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Platinum Herbal Wellness

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Reviews Health and Medical Products Platinum Herbal Wellness

Platinum Herbal Wellness Reviews (29)

Rip-off company
Ordered skincell removal product. They make you buy 6 bottles when you only need one to test it. $198.00 Used it for a month--no result. They have now hacked my bank account and charged another $69.85 with no new shipment arrival. Recurring charges when they get your bank account number. I called the phone number and it was not a working number. Trying to dispute through my bank. Total scam

Cancel my subscription and account
I keep getting the Skin cell mole and tag corrector. I now have enough to open my own store. I have sent emails but evidently email address is nonexistent. I would like to discontinue this. Any help?

I got sucker into their diet gimmick because of their false advertising stating that we’ll know celebrities took the Turmeric + forskolin supplement and had significant results. Not to mention that they were on Shark Tank and the sisters that were promoting the product got all five investors to join in. First time since Shark Tank aired. I should’ve stopped right there when I couldn’t find it on Shark Tank history. But thought since Melissa McCarthy took it and had significant results, I’d give it a try. To test how this product worked. I really didn’t change much of my diet or exercise because I know I would get results by just doing those things. After 30 days, nothing. It was at that point when I called to complain, I was informed that they had billed me for the Detox Cleanse. They are such a scam that once they have you, you are now their ginny pig. Luckily I was able to stop anymore supplements from shipping, but they have my money. The only money I got back was the $13 for the Cleanse. Still paid $5 for them to ship it. When I was complaining about the results, the girl (with a horrible English accent) told me I was to watch what I ate and exercise. Well DUH! I could do those without having to waste over $130! Buyer beware! This is totally a scam. And you won’t get your money back unless you’re quick to stopping this by your bank. Stick with diet and exercise as a way to loose weight. Plus, dance. Just dance privately in your own room with your own moves and you should notice results. Nothing beats some good ole Twist and Shout to get the body moving!
This is my picture after 30 day test. Seriously no change. And was constipated even after taking the cleanse. Turmeric is a great spice and that’s it!


Funny! I didn’t even want to give them a star but I had to in order to write this review.

Same scene.I have brough turmeric,and the next month they send me smart cleanse Without an morder and charge it to my Bank account Without my permission,thats stole.I try to ready this people and still waiting For an answer.


Je viens de me faire avoir aussi. Le 03/07/2018 via une pub sur Facebook je commande un complément alimentaire pour perdre de 2 à 5 kgs. Quelques jour plus tard la commande de mes deux boîtes commandées pour 129€. Au bout de 30 jours, toujours aucune perte de poids, mais un transit complètement bouleversé ! Bref aujourd'hui je reçois un autre complément alimentaire, un autre nom, rien à voir avec le premier, que je n'ai donc pas commandé et en regardant mon compte bancaire, j'ai été prélevé de 69€. Au dos des première boites il est inscrit "Platinium Herbal Wellness LLC avec un numéro de tel. Sur la boite reçue aujourd'hui que je n'ai pas commandé il est juste inscrit Los Angeles California et... le même numéro de téléphone ! Étrange ! Bref, tout cela est passé par VITAMIN"S BEAUTY ! C'est une véritable arnaque !

I live in Australia and ordered several months’ supply of Safflower Oil on a very misleadingly advertised special? in May, upon receiving an unsolicited email with recommendations from well-known public figures. I am amazed that these people haven’t taken action to distance themselves from, or investigate/prosecute, the Better Bodies Store. I haven’t noticed any change whatsoever so BUYER BEWARE! More importantly, I have just received another bottle of pills which I didn’t order and has been charged to my credit card without my knowledge. I sent an email requesting an immediate refund and it bounced back faster than you can wink. I am now reporting the matter to my bank, advising them to double-check/block all their clients’ transactions to this company or any other enterprise associated with them. I will also be informing the Australian consumer affairs body so that they can investigate the company’s claims and dodgy business practices.


I, too, was victim of this scam. I found out after ordering the three promotional bottles of Turmeric-- that I cannot take it since I am on a blood thinner for a blood clotting disorder. When I called to return the order (unopened), I was told there was a 30 day money back policy and since I was 70 days out, I was out of luck - despite the fact that the product supposedly expires in April 2020! (Aren't most return policies 90 days ?) Then about a week ago I received a bottle of the Detox Smart Cleanse which I did not order from the same company. It was charged to my account without my authorization. In order for me to receive a refund, I must return the bottle, and will receive a refund for the product minus $5 for "shipping/handling." And the return shipping is on me! What a bunch of BS! Big ripoff! Buyers beware!


Same thing happened to me. I was lured in by their false advertising, using well known celebrities, and also claiming to be on Shark Tank. After the first 30 days and now into the next bottle, I called them out on the fact that their product doesn’t work. I should’ve seen at least 5 lbs difference, but what happened is that I gained weight and was constipated. When I called them about this, the girl told me they already sent the cleanse but she credited it back only charging $5 shipping. Fine! Just no more charges! Now taking the cleanse and still no difference. I wish I would’ve seen this before ordering. I should’ve known better too. Diet and exercise are all you need to loose weight and look great. Now I’m out over $130 that I’ll never see again! I tried to get my money back for at least the last bottle I haven’t used but they told me the same thing. 30 day money back not 90 days. The only thing I’ve been partially refunded is the Detox Cleanse. This picture is after 30 days.

Same scenario just happened to me! I just received a bottle of detox smart cleanse dietary supplement which I never
Ordered! I would like to know if your money was refunded please and how.

I like most of these reviews received a fraudulent email from a friend's email saying that she recommended that I try the Tumeric tablets for weight loss. After calling her to tell her I purchased it, she informed me that she never sent the email. Subsequently, they decided to charge my card again and send me a smart cleanse detox. I called to cancel all shipments and complained about the fraudulent email and they only refunded me a portion of the purchase price. Needless to say be aware of this company, it is scam! I refuse to try the product on the sheer account of the deplorable integrity of the company.


I ordered an oil from this company as well. On the website you buy 2 and get one for free. Well low and behold, not only did they just send one bottle, they charged me $10 extra dollars for the one bottle. Well I called the number on the back of the bottle and he kept telling me I only ordered one bottle. After going back the the website I ordered it from I called the number on the page and got the same people with a different number. After a few choice words, he finally told me he would refund me $41 of the $68 they charged me so I'm out $27 for the one bottle. They are such a scam it isn't funny. And the website is false advertising as well. Buyers beware.


My bank called me about unusual activity before I had completed ordering the CLASafflower Oil. I tried a different card and it went through. Then I looked at the first bank info and to my horror discovered charges for $198 from one company and $198 from another-each referring to the oil. I called my bank and froze my account and thankfully, they cancelled the charges also. Then I spent a week going back and forth with the company about the refund. They stated they would refund 65% of it which meant they were taking $238.60 for nothing. I finally received a full refund number and the charges disappeared from my account (although I kept my card frozen)_. End of story right. NOoooo! A week later I received a plastic RX type package in the mail. I didn't look, I just opened thinking it was my usual pharmacy order. Inside were five bottles of magic oil. I called the number-the very small number (!) on a bottle and got a real person. He spoke unaccented English but alas, was without a brain. He didn't know what a return label was when I requested one and just kept saying my account was closed. I asked if I should return the oil-again, your account is closed, sooo-I kept it! I have taken it for about a week with no weight change other than the few ounces down from the diarrhea after two pills. Sure sounded good with the Shark Tank supposedly buying in and all the "reviews and before and after pictures". I'm 80 and should certainly know that all the ads and testimonies aren't real and less food is the only answer but I keep hoping...


Just received another bottle on Skincell. I ordered only 1 to see if it's claim was true. It is not. I used 1/3 of the first one for a month without any results. Now I have a second one I did not order that was charged to my debit card. How many more can I be charged for? Is this a job for the state's attorney general? Fraud business should be punished. Do not order any product from Platinum Herbal Wellness they are dishonest ...

A friend of mine referred this product to me last month via a social media post. I did place an order and received the product. This past Saturday I received a bottle of detox smart cleanse from the same company that I did not order and, will not accept the charge to my card either. The address on the package it came in states, Warehouse Fulfillment-returns only po box 1079 Pleasant Grove UT 84062.


I too, placed an order. Also, I just received bottle of smart cleanse, that I did not order. These products came from the same place. How can I find out how to cancel this product? The address listed is the same:P.O.Box 1079, Pleasant Grove,UT84062.

in october I bought a little bottle of a oitment called skincell.they charged my credit card 3.86,a month later they had charged my card again for two payments of 62.86,totalling over 125 pound and now I cant seem to get in touch with them.steer clear


Purchased 5 bottles of the ClaSafflower oil from Platinum Herbal Wellness LLC
After a week or so my legs had tingling and were going numb. Went to the doctor and was advised to discontinue the product and I let them know this but yet they are still charging almost $200 for a product that doesn't work and is not safe to use.

I totally got scammed when I received an email, thinking it was from my son, but it wasn't. It had his name, but later when I learned he had not sent it to me, when I opened it there were #s following his name. I'm 69 and 30#s overweight and thought, if my son is this concerned about my weight, perhaps I should check out this website. The website mentions how many celebrities have lost massive amounts of weight just by popping these CLA Safflower pills, and they have it has testimonies from "so called doctors" who support their claims. I cannot find any reliable site that mentions "weight loss" I have always lived by the adage "If it seems too good to be true, it probably isn't." I totally messed up! The company that actually sold me the supplement is Pure Health Formulas, at least that's what appeared on my CC. If Platinum Herbal Wellness, LLC is a legit company, they need to look into these scam sites. I'm reporting both of them to the


I wish to complain about my order being not delivered since may.
What I DID NOT order has been charged to my account and received. Why?
My order id no which I have not received is 1dbae7fd66-5914a1-29234c32-35183396 since May 2017 is what I ordered.
I need you to refund all my cash plus all transfer charges to be to your account if you are not going to ship the product that was ordered in this week and should be received by me in the next two weeks latest.


INTELLIGEN is dynamite and I had noticeable improvement in less than 2 weeks..about to reorder

Have been receiving products from a fulfillment co in Garden Grove Ut. This company has hired them to send out products. Need to cancel cant find a phone number or address on this. Please help. Sarrah Kidd [email protected]


As far as I can tell, after taking this chemical combo for over a month, is that it does absolutely nothing. I am returning the newest bottle they just sent me. My wife is a Psychiatric Nurse and very observant. She could not detect any difference in my mental competence, persistence of focus or memory retention. Bad news.

Paul Shattuck; Cumming, GA


Just received product called INTELIGEN. In their online ads & positive reviews (perhaps done by a friend), they claim to have vinpocetine in their product. When I received my product I looked at all of the ingredients and vinpocetine is not listed on their label. This makes me suspect of their product.

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