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Premier Portfolio Group

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Reviews Premier Portfolio Group

Premier Portfolio Group Reviews (55)

We need Ms***'s updated address to send her all original contracts, if she fails to provide that we will place her account into voluntary dispute, and cease and desist all communication

Hello, we contacted Ms*** once on May 19, 2017, at that point she acknowledged that she owed this and she set herself up on a payment arrangement to voluntarily, she even made a payment that day of $her next payment of $then came back declinedWe attempted to contact her to notify
her that her payment had declined, she did not contact us backwe have not had contact with Ms*** since the initial contact date where she set up a payment planWe dispute the facts submitted in this complaint, as we have call notes to support our claimWe will close her account and cease and desist any further communication with Ms***

Hello, Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to this consumer complaint, after reviewing our records, we have never had contact with anybody regarding this matter at this particular phone number ***. We have made calls to the number and have left
voicemails providing our company information for a call back, but have not made physical contact, no sensitive or personal information were ever discussed during these voicemails. We will cease and desist all communication with this contact ***Thank You

Thank you for contacting us in regards to the complaint submitted by *** ***We have spoken with *** since the complaint was submitted and have come to a solution in office in regards to the exact complaint submitted by herAt this time we believe this issue to have been
solved.Norman W***Premier Portfolio Group

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I company states they have not made contact with me, which is incorrectAdditionally they have ask me if I was Emily, or if I knew someone named "Emily, middle name, Marie" and if the last for of the social security were: "xxxx." I am happy they will stop contacting me, but I don't like that they are giving out person information. Regards, *** ***

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Regards, *** *** This notice does not provide me contact information to verify this debt with the creditor (Address or phone number)Additionally, the information stated in their rebuttal is falseI have continued to receive or threatening voicemails from their companyI received one call yesterday and two todayThis is unacceptable and against the lawI refuse to believe this isnt their common practiceI would like the two calls reviewed when I spoke with them

RE: ***Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by ***We contacted Ms*** on 12/21/when she stated that she had never received the funds from a*** *** *** payday loan, we asked her if it would be possible to
provide bank statements from Novemberand July showing that the funds were never placed into the Wells Fargo Bank account we had on file for her,she then sent us those documents in which we then proceeded to CLOSE the accountWe will honor her request andremove her contact information, and cease and desist all communications.Norman W***Premier Portfolio Group

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by*** ***We contacted Ms*** on 11/25/where she agreed to payments of $229.72, to be processedon 11/28/14,12/05/14, and 12/12/We contacted Ms*** to confirm we had the
right email address so we couldprovide her the PAID IN FULL document (which I attached a copy of to this document)There should be no contact withMs*** in regards to this *** ***) account as this is in fact PAID IN FULL, let alone being threatened byanother companyAgain, we have sent Ms*** all Paid In Full documents to properly dispute this with the othercompany who is illegally threatening her.Regards,Norman W***

GROUPThank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by*** ***We contacted *** on 9/22/when she updated her email address and stated she neededto call us backOn 9/23/we received a call back from *** claiming that
the account was a result of fraudWehave not contacted nor heard from her since 9/23/We will honor her request and remove her contact informationand cease and desist communications.Regards,Norman W***

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by *** ***We firmly believe that *** *** may have our company confused with another company, althoughwe do have an account for *** ***, we have not attempted contact since
July of We only would attempt contact directly via phone, after initial contact via USPSWe will close *** ***'s account and cease and desist allcommunication with this accountThe account is now marked as CLOSED. Regards, *** *** Premier Portfolio Group

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint so that we may review it and take the appropriate action. Our account for Ms. [redacted] reflects all the correct information for her person. As a sign of good business practice we are removing her contact information and will close the account in our office,...

however, this does not mean that Ms. [redacted] does not owe the balance and may face communications from a separate party in the future if it continues to go unpaid.Sincerely,Norman W[redacted]

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by [redacted]. We firmly believe that Mr. [redacted] may have our company confused with another company, although we do havean account for Mr. [redacted], we have not attempted to contact him since July 20,...

2015. Mr. [redacted] states that he spoke with us directly, but our records show that we have never had contact with Mr. [redacted]. Again, we attempted to contact him in July of 2015, but were unsuccessful in reaching him, and we have not attempted to contact him since. Although we have not attempted to reach him, we will honor Mr. [redacted]s request and cease and desist all communication with him and CLOSE his account in our office. Regards,  Norman W[redacted] Premier Portfolio Group

I have placed Ms. [redacted]'s account as CLOSED and ceased and desist all communication with her file.We have submitted it back to our client as a DISPUTE.

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint so that we may review it and take the appropriate action. On August 3, 2015 we received a call from [redacted] informing us that the number we had dialed was incorrect. The phone number was removed from our system and will remain that way...

in our office. We apologize for the inconvenience that was caused on behalf of [redacted].Sincerely,Norman W.

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by Tina[redacted]. We contacted Ms. [redacted] last on 03/11/2015 where she stated that she was currently paying off a past-due loanthrough another company, she stated she would contact them about obtaining...

information on the account with them,{just to make sure they were not the same account). We have not been in contact with Ms. [redacted] since.We will honor her request and cease and desist all communications affiliated with her file.Regards,Norman W[redacted]Premier Portfolio Group

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.  May 30tg is when I called on my lunch break and advise them do not call my job call after work hours! I left them 2 messages on their voice mail! They still have not called back after 5 but called an ex in law who sent me a message on Facebook! They are presenting false facts have not sent me any document not contacted me outside of my work hours! An I called and left another message today! How is there an answering machine for a. Illection company but they have not left me any messages! Ask them can I have a transcript of the call! Saying what they advised! False!  Regards,  [redacted]

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by [redacted]. We contacted Mr. [redacted] on 12/03/2014, regarding a past due payday loan, he requested we send him paperworkvia USPS, we honored his request and sent him a Dunning Letter, we then...

contacted him 2 week after the initialconversation, he stated he has yet to receive the documents, we then tried to confirm if we had the updated mailingaddress, he would not confirm this, we stated that we may have a wrong/former mailing address, he then disconnectedthe phone call. We had zero contact with Mr. [redacted] in the year of 2015. On February 24, 2016 Mr. [redacted] contacted usabout our mailing address and company information, which we gladly provided to him. When Mr. [redacted] disconnected hisphone call with us in December of 2014, we closed the account and stopped all communications.This account will no longer be worked by our company.Regards,Norman W[redacted]Premier Portfolio Group

Thank you for contacting us, Premier Portfolio Group, in regards to the consumer complaint submitted by[redacted]. We contacted Ms. [redacted] once, on 1/21/2016, Ms. [redacted] was very irate during the phone call, she wasscreaming at one of our collection representatives (Michelle Keller) about her...

bankruptcy, making it unable for Michelleto properly recite the Mini-Miranda, Ms. [redacted] then calmed down when she was transferred to a manager, Jeremy G[redacted]She then told Jeremy she filed for bankruptcy, she refused to give any bankruptcy/attorney information, Ms. [redacted] thendisconnected the phone call, at that point, we placed her account in DISPUTE/BANKRUPTCY status, and not to becontacted any further. We will honor her request and remove her contact information, and cease and desist allcommunications.Regards,Norman W[redacted]Premier Portfolio Group
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
the company, in response to my complaint,  stated that they mailed me documentation  to legitimize their claim. There was never any documentation mailed to me. Also, when I requested their address and information regarding their company they would hang up on me.  They never provided me any documentation, and called repeatedly and harassed me illegally making threats.  This company is obviously not going to change their scare tactic ways and illegal ways of communicating to people so I want to reflect publicly that this company is a bunch of scam artists. 

Hello, we contacted Ms. [redacted] for the first time on August 22, 2017. After reviewing the information with her that we were provided from a mutual client [redacted] Experts, she stated she wanted to voluntarily dispute this claim. Her file was closed at that point. Our company will cease...

& desist all communication with Ms. [redacted]. Her account will remain CLOSED.

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Address: PO Box 54 (Mail returned), Niagara Falls, New York, United States, 14304


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