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Rebate International

P.O. Box 99, Elk Mound, Wisconsin, United States, 54739-0099

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Reviews Business Services, Coupon Service Rebate International

Rebate International Reviews (%countItem)

I bought three ceiling fans with lights at Mennards store 3280 on May 28th
and sent in the necessary paperwork with my rebate receipt #6512 on May29th and have yet to receive my $30 on Mennards purchases. It is now August 21st and still no $30 I am owed! Sarah Jackson 8112 Jitterbug lane, Pickerington Ohio 43147. I put the address of my house which I sold at the end of July thinking the rebate check would arrive before I moved. Help!


Horrible - This place scams its customers. I have been dealing with them for a couple months now and even got the BBB involved. After so many back and forth communications, they originally lied and said I sent in COPIES of the receipt and not the original. I guarantee the receipt was the original as I do these rebates all the time and know what the rules quite well. Now after weeks and weeks, they come back and say we returned items (which we didn't - they didn't even provide any proof that it was returned, just a hand-written note that said 'returned'. It was 2x4's and we didn't return them!) and they are saying sale price items are not included (which is not true!)

They are true scammers - my rebated was for over $300 and they LIE. I am shopping at Home Depot from now on as they will match the 11%. Menards is making a huge mistake working with Rebates International.


I submitted to receive a rebate from Rebate international and have not received the rebate. Per their records the check was mailed on 05/09/19. Check number XXXXXX3717. This was a *** 11% rebate #***. I have sent Emails requesting a new check but have not heard from them. Unfortunately it appears the only way to get them to respond is filing a complaint with the, please intervene so my wife and I can get this matter resolved

Rebate International Response • Aug 05, 2019

According to out records, the rebates in question were mailed to Mr. address on 5/9/2019 (Certificate # ***).

Purchased a Queen Mattress and Motion 3 Adjustable Bed Frame for a total of $1599.53 on 4/10/19.Mailed Rebate Form #*** for 11% Rebate next Day. Checked on my Rebate after 5/2/19 ,it showed Rebate issued on 5/2/19 in the amount of $165.99 and last 4 Numbers on Rebate Check xxxxxxxx. Sent E-Mail 20 some days later and asked where is my Check that was issued 29 Days ago. Received E-Mail that my request is being reviewed by our support Staff. We are talking about a check that according to their Website was issued 29 days ago. Third communication with Rebate International was 7/12/19 asking where my money is. Guess I have to wait with all the other people who were suckered in by *** 11% rebate till Hell freezes over. What a scam. I can see why *** Rating is an F.

Rebate International Response • Aug 05, 2019

According to our records, the rebates in question was issued to his address on 6/19/2019 (Cerificate # ***).

I purchased GAF shingles at *** was enticed to do so because of the rebate.Never did business with *** before and will not again.I submitted my rebate paperwork but never received my rebates. Yes plural, I went back the next day for more shingles. Anyway never received my rebates , cannot contact rebates international except through their website and don't get help from them when ilk do contact them.I have called *** can't get help from them so hoping you will help me, and warn others of their shady practices

Rebate International Response • Jul 23, 2019

reissued on 7/15/2019 (certificate #***).

I sent my rebates in back in May. I checked the status online. Says they were all issued on 6/14/19, I have not recieved any. My rebates are well over $4,000. I am in the process of building my home and need this money!

Rebate International Response • Jul 23, 2019

it was reissued on 7/12/2019 (certificate # ***).

I've filed for a rebate, from Menards, that goes through rebate international I sent 2 of them out within a week of each other. And I've been waiting since this January for my rebate. So I finally contacted Menards to find out that a different company handles it and thati have to go online, to which I did I filled out their online form and I was prompted that I would recieve an email with my info I requested, well its beena week, no email no contact of any such thing! I had some sizable purchases in January, with the impression I was going to get an 11% rebate I decided to go to menards. But I haven't recieved a rebate or 2 and since contacting them I've not recieved anything. I would like my rebate and to be done with the situation instead of having to go through the, to try and get things fixed!

Rebate International Response • May 31, 2019

I am sorry that Mr. C did not receive the rebate he submitted as quickly as he anticipated. According to our records, the rebate in question was issued to his address on 2/18/19 (Certificate #***). It has not been returned to us by the Postal Service. We received correspondence that Mr. C had not received the rebate and we are working directly with him to ensure that he receives all of the rebates due to him. If he has not received our email, he may wish to check his spam mail, as we are waiting for a response from him.

Customer Response • Jun 01, 2019 have gone through all of my emails trash, spam, and inbox I've gone through them all the way back to December of last year. I've not recieved any communication from rebates international. Please advise rebates international that they need to be using my email *** and also when attempting to use they're online deal it request that I use the rebate tracking code or number or whatever they call it at the bottom of the receipt, I never had one to use since my receipt is for the week before however there was a separate rebate that was for products purchased the week before a 11% off week! So this number that they request I don't have, I would like them to issue a new rebate since they claim they sent out one in the first place! Obviously I did not receive it, otherwise we would not be here!

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

[Please type your response here.]


*** C

Rebate International Response • Jun 25, 2019

please see attached that includes:

A credit is being reissued.

Customer Response • Jun 25, 2019

It was a very difficult and very long journey to get a reissue on rebates from February its now the middle of June and had to go through the to get a response back from the company. However, I did finally receive and use my rebates, thank you for your help with this journey!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


This business sent me a rebate check via united states postal service mail. The mailing date was on 4/15/19. I informed them on 4/23/19 that the check had not made it to my home and requested a cancellation and reissue of the check for $64.97. The business informed me I needed to wait 21 days before they would reissue a check.

I emailed them on 5/8/19 and informed them that I had still not received the check and would like them to complete the cancellation/reissue of the check. They then informed me that the check had been partially spent, and they would only cancel and reissue for a partial amount of $32.89.

Rebate International Response • May 28, 2019

Please see attachment.

According to our records, the reissued rebate has not been redeemed at this time. If Mr. feels that his rebate was stolen, he can file a police report.

Customer Response • Jun 04, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I opened a case with rebates international to let them know that my check wasn't received before the check was partially spent. Rebates international told me I needed to wait for *threeweeks before the check was canceled and re-issued. If the check would have been canceled after my initial request, it could have prevented it from being partially spent before issuing a new check to me.I still would like a resolution of the remaining balance of the rebate be issued to me.


I bought a large quantity of building materials specifically because fo the rebate over a year ago after several months, I finally found an email address to file a claim and inquiry. They responded to the effect that they re-issued the check and sent it. Again I watched every piece of mail from USPS and nothing I sent them another inquiry which they responded to and said it was in the mail ---and again I watched for it every single day and still nothing.
There are thousands of people who take advantage of this infrequent sale at Menards and my complaint should be directed at both companies, My rebate is for approximately $600 which is acknowledged in the email---they have every receipt but still no check!!

Rebate International Response • May 01, 2019

I am sorry that Mr. did not receive the rebate he submitted. According to our records, the rebate in question was issued to his address on 6/11/18 (Certificate #***). The first was voided and reissued on o/19/19 (Certificate #***) when Mr. reported that he had not received the rebate. That certificate was voided and a third one reissued on 4/16/19 (Certificate #***).Once placed in the U.S. Mail system, the rebate clearinghouse has no control over speed or accuracy of delivery. Our power is limited to reissuing rebates that are reported to us as not having been received. Also, Mr. may not be aware that the format of the rebate mailings has changed. In an effort to increase security, we have gone to a doubled-over, sealed postcard format With our address for the return (Rebates International PO Box 99 Elk Mound, WI 54739).

On 9-22-18 I purchased a cast wood stove for 5299.00 plus $17.94 tax. Total$316.94 from Menards - Wyoming 5555 Clyde Park Ave SW.At this time, they had a sale where if you sent in the proper forms, which I did within a one day of the sale, you would receive $100 dollars rebate within 6 to 8 weeks.After the 8 weeks expired, I called Menards where I purchased the stove. They said this is handled by Rebates International and I would need to contact them. So I sent an email as I could not find a phone No.It has now been about 7 months with no reply.When this kind of discount causes a person to purchase a product, the company should honor it.

Rebate International Response • Apr 24, 2019

Please see attachment.

I am sorry Mr. did not receive his rebate. The rebate was issued on 10/26/2018 to his current address. It has not been redeemed and did not come back in the mail, so I have asked them to void and reissue. Please allow 3 weeks for delivery.


Rebate #*** not received said it was issued but I did not get it and no way to complain to them

Rebate International Response • Apr 16, 2019

I am sorry that Ms. did not receive the rebate she anticipated. According to our records, the rebate in question was sent to her address on 12/26/18 (Certificate #***). We have no control over the mail once it leaves our facility. However, we have voided the original rebate certificate and will be sending a replacement to her address.Please remind Ms. that, to increase security and privacy, the rebate format has changed. The rebates are sent as a double, sealed postcard with a return address of PO Box 99, Elk Mound, WI.

I rarely add reviews to any company, however I write this to share my experience with Rebate International to offer help to many whose reviews were unfavorable. I have never not received my 11% rebate from Menards over several years of doing business there. In Jan of 2018, I mailed in a rebate request from a large purchase. After not receiving any rebate (by early March 2019) I went on line and read these reviews, and began wondering about being scammed! Not having the original rebate receipt I went to Menards, reprinted the receipt, talked to their customer service who showed me where to find the transaction and register number (for reference to IR). I went on-line to the IR site on March 4th, completed their on-line customer service request section outlining my information. Immediately I received a notification back that my request was received. The following day I received an email response from (a person) IR showing the details of my rebate check, essentially that it was sent to me in Feb, the amount and check number, and their records showed it was not cashed yet. They asked if they could place a "stop payment" on the check and re-issue a new one. 6 calendar days later, I have the replacement check in hand. I feel I was treated fairly and certainly in a timely manner.


I made a purchase at *** and was supposed to receive an 11% rebate. I did not receive a check or help from *** in tracking this down. The following is an E-mail sent to RebatesInternational contact site .........( Your records indicate that my rebate #*** had a check, #***, issued on 09/10/2018. it has not been voided, redeemed or RECEIVED as of 03/04/2019. It seems that the only way your office responds to people that feel defrauded is if they file an complaint, along with all of the others, with the Your business practices appear to be very shady and while I am sure that *** is paying your company for the checks issued yet an internet and Better Business inquiry shows that an inordinate number of the issued items do not seem to be reaching the customers. I wonder how many others just give up trying to get the compensation that they were assured that they would be distributed. This by no means appears to be an isolated case. My address has not changed in 14 years. How does all of the other mail I expect or solicit find it's way into my hands? My E-mail has not changed and I hope to see a reply to this query.)

Rebate International Response • Mar 20, 2019

I am sorry that Mr. did not receive the rebate he expected. We have investigated and found that a total of two rebates were sent to him on 9/10/18 (both on Certificate #***, which has never been redeemed). The rebate was reissued to Mr. on 3/6/19, which he may have received already. Please remind Mr. that the rebate format is a folded over, double postcard format with a return address of ***We appreciate Mr. patience in this matter.

Very unprofessional and very unreliable. Seems I have to email them 2-3 times a year to find rebates. I would think with today's technology they could do this on line at a lower cost and a higher degree of reliability (ref Lowe's). However they don't!! My guess as to why is that they can either through outright deception or through misdirection cause enough of the rebates to not be honored or redeemed that it is profitable for them to keep the status quo. Maybe they found a way to buy stock in USPS - a 50 cent stamp every time to boot; just be deceived. Shame on Rebates International and shame on Menards......a family member of the Menards probably owns them.

Received rebate but it was disguised as a postcard with front photo showing discount on counter tops. Very deceptive and it looks like there is nothing inside - just a front and back postcard. Very deceptive and Menards should be taken to court for deceptive practices.
In past I never received rebate check but now I wonder if I just threw it away because rebate is so cleverly and intentionally disguised.

n I bought some products at Menard's and on the products I bought it states I will receive a rebate back. On November 14, 2018 I sent in my rebate with a certified mail at a post office. Every since I sent it I am not able to contact the owner of whoever that is responsible for my rebate, now this situation has me irritated because I am a customer and I shop at this location all the time. I feel like this is fraud only because no one has reached me about my rebate and if I don't hear from whoever that is over this I will be seeking my attorney because it is false advertisement that is running inside Menard's store.

Rebate International Response • Feb 13, 2019

I am sorry that Mr. did not receive his rebate as expected. We have investigated and found that the rebate was sent to him on 12/11/18 (Certificate ***). That rebate has never been redeemed. Therefore, it will be voided and reentered to reprint. Mr. should receive it in a few weeks. Please remind Mr. that the rebate format has been changed. Rebates are sent in a folded over, double postcard format with a return address of PO Box 99 Elk Mound, WI.We appreciate Mr. patience in this matter.


*** SupervisorRebates International

I have tried dealing with this company repeatedly but they refuse to accept responsibility. I have contacted them with all of the information they require, even going as far as sending them a copy of the receipt that I was given at the Menards store where the purchases were made. It was an 11% rebate on an almost 2000.00 purchase. They tell me they cannot honor the rebate because it's not the original receipt, yet they REQUIRE you to send in the original receipt to process the rebate in the first place. Isn't it a coincidence that they require you to send in the one piece of evidence they need to decline your rebate. From the reviews I've seen this seems to happen quite often with large rebates. So now I'm out a couple hundred dollars because they misplaced my rebate. What a scam.


I have tried dealing with this company repeatedly but they refuse to accept responsibility. I have contacted them with all of the information they require, even going as far as sending them a copy of the receipt that I was given at the Menards store where the purchases were made. It was an 11% rebate on an almost 2000.00 purchase. They tell me they cannot honor the rebate because it's not the original receipt, yet they REQUIRE you to send in the original receipt to process the rebate in the first place. Isn't it a coincidence that they require you to send in the one piece of evidence they need to decline your rebate. From the reviews I've seen this seems to happen quite often with large rebates. So now I'm out a couple hundred dollars because they misplaced my rebate. What a scam.

Rebate International Response • Jan 25, 2019

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to Mr.’s concerns.I am sorry that Mr. not receive the rebate as expected. We contacted Mr. directly on 1/9/19 letting him know the rebate has been processed. He has more than likely received it by now.We appreciate Mr.’s patience in this matter and trust his file can be closed.Sincerely,*** Supervisor Rebates International

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I utwo can check my statis on my rebate check processing and my left over balance and what processing I,m get an error.I email them they sent me a privacy notice . I lost a check I want to replace it wont work I,m screwwd what a joke rebate internatiniol doe not have a phone number

Have mailed in several rebates for myself and my boyfriend of over 600$ and when checking nothing is showing up and cannot email them because it keeps saying invalid email no matter what email I give.

Rebate International Response • Dec 18, 2018

Please See Attachment for Full Response

Thank you for bringing to our clinic’s attention the concerns expressed in case ID XXXXXX. In my practice and at XXXXX, we take patient complaints very seriously. We are invested in following up with individuals who have raised concerns about the quality of services they received at our clinic. We work hard to clarify and resolve their concerns.Unfortunately, we are bound by HIPPA regulations, state and federal law, and the XXXXXXX ethical code of conduct to protect patient privacy/confidentiality. Even acknowledging that I have had a professional relationship with the individual referenced in case ID would be a violation of my professional obligations. As such, if a customer of XXXXXX were to file a complaint with the, we would be unable to provide any substantive information. We hope this information helps explain the legal and ethical sensitivities of the situation.

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Description: Business Services - General, Coupon Services

Address: P.O. Box 99, Elk Mound, Wisconsin, United States, 54739-0099


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