with a concern for her check engine light being on. Van...
Chevrolet advised the customer what was diagnosed and presented her an estimate to repair. She authorized the repairs and they were completed. The daughter states the check engine lamp came back on a couple weeks later but would not allow us to inspect the vehicle. Mr. [redacted] offered them a loaner car and stated we would inspect the vehicle at no charge. She refused for us to diagnose the vehicle or to even look to see if in fact the check engine lamp was back on. Mr. [redacted] explained to them that we guarantee all our work performed for 1 year or 12,000 miles. Mr. [redacted] also explained that we will correct the check engine lamp if it is back on. She would not allow us to inspect the vehicle. We apologize for any confusion. If you have any questions please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant
I did do some research and [redacted] did sign and agree to the warranty. If [redacted] does not want the warranty he can cancel it and get a refund. I apologize for not responding earlier. If you have any questions or concerns please call me.
[redacted]Executive Assistant
Dear Ms. Oberdank,
I did speak with Ms. [redacted] and apologized for all the phone calls she has received. I put her on our do not call list and removed her information from our database. I also asked her to call me directly if she received any more calls. We...
apologize again. If you have any questions please call me.
Executive Assistant
I have reviewed the response made by the business in...
reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Mr. [redacted] purchased a 2004 Chevrolet Corvette from Van Chevrolet on 4/29/15. On 5/26/15 Mr. [redacted] brought it to Van Chevrolet with a concern that the lumbar on the pass seat was not working. Van Chevrolet did not find a problem with the passenger seat lumbar. On 6/8/15 Mr. [redacted] brought his...
vehicle back to Van Chevrolet with a concern that his convertible top was loose and that the floor mats were missing from when he purchased it. Van Chevrolet did find that the trim panel was loose and installed the top securely into the clips. Van Chevrolet did try to order Chevrolet Factory floor mats for Mr. [redacted], however Chevrolet has discontinued them. If Mr. [redacted] would like an alternative set of floor mats, Van Chevrolet will reimburse him for the set. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant###-###-####
I called about getting a new key(fob) for my 2011 Chevy Equinox. I was told it would cost about $67; however, I would need to go to service to get it "programmed". Gabe F[redacted] quoted me $135 for two hours of programming. I then complained to the GM Customer Service number and they called Van's and Tom said only one hour at $75. I said that I found a youtube video that shows it can be programmed by anyone in less than 30 SECONDS! Here is the link I tried it myself and have complete success. GM and Chevy should not be ripping consumers off unnecessarily. They wonder why people don't trust car dealers.
Van Chevrolet did address Mr. [redacted] concerns at the time of sale and after the time of sale. If he still has concerns with his vehicle he can bring it to our service department so we can take a look at it. We apologize Mr. [redacted] is unsatisfied at this time. If you have any questions please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant
Dear Ms. [redacted],Van Chevrolet spoke with Mr. [redacted] and did resolve all of his concerns. If you have any questions please call me.Sincerely,[redacted]Executive Assistant
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have been waiting for over a month and still have not received a copy of the contract. How long does one have to wait to receive this information?