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Respond Power

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Reviews Respond Power

Respond Power Reviews (875)

Review: On July, **, 2013, a sales rep from Respond Power knocked on my door to pitch me about switching my electricity generation over the Respond, from PP&L. I had actually been thinking about shopping around, so I heard her out. The sales rep's name is [redacted], and according to the contract, her phone number is ###-###-####. While I didn't look at all the fine print on the back of the contract, I did ask many, many questions, because I am VERY meticulous when it comes to anything monetary. PP&L was charging .0875 for electricity generation and transmission. [redacted] told me that Respond Power's price was .0699 and would never go any higher than that. After questioning, she stated that it would NEVER go higher than that, unless we (my wife and I) changed residence, at which time our contract becomes void. I asked her if it is fixed at .0699, then why does the contract read "variable". She stated that it only says "variable" because if for some reason PP&L's price to compare ever went lower than what I was paying with Respond, then Respond would lower my rate to be under PP&L's. While she said it is very unlikely PP&L would ever go lower than their .0699, there was a chance, hence the reason for the "variable" rate. She explicitly told me numerous times that Respond's rate would never go over .0699 as long as I live in my home, and would NEVER be higher than PP&L in the event PP&L's rate lowered for some reason. I thought it was too good to be true, so trust me, I questioned her for a total of about 40 minutes until I received all the answers I wanted. I was not even aware that it was legal to blatantly lie to me like that. I don't know if this is standard business practice for the organization, or if the sales person ([redacted]) was unknowledgable and decided to just tell me what I wanted to hear, or if she simply was going rogue on her own for a commission, but needless to say, it is very upsetting to see that this happens in the world. I received a total of four bills (so far) with having Respond Power as my generator of electricity. The first bill (Sept, 2013) they charged the promised .0699. The next month they charged .1014, the next month it was .10999 and this last bill I received was .12612, which is clearly approaching double what I was verbally promised. Unfortunately, while I noticed the increasing electrictiy bill, I didn't put 2 and 2 together until this last bill, when I noticed that I used 20% LESS energy than the same month previous year, yet my bill was $30 MORE than what I paid last year using PP&L's supplier. So far, I have paid roughly $70 more in the last three months than I would have had I not switched to the "cheaper" Respond Power. I called Respond today to cancel my service from them. The person I talked to (can't recall her name) asked me why I was doing so, as is standard procedure, and I replied simply "the sales person lied to me". Her response was "Okay, what is the account number?" and we went right into the cancellation process. That's it. No remorse, no further questions, not even a hint of surprise in her voice, as if this is common for her to hear. After we did the cancellation, she then told me that it would take 1-2 billing cycles for it to be processed. I asked why so long, and she stated that they don't change generation providers in the middle of a cycle. So I replied "then you mean this is the last cycle, NOT 1-2 cycles", and she said probably. I then called PP&L to see if there was anything they could do to ensure this is the last cycle that I am billed from Respond, and they said that my meter is not due to be read again for three weeks, so it should be the last cycle, but it is out of thier hands, pending notification from Respond Power of the cancellation.Desired Settlement: I would like this matter resolved in this billing cycle. This next bill needs to be the last I am paying to Respond Power. I would also like to be credited the difference between what I paid and what I was promised I would be paying for the last three months bills. This amounts to $15.65 for Sept, $24.90 for Oct, and $40.15 for Nov, for a total of $80.70. This figure is calculated by subtracting what I should have paid (.0699 per kWh) from what I actually paid. Also, this last bill for the current month should be charged at .0699 instead of whatever inflated number will be on it, and I would like that $80.70 to be either credited to the forthcoming bill or refunded as a check or Visa gift card. After this is done I can simply write this off as a bad mistake on my part for assuming that a sales person was legally obligated to answer my meticulous questions truthfully before allowing me to sign a contract.



We would like to apologize to the customer for any misunderstanding he may have had regarding the contract he agreed to.




Good Morning,

We apologize that the customer has experienced rate increases recently. The customer was enrolled in a variable plan, meaning her rates would be determined by the energy market. Please see the article below for more information on why rates have risen. We have now cancelled your account. Please note that while we forward cancellation requests to your utility within 24 hours, it typically takes the utility one to two billing cycles to process those requests. We are sorry to lose you as a customer.


Why Have Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility

It has

been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been

expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of

whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier,

customers have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of

the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Why did

prices rise?


put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas

pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating

purposes, but to create electricity.

There is

ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.

What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and

infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high

and capacity is constrained, costs increase.


winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and

electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines

and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies

on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where

it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the

business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a

highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural

gas pipeline system and the electric grid.


while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,

electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce

affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting

further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At

the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,

preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an

efficient manner.


known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get

gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and

this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive

energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when

purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,

tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.

As the

winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy

to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the

nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and

utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for

some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery

systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural

gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under

construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the


In the

meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.

Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure

doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the

water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.

Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a

variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review

their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their

supplier if they have any questions.

Customers interested in price stability can also investigate

fixed price options that many suppliers offer.

Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate

their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer

can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying

utility bills.

Customers should visit their

state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.

For a list of shopping websites,[redacted]

Review: A sale representative for Respond Power came to my door several evenings in a row and even thought was told that I was not interested, he kept insisting that he could offer me a better plan if he could just see one of my bill, I finally gave in ( I am 24 year-old , 100 LBS woman and live alone in my first rental home and was intimidated). He looked at my last bill and guaranteed me my rate would be lower. He never explained that the it would be a variable rate. My bills have doubled and now almost tripled. I live alone in a small row house but last month my bill soared to $354.79 ( and heat is gas not electric !!). I am currently out of work and unable to face this kind of expenses. When I tried to contact Respond Power , I was always put on hold and/or phone would disconnect. I have contacted [redacted] and switched company as of 4/*/2014. On my last bill Respond Power charges: $0.2499014/KWH, [redacted] is $0.0785Desired Settlement: I feel that since I was promised a better rate, my bills should be reviewed and I should be reimbursed of the difference between Respond Power rates and [redacted] rates. This has put a great stress on my financial situation and, basically, emptied my bank account over the last few months...



Good Afternoon,

According to the complaint, the

customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market. This is confirmed by the attached sales agreement. We never guarantee savings. In light of the customer's comments, we will be examining the procedures of the independent partner vendors that solicit sales for our company.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February ** press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price



In addition please see this informative article.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

* The sales person DID NOT disclose the fact that it will be a variable rate and pressured me into signing the contract.

* The increases in rate that Respond Power applies to their customers' accounts do not reflect the other electric suppliers companies in the tri-state area.

* I am not satisfied with the outcome and I am planning on contacting the PA Public Utility Commission.

Thank you


In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.





Good Morning,

We are sorry the customer remains unhappy. We again refer the customer to his signed sales agreement where a variable rate is clearly indicated.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Even thought I accept the fact that it was my responsibility to read the entire agreement before signing it, I do not remember seeing the Variable rate box checked and I do feel that the salesperson 's ways were unethical. The rates shown by the company are not in line with what is charged in my area and I will contact the PUC. Thank you


In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.



Review: My father was approached in his front yard while he was raking the yard with a high pressure sales, offering much lower charges for electricity and also offering free medical prescriptions if he signed up. He was told that the rate would be below his current pricing and would remain below. The price started approximately .07 cents per kilowatt and has increased every month--to the current rate of .25 cents. He uses over 500KW each month---his bill this month and the past 3 months have been $90 more each month than if he would have remained with his other company. He has paid an excess of $700 more than he was told he would have to pay. One cannot get in touch with the company, each day I wait over 40 minutes on hold and no one answers. They do not respond to emails. The free prescriptions were bogus, and he could not use them. He is 82 years old and a trusting man. These people are prayingon elderly people. We have switched carriers, which will go into effect next month. I would like respond energy to pay my father at least $500 for their lies and empty promises.Desired Settlement: Refund check of $500



Good Afternoon,

According to the complaint, the

customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February ** press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in [redacted].

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price





I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I am rejecting this response. My father was scammed into agreeing to the variable rate. He was promised the rate would always be competitive with [redacted]’s rate. This was untrue after the second month into the cycle. He was also convinced and given 2 cards for “free” drug prescriptions which were not valid. Had I realized this scam earlier, I would have cancelled the account earlier, however I live in another state and do not get to his home as often as I would like. I would like him to receive some type of refund directly from Respond Power as they should be embarrassed and shut down for their preying and lying to elderly persons. I switched energy supply companies 2/**/14 unflortunately it takes 2 months to take effect, which means he paid over .10 cents more than [redacted] rates for the first month and .18 cents more per kilowatt this month. His average use is about 525 KW so he paid at least $140 extra the past 2 months waiting to switch. Again, I feel this is criminal to scam and persuade elderly folks in this manner. My father is a very trusting man, unfortunately---if is harmful when you are trusting very dishonest people, such as those soliciting for Respond Power.




Good Morning,

According to the complaint, the

customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February 14 press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price





I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

This has not been resolved due to the fact Total Respond Power has not contacted me with any information on this matter. I have a case open with the PUC and this is not resolved. No one from Total Respond Power will return any calls or emails to attempt to resolve this matter. I am still waiting on the PUC to enforce some kind of relief of this outrageous over charge of electric.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Good Afternoon,

We will resolve this issue through the PUC.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved

I would like to know what the outcome is with the PUC when you do finally resolve this with them. I do not want Total Respond Power to walk away with no resolution. They TRP will not respond and you and the Federal Trade Commission and the Public Utility Commission are the only ones that did respond to this issue. Thank you for your time and please keep me informed of this outcome.


In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: I am the sole owner of my home as well as the only person on my electric account. Due to the door to door selling by Respond Power changes would made to my account without my authorization and also their price gauging to say the least which has now made me financially responsible for $2500 in electric bills. I would like respond power to charge me per kilowatt what [redacted] would have charged me for Dec 2013, Jan, Feb, March of 2014 since [redacted] is the only company I authorized to do business with. I tried reaching them several times being on HOLD for FOREVER then getting put in a voicemail and never getting a response. I have been financially and mentally anguished for almost a year for something I would have never signed to begin with. I may have to move out of my home with my children because we may not have electric soon I do not have money to pay for outrageously priced electric , one bill was over $900 and I have a 1400 square foot home with no one who is home during the day from 7-3, Respond Power is scammers doing unethical door to door sales and harming people and the company should be shut down immediately and fined for these actions. I am sure I am not the only one since all call were going to voicemail.Desired Settlement: I would like them or I can even find out the charge per kilowatt from [redacted] for those months if not longer and adjust my bill according to that since I am the only authorized person on the account agreed to pay [redacted] rates NOT Respond Power and to STOP with the unethical sales tatics and learn to only deal with the person or persons listed on the account which is fair since that's the person who has to pay the bill anything else to me is illegal.



We apologize for any inconvenience the customer experienced. Unfortunately, the energy market performed very poorly this past winter due to decreases in energy supply and increases in demand due to the cold weather. While suppliers like [redacted]/Respond Power base the rate on a daily rolling average and hedging, most utilities purchase energy in massive block and adjust quarterly or semi-annually. Because of that, sometimes suppliers find themselves with higher rates than utilities. Eventually trends reverse and utilities are forced to adjust their rates to make up for losses due to underpriced supply sold to customers during high markets.

Customer has already submitted a dispute to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which regulates energy supply companies like [redacted]. Following an investigation, it was determined by the PUC that the customer was validly enrolled and was billed in accordance with the terms and condition. Therefore, no refund is warranted and none will be issued. Customer's account has been cancelled since March/2014.



An investigator with the PUC rendered a decision on July **, 2014. The PUC has the authority to determine if a customer was improperly enrolled and can require specific action on the company's part in that circumstance. The investigator dismissed the case brought by the customer and determined that the customer had agreed to enroll with our company at a variable rate. If the customer wishes to dispute this finding, customer should contact the PUC again to determine what steps may be taken.

As such, no refund or adjustment will be given.

Review: I would like my billing to back To Penelec. I am not happy with the service. My bills are double what they were before I joined. I was told it would save me money and it hasn't I have not had a bill under $400.00. I would like it be stop ASAP. I have tried several times to contact the office, but there is always a long wait and I'm tired of trying to reach ur company by phone. So I would like to back to billing thru Penelec IMMEDIATELY. I refuse to have any more bills thru your company.Desired Settlement: To have my billing stopped thru ur company. I'd rather have my old billing company, Penelec. There rates were a lot cheaper than ur company.



Review: 2 men dressed as repairmen rang my doorbell and when I answered they told me they were there to check my gas meter since it had be giving false readings and I was being charged twice what I should be charged. They went on to tell me that they were sent there to repair the meter and make sure the proper adjustments were made to my bill. They then asked to see a copy of my gas bill as well as a copy of my electric bill. One of the "repairmen" then took out a cell phone and said he had to call his supervisor to verify that he was at the correct address and the work to be done there. Coincidentally he told me that his cell phone battery was dead and asked if he could use my phone. I said it was inside the house and turned to go inside. He wanted to go with me to use my phone. I told him to just wait outside, but he started following me anyway. I went inside and got my cell phone and came back out. He then called his "supervisor" and that's when I noticed that he had filled out a form with information concerning my gas and electric service. While he made the call, he told me to sign the form authorizing him to do the work he was sent there to do. I signed the form, but noticed that the heading on the form had nothing to do with my gas or electric company and that's when I saw the words "sales agreement" at the top of the form.

I told him I did not want anything he was selling and that I wanted the form from him. He gave me a copy of the form and my phone to talk to his supervisor who then wanted me to confirm that I was agreeing to the repair work these guys were sent there to do.

As they were leaving I saw 4-5 other men, dressed the same way coming from different directions. They all got into a hunter green minivan and sped off. At that point I contacted the local police to file a complaint. I was told that they hadn't secured a solicitation agreement from the borough and proceeded to try to find the minivan and the men.Desired Settlement: I want confirmation that this company(s) has not made any changes to my gas or electric service. I want never to be contacted again by this company or it's sister company Respond Power. I would also like a formal apology.



A sales agreement was signed, although none of the particulars (fixed rate, variable rate, etc.) was checked off on the agreement. As soon as I signed it I realized this had nothing to do with fixing my gas meter. I called the company's customer service department at 9:39 am on March [redacted] and cancelled the agreement. I am still concerned that the cancellation will not happen since the whole process was so shady to start with.



We have not enrolled your account and we are very sorry for your experience. Please send us your version of the application so we can compare it to the application we receive from the contracted marketer in order to improve our quality control.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: Company solicited my business from my current power supplier offer to lower my bill, when my bill came in it was a 165% increase in power supply charge. Have tried to call and contact them three times and cannot get through to them, when you call and are put on hold 20+ min for customer service, you then are asked to leave a message and someone will contact you back in 24hrs, that's a lie. I have not been called back yet and it has been three days.... The only reason I changed my power supplier to them is because I was promised they could beat the rate for power that I was paying West Penn Power, that rate was .056430 per KWH, after receiving my first billing statement "Respond Power" increased my rate to .149898 a 165%! No body in a right mind would agree to that..... Please help.Desired Settlement: I want what I was promised, a lower power supply rate, if not than why should I have to pay them more, I will be willing to pay what I was paying through West Penn Power which is .056430 X 2,160KWH = $121.889, not .149898 x 2,160KWH = $323.78!!!!!!

Thank you



Review: Couple of weeks ago, I received a statements showing my electric bill was charged at $0.28966 kwh. This is apx 2.5 times more than the amount from prior month.

My wife tried to call Respond power immediately. It took several tries to get thru.

First time on 2/**in the morning. On hold for 25+ mins and still could not get a rep. (customer services hours are from 9-5, same as my work hours so I cant stay on phone all day.

Second time on 2/14 in the afternoon. Got thru after being on hold for 30 mins but the rep was having phone issues and could not hear me and got disconnected.

Third time on 2/**. Got a message stating there were billing errors and we would get a letter. Waited for the rep to confirm. Rep advised we would get a letter + updated statement in 3-4 days but could not tell me what the corrected billing amount should be.

Fourth time on 2/**. did not receive letter or statement so I called back. After being on hold for 20 mins Rep picked up and the phone disconnected.

Fifth time on 2/**. on hold for 20 mins got thru to rep. Rep advised the corrected rate should be $0.18 and we will receive a refund in 3-5 business days.

I am getting conflicting info on what needs to happen.

My ppl bill is due 2/**and now I am doing to get a late fee from PPL.Desired Settlement: 1) I need my bill corrected.

2) I need to be reimbursed for PPL late fee.

3) I need my respond power services to be cancelled immediately.



We would like to apologize to the customer for the issues they had reaching our call center. We have been receiving an extreme call volume which has adversely affected our response time with customers concerns. I do see that the customer spoke with Nancy on 2/**/14 and a refund check in the amount of $221.66 was processed. This check reflects a reduction in the rate to .1899. Market rates skyrocketed in January and millions of consumers in the US were adversely affected. A low fixed rate has also been applied to the account and we believe this matter is now closed.

Review: I have bin with this power company for a year now, and I have switched to them due to low rates advertised by one of the door-to-door sales representative, as of 3 month ago, the rate per KW have more then doubled from 7c per KW, to 19c per KW, which are astronomical prices. This had bin done without any kind of notifications what so ever, they just sent me the bill and that's all. my usual electrical bills that we approximately +/- $200 with PECO (my old company) is now $900.00 +, I can not afford such high rates and now for the past 2 month I supposedly owe then over $1500.00 in charges.

I have since called my local electrical company PECO, and switched back to them, but the switch will occur only at the start of next billing cycle, which means I will probably end up with another $1000.00 upcoming electrical bill.

Today for few hours I have tried contacting them at their main number: [redacted] aproximately 6 or 7 times, the sequence is that i'm automatically put on hold, and after 10 minutes of waiting system automatically tells me (you have requested a call back) although I did not request anything. Since then I have received 1 call back from the company from a female customer service named [redacted], she have asked me for my account information, and after confirming it she put me on hold and rerouted me back to ###-###-#### number where after 10 more minutes I was told that I will receive a call back later.

few more attempts were made after that to contact them from a different phone number as well, and no call backs or anything since.

all this communication attempt have bin done during business hours today friday February 28 2014 between 12:30PM-3:00PM

at this point I am very frustrated with all this since I will not be able to afford such rates, my next step for the next month will probably be to turn off my central heat unit that is also electrical, and try to survive a month in the cold.

any help would be greatly appreciated, please don't hesitate to call me any day any timeDesired Settlement: I would like to be able to pay the bills at a reasonable rate. If they are willing to lower the rate back to what I used to have for these last 3 months or atleast match PECO's rate, I will pay the bill. other wise I am financialy tied up.



Good Evening,

According to the complaint, the

customer states that he is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning his rate would be determined by the energy market.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February 14 press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price



In addition please see this informative article.

Why Have

Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility

It has

been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been

expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of

whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier, customers

have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of the

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Why did

prices rise?


put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas

pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating

purposes, but to create electricity.

There is

ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.

What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and

infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high

and capacity is constrained, costs increase.


winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and

electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines

and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies

on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where

it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the

business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a

highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural

gas pipeline system and the electric grid.


while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,

electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce

affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting

further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At

the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,

preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an

efficient manner.


known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get

gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and

this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive

energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when

purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,

tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.

As the

winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy

to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the

nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and

utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for

some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery

systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural

gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under

construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the


In the

meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.

Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure

doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the

water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.

Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a

variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review

their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their

supplier if they have any questions.

Customers interested in price stability can also investigate

fixed price options that many suppliers offer.

Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate

their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer

can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying

utility bills.

Customers should visit their

state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.

For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]

Review: My electric bill $345.46 this month, last month it was $256.60. I used considerably less electricity this past month. They said they are charging me a .034990 variable rate. I feel as this is an outrageous and over-priced charge for electricity. I feel as if it was a deceptive business practice. I would like a more appropriately priced/rate for electricity.Desired Settlement: an adjustment of $100



Good Evening,

According to the complaint, the

customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a 12 month fixed rate plan. After that 12 months, the account switched to a variable

rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February **press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

If you are interested in enrolling in another fixed rate plan, please contact customer service and they will be happy to assist you.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price





Good Evening,

As the customer has indicated, she has already spoken and corresponded with our customer service department. The account has already been cancelled, but it will take 1 - 2 billing cycles for the utility to process the switch. We will not be issuing a refund in this situation. We are sorry if the customer remains dissatisfied.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I think it is a disgrace that I could not lower or even find out what the second month rate would be for my account.


In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: We switched our electricity generation provider to Respond Power, LLC, with the promise of a new rate. We had been getting calls and mailings up to a year prior stating that our electricity bills would decrease and how great of a company they are. Based on this marketing, I went on and compared rates to other organizations. After I compared, I chose them (and they were not the cheapest) and ordered through their Web site.

The first month that generation came from Respond, all was good. The rate was the $0.0699 per KWH that we signed up for. Granted, we did sign up for a variable rate, but there was no indication given that a variable rate would be a big issue, and there was even promise that it could go down instead of up. We also ordered during the winter months and did not think that the current rate could increase that much, even if there was an issue, since it was winter already and the price should be reflective of the current rates.

However, just our 2nd month using Respond for generation, our per KWH rate has now gone up to $0.19990; effectively an increase of triple. There was also no notification that an increase of this much was going to happen. So, we got no warning, and the customer service rep I spoke with was very clear that they were not required to do so.

Our house only has electric heat, so we use more electricity than most during the winter due to needing to heat the whole house with baseboard heaters. So, an increase of triple, brought our generation costs up from $383 in January to $1228 in February.

The company's excuse is the country-wide "energy crisis," but I'm not buying it. Companies like this take risks in buying ahead of time and speculating on how much supply they'll need for customers. In their case, they did not speculate correctly and needed to purchase the power at a much higher rate at the last minute for themselves. Since, they are not really interested in helping their customers, they pass those increases on to their customers, not caring that the increases are criminal.

This organization made it very clear on the phone that they will do nothing to help in this case because I signed myself up for a variable rate. It is criminal what they have done and I'll be paying these ridiculous rates for the next 2 months while I wait for their 60 day grace period to switch to another generation company.

They get 2 months. We, as the customers, get zilch.Desired Settlement: 1. Reduce our current bill to a more reasonable amount.

2. Fix our current rates to a more reasonable amount. Respond's current fixed-rate is just $0.09. You can see it on Interestingly enough, they no longer advertise their variable rate on that site; only the fixed rate. Their customer service made it clear on the phone to me about that as well.

3. Keep our rates low for the next 60 days while we switch back to PPL for our electricity generation. So much for competition!

4. Do something about this style of price gouging. It should be required of businesses to send notifications of exactly what to expect for upcoming price increases and it is not the customers' fault that the business did not anticipate appropriately. In this case, they're based out of NY. There should be no excuse for not knowing how the winters are in the northeast and that electricity usage goes up during the winter months.



Review: I have outrageous charges from this company with a $400 electric bill. I live in a one bedroom apartment and my thermostat is not set past 64 and I was barely home during this past billing period. When I signed up for this the salesperson told me it was a fixed rate and when I called PPL about my charges they told me it is a variable rate. The salesperson also told me back in November when I signed up for this that I would be receiving a confirmation letter in the mail which I never did. She said I could cancel with that letter if I wanted to. Since I never received anything I forgot about signing up for this and figured nothing would happen. I have been trying to contact Respond Power for the past three days and have left several messages. No one has returned my call and I would like to cancel this as soon as possible in case they are charging me a ridiculous rate during this next billing period. I also looked this company up online and the website even says that they are a fixed rate. My bill clearly states that I have used a significant less amount of energy during this billing period, yet my bill is outrageous.Desired Settlement: Since I was made falsely aware of the rate I believe they should charge me the first rate instead of the increased rate. I would be willing to pay that amount and I would like this to be cancelled immediately with out a cancellation fee.



Good Afternoon,

According to the complaint, the

customer states that she is unhappy with the current rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning her rate would be determined by the energy market. We did send the customer a notification as

indicated by the contracted salesperson (Please see attached for proof of


As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the

February [redacted]press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well. [redacted]

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price



In addition please see this informative article.

Why Have

Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility

It has

been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been

expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of

whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier,

customers have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of

the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Why did

prices rise?


put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas

pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating

purposes, but to create electricity.

There is

ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.

What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and

infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high

and capacity is constrained, costs increase.


winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and

electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines

and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies

on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where

it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the

business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a

highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural

gas pipeline system and the electric grid.


while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,

electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce

affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting

further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At

the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,

preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an

efficient manner.


known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get

gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and

this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive

energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when

purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,

tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.

As the

winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy

to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the

nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and

utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for

some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery

systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural

gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under

construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the


In the

meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.

Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure

doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the

water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.

Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a

variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review

their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their

supplier if they have any questions.

Customers interested in price stability can also investigate

fixed price options that many suppliers offer.

Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate

their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer

can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying

utility bills.

Customers should visit their

state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.

For a list of shopping websites, visit

Review: A representative from Respond Power came to my door and requested to compare our energy rates with theirs. After looking at what I had been paying for gas and electric, he continued to say that Respond Power and Major Energy would be able to supply our utilities at a significantly cheaper price, and so I agreed to begin receiving utilities from Respond Power. Upon receiving my bill, I found that the supply price for energy had nearly doubled. For gas, I was paying $.43 per thm with Columbia Gas, but with Respond Power I am now paying $.80 per thm which has increased my bill significantly. After trying many times to contact the company, I was told that no adjustments will be made to my current bill, and that my next bill will be just as high (if not higher) because they will not cancel my service with them until the next billing period. Therefore, I will be paying about $200.00 more for two months, after a representative from their company promised us and explained that we would be receiving bills that were around 10% cheaper.Desired Settlement: At the very least, I would like Respond Power to price match with Columbia Gas per thm unit. I was expecting a lower bill, but would accept paying what I originally would have paid for the gas supply used with my original supplier. This would equal to $79.55 for the gas supply of 185 units used, instead of $148.00 for 185 units of gas used.



We have contacted Columbia Gas for an immediate transfer on

the account, meaning [redacted] should resume with Columbia Gas as soon as

tomorrow. He should contact them for more details.

Review: I am a [redacted] male on [redacted]. A respond power rep came to my house and stated because of my low income I could save on my electric bill. She stated that .5 cents was to high per kwh. Now that I signed up with them it went from 5 cents to 14 cents per kwh. They stated that my bill would go down in the off months. I complained and they canceled my service. I was not past due. Now I can not recoup in the warmer months. Sign a person up, let them pay the high rate and then cancel them before they can take advantage of the lower rates. Due to deregulation they are taking advantage of those older folks who are not on top of their game anymore due to illness. I got nailed big time and it is legal with the PUC in Pa.Desired Settlement: I would like to have my overpayments back due to being lied too.



This customer's account has been canceled and contacted by our customer service department.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I still would like an adjusted refund.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Good Morning,

Please note that we are only the commodity charge of your bill. The rest of the bill are charges from your utility. Your account has been cancelled. Please contact your utility for budget billing options.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I never said anything about a payment plan. I want the overcharges removed.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: On my January bill the company charged me .13388 cents per Kilowatt hour. about 5 cents more than [redacted]. On my February bill the company charged me .19640 cents per Kilowatt hour. A little more than double the price [redacted] charges. I called them and never received a return call. I decided to switch back to [redacted]. As per Respond Power's website, no termination fee is applied for a variable rate. I have been with the company since 2011. On my March bill the company charged me .39999 cents per Kilowatt hour. That is more than four times the rate [redacted] charges. I am angry that a company that is supposed to be reputable would stoop to such a price gouge to one of its customers. What stops them from continuing this practice.Desired Settlement: Charge me a fair rate for my February and March bill. I think that twice the amount [redacted] charges and four times the amount [redacted] charges in unfair. I want the bill changed and the charges reduced or I want to receive a refund check in the amount of the price gouge. I think a high, but fair rate would be the price of my January bill. .13388 cents per Kilowatt hour. In February I used 732.00 KWH. I was charged 143.76. The cost at .13388 cents per Kilowatt hour would be $98.00 dollars. A refund or adjustment of 45.76 for February. For March, I used 638.00 KWH. I was charged $255.14. The cost at .13388 cents per Kilowatt hour would be $85.42. A refund or adjustment of $169.72 for March. The total adjustment or refund for February and March would be $215.48. This is what I am asking for. As a reference, my March bill from [redacted] was $53.08 for 524 KWHs. I can't imagine how Respond can justify my February and especially my March bill.



Good Morning,

The customer enrolled with our company nearly three years ago in a variable rate plan. The

rates on a variable rate plan are subject to change based on market conditions.

Unfortunately, the energy market performed very poorly this past winter due to

decreases in energy supply and increases in demand due to the cold weather. While

suppliers like [redacted]/Respond Power base the rate on a daily rolling

average and hedging, most utilities purchase energy in massive block and adjust

quarterly or semi-annually. Because of that, sometimes suppliers find

themselves with higher rates than utilities. Eventually trends reverse and

utilities are forced to adjust their rates to make up for losses due to

underpriced supply sold to customers during high markets.

The customer's account has now been cancelled. We are sorry to lose a loyal customer.

Thank you,



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I do not believe the company is telling the whole truth. I have read the different complaints on this website concerning the company. I noticed that some people were charged the higher prices in January. I was not. So, I would like to know if the company charged all people with a variable rate the same amount as they charged me. It would stand to reason that if the polar vortex is to blame for the higher prices, shouldn't that affect all of the variable rate customers? Why are some people charged one rate while another customer is charged a different rate? I understand that this was a tough winter. It was for consumers as well. However, charging consumer's five times the normal rate is ridiculous. I would like the company to provide the formula they used to figure out the rate that I paid. It seems to me that the company is arbitrarily charging customers whatever price they choose. Since Pennsylvania has no legislation (though they are currently in the process of passing legislation to cap this type of price gouging) preventing this type of outrageous price gouging the company is taking advantage of their customers. Which, I guess they feel is good business since most consumers are not paying close attention to their bills. But, my hope is that customers, like me, check their bills closely and leave a company that charges such high rates. I have and will continue to follow up with the attorney general as well as the utility commission in hopes of getting this type of business practice changed to protect future consumers.

I still want the company to reimburse me for the two months that they overcharged me. I am willing to pay a fair price, and I am willing to take in to account the Polar Vortex. But, the rate they charged was not an ethical price to charge. I will not settle until the company provides their formula and or reimburses me for some of the unreasonable prices that they charged.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Good Afternoon,

We are sorry the customer remains dissatisfied. We believe our last answer was responsive to the customer's concerns. We encourage the customer to contact our customer service department if he has remaining questions.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

The company did not answer my question, they avoided my questions. They did not explain how they determined the price to charge each month. They did not explain why customers were charged different amounts each month. For example, why did I pay 13 cents per KWH while another customer who complained on here paid 39 cents per KWH for the same month. If it was the polar vortex to blame, why didn't everyone get charged a higher rate. This means that the company is arbitrarily charging customers the rate they choose which has nothing to do with the polar vortex. I did call customer service who to date has never called me back. You are never able to get someone when you call and your only option is to leave a message and wait for a call back. I have been waiting for several months for the company to call me back. Just so the company knows, I will not stop writing responses until the company chooses to do the right thing and reinburse me for the unfair price they charged me.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: A person came to my apartment claiming that I had to sign up for a utility service and that I had been given letters that I had not responded to concerning this issue. He insisted that I take care of the problem right there and sign up for a utility service. He wanted to look at my bill for both of my electric and gas but I only printed the electric. Now my electric bill is being processed through them for a totally unnecessary service for hundreds of dollars more than I can afford. I discovered the issue because I was barely at home on a month visiting family and my electric bill is almost 300.00 dollars. I usually only paid around 40.00. This is ridiculous and wrong. I was totally deceived. I want my money back. I want my bill fixed! I want be to un-enrolled for a service I never wanted to begin with.Desired Settlement: I want bill adjusted immediately. No excuses are acceptable. I want a refund for any services you stole by deception.



Good Evening,

According to the complaint, the

customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.

The customer agreed to a variable

rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market.

As has been widely reported, there

has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most

recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a

shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to

one of the [redacted]

[redacted] press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see

attached) In addition, this is not just happening in [redacted].

Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.

Finally, the account has been

canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget

billing concerns.

We are truly sorry for your

experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price





I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

This business has not addressed the main issue that they obtained my business fraudulently and should review their practices with me and other customers. Since I was told that I had to sign with them or loose utility service and they came to my home under false pretenses, the contract should be void and the money they obtained from me through this practice should be reimbursed. This issue goes back to October and not simply February, where the problem was exacerbated by the extremely high bill. Someone who lives alone, was away for part of the month being billed, and usually has a bill of no more than fifty dollars shouldn't have had a bill of almost 300.00 dollars. Their deception and intimidation to obtain funds through this manner needs to be addressed.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Good Afternoon,

We are sorry that the customer is dissatisfied with our last response. The salesman the customer interacted with is an outsourced independent sales agent that works for a partner vendor, separate from our company. I have attached the customer's application as verification that she did enroll in a variable rate account.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

The company has not addressed the heart of the issue that they take responsibility for who they hire what and what they say. As I have stated in my previous emails, they gained my signature under false pretense and access into my home. If they do not take responsibility for who they hire, potentially they should not be in the business of dealing with customers. As of today I am in danger of having my utilities terminated due to their meddling. Since I rely on Oxygen, this would endanger my safety and health. They need to make this bill and all times they interfered with my service correct on my bill, so that I have the potential to live without this potentially perilous situation sitting over my head. This company has come across as truly heartless in this regards. I hope the hundreds they have taken from me is worth it.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: Respond power forged individual signature in order to transfer our original utility provider to their company. The recent bill from respond power is 963.90 compare only 300-400 range before, so I called to ask why the bill was so high and was told we were switched to company named Respond Power few year ago. I had never heard from company before, and have no desire to do business with them. So I asked for the contract which we have never seen, apparently the signature was forged by someone from Respond Power, I emailed the my driver license to them and told them there are huge difference between both signatures.Desired Settlement: Now I demand the contract was illegal, therefore, those ridiculous rate should not be effective. We want to calculate the rate was originally conduct by [redacted], not from Respond Power and refund the difference.

We had also contact our lawyer to file a civil and criminal lawsuit based on fraud if this matter cannot solve by timely matter.



Good Evening,

We are having difficulty finding the customer in our system. Please provide the account holder name or the account number so that we can properly respond to the customer's complaint.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

The service account hold name: [redacted]

The service account address: [redacted]

[redacted] account : [redacted]

Once I found out we have enrolled their program involuntary because Respond Power forged my signature, I have terminated any relationships with them to avoid any rediculous electric bills we cannot afford.

I have attached the copy of so-called "sales agreement", the signature on that agreement is totally different with my driver license and the checks I wrote. I have also attached previous two months bills, the rate was 34.99C/kWH on march 2014!!!!!!!!

Please respond us quickly because this issue is effecting our business vitally.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Good Afternoon,

This customer has been in frequent contact with our customer service department regarding this matter. We encourage the customer to continue to communicate with our customer service department to resolve this dispute.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

We have contacted with Respond Power few times, but they always promise to have someone call us back, but it never happens. Even in this platform, they constantly dodge to explain the issue of why the signatures are different. We have lost our last patient and feel that there is no solution coming from here. Therefore, we file this case to court.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: I was approached by a door to door salesman selling respond power. She ensured me that my bills would not change, if anything they would be cheaper. All I was doing was switching distributers. This seemed feasible, and I read the contract thoroughly and although I was enrolled in a variable rate, it suggested the bill would be lower than my current bill or the same. It's been 6 months and my bill hasn't changed, so previously I didn't have any issues. However this month, I went to check my bank account, since the bill comes out automatically and it was 372 dollars. The actual electric bill from PECO was around 40, but there was an additional 330 dollars in "commodity charges" from respond power. I understand that the market fluctuates, and my service charges will vary, but there is NO REASON why I should pay an almost 400 dollar electric bill, when I live in a studio apartment and I am never home. I even checked my usage and it was actually lower than the previous month when my bill was around 50! This is the biggest scam imaginable. Luckily I say this grimly, I had savings I had to deplete to pay this bill, but if I was an individual with no savings and a family etc, I might not even be able to pay my rent with an unexpected expense like this. No business should be able to unexpectedly and inexplicably be able to charge their customers exponentially more than what they had originally been paying.Desired Settlement: I want my service cancelled and full refund of the "commodity charges" for failure to honor the agreement in the contract as well as what was ensured to me by two different sales representatives. This is blatant abuse of our agreement and dishonoring of the trust I placed in the company to provide me electricity at a competitive rate. An additional 330 dollars is not the result of "market fluctuation" but a calculated scheme to take advantage of customers who mistakenly placed their trust in what claims to be a legitimate company.



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Address: 100 Dutch Hill Rd Ste 310, Orangeburg, New York, United States, 10962


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