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Old Republic Home Protection Company

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Old Republic Home Protection Company Reviews (333)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/02/13) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the heat pump; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Suppliers to purchase repair components to complete covered repairsAlthough efforts are made to purchase components from Suppliers that can provide quality service, occasionally there are delays in obtaining components in a timely manner that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement I have reviewed the file and my associate, Ms [redacted] spoke with Mr [redacted] on February 4, 2015, and agreed as a gesture of goodwill, to provide him $toward the increase in his electrical bill as the result of the delay completing his service requestAccording to the file, a check for $was mailed to Mr [redacted] on February 11, ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/02/20) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) Check receivedThank you for fixing this matter

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/05/01) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the pool equipment; I have reviewed the file notes that indicate we have agreed to dispatch an independent network Service Provider to provide us a second opinion regarding the pool equipment Once the diagnosis is received, we will determine coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan and contact Mr*** Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/05/04) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) The second opinion was already doneThe response from the second opinion was that there was a leak and it caused my pump motor to burn outThey wouldn't cover the motor because the leak was the causeThis is the same leak they said never existed in the first placeIm sure once they look at both of there denials and see it makes no sense they will make something else upCan't wait to hear what they have to say nextBy the way, I do have paperwork from the first and second service visits that show the contradictions in their denials Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/05/12) */ Ms [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] , Based on the diagnosis by Green Crystal Clear Pools, Old Republic Home Protection denied coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan Please inform Mr [redacted] if he has additional information he believes should be considered, please forward it to me for review; such as the diagnosis from an Independent Out-Of-Network Contractor Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 11, 2014/05/15) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) It was asked to forwarded that info along with pictures weeks ago when your contractor said there was no leakI paid for another company to [redacted] my equipment out of my pocketThey stated there was clearly a leakI also sent pictures of a massive leakYou guys have that on fileYou should check your through your notes before responding to my complaint so your not asking for information you already haveThis is a continuance of the run around we have been provided by your company

[redacted] size=3> Re: Plan [redacted] Dear [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the tankless water heater; I have reviewed the file that indicates the Service Provider diagnosed the circuit board for the tankless water heater failed as the result of an electrical strain on the component as the result of a lack of capacity of the existing equipmentIn other words, the tankless water heater is undersized for the home Please refer to page of the Plan that states: “GENERAL LIMITATIONSTHIS PLAN DOES NOT COVER: ASystem or appliance repairs, replacements or upgrades required as a result of: A malfunction due to lack of capacity of the existing system or appliance” Please extend our apologies to [redacted] that the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage in this situationWhile the intent of Old Republic Home Protection is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If [redacted] has any additional information she believes should be considered, please advise her to provide it me for review, and email it to me at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/08/29) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the microwave oven, and the request to waive the Trade Call Fee; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file that indicates the repair parts for the microwave have been received by Fixx My Appliance Inc., and they will contact Ms [redacted] to schedule an appointment to complete the repair In addition, ORHP has agreed as a gesture of goodwill, to honor Ms [redacted] 's request, and the Trade Call Fee will be reimbursed within the next ten business days ORHP appreciates Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/09/03) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) The technician did show up today (September 3, 2014) with the replacement partAfter about a hour and a half to two hours, I am in a much worse situation than I was beforeThe microwave accepts commands from the new touch panel only about 50% of the time at random, which means the microwave now turns on at randomI was told by the technician that he will follow up on the next steps, which means further delay in getting this fixedEven the technician was surprised that he has shown up after such a long period with the replacement partAt some point the company needs to evaluate the cost of replacement vsthe cost of inconvenienceAt this point, all I can do is wait even further to get this fixed (meaning the appliance is working as intended), and until then I cannot publicly acknowledge the company's resolutionIf the company really intends to resolve the matter, they should at least now expedite with the next steps and hopefully I don't have to wait for weeks again for the follow up on this pending work orderThank you! Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (3000, 13, 2014/09/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I can accept the resolution and "be completely satisfied by ORHP services" once the appliance is fixedAt this point, I see another weeks delay for parts to be ordered and the microwave to be fixed; and don't see that there is any urgency on part of ORHP to resolve this Update: The technician showed up on Monday 9/8/and put me on a call with ORHPThere are new parts that need to be ordered to get this fixedORHP service agent assured me that the parts will be locally procured and be available in "days." However the technician said, "it will be anywhere between to days." Shows once again that the ORHP service agents are either ill informed or asked to give estimatesFixx My Appliance has agreed to call me back as soon as the part is procured Once the part is procured, the appliance is fixed, and the trade call fee is reimbursed, only then can I acknowledge that ORHP has satisfactorily resolved the issue Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 15, 2014/09/11) */ Ms [redacted] , Please extend our sincere apology to the Plan Holder for the ongoing delayI have been assured by Fixx My Appliance that the microwave oven part is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, and they will schedule a convenient appointment to complete the repair once the part is received Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/03/17) */ Ms [redacted] Thomas Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear MsThomas, Regarding the service request for the water heater; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments According to the file, my associate, Mr [redacted] , spoke with Mr [redacted] on March 13, 2015, and will follow up to ensure the service request is resolved in a timely manner If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact Mr [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/03/21) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Old Republic has not as of today March 21, approved the workThis is according to [redacted] who said he's at extension [redacted] and would not give his last nameWho also refused to transfer me to a supervisor [redacted] provided an email address that the plumber sent the description of the problem toThis was necessary because the phone representatives at Old Republic deliberately misrepresent what the plumbers told them on two occasions in an attempt to deny the claimAs you can see from the email copied below [redacted] does not respond and has not called me I received a phone message from a [redacted] at extension [redacted] who says he has taken over the case from [redacted] and that he wants to discuss the "second opinion" I received from my plumberIt has been impossible to reach this person on the phoneThis was not a second opinion as they never sent a plumberThe problem was reported on the 4thI suspect if I ever reach this man on the phone he will deny having seen the email copied below This is a company that engages in dishonest business practices in order to avoid paying claimsI can't go without hot water so I will be forced to have the work done without the authorization number the company says I must get from themThis is because they won't give it though the failure is one they are obligated to repair On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:AM, [redacted] wrote: Hi ***, Now the plumber has emailed you an explanation of the needed repair will you authorize the repair? Dr [redacted] Begin forwarded message: From: [redacted] Here is the email I sent them Forwarded message From: [redacted] Date: Thu, Mar 19, at 10:AM Subject: Tankless water heater repair To: *** In referenece to the customer [redacted] we need to repair the tankless water heater by having the temperature sensor and electrodes replaced and in order to do so the entire unit will have to be disassembledIf you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact usThank you for your patience in this matter [redacted] XXXXX ph: XXX-XXX-XXXX fax: XXX-XXX-XXXX [redacted] XXXXX ph: XXX-XXX-XXXX fax: XXX-XXX-XXXX Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (3000, 16, 2015/04/14) */ The invoice was provided via email to company on April 1st but the refund has not been receivedPlease reopen complaint Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 18, 2015/04/15) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Please inform Mr [redacted] the invoice was received, and the check will be mailed within the next ten business days If he has any questions, please advise him to contact Mr [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX extfor assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

I had a preventative maintenance inspection done on my AC units for the upcoming summer season The tech found a part that had broken oil seal in one unit and a rusted out drip pan (for overflow) in another unit Also, one unit was running really hot So, I called Old Republic since I am still under home warranty The tech from Air Standard came out and read the notes from the maintenance tech - and said since everything is working - Old Republic would not cover any repair or replacement to make more efficient/safe or to code They only cover if there is a complete failure to operate I heard this company prides itself on selecting service companies who will fix things I have to wait for a complete failure so you can replace something caused the failure - but not replace the new flooring due to possible damage, or structural damage because of fire - - that is just wrong! I have e-mailed their website and an account executive I hope this gets resolved

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/01/15) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the water heater and payment of the Trade Call Fee; I have reviewed the service request which indicates that the Independent Network Service Provider diagnosed the water heater was operating as designed, and found no mechanical malfunctionHe did advise that the water heater was improperly installed According to the coverage under the Ultimate Protection, the Plan does not cover to correct an improper installation, unless there is a covered repair needed to the system or appliance Please refer to page of the Plan under Ultimate Protection d that states: "Coverage does not apply if the cause of failure of the system or appliance is solely due to the improper installation/repair/modification " With regard to the Trade Call Fee; although the Trade Call Fee is due, regardless if the service is covered or denied, as a gesture of goodwill, Old Republic Home Protection has agreed to honor Mr [redacted] 's request to refund the Trade Call FeeA check for $will be mailed to him within the next ten business days Please inform Mr [redacted] that his water heater is still covered by the Plan, and if he requires service in the future, to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/01/16) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/06/20) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and confirmed that BW Masterson Heating and Air Conditioning Inccompleted the repair on June 19th, 2014, and the air conditioner is operating as designed If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/05/01) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding payment of the unpaid Plan fee of $in lieu of reimbursing Old Republic Home Protection for service costs; I have reviewed the file and my associate, MsJenkins, Supervisor in the Accounting Department, has contacted Ms [redacted] to resolve the situation Please inform Ms [redacted] that if she has any questions, to please contact MsJenkins at XXX-XXX-XXXX extfor assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/09/12) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers and Part Suppliers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are obtain repair parts in a timely manner, we have limited control regarding part availability, and occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/09/15) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Thank you for the generic response but this does not explain any of the issues specifically having to do with ORHP's handling of this case As an update, a week ago ORHP said they would order the partsIn the middle of the following week they said they could not order the parts directly and told the service provider to order themThey were supposedly ordered Friday last weekThere is no explanation as to why ORHP did not direct the service provider to order the parts over weeks ago, again keeping in mind that the parts are under manufacturer's warranty! Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/09/17) */ Ms [redacted] , As indicated in my previous response, I have addressed the handling of the service request with those that were involved, to ensure they are aware the result of their actionsWe again extend our sincere apologies for any delay that has occurred, and appreciate Mr [redacted] bringing this situation to our attention As a result of the delay, Old Republic Home Protection is refunding Mr [redacted] his $Trade Call Fee, and a check will be mailed to him within the next ten business days If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/07/29) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the air conditioner; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter According to the file, ORHP has provided Ms [redacted] $toward the purchase of a portable air conditioner, while the Independent Network Service Provider attempts to locate a replacement motor for her water source air conditioner My associate, Ms [redacted] has been in contact with Ms [redacted] , and will continue to follow up to resolve this service request If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please advise her to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/07/30) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) We are a family of with dogs living in a sq ft houseThe portable air conditioner they provided money for is good up to sq ft enough for one bedroomWe are in [redacted] where there have been multiple heat advisories this summerweeks with no air living in a bedroom for the of us is unacceptableIt is plus degrees in the remaining parts of the houseI was told by Ms [redacted] she would make sure this gets fixed and make sure this does not happen again yet she has failed to fix the initial problemThe 'attempts' to locate a replacement motor is not being done in a timely manner Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/08/04) */ Ms [redacted] , I have confirmed the Service Provider completed the repair on August 2nd, 2014, and the system is operating as designed at this timeWe sincerely apologize to Ms [redacted] and her family for any inconvenience as the result of the delays completing the repair If Ms [redacted] has any questions, please inform her to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerley, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/08/12) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the garage door opener; I have reviewed the file that indicates the Plan Holder purchased the Standard Plan and the Ultimate Protection Upgrade, however, the Optional Garage Door Opener Coverage was not purchasedAs a result, coverage was denied when Mrs [redacted] called us on August 8th to place a service request for the garage door opener Please extend our apologies to Mrand Mrs [redacted] that Old Republic Home Protection is unable to assist them with their request for service If they have any question, please advise them to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2014/11/14) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , On behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individual involved, ensuring she understands the result of her actions and comments With regard to the decision not to renew your Plans; we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause Please refer to RENEWAL/TRANSFER/CANCELLATION that states: "RENEWAL/TRANSFER: This Plan is transferableThis Plan may be renewed at our discretion onlyIn that event, you will be notified of the prevailing rate and terms of renewalPremium rates may increase upon renewal..." In the event Mr [redacted] wants to maintain his home warranty coverage, he may wish to contact another Home Warranty Company to obtain coverageWe recommend visiting the National Home Service Contract Association website at for a list of reputable companiesWe do not suggest companies that sell home warranties strictly over the internet, as many are not properly licensed and/or regulated as required Once at the site, click on the map, click on the appropriate state, and a list of NHSCA Member companies that conduct business in that state will appearPlease do not call the NHSCA, as they do not recommend specific providers, and are not staffed to provide additional assistance Again, we apologize for any inconvenience Respectfully, Old Republic Home Protection Co., Inc

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/10/01) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the refrigerator; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Mr [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and my associate, Ms [redacted] is following to ensure the service request is resolved in a timely manner If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/05/01) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the master bathroom jetted bathtub; if Mr [redacted] still requires service, please inform him to contact me at his convenience Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/05/02) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Mr [redacted] did not provide contact detailsI still do require service PLease have Mr [redacted] provide the number and email contact where I can contact him Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/05/05) */ Please inform Mr [redacted] to call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] Thank you [redacted] ORHP Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 11, 2014/05/09) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/10/28) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the Trade Call Refund (TCF); I have reviewed the file that indicates that the TCF refund was processed on October 27, 2015, and Mr [redacted] should receive it within the next days If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please advise him to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX Ext Sincerely, [redacted] Plan Compliance Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/10/08) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the garbage disposal; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Ms [redacted] 's letter ORHP, like other home warranty companies, uses Independent Network Service Providers to service our Plan HoldersAlthough efforts are made to dispatch qualified Service Providers that can provide quality service, occasionally circumstances occur that are unacceptable to ORHP and our Plan Holder I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information Ms [redacted] provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the Service Provider and individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and my associate, Ms [redacted] has attempted to reach Ms [redacted] , but her voicemail will not accept messages at this timeOn October 7, 2014, Ms [redacted] re-dispatched the service request to Drain Aid Plumbing to service the garbage disposal Please inform Ms [redacted] to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] for assistance, or she can contact Drain Aid Plumbing at XXX-XXX-XXXX to schedule a convenience appointment ORHP values Ms [redacted] as an eight year customer, and we appreciate Ms [redacted] taking the time to provide her opinion and perspective of her service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/04/17) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the heat pump system; I have reviewed the file that indicates on February 16, 2015, an Independent Network Service Provider diagnosed that the air handler and heat pump condenser were malfunctioning and required replacementSince the total cost of the repair exceeded the $1,Plan limit for heat pump systems, the Sellers of the property were provided $1,500, less the $Trade Call Fee, as cash settlement to apply toward the replacement of both the air handler and condenser On March 3, 2015, the Buyer's Plan became effective, and on April 7, 2015, a service request was placed regarding the heat pump system not operatingOld Republic Home Protection (ORHP) dispatched Diamond M Services, and their technician diagnosed the heat pump condenser was not operating and had not recently been replacedHe also provided ORHP a photograph indicating that wires inside the condenser were disconnected prior to his arrival at the home Please refer to page of the Plan that states: "We will provide service for covered systems or appliances which malfunction, and are reported, during the term of the Plan that: B) Were correctly installed and working properly on the effective date of the Plan, and C) Have become inoperable due to wear and use, rust, corrosion, and chemical or sediment buiafter the effective date of coveragePre-existing conditions are not covered." Please extend our apologies that the terms and conditions of the Plan do not provide coverage in this situationWhile the intent of ORHP is to provide as much coverage as possible, the Plan is not all inclusive and there are limitations which are standard in the home warranty industry If Ms [redacted] has any additional information she believes should be considered, please advise her to provide it to me for review Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/04/22) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) As I stated prior, the AC unit was in working condition when we took procession of the house and worked for several weeksIt was not a pre-existing condition because the money provided to the seller enabled the unit to work properlyIt broke for a second time after working properly and being fixed and should therefore be coveredIf ORHP continues to deny coverage, I would like a full refund (minus $for the month of March)I want it processed asap with no further action from myself to cancel the policy and I want the $administration fee waived after having to pay $for nothing to be done to fix our unitAnd I'd hope that they begin to notify buyers that if a seller is paid to fix an issue, they will not cover the buyer at all and render themselves basically useless to a buyerA disclosure or some kind should have been provided to us at closing that stated due to the seller taking a cash out, we would not be covered for that system Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/04/23) */ Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the denial of coverage for the heat pump air conditioner; according to the Independent Network Service Provider (INSP) that serviced the air conditioner for the seller, he diagnosed that the air handler (located inside the home), was leaking refrigerantIn addition, he informed us that the condenser (the outside unit), was also leaking refrigerant, and that the compressor was not operationalBased on his diagnosis, he advised us that a proper repair was not possible, and replacement of the air handler and heat pump condenser was necessary However, according to the INSP that serviced the home for Ms***, the heat pump condenser was not replaced, and there were wires inside the heat pump that were disconnected when he arrived which had rendered the heat pump non-operational That said, Ms [redacted] has indicated that the heat pump air conditioner was operating as designed for several weeks after her Plan became effectivePlease advise Ms [redacted] to provide me a copy of the repair invoice for the air conditioner, completed by the seller prior to the transfer of ownership, for my review, and to please include the name and phone number of the company that completed the repair, along with any other information that she believes will support that the air conditioner was in good operating condition on the effective date of her Plan It's still unclear if wires were disconnected inside the heat pump, how the system could have operated for Ms***, and I will discuss that information further once I receive the information from Ms*** If Ms [redacted] still wishes to cancel her Plan, please instruct her to mail Old Republic Home Protection a written request, or fax the request to XXX-XXX-XXXX, and the Plan will be cancelled in accordance with the terms of cancellation Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 13, 2015/04/24) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I am so tired of getting the run aroundI have done everything your company has asked and you continue to be difficult and irresponsible to me the customerI have provided you with the statement from J&L air conditioning with a charge of $2,that the seller paid to have the unit fixedIf you don't now have it file please speak with one of the people who has handled this caseBeside that my word and the word of about different people who were in my house at the time it was working are the only things I have to offer as proof I need in writing that you will honor the cancellation details I spoke of in my last correspondenceI want the $administration fee waived, because I was told by [redacted] that would be honored before I requested help from Revdex.comAnd I want a refund from the day I made the claim and you refused to cover the systemSince that time, ORHP has wasted my time, money, and patience and has continued to not budge and be human in order to offer any help whatsoeverWe have not asked for any other issues be fixed and to be frank they have given me no peace of mind in being covered in case any future problems happen over the next year At this point, if I continue to get the run around and my small cancellation requests cannot be metI will continue to escalate this by seeking legal advice and send several letters to my local news office and the San franciso news office about the insanely horrific service I and many others with ORHP have endured

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/08/05) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan #XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the refrigerator; I have reviewed the file and my associate, Ms [redacted] spoke with Mr [redacted] on August 1st, 2014, and requested the name and phone number for the refrigerator technician he hired, so she can contact him to review his diagnosis; as of today he has not provided her this information If Mr [redacted] would prefer to provide Ms [redacted] the written diagnosis from his Out-Of-Network Contractor, please advise him to mail it to her attention at: Old Republic Home Protection [redacted] CA XXXXX Attention: [redacted] Or email the information to: [redacted] Please inform Mr [redacted] to contact Ms [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX ext [redacted] so she can provide him assistance resolving this situation Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/08/06) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I do not believe that this is a good faith attempt to resolve the claim but rather a stalling tactic employed by ORHPWe have left at least voicemails with various members of the ORHP organization who were supposedly on the escalation chain and were told each time that the claim would not be honored with no exceptions or further information requestedOnly when we told ORHP that we would be filing this claim with the, did they decide to ask for the quote and additional infoOf the total invoiced amount of $2792.69,we are requesting payment of only $for the labor associated with the repair that should have been performedThe quote has been provided to the appropriate contact at ORHP as requested Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/08/07) */ Ms [redacted] , Please inform Mr [redacted] the information has been received by my associate, Ms***, and she will review the information and contact him to discuss a resolution If he has any questions, please advise him to cotact Ms [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2014/10/16) */ Ms [redacted] Re: Plan # XXXXXXXX Dear Ms [redacted] , Regarding the service request for the spa equipment; on behalf of Old Republic Home Protection (ORHP) and its employees, please extend our sincere apologies for the circumstances outlined in Mr [redacted] 's letter I assure you, ORHP employees value the trust each of our Plan Holders place in us to resolve their service request in a timely and professional manner and when this does not occur, steps are taken to review what went wrong and implement improvement Based on the information you provided, I have taken personal responsibility to address the issues outlined with the individuals involved, ensuring they understand the result of their actions and comments I have reviewed the file and my associate, Mr [redacted] Call Center Supervisor, will contact Mr [redacted] and follow up to resolve the repair of the spa blowerAs for the GFCI for the spa light that needs replacing; the Plan does not cover for this repair If Mr [redacted] has any questions, please inform him to contact Mr [redacted] at XXX-XXX-XXXX extfor assistance ORHP appreciates Mr [redacted] taking the time to provide his opinion and perspective of his service experience, which in turn, provides ORHP the opportunity to improve the service we provide to our customers Best regards, [redacted] Claims Manager Old Republic Home Protection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2014/10/17) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) The home warranty protection plan does not exclude the spa light in the home warranty: "Above ground and accessible working parts and components of heating and filtration system, including heater, motor, filter, filter timer, diatomaceous filter grid, pump, gaskets, blower, timer, backwash/flush/check valve, pool sweep motor and pump, above ground plumbing pipes and wiringWith purchase of appropriate option: salt water circuit board and cell Not Covered: Remote control panel and switches; air switches; water chemistry control equipment and materials; disposable filtration mediums (sand, diatomaceous earth, filter cartridges, etc.); heat pump; valve actuator motor; salt; salt water circuit board; salt water cell; cleaning equipment including pheads, turbo valves, creepy crawlers and the like." I would be content if both the blower and spa light are repaired Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2014/10/21) */ PLAN # XXXXXXXX According to our records, Supervisor [redacted] has tried to reach our Plan Holder to assist with this matterOur Plan Holder [redacted] reach Mr [redacted] directly at (XXX) XXX-XXXX x [redacted] for assistance Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 11, 2014/10/22) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I've tried to call him back times and no response

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Address: PO Box 5017, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583


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