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3720 SW 141st Ave Suite 210, Beaverton, Oregon, United States, 97005

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RebatesMe Reviews (%countItem)

I never agreed to a account maintenance fee!!! and I better not get continuously charged this $4.99 fee as you've already emptied my account! I will be closing my account soon as no other cashback website charges this ridiculous fee!

RebatesMe Response • Jul 28, 2020

Hi ***, near the beginning of February 2020 we updated our Terms of Service and every member got a pop-up with details on the changes. Members could not use the site without clicking "I Agree". Other Cash Back companies do have account maintenance fees (Rakuten is one).
We also do not charge you for your account, only deduct from your earnings. "if you have not earned Cash Back for more than twelve (12) consecutive months, RebatesMe reserves the right to debit your account balance $4.99 per month (“Maintenance Fee”) to recover the cost of account maintenance in its normal course of business until you reactivate your account by earning Cash Back or until your account balance is zero. If your account remains inactive for more than twelve (12) consecutive months and the balance in your inactive account is or becomes zero, RebatesMe reserves the right to close the account permanently and cease to maintain your account records and RebatesMe access. Maintenance Fees are nonrefundable, but will not cause your account balance to become negative, and will not cause you to owe money to RebatesMe."

I used the cashback link at their website and placed three orders at for the cashback. After I placed these orders, I could track these clicks in my account but no cashback was confirmed. So I provided them all the order numbers and other information they required for the investigation. But after a few days, they told me these transactions were not valid. It is common that a cashback website misses reporting the cashback. But it could always be solved if the customer could provide the order confirmation and the amount we paid. This is a typical scam. I received cashback using other cashback websites for the same purchases and I have never seen anything like this.

RebatesMe Response • Jul 20, 2020

Hi ***,As we've spoken about, Raise does limit the amount of orders you can place and still earn Cash Back. According to Raise's rules with us, Cash Back is only available for the first $1,000.00 spent AT Raise.

As we discussed over our Customer Service emails other Cash back companies have other contracts and rules with Raise. We have no control over that. You stated that you have spent over $1,000.00 at Raise with other cash back services. Because you spent more than $1,000.00 at Raise that is why your Cash Back was invalidated.


Customer Response • Jul 21, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:It is normal that cashback websites have their respective cashback limit at raise, such like ebates has no spending limit on raise purchases and topcashback has a spending limit of $5000. When I made the purchases through rebatesme, it stated that "Cash Back given on the first $1000 of purchases per customer lifetime purchases" in their term. Attached please find the cashback term screenshot when I made these transactions. Since I never placed a raise order through rebabtesme before, I think I was safe. Because everyone would interpret this term into "One will get cashback for $1000 raise purchase through rebatesme website". Everyone would assume the 'customer' stated at rebatesme website is referring to the rebatesme customer instead of raise customers. If the customer stating here is indeed raise customer, it is rebatesme's responsibility to clarify this crucial information to their customers. Even if what rebatesme said is true that raise did reject the cashback, this is also rebatesme's responsibility to honor the cashback to their customers because they failed to clarify and misled the customers. If they stated it clearly as they are stating it right now, "No Cash Back once the Raise Member has spent $1000 at raise", I can either go to a different cashback website with higher or no spending limit to placde raise orders, or I can register a new raise account in order to get the cashback. So another concern is raised, if rebatesme does think what they did is right, why bother changing their raise cashback terms after my complaint? The screenshot for their new cashback term is also attached.I still demand all of my lawful cashback to be deposited into my rebatesme account.


*** P.S. I did receive a cashback for one of my four raise orders I placed through rebatesme. The raise account I used has an overall spending over $1000 long time ago before I placed these orders through rebatesme. So if rebatesme is right, I should not have received any cashback for the raise orders I placed through them. It might be a system glitch or something else.

On 04/10/18 I made a purchase on using cashback in the amount of $894.37. Rebatesme canceled this, stating a gift certificate was used and that the merchant canceled the cashback. I contacted Reabtesme on 5/6/18, 5/7/18, 5/30/18, 7/17/18, 7/23/18, 8/2/18, 9/6/18, 4/27/19, and 5/23/19 providing verification from the merchant that a merchandise credit was used and that the merchant did not cancel the cashback or the order. I sent the actual screenshot of the email from the merchant stating this. The merchant stated that they did not decline the cash back, that this is not on their end. A small amount of merchandise credit was applied to this order, not a gift card/certificate. They stated that the error is coming from I provided several verifications of this and communication from the merchant that they did not cancel the cashback. Rebatesme insisted the merchant canceled the cashback and refused to apply the cashback in the amount of $71.55.

RebatesMe Response • Jul 13, 2020

Hi ***,

Looking into this issue I can see that your order used a gift card to make your purchase. You even admit that. ShopBop does not allow Cash Back for the purchase OR redemption of gift cards.

I could not locate your emails to customer service from 2018, so I am unaware of previous conversations that you made with them.

You can see on the ShopBop page on under their Terms & Exclusions it states "·Cash Back may not be available on the purchase or redemption of gift cards."

Please see attached Image and link to page.


Customer Response • Jul 16, 2020

additional consumer issue:

Rebatesme charged me an unauthorized account maintenance fee of $4.99 for each month on 04/01/2020, 05/01/2020, 06/01/2020 and 07/01/2020, totaling $19.96. I never received notice of this new policy and did not approve it. Additionally, it is not stated on the website in general help and support, RebatesMe FAQ. I contacted rebatesme on 7/7/20 asking for a refund of the fees and they refuse to credit my account.
Desired Outcome:Refund of the $19.96 account maintenance fees.

RebatesMe Response • Jul 16, 2020

Hi ***,As stated in our customer service messaging with each other, the Account Maintenance Fee was added to our Terms of Service back in mid-February. Every use HAD to click "I Agree" to continue using RebatesMe. This information is also available in our FAQ. you make a verified purchase and Cash Out, we will delete the Account Maintenance Fees.
Rebates Customer Team

I bought some gift cards at through rebates me because they were advertising 5% cash back. They later realized they made a mistake and decided not to reward any cash back. I made two separate purchases, one for 206.95 and one for 620.85. The smaller purchase, they gave me a subsidy cash back, but the 620.85, they refuse to pay out. their excuse is that they already paid out. But this was for a smaller purchase.

RebatesMe Response • Jul 07, 2020

Hello ***,

Yes the Staples offer on our website was a mistake as it could have been confusing as the same page that had the offer ALSO stated that Staples does not offer Cash Back on gift cards, and to make that up to our new members we paid their FIRST Staples gift card as an Order Subsidy Bonus.

Customer Response • Jul 07, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:i'm taking a huge loss by purchasing on staples based on your advertising. I paid for 1 gift card on the first purchase and 3 on the second. Could you rebate me for 2 of the purchases? Or the second purchase itself?


RebatesMe Response • Jul 13, 2020

Hi ***,

I understand your frustration.

However, all new members were awarded the same, their first order of Gift Cards from Staples were awarded as a bonus.

We felt that was fair as some new members tried to take advantage of our mistake.


Customer Response • Jul 13, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:Your client Staples benefited greatly from selling me gift cards at $7 fee per card. I don't understand why I should be paying for your mistake. On a typical product, I would be able to get a refund. Since visa gift cards aren't refundable and I bought the cards based on your faulty advertising, I believe I deserve my cash back I was promised


Use several different cashback sites and this is one of my top ones. Cashback amount is high and I've never had any issue with transactions being recorded correctly. Just received a payout of $23 and think they are doing a great job saving us costumers money!

RebatesMe Response • Jun 22, 2020

Thank you so much!

Got charged back with three monthly Account Maintenance Fee of $4.99 each without any notice. They just take the money out of your account. BEWARE!!! Try to contact customer service and been told that I cannot get any credit back even I have started to get more active the month before they charged me again.

RebatesMe Response • Jun 15, 2020

Hi Kevin,
We started the Account Maintenance Fee back near February of 2020 with an updated Terms of Service. This was announced to every member when they logged in for the first time since the update. There was a pop-up that every member had to click Agree before they could use RebatesMe again. I also did not find ANY shopping trips or orders with the email used to submit this review.

Customer Response • Jun 21, 2020

I cannot remember what was the last time I logged into my account on your website(, and I am using another email as logins ***com). But since the last time I logged in, there were already two of the fees of $4.99 each taken from my credit. After my shopping trip on May 28 2020, another fee of $4.99 was taken form my credit again. Please let me know what can you do to help to credit back all the fees, thanks

I had purchased at *** through RebatesMe where I was promised a 10% cashback, I made my purchase at *** of order *** where by the calculations I would receive $1,890.87 in Cashback, however it passed the Term and the cashback was not automatically posted to the account, this way I request that RebatesMe try to solve the problem so that the cashback is applied once the purchase has been completed and the expected cashback has not yet been applied, I await a return

RebatesMe Response • Jun 01, 2020

Hi ***, Looking at the email here, you created your account on 5/30/2020 and made the purchase the same day. Shopping trips are logged by us, but completed orders and reported to us from the merchant, in this case, ***. It can take up to 7 days for those reports to come to us from ***. By next Monday 6/07/2020 if it does not show up we can start a Missing Cash Back Inquiry to have *** look into why it wasn't reported to us.

You can start a Missing Cash Back Inquiry yourself on 6/07/2020 by going to while logged into your account.If you'd like our customer service team can also start this for you on 6/07/2020, however, we would need you to forward your *** Receipt to us.

You may always reach out to our Customer Service team by emailing [email protected]

Have a nice day,

MartinCustomer Service Team

Customer Response • Jun 01, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:
Below I attached the screenshot of the purchase information

***All documents redacted by***

Rebatesme is my first cash back websit and the rates are good and CS

RebatesMe Response • May 29, 2020

Thanks ***!

I saw a 5% cash back on visa gift cards at rebatesme, a shopping portal that gives me cash back for purchases at its partner stores. I bought 4. They removed the "deal" few hours later. They tracked my purchase but are not paying out. When I try to message them, I get an error message. I don't think the email [email protected] exists anymore. I'd just refund the visa gift cards but I'm out $800 and staples doesn't refund gift cards. I feel like this was just fraudulent marketing to trick people into buying gift cards and thus injecting cash into its partner company.

RebatesMe Response • May 26, 2020

Hi ***,

Our customer service email is [email protected] I'm not sure why you were getting error messages while attempting to email us. You can also reach out to us on Facebook, twitter and instagram.

As for your Staples via gift card orders, first I'd like to explain that in some cases products and offers are automatically placed on our merchant pages (I'm not sure if this was an automatic placement thought), the rate that is shown on those offers/products are always the potential highest cash back rate a member COULD earn. Not just in this case, but on ALL offers and products across RebatesMe. It is always best at any place dealing with coupons or money to read the terms and exclusions. For our Staples page it was stated that Staples does not pay cash back for gift card purchases.

We do apologies for the issues this caused you, however all the terms and conditions were available to you and every member.

Customer Response • May 26, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:how is this not misleading marketing at best (especially since there's no refunds for gift cards) or fraudulent marketing? You admitted your marketing ads have issues. You should maybe fix that and own up to your mistakes


Hello initially in 2018 I had an account at RebatesMe but I had to delete it because I had moved and had not used it, but there was a balance in the account, but I did not know that they would send and ended up sending the amount of $ 513.76 for the incorrect paypal that was in the account where I didn't have the time to change it on the RebatesMe account, because I had switched on my paypal in the settings to another one, but to try to resolve amicably with RebatesMe, I requested so that paypal could issue a refund of the amount so that I could contact you so that you can be resending to the correct paypal, I re-registered my account with my email from ***@*** so that they can or to be reapplying the amount in the account or resending it directly to the account's paypal to solve the problem, below I will attach the screenshot of the refund, if you don't see it, you can contact me so that I can be attaching it for resolution this case

RebatesMe Response • May 15, 2020

Hello ***,

I would like to look into fixing this for you, however I will need your original RebatesMe email account address, and the email that we had sent the payment to originally. Without those I wont be able to find your account.

Also, if you have any past correspondence between yourself and RebatesMe, that will also be helpful. I was not able to find any correspondence from the new account you created (***@***

I look forward to hearing from you and solving this issue.

Thank you very much for your help.


Customer Response • May 15, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

In this case, I only have this one and ***@***.com but it belongs to my brother, but I want them to solve it, because I refunded the payment and still recreated the account so that the amount was reapplied correctly in the account regarding the problem, I request a positioning correct, because above I had attached the Pdf screenshot of the refund made on paypal, I request that they resolve and reapply the amount in the account for a new withdrawal attempt to the correct email, because, I refunded the payment only to resolve so that the payment is resolved and withdrawn to the correct, as I informed you because I had deleted the account


RebatesMe Response • May 27, 2020


Thank you for the screenshot. I'm sorry to report that unfortunately we could not find this transaction even after getting into contact with Paypal.

Without any other evidence to show that you had an account with us and they we paid you, there is nothing we can do at this point.

Customer Response • May 28, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:
Do not try to deceive me, the screenshot clearly shows that the payment was refunded through my paypal and this is very proof of this issue since I have the right to have my money back, Everyone will see this claim after it is closed and everyone will know that RebatesMe does not want to solve the problem, so I ask that in a friendly way RebatesMe can resolve this issue of payment so that I can close this complaint satisfactorily, as so far nothing has been resolved and clearly shows the refund sent to the company RebatesMe, so I ask that in a friendly way or out of courtesy to RebatesMe can resolve it because it has been a long time and I have more of a headache about this complaint, I am not being affected only emotionally by my dissatisfaction so far, but , I am being affected psychologically from the disorder that I am, so I request that in a friendly way to RebatesMe I can solve this problem or I will take action because my psychology is being affected and it is in the Law that any act that may harm the client emotionally or verbally the company can afford a fine, so I ask that they resolve this issue amicably, because in the test it clearly shows that I reimbursed payment and I am entitled to it


Cash back claims are easy and the returns are fast!

RebatesMe Response • May 18, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We very much appreciate it!

Really easy to use and the cash back adds up.

RebatesMe Response • May 11, 2020

:) Thank you very much Terri!

Thank you, great company and quick service!! I just joined a few months ago and love it so far

RebatesMe Response • May 04, 2020

Thanks so much, ***!

Rebatesme is my first cash back websit and the only one that I am using so far.
I think it is great, I did have my cash back received. However, there are some websites are not opening through Rebatesme, like Sephora US and, it turn to the Sephora china site and Perfumania shown the page not found.

RebatesMe Response • Mar 30, 2020

Hi Winnie! That's strange that the Sephora US link took you to the Sephora China site. I did check the Perfumania link it took a while but did go to the site. If you ever run into issues like this, please reach out to [email protected] and we'll take a look!
I'll also see why you were transferred to the Sephora China site and not US.

It’s really a good company that actually help
People save a lot of money without any fees

RebatesMe Response • Mar 30, 2020

Thank you for your kind review!

The best cash back site ever! Received many payouts so far. Superb customer service, also!

RebatesMe is a cash back portal. I used their website to make a purchase on another website, exactly to the way instructed on the website. My cash back was not immediately posted, so I filed a missing cash back request. After waiting a few weeks, my cash back request was rejected. There is no explanation beyond their website stating "Your Missing Cashback *** is rejected by the store" for using another portal. This is not factual since I have only used their portal.

RebatesMe Response • Jan 22, 2020

Hello ***,

I took a look into your Missing Cash Back Inquiry and also your customer service messages.

You do say in your intial messaging that you use "many different portals in the past". So, from your own admission there is a possibility that the order could have been credited to another channel.

I do want to make it clearer though what "Order was Credited to Another Channel" means that somewhere in the tracking of your order from RebatesMe to when you checked out on the merchant's site it "disconnected" from RebatesMe.When you click to go to a store from we place a special tracking cookie that tells the merchant that you came from our website. that way when you checkout they know to associate the sale with us, on in this context our "channel". Now "Another Channel" can mean a lot of things. It can mean another rebate/cashback site. It can mean an email or a coupon site. It can even mean the website you checked out from. If a customer uses a coupon/discount code that we did not provide that can change the tracking or the "channel" which the sale gets credited to. With some merchants, if you have items in your cart before clicking from RebatesMe that can also change the "channel" in-which your order is credited to.

I've seen this happen due to a user clicking on a coupon banner on the merchant site. When a merchant, in this case, *** denies the Missing Cash Back Inquiry, they are not just saying no cashback to the customer, they are denying that that order is credited to us, so we earn no commission to share as cash back for the order. Meaning, we were not paid, so we cannot pay you. You can see from the attachment that we are only given very brief information about the decline and we forward that information to our users.

Please let me know if I can explain this better, or if there is anything else I may be able to assist with.


Customer Relations Team

I made a new purchase using a cashback link from this website. They refused to give me the cashback based on their NEW fine prints and exclusions. There is now exclusion of any shipping adresses (other than China or Australia) which is new! However, I took a screen shot of the cashback webpage (photo available) offer with the fine prints when I made the purchase (back in November 2019) since not too familiar with this website and unsure if reliable. There is absolutely no mention of shipping address exclusion.
I contacted the company. The customer service does not recognize the differences in the fine prints and refuse to accept the original cashback offer of November.

RebatesMe Response • Jan 24, 2020


As we investigated this issue we did find enough evidence to confirm that yes you should have been awarded the cash back for your order.

It is now in your account.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I hope that we were able to be of service, and I do apologize that it took this long.

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any other issues.

Thank you.


RebatesMe Customer Service

My email is ***@***

Why you deleted my account? So I can't withdraw my hard earned cashback

RebatesMe Response • Jan 16, 2020

Hi ***,

We did not delete your account we simple put a hold on letting you log in as we had reached out on 1/14/2020 about suspicious activity that *** had pointed out to us.

The original message is as follows from [email protected]

"Hi there,
Sorry to contact you out of the blue, but we wanted to talk to you about your RebatesMe account.Due to the merchant feedback that orders are reseller activity or fraud, we need to locke the RebatesMe account.It has been noted that your account has a high level of activity that could be considered beyond that of a typical consumer. We are happy for our members to use RebatesMe for business and reselling purposes, but the merchant for *** doesn't think so. They believe that the high level of transactions can cause some tracking or no cashback issues.Could you provide us with a brief explanation as to why you have so many recent transactions with ***?These details will be then noted against your account allowing us to make certain changes to your account that should help your RebatesMe account run more smoothly.
Kindest Regards,

RebatesMe Customer Service"

When a merchant reaches out to us on suspicion of breaking their rules, in this case, there was a suspicion of you being a reseller, we have to do an investigation. Since *** pays us a commission for your orders and we share that as cashback with you, if they find that one of our users broke their rules, they will not pay the commission, and then we cannot pay the cash back.

I do want to note that I can see our email did bounce a couple of times while trying to reach you as, for some strange reason our email server had trouble locating yours "ERROR_CODE :512, ERROR_CODE :5.4.4 DNS error:NXDOMAIN. Domain not found :***"

If you can help us answer the questions in our original email, that will help with our investigation.

Thank you

Honest business. Had difficulty receiving cash back due to multiple merchant/vendor/website/payment reasons, but contacting customer service proved helpful and all issues were resolved.

RebatesMe Response • Oct 15, 2019

Happy we were able to get you your cashback and resolve the issue! Thank you!

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Address: 3720 SW 141st Ave Suite 210, Beaverton, Oregon, United States, 97005


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