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T-Mobile Usa Inc

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Reviews T-Mobile Usa Inc

T-Mobile Usa Inc Reviews (4844)

June 30, 2015FILEDELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222DuPont, WA 98327             Re:     ...

[redacted]                        Your File No. [redacted]                        T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] ToWhom It May Concern: T-MobileUSA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated June 26, 2015,regarding the above-referenced account.   T-Mobileregrets that our previous explanation of Ms. [redacted]’s taxes, from when we spokewith her on June 13, 2015, did not satisfy her concerns and that she still hasany discrepancy with the taxes on her billing statements.  We hope the explanation below will addressMs. [redacted]’s concerns with the taxes and surcharges that she has been billed. Please understand that taxesvary among different states, cities and counties, due to differences in ratesfor the local portion of the tax. Geographical tax jurisdictions are composed of cities, unincorporatedcounty areas, and transportation districts. Tax laws require that mobile service be taxed based on the subscriber’sPrimary Place of Use (PPU) which may or may not be the same as the subscriber’sbilling address.   Taxes are charged at both theindividual line level and the account level. For example, individual line level charges are billed based on the PPUprovided for that line of service.  In afamily or business account, that means that different lines used in differentlocations are taxed according to where each is used provided that each line hasa an up to date PPU on file with T-Mobile. The account level charges are based on the billing address for theaccount.  Some taxes and fees are flatrate charges that do not vary.  However,some are based on a percentage of the charges associated with the account orline of service and as such, may vary depending on usage and/or other chargesassessed.  All taxes are collected andremitted as required by state, local and federal governments. Based on Ms. [redacted]’scorrespondence, we reviewed her account and have confirmed that the PPU for theaccount has been [redacted]. in Garland, TX 75041-2058 since the accountwas created on April 30, 2015.   In addition, by usingT-Mobile’s services, customers accept and agree to our Terms and Conditions ofservice, which can be viewed and printed from our website,  Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions providean explanation of taxes and surcharges that T-Mobile customers will be billed.  The Federal Universal Service Fund provides funding for avariety of Federal programs including: School and Library Support, Low IncomeSupport, High Cost Support, and Rural Health Care Support Mechanisms.  It helps ensure that everyone has access tobasic telecommunication services.  It isapplied to all accounts including exempt accounts.T-Mobile has experienced an increase in thepercentage of traffic that is interstate/international in nature. This haseffectively increased the required contribution to the Federal UniversalService Fund.  As a result the USFcontribution rate charged to our customers has increased and does change on aregular basis, as determined by FCC guidelines.The Texas Universal ServiceFund supports Relay Texas and Specialized Telecommunications AssistancePrograms, the Tel-Assistance, Lifeline and Link Up programs, and the SmallLocal Exchange Carriers Universal Service Fund, and the Texas High-CostUniversal Service Plan. The Texas Recover Fee ischarged as Texas law imposes a franchise tax on each company conductingbusiness in Texas, including T-Mobile. A monthly charge labeled "TXRecovery Fee" is added to the bill to recover the cost of complying withthis tax on T-Mobile.    Sales tax varies amongdifferent states, cities and counties, due to difference in rates for the localportion of the tax.  State retail salestax is imposed on sales of tangible personal property and other revenuesassessed by the geographical tax jurisdictions in which revenues are generated.Geographical tax jurisdictions are composed of cities, unincorporated countyareas, and transportation districts. Our review of Ms. [redacted]’saccount confirms that she was accurately assessed taxes and surcharges basedupon her PPU.  In addition, customers canchange their PPU by contacting Customer Care or they may self-serve and makethe change on-line at On June 13, 2015, despite ourreview of Ms. [redacted]’s billing statement and PPU address confirming that heraccount has been billed and taxed accurately, T-Mobile offered and Ms. [redacted] accepted,a one-time credit in the amount of $20.00 that was issued to her account thatday.  As we confirmed that Ms. [redacted]’saccount has been billed taxes and surcharges accurately based on her PPU, T-Mobilerespectfully declines to issue any additional credits to Ms. [redacted]’s accountfor this matter. If Ms. [redacted] has anyadditional questions or concerns regarding the taxes and surcharges on herbilling statement, she may contact me at my number below.  T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms.[redacted]. Basedon the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobilebe closed. Thankyou for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me atthe address below or [redacted]  Verytruly yours, T-MOBILEUSA, INC. AllyY[redacted] ExecutiveResponse

August 21, 2015 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May...

Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated August 18, 2015, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced in obtaining his reimbursement. As Mr. [redacted] mentions in his correspondence, T-Mobile has a current promotion whereby we are reimbursing new customers for their early termination fees from their prior carrier when they make the switch to T-Mobile. There are several requirements that must be met in order to be eligible. Our records confirm that Mr. [redacted]’s initial submission on June 24, 2015, was denied on June 29, 2015, due to incorrect documents being received. Additionally, our records confirm that on July 2, 2015, T-Mobile received the second submission for the mobile number ending in [redacted]; however, that second submission was denied due to Mr. [redacted] having made two submissions with two separate bills on the reimbursement request for mobile number ending in [redacted]. Please note that our records confirm on August 17, 2015, a third submission for the above mentioned reimbursement was received. Upon speaking with Mr. [redacted] he states that he did not complete the submission for reimbursement. As a result, T-Mobile has stopped the process for the submission. In an effort to amicably resolve Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, T-Mobile has received and reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s submission for reimbursement and we have successfully processed his request. Please note that on August 20, 2015, T-Mobile processed a refund in the amount $300.99, which Mr. [redacted] can expect to receive within seven to fourteen business days. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Ruben A[redacted] Executive Response
  The below listed issue has been resolved by T-Mobile. [redacted]
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted] ps.  I shall give it a shot an see if it does anything but also my other line I have that gets used the phone is about a yr old an is having alot of issues. is there anything you could do for that one.  since it should be still under warrenty

January 27, 2017 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”)...

is in receipt of your correspondence dated January 23, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile is pleased to inform you that we spoke with Mr. [redacted] and he confirmed that his concerns have been resolved to his satisfaction. T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] experienced with his account. Please note that Mr. [redacted] account is billed in arrears and his billing cycle runs from the 3rd of the month to the 2nd of the following month with payment due on the 23rd of the month. Pursuant to T-Mobile policy, customers may be suspended when payment in full is not received by the payment due date. Customers can make a payment via electronic check or credit card, online, over the phone either through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or with Customer Care or in person at one of our local retail store locations or by mailing it to the payment lockbox address on their billing statement remittance slip. A review of the account confirms that Mr. [redacted] payment that was due on November 23, 2016, was not received on time. T-Mobile provided Mr. [redacted] with text messages and a billing notification providing the payment due date. As payment was not received timely, T-Mobile suspended the account’s ability to place outbound calls. As stated in our Terms and Conditions, if we suspend a customer’s service and then later reinstate it, a fee may be assessed. Therefore, when Mr. [redacted] made a payment on December 27, 2016, and the account was reactivated, the account was assessed a $20.00 restore from suspension fee per line of service. Based on our findings, it is T-Mobile’s position that the restore from suspension fees are valid and owed. Nevertheless, in an effort to amicably resolve this issue, between credits totaling $112.05 were applied to Mr. [redacted] account for the five restore from suspension fees which were assessed to his January 2017 billing statement. These credits reduced Mr. [redacted] outstanding balance to $155.99 and he may verify this by visiting T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].  Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Ligia M[redacted] Executive Response

June 8, 2015FILEDELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222DuPont, WA 98327             Re:      [redacted]...

[redacted]                        Your File No. [redacted]                        T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondencedated June 2, 2015, regarding the above-referenced account.  T-Mobile is pleased to report that Ms.[redacted] issues have been addressed and resolved.   In early2014, T-Mobile announced contract freedom for consumers looking to switch fromany U.S. carrier to T-Mobile.  Thisindustry changing offer allows consumers who were previously held back byexpensive termination fees and staggered tenures to leave their current carrierfor a better deal.  T-Mobile will now reimburseconsumers’ early termination fees up to $350.00 per line and provide accountcredits of up to $300.00 per device traded-in at the time of their activation –for up to five lines of service.  To beeligible for this offer, consumers must activate a Simple Choice postpaid rate plan, and at the time of thisactivation, they must port-in their current mobile number, trade-in a device,and purchase a new T-Mobile device.  Thenew device may be purchased with our Equipment Installment Plan (EIP), but thisis not required.  Each line for whichreimbursement is requested, must be ported in from another carrier, added to a Simple Choice postpaid rate plan, have adevice traded-in and a new T-Mobile device purchased for use on that mobilenumber. In order to qualify for thereimbursement of early termination fees, customers must submit a reimbursementform along with a copy of the final billing statement from their prior carrierto T-Mobile at within two (2) months of activation.  As indicated on the website, approval of therequired documents and reimbursement of the early termination fees may take upto eight (8) weeks from the date of submission to be received and there is noprocess for that time period to be expedited. To be eligible for reimbursement, the T-Mobile account must be in goodstanding.  As this is a reimbursementoffer, T-Mobile recommends that customers make arrangements to pay any earlytermination fees billed by their prior carrier in order to avoid collectionactivity.   Our records confirm that Ms. [redacted] has attempted five (5) times tocomplete the above mentioned process; however, her requests have been declinedas a result of the billing statements submitted not having the earlytermination fees displayed.  However, upon speaking with Ms. [redacted], in an effort to amicably resolve this matter,T-Mobile has offered an extension of the original offer.  We request that Ms. [redacted] send an unaltered copy of her final billingstatement reflecting the early termination fees incurred with her previouscarrier to my attention at the email [redacted] no later than June 15, 2015.  Please note that upon approval of that creditand the processing of the refund, Ms.[redacted] should expect to receive a refund card within seven (7) to ten(10) business days.   Please be assured that T-Mobilestrives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each andevery contact.  We also make every effortto provide complete and accurate information to our customers.  We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failedin any way to display that during Ms.[redacted] recent contact with our Customer Care. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaintagainst T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, pleasefeel free to contact me at the address below or [redacted]  Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. [redacted] Executive Response

October 21, 2016 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated October 12, 2016, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile regrets any concerns Ms. [redacted] experienced in regards to her monthly recurring charges. T-Mobile records indicate that on October 19, 2011, Ms. [redacted] activated a Mobile Internet line of service with the mobile number ending in [redacted]. Please note that this line is $10.00 per month for the monthly recurring charges, however, as it is bundled with Ms. [redacted]’ voice lines of service, her account receives a $10.00 monthly billing statement credit, reducing the cost of the line to zero. On October 2, 2013, Ms. [redacted] activated the voice line of service with the mobile number ending in [redacted]. On December 5, 2013, Ms. [redacted] activated the voice line of service with the mobile number ending in [redacted]. On that date Ms. [redacted] voice lines of services were subscribed to the Simple Choice Value Family Unlimited Talk and Text rate plan for $80.00, plus applicable taxes. Please note that this rate plan includes 1GB of data at no additional cost, which the mobile number ending in [redacted] is subscribed to. Ms. [redacted]’ mobile number ending in [redacted] is subscribed to the unlimited data feature for $20.00, plus applicable taxes. Additionally, both voice lines of service are subscribed to the Premium Handset Protection (“PHP”) feature for $10.00 per month, plus applicable taxes. T-Mobile records indicate that on October 22, 2014, Ms. [redacted] qualified for and took advantage of our Equipment Installment Plan (“EIP”) offering with the purchase of an Apple iPhone 5s Silver handset with 16GB of memory. At the time of purchase, Ms. [redacted] was not required to make a down payment. Ms. [redacted] then agreed to a series of 24 monthly installments in the amount of $22.91. On October 28, 2014, Ms. [redacted] qualified for and took advantage of our EIP offering with the purchase of an Apple iPad Air 2 Space Gray handset with 16GB of memory. Ms. [redacted] was not required to make a down payment and agreed to a series of 24 monthly installments in the amount of $26.24. Additionally, on December 10, 2014, Ms. [redacted] utilized T-Mobile’s EIP offering with the purchase of an Apple iPhone 6 Gold handset with 16GB of memory. Ms. [redacted] was not required to make a down payment and agreed to a series of 24 monthly installments in the amount of $27.08. On January 9, 2014, Ms. [redacted] activated an additional Mobile Internet line of service with the mobile number ending in [redacted]. This line of service is subscribed to the Simple Choice 3GB rate plan for $30.00, plus applicable taxes. As this line is bundled with Ms. [redacted]’ voice lines of service, her account receives a $10.00 monthly billing statement credit, reducing the cost of the line to $20.00 per month. Therefore, Ms. [redacted]’ monthly recurring charges are estimated to be $159.93 per month. T-Mobile regrets any confusion Ms. [redacted] may have experienced in regards to these charges. With the EIP included, Ms. [redacted]’ estimated monthly recurring charges totaled $241.34 per month. T-Mobile records confirm that on September 4, 2016, Ms. [redacted]’ account had a past due balance of $241.34, for the billing cycle charges from July 2, 2016, through August 1, 2016. On the same day the account was charged $241.34, for the billing cycle charges from August 2, 2016, through September 1, 2016, increasing the balance owed to $482.68. On September 5, 2016, a payment of $120.67 was received. On September 12, 2016, an additional payment of $120.67 was received. On September 19, 2016, an additional payment of $130.39 was also received, reducing the balance owed to $110.95. On September 20, 2016, at Ms. [redacted]’ request, the remaining EIP balances were closed and accelerated to Ms. [redacted]’ billing statement, in the amount of $130.39, dated October 4, 2016. On October 3, 2016, a payment of $110.95 was received, reducing the account to a zero balance. On October 4, 2016, Ms. [redacted]’ account was charged $295.32, for the billing cycle charges from September 2, 2016, through October 1, 2016. In an effort to amicably resolve the matter, and as a courtesy to Ms. [redacted], on October 14, 2016, T-Mobile applied a courtesy credit of $130.39 to Ms. [redacted]’ account, reducing the balance owed to $164.93. Ms. [redacted] has accepted this as a resolution to her concerns. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]. Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Diana J[redacted] Executive Response

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: No contact was made. I have returned the initial call twice with no response. The effort to resolve this matter was in the form of an unanswered phone call and a return message that resulted in no response. The message could have stated possible solutions. This so called tactic is a poor excuse for doing business. Options can be left via phone message or E-mail address. What steps were made to resolve this issue of not having a phone after being told that one would be sent out? The afore mentioned solution is another attempt to sweep this under the carpet with a waste of my money on scam contracts and big businesses praying on customers like me who have paid into this company for over 13 years. The solution of, "I called and left a message to call me back" is insulting! I call anyway, twice, and to date, no response, no solution.

August 14, 2015 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Prepaid No. XXX-XXX-[redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated August 7, 2015, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that T-Mobile contacted Mr. [redacted] on August 10, 2015; however, he declined to discuss his concerns over the phone. Therefore, T- Mobile will attempt to address Mr. [redacted] concerns via this letter to your office. T-Mobile regrets any payment concerns that Mr. [redacted] has experienced. Our records indicate that on June 7, 2015, Auto-Pay was enabled on Mr. [redacted] account. Please be advised that Auto-Pay is a refill service for monthly and Pay As You Go plans (excludes Legacy Pay As You Go and Pay By the Day) that allows customers to designate a payment (credit/debit card or bank account) every 30-days to automatically pay monthly charges. Customers can sign up for Auto-Pay through their account online as well as directly through the Refill Center at *233. Customer Care can't enroll customers in Auto-Pay but can release customers by removing the Auto-Pay service from the account. Our records indicate that Auto-Pay has been released from Mr. [redacted] account effective August 6, 2015. In an effort to resolve this matter amicably, T-Mobile will refund to Mr. [redacted] the requested $61.09 payment via a prepaid refund card. Mr. [redacted] may expect the prepaid refund card within seven to ten business days. T-Mobile did not deactivate Mr. [redacted] service as he did not indicate his intention was to cancel the service. The prepaid service is paid through September 4, 2015. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted]. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Pancho QExecutive Response

October 31, 2016
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA  98327

Re:      [redacted]
                        Your File No. [redacted]
                        T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated October 25, 2016 regarding the above-referenced account. 
T-Mobile regrets that Mr. [redacted] has concerns about his recent handset order.  T-Mobile records reflect that on September 30, 2016 Mr. [redacted] ordered two iPhone 7 Plus handsets in silver.  As you can imagine, due to high demand, many of the new iPhone 7 handsets are backordered.  We estimate that Mr. [redacted]’s devices will be available for shipment between November 1, 2016 and November 30, 2016 based on anticipated inventory to be received from Apple.  Regretfully, until inventory becomes available, we are unable to ship Mr. [redacted]’s handsets.  However, as a gesture of goodwill, on October 31, 2016 T-Mobile issued a credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account for $13.98 to reimburse him for the shipping costs associated with his handset order.  The account currently has a balance of $170.76.
Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact.  We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers.  We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s contacts with us regarding the anticipated delivery date of his handset order.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
David T[redacted]
Executive Response

June 6, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:

USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated May 28, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] experienced in regards the mobile number to which the JUMP! On Demand (“JOD”) for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge handset is assigned to. T-Mobile records indicate that on February 15, 2016, Ms. [redacted] qualified for our JOD offering with the lease of a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge device. Regretfully, due to an administrative error, the JOD was placed on mobile number ending in 2102.
Upon speaking with Ms. [redacted] on May 31, 2017, in an effort to amicably resolve Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, T-Mobile offered to waive any remaining obligation Ms. [redacted] has for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge handset. Please note that Ms. [redacted] has agreed to our offer. Ms. [redacted] remains free to upgrade to the handset of her choice. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted] and we appreciate her business.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Juan B[redacted]
Executive Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10774753, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

Thank you and Robert from Tmobile.  Your Customer Service representatives are still in need of training but I'll let that go for now.  Best Regards. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: in response to Mr. T[redacted] claim of attempts to reach me, I was in response the same day each time I was contacted. Each time I was contacted, I responded during the business hours on his voicemail. I did not know or agree to receiving a prepaid MasterCard as payment method for my refund. In addition, I still have not received any refund or correspondence from T-Mobile and it has been ten days from the communication on March 5. I would like a check overnight for the credit balance plus interest for failing to comply with their own procedures. A prepaid card is not very secure way of issuing s refund. I believe that T-mobile is acting in a retaliatory manner for switching to a competitor after their failure to treat me with dignity and respect as a customer.Sincerely,[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: Although I did receive a replacement phone. I constantly get an error message that tells me device failure 500.-113. and I have to restart the phone minimum 3 times a day due to the error message.Sincerely,[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  I have sent the device back to T-Mobile with tracking number provided via email Sincerely, [redacted]

July 14, 2015 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated July 6, 2015, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile records indicate a Signal Booster was ordered for use on the above account on June 9, 2014 and that it was received and activated on June 14, 2014. However, T-Mobile’s records indicate the requested shipping address was different than Mr. [redacted] billing address for the account. T-Mobile’s records also reflect that Mr. [redacted] ported out his mobile number on May 8, 2015, to another carrier and that a return kit was sent on May, 17, 2015 to use in returning the Signal Booster to T-Mobile. As T-Mobile has not received the Signal Booster, a non-return fee of $405.00, including tax was assessed to the account. In an effort to amicably resolve Mr. [redacted] concerns, T-Mobile has issued a credit of $405.00 leaving his account closed with a zero balance. We regret any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted]. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below or [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Ty R[redacted] Executive Response

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I returned a call to T-mobile and left a message for a return call. Not once in the six months that they forced me to call to have those charges removed for the "free phone " was I told I was given the phone free or not qualified for the phone. Why did they remove the charges when I called each time and why was I not told I would be paying additional charges. I didn't give permission for another line and will not accept any additional charges from them. 
From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]] Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 11:25 AMTo: Complaints <[email protected]>Subject: Complaint ID [redacted]
I filed a complaint yesterday and today was contacted by the company and all my issues and...

concerns were resolved. What are my next steps to close the complaint.
Thank you,  [redacted]

May 16, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No....

To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated May 3, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that T-Mobile records indicate the account holder of record is [redacted], and that she has designated [redacted] as an authorized user of the account. T-Mobile is pleased to advise that we have contacted Mr. [redacted] and resolved the matter to his satisfaction.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced regarding the account billing. T-Mobile records indicate that on October 25, 2016, T-Mobile’s Financial Care department assisted Mr. [redacted] with an Extended Payment Schedule (“EPS”)for the past due amount of $900.00. An EPS is a payment arrangement that allows a customer to pay their balance off in monthly installments. The creation and maintenance of an EPS can only be administered by T-Mobile’s Financial Care department. The EPS was set to bill in installments of $128.57 on the following seven billing statements. However as payment was not received in a timely manner, on November 18, 2016, T-Mobile suspended the account’s ability to place outbound calls. Anytime an account carries a past due balance, it may be subject to suspension and or cancellation.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions, if we suspend a customer’s service and then later reinstate it, a fee may be assessed. Therefore, at that time, when a payment in the amount of $66.85 was remitted and the account was reactivated, the account was assessed a $20.00 restore from suspension fee per line of service.
On March 12, 2017, the account was cancelled for non-payment. It is important to note that if an account goes into a cancelled status, the EPS balance will be accelerated and due immediately. Therefore, at that time, the remaining EPS balance in the amount of $257.15 was accelerated and was reflected as a charge on the billing statement dated April 8, 2017.
In addition, if a customer has an open Equipment Installment Plan (“EIP") and the account is canceled, any remaining open EIP balance on the canceled account is accelerated and becomes due with the final billing statement. This information is disclosed within the EIP agreement provided at the time of purchase. T-Mobile records indicate that Mr. [redacted] agreed to an EIP on May 18, 2016, with the purchase of two iPhone SE handsets. When the account was canceled the remaining EIP balance of $466.58 was accelerated and posted to the billing statement dated April 8, 2017.
Furthermore, if a customer has an open JUMP! On Demand ("JOD") lease and the account is canceled, any remaining lease installments and purchase option price (“POP”) on the canceled account are accelerated and become due with the final billing statement. This information is disclosed within the JOD lease agreement provided at the time of purchase. T-Mobile records indicate that Mr. [redacted] entered into a JOD lease, on May 18, 2016, for a Samsung Galaxy S6 handset. When the account was canceled the remaining lease installments and POP totaling $244.73 was accelerated and posted to the billing statement dated April 8, 2017. It is T-Mobile’s positon that the above-referenced charges are valid and owed.
However, as a courtesy to Mr. [redacted], and upon speaking to him, on May 11, 2017, T-Mobile agreed to apply a credit in the amount of $829.71 toward the account thereby reducing the account balance to $187.74 which consists of monthly access charges applicable taxes, and fees from the billing statement dated May 8, 2017. Pursuant to our conversation, Mr. [redacted] confirmed the matter is resolved and he has no further concerns.
Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact. We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s contact with our Customer Care. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Jamen F[redacted] Executive Response

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Address: 1580 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35216


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