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Premier Portfolio Group

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Reviews Premier Portfolio Group

Premier Portfolio Group Reviews (55)

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.   Regards,  [redacted]

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint so that we may review it and take the appropriate action. We contacted Ms. [redacted] on the 21st of May in regards to the account in question. She had stated to us she had already taken care of it but when we requested she fax us over a PIF letter so that we...

may close the account in our office but she claimed not to have the receipt. We will honor the request and close the account in our office.Sincerely,Norman W[redacted]

We received this account on September 6, 2017 past due from 2013 with Check 2 Cash. the name on the past-due account is [redacted] along with the banking account & routing number [redacted] had placed on file at the time of this transaction.  We need to make a determination on this past-due account. to voluntarily rectify she may contact our office at 855-764-8806 and rectify over a recorded line OR [redacted] may also voluntarily dispute this account and we will close it as a refusal to rectify and cease and desist all communication.

[redacted]'s account has been closed and locked since 03/28/2017, no contact has been made since that date.

Attached is the Dunning Verification

Hello and thank you for this information submitted by Ms. [redacted]. After reviewing this account, we have attempted to contact [redacted] on multiple occasions regarding a past-due account in our office. We have attempted to contact [redacted] in hopes to voluntarily resolve the past-due account under her...

circumstances with a payment arrangement, unfortunately she has not contacted our company directly to help resolve this issue. We now understand where she stands with this past-due account, we will notate her account as a VOLUNTARY DISPUTE and cease and desist all communication with her and any other contact information on file.

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by [redacted]. We contacted Mr. [redacted] in December of 2014, he refused to set up any payment arrangements because he statedhe did not receive the information we sent to him via USPS, he then became irate and would not confirm the mailingaddress, he disconnected the phone call. 14 months later, Mr. [redacted] contacted us, wanting our company information,address, etc. We provided this information in which he again disconnected the call. The account was then CLOSED.The account has not been, or no longer will be worked by our company. Our company did in fact mail out documents toMr. [redacted], there is a possibility that we took his current mailing address down in error, but he refused to confirm afterhe did not receive documents. Therefore we were unable to move further with his account and send documents.Again, this account is CLOSED.Regards,Norman W[redacted]Premier Portfolio Group

Hello, we have read and acknowledge the complaint submitted by Ms. [redacted], however we dispute the facts submitted in this complaint. We have made multiple attempts to contacts Ms. [redacted] on the number in which she provided to us as her best contact number where she stated she wanted documents to an...

updated mailing address. We contacted Ms. Woods again at this number on May 30, 2017 at 12:22PM EST, where she said she did not want to voluntarily rectify this past-due account. The account was then closed.  We will cease and desist all communication with Ms. Woods. her account will remain CLOSED.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I am still receiving calls from this company just a different person. Heres the voicemail Hey, [redacted], this is Steve here at Premier Portfolio. Group. Just giving you a courtesy call regarding a formalize complaint I received against you [redacted]I wanted to speak with you personally before moving forward with this if you can give me a call. My direct office number is 855 764 8806. Thanks. [redacted] look forward to speaking with you. The number that showed up on my caller id is (720) 636-8588. I thought that this company was
going to close my file with they're "office" and not going to contact me
any more? But of course they lied just like they did in they're
response to my first complaint.  Regards, [redacted]

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by [redacted]. We contacted Ms. [redacted] on May 17, 2016 where she stated that this particular account was paid in full,we asked her if she had her documentation stating this was Paid In Full, as...

maybe it was an error on our end and it wasnot placed in PAID status, Ms. [redacted] stated she did indeed have that document, she then faxed us a copy of thedocument. We placed the account in PAID and CLOSED. Our company will cease and desist all communication with Ms.[redacted].Regards,Norman W[redacted]Premier Portfolio Group

We appreciate your feedback to our company, Premier Portfolio Group regarding this complaint submitted by Mr. [redacted].  We dispute all the accusations submitted in this complaint by Mr. [redacted], as we contacted Mr. [redacted] once on March 10, 2017, where we explained he had an outstanding...

account with our client, he then set up a payment plan to voluntarily rectify this past-due account. On the date the payment was set up, his payment came back declined with the banking information he provided, we then gave him a courtesy call to notify him that his payment had declined. We have not heard back from Mr. [redacted] until this complaint was submitted. Again, we dispute all the information provided in this complaint as our company does NOT work using scare tactics, this sounds like a classic case of trying to get out of owing this past-due bill. We will close Mr. [redacted]' account in our office, we will cease and desist all communication with Mr. [redacted], and we will notify our client he has no intentions on resolving this past-due account.  Thank You.

Hello, we contacted Ms. [redacted] on JUNE 12, 2017 regarding a past-due account with our client '[redacted] Loans' - at that time Ms. [redacted] acknowledged the account which she had opened and agreed to voluntarily rectify. Ms. [redacted] set up a payment plan and placed a [redacted] on file, she...

then asked us to send her paid in full documents to her personal email address which she provided. Our company can provide all documents regarding this past-due account, INCLUDING authorization forms AND receipts signed by Ms. [redacted] herself. We dispute the facts submitted in this complaint because Ms. [redacted] was fully aware and willing to handle this past-due account. We thank you for submitting this information to our company.

Thank you for submitting this information to our company Premier Portfolio Group. After reviewing the information, we dispute the facts submitted in this complaint as we...

attempted contacting Ms. [redacted] in June of 2017 where she stated to send her mailed documents and disconnected the phone call, unfortunately she did not provide us with an updated mailing address (the address on the original contract came back as 'return to sender'), therefore we attempted to contact her back to obtain the new mailing address so we could send her the original contracts properly through US Mail. We have yet to hear back from Ms. [redacted] until this complaint was submitted.  We will close her account and cease and desist all communication with her.

Thank you for contacting us. Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by [redacted] on 02/04/2016. Ms. [redacted] was contacted by our agency on 09/02/2015, she was working with one of ourrepresentatives (Delia [redacted]) on handling her account, Ms. [redacted] then agreed...

to a bi-weekly payment arrangement.Ms. [redacted] made four (4) bi-weekly payments of $139.78, the day her 5th payment was supposed to be processed(11/06/2015), her payment method (VISA Credit Card) came back declined, we then attempted to contact her to notifyher of her bounced payment, twice in November, then a final attempt on 12/07/2015. We will honor her request andremove her contact information, and cease and desist all communications.Regards,Norman W[redacted]Quality Assurance DepartmentPremier Portfolio Group

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  Regards, [redacted]

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Address: PO Box 54 (Mail returned), Niagara Falls, New York, United States, 14304


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