A review of our records show that a disconnect notice was mailed to the customer on May 4, 2015. There is no indication that the mailed notice was returned as undeliverable by the [redacted]...
[redacted]. Security deposits are collected from residential customers who have been disconnected for non-payment. The security deposit is refunded after 12 months, providing the customer makes their monthly payments by the requested due date.
Eversource, February 2015.
The customer was enrolled in Budget Billing. Before her account was closed on 5/30/15 a payment was made on 5/8/15 for $132. Her account would have been paid current for her Budget Billing payment. Budget Billing is for customers to pay the same amount each month to offset higher bills during some months. At some point the customer will owe more than they are paying. The customer was originally paying $94 but on 3/24/15 that amount was increased to $131. There are settlement months for Budget Billing but it will also settle up if the account is closed. The account was closed on 5/30/15 and the actual billing was produced for $571.70.
The customer was enrolled in E-Bill and the final bill was sent to her email on 6/2/15. Once a final bill is more than 30 days past due it is sent to a collection agency for soft collections. After 60 days it is moved to collections and can affect the customer’s credit history. A billing and payment history was mailed to the customer per her request in 12/21/15 for her to review that shows actual bills and payments. This balance is still owed by the customer. The credit bureau reporting is accurate.
We are a business that owns shopping centers. We have a large empty space using no gas from Eversource. We are paying a $2300.00 every month and a zero meter read as we have everything shut down. After two phone calls to Eversource they said they have the right to bill that based on a 12 month period. How can they bill a 12 month period of zero. If you are not using any gas you should just pay a minimum. They said as long as gas is in the pipes they bill. Does not matter if you use it. That is crazy. How can we keep paying a bill with no usage without someone paying us rent. They said even when we finally start using gas we get no credits. Sounds like scam to me.
A review of the customer’s account shows a Supervisor in our Customer Service Department has spoken with the customer and resolved the concerns as of today 11/16/15 (10:05 AM). A late payment charge of $1.60 plus...
the returned payment fee of $22 has been removed from the customer’s account. The customer is not enrolled for automatic payments at this time.
After a review, the account shows the commercial customer does not have any referenced business accounts under the...
exact same name with 12 months of good payment history, in order to waive the electric deposit. The customer is conducting a business similar to the previous customer, therefore a deposit is required. The amount of the security deposit is calculated based on the two highest consecutive bills from the past year. The average from those two months is then recalculated for a 45 day period. The deposit is held until the customer establishes 12 consecutive months of good payment history (no late payments). Accrued interest is automatically applied to the customer’s standard billing account annually in January @ 1.5% interest.
We would be happy to set a payment arrangement for the customer to assist with paying the security deposit of $2,010.00. We can offer the customer 3 equal installment payments of $670. The 1st installment of $670 is required up front and the next two installments would be due 30 days apart. If the customer agrees and would like to enroll on the payment arrangement, please call our Credit and Collections Department at ###-###-####. Representatives are available Monday- Friday from 7:00 A.M to 7:00 P.M.
After a review of the account, there is no record on the customer’s account that we received the necessary paperwork to complete the fraud investigation process.
The customer can contact the receivables recovery department at [redacted] for further assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 8 A.M to 4:30 P.M
A review of the account shows a termination notice was sent to the customer on 06/19/15 for a disconnection date of 07/05/15 for the amount of the customer’s delinquent balance of...
$784.63. We have no record of any return mail from the postal service and no record of a payment agreement established on the customer’s account prior to the termination date of 07/14/2015. The due date of 07/17/15 on the customers 06/19/15 billing statement is for the current charges of $303.38.
In the event a customer’s service is turned off for non-payment and they do not have verification of hardship, we require the customer to pay a security deposit and the delinquent balance to have their service restored.
The amount of the security deposit is calculated based on the two highest consecutive bills from the past year. The average from those two months is then recalculated for a 45 day period. The deposit is held until the customer establishes 12 consecutive months of good payment history (no late payments). Accrued interest is automatically applied to the customer’s standard billing account annually in January @ 1.5% interest.
Our records indicate a reconnection request was made for the customer’s service address therefore service was reconnected on 07/16/15.
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to respond to Benjamin [redacted]’s complaint regarding his bankruptcy filing. The information on the account from June indicate there were promises to pay that were not upheld by the customer. On August...
23, 2016, Mr. [redacted] was given another exemption while the claim of bankruptcy was reviewed and later that day Eversource contacted the household asking for the customer of record to call Eversource. Mr. [redacted] did not return the call and collection activities proceeded on August 25, 2016. Mr. [redacted] has spoken with our legal collection department regarding the bankruptcy and has been advised to contact his attorney regarding this matter.
The customer has since made a down payment, arranged a payment plan and the service has been restored.
If I can be of additional service, please call me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Mary Ellen Molloy
Regulatory Relations Specialist
247 Station Drive, SUMSW380
Westwood, MA 02090
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I thank you folks very much. No hard feelings and I always have used you guys for power and will continue you to because of your awesome customer service.
Thank you to the Revdex.com for helping me.
Sincerely, [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
From: [redacted] [[redacted]] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 12:40 PMTo: [redacted]Subject: RE: You have a New Message from Revdex.com Serving [redacted] Regarding Complaint #[redacted]
Exactly there running me around.same people did it with cable they took care of it.the officer I filed report with spoke with her also.melinda or [redacted].
told me it wouldnt go on credit while it was investigated.I did n sent everything they asked.
please help
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for providing an opportunity to responds to [redacted] inquiry regarding the final bill for the property...
address of [redacted]s. The balance on August 23, 2016 was $57.26 for the period of May 1, 2016 through July 23, 016. The final bill dated August 24, 2016 is for usage from July 22, 2016 through August 23, 2016 for a total bill of $25.48.
As the customer stated the service for the property ended on August 23, 2016 and the final bill shows usage up to that date.
If I can be of additional assistance, please contact me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Regulatory Relations Specialist
A review of the account shows the customer is on a payment agreement for $165/month (due on the 8th of every month) until October 2016. The customer is going to receive monthly billing statements to...
reflect the customer’s actual monthly charges including the customer’s up to date balance however because the customer is on the payment agreement the customer will continue to pay the $165/monthly instead of the “total amount due” that reflects on the billing statement.
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the electric account of [redacted]. Eversource has...
corresponded with [redacted]n via email and requested supporting documentation of a withdrawal of funds from his bank account. Eversource did not receive proof that the payment was made as customer stated and the claim was denied.
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide an explanation. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Regulatory Relations Specialist
o 781-441-3158
f 781-441-8765
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Date Sent: 3/19/2015 9:36:42 PM Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:
Obviously there is an issue because the tech has been in my house three times monitoring my television and microwave which both do not work when any other electrical appliance running. I haven't called to complain because I'm sick and tired aggravated and annoyed. But if they speak with [redacted] who has been here then they will know. And to prove my point I can call your office to indicate that the problem has not been resolved. Maybe one of you can come to my house and see what the issue is and maybe you can fix it. It's been over a year and I'm tired of making phone calls. At this point my complaint is that I would like to be reimbursed for 50% of my bills for each month that I've been inconvenienced. Because I pay my bill on time for service which I am not receiving at 100%. So I believe it's only reasonable for anyone to understand that if I'm complianing to the Revdex.com is because I am very dissatisfied with this whole situation. No one lives it everyday like my family and I. And at this point it appears to me that no one cares. I have been a lifelong customer and have always paid my bill on time. It would be obvious that if I pay for service I should get service. Not interrupted service. It has been more than a year now. And not to mention I had to make over 20 calls or more to get [redacted] to come out to my residence because they kept telling me it was my panel. If I had the knowledge to handle the problem myself I would. But that is not the case. Again. No one but [redacted] know what goes on in my house because he has been here and had witnessed the problem. I cant even watch tv or use my microwave. I have had my washer repaired once and my dryer twice. And at this point I blame the repairs to the electrical problem. This is a fairly new home built in 1999. It's not reasonable to have problems like this. Again if anyone would like to come to my home at any time they're more than welcome !!!! I would not be filing this complaint if there wasn't a problem. It's totally unreasonable. And I think it's kinda ridiculous that [redacted] is expecting me to settle for at this point a $25 dollar credit to my account. That's a what I can "a slap in the face". Totally unreasonable for all my troubles for the last year. Sincerely, [redacted]
A review of the customer’s account shows the deposit of $425 was waived on 06/24/15 as a result of the customer’s recurring direct debit enrollment on 06/23/15. Since the deposit was waived, the customer’s payment...
of $141.66 payment was applied to the customer’s monthly charges therefore no refund is applicable. Monthly payments will automatically be deducted from the customer’s checking account 21 calendar days after the date of the customer’s bill.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response...
I am appreciative of the zero balance and the apology. But, I would like a letter sent to the credit bureaus stating that sending my account to collection was in error. Then I will be completely satisfied.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Honestly, does it really matter if my name is not attached to the account anymore? You just put random address's meter...
readings on to our account. The account holders name is Thomas Lanigan. And we were just forced to pay $700.43 via western union to turn our power back on for not paying Octobers bill while on a payment plan that you estimated for us 9 months ago and claim that a few months we went over YOUR estimated amount came to this outrageous amount. Your company is a bunch of crooks. I bet you will still tell us we owe you hundreds of dollars more some how even tho we had to pay you what you claim to have been an outstanding bill.
Sincerely,A non willing consumer.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: So in other words Eversource is refusing to prove that they actually send someone to read the meters. Please tell me how this is servicing the customer and the ridiculous logic that Eversource is trying to force feed down customers throats is, whatever they bill someone is legitimate as long as they send me a statement in the mail. So I can be billed $2,000.00 next month and as long as I receive a statement in the mail then this is what I owe? I am going on the record in this complaint as as I told Nicole on the phone last week I am DOCUMENTING everything going forward, including this winters fraudulent criminal bills I will receive from this MOBSTER runned company. I am winterizing my house again and the only running appliance will be my refrigerator. Let's see if I get another $250.00 electric bill. I want Eversource to leave a receipt on my door each month PROVING that they are actually reading my meter but they won't do it because they are not reading my meter using this 200 feet away drive by reading excuse for a reason that no one buys!! Additonally I want them to provide me information on how I can read my meter and match it up to these OVERCHARGED bills they keep sending me. I also want Eversource to repond to me and tell me how my electric bill fluctuates between $60.00 and $250.00 when there is NO ONE at the house. The electricity used is the same. Is Eversource trying to tell me that my house has a mind of its own and it runs electricity by itself and on its own intiative during the winter months? All Eversource tells me is that the electricity is being used. Okay I want Eversource to tell me why my electric bill fluctuates if no one is there?? It should be the same each and EVERY month. so if in winter I am being charged $250.00 with no heat running because my house is vacant I should be having a bill of $250.00 each and every month not like last month when it was $60.00. As stated before, Eversource's own employees have told me that it is a common practice for them to bill arbitrarily based on a season and when winter comes they automatically charge people more money as is obvious by what I am experiencing with this company.
Yesterday I had to speak to maybe five different representatives and none of them could help me today I called and the lady I spoke to was so nice and helped me automatically, its a shame I didn't get her name, so nice and respectful!
A review of our records show that a disconnect notice was mailed to the customer on May 4, 2015. There is no indication that the mailed notice was returned as undeliverable by the [redacted]...
[redacted]. Security deposits are collected from residential customers who have been disconnected for non-payment. The security deposit is refunded after 12 months, providing the customer makes their monthly payments by the requested due date.
[redacted] changed their name to...
Eversource, February 2015.
The customer was enrolled in Budget Billing. Before her account was closed on 5/30/15 a payment was made on 5/8/15 for $132. Her account would have been paid current for her Budget Billing payment. Budget Billing is for customers to pay the same amount each month to offset higher bills during some months. At some point the customer will owe more than they are paying. The customer was originally paying $94 but on 3/24/15 that amount was increased to $131. There are settlement months for Budget Billing but it will also settle up if the account is closed. The account was closed on 5/30/15 and the actual billing was produced for $571.70.
The customer was enrolled in E-Bill and the final bill was sent to her email on 6/2/15. Once a final bill is more than 30 days past due it is sent to a collection agency for soft collections. After 60 days it is moved to collections and can affect the customer’s credit history. A billing and payment history was mailed to the customer per her request in 12/21/15 for her to review that shows actual bills and payments. This balance is still owed by the customer. The credit bureau reporting is accurate.
We are a business that owns shopping centers. We have a large empty space using no gas from Eversource. We are paying a $2300.00 every month and a zero meter read as we have everything shut down. After two phone calls to Eversource they said they have the right to bill that based on a 12 month period. How can they bill a 12 month period of zero. If you are not using any gas you should just pay a minimum. They said as long as gas is in the pipes they bill. Does not matter if you use it. That is crazy. How can we keep paying a bill with no usage without someone paying us rent. They said even when we finally start using gas we get no credits. Sounds like scam to me.
A review of the customer’s account shows a Supervisor in our Customer Service Department has spoken with the customer and resolved the concerns as of today 11/16/15 (10:05 AM). A late payment charge of $1.60 plus...
the returned payment fee of $22 has been removed from the customer’s account. The customer is not enrolled for automatic payments at this time.
After a review, the account shows the commercial customer does not have any referenced business accounts under the...
exact same name with 12 months of good payment history, in order to waive the electric deposit. The customer is conducting a business similar to the previous customer, therefore a deposit is required. The amount of the security deposit is calculated based on the two highest consecutive bills from the past year. The average from those two months is then recalculated for a 45 day period. The deposit is held until the customer establishes 12 consecutive months of good payment history (no late payments). Accrued interest is automatically applied to the customer’s standard billing account annually in January @ 1.5% interest.
We would be happy to set a payment arrangement for the customer to assist with paying the security deposit of $2,010.00. We can offer the customer 3 equal installment payments of $670. The 1st installment of $670 is required up front and the next two installments would be due 30 days apart. If the customer agrees and would like to enroll on the payment arrangement, please call our Credit and Collections Department at ###-###-####. Representatives are available Monday- Friday from 7:00 A.M to 7:00 P.M.
After a review of the account, there is no record on the customer’s account that we received the necessary paperwork to complete the fraud investigation process.
The customer can contact the receivables recovery department at [redacted] for further assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 8 A.M to 4:30 P.M
A review of the account shows a termination notice was sent to the customer on 06/19/15 for a disconnection date of 07/05/15 for the amount of the customer’s delinquent balance of...
$784.63. We have no record of any return mail from the postal service and no record of a payment agreement established on the customer’s account prior to the termination date of 07/14/2015. The due date of 07/17/15 on the customers 06/19/15 billing statement is for the current charges of $303.38.
In the event a customer’s service is turned off for non-payment and they do not have verification of hardship, we require the customer to pay a security deposit and the delinquent balance to have their service restored.
The amount of the security deposit is calculated based on the two highest consecutive bills from the past year. The average from those two months is then recalculated for a 45 day period. The deposit is held until the customer establishes 12 consecutive months of good payment history (no late payments). Accrued interest is automatically applied to the customer’s standard billing account annually in January @ 1.5% interest.
Our records indicate a reconnection request was made for the customer’s service address therefore service was reconnected on 07/16/15.
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to respond to Benjamin [redacted]’s complaint regarding his bankruptcy filing. The information on the account from June indicate there were promises to pay that were not upheld by the customer. On August...
23, 2016, Mr. [redacted] was given another exemption while the claim of bankruptcy was reviewed and later that day Eversource contacted the household asking for the customer of record to call Eversource. Mr. [redacted] did not return the call and collection activities proceeded on August 25, 2016. Mr. [redacted] has spoken with our legal collection department regarding the bankruptcy and has been advised to contact his attorney regarding this matter.
The customer has since made a down payment, arranged a payment plan and the service has been restored.
If I can be of additional service, please call me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Mary Ellen Molloy
Regulatory Relations Specialist
247 Station Drive, SUMSW380
Westwood, MA 02090
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I thank you folks very much. No hard feelings and I always have used you guys for power and will continue you to because of your awesome customer service.
Thank you to the Revdex.com for helping me.
Sincerely, [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
From: [redacted] [[redacted]] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 12:40 PMTo: [redacted]Subject: RE: You have a New Message from Revdex.com Serving [redacted] Regarding Complaint #[redacted]
Exactly there running me around.same people did it with cable they took care of it.the officer I filed report with spoke with her also.melinda or [redacted].
told me it wouldnt go on credit while it was investigated.I did n sent everything they asked.
please help
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for providing an opportunity to responds to [redacted] inquiry regarding the final bill for the property...
address of [redacted]s. The balance on August 23, 2016 was $57.26 for the period of May 1, 2016 through July 23, 016. The final bill dated August 24, 2016 is for usage from July 22, 2016 through August 23, 2016 for a total bill of $25.48.
As the customer stated the service for the property ended on August 23, 2016 and the final bill shows usage up to that date.
If I can be of additional assistance, please contact me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Regulatory Relations Specialist
A review of the account shows the customer is on a payment agreement for $165/month (due on the 8th of every month) until October 2016. The customer is going to receive monthly billing statements to...
reflect the customer’s actual monthly charges including the customer’s up to date balance however because the customer is on the payment agreement the customer will continue to pay the $165/monthly instead of the “total amount due” that reflects on the billing statement.
Dear Revdex.com:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the electric account of [redacted]. Eversource has...
corresponded with [redacted]n via email and requested supporting documentation of a withdrawal of funds from his bank account. Eversource did not receive proof that the payment was made as customer stated and the claim was denied.
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide an explanation. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Regulatory Relations Specialist
o 781-441-3158
f 781-441-8765
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Date Sent: 3/19/2015 9:36:42 PM Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:
Obviously there is an issue because the tech has been in my house three times monitoring my television and microwave which both do not work when any other electrical appliance running. I haven't called to complain because I'm sick and tired aggravated and annoyed. But if they speak with [redacted] who has been here then they will know. And to prove my point I can call your office to indicate that the problem has not been resolved. Maybe one of you can come to my house and see what the issue is and maybe you can fix it. It's been over a year and I'm tired of making phone calls. At this point my complaint is that I would like to be reimbursed for 50% of my bills for each month that I've been inconvenienced. Because I pay my bill on time for service which I am not receiving at 100%. So I believe it's only reasonable for anyone to understand that if I'm complianing to the Revdex.com is because I am very dissatisfied with this whole situation. No one lives it everyday like my family and I. And at this point it appears to me that no one cares. I have been a lifelong customer and have always paid my bill on time. It would be obvious that if I pay for service I should get service. Not interrupted service. It has been more than a year now. And not to mention I had to make over 20 calls or more to get [redacted] to come out to my residence because they kept telling me it was my panel. If I had the knowledge to handle the problem myself I would. But that is not the case. Again. No one but [redacted] know what goes on in my house because he has been here and had witnessed the problem. I cant even watch tv or use my microwave. I have had my washer repaired once and my dryer twice. And at this point I blame the repairs to the electrical problem. This is a fairly new home built in 1999. It's not reasonable to have problems like this. Again if anyone would like to come to my home at any time they're more than welcome !!!! I would not be filing this complaint if there wasn't a problem. It's totally unreasonable. And I think it's kinda ridiculous that [redacted] is expecting me to settle for at this point a $25 dollar credit to my account. That's a what I can "a slap in the face". Totally unreasonable for all my troubles for the last year. Sincerely, [redacted]
A review of the customer’s account shows the deposit of $425 was waived on 06/24/15 as a result of the customer’s recurring direct debit enrollment on 06/23/15. Since the deposit was waived, the customer’s payment...
of $141.66 payment was applied to the customer’s monthly charges therefore no refund is applicable. Monthly payments will automatically be deducted from the customer’s checking account 21 calendar days after the date of the customer’s bill.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response...
I am appreciative of the zero balance and the apology. But, I would like a letter sent to the credit bureaus stating that sending my account to collection was in error. Then I will be completely satisfied.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Honestly, does it really matter if my name is not attached to the account anymore? You just put random address's meter...
readings on to our account. The account holders name is Thomas Lanigan. And we were just forced to pay $700.43 via western union to turn our power back on for not paying Octobers bill while on a payment plan that you estimated for us 9 months ago and claim that a few months we went over YOUR estimated amount came to this outrageous amount. Your company is a bunch of crooks. I bet you will still tell us we owe you hundreds of dollars more some how even tho we had to pay you what you claim to have been an outstanding bill.
Sincerely,A non willing consumer.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: So in other words Eversource is refusing to prove that they actually send someone to read the meters. Please tell me how this is servicing the customer and the ridiculous logic that Eversource is trying to force feed down customers throats is, whatever they bill someone is legitimate as long as they send me a statement in the mail. So I can be billed $2,000.00 next month and as long as I receive a statement in the mail then this is what I owe? I am going on the record in this complaint as as I told Nicole on the phone last week I am DOCUMENTING everything going forward, including this winters fraudulent criminal bills I will receive from this MOBSTER runned company. I am winterizing my house again and the only running appliance will be my refrigerator. Let's see if I get another $250.00 electric bill. I want Eversource to leave a receipt on my door each month PROVING that they are actually reading my meter but they won't do it because they are not reading my meter using this 200 feet away drive by reading excuse for a reason that no one buys!! Additonally I want them to provide me information on how I can read my meter and match it up to these OVERCHARGED bills they keep sending me. I also want Eversource to repond to me and tell me how my electric bill fluctuates between $60.00 and $250.00 when there is NO ONE at the house. The electricity used is the same. Is Eversource trying to tell me that my house has a mind of its own and it runs electricity by itself and on its own intiative during the winter months? All Eversource tells me is that the electricity is being used. Okay I want Eversource to tell me why my electric bill fluctuates if no one is there?? It should be the same each and EVERY month. so if in winter I am being charged $250.00 with no heat running because my house is vacant I should be having a bill of $250.00 each and every month not like last month when it was $60.00. As stated before, Eversource's own employees have told me that it is a common practice for them to bill arbitrarily based on a season and when winter comes they automatically charge people more money as is obvious by what I am experiencing with this company.
Robert Simmons
Yesterday I had to speak to maybe five different representatives and none of them could help me today I called and the lady I spoke to was so nice and helped me automatically, its a shame I didn't get her name, so nice and respectful!