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Source Adult Video Reviews (2712)

December 30, 2015
Ms. [redacted]. [redacted]
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding your automobile and renters policies.  I regret any frustration you have experienced as we strive to provide quality service to our entire...

Thank you for speaking with John [redacted], of our staff, who advised that we utilize territory boundaries instead of county boundaries when rating the automobile and renters policies.  Please be aware that the territory boundaries used will vary between each type of policy.  Mr. [redacted] confirmed that both the automobile and renters policies have been rated appropriately and that the fluctuations in premium were based on other factors.  Mr. [redacted] remains available should you have any additional questions.
We appreciate the opportunity to review the matter and to respond to you. 

July 17, 2017
Master Sergeant [redacted] USAF (Ret.)
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Sergeant [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding the unauthorized account.
Unfortunately, [redacted], of our staff, was unable to reach you by phone to address your concerns. ...

Nonetheless, she completed a thorough review of your account and confirmed no new accounts were opened. The email you received was indicating USAA updated the online agreement. We have taken steps to ensure you do not receive future correspondence from USAA. If you have additional questions, Ms. [redacted] remains available to assist you.
We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: it doesn't resolve the issue at hand.

April 17, 2017
Commander [redacted], USN
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Commander [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding your automobile claim. I regret the frustration and inconvenience this situation caused you.
Thank you for speaking with [redacted] of our staff. ...

Please know that the use of third party vendors was to avoid a delay in handling our member’s claims after a catastrophe. If you have additional questions on this matter, Ms. [redacted] remains available to assist you.
We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.

March 6, 2017
Mr. [redacted] Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding the settlement amount of your vehicle.
Thank you for speaking with [redacted], of our staff, who confirmed that after you spoke with our claims service manager, you...

understood how the settlement value was determined. If you have any additional questions on this matter, Mr. [redacted] remains available to assist you.
We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.

January 10, 2017   Ms. [redacted] Complaint ID #: [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted]:   I am responding to your second submission regarding your property claim. We regret any frustration you may have experienced.   I understand [redacted], of our staff, spoke with you regarding proof of ownership requirements and the status of your claim.  Should you have any further questions, Mr. [redacted] remains available to assist you.   We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.    Sincerely,   [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Dear (10/07/2016)This complains is not resolve yet.Again this complaint is about the way USAA conducted business in my case.Synopsis:On August 16, 2012, I suffer injuries in a car accident cause by a USAA customer.  Attached are photos of the USAA customer’s car. Early September 2016, I provided USAA with an authorization for the disclosure on medical information.   On February 2013, USAA call me to find how I was doing.  After that USAA went silence, and close the case.In spring/summer 2016 timeframe, I have to ask that the case to be re-open and I have to provide the medical information to USAA.USAA agent checks the documentation and determined that my expenses were in the neighborhood of $1,000, I estimated a little bit less.This accident has cause me pain and suffering, go to medical treatment, personal economical and benefit loses, and let’s add frustration in dealing with USAA insurance.I shall never been out of pocket for any money or benefits, when the accident was caused by another party.  In this case the USAAA customer.My insurance covered most of the bills.  The other portions shall been USAA, and not by me.I provided a short explanation in tabular form to USAA about all expenses.  Up to date I have been trying to recuperate my out of pocket expenses and benefit loses.USAA is being holding hostage payment of those out of pocket expenses and benefit loses, because I refuse to sign a release of liability.   USAA is not providing any compensation for pain and suffering.  Up to date USAA have not paid any monies in relation to the injury portion.  The only thing USAA paid was for the repair of the car.We should have the need to go back and forward, for me to collect my out of pocket expenses and benefit loses.Regards,

September 26, 2016 Sergeant [redacted], USA (Ret.)Complaint ID #: [redacted] Dear Sergeant [redacted]: I am responding to your submission regarding the payment on your USAA Savings Bank (USB) credit card and the billing questions on your USAA homeowners insurance...

policy.  I regret any frustration this caused. [redacted], of our USB staff, was unsuccessful in her attempts to contact you.  She reviewed your account thoroughly and confirmed that your automatic payment plan (APP) is set up correctly and next month will not attempt to withdraw more than $200.00 as scheduled.  At the time of the APP modification, proper disclosures displayed online stating that the modification would take place on the next billing cycle.  Unfortunately, without speaking to you, she was unable to verify if any NSF fees were assessed on your external account.   Thank you for speaking with [redacted], of our staff, regarding the billing on your homeowners insurance policy.  I understand that he clarified that the revised premium is the amount that was billed, and confirmed that payment had been received.   We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.  Should you have any additional questions, both Ms. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] remain available to assist you.   Sincerely, [redacted]

Sergeant [redacted] USAR
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Sergeant [redacted]:
I am responding to your rebuttal submission regarding the total loss of your vehicle.
A subsequent review of your claim was conducted, and we ascertain that we have considered all of the equipment you installed on your vehicle to determine its actual cash value. Therefore, we disagree with your allegations of wrongdoing. Since we have reached an impasse regarding the settlement of your claim, on July 27, 2017, you were sent an email explaining the appraisal clause as a means to resolve your loss. Please contact your adjuster and advise how you would like to proceed.
We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.

May 4, 2018
[redacted] Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding your loan with the USAA Federal Savings Bank.
Our records confirm that you filed an inquiry with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). We will respond to...

the CFPB accordingly.
Thank you for the opportunity to reply.

February 1, 2016 Mr. [redacted] Complaint ID #: [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am responding to your submission regarding your December 2, 2015, homeowners claim. We regret any frustration or inconvenience you experienced as a result of this matter. I understand you spoke with [redacted], of...

our staff, about your claim. A thorough review of your situation was completed; however, no new information was discovered to warrant a change in our coverage decision. We analyze each loss on its own merits, and we are responsible for making decisions in accordance with the terms, conditions, and limitations of the policy. As Mr. [redacted] advised, you do have the option of having an engineer complete an inspection. If you wish to pursue this option, Mr. [redacted] remains available to assist you and can be contacted at [redacted]
Please know that USAA acts in accordance with our core values of service, loyalty, honesty, and integrity, and we strongly disagree with your allegations of wrongdoing. Thank you for allowing us to reply to you. Sincerely,

June 10, 2016
[redacted], USAF (Ret.)
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am responding to your submission regarding rental vehicle coverage for your May 24, 2016, auto claim.
Thank you for speaking with [redacted], of our staff, who...

confirmed coverage for the rental vehicle. In addition, an insurance coverage review was completed, and an adjustment was made to your automobile policy, as you requested.  If you have additional questions, Ms. [redacted] remains available to assist you.
We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:USAA failed to address the issue caused by their client and they continually provide false information to and to me. They lied about the police report. I have a recorded call where the USAA agent confirmed they had the police report only a few days after the accident. They are a fraudulent company. I will not let this issue close until they make good on their responsibilities.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:USAA made no attempt to apologize for closing the account after sending an email and then mailing a check during holiday season which took three weeks to get to me.  They continue to insist that the electronic agreement covers their actions which it does not. The underwriting of the brokerage account is not consistent with the wording of the electronic communication agreement.  This is plainly clear in the attachments provided. Lastly, I have asked for records of proof showing the communication was sent via email.  This should be SMTP logs.  USAA is not even providing actual proof, they are simply making statements without providing evidence of their claims.  They have not shown where I signed the brokerage agreement as well.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me because they are going to address it with the California Insurance Commissioner. Once the Commisioner makes a ruling in their investigation, if they find fault in the company I will forward the information to the

December 18, 2015Mr. [redacted]Complaint ID #: [redacted]Dear Mr. [redacted]:I am responding to your submission regarding your automobile claim.  We apologize for any frustration you may have experienced as we strive to provide quality service.  Thank you for speaking with [redacted], of...

our staff, who thoroughly reviewed the matter and addressed your concerns.  We appreciate the opportunity to reply. Sincerely,[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:We made a deposit in 10/31/16, for $575, using the mobile app. When making this deposit, it was stated that $75 of this would be placed on hold and $500 was "available immediately". The amount of $500 was reflected in our balance at that time.  Also at this time, check #[redacted] had not yet come through the account.  Because of an error regarding another merchant, we needed to add money to this account.  Because the $500 showed as being available immediately, and was reflected in our balance, we did not need to transfer money from another account, because the deposit we made was sufficient.  I checked our account on 11/1/16, and it showed that check # [redacted] was paid, and it also showed there were "no returned items".  But the following day, on 11/2, this all reversed.  The deposit made on 10/31, now showed a date of 11/1.  It also showed that check #[redacted] was returned on 10/31.  Because of the circumstances regarding this check, it was vital for it to clear the account. I am now told that because the deposit was made shortly after 9pm, and the cut off time is 9pm, it caused the deposit to post the following day. Nowhere was this communicated. But it was in fact communicated as previously stated, as being available immediately, which was on 10/31. I was told because of this, there was an attempt to overdraft from our USAA credit card, and this was declined.  The reason it was declined, is because it attempted to take more than the amount needed, since the deposit date changed, resulting in a $500 deficit. Also, apparently the card was locked, without notification, due to a discrepancy regarding an insurance policy we had with USAA, which was cancelled, without our knowledge. That has affected our mobile deposits/holds etc. Improper and misleading communication has had a dominoe like affect, which has resulted in a significant bank error , which will cause the related account to be reported negatively on our credit report for the next 7 years. Unless, you can send correspondence stating that this deposit, made on 10/31, did show $500 being made available immediately, but then posted 11/1.  And the reversal didn't even show until 11/2. All this could have been avoided, had it stated at the time of the deposit, that the $500 was not posting until 11/1, in which case, I could have transferred money from another account. The merchant is willing to attempt to fix this on their part, if we can provide a letter from USAA, either by mail, or email. I ask you to please consider this , so we can resolve this easily. You may mail it directly to me, or email it to me, or you may email it to: [redacted]. 

October 7, 2016 Constructionman [redacted], USNComplaint ID #: [redacted] Dear Constructionman [redacted]: I am responding to your submission regarding your automobile claim. Thank you for speaking with [redacted], of our staff, who confirmed a supplement for the additional...

repairs was issued and that the repairs have been completed.  Mr. [redacted] verified you do not have rental reimbursement coverage on your policy; therefore, a rental car was not provided.  While we regret any frustration or inconvenience you experienced as a result of this matter, we respectfully decline your request for monetary compensation.  Please know that USAA acts in accordance with our core values of service, loyalty, honesty, and integrity, and we strongly decline any allegations of wrongdoing.   We appreciate you allowing us to reply to you.  Should you have any questions, Mr. [redacted] remains available to assist you. Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
USAA has stated that they have not made contact with the insurer so they could process the claim.  I have correspondence with the insurer that they have validated the claim.  I do not accept their response in the matter.  

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: There's still been no accepting of liability, and I've been out of work since April 9th. Trying to work from home, but being a property manager my job does require a vehicle. This process has been frustrating and the lack of communication is bad. But I kinda understand because I'm not the only individual with claims, but I've left voicemails that have not been returned. But I hope this situation gets better but thanks for trying. 

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Address: 1402 Broadway W, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6L1H4


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