New York Sports Clubs Reviews (544)
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Description: HEALTH CLUBS
Address: 5 Penn Plz Fl 4, New York, New York, United States, 10001
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Good Day,Membership is cancelled and a refund was submitted by the club on 1/**/2015. Refunds may take 7 to 10 business days to be processed.Thank you.
At this time, I have been contacted directly by New York Sports Clubs regarding complaint ID [redacted], however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I have yet to receive my refund despite being told I would have it by January *, 2015. I have called and...
emailed since the first and have yet to receive any response
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I made it very clear on my multiple attempts at calling the location to cancel that I was unable to get through to member services, and could they please help me in any other way. These other two methods if canceling were never disclosed to me until yesterday which is far after the fact of me trying to cancel. New York a sports Clubs purposely makes cancelation overly difficult so they can continue charging past when someone wants to cancel. I believe this is also apparent by the sheer number of complaints received for billing issues in the past 3 years. Furthermore, I had informed the manager at the gym when I go ally did arrive in person to cancel that my credit card data had been stolen ad part of the Bailey's online data breach and that the card was no longer active for charges. He did not request new card data. I should not bbe charged at all because I did not have seen their services on the 30 day period from my I I tial attempt to cancel, I made multiple attempts to cancel which the manager refused and did not provide the other two options. The contact us form on the Web site has nothing regarding cancelation. Furthermore, I fail to understand why I owe a payment at the beginning of March. I prepaid my first 1 months of service which began sometime on or after January [redacted]. That would put me up to date to March [redacted] or later depending on the day I started. This company continues to use dishonest methods to prevent people from canceling their membership and then insisting on payment despite not providing the resources to readily do so.
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Good Day,[redacted] has been in contact with the club and has been advised that TSI does not refund charges from bank overdrafts. The refund from the incorrect charge by TSI has been refunded.Thank you
Good Day,In reviewing the account, I do not see any promise of a refund from any corporate entity. Can you please provide confirmation of this promise? I also see that the membership has been credited on 3 separate occasions because the consumer threatened to cancel. I have notated...
the account that we will no longer provide credits to this member based on threats of cancellation. Lastly, the lower priced memebership is available to members and non-members under the same terms. Anyone choosing to enroll in the lower priced membership may due so by paying the initiation fees. If you are a current member, we cancel your current membership immediately and return any prorate. Enrolling near the end of the month prevents this.There are currently open disputes from the credit card company as well. Any open dispute must be resolved before any refund can be processed. No refund is due at this time and again we would require documentation of the previous request.Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here] Here are my further request: 1) I need to see the refund of extra billing before close this case. 2) I also need to cancel the membership immediately at no extra cost. 3) I need NYSC refund me the $149 down payment I paid on 01/**/2015, since I cancelled this membership because of NYSC issues. 3) NYSC should delete my billing information from their system permanently after the refund to avoid any further errors occur to my account. 4) I need an explanation about why they forged my signature on the membership enrollment form. Please check the attachment. The signature on the membership agreement is definitely not mine.
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[redacted] this time, I have not been contacted by New York Sports Clubs regarding complaint ID [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]
We apologize for any inconvenience. Member [redacted] enrolled into a Premier membership on 6/**/2015 and Locker Services agreement on 8/**/2015. The member was charged $3.85 on 8/**/**15 which was a prorated amount for use of the Locker Services from 8/**/2015 through 8/**/2015. On 11/**/2015 the...
member was charged a $12.95 usage fee for using the [redacted] club. The member has a Premier membership which is single club access to South Bethesda. On 5/**/2016 the member requested to cancel the Locker Service agreement effective 6/**/16 providing the 30 day notice required to cancel. On 5/**/216 the member placed a future cancellation request for the Premier membership to be cancelled effective 8/**/2016. The Premier membership will remain active until 8/**/2016 and there will be a $29.95 cancellation fee per terms of the membership. On 6/**/2016 the member was billed $49.95 which is the Annual fee for the membership. The Annual fee is set to bill on every June [redacted] of each year. Since the membership was active on June [redacted] and until 8/**/2016, the Annual fee was billed and is valid. The member disputed this charge which was settled in our favor. Due to the dispute the billing information has been removed and we have been unable to collect the monthly rate of $19.95 due on 7/**/2016. We will also be unable to collect the $29.95 cancel fee set to bill on 8/**/2016. The member must update the billing information to pay the balance since these charges are valid.
I have reviewed the response made by the business...
in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and, assuming Town Sports International has taken the steps they claimed by phone have occurred, find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. In order to waive the balance and clear the debt we will need the cancel confirmation. Without a cancel confirmation the debt remains valid. Thank you
Better Business...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:As stated, the $12.50 was charged in error when I was forced to physically enter the facility to ONLY give my new cc information NOT enter the facility. This is mandatory as there is no customer service number and no one answered (or currently answers) the phone at the company. The $15 was in error as their phone is not responded to and it took a while to figure out that one has to physically enter the facility to change the information regarding the stolen cc. I believe the current manager is attempting to credit these charges, but after significant and unwarranted efforts were forced by incompetence of this firm.
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Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. When changing membership types there is a fee. In order for the membership change to take affect that payment will have to be made. The members account requires payment for the membership change. No refund is due at this time.Tank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I find it hard to believe that they don't have a record of who the employee was who processed my cancellation request. Actually that is pretty scary because that means any employee at any time can cancel any membership they want and the employee will be in the same boat I am in. I have also spoken to a friend of mine who belongs to the same location and advised me the are notorious for all kinds unethical treatment towards people wanting to cancel.
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The member had disputed the $49.95 Annual fee charge with his billing institution. The dispute was settled in the member's favor which means that he received the money back. We will not contest the Annual fee any further. We consider this matter settled.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Since the employee at the desk who processed my cancellation advised me I would not have to pay the annual membership verbally and I was cancelling due to financial hardship (I don't have the money) they would at least waive the 59.00 as good customer service. I have never experienced such poor customer service in my life. The contract does read as they state but due to me being misinformed by one of their own employees they should at least take some responsibility.
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Good Day,The refund for $647 was processed on 12/** and [redacted] was advised, but did not close the dispute with you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted],...
and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
In good faith a refund is due. The gym accepted a membership fee and then promptly closed which goes against any logic.
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