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Old Republic Home Protection Company

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Old Republic Home Protection Company Reviews (333)

We have been living in this house for only a monthAt the time of purchase, the seller replaced one of the two AC units and the inspector said it had reached end of life but not the otherThey both were over years oldWe walked into the house with water coming down from the ceiling walls and new carpetThe second unit is leaking freon and is at end of life, rusty and barely coolingIt took days to get one of there people here on an "emergency" call and he mid-diagnosed the problem and left without doing anythingThis is FloridaWe called the guy that did the other install and he advised it was dyingHe topped off the freon and didn't know how long it would lastThe claim to replace the rusted out leaking was denied as neglected

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/05/16) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the partial denial of coverage and Mr***'s request for a refund of the Trade Call Fee he paid to Capital City Maintenance; I have reviewed the file that indicates the technician diagnosed and found a GFI breaker in the kitchen had malfunctioned and required replacementOld Republic Home Protection (ORHP) authorized the repair and the GLI operated as designed after it was replacedIn addition, the technician diagnosed and found that an outlet located on the porch was not properly installed with weather stripping, which allowed water to damage the outlet Please refer to page of the Plan titled When You Need Us that states: We will provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction during the term of the Plan that: B) Were correctly installed and working properly on the effective date of the Plan, and C) Have become inoperable due to wear and use, rust, corrosion, and chemical or sediment buiafter the effective date of coveragePre-existing conditions are not covered You are responsible to pay a TRADE (SERVICE) CALL FEE (TCF) when the Service Provider arrives at your homeThe TCF (or the actual cost of service, whichever is less) is due for each dispatched service request by trade (plumbing, electrical, appliance, heating/air conditioning, etc.)Service work is guaranteed for daysThe TCF is due whether service is covered or deniedEssentially, when we incur a cost of service, you are responsible for a TCF We apologize the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage for the electrical outlet located on the porchWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If Mr [redacted] has additional information regarding the outlet that he believes should be considered, please inform him to forward it to me for review Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/05/19) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Nothing was completed that we requestedThe maintenance folks who were sent my house were not the type of people I even wanted coming in my house! When a technician came to look at out dishwasher, they left fixing nothing and said that they would return a few days later with the part to fix itA few days later, they called me and said they did not know which part they needed and wanted me to take a picture of itIf I knew what part I needed I would have just fixed it myself! I feel like I should definitely be refunded my $as a courtesy and just plain good businessAs it is, the warrant was $and will never be utilized Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/05/20) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the dishwasher; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses independent network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Providers and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I spoke with Ms [redacted] today and she agreed to accept $as a cash settlement in lieu of the repair of her dishwasher; a check will be mailed to her within the next ten business daysIn addition, ORHP is reimbursing her $of the Trade Call Fee she paid to the independent network Service Provider Please inform Ms [redacted] to contact me if she has any additional questions Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/05/29) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the range; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement I have reviewed the work orders regarding the range, and confirmed with Sears that different components of the range have failed the past several months, and not the same componentAccording to Sears, a bake element and microcomputer has been ordered and will be delivered to the Plan Holder next week; Sears has an appointment scheduled for June 5th, to complete the repair Due to the circumstances, ORHP has agreed as a gesture of goodwill, to waive the $Trade Call Fee ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 11, 2015/06/22) */ This case has still not been resolvedI am awaiting the check back for the fee and was told this morning it would still be at least days (after being told it would be 10-last week)Thank you Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 13, 2015/06/24) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Please advise Mr [redacted] the Trade Call Fee refund was processed yesterday and will be mailed this week Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 7, 2015/01/08) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service requests placed by Ms [redacted] during the term of her Plan; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments With regard to the furnace service request placed on November 8, 2014; according to the file, ORHP's Independent Network Service Provider (INSP) contacted Ms [redacted] to schedule an appointment for the following day; however, Ms [redacted] informed them that she had hired an Out-Of-Network Contractor to provide serviceAlthough the Plan does not reimburse for unauthorized repairs, ORHP agreed as a matter of goodwill, to review the diagnosis and invoice, and we reimbursed Ms [redacted] what our cost would have been if her furnace was serviced by our INSP As for the dishwasher, my associate, Ms [redacted] has spoken with Ms***, and is following up to ensure the repair is completed in a timely manner If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 10, 2015/01/09) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) HI the dishwasher is now fixed thank you to [redacted] who was very helpful I do not feel the furnace issue was resolved I think I should be due more of a refundI called OHRP after my service company Apollo had been out to check the heater they said the coils needed to be cleaned so I called OHRp and they were going to have their contractor come out when their contractor called I did tell her I was going to use Apollo because they were not going to charge me then I found out they were going to charge me and called the other company right back she informed me coil cleaning was not covered by the home warranty and asked what price they were quoting I told her and she said it was a better price so I might as well use my company So I called my company back they came out to clean the coils and took a picture of the inside of the unit and said the secondary unit was so clogged and it was overheating and shutting down and caused the primary unit to crack I immediately called OHRP while Apollo was at my house and explained It was an emergency that my heater was being shut downI was told the could not send someone out that night and maybe not the next day and I said even though its an emergency they said yesI then stated I would like to use my service and the girl on the phone said she had to put the request in and to call back in an hourI called back and spoke to another service person who said he did not know who I spoke to and their was no request put inI told him the tech from Apollo was their and ready to speak to themThe customer service uy then spoke to my Apollo and approved the fix but said it would only be covered for around which I did not agree with that price but could not wait for their contractor to come out because we were having an arctic blastI think this is a timing issue on your company and emailed my realtor she stated the same thing to her sales rep who then had another customer service rep call me and wanted to send someone out that day I said it is to late I already had Apollo their and they were removing the heater and were at my houseShe stated I would have gotten more money I would have been glad to have a second opinion and even explained I had an elderly person my mother living with me and could not wait for their company to come out Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 12, 2015/01/12) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Please inform Ms [redacted] that I have reviewed her file, and considering the situation, Old Republic Home Protection has agree, strictly as a matter of goodwill, to reimburse her an additional $1,toward the replacement of her furnace If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 14, 2015/01/13) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I will accept the but I still disagree with the whole situation

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/08/21) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; after further review of the file, a conversation with AGS Services, and the Plan Holder, Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) has agreed to provide coverage for the air conditionerI spoke with Mr [redacted] and advised him that ORHP will contact him next week to discuss the next steps to resolve his service request If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact me at XX-XXX-XXXX Ext [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/08/28) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) We are still waiting for repairs to be doneOur original call was on 8/13/15, it is now 8/28/and no repairs have been done and for weeks my family has been dealing with temps of XX-XXX degrees in our home We received a call from Customer Service stating this is going to cost us $1,out of pocket for us We also feel the repair person they sent out to us AGS Services is unprofessional and we worry about his credibilityTwo times now he has come to our home at 10pm to do work and he has made comments about not liking the "big, time consuming jobs" I will be contacting Mr [redacted] to follow up and will respond/close this complaint once the work is finally completed Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/08/31) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement According to the file, AGS will pick up the equipment and contact Mr [redacted] to schedule an appointment to complete the installationIf Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact Al at AGS (XXX-XXX-XXXX) for assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/04/10) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner, please extend our sincere apologies to Mr [redacted] for the circumstances related in his letter I have reviewed the file, and Old Republics Homer Protection has dispatched another independent network Service Provider to diagnosis the air conditioner, and we will follow up with Mr [redacted] no later than April 12th with a resolution to his service request If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/04/14) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) They did send someone to trouble shoot the issue on 4/They found a leak in the A-coilThis is the same coil that one of Old Republic's vendors replaced in August of This current vendor could not find the serial number on the A-coil so they advised that they had to contact Old Republic for the next course of actionIt appears that the vendor that replaced the coil either removed the serial number or did not replace the A-coil with a warrantied itemOld Republic contacted me on 4/that they would be sending the vendor back to my house to look for the serial number since they need it to have it replaced under warrantyTheir vendor did not show upToday, 4/14, Old Republic called about an update stating that their vendor showed upI informed Old Republic that was not the caseThey were surprisedI told them I had arranged to have someone replace the A-coil and I wanted to send them the bill since they have failed to resolve the problemThey advised they call me back

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/16) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner and payment of the Trade Call Fee; I have reviewed the file and the following is a brief summary of the service request 03/11/Plan becomes effective for the Plan Holder 06/11/Service request: air conditioner is not cooling Dispatched: Viking Heating & Air Status: the technician diagnosed the compressor required a hard start kitThe repair was completed and the air conditioner was operating as designed With regard to the Trade Call Fee; there is only one TCF due for each service request dispatched by Old Republic Home Protection, and the file indicates there is only one TCF that is past due regarding the service request placed on June 11, Please advise Mr [redacted] to remit payment at his earliest convenience If Mr***'s air conditioner has malfunctioned and he believes he requires service, please advise him to contact our Customer Service Department at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/09/17) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Mr [redacted] did not address the double payment that his company wants me to pay themHe is trying to get by without adressing my facts/issuesHe did not address the fact that a representative from his company (that I spoke to) told me to have an air conditioning repair man come out to my house prior to calling Viking to perform a diagnosisBecause I followed old republics instruction, I was charged a $TCF that I paid to the initial air conditioning repair company, as stated in my first report to Revdex.comOld republic record fikes is not accurateViking did not make all the needed repairs as recommended by the first air conditioning repair company diagnosis, mr [redacted] did not adress this either or the bad service by Viking that Mr [redacted] endorses Please advise mr [redacted] that I would like to be reimbursed $for being charged twice by old republic for the same problem and for all the repairs to be made on my air conditioning unit as recommended by the first certified HVAC technician and please have mr [redacted] schedule a different air conditionong technician (not Viking) to come out to my house to make the appropriate repairs Thank you Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/09/18) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; I reviewed the file and the only request for service or conversation in the file with regard to the air conditioner was placed on June 11, 2015, when Mr [redacted] requested service and Old Republic Home Protection dispatched Viking Heating & Air to complete the covered repairThe file does not reflect a conversation prior to June 11, 2015, or that ORHP advised the Plan Holder to obtain the service of an Out-Of-Network Contractor That said, due to an apparent miscommunication, ORHP has agreed to waive the $Trade Call Fee for the service provided by Viking Heating & Air As for the repair; according to Viking Heating & Air, the only repair required was to install a hard start kit on the condenserAfter the repair was completed, the air conditioner was operating as designedIf Mr [redacted] has a current malfunction of the air conditioner, please advise him to contact our Customer Service Department at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 11, 2015/09/21) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I agree in part due to the fact that I informed ORHP over the phone that there were other parts that were recommended/required by a seperate certified technician that needed to be replaced on the air conditioner, those parts were not replaced by Viking even after showing Viking the prior certified technicians recommendations of replacement/repair of parts and service required for the air conditioner to be fixed properly Since ORHP is willing to meet me 1\way and waive the $fee, I am willing to waive the other parts that should be replaced at this time I have sent ORHP the $so that I would not have a "collection" on my credit reportPlease return that check to me, thank you

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2015/03/24) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the water heater, pressure regulator, alleged water damage, oven, refrigerator and sheet rock repair; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement I have reviewed the service request for the water heater and pressure regulator valve (PRV), and have spoken with the technician, ***, from Hers and His PlumbingAccording to ***, he diagnosed the PRV and water heater failed from wear, and would be covered by the Plan***'s estimate to replace both items is $790, and a check has been processed and will be mailed to you within the next ten business daysThe additional costs ($1,410) you paid Hers and His Plumbing for the replacement of both items was for costs associated with code requirements and modifications necessary to install the new water heater and pressure regulator, and to repair secondary water damage Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "Permits and other Fees: You [redacted] be responsible for the payment of additional fees not covered according to the terms and conditions of the PlanThese fees [redacted] include, but are not limited to: The cost of permits and code upgrades[redacted] The cost for cranes [redacted] or other lifting equipment The cost of construction, carpentry or other modifications made necessary by existing or installing different equipment General Exclusions: We do not pay, nor are we liable, for secondary or consequential loss or damage; personal or property loss or damage; or bodily injury of any kind." With regard to the alleged water damage as the result of repairs completed to clear a stoppage by Hers and His Plumbing; the file indicates that you have spoken with [redacted] , the Service Manager at Hers and His Plumbing, and that you agreed to contact him to schedule an appointment Please contact [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX at your convenience As for the oven; the file indicates that [redacted] from LSMaintenance Service has ordered the oven control faceplate, and it should arrive in seven to ten daysOnce [redacted] has received the faceplate, he will contact you to schedule an appointment to complete the installation Regarding the service request for the freezer; I reviewed the file that indicates the technician from [redacted] 's Heating & Cooling diagnosed that the control board had failed, and since the appliance is less than a year old, it was still under the manufacturer warranty provided by General Electric (G.E.); and according to the file Eric scheduled an appointment for you with G.E Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "This Plan does not cover: FEquipment or component costs covered by an existing manufacturer/distributor/ or other warranty With regard to the sheetrock holes created by J & S Mechanical when they repaired the leaking pipes, and your request for reimbursement to patch the holes; please accept my sincere apologies you were not provided cash settlement for the rough patch of the sheetrockI spoke with [redacted] at J & S and he confirmed there were four holes opened to complete the repair of the leaking pipesI have processed a cash settlement in the amount of $250, which represents our cost to repair the holes to a rough finishA check has been processed and will be mailed to you within the next ten business days ORHP appreciates you taking the time to provide your opinion and perspective of your service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers If you have any questions, please contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/02/16) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the oven; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement I have reviewed the file and confirmed that the manufacturer of the oven, Whirlpool, informed us that the control board necessary to repair the oven will be shipped to the supplier within the next four weeks; please extend our apology to Ms [redacted] as we have no control over the availability of the component necessary to complete the repair My associate, Ms***, will follow up to ensure the installation of the control board is scheduled as soon as it is available If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext for assistance ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/02/18) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I do not accept their responseThe response is no different from what I've been told by previous representatives that I spoke withI initially called in the service repair for my oven on January 5, I was told that the part was on back order and the work would be complete by February 4, Come February 4, 2015, I am again told that the part is on back order, thus time until March 20, I feel that 1/Months is unacceptable and untimelyIn addition, the fact that one of the representatives that I spoke with at Old Republic home Protection told me; that being that the part is on back order for so long it's highly likely that it will not be available on March 20, I'm very discouraged by being told the work would be completed by February 4, Then being given another date weeks later than the original dateThat is a long time for a part to be on back order and a customer to have to wait for a repairPerhaps Old Republic Home Protection can offer and pay for a loaner oven until the part comes inThank You Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/02/20) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the part delay; although the Plan does not provide coverage as the result of the delay obtaining parts, strictly as a goodwill gesture, Old Republic Home Protection will provide assistance to Ms [redacted] if she wishes to rent an oven or range until the part is received Please inform Ms [redacted] to provide me an estimate should she decide to rent an oven or range Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 11, 2015/02/25) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I accept the proposed resolution, however I thought perhaps they have resources to helping obtain a loaner ovenI've researched on my own and was unable to find a company that would "rent" an ovenIf old republic can provide a company that offers this serviceI would be gratefulThank you for your assistance

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/10) */ Ms [redacted] RE: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner and payment of the Trade Call Fee; I have reviewed the file that indicates the Independent Network Service Provider dispatched by Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) diagnosed that the air conditioner is a mini-split ductless systemAccording to the Plan, mini-split ductless systems are excluded from coverage Please refer to page under Air Conditioner/Cooler Not Covered that states: "Not Covered mini-split ductless systems " Although the Plan requires payment of the Trade Call Fee whether service is covered or denied, as a result of the circumstances that occurred, and strictly as a matter of goodwill, ORHP has agreed to refund your Trade Call FeeA check for $will be mailed to you within the next ten business days If you have any additional needs for service during your Plan term, please contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Best regards, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/04/30) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request placed by Mr [redacted] on November 7th, for his furnace; I have reviewed the file and have spoken to***, the owner of Viking Heating & Air, the independent network Service Provider dispatched by Old Republic home ProtectionAccording to [redacted] he visually inspected the furnace while it was in operation, and there was no malfunction to the furnace that would indicate a crack in the heat exchanger or the emission of carbon monoxideIn addition, [redacted] used a CO tester while the furnace was operating and there was no indication of a carbon monoxide leak [redacted] also observed that the home is equipped with CO detectors, and they did not indicate that there was CO present in the home while the furnace was in operation Based on the diagnosis of the furnace while [redacted] was at the home, there were no repairs to authorize If Mr [redacted] has any questions, or additional information that he believes should be considered, please inform him to contact me as soon as possible Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/05/05) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Dear Mr [redacted] and Ms[redacted] , As I mentioned I had a separate company called Beutler Air Conditioning and Plumbing come to my home on November 6th, when they first diagnosed the crack in heat exchanger during their regular maintanence visitI have documents I can fax to you regarding their assessmentWhen [redacted] from Heating and Air visited our home(on the behalf of Old Republic) he relit the pilot and stated everything was okHe only tested for the emission of CO when I asked him about the crackAlso, I was the one that asked him if our home was equipped with a carbon monoxide detector and if he could show me where it is locatedHe was in a rush and said that it's usually located with the smoke dectector and I could check on my own when I had timeI also have documents from Kleen air heating and air conditioning when they cleaned all our ducts and furnaces on October X XXXXI can fax these alsoAgain, when Beutler came in for their regular maintenace April 21,they noted that the heat exchanger was still crackedWhen I called old republic on April and spoke with an agent and she first agreed that a cracked heat exchanger was very dangerous and that they could send someone outBut when I explained that my plan ended in March 2014, she said that they could not do anything b/c the claim was more than days oldI asked her if I could get this in writing or if I could record our conversationShe did not give me permission to do soI asked to speak with a supervisor and she told me that a cracked heat exchanger would only be replaced if it was actively leaking carbon monoxideTherefore, b/c it was not actively leaking carbon monoxide but it was cracked, it did not matter b/c it was still operational to their standards My concern is that I did not realize how dangerous a crack heat exchanger was b/c [redacted] from Viking said the unit was operational and that we were okayBut now when Beutler did their assessment in April and sat me down and told me about the danger of leaking carbon monoxide and the danger of spontaneous combustion, I realize that this was something that Old Republic should have taken more seriously I would like Old Republic along with Viking Heating and Air to replace my upstairs furnaceIf they will not do it I would like in writing why they will not do it and an explaination on why a cracked heat exchanger is okay Thank you, [redacted] Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/05/09) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the diagnosis of his furnace by [redacted] the owner of Viking Heating & Air; please inform Mr [redacted] that [redacted] has informed me, as I noted in my previous response, that when he was at the home inspecting the furnace, he did not diagnose a crack in the furnace that was emitting toxic levels of COIf there was a hairline crack present in the furnace, it was not allowing dangerous levels of CO to escape from the heat exchanger; therefore, no repairs would have been authorized [redacted] has assured me at the time of his visit, the furnace was operating as designed and his tests determined there was no leakage of CO from the furnaceI assure you, if a crack was found by [redacted] that rendered the furnace unsafe to operate, he would have informed Old Republic Home Protection and we would have authorized replacement in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan If Mr [redacted] has any information to contrary, regarding the condition of the furnace at the time [redacted] completed his diagnosis, please inform him to provide it to me for review Sincerley, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 11, 2014/05/21) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Dear [redacted] You mentioned that if I have information proving that the furnace was cracked I should forward it to youyet you fail to provide a contact number or fax numberRegardless I did contact Old Republic and I discussed that I had two evaluation reports from another companyone before***s visit and one afterYour company stated that it was past the day period of the original claim I am doing everything you asked and yet we have not make any progress with a resolutionThank you [redacted]

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/09/19) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the brand of air conditioner being installed by Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP), and the non-covered costs; I have reviewed the file and ORHP has authorized the replacement of the condenser with Payne equipment, manufactured by Carrier CorporationPlease extend our sincere apologies to Mr [redacted] for any confusion in regard to receiving equipment with a Carrier label; the label on the equipment is Payne, and is manufactured by Carrier Corporation with the same parts warranty as all Carrier manufactured equipment Although the Plan does not guarantee to match brand, please assure Mr [redacted] that we have matched the features, capacity, and efficiency of the existing equipment in accordance with the terms of coverage With regard to the modifications and refrigerant recapture that is necessary to complete the installation of the new equipment; we apologize the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage for these costs Please refer to page of the Plan titled Limitations of Liability under General Limitations and Permits and Other Fees that states: This Plan does not cover: "NMatching dimensions, color (including stainless steel) or brandWe are responsible for providing installation of equipment comparable in features (features that affect the operation of the system or appliance), capacity and efficiency only" Permits and Other Fees: AYou [redacted] be responsible for the payment of additional fees not covered according to the terms and conditions of the PlanThese fees [redacted] include, but are not limited to: The cost of construction, carpentry or other modifications made necessary by existing or installing different equipment Costs related to refrigerant recapture, reclaim and disposal." According to the file, my associate Ms [redacted] has spoken with Mr [redacted] , and he informed her that he will contact her when he decides if he would prefer to have the equipment replaced, or receive a cash settlement for our cost of the covered repair Please inform Mr [redacted] if he has any questions, to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] at his convenience Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/10/01) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) With regards to the brand of the unit, there is no "confusion" as Mr [redacted] indicatedI was specifically assured by several ORHP reps that I will receive a Carrier unitThey were hiding the fact that the unit they were planning to install was not a Carrier unitIt took me multiple calls and tremendous amount of time to find out that they were going to install a Payne unit Payne unit is different from a Carrier unit in the same way as Dodge cars are different from Mercedes or how Scion cars different from LexusPayne brand was bought by a corporation that makes Carrier units, but it doesn't make it a Carrier brandPayne units are the cheapest A/C units on the marketEven though Mercedes bought Chrysler, nobody would argue that a Dodge car is the same thing as a Mercedes, so why would ORHP argue that Payne unit is the same thing as Carrier unit? The problem is that I don't have a Payne A/C unitI have a Carrier unit which is valued significantly higher than Payne units and I don't want it to be replaced by the cheapest unit on the market, especially after I was assured by ORHP multiple times that I will receive a Carrier brand unit As far as the installation costs, ORHP has never provided me with the limitations until after I paid for the policyThey cannot send customers exclusions after they receive the money for the policyThat should have been provided to me at the time of renewalAs I stated before, the original policy was purchased by the seller of the houseAt the time of renewal, ORHP sent me the renewal notice that had a line item for A/C additional coverage which I paid assuming that if anything happens with my A/C that it will be covered by ORHPThey never informed me that I had an option to buy a different coverage for my A/C that was a better value nor have they provided me with exclusions to the policyAll that was indicated to me was that if I wanted A/C to be covered, I should pay additional $which I didNow, they are claiming all kinds of exclusions and are refusing to cover installation costs Once again, I'm asking ORHP to cover the costs of the installation and to install a Carrier brand unit or equivalent, but providing me with the cheapest unit on the market and not paying for its' installation is unacceptable Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/10/02) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; please inform Mr [redacted] he has the choice of accepting the equipment we are installing, or we will provide him a cash settlement equal to our cost for the covered repair With regard to adding Optional Coverage at the time of renewal; Please refer to the top of page of the Application and Plan Contract that states: "Optional Coverage may be added at any time prior to the close of sale and up to days after close of saleFor homes not going through a Real Estate transaction, Optional Coverage cannot be added after the initial payment of Plan feeOptional Coverage not selected may be unavailable at the time of renewal." The Declaration Sheet that was sent to Mr [redacted] upon payment of the Plan fee states: "Optional Coverage: Your Old Republic Home Protection Plan offers optional coverage in addition to the Standard ContractOptional Coverage that has already been paid for is noted belowIn the event you would like to add other available options, please review the Optional Coverage section of the Contract which details the coverage and Plan feeAdditional coverage [redacted] be requested by calling us at XXX-XXX-XXXXYou must request and pay for optional coverage within day from the effective date of the Plan or it shall be conclusively presumed that you did not wish to add additional coverageUpon receipt of additional Plan fee, an updated Plan will be issued to confirm the coverage providedOptional coverage not selected cannot be added after days or at the time of renewal In addition, page of the Plan Contract entitled Items You Should Know, states: "Home Buyer's Coverage ....We offer a day grace period from the close of sale during which you may add Optional CoverageYou must request and pay for Optional Coverage within the day grace period or it shall be conclusively presumed that you do not wish to add additional Optional CoverageUpon receipt of additional Plan fee, an updated Declaration of Coverage will be issued to confirm the coverage providedOptional Coverage not selected may be unavailable at time of renewal." Please inform Mr [redacted] to contact my associate, Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] with his decision Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 13, 2014/10/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) ***'s response is 100% representative of how ORHP staff deal with their customersThey ignore everything that the customer is sayingThen, they read you statements out of their policies, and then, they tell you to take what they are willing to give you or leaveGod Almighty I should be so thankful to ORHP for whatever their highnesses are willing to give meUnfortunately, that rude and condescending approach is not going to work in this situationI don't understand how this company with so many complaints has an A rating with Dear ***, Since you have been ignoring what I've been saying and have been selectively responding to my complaint, I'll break it down into different sections for youPlease explain to me the following: 1) Why did your staff promised me that you would install a Carrier brand unit and now you are refusing to follow through on that? Why did it take me more than calls to get to the truth and to get the model of the unit that you were actually going to install? Why do your reps lie and hide the facts? This was not a misunderstanding since I have been told the same thing by multiple reps I was told by several ORHP reps that you will be installing ton seer Carrier brand unit because I have a Carrier unit and that the only thing that I can getI specifically asked if I had a choice of a unit and I was told that I can only get a Carrier unit because that's what I have and you will not pay for anything elseI asked to email me the info on the unit that will be installed in my house and several of your reps refused to do that saying that they don't have email capabilitiesI asked to fax it and they said that there is no fax machine in your officeCome on, we all know that's a total lieWhat kind of business doesn't have email and/or fax?! I asked to mail me the info and they refusedI guess you don't have printers eitherMaybe you don't want to put it in writing because you promise customers one thing, like a Carrier brand unit, but order and install something completely different, like a Payne unit which is the cheapest unit you can find on the market? How is that a legal and fair business practice? Only by calling multiple times and by being persistent and obnoxious was I able to find out what was the actual A/C unit that you were going to install in MY HOUSEI was told time after time that there is no reason for me to have that information and that I have nothing to worry about, but obviously I did How can ORHP replace a Lexus with a Hyundai? We have an a/c unit made by a well known and reputable brand just like Lexus carsHow can you take our Lexus and replace it with the cheapest possible unit on the market like a Hyundai? None of the insurance companies will be allowed to do thatThis is absolutely outrageous As I stated before, on my renewal notice all that was noted was a line item of optional air conditioner coverageBasically, it said that if I wanted the air conditioner to be covered by the home warranty, I should pay additional $which I didI was not informed that there was another A/C coverage plan that I could upgrade to or that the coverage that was being offered to me had mile-long exclusionsThings like that have to be made clear prior or at the time of sale and not hidden in multi-page brochures emailed after the money for the policy was paid To that, you responded that after I paid for the policy, ORHP sent me a multi-page brochure and somewhere in there it said that I had days to make changes to my planThat's great, but that's not what I'm complaining aboutThe fact that you informed me that I could make changes to my policy after you got my money, doesn't change the fact that at the time of acquiring me as a customer, ORHP never informed me of my options and that the plan that was being offered to me was a barebones plan Why was it not listed on the renewal that I can upgrade to a better plan? Why did it not say that the plan you are offering to me is a limited plan? Even after you got the money and sent me the brochure about ORHP, the info on the A/C plan is hidden in the multi-page documentThat's great that I was able to make changes within days, but without providing me with clear info on your plans, I wouldn't know what my options areWould I? I am still requesting that ORHP replaces my Carrier unit with another Carrier unit per my agreement with ORHP customer serviceAnd also that all the fees involved in replacement of the A/C unit be paid by ORHP

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/06/09) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; I have reviewed the file and Old Republic Home Protection has agreed to dispatch a different Independent Network Service Provider, AAC, to diagnose the air conditioner Please inform Ms [redacted] if she does not hear from AAC in a timely manner, they can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/07/03) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr***'s letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments According to the file, my associate, Ms [redacted] has spoken with Mr***, and will follow up to ensure the service request is resolved in a timely manner If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/07/04) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) All they done so far was to change contractorsMy AC still is not fixed So far nothing changed yet Hopefully with the new contractors it will work, but the jury is still out days with a broken ACAnd counting Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 21, 2014/07/17) */ Ms [redacted] , I spoke with the Independent Network Service Provider, Aaron's HVAC, and the completion of the repair is scheduled for todayPlease extend our sincere apologies to Ms [redacted] for the delayI assure you, this will be addressed with the owner of Aaron's HVAC Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (3000, 13, 2014/07/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) No work has still been performed in my ACThe second contractor they sent could not perform the job, they have yet assigned a new contractor my AC still does not work, that is the bottom line

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2014/04/30) */ Ms [redacted] RE: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the drain line stoppage; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses independent network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Providers and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments Please inform Mr [redacted] to send me a legible copy of the diagnosis and invoice from his Independent Out-Of-Network Contractor for my review ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 8, 2014/05/01) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Dear Ms [redacted] and Mr [redacted] , I appreciate the offer to helpBy request of Old Republic, I faxed a copied of the $invoice to XXX-XXX-XXXX on 4/I have a fax confirmation that the fax was successfully delivered at 9:amI followed up after sending with Ilyana from Old Republic who said she would alert those working on this issue Please let me know you need me to email Thanks, [redacted] Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 10, 2014/05/02) */ Ms [redacted] , Please inform Mr [redacted] that we have received the copy of the invoice from his Independent Out-Of-Network contractor, and Old Republic Home Protection has agreed to reimburse the $cost to clear the stoppage; the check will be processed and mailed within the next ten business days If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact me at his convenience Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/03/14) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses independent network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Providers and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments My associate, Ms [redacted] has been assigned to resolve this situation with Ms [redacted] ; she called Ms [redacted] and left her a message to return her call Please inform Ms [redacted] to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext for assistance ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/03/31) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I appreciate Mr [redacted] 's apology and understand that, sometimes, incompetent people and/or their companies, slip through the cracksHowever, I sincerely question the vetting process of these independent service providers as the company provided by Old Republic, Virginia HVAC, was 1) unable to properly thread a nut, which resulted in a leaking thermal expansion valve (TXV), and 2) installed the wrong size A-coil - a 17.5" instead of the correct 14" The representative - to whom Mr [redacted] referred to as Ms [redacted] ; she only identified herself as Ileana (please excuse me if her name is misspelled) - and I did have a number of exchanges over the phone with her as to what Old Republic was willing to do for meThe first step was requiring me to allow one of their techs to inspect and confirm the problem identified by Snell Heating & AirI complied with their request; postponed my repair date with Snell; and allowed the tech to come out on March This tech ended up being the same tech, ***, from SK HVAC, that was here in May of As previously mentioned, the SK tech inspected my a/c unit in May 2013, was unable to find anything wrong, and left me with a blank receiptHowever, on his second attempt on March 22, 2014, he confirmed what Snell found May 7, - the TXV was leaking and the evaporator coil was the wrong size Following this confirmation, Ileana gave me two options: 1) Have SK do the repairs at no cost to me, or 2) they would provide me with a check for $530, what the SK tech is stating the cost would be for a "straight change out" of the coil and TXVShe also stated that, realizing the problem was due to an error on the part of the previous installers, SK wasn't charging for extras such as refrigerant and the parts were covered under warranty, and the SK tech expected the repairs to take about hoursIn speaking with the Operations Manager at Snell, he informed me that yes, the coil is covered under warranty but a brand-new coil only costs around $The majority of the $cost was covering: refrigerant evacuation, disposal, and refill; installing a filter dryer; and sheet metal work/modificationAdditionally, he expected the work to take anywhere from to hours Here is why those two options provided by Old Republic are unacceptable: 1) SK was here back in May and he couldn't find anything wrong with the systemGiven a second attempt, in March 2014, he did then manage to identify the problem found by SnellIt's obvious to see why I would, therefore, have no confidence in the ability of SK to conduct the repairs properly, on top of my history with Old Republic's selection of companies (i.e., Virginia HVAC)I don't want to have to cross my fingers and hope they do the job correctly, and that I won't be going through this same process over another year and a half 2) The offer of $to compensate me for the expense is by no means a fair resolution to this problemI paid $out of pocket to Virginia HVAC - the first company referred to me by Old Republic - to properly install a new a/cI then paid $to Snell in May to conduct a leak search, when they identified the problemNow I'm paying an additional $to Snell to fix the problems caused by Virginia HVAC and Old Republic for referring Virginia HVAC to meThat's a total of $Additionally, since the July installation, I have used days of leave from work to handle multiple appointments in which I tried to get the problems identified and fixedSix days of work for me is the equivalent of more than $in compensationThe offer of $is in no way a fair or just resolution to this costly problem When I explained to Ileana today, March 31, 2014, why these two options were unacceptable, including all of the information included above, she stated she would speak to her managers and see if there was anything else they could doAs I expected, she called me back to say they could only give me the $as that's the cost quoted by SK This is why I do not accept the response from Old Republic

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/05/29) */ Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] On behalf of Old Republic Home Protection and its employees, please extend our sincere thanks to Ms [redacted] for being an Old Republic Plan HolderIt was a pleasure serving her the past two yearsUpon review of her file, we concluded that her Plan was ineligible for renewalWe apologize for any inconvenience this [redacted] cause Please refer to page of the Plan under RENEWALS that states: "Renewals: The Plan will be renewed at our discretionIf your Plan is eligible for renewal, we will notify you of the Plan fee and terms of renewal approximately days prior to expiration of coverageTo ensure there is no lapse of coverage, payment must be received prior to Plan expirationPlan fees [redacted] increase upon renewal." In the event Ms [redacted] wants to maintain her home warranty coverage, she [redacted] wish to contact another Home Warranty Company to obtain coverageWe recommend visiting the National Home Service Contract Association website at for a list of reputable companiesWe do not suggest companies that sell home warranties strictly over the internet, as many are not properly licensed and/or regulated as required Once at the site, click on the map, click on the appropriate state, and a list of NHSCA Member companies that conduct business in that state will appearPlease do not call the NHSCA, as they do not recommend specific providers, and are not staffed to provide additional assistance Again, we apologize for any inconvenience our decision has caused Ms [redacted] Respectfully, Old Republic Home Protection Co., Inc Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/06/01) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) "Renewals: The Plan will be renewed at our discretionIf your Plan is eligible for renewal, we will notify you of the Plan fee and terms of renewal approximately days prior to expiration of coverageTo ensure there is no lapse of coverage, payment must be received prior to Plan expirationPlan fees [redacted] increase upon renewal." We were notified that the plan was eligable for renewal (by mail)and were told the fee was $When we tried to renew we were told that our policy at Old Republics discrection was not going to be renewed without a reasonAfter several calls we were informed that we had used the plan and had cost them money They did not follow the above statment that states we would and we were notified that policy would be renewedHowever they reneged on the offer despite their published policy Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/06/02) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , A review of the file indicates that costs associated with service requested were processed after the Renewal Notice was mailed, which rendered the Plan ineligible for renewalPlease extend our sincere apology to Ms [redacted] for any inconvenienceAs stated in our previous correspondence, if Ms [redacted] wishes to obtain coverage, that she contacts the National Home Service Contract Association for a referral Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 13, 2015/06/03) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) It appears that the plan was cancelled because it was usedOld Republic offers a home warranty service that covers appliances, A/c and pool equipmentThere is no indication that if the service is used that a member will not be able to a renew the contract,especially after a renew notification is sent outTheir response is "A review of the file indicates that costs associated with service requested were processed after the Renewal Notice was mailed, which rendered the Plan ineligible for renewal." This appears that Old Republic does not honor it's own policies of renewal and warranty ans misrepersents it service As previously stated, Old Republic advertises renewing home warranty "because a home warranty is cost effective coverage at it's bestConsidering the comprehensie coverage provided at reasonable rates, coupled with the warranty industry claim rate of two calls per home per year, a home warranty truly gives you extensive budget protection, unparalleled risk reduction and complete Peace of Mind-Which, in itself, is priceless" Call today or visit to renew in minutes." The renewal notice stated that we had $claims paid to date and the Old Republic renewal notice stated "Good thing you had the valuable protection of an Old Republic Home Warranty Plan because as each day passes, your home gets older and so do your home systems and appliancesWhether or not you had the need to place a service request during this year of coverage, having the peace of mind knowing that resolution to a home system or appliance failue is only a phone call away is invaluable- and that value grows each day as your home agesRenew today to maintain this valuable coverage-you can't afford to be without itOld Republic Home Protection saves its Plan Holders hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year-this could be you, but only if you renew"The cost to date of the plan was on the renewal noticeThe company should not renig on it's renewal offer

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/11/20) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the spa equipment; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr***'s letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments On November 20, I spoke with Mr***, and will be following up to assist with his service request, and ensure it is resolved in a timely manner ORHP appreciates [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 8, 2014/11/25) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I was contacted by Mr [redacted] who was very responsive and cordialOn Nov the repair company showed up and replaced by spa pump with a brand new oneI am totally satisfied with Old Republic's handeling of the situation and thankful to the for making this possibleThis case is resolved very much to my satisfaction Thank You

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/09/25) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the Trade Call Fee for the service request placed on May 19, for a plumbing stoppage; I have reviewed the file that indicates when the Independent Network Service Provider arrived at the home, the service request was cancelled by the Plan Holder Please refer to page of the Plan titled When You Need Us that states: "You are responsible to pay a TRADE (SERVICE) CALL FEE (TCF) when the Service Provider arrives at your homeThe TCF (or the actual cost of service, whichever is less) is due for each dispatched service request by trade (plumbing, electrical, appliance, heating/air conditioning, etc.)Service work is guaranteed for daysThe TCF is due whether service is covered or deniedEssentially, when we incur a cost of service, you are responsible for a TCFA TCF may be due if you fail to be present at the scheduled appointment time, if you cancel your request once the Service Provider is in route to your home, or you request a second opinion of the Service Provider's diagnosis." If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please inform her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/09/26) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) If I didn't acknowledge for appointment and I was not home for the most of the time I will not make schedule easily due to my work I had also not satisfied with their contractors came for electric work and plumbingSo I can't complain because third party.I need to choose to work straight with contractors is better.I know I agree and willing to pay TCF as company policy if they come normally This is not resolve after I called and spoke to business and I paid already even I was very upsetThis is the end of business with old public home protection company Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/09/29) */ Ms [redacted] , Please inform Ms [redacted] that the Independent Network Service Providers schedule appointments during business hours; we apologize if this creates an inconvenience for Ms*** In addition, in order for her to place a new service request, please advise her that the Trade Call Fee for the stoppage service request will need to be paid If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please inform her to contact us at XXXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 13, 2014/09/30) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I believe the business about is not for home owner for home warranty I pay TCF without service .Money is all matter, not about work

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/01/26) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the electrical system; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and based on the circumstances that occurred, ORHP has agreed to reimburse Ms [redacted] for the replacement of her electrical panel by her Out-Of-Network Contractor, and a check for $and $will be mailed to her within the next ten business days ORHP values Ms [redacted] as a customer, and we hope she realizes the value of the Plan, and the many benefits it providesIf Ms [redacted] still wishes to cancel her Plan, please advise her to mail a written request to ORHP, or fax the request to XXX-XXX-XXXX, and the Plan will be cancelled in accordance with the terms and conditions of the PlanOur mailing address is: Old Republic Home Protection Company, Inc P.OBox [redacted] CA XXXXX ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/01/27) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

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Address: PO Box 5017, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583


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