Pawnee Leasing Corporation Reviews (76)
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Address: 3801 Automation Way Suite 207, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States, 80525
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See attached information. It has a response listed with the supporting documents. This was not enough space.
We are disappointed to receive Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Mr. [redacted] has signed a Commercial LeaseAgreement under the business name, [redacted] and also signed...
as a personal guaranty along with[redacted]. The contract is a legal and binding contract. All terms and fees are clearly disclosed. Thefees are primarily due when a customer does not adhere to the payment terms or other importantterms of their lease; our terms are quite customary and are clearly, conspicuously, and specificallydisclosed in the lease contract. Mr. [redacted] unfortunately did not comply with all required terms andmight have avoided all difficulties had he chosen to comply, as the vast majority of our lessees do, withthe industry consistent terms of our leases.Mr. [redacted] states in his complaint we are “unethical” or “extremely sneaky”. We are quite the opposite.We make every attempt to notify our customers of their obligations via phone and mail. Mr. [redacted]’scomplaint consists of two separate issues. First, being the requirements for insurance. A copy of thecontract was provided to Mr. [redacted] at the beginning of the lease. The terms of the Lease Agreement arecovered of two pages. The requirements for Insurance are not buried or hidden. They are clearlydisclosed in section nine (9-Insurance) of the Lease Agreement. It states the lessee can avoid thecharges by providing the required sufficient proof of insurance. Mr. [redacted] failed to provide proof ofinsurance at the time of funding. Due to this we immediately notified Mr. [redacted] in the welcome packetthat was sent (6/5/14). In the Welcome packet there is a Welcome letter and it provides requirementsof insurance. We also included a separate notice that is printed on a bright colored piece of paper thatdescribes the insurance requirements in detail. As part of the Lease Agreement Mr. [redacted] signed an ACHAgreement that authorizes any lease payments, fees or other amounts due under the lease to bedrafted. Mr. [redacted] was notified of such drafts. If proof of insurance is not provided by the 1st of the nextmonth we will initiate monthly invoices to the customers. Invoices were sent to Mr. [redacted] on 7/7/14,8/5/14, 9/5/14, and 10/6/14. Each invoice clearly states the charges will be drafted by the 25th of themonth if the required proof of insurance is not provided by the 20th of the month. Several calls werealso initiated to Mr. [redacted] in July, August, September and October. In those conversations we advisedMr. [redacted] of the requirements & deadlines for providing the sufficient proof of insurance. Each time Mr.[redacted] stated he would take care of it however he failed to provide the required proof of insurance eachtime we called. It wasn’t until we had to have consistent conversations with Mr. [redacted] in September andOctober that he took the charges more seriously. We made repeated calls to Mr. [redacted] in Septemberand October because he had defaulted on his lease payments and Mr. [redacted] failed to follow up orcontact our office. In each of the attempts our representatives made him aware of the charges he hadreceived and what he could do to stop incurring the charges for no proof of insurance. Mr. [redacted] finallyprovided the required proof of insurance on 10/20/14. The charges ceased and the charge he wouldhave received on the 10/6/14 invoice was waived. The previous charges were not refunded as thecontract states they are nonrefundable & can be avoided by providing the required proof of insurance.
On 12/30/14 we received a cancellation notice for his insurance. We sent a notice to Mr. [redacted] on12/31/14 about the cancellation and calls were made 1/5/15 & 1/7/15. Mr. [redacted] returned the call on1/13/15 and provided a reinstatement notice. The charge he would have received on the invoice dated1/5/15 was waived. The insurance then expired 10/15/15. A notice was sent to Mr. [redacted] about therequirements on 10/29/15. Invoices for the required proof of insurance initiated again on 11/5/15 andbecause there was no response about our notifications he received invoices 12/7/15 & 1/5/16.
The issue with the insurance in 2015 also leads us into the second part of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint aboutthe calls and site visit. The calls and site visit were initiated due to Mr. [redacted] defaulting on his leasepayment obligations. On January 6, 2016 we were notified the monthly lease payment of $772.82 wasreturned as “payment stopped”. Per section one (1-Lease) of the Lease Agreement Mr. [redacted] is to makehis monthly lease payments by ACH on the 1st of every month. Mr. [redacted] failed to notify Pawnee Leasingthat the draft would not clear & make arrangements for the payment to be paid by other means. As wedo with all of our customers that default on their payment obligations we started making calls to thenumbers we were provided (cell numbers, business numbers & residences). Since Mr. [redacted] and[redacted] are personal guarantees to the contracts we will make every attempt to contact themregarding the debt via mail, phone, skip tracing & site visits will be made if calls are not being returned.Any phone numbers we called or emails that were sent were provided or found through publicresources (, internet, yellow & white pages & etc.).
Mr. [redacted] sent us an email on 1/20/15 requesting to only contact him by email or mail and stated wewere violating the New York City debt collection practices? If Mr. [redacted] fully read his agreement hewould know this is a commercial debt, not consumer and the lease is governed by the laws of Colorado,not New York. We will make every attempt to contact our customers regarding the debt & the callswere not harassing since we never spoke to Mr. [redacted] (the last phone contact was January 2015). In ourcommunications we were requested a callback and notified Mr. [redacted] of the default. Mr. [redacted] stated inhis email he was disputing the debt and would be reviewing this with his attorney. We requested theattorney’s contact information so we could speak directly to them. Mr. [redacted] never provided theinformation. We attempted to contact him again via email and due to no response we set up a site visit.Mr. [redacted] refused to speak to the inspector. The inspector left a callback card & left.
As of today Mr. [redacted] still has not responded. He is due for the January and February 1st payments, hehas failed to provide sufficient proof of insurance for 2016 and now has late fees, finance charges,charges for no proof of insurance & a site inspection fee. If Mr. [redacted] would have taken his agreementmore seriously and provided the necessary proof of insurance when it was requested he would not havereceived any charges. We have thousands of lessees that can comply with the terms of their contractsand never have any problems. Instead Mr. [redacted] puts the blame on Pawnee Leasing and makes falseaccusations about our company. I advise Mr. [redacted] to contact an attorney if hasn’t. Since Mr. [redacted] hasneglected to fulfil his obligations and refuses to speak with us we are prepared to move forward withthe options available to us in the event of a default as listed in section 10-Default of his LeaseAgreement, which could include repossession and/or filing suit. If Mr. [redacted] would like to cure hisdefault he needs to contact our office and make arrangements to pay what is past due & provide therequired proof of insurance. There will be no refunds made to Mr. [redacted]’s account. It is clear in myreview we made every attempt to assist Mr. [redacted] in avoiding the charges. He has chosen to ignore ourrequests and we can’t help him if he won’t communicate with us.
Attached to the response is the welcome letter, notice of insurance requirements, invoices, insurancewe were provided, cancellation notice, letters sent regarding the insurance, Lease Agreement, lettersregarding the default & a payment history.
[redacted]’s [redacted], Inc. signed a commercial lease agreement with Paramount Financial on 6/13/15. The contract has been assigned to...
Pawnee Leasing and we are servicing the contract. I have attached a copy of the assignment, contract, ACH Agreement & invoices sent to Mr. [redacted] regarding the charges for the force placed insurance and property taxes.
A letter was sent to Mr. [redacted] on 8/30/16 stating the insurance we had on file expired or had been cancelled. The requested proof of insurance was not received and the insurance was force placed on 10/4/16 per the notification sent on 8/30/16. Charges were not billed until November with a due date of 11/25/16. An invoice was sent on 11/7/16 advising Mr. [redacted] of those charges. An email was received on 11/22/16 with a binder but it was lacking several requirements and the Insurance department emailed Mr. [redacted] what was needed in order to stop the charges. Another email was sent on 11/28/16 after Mr. [redacted] emailed us back that he had sent what he had for insurance. We responded the insurance was insufficient and we gave him the requirements in order to provide sufficient proof of insurance. Mr. [redacted] along with his insurance agent called on 11/28/16. We went over the requirements and what was missing. We received a certificate on 12/1/16 however it was still insufficient. Another email was sent to Mr. [redacted] about the insufficient information. We spoke to Mr. [redacted] on 12/5/16 about the information. On 12/7/16 we received the sufficient proof of insurance.
An invoice was sent on 12/5/16 that included the charges for the property taxes. Section 12 of the contract clearly states that we will file the property taxes on behalf of the customer and pass those charges through to the customer. The ACH agreement that Mr. [redacted] signed authorizes the Lessor/Assignee to draft all amounts due under the contract and sufficient notice was given to Mr. [redacted].
The sufficient proof of Insurance was received on 12/7/16 and the charges were credited back to Mr. [redacted]’s account. Per the email Mr. [redacted] attached in his complaint we have changed his ACH to only draft the scheduled lease payments. If any charges (due under the lease) become due Mr. [redacted] will be sent an invoice & he will have to pay it by check or contact our office to make payment over the phone.
We are happy to review Mr. [redacted]'s request of refunding the $128.00 in overdraft charges since the force placed insurance charges were credited and the property taxes were paid by check. We need a copy of the bank statement clearly showing the date and amounts of the charges accrued on his account due to the drafts. Once we have the statements we will review the information and respond to the customer’s request.
The company's billing policies are very deceiving. They were supposed to set up an ACH to withdraw my monthly payment, but didn't. After not pulling the payment on the correct date, but a later date, they charged me interest and a fiance charge. In addition, they sent me a letter stating the equipment leased had to have my renewal insurance certificate sent to them by the 20th on the month. I sent it on the 10th of the month, but they still sent me a "no proof of insurance" fee. I called to complain and they did waive all their fees, but I feel that some companies wouldn't catch this and just pay the fees anyway. Very deceptive.
I recently became a client of Pawnee Leasing through Everlasting Capital. Everlasting Capital presented the "lease" option to me for an expansion project stating that they have been working with this company for over ten years.
Once the contract was signed is when all the troubles began. The insurance documents they stated are not sufficient, they are as described in the the contract. Now, oh we have not received the FOUR copies that have been email and faxed. Yesterday in the mail, I received an invoice (3 copies) of the same invoice stating it was a "PreFunding" loan installment. This company is a scam and I would advise businesses to stay away.
The statements made by Mr. [redacted] are misleading, factually incorrect and unfortunately misinforming. Mr. [redacted] was not “pushed” into the agreement. I have attached a copy of the contract which is an electronic Commercial Lease Agreement Mr. [redacted] signed through [redacted]. Mr. [redacted]...
received the Commercial Lease Agreement and its addendum's via email which gave Mr. [redacted] control of when he read, signed and returned the documents. In order to complete the process Mr. [redacted] had to acknowledge by signing electronically (on his computer or note pad) that he read & agreed to the terms of each document prior to the packet being returned for funding. It should be noted a Commercial Lease Agreement is a “lease”, meaning the Lessor, Pawnee Leasing Corporation, as the Assignee, is the owner of the leased business equipment and it is rented to the Lessee, [redacted], during the term of the lease. First, the terms are clearly stated on page one of the Lease Agreement in “Schedule of Rental Payment”, as follows: The equipment cost is $13,599.28, the number of rental payments is 55 and the monthly rent payment with tax is $636.41. Second, the Lease Agreement is Non-Cancellable. This is clearly and conspicuously disclosed in the “Notice” header of Page 1 of the Lease Agreement. Third, a lease may be paid off early under specific conditions and terms as Mr. [redacted] agreed to in the Lease Agreement in Section 1 on the first page of the lease which states in CONSPICUOUS, print that the payments are an “ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION THAT YOU CANNOT CANCEL OR TERMINATE, except that if you are not in default you may terminate this lease on any Rent payment date by paying all amounts then due (including accrued taxes) together with all unpaid Rent for the remaining Term discounted to present value at 4% per annum”. I have attached the current payoff that reflects the remaining discounted unpaid Rental payments, the purchase option, property and sales taxes, misc. fees and the termination fee covered under section 4. Late Payment/Other Charges and the security deposit which is being deducted from the total amount due. Fourth, we also completed what is termed a verbal Delivery and Acceptance call as a final measure of customer protection in which we spoke to Mr. [redacted] and he verbally confirmed his understanding of the lease agreement, including all payments terms and his authorization to pay the vendor for the leased equipment. Mr. [redacted] had the opportunity to ask any questions at that time up to and including termination the contract before acceptance by us. He had no questions and authorized us to commence the contract. In short, we encourage Mr. [redacted] to consider the above in conjunction with referring to the written agreement that he entered. We believe with complete conviction that all terms are clear and conspicuous and we are disappointed with Mr. [redacted]’s accusations about our firm and contract. We pay attention to our reviews and our record, however this is a by-product of our company’s customer care culture and as a result we have very few complaints from the tens of thousands of customers we serve every business day. We have been in business for over 35 years and the few complaints we have are a testament to our business practices. I have contacted Mr. [redacted] as he requested via phone and email. The voicemail on his cell was full but I left a message at his business number. I’ve also sent an email along with a copy of the current payoff requesting Mr. [redacted] contact me. I am happy to discuss any further questions, comments or concerns Mr. [redacted] may have regarding his agreement.
We have contacted Mr. [redacted] and advised him the bank statements were sufficient and a credit of $128 is being put into his account.
These people are liars and cheats. Throughout our business dealings, we used the term "loan" when in fact it was a lease that was locked in. I had to make a set number of payments that wound up costing me 50% of the original "loan". It amazes me that the government allows people to conduct such under-handed and unscrupulous dealings.
I have reviewed the response made by the business, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, Tonia was very professional and helpful in resolving our issues and as far as I am concerned everything is good.
Best Regards,
Pawnee Leasing is a predatory lending company.
They have many hidden fees, and use the legal structure of a Lease to prevent early pay off. They also use Brokers as originators to avoid the liability of having Originated Predatory paper.
Warning!! As a borrower you can pay off at any time by paying All monthly payments in 1 lump sum.
It also seems they have taken efforts to clean up their report. I looked at this a while ago and there was tons of terrible reviews, and other stories of predatory lending behavior by Pawnee Leasing.
Read the links & Please Be Warned!!
~ [redacted]
I leased some computer equipment and Pawnee Leasing were the lessors. The lease just completed, with me purchasing the equipment at lease end. They had good customer service throughout, a good experience.
The one caution I would have is make sure you follow their instructions related to informing them of insurance on the equipment to minimize extra insurance fees - it's easy to do, but it's also easy to overlook.
Well, where shall I begin with Pawnee Leasing Corp? My mother & I have decided to open our first tanning salon, looking into a few financing & loan options available for us, we actually we're recommended by [redacted]s. to go through Debbie N[redacted] with [redacted] (Don't get me started on them) we were promised Debbie is "good people" & would "take care of us" and so she did...Debbie promised us 35K equipment LOAN & about 60-80K working capital loan (which just ended up being a bunch a credit cards we had to open up & then pay some $6k for doing so) with our excellent credit score. Took forever to get the ball rolling, I was getting closer & closer to deadlines & needed to be home. Debbie who prolonged the process as long as possible, she NEVER gave us full answers on ANYTHING, interest rates, apr rates, term lengths & so forth. Until it came down to a opening our salon in a week. Paper work from Pawnee "Leasing" Corp was sent over....after not wanting to sign it after a few days we became desperate & signed (literally) our lives away. I purchased a lay down tanning bed from Mark at [redacted]s. for a little under $30,000. Pawnee ended up giving me $22,000 for the machine, therefore I paid with my money just under $8,000. My term came out to 55 months (5 years) & payments are $960.00, right off the bat when we received our first initial bill..we knew something was not right. Let's do the math real quick, 55 months x $960 =$52,000. Pawnee leasing wants $52,000 back from me when they only gave me $22,000..(it get's better). After our first month, we received phone calls about "interm" rent...I owned them another $960 just because they felt the need to scam me more GET THIS PART - I had to give them a $1,200 deposit which set me back which I was given a notice about the last minute, apparently after calling today.. I can't even use that deposit to pay the extra $960 I simply can't afford. On top of that, I was charged many late fees due to lack of "insurance" which was sent to them a while ago...after getting off the phone with the "amazing" staff they have, I was just about ready to toss my phone & hang my self with the chord.
I asked the lady on the phone if I was able to pay off early & be done with Pawnee, she said yes of course., & just to recap with her since they seem to get everything twisted, I made sure I only owned them the $22,000 they gave me for the lay down, nope! Not the case, they want me to pay the full $52,000...FOR WHAT? Your are letting me lease a machine I paid somewhat for! Disgusting sorry excuse for humans. They should be rotting away in Jail. (Wait, it still gets better) after 5 years after paying them ridiculous amounts of money...they want me to then PURCHASE THE BED OF OFF THEM! They are seriously out of their [redacted] minds. Scam artists, absolutely disgusting. Especially after reading up on a few reviews (all negative, I wonder why) they have the [redacted] & guts to sit there & type away about how amazing their customer service is? How they care & treat all of their clients with great respect? Right, if you cared about your "clients" you wouldn't be asking more then double of what you gave them, scamming them with nothing but false fee's & ridiculous payments. Yet, they have the audacity to tell people they care about them, your goggle rating is 1.3 stars out of 5 stars you [redacted].
To New Business Owners, I'm a new business owner of beauty salon suites. I purchased from Buy Rite Beauty, their financing was through Pawnee Leasing. I have paid over 11,000.00 for salon furniture totaling 6000.00. My disagreement is I was told without insurance I would be charged 60.00 monthly for insurance to cover them...NOT TRUE! Later I was told I was billed 60.00 and penalized with late fees and interest because of not reporting insurance, and charged 720.00 for that, on top of 1,100.00 for late, return charges, finance charges, interim rent, no proof of insurance fees. Months before I set a deduction up to pay these bogus charges, tired and desperate to end this account, they fell to continue after 2 months in and completely stop deducting...I called and was told that it was their fault and charges would be adjusted......never was, later I was told, even if they stopped deducting I was still responsible for the charges. Deposit, in conversation I expressed I wanted to pay the account off because Pawnee started debiting my account 3 times deducting 3 separate amounts, I inquired applying my deposit and was told they applied it to all the bogus fees that they never took responsibility for.. Pawnee takes advantage of new business owners, I paid this account OFF and will alert others.My advise from my experience I will never use Pawnee leasing
Pawnee Leasing corporation is great. I originally called b/c the broker from my loan company wasn't returning my calls and been given me false information. I was incredibly angry after 3 mos of getting the run around by the broker that by the time I reached Tonia from Pawnee, I yelled at her, unnecessarily. She remained very calm and offered assistance. We finally reached a resolution for my problem I was having with my broker and she removed all associated fees that the broker had caused. I really appreciate her calm demeanor, as well as the kindness that Jessica, the customer service person I spoke with first, from Pawnee, gave me as well.
I have reviewed the response made by the business, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
There was not enough room to type the response, it's included in the documents.
February 16, 2016
Re: Complaint #[redacted]
Pawnee Leasing is disappointed to receive Mr. [redacted]’s complaint regarding our communication ofinsurance. In the review of the...
account there appears to be a misunderstanding of the charges theyhave been assessed. We believe we are able to explain what has taken place on Mr. [redacted]’s accountand we hope we can come to an agreement that will satisfy Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. We take ourcustomers concerns and complaints very seriously and want to address the issue.The lease funded in July 2015. At that time we provided a copy of the lease, welcome letter and anattachment describing the requirements for providing sufficient proof of insurance. We believe theinformation that is sent to our customers at the beginning and during the term of the lease specificallystate the requirements. We also believe we are giving our customers ample time to provide coveragebefore charges are assessed.On July 13, 2015 we received an email from [redacted] from [redacted] (the originatingbroker) with a copy of the insurance certificate for Mr. [redacted]. Pawnee Leasing was not listed as LossPayee. An email was sent back to [redacted] with the specific requirements. Another certificatewas provided to us on July 16, 2015 with the correct requirements. We accepted the certificate andcoded the account as proof of insurance being received and effective until 11/8/2015. There were nocharges accessed or charged to Mr. [redacted]’s account at this time.
Pawnee Leasing will perform monthly audits on the accounts to ensure proper proof of insurance isprovided. On November 24, 2015 during our audit process we recognized the proof of insurance thatwas provided had expired on November 8, 2015 and a renewal had not been provided. An insurancenotice was sent to [redacted] at [redacted] on November 24,2015 requesting an updated certificate. The insurance notice explains the requirements that areoutlined in the Lease Agreement. An insert is also included to cover the different types of liabilitycoverages and requirements. A monthly invoice will then be generated by the 5th of the next month ifthe sufficient proof of insurance has not been received. An invoice for the charges were sent on12/7/15 and again on 1/5/16. The invoice states “In order to avoid this charge and/or potential futuremonthly charges, you must provide an acceptable certificate of insurance with all requirement met peryour contract agreement by the 20th of the current month. Please fax a copy of your certificate ofinsurance referencing your lease number to Pawnee Leasing Corporation, Attention: InsuranceAdministration at 970-494-4014, email a copy to: [email protected], or call 800-864-4266 for Customer Service.” The exact requirements are not listed out on the invoices since theinvoices are used as notification of charges being assessed. Any explanation of charges beingassessed to a customer are covered in the lease agreement or provided in earlier communications.The ACH Agreement signed by Mr. [redacted] states they authorize Lessor (Pawnee Leasing Corp) to initiatedebits for all amounts due under the Lease Agreement. Debits will be initiated on the 25th of themonth if the required proof of insurance is not provided by the 20th.
On January 26, 2016 we received a fax of an insurance certificate however we were not listed as LossPayee. An Insufficient coverage letter was mailed on February 2, 2016 to [redacted] at[redacted]. An invoice was also mailed on February 4, 2016. Mr. [redacted]contacted our office on February 10, 2016 about the charges. We advised him we had not receivedsufficient proof of insurance. The representative emailed a cover letter with the requirements to[redacted] and explained the only way to get a refund was to provide proof theinsurance was provided. Mr. [redacted] explained he emailed it a while ago. It appears Mr. [redacted] may havebeen referring to the certificate received in July 2015 which was received and charges have not beenassessed since the beginning of the lease. Mr. [redacted]’s insurance agent emailed us a certificate onFebruary 10, 2016 with an endorsement showing Pawnee is listed as Loss Payee. The charge Mr. [redacted]received for February 25th was waived. Mr. [redacted] was assessed a charge for no proof of insurance inDecember 2015 and January 2016 for a total of $170, not $340.
Our representative notified Mr. [redacted] and his agent via email on February 10, 2016 the informationprovided was sufficient and the fees are nonrefundable without a confirmation that the full sufficientevidence of insurance was provided to our office prior to the due dates. The lease agreement doesstate the charges are nonrefundable. However, it appears Mr. [redacted] understands why the charges wereassessed he just doesn’t agree with the manner in which we communicated it to him. In effort toresolve Mr. [redacted]’s dissatisfaction we will agree to refund the full $170 that was debited and apply it tohis next payment (March 15, 2016). Again, we are sorry to hear about Mr. [redacted]’s experience and wehope an explanation of the process was helpful.Attached is a copy of the welcome letter, requirements
for insurance, lease, invoices, letters, paymenthistory and insurance certificates provided.