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My Patriot Supply

4325 W Commercial Drive Ste D, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84104

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Reviews Emergency Disaster Preparedness My Patriot Supply

My Patriot Supply Reviews (%countItem)

Not as Advertised & Poor Customer Service
I purchased a Ready Hour solar power charger with 28 LED lights and 3 power settings. I received a charger with 20 LED lights and 1 power setting. I wrote a review, which they never posted on their website (no wonder all their reviews are positive). I also sent an email to their customer service. I never received a response but withing 2 days of writing a review they changed the online description of the solar charger to match what I got. It's like they got caught and went back to cover their tracks.

I placed an order on APRIL 15th in the amount of $1526.94. I soon decided that this was not the best move right now and sent an email requesting a refund, this was on APRIL 21st. on 4/28/20 I received a reply from sgreeting me and basically not wanting me to cancel my order. I don't have an issue with that, however I sent an immediate reply stating (YES. PLEASE CANCEL) I received no reply. On 4/30/20 I called and spoke with a lady who stated that she didn't see a email exchange after looking up my order# but stated that she would expedite the process by sending it to her manager. I said okay but I fear after reading the reviews and complaints concerning customers having the same issue that I may not receive a REFUND.

My Patriot Supply Response • May 01, 2020

Hi *** and thank you for reach out. Order *** was cancelled. See attached screen shot. The refund has been successfully issued. Depending upon your financial institution it may take a few days to reflect properly in your account, but everything has been processed on our end. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! We are always happy to help!

I placed an order at the end of February, anticipating the impact of Covid. When placing the order I realized that there would a be a wait period which I was okay with. The issue comes with the follow up and updates on orders. For 3 consecutive weeks I have contacted the online representative (who only has access to limited information), and was told each time that my order was filled and just awaiting shipment.
It has been two months since the order was placed (advised of a 4-6 week wait time) and I have not been able to get any sort of definitive answer as to if/when my order will ship. I ordered from Mypatriotsupply because they sponsored a video I watched pertaining to Covid. At this point in time I am out $200 and am no closer to an answer.
Due to the delay I believe they should alter their practices and not charge until the order is processed. We are living in uncertain times and Mypatriotsupply has only amplified that uncertainty for me

Unacceptable, misleading service. I ordered the "Special Offer 2-Week Emergency Supply" via the My Patriot Supply website on or about March 20, 2020. The total charged to my card is $94.95 ($87 + $7.95 tax). I received no response from My Patriot Supply (MPS). It was a month later and still zero communication from MPS,
April 22, 2020 (four weeks following the initial purchase), I contacted MPS via email. I explained how I purchased said product, received zero communication from them and to date, received no product. My credit card was charged and the transaction processed. I provided the details (purchase date, order number, amount, payment method, etc). Furthermore, I copied and pasted the transaction into the body of the email. Three days later, April 25, 2020, I received a response email from MPS. They stated the product I ordered was discontinued in 2019 and to contact the staff at a provided email address.
For starters, If this product was discontinued in 2019, you cannot leave it listed on your website, sell it to the consumer, taking the consumers money, clearly with no intention of providing the product. Furthermore, someone from MPS should have contacted me regarding this matter instead of keeping my money and obviously thinking I would not speak up about it.
I responded to their email and informed them their business behavior was unacceptable to immediately refund my card. A day later, they emailed me in response to my refund demand and stated "Are you sure you with to cancel?" Excuse me?
This business is not providing the products they sell. Unacceptable!

I ordered through the very helpful and efficient CHAT box on 3/27. Yes, I know it will be a 12 week delay, at least. I can read the delay notices all over the webpage. But this company is IN THE US and the food is US and the packing is US. I was scammed by someone on Ebay last night when I tried to order there for 2 week delivery, and had to go through the pain of filing a fraud case. My brother recommended this company and it's to their credit that they are overwhelmed with orders right now. Be patient. This COVID is going to come back for a round two, and you will be well prepared through this company.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 30, 2020

Thank you for the comment. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and help you prepare for a potential round two and future emergencies.

I cannot understand why there are so many negative reviews when your site clearly states that there is a delay on shipping. No business could have prepared for these trying times. Most places I look are completely out of stock and I am glad to have been able to place an order, regardless of the delayed shipping.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 25, 2020

Thanks for pointing that out, Jay. We have the notice posted at the top of every web page on our site, as a pop-up when one first visits the site and in an ALERT at checkout. Still shipping thousands of orders a day, first come, first served as promised. We will continue to deliver during this national emergency.

We ordered in February a supply of food. It clearly stated 5 week shipping period which was not problem. Now its doubled if not tripled in shipping time, when mine should have been at the front of the order.

why is this company taking orders they can't fulfill?

They will not answer the phone, emails or online chat. They have responded to one facebook message and trying to credit my account instead of sending a full refund. Extremely disappointed as I wanted to give business to a veteran owned company.. Yet this feels like a SCAM

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 20, 2020

Thank you for reaching out. You state the date of your order was 2/27/19. On 1/30/20, we posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page, and at checkout that we are experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency - up to 100X normal order volume. You can find that statement page and our history of almost daily posts here:

On 2/27/20, that shipping delay notice stated the following:

Update: 02/27/20 Demand for our storable food product remains near 100X normal volume. These are unprecedented times. Shipping WILL be delayed on many orders, potentially 6-8 weeks or more in rare cases. Complete checkout to reserve your place in line now!As has been in place for a month now, orders will continue to be shipped on a first come, first served basis. When your order ships, we'll send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. We apologize for the delay and thank you in advance for your patience.

So, the posted time frame on that date displayed noted shipping will be delayed 6-8 weeks or more. Your order as of this date is still within that posted delivery timeframe.

We’re working round the clock to process orders and continue to ship orders on a first come, first served basis as quickly as possible. Thousands are going out daily. When your order ships, we will send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. We thank you for your patience as we all work through this national emergency together.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Customer Response • Mar 20, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: When I ordered it was a 5 week shipping period. You lied again, stop accepting orders you can manage. Learn how to run a business


On February 25, 2020 I made a purchase from Patriot Supply. I immediately received confirmation of the order and a follow-up email stating the order would be delayed. I requested a cancellation via email and never received a response. I telephone the business multiple times with no answer. I finally reached a human on 02/28/2020. I was told my order was cancelled and a refund would be issued. I never received confirmation of the cancelation and emailed the company again. A person identified as "Holly" responded saying my order was cancelled and a refund would be issued. It has been 3 weeks from the day I ordered and cancelled the purchase and I have yet to receive ANY refund. If you look at their Facebook page many customers are complaining about the same issue. How is a business allowed to charge customers for products they never ship out and yet they refuse to refund our hard earned money? It should be a crime to retain a persons money during a global epidemic when that money needs to be used for purchasing other necessities. Additionally, a business should NOT hold a persons funds hostage when they don't even have the product to provide.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 19, 2020

Thank you for reaching out. The refund has been successfully issued. Depending upon your financial institution it may take a few days to reflect properly in your account, but everything has been processed on our end. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

I have done business with MPS since 2016 and their shipments have always been timely delivered and they have answered the phone every time I called. This current situation with COVID 19 is exactly why advance planning is imperative. If we wait until the emergency is upon us then we have waited too long. Fortunately we ordered various stuff from MPS over the past four years so we would have it on hand and got it when promised (2-3 days). We even put back some extra toilet paper, kleenex and other items just in case. This is a good company that just happens to be overwhelmed right now (as are many other companies) and maybe this can serve as a wake up call for all of us to try to be more prepared. I do not work for MPS but am a loyal customer and I believe they are doing their best given the COVID 19 pandemic and the fact that one of their facilities was just damaged by an earthquake.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 23, 2020

Thank you for the kind words as we continue to ship thousands of orders daily and will make sure everyone in our first come, first served queue get their items as quickly as humanly possible during this time of 100X normal orders and national emergency.

I ordered my supplies back in 2018-2019 from MPS. They did honor the 2-day shipping then. I don't blame a company like MPS, that has a 2-day guarantee, when it is forced out of the commitment due to a crisis and markets. The point of MPS,is to stock during the good times (be the ant) and be ready for the bad. Don't be a grasshopper and complain when the the times get rough and MPS can't keep up with demand. That's why people are freaking out now at the retail stores and purchasing without a plan. All other prepping food businesses have the same delays, so no MPS is not a bad business or trying to be deceptive.

MPS' food is good and they pack it well. The containers are discrete and easy to store. When this crisis moves on, I'll stock with them again.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 17, 2020

Thank you for your kind words and sharing truths. Our team continues to work extra hours and do all we can during this national emergency to deliver. God Bless!

Because of my medical condition and deciding to remain in my house I made a purchase on 2/25/20 of their 30 day supply. I was put on notice that because of the high demand that the product would be shipped between 21-24 days. I placed a call to find out the status on delivery and was placed on hold and eventually hung up. I then emailed twice with no response to date. Their answering message had indicated that their product would take up to 8 weeks to deliver and it was a first come/first serve basis which prompted my email. The product may prove to be useless for my purpose in the 8 week delivery time frame should that transpire. It would not concern me if my credit card was not charged until the product was shipped as that would have provided me an opportunity to notify them of cancellation should the product not be delivered by their stated time frame without having to file a complaint with the credit card company to remove the charge for not delivery of the product. I understand that we are in trying times, but obviously this company over committed and I don't think they realize how that may effect individuals who were relying on having a source of backup source of food supply.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 17, 2020

Thanks for your feedback, Ken. Yes, these are unprecedented times with a national emergency. The orders started surging in late January. On 1/30, we posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page and at checkout that we are experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency. We've offered best estimate on shipping times, details and updates just about daily on every page of our web site sharing the actions we are taking. Each day, we’re working as many overtime hours as possible to process orders and continue to ship orders on a first come, first served basis as quickly as possible as we posted. Thousands are going out daily. When your ships, we will send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

They are dishonest about their claims. They are unable to fill their orders and as a costumer if you inquiry they tell you you should have ordered earlier. They are taking up to 10 weeks to get ANY order out. Some claim they just never get the order and "My Patriot Supply"says they sent it. Anyone who is told when they purchase the purchase the product there will be a specific delay is not surprised. But, they have in bold letters on the front page "TWO DAY SHIPPING GUARENTEED" Which is technically true but then they have a page if you look for it that says we have delays of 2weeks, 4 weeks, 8weeks.... When I orderd it said 2 week delay. Now it's six weeks for that same order. This is probably a religious organization. They are the kind of people that believe it's OK to lie to people so long as they are not part of their cult. They also believe that MAIL FRAUD is OK as long as you are "saved". I think an investigation into this company needs to be launched. If they wont deliver the product or offer refunds then the authorities should look into their business practices. I asked questions on their Facebook page and was banned. No cursing or calling names just inquiries about my and others orders. I will be contacting the authorities in regard to the questionable practices of taking peoples money with little to no intent of providing the product that they initially ordered. Worse they are taking advantage of people during a pandemic just to make money. The ads on radio have not stopped. The promotions through e-mail have not stopped. But no products are being delivered.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 17, 2020

Hi Joe and thank you for your comments. Many are false accusations. We are not a cult or religious group. We are a family-owned business that has been in existence since 2008 and have served millions of customers. We uphold and follow the content and comment policies of Facebook to use that platform and act on any violations. Promotions through email have not been sent since January - they were paused once this emergency started. And we have extensively outlined our actions on shipping delays on this page, almost daily, since 1/30/20 and during this national emergency: As far as your order, can you please send us your order confirmation number or the email address you used to order in Messenger so that we can look things up and see what’s up’s up? Thank you.

They have taken my money hundreds of dollars nothing has been shipped they haven’t responded to email phone calls or web contacting. They promised 2 day shipping and nothing. Now they are saying don’t even expect a response “ for days”. Disgraceful. also it n my last 2 emails and voicemail all I asked for was a tracking number. I received no responses what so ever. While I still saw them promoting 2 day shipping via YouTube channels.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Thank you for your comment. I'm sure we have your order in our system and are in need of either your order confirmation number or email address used to in order to check on you order. On 1/30, we posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page and at checkout that we are experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency. At one point, order volume was 100X above normal. We’re working round the clock to process and pack new food kits and continue to ship orders on a first come, first served basis as quickly as possible. Thousands are going out daily. Yours will be on the way soon. When it ships, we will send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. You can find that shipping delay statement we update regularly here:

In addition, you should have receive an order confirmation email when you complete checkout.

If your order is being delayed, we have been emailing updates about every 7-14 days. Please check your spam fold to ensure these email update are not ending up there. Other issues for folks not receiving those updates include a mis-keyed email address or an opt-out on our email sends.

When your order ships, we'll send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. The day of delivery, you'll receive an email with the tracking number and a message saying your order will be "delivered today" and is out for delivery.Once delivered to your doorstep, you'll receive an email saying your order has arrived! If your order is being delayed, we'll email you with updates about every 7-14 days.

Also posted on our web site "Contact Us" page and in your order confirmation email, we shared this:

"If you place a call to us or email our customer support team, we will not be able to answer in real-time. And there will be a delay in getting back to you, likely for days. We're receiving tens of thousands of calls, emails and chats (80X above normal this past week) and our outstanding and now expanded team is answering and responding to each, with care and understanding, as quickly as humanly possible."

We apologize for the inconvenience and can speak more specifically to your order with more information.

I placed an order in 2/26/2020, and requested by voicemail and email it be cancelled on 03/02/2020. On 03/03/2020 a company representative replied to my email saying my order has been cancelled and I will receive an email notification from the accounting department and that funds can take up to 3-5 business days. I have YET to hear from the accounting department, and I certainly have not received my refund, and I cannot get any solid answers from this company only that "the accounting department is working as fast as possible" . They have horrible customer service, and they are ripping off their customers.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Thank you for your comment. If you can share your order confirmation number or the email address used to order, we can look your specific order up to confirm what may be happening with the refund. Thank you.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 19, 2020

The refund has been successfully issued. Depending upon your financial institution it may take a few days to reflect properly in your account, but everything has been processed on our end. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I orderd on 22 feb at a 10-14 delay then I was told march 9 then I was told 6-8 weeks now maybe 9 weeks.
Either thousands of people got infront of me (so much for first come first serve) or MPS completely lied about the delays to get more money without being able to back up their claims
Still havent recieved my 300$ refund in almost two weeks
Cant get a status on my order just told to wait and sorry.
Cant get ahold of a person to talk to either been over a week since ive called and left a message
I believe MPS was a good company but are now ruining their reputations and they are making money hand over fist now but if they dont change their ways they wont have a company after this. I need my product I paid for when you say it would be ready or else thats called scamming

Customer Response • Mar 05, 2020

I will update my review when I get my order and response on this review/ question. Thank you MPS

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Hello and thank you for your comment. We do want to make clear that all orders being received are shipping on a first come, first served basis. And all orders will be delivered. Our shipping delay updates, which are posted for all to see here and are updated almost daily note the delay for NEW orders ( Yours will not take 9 weeks. We also have noted on that page on our our Contact Us page on our web site extreme call and email volumes due to the Coronavirus emergency. If you place a call to us or email our customer support team, we will not be able to answer in real-time. And there will be a delay in getting back to you, likely for days.
We're receiving tens of thousands of calls, emails and chats (80X above normal this past week) and our outstanding and now expanded team is answering and responding to each, with care and understanding, as quickly as humanly possible.
Regarding your specific order, if you can share your order confirmation number or email address used to order, we can be more specific on what's happening with your specific order. Going forward, once your order ships, we'll send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery.
The day of delivery, you'll receive an email with the tracking number and a message saying your order will be "delivered today" and is out for delivery.
Once delivered to your doorstep, you'll receive an email saying your order has arrived!
We apologize for the delay, thank you for your patience, and can further comment with more specific information with your order confirmation number.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Hello and thank you for your comment. We do want to make clear that all orders being received are shipping on a first come, first served basis. And all orders will be delivered. Our shipping delay updates, which are posted for all to see here and are updated almost daily note the delay for NEW orders ( Yours will not take 9 weeks. We also have noted on that page on our our Contact Us page on our web site extreme call and email volumes due to the Coronavirus emergency. If you place a call to us or email our customer support team, we will not be able to answer in real-time. And there will be a delay in getting back to you, likely for days.
We're receiving tens of thousands of calls, emails and chats (80X above normal this past week) and our outstanding and now expanded team is answering and responding to each, with care and understanding, as quickly as humanly possible.
Regarding your specific order, if you can share your order confirmation number or email address used to order, we can be more specific on what's happening with your specific order. Going forward, once your order ships, we'll send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery.
The day of delivery, you'll receive an email with the tracking number and a message saying your order will be "delivered today" and is out for delivery.
Once delivered to your doorstep, you'll receive an email saying your order has arrived!
We apologize for the delay, thank you for your patience, and can further comment with more specific information with your order confirmation number.

I accidentally ordered 3 of an item instead of 1. I have been trying to reach someone by email & phone but I never get an answer. They never pick up the phone. I will never order anything from this company again. Customer service is very poor.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Hi Nannette and thank you for reaching out. With the Coronavirus emergency since 1/30, we posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page and at checkout that we’re experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency - 100X normal. Despite tripling contact center staff over three weeks, this has impacted our ability to respond quickly too. If you place a call to us or email our customer support team, we will not be able to answer in real-time. And there will be a delay in getting back to you, likely for days.
We're receiving tens of thousands of calls, emails and chats (80X above normal this past week) and our outstanding and now expanded team is answering and responding to each, with care and understanding, as quickly as humanly possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding as these are truly unusual times.
Regarding your specific order, can you supply us with your order confirmation number or the email address used to order so we can look things up and make adjustments? Thank you.

When I ordered, they told me they would ship in 10 to 14 days due to high demand. We are now at 18 days and zero communication from firm. Calls to customer service go unanswered and an email from a company rep indicates they have my order but cant give a shipping date. Concerns of course that this is a 2950 buck scan.

Its possible that they are just overwhelmed but in that case they should stop taking orders. YOU WOULD BE BETTER SERVED TO JUST GO ELSEWHERE.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 13, 2020

Hi Kevin and thank you for your comment. On 1/30, we posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page and at checkout that we are experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency. At one point, order volume was 100X above normal. We’re working round the clock to process and pack new food kits and continue to ship orders on a first come, first served basis as quickly as possible. Thousands are going out daily. Yours will be on the way soon. When it ships, we will send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery. You can find that shipping delay statement we update regularly here:
In addition, you should have receive an order confirmation email when you complete checkout.
If your order is being delayed, we have been emailing updates about every 7-14 days. Please check your spam fold to ensure these email update are not ending up there. Other issues for folks not receiving those updates include a mis-keyed email address or an opt-out on our email sends.
When your order ships, we'll send you an email with the tracking number and timing of your delivery.
The day of delivery, you'll receive an email with the tracking number and a message saying your order will be "delivered today" and is out for delivery.
Once delivered to your doorstep, you'll receive an email saying your order has arrived!
If your order is being delayed, we'll email you with updates about every 7-14 days.
Also posted on our web site "Contact Us" page and in your order confirmation email, we shared this:
"If you place a call to us or email our customer support team, we will not be able to answer in real-time. And there will be a delay in getting back to you, likely for days.
We're receiving tens of thousands of calls, emails and chats (80X above normal this past week) and our outstanding and now expanded team is answering and responding to each, with care and understanding, as quickly as humanly possible."
We apologize for the inconvenience and can speak more specifically to your order with more information.

It's been three weeks and I still haven't received my guaranteed 2-day delivery. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but I thought a guarantee actually meant something. I guess with these guys, it's just a marketing scam. At least give us a discount, or a coupon, or maybe just STOP LYING TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 04, 2020

Thank you for your order, Bobby. At the top of every page on our web site, in a pop-over box that appears when you first visit the site and at checkout before entering personal information, we have post word about a shipping delay due to the Coronavirus emergency. That statement can be seen here. We apologize for the delay as we work through these unprecedented times.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 04, 2020

Thank you for your order, Bobby. At the top of every page on our web site, in a pop-over box that appears when you first visit the site and at checkout before entering personal information, we have post word about a shipping delay due to the Coronavirus emergency. That statement can be seen here. We apologize for the delay as we work through these unprecedented times.

Ordered through sgt report on 2/14. Agree with previous comment- 2 day is a lie and you can NOT get through to a human being or get a return call. Have left several messages with no response. May require filing complaint. Very disappointed.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 02, 2020

On 1/30/20, MPS posted notice at the top of every page on our web site, on our shipping page and at checkout that we are experiencing a delay in shipping to due an unprecedented number of orders being received with the Coronavirus emergency. That notice shared that we were working round the clock to process and pack new food kits and continue to ship orders on a first come, first served basis as quickly as possible. You can find that shipping delay statement we update regularly here. Our order confirmation email also shared similar delay information. We apologize for the inconvenience.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 02, 2020

Further, we checked for the email address [email protected] in our customer order list and did not find an order from that email address. Must consider this comment trolling.

We placed an order with this company and then found out that there would be a delay in shipping due to demand, We found a similar product elsewhere and ordered from the second company. We have been trying to contact My Patriot Supply to cancel our order and have our credit card refunded, but we have received NO response to our several phone calls an emails.

My Patriot Supply Response • Mar 02, 2020

As long as it did not ship, we will refund order ***.

Customer Response • Mar 05, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


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Address: 4325 W Commercial Drive Ste D, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84104


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