Complaint: ***
September 26,
Austin, Texas Fax: ***
I received your letter with the response from SelectCare Benefits NetworkTheir statements are not true
1. Membership dues were $not $
2. The $that they took from my bank two times was for medication, which I never receivedSo they are not refunding "membership dues"They said they will refund $35.00, which is the cost of one month medicine$refund is not enoughI want the other $that I paid and received NOTHING for
3. I have not received any medication but money has been taken out of my account twice nowThe second time money was taken from my account was on August 4, 2014, which is prior to the statement in the response letter stating that I informed a rep on August that I wanted to cancelI called on August 14, to close my account because I was not receiving any medicineI spoke to Candice
4. If you do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and if you do pride yourself on your commitment to provide members with the highest level of satisfaction possible and in the "spirit of closing this complaint" all of my money needs to be refunded immediatelyThe entire $This mess has dragged on long enoughAnd yes it has been an unpleasant experience and it definitely detracted from your level of serviceSo make it right by doing the right thing
5. What is going to be done with my bank information, my social security number, our social security letters and medicare and insurance cards? The prescription from my doctor? the Authorization to Act as Patient Advocate? They have no right to these personal and confidential documents
6. After review of my account you determined only item needed was one documentWhat is your point? I completed the application and every document you requested and returned to youI was told my application was deniedYou are stating that was not the case in my situationThat is not true
7. You are grabbing at straws for reasons not to refund my moneyNone of those reasons are trueYou were suggested to me in the first place because I have no money for my medicine and you are taking money from me, instead of giving me my medicine at a lower cost like you told me you would
*** * ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Cc: Consumer Protection, Office of the Attorney General, Medicare
Dear Ms***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, I see that you have spoken to one of representatives and she explained that you are for a six month period of time with the pharmaceutical company, but that they only ship in day supplies. The monthly membership dues are fees to assist you in the program and not for the medications. You are never paying for medication
It appears that your account and membership are still active with us. If you are wishing to cancel, please call our offices and let us know. We are available Monday through Friday, am to pm, Central Time
Member Services
Dear Ms***,It was a pleasure speaking with you this morning. I am very glad that I will be able to assist you and your parents with their accounts. I look forward to a wonderful working relationship. I appreciate your willingness to allow me the opportunity to make this right
for you and your parents.Sincerely,*** ***Fulfillment ManagerSCBN
Dear Ms***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, I see that you have already spoken with one of our representatives and had been informed that you would be receiving a refund. Please allow that to process through your bank account
SCBN now considers this matter closed
Thank you,
Member Services
Dear Ms***,We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.I have reviewed your account and request for $refund. I am granting that refund. It will be returned to the financial institution we have on file for you. Again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. We do not wish a negative experience to be taken from this.If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Their response is not accurate about supplying them with information. I sent everything they asked for. They owe me $because I did not receive my medicine per contract. They say they have a 100% rating with I don't know how this could be with all the complaints online about this company. They are a dishonest and crooked business. Please investigate.
*** ***
Dear Mr***,We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.After careful review of your account, I see that we did provide service to you in an attempt to get you enrolled with the pharmaceutical company. It appears that you were unable to return a letter that the pharmaceutical company had requested from you. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.I have refunded one months membership dues to your account on file. Please allow your bank to accept and post this credit to you.If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your earliest convenience.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear *** ***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
I have addressed this with the employee involved and the appropriate disciplinary action has been taken. Additionally, we have seen this as an opportunity for further education and are putting that into practice immediately. Again, I sincerely apologize for the mishandling of the phone calls. If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office and I will make sure that we have a representative assist you with your prescription needs
*** ***
Dear Mr***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, it does appear that you were aware of the amount of out of pocket expenses you would need to provide on the day you enrolled in our program. We did not receive any of your documents, therefore, had no way of knowing whether the pharmaceutical company would ask for more or less in expenses
It does appear that you did receive a refund of $70. The initial $is a non-refundable fee. If you would still like assistance enrolling in the pharmaceutical company program, please do not hesitate to contact our office
Member Services
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Thank you for your prompt investigation of this complaint I would like to take the company up on their offer to provide me a different associate to assist me with my prescription needsI also thank them for their prompt response and follow up with the employee involved to ensure a proper response and better customer service in the future
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is more than satisfactory to me.
I was very impressed with Ms. [redacted]. She gave me all of the information that I requested, and was very kind. She also offered to call me again tomorrow so that we can speak at length to make sure I understand the program. From what she shared with me today, I now feel confident that this program is the best choice for my parents.
I was also impressed with her quick response to my complaint. She is a valuable team member for the SCBN network!Thank you,
To B.B.B,Hi my name is [redacted]. I filed a complaint against the company SCBN. My complaint# is [redacted].They came back with an offer to pay me $80.00 which I declined, since then I received one of the medications that I was to get from them. Its better than nothing. What I want to know is if I can go ahead and accept their offer of $80.00 and hopefully that will close this case. I will wait to receive a e-mail back from you. Thank You, [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of your concern filed with the As explained in the original Welcome Call with you and in subsequent conversations, you are enrolled with the program for 180 days at a time, however, due to the regulations of this particular pharmaceutical company, they only ship in two 90 day supplies.
Unfortunately, we cannot change the way they ship the medications. I have made sure that your concern was addressed with the pharmaceutical company.
Your account has been canceled and no further drafts will occur.
Member Services/SCBN
I had requested via phone on 1/2/2015 that this business be investigated as to whether they should be accepting applications from those who have insurance. If I am not mistaken, I read online that they do not. If this is the case, [redacted] should never have accepted my application or medication money. [redacted] said nothing about a two-part enrollment for approval. Rather, that upon approval, I would get the medication. I was approved. I should have gotten the medication without being transferred to [redacted] for any membership that I did not request or want($35 within less than a month, no less). Upon $85 and approval, receipt of medication as quoted by [redacted]. Period. [redacted] was very well aware that I needed the medication during the donut hole since I informed him during my first conversation with him. That was the ONLY reason for my call. I still maintain my complaint as above in order to deceitfully get membership for SCBN. Membership that someone going through the donut hole does not need or want because they have insurance. Unless, they originally request it. I did not. Why? Because [redacted] said nothing about a two-part enrollment for approval. Or, about any membership with SCBN on my first or any other conversation with him. Unless the employees are instructed to mislead the public by their superiors which would be very unfortunate for the public, I request that [redacted] and [redacted] are counseled by them for dishonesty in business ethics. [redacted]'s part in this was ti telling me that I would get a 90 day supply of medication for $35/mo. Never mentioning any membership. I agreed because this was a savings for me, and I probably not fall into the donut hole as a result this year. Thinking back, if I had not been transferred to [redacted] I do not think I would have gotten any medication but they had my $50 application fee which is non-refundable. So, at least they made a profit, and for delivering nothing. Multiply that by a number of others they deceive and they may have a rather large profit. I still request $35 refund as a fair resolution because of deceit. In addition, if [redacted] was not justified in accepting my application because I have insurance, I would appreciate the consider that my entire fee be returned($120) for fraud, if possible. By accepting an application illegally, is further proof of attempting to get membership for SCBN. Not interest in helping someone in need of assistance. Otherwise, I would have not been transferred to [redacted]. Thank you
Muriel Gibbons
Dear Ms. [redacted],Again, SCBN sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that you have experienced. After further review of your account, I do see that we attempted several times to reach you regarding the additional information we needed to complete the processing of your applications. Unfortunately, without you supplying this information, we cannot complete the process of enrolling you with the pharmaceutical company. As explained in the Welcome Call and the New Member Kit, your cooperation is required for this to be successful. If you still would like assistance with this process, please feel free to call our offices and we will gladly help you.I am willing to give you two month free membership services, so that you will have an opportunity to obtain the assistance with your medications. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.After review of your account, I see that you enrolled with our membership on 01-12-2015 and agreed, verbally to the terms of the membership, in a scripted, recorded Welcome Call. On 01-13-2015, at 12:48 pm, you called to cancel your account. At that time, your account had already been drafted. It appears we did immediately canceled your account as soon as you had called us and set it for a refund. We did let you know that the refund will be released on 01-27-2015, as it must clear our bank here. These conversations were on 01-13-2015 via e-mail. Please allow for your payment to clear here and we will refund it immediately once that happens. It takes 14 days from initial draft.SincerelyMember ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],Again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced. As I stated in our previous response, we did do our jobs as advocates and you are fully enrolled with the pharmaceutical company and will receive medication for an entire year. You have received your first shipment of medication.The pharmaceutical company could not fully enroll you until they received the attestation letter from you. It was sent to you on 11-25-2014 and was not returned to them until 12-20-2014. Your order was immediately processed and your medication shipped to your home address on 12-23-2014.For those reasons, a refund is not warranted at this time. If you need additional assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Mr. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.I also apologize for the delayed response. After some research, I see this account/membership is actually in your spouses name. I have reviewed this account and see that you have filed a stop payment on your last draft and have requested the additional $155 refunded. I will refund that money, in the form of a check. It will be mailed out this week, to the address we have on file.If you have any further questions, please call our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Mr. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.SCBN will issue a refund of $80 to your primary bank account. Please allow 10 days for the process.Thank you,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],I received a copy of your most recent comments filed with the SCBN is a service based membership program, where your participation is required for it to be successful. I am attaching copies of all documentation for your account. Please note the areas I have high lighted to show the many attempts we tried to contact you via telephone and mail. We did offer our services to you.We feel that we provided a service to you, and attempted several times to help you achieve enrollment in the pharmaceutical company. In an attempt to close this matter, I will refund one more month service, of $35. However, because you filed a charge back with your bank, we will need to mail you a check. Please allow time for the USPS to deliver that to your home address.If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Complaint: ***
September 26,
Austin, Texas Fax: ***
I received your letter with the response from SelectCare Benefits NetworkTheir statements are not true
1. Membership dues were $not $
2. The $that they took from my bank two times was for medication, which I never receivedSo they are not refunding "membership dues"They said they will refund $35.00, which is the cost of one month medicine$refund is not enoughI want the other $that I paid and received NOTHING for
3. I have not received any medication but money has been taken out of my account twice nowThe second time money was taken from my account was on August 4, 2014, which is prior to the statement in the response letter stating that I informed a rep on August that I wanted to cancelI called on August 14, to close my account because I was not receiving any medicineI spoke to Candice
4. If you do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and if you do pride yourself on your commitment to provide members with the highest level of satisfaction possible and in the "spirit of closing this complaint" all of my money needs to be refunded immediatelyThe entire $This mess has dragged on long enoughAnd yes it has been an unpleasant experience and it definitely detracted from your level of serviceSo make it right by doing the right thing
5. What is going to be done with my bank information, my social security number, our social security letters and medicare and insurance cards? The prescription from my doctor? the Authorization to Act as Patient Advocate? They have no right to these personal and confidential documents
6. After review of my account you determined only item needed was one documentWhat is your point? I completed the application and every document you requested and returned to youI was told my application was deniedYou are stating that was not the case in my situationThat is not true
7. You are grabbing at straws for reasons not to refund my moneyNone of those reasons are trueYou were suggested to me in the first place because I have no money for my medicine and you are taking money from me, instead of giving me my medicine at a lower cost like you told me you would
*** * ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Cc: Consumer Protection, Office of the Attorney General, Medicare
Dear Ms***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, I see that you have spoken to one of representatives and she explained that you are for a six month period of time with the pharmaceutical company, but that they only ship in day supplies. The monthly membership dues are fees to assist you in the program and not for the medications. You are never paying for medication
It appears that your account and membership are still active with us. If you are wishing to cancel, please call our offices and let us know. We are available Monday through Friday, am to pm, Central Time
Member Services
Dear Ms***,It was a pleasure speaking with you this morning. I am very glad that I will be able to assist you and your parents with their accounts. I look forward to a wonderful working relationship. I appreciate your willingness to allow me the opportunity to make this right
for you and your parents.Sincerely,*** ***Fulfillment ManagerSCBN
Dear Ms***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, I see that you have already spoken with one of our representatives and had been informed that you would be receiving a refund. Please allow that to process through your bank account
SCBN now considers this matter closed
Thank you,
Member Services
Dear Ms***,We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.I have reviewed your account and request for $refund. I am granting that refund. It will be returned to the financial institution we have on file for you. Again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. We do not wish a negative experience to be taken from this.If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Their response is not accurate about supplying them with information. I sent everything they asked for. They owe me $because I did not receive my medicine per contract. They say they have a 100% rating with I don't know how this could be with all the complaints online about this company. They are a dishonest and crooked business. Please investigate.
*** ***
Dear Mr***,We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.After careful review of your account, I see that we did provide service to you in an attempt to get you enrolled with the pharmaceutical company. It appears that you were unable to return a letter that the pharmaceutical company had requested from you. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.I have refunded one months membership dues to your account on file. Please allow your bank to accept and post this credit to you.If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your earliest convenience.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear *** ***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
I have addressed this with the employee involved and the appropriate disciplinary action has been taken. Additionally, we have seen this as an opportunity for further education and are putting that into practice immediately. Again, I sincerely apologize for the mishandling of the phone calls. If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office and I will make sure that we have a representative assist you with your prescription needs
*** ***
Dear Mr***,
We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of
satisfaction possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service
After review of your account, it does appear that you were aware of the amount of out of pocket expenses you would need to provide on the day you enrolled in our program. We did not receive any of your documents, therefore, had no way of knowing whether the pharmaceutical company would ask for more or less in expenses
It does appear that you did receive a refund of $70. The initial $is a non-refundable fee. If you would still like assistance enrolling in the pharmaceutical company program, please do not hesitate to contact our office
Member Services
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Thank you for your prompt investigation of this complaint I would like to take the company up on their offer to provide me a different associate to assist me with my prescription needsI also thank them for their prompt response and follow up with the employee involved to ensure a proper response and better customer service in the future
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is more than satisfactory to me.
I was very impressed with Ms. [redacted]. She gave me all of the information that I requested, and was very kind. She also offered to call me again tomorrow so that we can speak at length to make sure I understand the program. From what she shared with me today, I now feel confident that this program is the best choice for my parents.
I was also impressed with her quick response to my complaint. She is a valuable team member for the SCBN network!Thank you,
To B.B.B,Hi my name is [redacted]. I filed a complaint against the company SCBN. My complaint# is [redacted].They came back with an offer to pay me $80.00 which I declined, since then I received one of the medications that I was to get from them. Its better than nothing. What I want to know is if I can go ahead and accept their offer of $80.00 and hopefully that will close this case. I will wait to receive a e-mail back from you. Thank You, [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of your concern filed with the As explained in the original Welcome Call with you and in subsequent conversations, you are enrolled with the program for 180 days at a time, however, due to the regulations of this particular pharmaceutical company, they only ship in two 90 day supplies.
Unfortunately, we cannot change the way they ship the medications. I have made sure that your concern was addressed with the pharmaceutical company.
Your account has been canceled and no further drafts will occur.
Member Services/SCBN
I had requested via phone on 1/2/2015 that this business be investigated as to whether they should be accepting applications from those who have insurance. If I am not mistaken, I read online that they do not. If this is the case, [redacted] should never have accepted my application or medication money. [redacted] said nothing about a two-part enrollment for approval. Rather, that upon approval, I would get the medication. I was approved. I should have gotten the medication without being transferred to [redacted] for any membership that I did not request or want($35 within less than a month, no less). Upon $85 and approval, receipt of medication as quoted by [redacted]. Period. [redacted] was very well aware that I needed the medication during the donut hole since I informed him during my first conversation with him. That was the ONLY reason for my call. I still maintain my complaint as above in order to deceitfully get membership for SCBN. Membership that someone going through the donut hole does not need or want because they have insurance. Unless, they originally request it. I did not. Why? Because [redacted] said nothing about a two-part enrollment for approval. Or, about any membership with SCBN on my first or any other conversation with him. Unless the employees are instructed to mislead the public by their superiors which would be very unfortunate for the public, I request that [redacted] and [redacted] are counseled by them for dishonesty in business ethics. [redacted]'s part in this was ti telling me that I would get a 90 day supply of medication for $35/mo. Never mentioning any membership. I agreed because this was a savings for me, and I probably not fall into the donut hole as a result this year. Thinking back, if I had not been transferred to [redacted] I do not think I would have gotten any medication but they had my $50 application fee which is non-refundable. So, at least they made a profit, and for delivering nothing. Multiply that by a number of others they deceive and they may have a rather large profit. I still request $35 refund as a fair resolution because of deceit. In addition, if [redacted] was not justified in accepting my application because I have insurance, I would appreciate the consider that my entire fee be returned($120) for fraud, if possible. By accepting an application illegally, is further proof of attempting to get membership for SCBN. Not interest in helping someone in need of assistance. Otherwise, I would have not been transferred to [redacted]. Thank you
Muriel Gibbons
Dear Ms. [redacted],Again, SCBN sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that you have experienced. After further review of your account, I do see that we attempted several times to reach you regarding the additional information we needed to complete the processing of your applications. Unfortunately, without you supplying this information, we cannot complete the process of enrolling you with the pharmaceutical company. As explained in the Welcome Call and the New Member Kit, your cooperation is required for this to be successful. If you still would like assistance with this process, please feel free to call our offices and we will gladly help you.I am willing to give you two month free membership services, so that you will have an opportunity to obtain the assistance with your medications. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.After review of your account, I see that you enrolled with our membership on 01-12-2015 and agreed, verbally to the terms of the membership, in a scripted, recorded Welcome Call. On 01-13-2015, at 12:48 pm, you called to cancel your account. At that time, your account had already been drafted. It appears we did immediately canceled your account as soon as you had called us and set it for a refund. We did let you know that the refund will be released on 01-27-2015, as it must clear our bank here. These conversations were on 01-13-2015 via e-mail. Please allow for your payment to clear here and we will refund it immediately once that happens. It takes 14 days from initial draft.SincerelyMember ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],Again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced. As I stated in our previous response, we did do our jobs as advocates and you are fully enrolled with the pharmaceutical company and will receive medication for an entire year. You have received your first shipment of medication.The pharmaceutical company could not fully enroll you until they received the attestation letter from you. It was sent to you on 11-25-2014 and was not returned to them until 12-20-2014. Your order was immediately processed and your medication shipped to your home address on 12-23-2014.For those reasons, a refund is not warranted at this time. If you need additional assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Mr. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network prides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.I also apologize for the delayed response. After some research, I see this account/membership is actually in your spouses name. I have reviewed this account and see that you have filed a stop payment on your last draft and have requested the additional $155 refunded. I will refund that money, in the form of a check. It will be mailed out this week, to the address we have on file.If you have any further questions, please call our office.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Mr. [redacted],We have received a copy of your comments that were filed with the and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Select Care Benefits Network provides itself on our commitment to provide our members with the highest level of satisfaction...
possible. We sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to detract from our level of service.SCBN will issue a refund of $80 to your primary bank account. Please allow 10 days for the process.Thank you,Member ServicesSCBN
Dear Ms. [redacted],I received a copy of your most recent comments filed with the SCBN is a service based membership program, where your participation is required for it to be successful. I am attaching copies of all documentation for your account. Please note the areas I have high lighted to show the many attempts we tried to contact you via telephone and mail. We did offer our services to you.We feel that we provided a service to you, and attempted several times to help you achieve enrollment in the pharmaceutical company. In an attempt to close this matter, I will refund one more month service, of $35. However, because you filed a charge back with your bank, we will need to mail you a check. Please allow time for the USPS to deliver that to your home address.If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.Sincerely,Member ServicesSCBN