Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The original bank
account on the electrical account that was charged(my ex girlfriends) was deactivated years agoI entered my routing and account info for both gas and electricMy gas bill is perfect and the electric has a problemIt is ABSOLUTELY a company error as my name is on the bill and her name is on her account and no one authorized a charge to her accountAgain, I suspect companies like this take advantage of situations to collect feesI also believe that once the old account with her card was cancelled they should of stopped carrying her card info per PCI complianceI could care less about $but I do care about bad business practices when there is no other choice for providers.
*** ***
A review of the account shows the customer spoke with our Credit and Collections Department today (04/06/2016) and processed a payment of $In addition, the customer agreed to pay the remaining balance of
$by 04/21/As a result, the disconnection notice was cancelled
I called to set up a payment plan and the lady that answered from customer service to help had no idea what was going onI was told I did not qualify for a payment plan and told several times that any payment does not protect my servicesThen I was given the option to pay a price today and that would give me days to pay the remainderI agreed to the price for todayWhen she went to process my payment she asked how much today and I said the 180$ because that is what she referenced- payment was made- after process with a fee (even though it was a debit card) she then informed me I was three dollars short so I would not be able to get the days to pay the remainder! No commincation skills whatsoever, are you kidding me?! Her response was that she asked me how much I wanted to payHowever she never could a second to remind me of the amount, that if I paid just dollars more, that would extend my time for another days! I have kids and a family, and I may be struggling a little bit, but I didn't just ignore them- I called to set up a payment plan and this is what happensCouldnt be more disappointed and I wish I had asked her name
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I know what's on my bill, and whyI'm making this complaint based on the amount of what, because there is no why I'm being billed moreI am looking at a neighbor's bill right now, and everything under Delivery Services adds up to less than $25, not the more than the $I'm being chargedI have also been reading and photographing the meter myself, so I also know and can prove that my consumption amount is also bloated if we want to read things off to each
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This isn't a solutionYou have failed to ever notify me of an outstanding balanceI still am unaware how much you claim that I owe youThe solution to this issue is that you remove my account from collections and remove the derogatory remark on my credit scoreOnce I receive a bill I will pay you the amount owedI have received many items in the mail that have been sent to the Connecticut address, this is because the *** offers mail forwarding, which I am enrolled in, if you had sent me a bill in the mail I would have received itYour company also has my phone number.
*** ***
Our records indicate the customer’s service was reconnected at 1:PM today (09/13/16)The customer’s feedback will be reviewed and the necessary corrective actions will be taken to better serve our
customer’s in the future
The bill in question has been reviewed and validatedThe details associated with the billing transition between the tenant's and
landlord's responsibility has been discussed with the customer (landlord)The options available for billing methods were also reviewed with the customer and updated in accordance with their preferenceThe collection activity that took place is a process that is utilized for finalled accounts prior to permanent collectionThis collection activity is not reported to the Credit Bureau unless the bill remains unpaid and further collection activity is necessaryAt this time, Eversource believes the customer's concerns have been addressedIf there are additional questions, Eversource encourages the customer to contact us at (*** ***
This company is an absolute jokeThe most horrendous experience of my lifeI can't begin to express my disdain for their customer service and all of the representatives I have spoken withIt's one thing to hustle people for their money while knowing they have your nuts in a vice grip because they are the only option in the area but they refuse to even act in a courteous mannerSpeaking to myself and my fiance like we are both mnsIf you're going to milk the capitalistic society we live in at least have the decency not to talk down to your customersThe holier than thou attitude they all have is shocking and pitifulHonestly I just feel bad for themProbably pinked on all through high school and now with one iota of power they think they can treat people like the sm of the EarthI had set up a payment plan with them, I do not prefer paper billing, I am out of town more often than not and do all of my banking and bills onlineThe due date listed online was for the 23rd of every monthI was out of town for months, they apparently had my due date as the 14th or 15th on my paper bills and sent me a shut off noticeAgain, nothing of the sort showed up in my online messages or email so I had no idea until I got homeI find it despicable how quickly they can shut off your power and then lecture you and tell you it will be on in hoursThat's just downright DIRTY and PATHETICScoundrel doesn't even begin to cover the adjective I'd like to use for these peopleAnyway, I dialed and pressed the number for disconnected powerThe woman gave me her spiel and then hustled me for almost $She goes to hang up and I ask so when the *** are you going to put my power on? She goes, not kidding, "OH YOU'RE POWER IS OFF??" YES no *** sherlock!! So kudos to her for being both arrogant and a hustlerManaged to squeeze me for $AND treat me like a child, wow good for you!! Mama must be proud!!! So she tells me it will be up to a dayAt this point, I'm thinking I'm being the better person and not arguing further about the mismatching due dates that is so clearly their own trickI just didn't want to deal but at this point, their error became my $payment and no power for another dayI asked for the supervisorI said I'll wait 10, 20, minutes, I don't care I'm not getting off the phoneShe comes back minutes later, tells me I can't wait on the phone they will call me backI tried like hell to stay on the phone because even though they seem to think so, I'm not an mno and a half hours go by, no call backI call them and ask for the supervisor immediately, explaining I have been waiting for a call backThey then SHE WENT TO LUNCHAND IS NOT IN THE OFFICEOh man it makes me seeth just thinking about it againI said are you insane? I have been waiting hours for a call backI called at 9am, I should have been one of the first call backsNOPE her lunch is a priority over people having no powerThat's real niceNice and PATHETICAgain I said I'll sit here and waitI have all day it's my day offminutes pass she said I can't have you on the line she will call you as soon as she gets inAKA she will wait out the day to avoid meShe never called me backNopeNo one called me at any pointHorrendousShame on anyone who works for this companyYou must not have a soulTreat your customers with respect and you won't be met with so much resistance but the more you treat me like a clown, the more I will fight you tooth and nailPatheticSo thinking I'm in the clear for a while because my latest bill is $since being out of town, I received ANOTHER shut off notice in the mailYou people are monster and I hate you with every fiber of my being and I will not stop looking for alternative service EVEN IF IT IS MORE EXPENSIVEI will do anything to get the heck away from this placr
Eversource failed to provide Adecuate service to my home after they found that the problem causing me lights to dim daily was due to a neighbor who had an overload in his homeIt took Eversource close to months to find the problemThey then failed to correct the problem until over a year later from the date the problem beganThe staff was totally unprofessional and inconsiderate about my concernsThey failed to provide 100% of serviceBut yet my bill was and continues to be paid on timeTotally negative experience all together
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI realize that as a consumer/customer, I am not going to get far with a corporation such as EverSource so I guess this is what I'll accept. However, in my original complaint, I don't recall asking for money. I asked for a review/modification to their policy of having hours to return power to customers that they have turned off. The fact that the same person who arrived at my home to restore my power THE NEXT DAY, stated that he received NO CALLS the night before and had he received a call, he wouldn't have had a problem coming out to restore it. I am well aware that the concern for me as a customer is not there. EVERSOURCE CALLED NO ONE! THEY SAID WELP, SHE SHOULD'VE PAID HER BILL. I have borrowed $from my grandmother to replace the food that I lost while my power was off. I am a bi-weekly employee and don't get paid again until next Thursday. So when next week comes, I will be short on my already late mortgage in order to pay back my grandmother who lives on a fixed income, this will prohibit me from paying my water or gas (I don't know which one yet as I haven't determined which shut-off will come first). It's also clear by the reply from EverSource, the only problem from their viewpoint, is with the customer service rep who assured me that since my bill was paid by 3:00pm, my power would be restored that same day. I don't steal for a living or do anything else illegal. I workHARD, for a living and I do the best I can with what I have. If the company knows they're turning power off on any given day (they have the list of shutoffs), why do they not have to provide their customers (who may have spent all day pawning things to come up with the money for payment) the ability for timely restoration. hours is not timely, it's a significant amount of time and causes their customers such a financial loss and when a person is just scraping by and working with just a bit more than nothing, that amount of time impedes on a person's ability to just "be" As I've stated, I couldn't feed my family, my food went badwell, who cares?? Not EverSource. If someone left a dog outside in a cage for hours without access to food, authority's would be called, however, it's an acceptable practice for large corporations such as EverSource to use for their human customers.
*** ***
I am typing this review with regards to Eversource gas company, previously known as Yankee GasI used to be a customer for the company since early till March During that time I changed my apartment once, in early I stayed within the same housing complex howeverFrom till switching apartments I received and paid my bills on time and there were no issuesAfter switching I noticed that bills were not coming inI contacted the landlord twice, as it was the landlords responsibility to ensure that the gas account was setup correctly, but still nothing came inSo I contacted Yankee gas and each time they said that they will fix the issueBills continued not to come inI purchased a house in early In early August and to my surprise I find a collection agency asking me for the full payment of the missing bills to EversourceI contacted Eversource twice to understand and work through thisAccording to the customer support representative, Yankee Gas/Eversource had an issue with their computer system during the period of that got fixed in and that was when the account was rolled upThe representatives also mentioned that a mail was sent to me in June to work a payment planI informed them that I never received such a mailI also told them about my attempts to have this corrected in The first representative I spoke with told me that she saw records of the call, however the second one stated that there were no records! In the second call I was asked to be put on hold so that the representative can reach someone to help me and after going back to I assume his supervisor I was notified that I need to work with the collection agency to have the amount paidI find that Eversource is being unprofessional, unreasonable, and unreliableI would expect them to treat their PAYING customers with more respect via at least one phone callEspecially that they had the correct home phone number, and they confirmed that IT WAS THEIR FAULT for not sending bills on time!
After a review of the account, the deposit will be changed to a “monitored” status at this time therefore the requested payment of $has been adjusted to reflect a balanceWe will be monitoring your usage
for days to determine if a deposit will be assessed in the future
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
the bill dated on August has a meter read date as August 22nd. Not July as Eversource repliesHe lies about this. The other customer representative replied to me on an email dated 9/14 as:
The reason it was so high is because the payment of $wasn't received until September 9th.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
The bill from August clear shows no ANY electricity usage but monthly fee. Juan has replied that I was charged $is because you did not receive my payment of $until September 9thThe first bill has no due date and I paid my bill in early Septemer, within days of receiving the bill.
The way Eversource charges customer as such is totally unacceptable. If they do not resolve this, I will have to take this t* *** *** *** ***
*** **
A review of the account shows the disconnect order was cancelled and the customer's account has been enrolled on our new start programPlease accept our apologies
for any inconvenience, however in most cases, we are unable to establish a payment agreement once a disconnect date has expired and a disconnect order is in a pending status
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The matter only got resolved after I had to borrow money to be able to pay for the past due amount Without that amount being paid the electricity would still be off today risking my child's health As it was, the house was without electricity for a few hours Hours that with my son's health could've been detrimental Not to mention how cold it was All calls to the business were unhelpful and unsuccessful in getting the power back on I hope that in the future there's some consideration for the health of my child and that power is not shut off indiscriminately As I stated, I had been struggling to pay, but had made several payments The electric company has the upper hand in that everyone needs electricity and cannot live without it, therefore they can do whatever they please Irregardless of individual circumstances, even though they will always get their money
*** ***
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is the regulating authority. The customer
had previously contacted the DPU regarding the complaint of high bills. Eversource tested the meter and the state also tested the meter. The meter was found to be operating correctly
Meter readings are our official record of the amount of service used. The meters are precise measuring devices, carefully designed and manufactured to give accurate readings for computing customer bills
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide an explanation. If I can be of additional assistance, please call ###-###-####
Mary Ellen M***
Regulatory Relations Specialist
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:
The (nameless and faceless, refusing to identify him or herself) person at the utility obviously does not read things (or reads things, and does not understand them)My complaint clearly dealt with the actions of the EVERSOURCE ARBORIST (or thug), and once again, this is a dumb attempt to obfiscate or deflect the issueAll points hereinbefore mentioned in my complaint are hereby restated (and stand).
*** ** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I would like written proof of all transactions associated with this complaintI would like a written list of all the transactions on MY account (*** *** ***) as well as all of the transactions associated with my HUSBANDS account *** *** *** from July to February 3rd,
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The original bank
account on the electrical account that was charged(my ex girlfriends) was deactivated years agoI entered my routing and account info for both gas and electricMy gas bill is perfect and the electric has a problemIt is ABSOLUTELY a company error as my name is on the bill and her name is on her account and no one authorized a charge to her accountAgain, I suspect companies like this take advantage of situations to collect feesI also believe that once the old account with her card was cancelled they should of stopped carrying her card info per PCI complianceI could care less about $but I do care about bad business practices when there is no other choice for providers.
*** ***
A review of the account shows the customer spoke with our Credit and Collections Department today (04/06/2016) and processed a payment of $In addition, the customer agreed to pay the remaining balance of
$by 04/21/As a result, the disconnection notice was cancelled
I called to set up a payment plan and the lady that answered from customer service to help had no idea what was going onI was told I did not qualify for a payment plan and told several times that any payment does not protect my servicesThen I was given the option to pay a price today and that would give me days to pay the remainderI agreed to the price for todayWhen she went to process my payment she asked how much today and I said the 180$ because that is what she referenced- payment was made- after process with a fee (even though it was a debit card) she then informed me I was three dollars short so I would not be able to get the days to pay the remainder! No commincation skills whatsoever, are you kidding me?! Her response was that she asked me how much I wanted to payHowever she never could a second to remind me of the amount, that if I paid just dollars more, that would extend my time for another days! I have kids and a family, and I may be struggling a little bit, but I didn't just ignore them- I called to set up a payment plan and this is what happensCouldnt be more disappointed and I wish I had asked her name
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I know what's on my bill, and whyI'm making this complaint based on the amount of what, because there is no why I'm being billed moreI am looking at a neighbor's bill right now, and everything under Delivery Services adds up to less than $25, not the more than the $I'm being chargedI have also been reading and photographing the meter myself, so I also know and can prove that my consumption amount is also bloated if we want to read things off to each
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This isn't a solutionYou have failed to ever notify me of an outstanding balanceI still am unaware how much you claim that I owe youThe solution to this issue is that you remove my account from collections and remove the derogatory remark on my credit scoreOnce I receive a bill I will pay you the amount owedI have received many items in the mail that have been sent to the Connecticut address, this is because the *** offers mail forwarding, which I am enrolled in, if you had sent me a bill in the mail I would have received itYour company also has my phone number.
*** ***
Our records indicate the customer’s service was reconnected at 1:PM today (09/13/16)The customer’s feedback will be reviewed and the necessary corrective actions will be taken to better serve our
customer’s in the future
The bill in question has been reviewed and validatedThe details associated with the billing transition between the tenant's and
landlord's responsibility has been discussed with the customer (landlord)The options available for billing methods were also reviewed with the customer and updated in accordance with their preferenceThe collection activity that took place is a process that is utilized for finalled accounts prior to permanent collectionThis collection activity is not reported to the Credit Bureau unless the bill remains unpaid and further collection activity is necessaryAt this time, Eversource believes the customer's concerns have been addressedIf there are additional questions, Eversource encourages the customer to contact us at (*** ***
This company is an absolute jokeThe most horrendous experience of my lifeI can't begin to express my disdain for their customer service and all of the representatives I have spoken withIt's one thing to hustle people for their money while knowing they have your nuts in a vice grip because they are the only option in the area but they refuse to even act in a courteous mannerSpeaking to myself and my fiance like we are both m
nsIf you're going to milk the capitalistic society we live in at least have the decency not to talk down to your customersThe holier than thou attitude they all have is shocking and pitifulHonestly I just feel bad for themProbably pinked on all through high school and now with one iota of power they think they can treat people like the s
m of the EarthI had set up a payment plan with them, I do not prefer paper billing, I am out of town more often than not and do all of my banking and bills onlineThe due date listed online was for the 23rd of every monthI was out of town for months, they apparently had my due date as the 14th or 15th on my paper bills and sent me a shut off noticeAgain, nothing of the sort showed up in my online messages or email so I had no idea until I got homeI find it despicable how quickly they can shut off your power and then lecture you and tell you it will be on in hoursThat's just downright DIRTY and PATHETICScoundrel doesn't even begin to cover the adjective I'd like to use for these peopleAnyway, I dialed and pressed the number for disconnected powerThe woman gave me her spiel and then hustled me for almost $She goes to hang up and I ask so when the *** are you going to put my power on? She goes, not kidding, "OH YOU'RE POWER IS OFF??" YES no *** sherlock!! So kudos to her for being both arrogant and a hustlerManaged to squeeze me for $AND treat me like a child, wow good for you!! Mama must be proud!!! So she tells me it will be up to a dayAt this point, I'm thinking I'm being the better person and not arguing further about the mismatching due dates that is so clearly their own trickI just didn't want to deal but at this point, their error became my $payment and no power for another dayI asked for the supervisorI said I'll wait 10, 20, minutes, I don't care I'm not getting off the phoneShe comes back minutes later, tells me I can't wait on the phone they will call me backI tried like hell to stay on the phone because even though they seem to think so, I'm not an m
no and a half hours go by, no call backI call them and ask for the supervisor immediately, explaining I have been waiting for a call backThey then SHE WENT TO LUNCHAND IS NOT IN THE OFFICEOh man it makes me seeth just thinking about it againI said are you insane? I have been waiting hours for a call backI called at 9am, I should have been one of the first call backsNOPE her lunch is a priority over people having no powerThat's real niceNice and PATHETICAgain I said I'll sit here and waitI have all day it's my day offminutes pass she said I can't have you on the line she will call you as soon as she gets inAKA she will wait out the day to avoid meShe never called me backNopeNo one called me at any pointHorrendousShame on anyone who works for this companyYou must not have a soulTreat your customers with respect and you won't be met with so much resistance but the more you treat me like a clown, the more I will fight you tooth and nailPatheticSo thinking I'm in the clear for a while because my latest bill is $since being out of town, I received ANOTHER shut off notice in the mailYou people are monster and I hate you with every fiber of my being and I will not stop looking for alternative service EVEN IF IT IS MORE EXPENSIVEI will do anything to get the heck away from this placr
Eversource failed to provide Adecuate service to my home after they found that the problem causing me lights to dim daily was due to a neighbor who had an overload in his homeIt took Eversource close to months to find the problemThey then failed to correct the problem until over a year later from the date the problem beganThe staff was totally unprofessional and inconsiderate about my concernsThey failed to provide 100% of serviceBut yet my bill was and continues to be paid on timeTotally negative experience all together
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI realize that as a consumer/customer, I am not going to get far with a corporation such as EverSource so I guess this is what I'll accept. However, in my original complaint, I don't recall asking for money. I asked for a review/modification to their policy of having hours to return power to customers that they have turned off. The fact that the same person who arrived at my home to restore my power THE NEXT DAY, stated that he received NO CALLS the night before and had he received a call, he wouldn't have had a problem coming out to restore it. I am well aware that the concern for me as a customer is not there. EVERSOURCE CALLED NO ONE! THEY SAID WELP, SHE SHOULD'VE PAID HER BILL. I have borrowed $from my grandmother to replace the food that I lost while my power was off. I am a bi-weekly employee and don't get paid again until next Thursday. So when next week comes, I will be short on my already late mortgage in order to pay back my grandmother who lives on a fixed income, this will prohibit me from paying my water or gas (I don't know which one yet as I haven't determined which shut-off will come first). It's also clear by the reply from EverSource, the only problem from their viewpoint, is with the customer service rep who assured me that since my bill was paid by 3:00pm, my power would be restored that same day. I don't steal for a living or do anything else illegal. I workHARD, for a living and I do the best I can with what I have. If the company knows they're turning power off on any given day (they have the list of shutoffs), why do they not have to provide their customers (who may have spent all day pawning things to come up with the money for payment) the ability for timely restoration. hours is not timely, it's a significant amount of time and causes their customers such a financial loss and when a person is just scraping by and working with just a bit more than nothing, that amount of time impedes on a person's ability to just "be" As I've stated, I couldn't feed my family, my food went badwell, who cares?? Not EverSource. If someone left a dog outside in a cage for hours without access to food, authority's would be called, however, it's an acceptable practice for large corporations such as EverSource to use for their human customers.
*** ***
I am typing this review with regards to Eversource gas company, previously known as Yankee GasI used to be a customer for the company since early till March During that time I changed my apartment once, in early I stayed within the same housing complex howeverFrom till switching apartments I received and paid my bills on time and there were no issuesAfter switching I noticed that bills were not coming inI contacted the landlord twice, as it was the landlords responsibility to ensure that the gas account was setup correctly, but still nothing came inSo I contacted Yankee gas and each time they said that they will fix the issueBills continued not to come inI purchased a house in early In early August and to my surprise I find a collection agency asking me for the full payment of the missing bills to EversourceI contacted Eversource twice to understand and work through thisAccording to the customer support representative, Yankee Gas/Eversource had an issue with their computer system during the period of that got fixed in and that was when the account was rolled upThe representatives also mentioned that a mail was sent to me in June to work a payment planI informed them that I never received such a mailI also told them about my attempts to have this corrected in The first representative I spoke with told me that she saw records of the call, however the second one stated that there were no records! In the second call I was asked to be put on hold so that the representative can reach someone to help me and after going back to I assume his supervisor I was notified that I need to work with the collection agency to have the amount paidI find that Eversource is being unprofessional, unreasonable, and unreliableI would expect them to treat their PAYING customers with more respect via at least one phone callEspecially that they had the correct home phone number, and they confirmed that IT WAS THEIR FAULT for not sending bills on time!
After a review of the account, the deposit will be changed to a “monitored” status at this time therefore the requested payment of $has been adjusted to reflect a balanceWe will be monitoring your usage
for days to determine if a deposit will be assessed in the future
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
the bill dated on August has a meter read date as August 22nd. Not July as Eversource repliesHe lies about this. The other customer representative replied to me on an email dated 9/14 as:
The reason it was so high is because the payment of $wasn't received until September 9th.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
The bill from August clear shows no ANY electricity usage but monthly fee. Juan has replied that I was charged $is because you did not receive my payment of $until September 9thThe first bill has no due date and I paid my bill in early Septemer, within days of receiving the bill.
The way Eversource charges customer as such is totally unacceptable. If they do not resolve this, I will have to take this t* *** *** *** ***
*** **
A review of the account shows the disconnect order was cancelled and the customer's account has been enrolled on our new start programPlease accept our apologies
for any inconvenience, however in most cases, we are unable to establish a payment agreement once a disconnect date has expired and a disconnect order is in a pending status
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The matter only got resolved after I had to borrow money to be able to pay for the past due amount Without that amount being paid the electricity would still be off today risking my child's health As it was, the house was without electricity for a few hours Hours that with my son's health could've been detrimental Not to mention how cold it was All calls to the business were unhelpful and unsuccessful in getting the power back on I hope that in the future there's some consideration for the health of my child and that power is not shut off indiscriminately As I stated, I had been struggling to pay, but had made several payments The electric company has the upper hand in that everyone needs electricity and cannot live without it, therefore they can do whatever they please Irregardless of individual circumstances, even though they will always get their money
*** ***
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is the regulating authority. The customer
had previously contacted the DPU regarding the complaint of high bills. Eversource tested the meter and the state also tested the meter. The meter was found to be operating correctly
Meter readings are our official record of the amount of service used. The meters are precise measuring devices, carefully designed and manufactured to give accurate readings for computing customer bills
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide an explanation. If I can be of additional assistance, please call ###-###-####
Mary Ellen M***
Regulatory Relations Specialist
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:
The (nameless and faceless, refusing to identify him or herself) person at the utility obviously does not read things (or reads things, and does not understand them)My complaint clearly dealt with the actions of the EVERSOURCE ARBORIST (or thug), and once again, this is a dumb attempt to obfiscate or deflect the issueAll points hereinbefore mentioned in my complaint are hereby restated (and stand).
*** ** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I would like written proof of all transactions associated with this complaintI would like a written list of all the transactions on MY account (*** *** ***) as well as all of the transactions associated with my HUSBANDS account *** *** *** from July to February 3rd,
*** ***