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Rebate International

P.O. Box 99, Elk Mound, Wisconsin, United States, 54739-0099

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Reviews Business Services, Coupon Service Rebate International

Rebate International Reviews (%countItem)

I am awaiting several rebates from "rebate International" in the amounts of $150.00, $44.63, and $5.69.

$150.00 for Century Vinyl Flooring mailed in on 8/16/2017

$44.63 from 11% rebate for Menards purchases mailed 8/16/2017

$5.69 from 11% rebate for Menards purchases mailed on 8/18/2017

I have emailed "Rebate International" regarding these issue but have NOT received any response from them. I called Menards-they say it is NOT their problem and told me to contact Rebate International! Items were bought @ Menards store and Menards advertise the rebate offers-so I think they should also be responsible for their advertised rebate offers!!!

I would appreciate any help/assistance you can provide regarding this issue!

Thank you!

Customer Response

In regards to your recent letter above, we have finally received the merchandise credit rebates that was owed to us. We are satisfied with the end result to this matter.Thank you for your time and consideration in helping us with this issue.Regards

I purchased a tiller on 517 of 17 for $499 the total came to $542.41 I was given a receipt or rebate thing number 417 to send in with my guest copy so I did so one week later with in my allotted time frame I still have not received my 11% rebate back which was guaranteed to me at the time that I purchased the tiller I've tried numerous times of contacting them of contacting the store here locally of contacting the main headquarters of Menards and have gotten nowhere on the receipt that I sent in in I guess it had a four digit tracking or rebate number they did not say to make a copy of that and I did not write it down beings this is my third rebate I've never had a problem so I have no way of tracking it I have all of the receipt information and I cannot get a response from anybody after numerous numerous tries I would really appreciate your help in this matter as I don't know where to go from here thank you very much and I appreciate any and all help that you can give me

Rebate International Response

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Mr *** concerns.

I am sorry that Mr. did not receive the rebate he submitted. According to information we have regarding the rebate in question, it was issued to his address on 6/21/17 (Certificate #***). The first was voided and reissued on 9/27/17 (Certificate #***) when Mr *** reported that he had not received the rebate.

Once placed in the US Mail system, we have no control over speed or accuracy of delivery.

We appreciate Mr. patience in this matter.



I have filed for 2 rebates through the Menards 11% rebate sale. My first rebate went through and I received it at my current residence after 3 months. (Satisfactory) However, for my second rebate (little over $400) they have had to "resubmit" the rebate 3 times because it has been "lost in the mail." I have emailed countless times asking how else this can be resolved. I have contacted Menards customer service and was rudely pushed off by the customer rep by him stating "We (menards) cannot contact Rebate International because there is no phone number on file. Plus we cant do anything about your check being lost in the mail." I followed that up with "Really, you are going to protect RI by saying it was just lost in the mail and there is NOTHING Menards can do about it??? What about another mailing option? FedEx, UPS??? Hell I would pay for this to be shipped at this point." At which the CSR said " I will pass this information on." Well the latest efforts warranted another email from RI to myself that stated, "Mr., we have resubmitted your check, if you don't receive it by 9/10/2017 please contact us." Well the 10th has come and gone with no check. I have contacted them via 2 emails, both of which had NO REPLY. This company is a complete fraud and should not be allowed to do business. Menards should be held accountable for these rebates seeing that they are the ones that "hired" RI to do their rebating. To have NO POSSIBLE WAY of contacting a company except email is down right ridiculous. I don't know what else I can do and frankly I am at the point of anger and frustration with both RI and Menards.

Rebate International Response

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Mr *** concerns.

I am sorry that Mr. did not receive the rebate he submitted. According to information we have regarding the rebate in question, it was issued to his address on 5/6/17 (Certificate #***). The first was voided and reissued on 6/21/17 (Certificate #***) when Mr *** reported that he had not received the rebate. The second rebate was voided and reissued on 8/10/17 (Certificate #***). It was reissued again on 10/4/17 (Certificate #***).

Once placed in the US Mail system, we have no control over speed or accuracy of delivery.

We appreciate Mr. patience in this matter.


Really bad this place called rebates thru menards messed me out of there 11% salt back on 2-24-2017 never received this has no phone # and menards can't contact them no phone #

I have never shopped at Menards, but decided when I need to purchase building materials that I would take advantage of the 11% Rebate. All receipts and forms were sent in within the correct time frame, but after waiting for several weeks and after multiple emails, I received a response that they could issue a stop payment, issue another check and within three days of the email, they would mail the rebate check. I have submitted THREE different rebates to other companies since my initial rebate application to Rebates International and have already received ALL THREE of those rebates. According to the Rebates International website the check was processed and should have been mailed, but here I am again after several weeks with no response and no rebate. The excuse has been that they use a postcard to send the rebate, but all the information that I have discovered is that while a postcard is not first class mail, a postcard should arrive within 5-10 business days. THAT HAS NOT BEEN MY EXPERIENCE! Perhaps Menards should just give people an 11% discount and quit these ridiculous rebate scams. If this is not resolved, I will be filing a complaint with the state Attorney Generals office.


Purchased a door at menards. There was a $50 rebate offered with purchase. I mailed in the rebate and never heard anything back at all. They said they had no records of my rebate. I sent it AGAIN on may 1st.

Emailed them several times and they finally said rebate was sent on 7/15/2017

I live one state away. It does NOT take a month to get the mail to me. I called Menards and spoke with a manager. He refuses to help me as well. His name was Chad. This company is pathetic and I want my money

Customer Response

Yes, I heard back from Rebates international. That business is a joke and needs to be shut down. They are of NO HELP and said there was NOTHING they can do. What a crappy company and customer service. We had to contact Menards directly and threw a fit. They sent out the rebate. We did receive (after 4 months!)


sent in rebates in a timely manner etc, was checking on status at RI rebate site occasionally, noticed my rebate on underlayment was short $24.97. I bought 300 sq/ft with $24.97 rebate per 100 sq/ft. Should be $74.91. E-mailed RI and they responded

"RE: Rebate #6934 Laminate Underlayment Pad

According to the information received from the sponsor, your $74.91 rebate receipt has been adjusted down to $49.94 because of price adjustments, exchanges and/or returned merchandise.

Based on this information no additional money can be paid from this 04/07/17 purchase.

If you should happen to find another receipt related to the original purchase or rebate program, please forward a copy to our department, or attach to this email, and we will do our best to research your inquiry.

Rebates International
PO Box 99
Elk Mound, WI 54739-0099

I hope this information helps you out and we appreciate your continued business, along with your patience in this matter.

Thank you,

MJ Metza
Rebates International

Absolutely no returns or adjustments etc were ever made to this transaction. and no proof has been given of such. So they can just make things up as they go along to suit their needs? I have a copy of both the original receipt and rebate form to present, what do they have? Rhetoric. Any help would be much appreciated.

Gordy Stenberg
3107 35th ave s
Fargo ND 58104


sent in rebates in a timely manner etc, was checking on status at RI rebate site occasionally, noticed my rebate on underlayment was short $24.97. I bought 300 sq/ft with $24.97 rebate per 100 sq/ft. Should be $74.91. E-mailed RI and they responded

"RE: Rebate #6934 Laminate Underlayment Pad

According to the information received from the sponsor, your $74.91 rebate receipt has been adjusted down to $49.94 because of price adjustments, exchanges and/or returned merchandise.

Based on this information no additional money can be paid from this 04/07/17 purchase.

If you should happen to find another receipt related to the original purchase or rebate program, please forward a copy to our department, or attach to this email, and we will do our best to research your inquiry.

Rebates International
PO Box 99
Elk Mound, WI 54739-0099

I hope this information helps you out and we appreciate your continued business, along with your patience in this matter.

Thank you,

MJ Metza
Rebates International

Absolutely no returns or adjustments etc were ever made to this transaction. and no proof has been given of such. So they can just make things up as they go along to suit their needs? I have a copy of both the original receipt and rebate form to present, what do they have? Rhetoric. Any help would be much appreciated.

Gordy Stenberg
3107 35th ave s
Fargo ND 58104


I sent in a rebate for $467.74. I have a picture of the receipt and the original receipt. I mailed in my rebate 3/27/2017. After the suggested wait time of 6 weeks, I started checking the rebates international tracking page to see if my rebate had been issued. It had not but a different rebate I had sent in after was listed as processing. I emailed customer service with the tracking number and rebate number. Unfortunately, they claim they can't help me due to limited information. I am not sure what else they need. Instead, I am supposed to send a copy of my receipt, again, so they can investigate. They already have all of the information, I am not sure what else they can do when they receive the copy. This is a significant amount of money and I want it to finish my kitchen remodel.

I sent an additional email clarifying what would happen when I sent in a copy of my receipt considering they already have all of the information and have not received a response. I want this issue fixed immediately!

Rebate International Response

I am sorry that Ms *** was unhappy that she did not receive the rebate as quickly as she expected. Unfortunately, there was a return/repurchase made that affected Ms ***'s rebate. Upon receiving the correct transaction information for the replacement order, she was issued the rebate she was due. I believe this file can be closed.

We appreciate Ms ***'s understanding in this matter.


The problem with Menards rebates using Rebate International goes much deeper and constitutes fraud. I am an example RIGHT NOW of being promised and owed $70.00 that they admitted failed to even get logged into their system, though everything I submitted was corrected. After having to provide proof a second time, I was promised a rebate check would be issued within 3-5 days of April 21st, 2017. I have all email documentation with a Mr. M who received my second mailing and promising a check. As of this date, May 12th, no check has been issued according to their tracking information. We have had to literally ride Menards for our last two rebates. From the complaints I have read, there are usually problems with the larger rebate payouts. Most people forget and never followup. I hope someone gets a hungry law firm to file a class action lawsuit. I believe thousands will sign up

I am writing this review to register a complaint against Menards and it's rebate fulfillment firm, Rebate International. I really don't know where to assess the blame fully since it is completely unclear to me as to who is most at fault here. In fact, even though these seem to be 2 independent companies it appears to me that they are working in close collaboration and both are to blame. I am sure that either one could do better to serve their customers and certainly if BOTH wanted to it would happen.
Anyway, the complaint in this review has 2 parts to it:
1) First, the rebate checks that Rebate International sends out should NOT be on those flimsy heavy paper stock post cards with the full rebate amount in clear display for anyone to see (and be tempted by). These post cards easily stick to other mail and can thus be delivered to someone other than the rightful recipient thereby increasing the chance that they might be stolen and fraudulently redeemed. Plus, with the rebate check amount clearly in view for anyone handling the check to see it is just a big temptation for anyone handling the check. Even basically honest people should not be tempted like this. Clearly Rebate International should send out the Menards rebate checks INSIDE nondescript business-sized envelopes that look like 99% of other mail. Even better, Rebate International should offer the customer the option of receiving their rebate check via email instead of U.S. Postal Service mail. The customer could then print out their rebate check on their home computer printer to take into a Menards store for redemption. This method would all but eliminate the lost and stolen paper checks coming through the U.S. mail.
2) Menards itself should ABSOLUTELY require photo identification at the time a customer attempts to redeem a rebate check to confirm that the person attempting the redemption is, in fact, the same person that the rebate check is addressed to. If Menards would require this one simple thing it would likely prevent about 99% of the rebate check fraud that happens. Why Menards does not do this is beyond me?!? If Menards truly cared about trying to stop this kind of fraud they would implement this requirement IMMEDIATELY.
I recently had a Menards rebate check for close to $200 stolen by a postal service employee (fortunately I can say a FORMER employee) who saw the check while handling the mail in a small post office and then fraudulently redeemed it in my name. This person.. a female ... signed the check that had MY name on it .. a male! Why the local Menards didn't suspect something was wrong and asked her for her identification which would have clearly shown a name completely different than my name on the rebate check is beyond comprehension really!!??!??
I truly hope that someone from Menards and/or Rebate International reads my review here and takes it to heart that their customers are SICK and TIRED of getting ripped off by a system that they could ... and SHOULD .. make improvements on. I have tried to convey this message to these companies directly but it is very difficult to find anyone to talk to directly in either company ... and even harder to find anyone in a position of authority who could direct that improvements be made.
I am asking all of you who read this to do whatever you can to join me in raising this concern to Menards and Rebate International in the hopes that if enough of us join in and raise our voices collectively that just maybe they will decide to do the right thing and make their rebate fulfillment system more secure and reliable and less subject to theft and fraud. One would think that this would be a "no brainer" for these companies in that it would be a very positive customer-oriented thing to do. Why they STILL haven't made any significant improvements is, to say the least, mystifying. Also, I would hope (and expect) that the would also take up this cause on behalf of all of us as well. Surely they have more clout with Menards and/or Rebate International than any one of us does.

Sent in all receipts and forms and my rebate was issued to another person in a different state according to rebate international tracking methods. Ive sent emails since there is no phone number to contact them and received no response at all. Rebate #*** in amount of 266.45 was rebated with a credit check to someone else I don't know. This is the third time a rebate I was supposed to get that never showed up in my mailbox! I personally think it's false advertising to say buy here (Menards)and get 11% rebate that is not honored!!

Rebate International Response

I am sorry that Mr *** was unhappy that he did not receive the rebate he expected. Unfortunately, there was an entry error that affected Mr ***'s rebate. The error has been corrected and he has been issued the rebate he was due. I believe this file can be closed.

We appreciate Mr ***'s understanding in this matter.


***, Supervisor

Customer Response

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I am waiting for a rebate from the Menards 11% rebate sale. I sent and email and I recieved a reply saying you will not honor my rebate because somebody on your end put Po box [redacted] instead of Po box [redacted]. I expect to have the check since I sent in all the receipts and rebate form.Desired Settlement: I want my rebate check and not to be scammed.



I am sorry that Ms. [redacted] did not receive rebate #[redacted]. The credit check was inadvertently sent to an incorrect PO Box. It was returned to us as incorrectly addressed.We have reissued the rebate to her and Ms [redacted] should receive it in 10-14 days.

Review: I have sent in a rebate to this company back in November 2013. The rebate is from Menards and it is for the amount of $5.12. It was postmarked before the expiration date. I am still waiting for this rebate!!!

This company has claimed 3 times that the rebate was sent but I have not seen anything!!! Through emails I have told them that I am still waiting..They have claimed that each time I inquired about my rebate that they have sent it out!!

Never have I received anything!!! They claim they stopped payment on the so called checks that were sent!!!

This last email I sent was on 4-23-14 and they said they mailed it out on 4-8-14. As of today which is 5-9-14 I have not seen a postcard yet!!

Through the emails that I sent....(8pages of them) they claim each and every time that they stopped payment on each one of the supossed postcards or checks!!! The person that keeps sending me the emails is [redacted].

I still am waiting since 11-19-13!!!!!!Desired Settlement: I would like the desired rebate check sent to me in the amount of $5.12 in a timely manner!!

I also would like something done with this company so they do not do this to any more people!!

Thank you!!!



Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted] concerns.

I sent in rebate slips worth $292.05 2 months ago and have not received my rebate. I have contacted rebates international by email multiple times just to find out they have no record of my rebates. I took pictures of each of my receipts as well as my completed rebate slips and the post marked envelope at the post office before sending my rebates off. There is no contact telephone number to reach anyone, only email in which you get generic email responses telling you that if you have not received your rebate after waiting 6-8 weeks then inquire.....I WAS ALREADY INQUIRING!!!! This is beyond frustrating and I am ready to take legal action!


Review: I am having trouble getting my rebate from Menard. I'm attaching all of my correspondence back and forth with them for several months now and it has gotten me no where. I purchased Kitchen Countertops from Menard on 12/18/15 for $590.21. A week later they had an 11% Rebate promotion. I went to the front desk and ask if I could get the 11% rebate for the cabinets I had purchased and they said yes as long as it had not been longer than 14 days. I showed them my receipt and they gave me a Rebate form #4000. I filled it out, and put it in an envelope with my receipt and another rebate. They paid me $13.99 for the other rebate under #3905 but ignored my Kitchen countertops purchase. I wrote them a letter and sent the rebate form again, but they did not respond. I started e-mailing them since they have no contact number and you can see the responses I keep getting totally ignoring my request for the 11% rebate on the $590.21 I spent for Kitchen Countertops. Correspondence and receipts attached. [redacted]Desired Settlement: I would like the 11% Rebate Adjustment promised by Menards for the $590.21 I spent on Kitchen Cabinets December 18,2015.



I am sorry that Ms [redacted] did not receive the rebate she expected. According to our records. the rebate was issued to her. However, the 11% price adjustment rebate that was in effect at the time of her purchase was not valid on items that were on sale at that time. I have contacted the rebate sponsor and have been advised that the discounts Ms [redacted] received on the sale items she purchased exceeded the amount of the rebate she is requesting. After recalculating Ms [redacted]' purchase, she did receive the correct amount for the rebate in question.We value Ms [redacted]' business and appreciate her understanding in this matter.Sincerely,[redacted]

Review: In July 2013 the original receipts were sent to RI for the total receipt amount of $3081.24 (before tax) for rebate # 4303 (11% of the purchase price) with the expected rebate amount of $338.94.

Only the smallest receipt in the amount of $3.47 was processed and the rebate was issued for $0.38.

Tried to contact via the Customer Service link as well as having conversations with [redacted]rds customer services and still no answers.

Letter sent to RI on 4/24/2014 requesting explanation to the problem within 1 months otherwise will contact

2 Letters received back dated 5/27/2014:

Letter 1 summary: The transaction for rebates #[redacted] (NOTE: incorrect rebate #) was submitted by a guest in Fox Lake, IL. RI only process original rebate receipts and the full quantitites purchased were paid out. We are unclear as to how this individual could get your original receipts. Based on these findings we can not issue any rebate money. If you have another receipt for the same program we will be happy to process for you.

Letter 2 summary: [redacted]rebated was paid out to you on 8/5/13 in the amout of $0.38. We will be happy to reissue if needed.

the problem is: multiple original receipts were send in one envelope and only the smallest receipt was processed. How could person in Fox Lake have my original receipts if I was the one who sent it to RI? I have only copies of all those receipts sent to them. Is it my responsibility to research who the person from Fox Lake is? How did this person got my original receipts if I sent those in one envelop?

Please, advice.

Thanks in Advance!Desired Settlement: Amount of full rebate $338.94-$0.38 (for received rebate) = $338.56



Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted] concerns.

I have sent in 4 rebates in the last year to Rebates International for items I had purchased from Menards. I have never gotten my rebates. they owe me a total of $171.70. Every time I email the company all I get is an email back saying that they got my email and they will respond to it in 3 to 5 days.


Review: I purchased Kayaks at Menards in April 2015 and was to get $60.00 back in rebates. Rebates International claims that they mailed me the rebate. I never received it and they claim that the rebate check was redeemed in Sioux Falls SD in July 2015. I have never been to Sioux Falls. I was in Canada on the date specified. The check was possibly stolen but not likely. I believe it to be a scam. I have contacted Rebates Intl and they will not issue me another check. This reflects on Menards as well. I will never purchase anything there again that involves a rebate. Menards needs to review their relationship with Rebates Intl.Desired Settlement: I would like to receive my $60.00 dollar rebate.



Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted] concerns.I am sorry Mr. [redacted] did not receive the rebate that was sent to him. I am sure you understand that we have no control the mail. On 5/26/15 we sent the rebate to Mr. [redacted] at the address he provided to us certificate #[redacted]). If he feels it was stolen from the mail, we would respectfully suggest that he file a police report, since mail theft is a very serious crime. We are forwarding your correspondence, along with Mr. [redacted]'s file, to menards 'Security Department asking them to fully cooperate with any police investigation.We appreciate Mr. [redacted]'s cooperation in this matter.Sincerely,[redacted]

Review: We purchased 9 oak panel doors from Menards. menards was advertising 11% off and 50 dollar rebates per door. We sent in all required information but never received our rebate check for 470.00. When we contacted Menards they advised us that the Rebate International proclaimed they issued us a rebate check Dec. 31, 2014. We explained to them that we had received nothing. The store manager told us there was nothing he could do, and that we needed to contact rebate international via email and work with them that way. Ive sent several emails requesting our rebate check. As to date, they have not responded to my emails. When I spoke with the Manager at menards he said there was nothing he could do..that our issue was with the rebate company not Menards. I disagree with this. I feel Menards should back us as they chose to employ rebate international. Please advise me what to do next. Thank you [redacted]Desired Settlement: We feel we have been treated unfairly and would rather receive a rebate check to spend where we want, but it was our understanding that the rebate check would be an in store credit so we will settle for that.



From: [redacted]Date: Sat, May 30, 2015 at 4:53 AMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of WisconsinTo: [redacted]Hello and Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Rebate International has sent us the rebate credits in the amount of 470.06. I am hereby asking for the dispute to be closed.

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Description: Business Services - General, Coupon Services

Address: P.O. Box 99, Elk Mound, Wisconsin, United States, 54739-0099


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