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National Association of Professional Women

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Reviews National Association of Professional Women

National Association of Professional Women Reviews (824)

This member was issued a full refund

NAPW has confirmed that this member was not charged the renewal fee of which she complained? I have spoken with the Customer Service manager, and she has pulled the recording, for retraining with the agent at issue.? As a result of this and a few other similar complaints, NAPW is changing its renewal notice policy? The company is changing the language in its renewal emails, adding additional renewal emails, and working on a technology fix that will issue renewal reminders via both its messaging feature on its website and through SMS messaging? I anticipate significant development time, but now that this has been brought to the company's attention it is in the development queue.? I trust this matter is now closed? If this member has any questions or remaining issues, they are welcome to contact me anytime at [email protected] W [redacted] | EVP & SecretaryProfessional Diversity Network, Inc[redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved I just want to clarify the "business" response Said business did not contact me the following Monday, I contacted them directly after having left several messages I was not angered nor "less than polite"; however, after being asked different times in different ways why I was cancelling, one less than seasoned sales retention associate may feel that a stern no is "less than polite"As far as not paying attention to the availability of the profile, I received an email withing an hour of my initial phone call stating my profile was ready to be updated The statement "refusing to accept that she bore any responsibility for not researching the NAPW before joining because she wanted something for nothing" Obviously, I didn't want "something" for nothing, because I gave my credit card However, they are correct in saying that I may not have thoroughly researched the organization, initially since they had a only at this time offerHOWEVER, buyers remorse and an uncomfortable feeling made me research moments laterAfter researching, this organization has less than stellar reviews on more than different websites All negative reviews cannot be wrong, not to mention the probability that countless others did not post reviews as many others have Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved Sincerely, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: The NAPW repsonded saying that I would receive a check WITHIN business daysAfter business days after their response I called billing and a woman named [redacted] answered the phoneAfter I told her the situation she then became huffy and seemed to longer want to help meFinally she said that they mailed the check the day before which made me upset because I was told I would receive a check in days, not that they would send one in daysIt's now been almost a week and I still have not received a checkWhen I called back, [redacted] answered and I asked for a managerShe got even more huffy and puffy with me and no matter how many times I asked for one, she wouldn't put one on the phoneFinally, being frusterated, I hung upI am concered that they never sent one at all until after I had to contact them againI can not continue waiting for them when they already lied to me and the when they told me I would receive a check in business daysI would like my money by the end of the weekIf it does not arrive tomorrow June **, Then I want a new check over nighted to me In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted]

We are sorry that [redacted] s experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve theirlives, both personal and professional We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPWOur members are entitled to betreated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team istrained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them [redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW On December **, 2014, NAPW contacted her andconducted its initial enrollment interviewDuring this telephone call our representative explained the annual costsand benefits associated with this level of membership, and that all membershipenrollments are final Because NAPW is amembership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at all levelsare found through our membership portal ( [redacted] ) aswell as through our face-to-face networking at our over Local Chaptersnationwide Additionally, through ouronline portal, members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by ourbusiness partners Because NAPW incurscosts upon enrollment with those partners, we maintain a final salepolicy Please be aware that membershipalone includes no tangible product to be shipped to the memberOurrepresentative explained that [redacted] would receive an email (within hours)containing login information for our members’ portal through which she is ableaccess all of the online benefits and enroll in Local ChaptersShe was also advised that there would be a one-time Profile Sfee, whichcovers all costs associated with creating and maintain our members’ profiles.We do realize that with the amount of information provided during theinterview, elements of the sale may be missed, so we have refunded that feeback to [redacted] s card We take the claim that a member was "scammed" orthat a charge was unauthorized very seriously NAPW provides an amazing value for themembership fee Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars,seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapteraffiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits Our organization isgrowing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategicalliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues toASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was"scammed" is demonstrably false We currently have almosta half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our onlinenetworking portal, which gives our members more connectivity optionsand far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sitesWe have over local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands ofour members get together to take their online experience into the real worldand create incredible connections with other professional womenThese localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members tointeract We encourage of our members tojoin all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities toattend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of localwomen with whom to networkMoreover, we host an annual National Networking Conferencewhere almost two thousand members where members from all over the country enjoyan unforgettable day of networking, panel discussions, workshops andpresentations from extraordinary women like Sara Blakeley, Arianna Huffington,Star Jones, Martha Stewart, Ivanka Trump, Randy Zuckerburg, Barbara Corcoranand Robin Roberts Additionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like [redacted] and [redacted] ***; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members Tell us why here

A full refund was issued to this member I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved /> Nevertheless, I believe their unethical business procedures should be made known so as to form a class claim Sincerely, [redacted] ***

I received a call from this organization this morningI joined back around April or May for a 'reduced' but still pricey membership fee after 'qualifying' for an 'interview,' and then 'being accepted' after said 'interview.' I was left with the option to elevate my membership level to get additional benefitsThe initial call felt pushy: It wasn't an offer being made that would hang around, you *have [redacted] to accept it then, or it becomes unavailable(Red Flag) The call this morning was much more pushyThey have my credit card information on file (important later) It started very non-sequitur: The female 'professional' on the end of the line was complaining about how tired she was, and that she was going to go out to a group event this evening, and seemed to need reassurance that the experience would be worth it (Who are you, and why are you calling me?!), and eventually got around to telling me I've been 'selected for VIP.' I asked if this was follow up for the possibility to step up in membership'No, this is different, and you've been selected, and you're getting a commemorative plaque for no charge and by the way **mutter mutter something something four digits [redacted] is that OK?' Me: "*repeats four digits [redacted] I'm sorry, what was that?" Them: Great! We'll get that started for you That was them drafting $from my bank accountI hemmed them down to try to get off the phone, and said I wanted to talk to my work to see if this was something my employer would supportThat is apparently almost $additional from my account Both transactions are showing on my account, and the only refund notification I have received an e-mail for is the initial $membership fee The whole process is unethicalI'm sure there are fantastic benefits available to those in the higher tiered memberships, but this is not how they should be sold I received nothing in writing I have not put my signature to anything physicalTo be frank, I feel like a victim of fraudAnd my rent is dueThey swiped almost $from my account, and it needs to be returned immediately

information was removed from our database and this person will not be contacted again [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I find it amazing how defensive this organization is when they have a well published track record of aggressive sales and unethical billing practicesYou don’t get a reputation like that on accident Sincerely, [redacted] ? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved Sincerely, [redacted] ***

We apologize to [redacted] for this incidentUpon further investigation, we discovered that her membership renewal had indeed been authorized at the time of her enrollmentHowever, when she upgraded to a VIP membership, the renewal rate was changedSubsequently, we converted to a new system, and that system did not reflect the correct rate for her membership renewalWe have refunded her fee for this year - this should post to her account within two to ten business days, depending on the policies of her card issuer We have also extended her membership through August 2018, when it is set to expiredWe do hope that she chooses to participate in membership - we have added many new features and benefits since her initial enrollmentWe invite her to contact us at ###-###-#### to set up an appointment to review these resources

We are dismayed that [redacted] received correspondence from our organizationWe did address her original complaint in December She had completed an application for membership, as we do not make cold calls, and she declined membershipShe then submitted her complaint to the Revdex.comWe immediately removed her information from any active databases, including the database for applicants, at that timeWe have also checked our phone logs to see if [redacted] has contacted us since 2015, using the number provided in this complaint and could not find a record of thisAny incoming call that is completed is registered in this log [redacted] may have called after our business hours, which are M-F, 9-ET, as she is on the West CoastIf she ended the call before our automatic attendant answered, it would not have registeredWe also listen to every message and the information is added to a log which our Membership Services team uses to return those requests and messagesWe have investigated to make sure that her status was unchanged as far as those were concernedThe only conclusion was can reach is that her contact information was provided by one of our sources from which we obtain recommendations of professional women to whom invitations to apply for membership should be sentThose names are not on our member or potential member lists unless or until a membership application is submittedWhile we can While we have made every effort to prevent any contact with [redacted] thus far, we cannot prevent if from being included in new informationWe have requested that our IT department institute a filter to remove her information from any new data lists before being used to send invitationsWe certainly do not wish to harass [redacted] , and this incident was not a deliberate attempt to do so Her information has not been active since December 2015, and we have taken every reasonable step to ensure that she is not contacted in the future

We are sorry that [redacted] experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal – we do striveto provide our applicants with resources and benefits to enhance and improvetheir lives, both personal and professional We encourage and expect ourmembers to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with anyquestions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the timeto explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will findtremendous value in being a member of the NAPWInvitations to apply formembership are sent to select professional women who are referred to us throughprofessional associations, industry and charity events, subscriptions toprofessional publications and services and other members Invitees are free to respond with anapplication or not – we do not make cold calls to potential members As our material states, there is no fee to applyfor membershipHowever, a password is required to access benefits likeseminars, local chapter meetings, other events and resources, which is issuedwhen an applicant purchases a membershipWe assume that anyone who submits an application for membership hasexplored the NAPW to see what we are about and they are ready to make adecision about joining the organizationWith thousands of applicants tointerview and consider, we do require that applicants make their decisions atthe time of the interviewWe prefer to allocate our resources to providingbetter benefits and services to our membersApplicants are then required togo through an initial enrollment interview Applicants for membership areentitled to be treated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on theNAPW team is trained to work with applicants to explain the benefits and costsassociated with membership and to resolve any issues; however, there areprotocols and policies which must be followed These policies are companywideand all of our team members are required to follow them [redacted] completed an application for membership in NAPW On September **, 2015, NAPW contacted her andconducted its initial enrollment interviewDuring this telephone call our representative explained the annual costsand benefits associated with membershipOne of the purposes of these enrollmentinterviews is to determine what it is the applicant hopes to gain from hermembershipOur most comprehensive levels of membership, which include myriadbenefits like unlimited live seminars and webinars, discounts on courses forcontinuing education requirements, networking, conferences, discounts and otherresources, are offered to each applicant and those who do wish to access thesethings can choose to purchase that packageHowever, some applicants are notinterested in the educational benefits – which are the most costly component ofmembershipSome of them are at different stages of life and have budgetaryconcernsWe work with these applicants to find a level of membership whichprovides them access to the resources they seek, while remaining within theirbudgets Applicantswho choose not to join as paid members are provided with an Initial Membership,which allows them to have a listing on our website, attend a local meeting,undergo a resumé review and analysis and receipt of our monthly newsletterItis our hope that by getting a chance to experience some of the benefits, theywill opt for full membership in the future BecauseNAPW is a membership-based networking organization, the primary benefits at alllevels are found through our membership portal ( as well as through ourface-to-face networking at our over Local Chapters nationwide Additionally, through our online portal,members are able to access ancillary benefits provided by our businesspartners [redacted] was also advised that it might take to businesshours for her profile to be available on our websiteShe joined on aFriday Our business hours are between9:AM and 5:PM Monday through Friday ET, so if she called during theweekend, of course she would not reach anyoneOur phone greeting makes thisclear [redacted] was contacted on Monday, and as she was less thanpolite, refusing to accept that she bore any responsibility for not researchingthe NAPW before joining because she wanted something for nothing, that she didnot pay attention to the information which was provided to her regarding theavailability of her profile and that she was angry because we were not availableoutside of business hoursWe take the claim that a member was "scammed" or that acharge was unauthorized very seriously We are also deeplyangered by the claims that NAPW takes advantage of womenNAPW provides an amazing value for themembership fee Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars,seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapteraffiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits Our organization isgrowing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategicalliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues toASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT Every member of NAPW's management team works diligently todeliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was "scammed"is demonstrably false We currently have almost a half-millionsatisfied members, all of whom are free to use our online networkingportal, which gives our members more connectivity options and farmore ability to promote themselves than other networking sites We haveover local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands of ourmembers get together to take their online experience into the real world andcreate incredible connections with other professional womenThese localchapters are constantly implementing new ways for the local members tointeract We encourage of our members tojoin all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities toattend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of localwomen with whom to networkAdditionally, we are constantly providing and working toupgrade the secondary benefits such as free or discounted continuingeducation through leading providers like Lorman Education and NationalSeminars Group; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships,including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computersuppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social mediaand other outlets Again, our entire team is working hard every singleday to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greaterbenefits available to our members We were rated within the top Best Websites for Women in ForbesOur corporate partners include prestigious and well-known brands like [redacted] , ***, [redacted] , [redacted] , and [redacted] Internationally prominent women, like [redacted] , [redacted] and [redacted] have been featured speakers at ourconferences – each sharing her journey in building her reputation as aprominent business figure Star J [redacted] isour President and National SpokeswomanThese are women to whom integritymatters and they would have no part of the NAPW if we were any kind of scamQuite frankly, there are negative comments on any and everything.Iconic brands such as [redacted] , [redacted] ***, [redacted] – even localrestaurants – receive complaints and criticism from customers who were nothappy with a product or serviceHowever, despite those opinions, millions ofus continue to shop at [redacted] , buy [redacted] cars and purchase [redacted] productsagain and againAs professionals, if we all believed everything we see on theInternet was true, rather than informing ourselves and making our ownjudgments, we would all view the business world very negatively [redacted] fee was refunded to her as she changed her mind and contactedus within three days of becoming a member We consider this issue to be resolved

We are sorry that [redacted] experience with the NAPW has been less than ideal ?" we do strive to provide our members with resources and benefits to enhance and improve their lives, both personal and professional.? We encourage and expect our members to avail themselves of those benefits and to contact us with any questions or problems regarding their membershipsMembers who do take the time to explore and take advantage of the myriad resources available will find tremendous value in being a member of the NAPW.Our members are entitled to be treated with utmost respect and empathy, and every person on the NAPW team is trained to work with our members to resolve any issues; however, there are protocols and policies which must be followed.? These policies are companywide and all of our team members are required to follow them.NAPW employs a comprehensive call recording and auditing function.? Our staff reviews the recording of each completed interview for multiple compliance points, including that the representative explained the automatic renewal process as described aboveAs part of our investigation into this case, we reviewed every call between NAPW staff and Ms HaddenHer version of events is vastly different than what she describes.? These calls are available for review if required [redacted] authorized the October *, charge reflecting her annual membership dues.? During her initial enrollment interview, our representative went over the membership, beginning with the most comprehensive package ?" part of the goal of the interview is to determine the best package to fit the member’s goals and budgetWe want them to get the maximum benefits for the money, which is why they offer the options in the order they do [redacted] selected the Basic membershipOur representative also explained that NAPW uses an automatic renewal process, designed to protect [redacted] enrollment in and uninterrupted access to the benefits provided by NAPW and its business partners.? Prior to concluding the interview, our representative specifically informed [redacted] that her annual membership would automatically renew unless she contacted us to decline the renewal.? [redacted] had the opportunity to opt out of our automatic renewal program at that time.? She was also advised to review the detailed terms and conditions on the member website, which explain everything in detailHer login information was emailed to her immediately following the enrollment confirmation, and her membership card, paid statement and login information was mailed to her the next day.On February **,2015, [redacted] was invited to upgrade her membership to a VIP level.? [redacted] , who said that she was pressed for time, declined the invitation, stating that her current level of membership was fineOur representative reminded her to log into the portal as we had a new website [redacted] thanked her for the informationThroughout the year, NAPW made available to [redacted] a comprehensive membership services staff, which is qualified to field all inquiries and would have been able to work with her had she elected to opt out of her automatic renewal (or any other questions she may have had).? NAPW? publicizes the availability of this staff through multiple dedicated pages.? Each of these pages publishes the contact telephone numbers and email addresses, and provides a convenient form which this member could have submitted at any time if she wished to engage our staff for any reason, including opting out of her automatic membership renewalMembers also receive regular emails, all of which include contact informationA postcard reminder was mailed at the end of August to the address provided by her at the time of enrollment, which is the same as the one provided hereWe have reviewed all of our records.? [redacted] did not contact us to cancel her scheduled renewal prior to processing, as required by our Terms & Conditions, so her renewal was processed as she previously authorized.? [redacted] did contact us on October **, 2015, which is the conversation to which she refers Contrary to her claims, our representative was polite and professional, explaining to [redacted] that as she had not contacted us prior to her renewal being processed, we could not issue a full refundWhen a membership renews, we in turn, automatically renew all of the services which are provided by our partners, fees for which are not refundable to usThis is why we send the postcard well in advance to give members the opportunity to change the status of renewal before it processes.? As a public company, we are answerable to shareholders and our policy is that full refunds are issued only if they were not authorized or under other specific circumstances justifying the absorption of those fees without reimbursement Simply refunding because a member forgot that she was renewing, or ignored her reminder does not meet those criteriaAs our review of all contact with [redacted] clearly demonstrates, her case does not justify a refundOur representatives are fully empowered to issue full refunds when justified.? We will concede that our representative could have been clearer in her response to the escalation question ?" but she was correct.? [redacted] would not have been satisfied because any supervisor would have explained the same thing.As per her conversation with our membership services representative, we have issued a credit to [redacted] account and we have also deactivated the automatic renewal function of her membership, so that it will not renew.We take the claim that a member was "scammed" or that a charge was unauthorized very seriously and we thoroughly investigate them.? ? We are also deeply angered by the claims that NAPW takes advantage of women whenever someone forgot about the terms to which she agreed or failed to use her membership and wants us to bear the financial burden of her oversightNAPW provides an amazing value for the membership fee? Included in ALL memberships levels are webinars, seminars, discounts, perks, online networking access and in-person chapter affiliation as well as a myriad of other benefits? Our organization is growing, expanding and moving forward through numerous initiatives, strategic alliances and corporate affiliations; offering members additional avenues to ASPIRE, ACHIEVE and CONNECT? Every member of? NAPW's management team works diligently to deliver maximum value to our members, and any claim that someone was "scammed" is? demonstrably false.? We currently have almost a half-million satisfied members, all of whom are free to use our online networking portal,? which gives our members? more connectivity options and far more ability to promote themselves than other networking sites.? We have over local chapters across America, in which tens of thousands of our members get together to take their online experience into the real world and create incredible connections with other professional womenThese local chapters are constantly? implementing new ways for the local members to interact.? We encourage of our members to join all of the chapters in their area - this gives them more opportunities to attend events that fit their busy schedules and widens the circle of local women with whom to network.Additionally, we? are constantly providing and working to upgrade the secondary benefits such as free? or discounted? continuing education through leading providers like? Lorman Education and National Seminars Group; shopping and other discounts through a number of partnerships, including exclusive sponsors like Lenovo, one of the world's largest computer suppliers; and interesting topical content provided through our social media and other outlets.? Again, our entire team is working hard every single day to build these partnerships, identify and create content, and make greater benefits available to our membersWe were rated within the top Best Websites for Women in [redacted] Our corporate partners include prestigious and well-known brands like [redacted] , ***, [redacted] , [redacted] , and Disney.? Internationally prominent women, like [redacted] , [redacted] and [redacted] have been featured speakers at our conferences ?" each sharing her journey in building her reputation as a prominent business figure.? Star Jones is our President and National SpokeswomanThese are women to whom integrity matters and they would have no part of the NAPW if we were any kind of scam.Quite frankly, there are negative comments on any and everythingIconic brands such as [redacted] , [redacted] ***, [redacted] ?" even local restaurants ?" receive complaints and criticism from customers who were not happy with a product or serviceHowever, despite those opinions, millions of us continue to shop at [redacted] , buy [redacted] cars and purchase [redacted] products again and againAs professionals, if we all believed everything we see on the Internet was true, rather than informing ourselves and making our own judgments, we would all view the business world very negatively.? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID#? [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: Again, this organization continues with dishonestyPlease pull any recordings as they are evidence that I was very clear that I would not pay $I also have the original approved charge of $on my credit card statementYou absolutely did NOT have authorization for charging an additional amountYou stole my credit information without my permission and charged $TWICEThis case is NOT resolved until you reimburse my account the additional charge of $ ? ? In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted] ? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I have to add the disappointment with companies that slide renewals in and do not allow a full refund? Magazines are notorious for this; however they will refund? It is sad that as this group claims to be professional, but follows business ethics of companies that are eager for the money and do not truly care for the customer? I will continue to dis-encourage anyone from joining such an unprofessional organization.Thank you Sincerely, [redacted] ?

I have spent most of my life in Dallas-Ft.Worth and Boston working with professional womenWhen I moved to Ithaca, NY, I had hoped to connect to other professional women and hoped NAPW would help me with thatInstead, a woman on the phone used "high-pressure sales tactics" to first ask for a membership of over $and then within months Marisa contacted me to describe the VIP benefits and for another $I could upgrade my membership because I was selected for "VIP" treatment and offersI tried to contact my local Ithaca chapterThey didn't have meetings organized and the only person who kept messaging me was a woman who did psychic readings I complained and asked for a refund, but instead of listening to my complaint and addressing it, Kelly in Billing kept telling me it was my fault I had not told them about this soonerInstead of really listening to me, she told me that I could still use all of my online benefits with my membership and try to connect with others online because travel in our Northern winters is difficultBut why should I pay a full membership rate when I do not get the full membership benefits? My main reason for joining NAPW was for the local connection, but that seems to have fallen throughI am so disappointed with this group

NAPW has confirmed that this member was not charged the renewal fee of which she complained? I have spoken with the Customer Service manager, and she has pulled the recording, for retraining with the agent at issue.As a result of this and a few other similar complaints, NAPW is changing its renewal notice policy? The company is changing the language in its renewal emails, adding additional renewal emails, and working on a technology fix that will issue renewal reminders via both its messaging feature on its website and through SMS messaging? I anticipate significant development time, but now that this has been brought to the company's attention it is in the development queue.I trust this matter is now closed? If this member has any questions or remaining issues, they are welcome to contact me anytime at [redacted] .CHRIS W [redacted] | EVP & SecretaryProfessional Diversity Network, Inc.New York - Chicago [redacted] ***

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Address: Brookline, North Carolina, United States, 02445-6817


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