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Sears Holdings Corporation

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Sears Holdings Corporation Reviews (5890)

330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
We have completed the investigation of [redacted]' complaint regarding a dryer purchased from...

Our records indicate that the name on the account is [redacted] we have found two previous complaints, one regarding the washer and one regarding the dryer. The calls came in within 12 days of each other. In both cases, a complimentary one year protection agreement was provided on each appliance. The last time Sears Home Services dispatched a technician to the home was on September 19, 2013, over 2 years ago. There are no notations within our complaint management program that indicate that Sears is denying any responsibility to anything. That said, since both items are no longer covered by any warranty or protection agreement, we will not be taking any actions as [redacted] is not entitled to any concessions. That said we ask that this complaint be closed.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

October 11, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her recent order and request to have the check corrected.   [redacted] Store General Manager for Unit [redacted] provided the following response:   It is unfortunate that we failed Ms. [redacted] expectations as we value her patronage. We can understand her frustration with the series of events noted in her complaint. We regret that this incident occurred, and we can assure that her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted. Fortunately, we were able to speak with Ms. [redacted] and arranged to meet with her on Saturday October 15, 2016, to resolve the credit issue. Should Ms[redacted] have any questions, she may contact us directly at [redacted] Additionally, we hope that in the future Ms[redacted] will allow us another opportunity to provide her with the type of customer service that we have built our reputation upon. In the interim, we have noted Ms[redacted]’ concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed.   We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

July 11, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611...

  Re:  [redacted]      Dear Ms. [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding a recent purchase.      We have spoken with [redacted], the manufacturer of Mr. [redacted] weight machine. They informed us that boxes 2 and 3 are identical; they both have the same weights so Mr. [redacted] should have a full set. If Mr. [redacted] opens the boxes and finds that something is amiss, he may email me directly at the address listed below. In light of the aforementioned information, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed.   We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]   Dear [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her dryer.   First, we would like to apologize to Ms. [redacted] for failing her expectations in regard to the repair of her dryer.  We do not take these matters lightly and we sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused Ms. [redacted].   Although Ms. [redacted] dryer is repairable; the part needed to complete the repair arrived severely damaged.  Rather than reorder the part and delay Ms. [redacted] repair any longer, we offered to exchange the dryer under warranty.  Ms. [redacted] agreed and selected the same unit.  Currently, the new dryer is scheduled for delivery on June 8, 2016.  Since it is our understanding the Ms. [redacted] is satisfied with the aforementioned resolution, we ask that this matter be closed.   Again, we apologize to Ms. [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.   Sincerely,   [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

I am a lifelong customer of Sears for over 30 years. I have own many rentals that needed paint, appliances and tools. All of my appliances at home are Sears bought. But...I have noticed that this company has really changed over the last two or three years. I boutgh a washer there, a Kenmore Series 500, and had trouble with the computer system in the first weeks of purchase. I decided to purchase a repair plan and it is a least two weeks between appointments. The repairman has reset it several times in the first year while under manafacturers warranty and has replaced the the motherboard twice now. We are without a washer more than we are with one. Recently on April 25, 2016 we had it reset because it had broke down again, another week without a washer, and afetr the repairman left it stopped working 15 minutes into a cycle. He came again on May 9, 2016 and told us he was going to replace the computer again and it would be may 20, 2016 before he could come back, leaving us another long time without a washer. I would like to have it replaced with a equal value washer that doesn't break down constantly, even if it is from there nick and dent store. At this point I am telling everyone I know not to ever shop at Sears!!!

November 3, 2015[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611Re:  [redacted] – [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted]’ complaint regarding her...

dissatisfaction with our customer service during her recent repair experience. It is unfortunate that we failed Ms. [redacted]’ expectations with her recent repair. We value Ms. [redacted]’ patronage, but can understand how the series of events noted in her complaint has caused her to lose faith in Sears. We regret that this incident occurred, but we can assure Ms. [redacted] that her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so future problems of this nature can be averted.  We can only reiterate that we do not condone how she was treated and that we truly regret that the misinformation she received caused any inconvenience. The service unit offered and processed a gift card in the amount of $75.00 for her inconveniences. Since it is our understanding that the resolution offered was acceptable and we have repaired Ms. [redacted] washer and noted her candid feedback we have closed our case.Again, we apologize to Ms. [redacted] for this issue and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,  [redacted] L. [redacted]Regulatory Complaint SpecialistSears Holdings Corporation[redacted]ect[redacted].L.[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I wanted to inform you of contact that I have had with Sears. In their initial response, they say "We do not have a process in pace to provide in home service for stereo receivers. Our technicians do not have the training or parts available to do such work." However, in the email strand below, they indicate that they do in fact offer an at home service, but refuse to offer it to me. "We will not be providing home pick up service at no cost to you." It is this very at home service that was guaranteed to me on the phone, when a member from Sears called asking if I wanted to extend my warranty. I felt the need to bring this to your attention, because in the response, Sears makes it out to seem that they do not offer what I am requesting, when in fact they do. 

From: [redacted]To: "[redacted]Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 12:41:18 PMSubject: R[redacted]
Hi M[redacted]
My previous offer stands and I will reply to the as such. The terms of your contract are clear. It says:
“If your sales receipt, Agreement certificate or this Agreement indicates Shop Service, you must bring the Covered Product to a Sears Repair location and pick it up following completion of service. To locate a repair center near you call [redacted]®. In some cases, you will be provided packaging and you must ship the Covered Product to our service location, at our expense, for repair. “
Your contract is labeled as “in shop” and that is the process we have in place for stereo receivers. We will not be providing home pickup service at no cost to you. Please decide which one of the options I offered previously you would like to accept.
REGULATORY SPECIALIST, regulatory complaints
sears holdings corporation
From: [redacted] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10:59 AMTo: [redacted]Subject: [redacted]
Ms. [redacted] 
I have replied to the, for your convenience it is attached below. Additionally, please note that it is impossible for me to bring the speakers into the shop, should they need to be serviced, as they are installed into the walls of my house. 
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:
It is not impossible, as the response makes it seem, for Sears to have a technician come to the house for such an item. When I called previously, the option was available, however, a fee would be charged each time someone comes. All I am requesting is for a waiver, or even a reimbursement of this fee when someone comes to the house. Making a permanent note in my file for future reminders is surely feasible. Having an in home service warranty, with reinstallations, is what was promised when I purchased the warranty. I have been a long term customer with Sears and have always trusted Sears with my service contracts. Despite the fact that I have spent over 7 hours on the phone with customer service agents trying to figure out this situation, I do not seek compensation. All I ask is for Sears to positively rectify the situation. Admittedly, this incident has created vast mistrust and my family is considering to cancel our Sears card and cease relations with the company. Before doing so, we wanted to allow opportunity for rectification. Again, I do hope that Sears will provide me with what was promised.   
Sincerely, [redacted]
Regards, [redacted]
This message, including any attachments, is the property of Sears Holdings Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries. It is confidential and may contain proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it without reading the contents. Thank you.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/07/29) */
Contact Name and Title:[redacted]
July 29, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed the investigation...

of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his tractor.
Upon researching Mr. [redacted] complaint, we found no documentation that he was told that a belt would be provided to him at no cost under his warranty. The belt is considered an expendable part and as such is not a covered part. Below is an excerpt from Mr. [redacted] owner's manual explaining the limitations of the manufacturer's warranty.
"This warranty covers ONLY defects in material and workmanship. The warranty does NOT include:
Expendable parts (except battery) that can wear out from normal use within the warranty period, including but not limited to blades, spark plugs, cleaners, belts and oil filters."
If Mr.[redacted] feels that there is another issue with the tractor, he is welcome to call Sears Home Services at ([redacted] to schedule service. In the interim, since we are unable to send Mr.[redacted] with a free belt, as his warranty does not provide for this benefit, we ask that this matter be closed.
We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter."
Regulatory Complaints Specialist
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 12, 2015/07/29) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The belt was damaged by the defective idler pully and I have indicated that during my call when I have received pully replacement and did not received the belt. The pully was provided to me at no charge under the warranty by Sears and during the first call I was told by Sears representative that I will be sent belt replacement. During the first call I stated that I am not sure about the belt since only pully has fallen of. When pully has arrived, I have replaced it and noticed that the belt is damaged but operational. I called back Sears and representative told me that he cannot send me the belt but I can set up an appointment and technician will come and replaced it under the warranty. I asked him when the warranty expires and was told that it expires in December. This is why I did not bother to set up appoitment, assuming that since belt did not broke and only have minor damage it might work for a while and if not I am covered by warranty. I have used the tractor twice since the call and than belt broke. This is why I have called Sears again and was surprised by refusal. I would not raise the issue if it were first issue with them but I also bought a defective vacuum from them at their outlet and they have refused to accept it back with the receipt and withing a week of the purchase due to location were I bought item being different from location of attempted return.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 14, 2015/07/30) */
Contact Name and Title:[redacted]
July 30, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL XXXXX
Re: [redacted] - # XXXXXXXX

Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed our investigation Mr. [redacted] rebuttal to our previous response.
The idler pulley and the belt are two separate parts. The idler pulley is not considered an expendable part, like the belt, which is why it was sent to Mr.[redacted]. If Mr.[redacted] would like a belt, he will need to purchase one, as it is not a covered part under the terms of his manufacturer's warranty, which we explained in our original response. Even if Mr.[redacted] were to schedule service, the belt would not be a covered part under his manufacturer's warranty, so he would be charged for the part and any labor to install the part. If Mr.[redacted] was told differently, we apologize for the misinformation. Furthermore, if there was any written documentation to corroborate this offer, we would consider making an accommodation; however, we found no such case notes in our customer service system. With that said, since Mr.[redacted] has not provided any new information, we are unable to comply with his request for a free belt; therefore, we ask that this matter remain closed.
We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

February 1, 2016     Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. [redacted]
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   Re: 11085920 – Bo [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint regarding his snow blower and request to return for an exchange.   We apologize that Mr. [redacted]’s snow blower failed to meet his expectations. After researching this matter further we found that service had been scheduled for a technician to diagnose the unit. On January 13, 2016, a Sears technician placed an order for a new parts to complete repair. While the product is past the 30 day return policy, we searched for a similar snow blower in an attempt to provide a faster resolution. However, we found that the snow blowers were all on back order including the same model Mr. [redacted] currently has. Since the parts had already been ordered and service was scheduled, it was in Mr. [redacted]’s best interest to have the product repaired. Accordingly, a Sears technician was able to complete repair on January 21, 2016. The Sears tech went over the unit and ran a test for thirty minutes and found no issues. Additionally, the technician showed Mr. [redacted] the starting procedure and the unit is now working to the manufacturer’s specifications. In the interim, since the product has been repaired, we respectfully ask to have this matter closed.     We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  Eligia [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

November 17, 2015[redacted]RevDex.com330 North Wabash
Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611[redacted]
We have completed
our investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding his microwave oven.Upon...

receipt of [redacted]
complaint, we found that he had previously been in contact with [redacted] from our Strategic Member Support department. [redacted] offered [redacted] a replacement for his microwave on October 23, 2015 in the amount based
on the receipt of purchase dated May 18, 2015 which is $396.99. [redacted]
stated that he had paid more than the receipt we have on file and [redacted]
requested a copy of that receipt so we are replacing at the correct amount. Ms.
[redacted] contacted [redacted] several times to complete the replacement unfortunately
[redacted] has not provided the asked for receipt. To complete the exchange for
his microwave [redacted] need only contact our office directly at [redacted] and
we will be happy to continue with the replacement in the amount of $396.99
unless [redacted] can provide a receipt that shows a higher amount. In the interim
since we have offered to replace [redacted] microwave and are only waiting on
[redacted] to complete the replacement process we have closed this case pending
his response. We apologize to Mr.
Morgan on behalf of Sears Holdings Corporation and we appreciate the
opportunity to address this matter.  Please
feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,[redacted]Regulatory
Complaint SpecialistSears Holdings

December 11, 2015Nita [redacted] 330 North
Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago,
IL  60611Re: #10953737 – Jason [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]’s
complaint regarding his request to return...

slippers he ordered from is unfortunate that we failed Mr. [redacted]’s
expectations when he recently placed an order with Sears. We value his
patronage and can understand his frustration with the events detailed in his
letter.  As clarification, Sears does not
charge for shipping when our customer selects in-store pick up, and we do not
deduct a shipping charge when an item ordered online is returned to our store.  While Mr. [redacted] is correct in stating that our
associates are unable to perform an exchange for an online order, our records
indicate that the item he purchased is still within the 90-day return period at
this time and may be returned to the store or by mail.   As
such, if Mr. [redacted] is eligible to receive an immediate refund if he chooses to
return the slippers to his local Sears Store before the end of the return
period.  At this time, we can only
reiterate that we truly regret any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have
experienced and invite him to complete his return at his local Sears Store.  We respectfully ask to have this matter
closed since we have noted Mr. [redacted]’s comments and provided him with the
appropriate instruction for his issue. We appreciate the opportunity to address this
matter.  Please feel free to contact me
if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,  Nicki [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist[redacted]1-800-762-3049 Ext. 87741

December 7, 2016   Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL ...

60611   Re:  #[redacted]–Latres [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted]:   We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her pine chest.   Since Ms. [redacted] purchased her item in May, we would not be able to provide an exchange or refund. However, the item does appear to have a one year manufacturer’s warranty against defects in materials or workmanship. We would suggest that M. [redacted] contact the manufacturer, [redacted] at ([redacted]) [redacted].    Since we have directed Ms. [redacted] to the manufacturer, who may be able to assist, we respectfully ask that this complaint be considered closed.      We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, Tammie [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation Tammie.[redacted]

December 22, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his recent online order experience and request for a refund.   It is unfortunate that we failed Mr. [redacted] expectations and we can assure that his concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted. After reviewing the notes in the order, we contacted the Sears Corporate Gift Card department to research further. We have confirmed that Mr. [redacted] has received a refund of $1.28 back to his Sears [redacted] and $2.79 back to his Shop Your Way Reward account. The remaining refund of $14.16 was issued in the form of a gift card on December 3, 2016. However, since Mr. [redacted] has indicated that he has not received it, the Sears Corporate Gift Card team has processed a new gift card as of December 22, 2016. The new gift card will be shipped via UPS within 3 to 5 business days. Additionally, we hope that in the future Mr. [redacted] will allow us another opportunity to provide him with the type of customer service that we have built our reputation upon. In the interim, we have noted Mr. [redacted] concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed, pending his receipt of the new gift card.     We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

The customer service at Sears on 1245 Warm Springs Road Henderson, NV 89014 is bad. I went in with my wife on 1/2/16 to purchase a new [redacted] washer and dryer with pedestals. We were approached by Liz [redacted] and right from the get go it started off bad. I am not sure if she was on drugs or but after about an hour of her walking back and forth to the washer and dryer on display we were finally making our way to the door as she could not figure out how to put in the discount that the store ad had in it. We complied on having everything replaced like all hoses and gas lines and even paying extra for Saturday delivery. We set up a delivery date on 1/9/16. During this delivery, our original washer and dryer was disconnected and brought downstairs into our garage. The dryer that was being delivered was severely damaged on arrival to our house and I refused all merchandise. They called while in my home and they offered me a $50 shop your way rewards card and we declined as the dryer was damaged badly. I go into the store and speak to Alex that I think is some kind of assistant manager and she was very sorry and said that she would get it taken care of and I told her that I would need a Saturday delivery as that is the only day I am off. I get a call on Wednesday that I have a delivery on Thursday and tried getting it stopped because I was not going to be there. They came to my house with no phone call except to ask me if I was home because they were at my house. I told them no I was not home that it was not supposed to come until Saturday. I then called customer service and wanted to hear from the store manager, Mike. The store manager called me the following day and was very sorry that this was happening and acted like he was going to take care of it and called the local delivery department and made sure that my things were going to be on Saturdays schedule. I had a time frame of 2:15pm to 4:15pm on 1/16/16 and get a phone call at 3:40 telling me that they are 2 hours late. They did not show up to our house until 7:30pm with a phone call at 7:00pm telling us they were on their way. We received an email and a text around 6:45pm that same day saying that our items were delivered successfully when in reality we had not even had a phone call telling us they were on their way. So when they finally showed up and started unboxing things the handle of one of the pedestals was completely broken. After the delivery driver stated that there was no way to fix the pedestal, I once again declined all merchandise and said that I was going to talk to the store to figure this out. This is leaving my wife and I without a washer and dryer for another week at least. I speak with Alex again and she said that she was going to take care of everything and order us all new stuff. The third trip out we were going to accept anything that was brought because we were tired of having to do our laundry at other people’s homes. The most recent delivery was brought to us on 1/23/16 and the washer has two big dents in the front and the dryer is making way to much noise. This noise was recorded on my cellphone and was sent to Alex in an email. I never received a response to the email, so I then called the store and left three messages for Alex when the other employees stated that she was unavailable. Each time explaining what the issues were and I never once received a phone call back. I wanted to notify her that not only would we need a new washer because of the dents, but also a new dryer because of the odd noise. The delivery for the new washer came with no dryer because I was unable to get ahold of anyone. The next washer was once again damaged right out of the box and had a huge gash in the side and declined it. I called customer service and they said they would have the store manager Mike call me on the issues that are still ongoing. Mike called the next day and his response to me was I will order you a new set and that I needed to be dealing with delivery since I have the two units that are damaged in my home. Mike also told me that it should be no problem to have them for the next Saturday 2/6/16. On Wednesday I received an email form Alex stating that they would not be in and I will have to wait till 2/13/16 to get them. On 2/13/16 they delivered another set that was very badly damaged. I refused them and they scheduled it while they were in my house for the following Saturday. I also told Mike that I wanted a morning delivery and he said he could not do that but I paid for one on sales check #[redacted]. This is going to be two month and 6 separate deliveries and still not sure if they will get to us damaged or not. I also called delivery and they said now that the only thing they could give me for all my inconveniences was a $40 shop your way rewards card. This has been an all-around bad experience for us from Sears and can not get a phone call back.

December 4,
2015[redacted]RevDex.com330 North Wabash
Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611[redacted]   Dear [redacted]We have
completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding his recent...

 Store Manager [redacted] provided the following response:I have spoken
with [redacted] and Assistant Manager [redacted] regarding this situation. Upon review,
I found that the matter could have been handled in a much different fashion and
I will be having a discussion with [redacted]. I have also offered to provide [redacted] with a $60.00 gift card, which he accepted. We want to sincerely apologize
to [redacted] for this issue and should he have any further questions or
concerns, I ([redacted]) may be reached during normal business hours at [redacted] That said, [redacted] indicated that this resolution met with his
approval; therefore, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed.
 We apologize to
[redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have
any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,[redacted]Regulatory
Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings

December 7, 2016
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: # [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding the...

problem he encountered when he attempted to exchange a pair of defective [redacted] jeans after the 30-day return period.
As clarification, our ''hassle-free returns and exchanges'' are based upon returns and exchanges within the parameters of our stated refund and exchange policy. Our return policy is available on online at, may be posted on signs at registers, or a consumer can ask an associate for details. With that being said, the Sears return policy states “If for any reason you are not satisfied, return your purchase in its original packaging with all accessories, manuals, and parts, with your original receipt, for a refund or exchange (subject to the terms and conditions below). For most items, you have 30 days from the date of your original purchase to make a return with the following exceptions...” Since Mr. [redacted] purchased the jeans on October 2, 2016, and attempted to return it on November 19, 2016, he was over the 30-day “hassle-free” return period.
However, Mr. [redacted] mentioned in his complaint that the jeans had a defect in the material causing them to come apart within a few weeks. We reached out to [redacted], Store Manager for Store [redacted], for assistance and requested that she inspect the jeans for a defect and not consumer abuse. Ms. [redacted] contacted Mr. [redacted] and offered to assist with the issue. She confirmed that the jeans were defective and were exchanged under the product implied warranty. With that being said, since we have provided Mr. [redacted] with his desired resolution, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
[redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation

January 25, 2017
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: #[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint...

regarding the problem she encountered when she attempted to return a television.
Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint we reached out to [redacted], Store Manager for Store [redacted] to assist with her concerns. As a one-time courtesy, Mr. [redacted] contacted Ms. [redacted] and offered to return the television with a 15% restocking fee and she would be issued store credit; she accepted the offer. With that being said, since we have provided Ms. [redacted] with her requested resolution, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
[redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation

April 19, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding her online order that she received damaged and her request for a refund.   It is unfortunate that we failed [redacted] expectations as we value her patronage. We can understand her frustration with the series of events detailed in her complaint and we can assure that her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted.  After reviewing the notes in her order, we found that the damaged furniture was returned to [redacted] on April 6, 2016. We apologize for the delay in receiving the refund. A refund was processed on April 19, 2016, for $475.18 back to [redacted] account ending in [redacted]. Additionally, we hope that in the future [redacted] will allow us another opportunity to provide her with a better example of customer service that we have built our reputation upon. [redacted] should see the credit post to her account within 3 to 5 business days. In the interim, we have noted [redacted] concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed.   We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

December 9, 2016
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL  60611
Re:  [redacted]  [redacted]  
We have completed the investigation...

of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding the bill q          whe received for services on her refrigerator. 
As clarification, during a routine audit we discovered that there were checks that were accepted in the field as payment for services rendered, like the one for Mr. [redacted] s service order, and we could not confirm that these checks were ever deposited. As such, our billing department sent out notices asking for those customers that paid via check for these specific service orders to send us proof that the check was deposited; for instance a copy of the canceled check or a document showing the front and back of a canceled check. Unfortunately, just the receipt was not enough as it only showed what was collected and not what was deposited. It did not provide verification that the payment was actually deducted from a bank account. If Mr. [redacted] can send me that documentation, I will ensure that our billing department notes the account was paid in full. In the interim, since we have explained why documentation is needed, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Team Manager, Regulatory Complaints

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Address: 7816 Cooper Avenue, Glendale, New York, United States, 11385


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