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National Association of Professional Women

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Reviews National Association of Professional Women

National Association of Professional Women Reviews (824)

member was refunded by check [redacted]

It can take up to ten business days to post to your account, you must ask the card issuer its specific policyThe credit went into the banking system on November [redacted] at 11:amAttached is a receipt of the processing confirmation - you can give the bank the transaction ID number

We are sorry that ***? [redacted] has had a negative experienceShe did contact our offices, but did so well after our business hoursWe did receive her messages and responded to them by calling her first thing this morningShe did enroll with NAPW in 2015, and her membership was canceled later that yearShe was renewed in error this year because we moved her data into a new system and her status was not correctly reflectedWe have issued a full refund, which should post to her account within two to ten business days, depending on the policies of her card issuer, and deactivated her entire profileHer billing information has been moved to an archive, which means that it is not accessible for any billingsAgain, we apologize for the error

We are sorry that [redacted] ’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do strive to provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve their lives, both personal and professional We encourage and expect our members to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with any questions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the time to explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will find tremendous value in being a member of the NAPW [redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW On May **, 2014, NAPW contacted her and conducted its initial enrollment interview During this telephone call our representative explained the annual costs and benefits associated with this level of membership, and that all membership enrollments are final Because NAPW is a membership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at all levels are found through our membership portal ( [redacted] ) as well as through our face-to-face networking at our over Local Chapters nationwide Additionally, through our online portal, members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by our business partners Because NAPW incurs costs upon enrollment with those partners, we maintain a final sale policy Please be aware that membership alone includes no tangible product to be shipped to the memberAll of this was explained to [redacted] during her interview Our representative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within hours) containing login information for our members’ portal through which she is able access all of the online benefits and enroll in Local Chapters Our representative further explained that [redacted] should review our Terms & Conditions Subsequent to logging in but prior to accessing her benefits, she did review and accept those Terms & Conditions Therein, [redacted] was provided with the details of our final sale policy, along with all other policies governing her relationship with NAPW NAPW’s Terms & Conditions are available at [redacted] Within days of enrollment, NAPW physically mailed a welcome package to the member containing a paid statement, a membership card and a welcome letter NAPW employs a comprehensive call recording and auditing function Our staff reviews the recording of each completed interview for multiple compliance points, including that the representative explained the renewal and refund policies as described aboveAs part of our investigation into this case, we reviewed that call again and [redacted] was made completely aware of these points at the time [redacted] had been selected for consideration by our VIP membership committee and was contacted on July **, This is the call to which she alludes in her complaint Our members are entitled to be treated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team is trained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there are protocols and policies which must be followed These policies are companywide and all of our team members are required to follow themTherefore, based on her claim of being treated with less than the respect to which she was entitled, we reviewed this interview as well [redacted] ’s recollection of the conversation is different than what is on the recording She was never accused of being “in a tizzy” – when she advised our representative that she did not want to spend any more money, our representative asked her if she had taken any opportunity to use her benefits – attend a local chapter meeting, take a seminar or webinar [redacted] reiterated that she did not want to spend more money and our rep replied that she DID understand that but what she was asking was if she had been able to take advantage of the benefits already available to her and that she did not need to get worked up as part of our representative’s job is to make sure members are aware of the resources available to them [redacted] replied that she was planning to do so and our representative explained to her that if she had any questions or wanted assistance for anything, she should call our membership services department [redacted] thanked her, our representative thanked [redacted] and the call ended cordially Both of these interviews are available for review if required As our VIP representative explained, NAPW has a comprehensive membership services staff, which is qualified to field all inquiries and works with members on any other questions or issues regarding membership, access to benefits and other questions NAPW publicizes the availability of this staff through multiple dedicated pages See [redacted] Each of these pages publishes the contact telephone numbers and email addresses, and provides a convenient form which this member could have submitted at any time if she wished to engage our staff for any reason We take the claim that a member was "scammed" or that a charge was unauthorized very seriously NAPW provides an amazing value for the membership fee Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars, seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapter affiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits Our organization is growing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategic alliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues to ASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently to deliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was "scammed" is demonstrably false We currently have almost a half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our online networking portal, which gives our members more connectivity options and far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sites We have over local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands of our members get together to take their online experience into the real world and create incredible connections with other professional womenThese local chapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members to interact We encourage of our members to join all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities to attend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of local women with whom to network Moreover, we host an annual National Networking Conference where almost two thousand members where members from all over the country enjoy an unforgettable day of networking, panel discussions, workshops and presentations from extraordinary women like Sara Blakeley, Arianna Huffington, Star Jones, Martha Stewart, Ivanka Trump, Randy Zuckerburg, Barbara Corcoran and Robin Roberts Click here for more information Additionally, we are constantly providing and working to upgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuing education through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted] ***; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships, including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computer suppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social media and other outlets Again, our entire team is working hard every single day to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greater benefits available to our members We invite [redacted] to contact us directly to go over her membership and work on a resolution

We are sorry that [redacted] ’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPWOur members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them [redacted] authorized the June *, charge reflecting her annual membershipdues During her initial enrollmentinterview, our representative went over the membership, beginning with the mostcomprehensive package – part of the goal of the interview is to determine thebest package to fit the member’s goals and budgetWe want them to get themaximum benefits for the money, which is why they offer the options in theorder they do Ourrepresentative also explained that NAPW uses an automatic renewal process,designed to protect [redacted] ’s enrollment in and uninterrupted access to thebenefits provided by NAPW and its business partners Prior to concluding the interview, ourrepresentative specifically informed [redacted] that her annual membershipwould automatically renew [redacted] had the opportunity to opt out of our automatic renewal program at that timeHowever,in light of the fact that [redacted] was unable to contact us by mail becauseour new website did not provide this at the time, we have issued a credit for athebalance of her fee to her cardWe take the claim that a member was "scammed" or that acharge was unauthorized very seriously We are also deeplyangered by the claims that NAPW takes advantage of women whenever someoneforgot about the terms to which she agreed or failed to use her membership andwants us to bear the financial burden of her oversight NAPW provides an amazingvalue for the membership fee Included in ALL memberships levels arewebinars, seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-personchapter affiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits Ourorganization is growing, expanding and moving forward through numerousinitiatives, strategic alliances and corporate affiliations; offering membersadditional avenues to ASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was"scammed" is demonstrably false We currently have almosta half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our onlinenetworking portal, which gives our members more connectivity optionsand far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sitesWe have over local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands ofour members get together to take their online experience into the real worldand create incredible connections with other professional womenThese localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members tointeract We encourage of our members tojoin all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities toattend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of localwomen with whom to networkAdditionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted] ***; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like [redacted] , one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members We were rated within the top Best Websites for Women in [redacted] Our corporate partners include prestigious and well-known brands like [redacted] , ***, [redacted] , [redacted] , and [redacted] Internationally prominent women, like [redacted] , [redacted] and [redacted] have been featured speakers at ourconferences – each sharing her journey in building her reputation as aprominent business figure Star J [redacted] isour President and National SpokeswomanThese are women to whom integritymatters and they would have no part of the NAPW if we were any kind of scamQuite frankly, there are negative comments on any and everything.Iconic brands such as [redacted] , [redacted] ***, [redacted] – even localrestaurants – receive complaints and criticism from customers who were nothappy with a product or serviceHowever, despite those opinions, millions ofus continue to shop at [redacted] , buy [redacted] cars and purchase [redacted] productsagain and againAs professionals, if we all believed everything we see on theInternet was true, rather than informing ourselves and making our own judgments,we would all view the business world very negatively

white;">This member has been refunded Due to the age of her account, it was not possible to credit her credit card, but a check requested has been submitted in the amount of $ This check should be issued within the next 7-days and will be sent directly to the member's address on file? ( [redacted] ) [redacted]

At her request, [redacted] ***'s membership has been cancelled effective immediately, and a refund has been issuedA refund of $was issued on March *, and the balance of $was issued to the card on March **, [redacted] should expect to see these monies reflected on her card within 2-business days after the credit was processed Per the terms and conditions of her membership, which she agreed to when she logged into her profile, and as explained by her membership coordinator when she joined, [redacted] ***'s membership was set up to automatically renew each yearAny member wishing to opt out of automatic membership renewal may call, email or contact NAPW through our website, prior to the renewal, as stated in the terms of her membership

[redacted] ***'s membership was cancelled per her request on 22014, and an email confirmation was sent (please see below for copy of correspondence sent) to the addresses she listed with usSince [redacted] has also requested no further contact, her info has been removed from our email contact list, and she will no longer receive calls in reference to her membership _____________________________________________________________________ *** [redacted] *** [redacted] *** [redacted] *** [redacted] [redacted] As requested, the automatic renewal for your membership has been deactivatedIt will expire in August Nothing will be billed to your card We do encourage you to log in while it remains active and take advantage of your exclusive member benefits by signing on to our website If you've forgotten your login information, please click here: [redacted] and enter your Member ID# If you do not have your member ID, please call ###-###-####Network on-line with over 500,professional women Attend Local chapter meetings and events at over locations across the country Expand your knowledge through seminars, webinars, certification courses and other on-line educational tools And don’t forget about our National Networking ConferenceLast year’s event, hosted by [redacted] ***, included inspirational key note speakers [redacted] and [redacted] Click here for news about our Conference topics, speakers and break-out sessions Thank you for being a part of the country’s largest network of professional women [redacted] National Association of Professional Women *** [redacted] * [redacted] * [redacted]

Our check # [redacted] was mailed to [redacted] on May *,

We have deactivated [redacted] 's profile and removed her from our listsThere may be some residual emails which she receives as they were already scheduled for transmission and could not be deletedThere may also be emails sent from our partners, and it may take time to get those updated [redacted] may scroll down to the bottom of any email she receives, select UNSUBSCRIBE or MANAGE MY SUBSCRIPTION and follow the instructions to ensure that all NAPW related emails ceaseAny searches of [redacted] will bring up a page that states NO RESULTS FOUND; it will take some time for her NAPW link to disappear from the search enginesShe may view the policies on the help pages of each search engine to determine if any steps may be taken to expedite this as it is beyond our control

We are awaiting specifics from our accounting departmentAs soon as they are received, we will send the information in a message sent to the email used in this complaint, unless you request otherwise It may take up to ten business days before you actually receive your check as the request might not have made a check run deadline We sent you an email with a more detailed explanation and a confirmation that your requests have been met This was sent to the email you provided at enrollment - [redacted] and to [redacted] Please check your spam folder if you cannot find it in your inbox At this time, I have not been contacted by National Association of Professional Women regarding complaint ID [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted]

Check [redacted] was mailed to the address indicatedPlease check your accounts We will have our bank check to see if the check was presented for payment and advise ?

[redacted] filed this complaint with the after she did not get the desired outcome when she called to cancel her membership more than sixty days after she became a member We will be issuing a check for her refund, which is being issued not because she demanded it, but because of her specific circumstances We have responded directly to [redacted] with the following: Dear [redacted] ***, I have reviewed your email, below, and would like to extend my best wishes regarding your medical condition and my hope that you experience a full, speedy recovery I have also reviewed your NAPW account records, and understand that a full refund has been ordered for your account Unfortunately, it has been over days since you first purchased your membership and that passage of time requires us to issue your refund via company check To clarify, this is due to policies established within the credit card processing system (by card issuing banks and gateway credit card processors) We generally are unable to re-access a particular transaction beyond 30-days, depending on the card issuing bank, which prevents us from issuing a credit to the credit card We wish this were not the case, as it would save our members the time and us the expense of issuing and mailing a physical check In cases like yours, we enter a refund request into a queue and it generally takes about weeks to process through our accounting system and arrive at the member's home I have asked that yours be expedited, and invite you to contact me anytime to follow up if you have not received your check in the next weeks Your statement, that we somehow lie to the, is incorrect The language you quote relates to our response to complaints, not customer service interactions Even though our well-documented sales and membership processes would allow us to challenge the validity of most complaints, we do not do so Rather, we elect to issue unchallenged refunds We do so because we genuinely wish to resolve disputes and have no desire to further alienate or inconvenience consumers who have decided to sever their relationship with us The truth of our statement is self-authenticating through the process If we were not issuing the promised refunds the consumers would notify the, which would refuse to close out their complaints For consumers like yourself who first contact our Customer Service Team we follow a different approach, which is generally used throughout the membership services industry and is designed to improve our existing relationship: (1) We first attempt to understand why the member is dissatisfied, so we can clarify any misunderstandings and/or identify and work to rectify any systemic issues with the delivery of our products and services; (2) We next attempt to re-explain the value associated with each of the products or services our members have purchased because, in many cases, a member's dissatisfaction is related to a misunderstanding of the benefits associated with their membership purchase; (3) In order to help re-build the relationship and compensate the member for her time and frustration, we offer a partial refund of the purchase price and an extension of the membership period, allowing the member to continue receiving benefits on a better basis than she originally purchased; (4) In cases where the member has experienced extenuating circumstances and cannot use their membership, we offer a full refund, as was done in your case I trust this addresses each of your points If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly I would like to again invite you to extend your NAPW membership I see that you are in [redacted] , which places you in close proximity to a number of very successful NAPW Local Chapters In addition to our [redacted] chapter itself, we have a strong DC chapter, six additional VA chapters within your marketing area ( [redacted] ), and numerous nearby chapters in Maryland I believe the opportunities for you or your employees to participate and network among those chapters could significantly benefit your business If you would like your membership re-activated and extended or for us to create a membership for one of your partners or employees, at no cost, please let me know and I can facilitate that Thank you, I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: NAPW Claims they have issued a credit as per the information below that was copied from their lengthy response. As of today, July **, 2015, a credit has not been applied to my account. Please advise the amount of the credit and when it will be processed. I have unsubscribed from your email list. I never once used any NAPW benefit. I did not receive a reminder via email. I did not receive a postcard reminder. I could not end my membership through the online account. Again simply stated, I want a refund. As a courtesy, we have issued a credit to [redacted] ’s account and we have also deactivated the automatic renewalfunction of her membership, so that it will not renew. We also invite her tocontact us so that we can assist her in using her membership benefits. In order for the BBB to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above. Sincerely, [redacted]

Thank goodness for the reviews! I almost said yes to the NAPW I felt some pressure from the NAPW representative who wanted me to sign up at the highest level/cost of $900+ When I said no, she brought it down to a lower level/cost of $700+ When I said no, again, she offered the $one-year trial She spoke with me for over minutes, but when I told her I did not have a credit card on me to pay for anything, she then began to close out the conversation, stating that I should take her number and call her Wow! Smells like a scam to me

We are sorry that [redacted] ’s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal ?" we do strive to provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve their lives, both personal and professional.? We encourage and expect our members to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with any questions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the time to explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will find tremendous value in being a member of the NAPW? [redacted] claims that she deserves a full refund because was “hounded” by NAPW, made requests to cancel and was not aware of her scheduled renewal.? This is patently untrue ? [redacted] authorized the December ***,? charge reflecting her annual membership dues.? During her initial enrollment interview on December ***, 2016, our representative went over the membership, beginning with the most comprehensive package ?" part of the goal of the interview is to determine the best package to fit the member’s goals and budgetWe want them to get the maximum benefits for the money, which is why they offer the options in the order they do [redacted] selected our Preferred membership? Our representative also explained that NAPW uses an automatic renewal process, designed to protect [redacted] ’s enrollment in and uninterrupted access to the benefits provided by NAPW and its business partners.? Prior to concluding the interview, our representative specifically informed [redacted] that her annual membership would automatically renew on the anniversary of her enrollment [redacted] had the opportunity to opt out of our automatic renewal program at that timeShe was also advised to review the terms and conditions which were in place at the time and which are on our websiteA copy of those is attached here? During the initial enrollment interview, our representative explained that [redacted] would receive an email containing login information for access to our members’ portal.? The next morning, as promised, our Membership Services Team called [redacted] to welcome her to the organization, assist her with logging in and accessing her member benefits, creating her professional profile and answering any other questions or concerns she might haveShe was unavailable, so our representative left a detailed message for her and confirmed that she did in fact receive the email and also confirmed her mailing addressThis was followed up with a confirmation email with important links, requesting that [redacted] contact her directly to go over her membership at any timeThe direct contact information for the Member Specialist was provided in this email as she was assigned to be [redacted] ’s representative for the duration of her membershipA copy of that email and the confirmation of delivery is attached [redacted] could have contacted this representative at any time for assistance with her benefits, or change the status of her membership ? In addition to the Member Specialist who was assigned to her on December ***, NAPW made available to [redacted] a comprehensive membership services staff, which is qualified to field all inquiries and would have been able to work with her had she elected to opt out of her automatic renewal (or any other questions she may have had).? NAPW publicizes the availability of this staff through multiple dedicated pages ? Each of these pages publishes the contact telephone numbers and email addresses, and provides a convenient form which this member could have submitted at any time if she wished to engage our staff for any reason, including opting out of her automatic membership renewal? From day one of [redacted] ’s enrollment with NAPW, we communicated via email using the address she provided: [redacted] ?" this is the same address listed on this complaint.? Email was clearly the primary communication channel by which [redacted] received numerous organizational announcementsAll of these contain contact information for members who have questions or need assistance ? Well before it was processed, NAPW sent [redacted] a courtesy reminder of her upcoming renewal transaction to the email address mentioned aboveA copy of the email register showing that the date is included in the file labeled EMAILS AND CONFIRMATIONS and time the message was sent, are attached ? We have reviewed all of our recordsWhile there were several calls made to [redacted] to offer assistance or updates on her membership and messages left for her to return the call [redacted] did not contact us to cancel her scheduled renewal prior to processing, as required by our Terms & Conditions, so her renewal was processed as she previously authorized.? ? [redacted] did contact us on December ***, ? - we immediately called her that day, but as she was unavailable, we left a message for her to call us back? She spoke to one of our Member Services representatives on December ***, 2017, and [redacted] s was obstreperous and rather rude, constantly speaking over our representative who was trying to explain why her membership was renewed? She claimed that our email reminder and other emails went to her spam folder ?"? but it is the responsibility of a professional business person to check spam regularly in order to make sure that she does not miss important emailsNAPW has no control over the behavior of our members and we met all of our responsibilities regarding her membershipShe made the choice to not use it or contact us about it, or even read her emails from usHad she done any of these things, this entire situation would have been prevented? At the time of processing a renewal, immediate charges are incurred for renewing her benefits with outside providers from whom refunds are not availableThis is why we send reminders of the automatic renewal and ask that our members have the courtesy to advise us if they do not wish to renewIt does not matter if it is one day or two months after processing that the member calls for a refundWe also attached the terms and conditions in effect at the time or [redacted] ’s enrollment, which clearly state that members need to contact us BEFORE the scheduled renewal in order to cancel the pending transactionThis is why we send those reminder emails as a courtesy [redacted] received the email according to our records; she contacted us after the renewal was processedWe are accountable to shareholders and must follow the specific criteria to issue refundsOur team are required to explain, in detail, why her card was charged and what may happen should disputes be filedAs we can undoubtedly demonstrate that the charge was indeed authorized, she would not win any dispute; therefore, we try to work with members to resolve these issues and they often blame us, unfairly, because they have not used the membership and forgot that it was set to renew Any member who contacts our department is treated with courtesy and we try to resolve any issues within the parameters of our policies and protocolsHowever, people are often disappointed that we cannot grant their wishes without questionMembers who request refunds and whose situations meet the criteria are immediately refunded? Since [redacted] discourteously hung up on our representative before she had the chance to complete the process, we issued a full refund to herFrankly, she does not fit with our membership profile ?

We left a message for [redacted] to contact us as we need additional information to resolve her case

Check # [redacted] was sent oshould have been received by now

We are in contact with this member to clarify the billing charges for the two separate memberships on her accountWe have issued the refundsWe have also removed her credit card information from our active system

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Address: Brookline, North Carolina, United States, 02445-6817


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