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Sears Holdings Corporation

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Sears Holdings Corporation Reviews (5890) response by Sears seems well though out and reasonable. However, the underlying issue is:
   Why was Sears customer service unable to provide any information - or take the initiative to obtain the information?
   Why did Sears corporate, contacted as requested on thee web site prior to filing a complaint, fail to respond?
The response is OK. Sears' RESPONSIVENESS is certainly unacceptable.

I purchased a [redacted] Refrigerator and the master protection agreement back in January 2013. Today my refrigerator completely stopped working all my food has spoiled. I called sears to get a technician to come out they can't get anyone out until Wednesday which is five days away. I explained to them I have small children what am I supposed to do until then. They told me to file a claim. I paid $500 for this master protection agreement.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I again state that Sears did not uphold their side of the "Sears Guarantee". The simple fact is that my carpets were never cleaned.  I paid for cleaning service that never took place.  The employees barely went over the carpets and either didn't do any actual work or did very low quality work.  When I inquired about the Sears guarantee, I was only advised that the guarantee would get me my money back if I was unsatisfied with the work because that's what I was told.  Sears employees and management have been abusive, rude, and unprofessional during this entire process.  And again I state, the should take action against Sears rating if they are seriously in business to protect the consumer.   Even employees in the local office admitted what happened to me happens to a lot of people.  The clearest sign that Sears locally and in their resolution office didn't take the matter seriously is that they didn't call me.   I say to the, do you consider this a valid action and response if the people who claimed to have done an investigation NEVER called me.  They are attempting to sweep this under the rug and write me off as just another upset customer.   
I would have accepted many different resolutions.   A gift card for reimbursement of what I paid, a sincere apology, a promise to retrain and counsel employees about the way I was treated.  But again, no effort was made by Sears Corporation at any point to rectify this matter other than talking to the manager of the office who was not present at the cleaning and who himself refused to take my calls.  
All I am asking for is for Sears to take this matter seriously.   I am but one lost customer, but rather than taking this matter seriously, I fall into the stack of the other thousands of unsatisfied complaintanta on review sites and on the site.

I purchased a refrigerator from I did my research, contacted the store it was being sold in, obtained photos, spoke with the manager etc. in February of 2015. I was assured that this [redacted] cuft refridgerator was a FLOOR MODEL and had some scratches and dents. The scrathes and dents located on the sides did not matter to me because it would be hidden by my cupboards. This summer we realized that the ice maker was no longer working, with a busy summer schedule we did not call it in right away for service under the warranty. We had plenty of space for ice in our new large freezer. Early October we noticed that the freezer was not keeping the food frozen. I called Sears for repair ASAP (that night). I had to toss out a lot of the food on the top layer of the freezer. The sears rep told me she was ordering parts to be sent to my house based on what I had told her. She set me up with a sears repairman for October 23, 2015 (over a week later). The repairman showed up (almost 2 hours past his four hour time frame). He took a look at everything and told me that I needed to empty the entire freezer. As I was doing so, I noticed that probably about 75% of my food in the freezer had thawed...needless to say I had a huge mess because I buy in bulk and there was a lot of meat, etc in there. After he looked at it closer, he said that the fridge was sloppily refurbished, which was NEVER disclosed to me. He said there was a leak in the sealed system, the compressor needed replacing, conditioning line was corroded, etc. He told me he was very surprised the refrigerator part was holding temp. He was very honest with me, which I appreciated. He said there was nothing he could do at that point because he needed additional parts ordered. Before he left he ordered the parts and scheduled a visit for November 6th. He told me to unplug the unit the night before to allow the blocks of ice to thaw out. He also told me to contact Sears in the interim to see if they would be willing to bypass the extra steps and just replace my fridge since the unit "NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE FLOOR IN THE FIRST PLACE" I did do that and after countless hours, countless reps who could have cared less about my problem with the fridge and the lost food, I got nowhere, I decided to wait for November 6th. I started to notice the fridge was no longer keeping temp and fresh food just purchased molded within days or wilted etc. I unloaded the entire refridgerator on November 5th waiting for the tech's arrival on November 6th. He showed up (same guy) and after a few hours deemed the entire unit non repairable. He said that he reported his findings to his boss and they would turn it over to Sears (apparently they are contracted through Sears) and I should hear something within 5-7 days.... I received an email shortly thereafter telling me that I was approved for a REPLACEMENT and to call the store where purchased. I did do that and was told they couldn't help me and to call the manufactorer. I called Kenmore, same story, not their problem. I called Sears customer service again and spoke with numerous people. I was told that I only had a 30 days warranty, I was told they would give me $900 towards a new unit (I still owe over $1200 on it), I was told at one point they could just replace it, I was told they could not do anything for me, I asked to speak with a supervisor and conveniently the supervisor was always on another call and would get back with me in 24 hours...never happened, etc. Every single person I talked to told me to call this number or that number because it was beyond their area. At this point I had already created a claim and had a case number. I called customer solutions and was told I would hear back from somebody within 24-48 hours. I did not hear form anybody. I received an email survey. I filled it out with every single detail and asked somebody to contact me back...never heard back from anybody.
Finally on Friday, November 13th I called customer solutions yet again and spoke with a rep who began to tell me this was not in her area...after she spoke with me a bit more she wanted to help me she said. She called the outlet office and they told her "they couldn't help me" she contacted the outlet store where I made my purchase and she told me "the manager was so rude and refused to help" She said she was hitting brick wall after brick wall and understood my frustration. After 58 minutes on the phone with her she said she would be emailing the District Manager of the area where the purchase was made and he would call me within 24 hours. He never called. She told me no matter what she would contact me on Monday, November 16th in the afternoon so she could help me get this resolved. This was the first time I felt confident in somebody from Sears caring about this issue and the problems I have been going through for over a month with no refrigerator and a family of five. Monday came and went, no phone call from her. I just called again and spoke with a different rep because the one I talked to on Friday left no notations in my file about what had occurred. I was told that I could go to a Sears store and I would have something similar to a store credit. They would not send me a replacement or something comparable because if it was over the approval amount, I was responsible for it. This has been honestly the absolute worst experience I have had with a retail store. I have made all of my appliance, riding mower, etc purchases through Sears for years. I have never been treated so poorly and gone through so many reps who just could not help or tell me who could help me. Meanwhile I am stuck with a $1200 bill, a broken refrigerator and over $500 lost in food (which Sears will not consider replacing because I did not purchase an extended warranty for $800) no answers. I am beyond furious and will never ever use Sears again nor will any of my family who also happens to make all major appliance purchases through Sears.

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]
class="InsideAddress">  Dear [redacted]   We have completed our investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding her Sears Appliance Warranty.   Our records show that we repaired Ms. [redacted] washer on August 8, 2016. Our service technician found a loose wire to the motor. Per her service warranty and as Ms. [redacted] was informed when she signed up for the Appliance warranty she may cancel her warranty at any time but she would be responsible for the first service at the retail cost:                                 “Your Sears Home Warranty program is for a term of one year. It has a $50,000 limit per contract year and includes a $60 trade service fee per claim. Your first service call today will be covered up to $500 maximum for repair or replacement. Other than this first service call, your warranty coverage and program benefits under the plan begin 30 days from today. Please note that if you cancel before the expiration of the first year, you will be charged the regular retail price of the initial service call at the time you cancel. There are some common exclusions such as expendable items like filters, cosmetic parts, and damages due to causes beyond our control, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, or repairs resulting from abuse or accidental damage.”   Although we do try to meet our customers request for service dates and times, there is always the possibility that we are unable to meet those needs. We apologize for any delay in the service. Since we have repaired Ms. [redacted] washer and addressed her request we have closed our case.   We apologize to Ms. [redacted] on behalf of Sears Holdings Corporation and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,   [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

December 21, 2015   Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL ...

60611   Re:  # 10980126–Amy [redacted]       Dear Ms. [redacted]:   We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint concerning a recent order.     According to our records, Ms. [redacted] placed a second order on December 7, 2015 for the drill bits and she was given free shipping automatically. We want to apologize to Ms. [redacted] as this should not have been so difficult to resolve. Since it appears that Ms. [redacted] has received the resolution that she had requested, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed.    We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, Tammie [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted] Tammie.[redacted]

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611

align="left">    Re: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding Sears Home Services and repairs to her refrigerator. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] received their new Kenmore refrigerator on Thursday, February 11, 2016. I spoke with Mr. [redacted] while the team was delivering the refrigerator and he informed me that the delivery was close to being completed. Both Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] have my contact information and if needed, they can contact me if they have any additional concerns. Since we have replaced Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] refrigerator, we ask that this complaint be closed. We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Claims Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the response since the refrigerator was not fully fixed. A temporary fix was applied which (as per the 1st technician) could fail at any time. The fact is that the 2nd technician did see evidence of a leak. And his assesment was that parts were needed to fully fix the issue. He must have initiated the order otherwise why did I received a mail asking for my confirmation of parts received. I am attaching a copy. Also, why could no one track "Service Order Number: 000836842321146".
The third technician, who was very brusque did not want to confirm any leak. He begrudgingly checked my fridge for leaks after multiple requests on my part. His assessment was automatic, so it is hard to believe in his honesty.
I agree that it was running at the time, but I am concerned that this temporary fix will fail in the near future. My family as well as other relatives have had Kenmore refrigerators that have lasted a minimum of ten years (some as many as 20 years). I can't accept that Kenmore quality has dimished to a five year period. I should have the piece of mind that my refrigerator should last at least for another 5 years. (SearsPartsConfirmationRequest.png)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  Finally, after 5 months I think we can end this.  The final touch was on Monday around 4:30 pm.  At this point I don't think there is anything else to do.  I was very disappointed that Sears didn't offer me some simple compensation for my inconveniences, time and aggravation with calling people over and over again for 5 months.
The representative that sold me the job wrote on her envelope that 30 days past completion of the job they would send me a Sears Gift Card in the amount of $53.00.  I mentioned this to Ms. [redacted] and she said she didn't know anything about this.  So, here we go again.
As far as the $53 Gift Card, that was promised the day of the contract which I believe was 5/23/16.  This is nothing extra - this was promised.  I just thought something maybe a little larger would at least make it worth my wild since this was a nightmare from hell.  If they would have did it correctly the first time, I wouldn't have even called the  I really think they need to check out their sub-contractors before sending them on a job.  Finally, the last gentleman knew exactly what he was doing.  He had to rip everything out and start over.
Kimberly [redacted]

February 10, 2016   [redacted]
12pt;"> 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his dryer.   First, we would like to apologize to Mr. [redacted] for any inconvenience and frustration he may have experienced with Sears Home Services.  On February 10, 2016, the technician determined that Mr. [redacted] dryer should be replaced under his Service Smart Agreement (SSA).  Per the terms of the SSA, the maximum allowable amount towards a replacement is $500.00, which is what has been authorized for Mr. [redacted] (under [redacted].  He is welcome to go to his local Sears to reselect; any Sears Blue Crew associate in the Appliance department can assist him.  Mr. [redacted] will need to provide the telephone number on record, [redacted], to verify the replacement authorization.  The new dryer will be delivered at no charge and the old unit removed.   With that said, since an equitable resolution is being provided for Mr. [redacted], that is commensurate to the terms of his SSA, we ask that this matter be closed.   Again, we apologize to Mr. [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.    Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

October 26, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
We have completed the investigation o[redacted] complaint regarding his inability to...

purchase a weed wacker on our website due to unavailability for this product in his area.
As clarification, our website sells items for all of our 50 states and items might be shown on our website that are in stock in one state that are not in stock in another state. This is because most large items that we sell ship out of regional warehouses. Once that region is out of stock on an item, it is not available in that area. While we sometimes do large-scale transfers between warehouses when needed, we are not able to transfer merchandise out to fulfill a sale on an individual basis. Additionally, our call agents do not have the capability to search via all existing zip codes to determine what areas might still have the item available. Once all warehouses have depleted their stock then we do have a team behind the scenes that removes the item from our website.
While we can understand [redacted] frustration, at this time the reality remains that the item he was interested in was not available in his regional area. It seems that weed wacker was on clearance at the local stores in his area due to excess inventory on hand and it was possible to order it online, but the quantities would have been limited to what was on hand at his local store. Availibility and pricing would have been established once [redacted] put his zip code in. Once those quantities were depleted, the price would have been the regular selling price. Even if there were some sort of pricing error, we would not have been obligated to honor it per our disclaimer, which is listed below and which he agreed to by using the site.
As illustrated above, we are not required to provide [redacted] with the weed wacker for the price he noted according to our Terms of Service. However, we would be willing to discount the purchase of the weed wacker purchased from Sears by 15% as a courtesy. [redacted] may contact me via email if he wishes to accept.
In closure, we apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

September 11, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the...

installation of her purchased appliance.
Due to the nature of [redacted] complaint, we contacted her on September 11, 2015 and were able to confirm that her purchased appliance has been installed as requested. If [redacted] has any questions or concerns, she may contact me directly at [redacted] Since were able to confirm with [redacted] that her purchased appliance was installed, we have closed our files.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation/SHC

October 26, 2016
0in 0pt" class="InsideAddressName">Nita [redacted]
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL  60611
Re:  #11777562 – Willie [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint regarding his dissatisfaction with the multiple repair attempts on his air compressor.
We have reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s service history and can understand why he was frustrated with his experience.  Unfortunately, we do have times where the repair that was completed does not resolve all of the issues that might have been present.  This is usually not discovered until the customer has a chance to let the item run for awhile.  Regrettably, we do have to balance the amount of time spent at one location versus the other customers who have also been scheduled for service and this means that it is not always possible for our technicians to spend an extended amount of time at one location.  We understand that this can be frustrating when a customer has a situation like Mr. [redacted], and we are pursuing solutions that will provide better options for our customers when these issues occur.  We would like to note that Mr. [redacted]’s air compressor was purchased on 12/19/13 and is currently covered under a Master Protection Agreement (MPA).  Under the terms of the MPA, the unit can be replaced if the costs of the repair are uneconomical, if the parts needed for repair are no longer available, or if the unit has had 4 functional failures within a calendar year.  In Mr. [redacted]’s case, he has had repair on 7/18/16 where the pump assembly was repaired as well as 10/06/16 where several parts were replaced.  Repair was scheduled for 10/20/16 but was cancelled as Mr. [redacted] refused repair.  Unfortunately, the air compressor is not eligible for a replacement as it does not qualify under one of the above mentioned reasons.  That being said, Mr. [redacted] will need to continue with repair under the terms of its MPA.  That being said, because we have addressed Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, we respectfully request this complaint be closed.
We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Erica [redacted]
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

Called Sears today 11/17/15 and was told they only gave me a three year labor contract on my kitchen cabinet work which was done on 4/23/10. If I need them to come out to make any repairs or replacements, I would have to pay $100 for them just coming to my home and pay additional work performed. This was an approximate $14,000.00 job and should at least have lifetime warranty on either labor/replacement parts!

September 20, 2016
Steven W [redacted]
1881 Manzana Way
San Diego, CA 92139
Our File No: [redacted] Case #: [redacted]
Via: 1st Class mail
Via email: [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted],
This letter serves to confirm...

that Sears Home Improvement Product (SHIP) has been unsuccessful in our attempts to contact you via phone and email in regards to your complaint. In reviewing your file I see that on August 20, 2016, a service was completed by our service technician and the HVAC unit left in working condition. Additionally, the technician discovered that the filter was replaced because it was plugged due to it had not been changed as required to keep the unit working properly.
At this time, I am closing my file until we hear from you. Please know that we value you as a customer and apologize for any frustrations or inconveniences you might have experienced while we were able to service the unit. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at [redacted] or via email at [redacted].[redacted]
SHIP/HI Regulatory Complaint Specialist
cc: Nita [redacted] /

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/28) */
July 28, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: #[redacted]
Dear Ms.[redacted]
We have been unable to complete the investigation of Mrs. [redacted]...

complaint regarding his elliptical machine.
We are currently researching Mr. [redacted] issue and we will respond to him via email shortly.
We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Direct Line XXX-XXX-XXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/07/29) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Because they have not resolved the issue!!
Final Business Response /* (4000, 13, 2015/08/25) */
August 24, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL XXXXX
Re: [redacted]

Dear Ms.[redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] rebuttal.
We apologize for the delay. I tis our understanding that Mr. [redacted] was provided with the part needed for the elliptical machine. In light of the aforementioned information, we respectfully ask that this matter remain closed.

Again, we apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation

I was reluctant to buy from Sears given the negative press about the down fall of Sears since its hey day with its catalog. However, my 80 year old mother remembers Sears fondly from when she re-did her kitchen 11 years ago. She is in need of a washer/dryer so I reluctantly agreed to purchase one from Sears.

I purchased the washer/dryer on Saturday, August 15, 2015, through a phone rep. I purchased the installation for $250. The advertised price for the washer/dryer was misleading as the phone rep said there were required parts I had to purchase which added almost an additional $100 to the price of the washer/dryer.

I was told installation could occur any day on or after 8/19. I chose 8/21. The phone rep said I would receive a call the night of 8/20 confirming the timing of the installation on 8/21.

On 8/20, my mother had her washer/dryer disconnected in preparation for the installation on 8/21. At 6pm on 8/20 when I had not heard form Sears, I placed a call to Sears and spent the next 90 MINUTES on the phone trying to get answers of which there were NONE. I was told to call 5 different Sears 800 numbers - at one point given an 800 number I had already called.

Finally, I found one customer service rep who could work on my order. She explained Sears had outsourced my installation to NE Electric and I would need to call them directly. I explained that I had no relationship with NE Electric since I purchased everything, including the installation, from Sears and Sears needs to follow this through to completion. The sales rep said she would send an email to NE Electric but that could take up to 24 hours for a response - coming well after the scheduled installation date. She again said I would need to call them directly. I asked to speak with a supervisor but was told there were so many complaints that all supervisors were tied up working on other issues. She said I would receive a call from a supervisor within 2-3 hours. I left multiple messages for NE Electric. I never heard from them and never received a call from a supervisor.

I called Sears again this morning (8/21). I spent another 30 MINUTES on the phone with a supervisor who had no answers. She said she could send another email to the installation company but a response could take 48 hours (some how the response time had now doubled). She said I should keep calling NE Electric but there would be no follow up from Sears unless I called back to inquire. The problem was now and always had been mine. My mother was left without her washer/dryer which was now disconnected and we were left without our purchase or any sign of an installation - even though it was all paid for in full. When I asked to speak to the supervisor's boss, she said I couldn't, there was no one above her to speak with, and that all she could do was try NE Electric again tomorrow. I insisted she call me back by the end of the day with an update which she agreed to do. By now you know my next line...I never heard back.

I went online with Lowe's and found the comparable washer/dryer. I ordered it within minutes. Within one hour I heard from Lowe's installation department. Delivery and installation will happen in 48 hours. ALL THIS GREAT SERVICE FROM LOWE'S FOR LESS THAN WHAT I PAID FOR AT SEARS.

When I called Sears to cancel my order, I was told I needed to call yet a different office (I have lost track of how many SEARS 800 numbers I have had to call). When I finally got through, they told me my order had already been cancelled. HUH???

Seriously - you can't make this stuff up...

They said that the installation company didn't have a truck big enough for a washer/dryer so Sears cancelled my order WITHOUT EVER NOTIFYING ME. They said I would need to re-order as a home delivery and then an installer would come to install - but this didn't answer how they would haul away my old machine which I had paid for and obviously needed. Unbelievably, I would never have known that my order had been cancelled had I not call to cancel my order.

The number of issues that went wrong with Sears is so far beyond the minimum standard of what is acceptable today. There is no internal Sears system in place to follow up on an order, no system in place to follow through order to make sure it is completed, no system in place to contact customers when an order has a problem, there is no system in place to contact a customer when an order is cancelled, etc. All these facts confirmed by the Sears customer services reps with whom I spoke.

These are such easy fixes given today's technology it is embarrassing for Edward [redacted] and his team. I was on Wall Street for 15 years and CEO of two companies. I know how easy these fixes are - you just need someone who cares to do so.

On a positive note, I am very impressed with Lowe's.

Contact Name and Title: Eligia [redacted] Contact Phone: [redacted] October 5, 2015Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL 60611Re: 94570106 - Claire [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted]'s complaint regarding her recent online order.It is unfortunate that we failed Ms. [redacted]'s expectations as we value her patronage. We can understand how the series of events detailed in her complaint has caused her to lose faith in Sears. We regret that this incident occurred, and we can assure that her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted. After contacting Sears' Detail Control Center, they were able to process a refund of $568.44 back to her account ending in 7192 on September 30, 2015. For Ms. [redacted]'s records the refund receipt number is 084138502524. We truly regret any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] may have experienced. Ms. [redacted] can expect to show the refund post to her account within 3 to 5 business days from that date. In the interim, we have noted Ms. [redacted]'s concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed. We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, Eligia [redacted]Regulatory Complaint SpecialistSears Holdings Corporation

Contact Name and Title: MELISSA [redacted]
October 21, 2015
Nita [redacted]
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: Robin [redacted] - # 94574447
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We have completed our investigation Ms. [redacted] rebuttal to our previous response.
The authorization of $999.99 is simply a credit towards a new refrigerator from Sears and any unused amount is not able to be provided to Ms. [redacted]. Therefore, we suggest that Ms. [redacted] utilize the full value of the credit towards the purchase of a new refrigerator from Sears. As clarification, there is no provision in Ms. [redacted] Master Protection Agreement (MPA) that provides for a refund of unused authorized funds. Furthermore, Ms. [redacted] was already sent a check for $250.00 food loss on October 3, 2015, which is the maximum amount she is permitted in a 12 month period. Since we have documented Ms. [redacted]s additional concerns and explained why we are unable to honor her request, we ask that this matter remain closed.
Again, we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.
Melissa [redacted]
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

August 12, 2016
Nita Virghes
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL ...

Re:  #[redacted]–Theresa M. [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding the installation of her water heater.     
We have spoken with K5, the company that performed the installation in question and they have been trying to reach Ms. [redacted] unsuccessfully. We ask that Ms. [redacted] contact K5 to discuss the matter and work towards a resolution if needed.  K5 may be reached during normal business shours at ([redacted]) [redacted]. In light of the aforementioned information, we respectfully ask that this matter remain closed.
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Tammie [redacted]
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation
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Address: 7816 Cooper Avenue, Glendale, New York, United States, 11385


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