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Pitney Bowes Inc.

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Pitney Bowes Inc. Reviews (596)

July 1, 2014 Dispute Resolution Department
Atten: [redacted]
[redacted]  [redacted]
Name: [redacted]
Rental Account:  [redacted]
Location: [redacted]  [redacted] File # [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for the opportunity to assist you regarding INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH PROF   Rental and Purchase Power Account. 
We have contacted [redacted] directly to secure additional payment information that is currently being researched with our A/R Dept to locate unapplied payment funds intended for their Purchase Power account.  Additional invoicing is being created to re-invoice for a Purchase Order approved for payment but not yet received from [redacted] for previous balances from February 2014.  We will continue to work to resolve the missing funds and apply as intended when we have received their payment. 
If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Technical Support lead
Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services
cc: Office of the President

November 28, 2016 Serving Connecticut [redacted] Complaint and Inquiry Consultant [redacted]   [redacted]
* I am in receipt of [redacted] I had spoken with...

Julia Wallace and informed her that per the notes on the account under Pitney Bowes case number [redacted] the credit amount of $95.97 and $126.76 from the Rental Account has been transferred and successfully applied to her Purchase Power Account [redacted] This credit will be reflected in on her statement of the next month. I asked Julia if she had any other concerns; she had indicated to me that the hold time was high.  I educated her this is not typical; however, due to some recent system upgrades there is a much higher than normal hold time.  Moreover, due to the inconvenience for her time spent waiting on hold, I had informed her that I was applying $40.00 in free postage, courtesy of Pitney Bowes to her prepaid reserve account and is readily available for a download onto her meter.   My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best possible customer service.   Respectfully yours,   [redacted] Office of the President

January 26, 2015  of CT 
RE: # [redacted]
Dear [redacted]
Pitney Bowes is in receipt of complaint # [redacted]....

 Pitney Bowes understand the frustration of the client [redacted] in regards to the refund for unused postage left on the postage meter that was returned.
On October 20, 2014 the client called to cancel their Pitney Bowes meter rental account. On or about October 27, 2014 the client received a box, prepaid shipping label and instructions on how to deactivate and return the postage meter. As part of the postage meter rental program the client was entitled to free postage. On April 07, 2014 there was 2 (two) free postage transactions posted to the clients account; one for $240.00 and another for $180.00. On May 15, 2014 the client downloaded to the postage meter $420.00. On October 27, 2014, as part of the deactivation process the client removed $238.70 of unused postage from the postage meter. The $238.70 was the balance left of unused free postage.
When the client received their free postage promotion; they received an email with the redemption codes. As part of that email it is stated in part “…These codes are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash” (see attached sample of that email). Because all unused funds left on the postage meter was for free postage, these funds are not redeemable to refund nor can be used for unpaid invoices.
The client states in their complaint “I had missed paying the rental fee for 6 months prior to cancelling the service…” The client continues to be assessed late fees and finance charges due to those invoices going unpaid. I have also attached the unpaid invoices.
In summary; the invoices are outstanding and the client is required to pay them. The $238.70 of unused funds was free postage and will not be refunded.
Pitney Bowes appreciates all of your information and feedback.  This assists us in educating our staff to ensure we provide Excellent Customer Service.
Respectfully yours,
Case Manager – Client Experience
 ** [redacted]
Pitney Bowes

July 3, 2014
Calibri;">, Inc.Attn: [redacted]
Sudden Arrythmia Death Syndrome Foundation
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
I have received the complaint [redacted] and would like to respond to the situation described in our client’s, Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes, letter to you.  After looking into the recent service history, I see the following transactions have occurred:
·         On June 20th, a preventative maintenance call was performed by a Pitney Bowes Field Service Representative.  The technician noticed the client had been using the incorrect ink which can cause print issues with the meter.  The technician replaced the print head and ink tank for preventative maintenance.
·         On Wednesday, June 25th, the client, [redacted], called to state that the meter would not print postage and it had cost them $5.00 in postage.  A Pitney Bowes Field Service Representative was dispatched the same day the client called.  The Technician explained that incorrect ink could cause this issue, but apparently the client did not accept this explanation. For customer satisfaction, a new meter was ordered June 25th; however, due to the time of day the order was placed the time line for the over-night delivery for the carrier was missed. 
·         On Friday, June 27th, the meter arrived to the client location according to tracking information from the carrier.
·         On Monday, June 30th, after having attempted over-the-phone technical assistance to install the new meter, a Pitney Bowes Field Service Representative was dispatched to the client location. Upon performing service on the new meter, the Technician was able to successfully install the meter as shown through our Postage by Phone System with a successful refill.   
·         On Tuesday, July 1st, according to our Pitney Bowes Authorized Service Provider, a site visit was conducted ensuring that the install was successful and funds were removed from the previous meter.
We apologize for the additional day it took to order the replacement meter on June 25th as we missed the cut-off time to send the meter overnight as well as the difficulties  the client experienced in attempting to self-install the new meter.  However, after learning of the difficulties installing the new meter, we attempted to assist by phone and sending a technician to site and as a result the meter was successfully installed and postage added by the Field Service Technician on June 30th. 
Unfortunately, the use of non-compliant third party ink was determined to be the cause of the initial meter failure.  The customer was advised of the correct ink to use in the meter by the Field Service Technician.
As a courtesy Pitney Bowes will supply a complimentary replacement ink (793-5) United States Postal Service compliant, which is designed to work in the their [redacted] machine.
Order [redacted] MARKED for Overnight and will be delivered next week as Friday is a holiday.
Respectfully yours,
[redacted], Project Manager
As for the client’s request for a reduce term and price; Pitney Bowes will work to maintain the business relationship with SADS. Below is an email I sent the client after leaving a voice mail:
From: [redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 9:48 AM
To: '[redacted]
Subject: Pitney Bowes account [redacted]
Good morning [redacted],
I left you a voicemail a few minutes ago but also wanted to reach out to you via email.
Your account was forwarded to me in response to a request from the I understand you are interested in discussing renewal options at a reduced term and price. I would be happy to go over options with you, but would like to speak with you first so that I can best address your needs.
Please feel free to call me or, if it is easier, we can set up an appointment to discuss the account.
Thank you for your time and I’ll look forward to speaking with you,
Respectfully,O: ###-###-#### Ext. 5416 | F: ###-###-#### |
At the writing of this letter, attempts to contact the client regarding renewal options were unsuccessful and no response has been received.
Cc: Office of the President

See attached Lease and Rental agreement for PBsmartpostage... 
To, Inc.Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
I have check with our legal department and the lease is valid. I have attached copies of both leases that were signed and dated by the client.
We would like to reach an amicable agreement. We have pbSmartpostage that looks like it would work well for the client. I have attached the rental contract for this.
If they would like to choose this option the contract need to be signed and returned to me. It can be faxed, ###-###-####, or emailed, [redacted]
Martha C[redacted]
Sales Administration Manager

December 29, 2016 Serving Connecticut [redacted]
[redacted]41 [redacted]a,   I am in receipt...

of [redacted]  I am having a manager here within Pitney Bowes contact the client directly within 48 business hours to address [redacted] concerns.  I am confident that together we can work towards a fair resolution.  Thank you.   My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best possible customer service.   Respectfully yours,   [redacted] Customer Advocate  Office of the President

Tell us why here...
April 28th, 2016 Serving...

RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]
I am Courtney P[redacted] previous Director at Pitney Bowes. I am responding to the complaint ID [redacted] filed by [redacted] regarding signing a lease with Courtney P[redacted] as their Account Manager at Pitney Bowes.
In the complaint it is outlined that [redacted] Investment services was solicited by Courtney P[redacted] regarding a new product that was being offered. After going online, [redacted] Investment Services requested to obtain the online offer that includes a free trial and postage coupons.
Online Free trial offers are inclusive to new customers only, as outlined on the online offers:

[redacted] Investment Services has been a valued client of Pitney Bowes with their current K7M0/DM125 equipment for several years.
April 28th, 2016 11:45AM, I have left a message for Cameo to call me direct to further discuss. No response at this time.
I am happy to discuss in further detail the current offers available for current clients and resolution to the late fees applied.
Pitney Bowes strives to give the best customer service and adopts a Client win culture.
Respectfully yours,
Trisha L[redacted]
Inside Sales Director
Pitney Bowes
1313 N Atlantic, Suite 3000
Spokane, WA 99201

Please see attachment.
Tatum W[redacted]
Customer Advocate 

Bowes1313 N. Atlantic Ave Suite 3000
Spokane, WA 99201

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: being a not-for-profit charitable organization, retrenching expenses for sustainability we cannot pay the entire lease amount as requested - this is not a solution that addresses the concerns raised in our letter.  Further we continue to have a lease with Pitney Bows for our copier machine and wish to remain in good relationship however need Pitney Bowes to recognize the difficult landscape facing not-for-profit charitable organizations such as our selves.  The machine is ready to be collected and has not been used for several months.

February 18, 2015 of CT  [redacted]
RE: # [redacted]
 Dear ??
Pitney Bowes is in receipt of the client's rejection response. As previously stated, Pitney Bowes will not provide a refund of unused funds in the amount of $238.70 as free postage is not redeemable to refund nor can it be used to pay unpaid invoices. See attached.
[redacted] confirmed in the complaint, they had missed paying rental fees for 6 months which also includes 6 months of valid Purchase Power late and finance charges for not receiving payment by the due date plus carrying the balance month to month. I’ve waived [redacted] January Purchase Power late fee for customer satisfaction as Pitney Bowes reviewed their account. No additional Purchase Power late and/or finance charges will be waived as these are valid charges.
If Pitney Bowes does not receive payment for the minimum amount due after 120 days delinquent, the Purchase Power account will be closed and sent to 3rd party Collection agency to purse the balance.
Pitney Bowes appreciates all of your information and feedback.  This assists us in educating our staff to ensure we provide excellent Customer Service.
Respectfully yours,
Case Manager, Client Experience
** [redacted]
Pitney Bowes

April 9, 2015
LINE-HEIGHT: normal; mso-layout-grid-align: none"> of CT
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of the complaint letter submitted to Pitney Bowes Office of the President on behalf of the [redacted]. [redacted] indicates there were issues with Pitney Bowes equipment for over a year, which resulted in lost postage, and ultimately, that Pitney Bowes continues to send unexplained bills.
I’ve researched the account, and have determined that schedule 003 on lease # [redacted] is still active and generating invoices to the client. This should have been terminated at the same time lease # 1
schedule 002 was terminated in October 2014. Due to agent oversight, that did not happen.
Pitney Bowes apologizes for this error, and will follow up with the agent(s) involved to ensure items of this nature do not cause similar issues in the future.
I obtained approval from management to terminate lease schedule 003, which I processed today. There is no outstanding/ future balance due from the client.    
Respectfully yours,
Case Manager, Client Experience
** [redacted]
Pitney Bowes
[redacted]  [redacted]

October 13, 2014, Inc.
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of the complaint #[redacted] Customer states PB...

practices on the renewal are deceptive since the new agreement doesn’t start on the signed date. Also states have called several times on hold for 25 minutes waiting for cancel process.
I have reviewed the complaint as well as the contract signed by the office manager.  The contract clearly states “the commencement date of this lease shall be on the day following the expiration date of the current lease”. We spoke with the customer [redacted] on 10/9 where she stated she was not going to pay the rest of the lease, the time prior to that we spoke with [redacted] on 4/14 and agreed to waive $96 in late fees.
I left [redacted] two messages today but was unable to reach her.  On voicemail I advised I would be willing to reduce her settlement down to $350 and I left my direct extension for a call back.
Respectfully yours,
Supervisor, Retention

[redacted]0   [redacted]
[redacted]   I am in receipt of [redacted]  [redacted] a manager here at Pitney Bowes indicates that Pitney Bowes will make sure her meter does not get locked while they we are working on the billing issue.  I have emailed [redacted] asking if anyone has contacted her regarding this and if she is able to utilize her meter.  I am confident that we can work together to resolve this issue.  The client can feel free to contact me at should she need additional assistance regarding this instead of having to wait on hold.  Thank you.   My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best possible customer service.   Respectfully yours,  
[redacted] Office of the President
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

December 28, 2016 Serving Connecticut [redacted]a, Complaint and Inquiry Consultant[redacted]
[redacted]  I am in receipt of 1[redacted] have requested that the...

return materials be sent to the client and the account reflect a $0.00 balance due.  Please allow 10 business days for the return materials to arrive. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best possible customer service. Respectfully yours,  [redacted]Customer Advocate  Office of the President

October 10, 2014, Inc.
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
This is in response to the client’s rebuttal dated 10.9.14.
The client [redacted] wanted to cancel the lease that had not yet commenced claiming unauthorized signature she also claimed we had unreasonably long lease periods and felt like they were tricked into a long term.
I spoke with [redacted] and advised signer of the newest schedule [redacted] that was for 51 months was the office manager and same signer as the previous schedule [redacted] that was for 63 months. I explained that because she had signed the previous lease and that they have been using the equipment for over 5 years unauthorized signer was not a valid claim.
She no longer wants the equipment, I advised I would start the cancellation of schedule [redacted] and the pick-up process, she should have the box and label within 2 weeks.  I also gave her my number to reach me directly.
Respectfully yours,
Retention Supervisor
Pitney Bowes
Cc: Pitney Bowes, Office of the President

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I am appreciative that they are God fearing.  I feel comfortable referring business to them.  

March 15, 2016 of CT
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
In response to [redacted], Mr. [redacted] contacted us on 2/10/2016 to return the supply he purchased because he...

changed his mind and he was provided the return authorization on that day.  The system is documented that the supplies were received back on 2/18/16.  The credit was issued back to his credit card on 2/26/2016 in the amount of $38.14.  The whole return process including any credit adjustments is 30-40 days and this did fall within the SLA guidelines.  It may be that he was not informed of the time frame when he called to set up the return.
I called Mr. [redacted] today and did confirm with him that he received the credit back on his credit card.  I let him know the return process time frame is typically 30-40 days and this did fall within policy, but did apologize if he was not informed of this initially. 
He said no further assistance was needed.
Tracy A[redacted]
Supply Line Client Support Manager
Mailing Solutions, North America
Pitney Bowes

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Description: Mailing Machines & Equipment, Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers (NAICS: 423420)

Address: 15 Constitution Drive, Bedford, New Hampshire, United States, 03110-6000


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