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My Alarm Center

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Reviews My Alarm Center

My Alarm Center Reviews (207)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  While I am also saddened by the recent events that transpired with their customer service department, I am grateful for the's intervention, which I feel directly impacted our ability to find a suitable solution.  Going forward, my recommendation is that this merchant will allow their customer service representatives the ability to work through these specific and complex customer needs as they arise without the necessary intervention of a 3rd party.  I appreciate the management staff who were immediate in their response to this compliant and their willingness to negotiate an applicable solution.  I appreciate all of the support the has offered regarding this inquiry. 
[redacted] of Metropolitan Washington...

DC                                       ...                 April 1, 2016
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] (the “Agreement”)
Customer #[redacted] ID # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of March 31, 2016, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced.
It is my understanding that our Customer Solutions representative spoke with [redacted] to thoroughly review his concerns.  [redacted] has kindly given us the opportunity to correct the situation and a complimentary service appointment has been scheduled to remount the sensor.  In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  We are very grateful that [redacted] has allowed us the opportunity to rectify the situation.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington DC                                                                                                                     August 20, 2015
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:          Residential Agreement for [redacted]
dated as of February 5, 2014
Customer #[redacted] ID # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of August 18, 2015, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that **. and [redacted] may have experienced.
Upon review of [redacted]’s Agreement that was signed on February 5, 2014, it states that the initial term is for a period of 36 months and shall automatically renew for successive periods of 1 year unless either party gives to the other at least 30 days written notice, prior to expiration date.  The Agreement is currently in effect until February 5, 2017. 
As per the notes of the account, we received a cancellation letter in June 2015, requesting for the account to be cancelled as of August 7, 2015.  We sincerely regret the recent experience the [redacted]’s encountered with cancellation of their services.  While our policies are intended to ensure no system is left unprotected through the cancellation process, they are not mean to be difficult or deceiving in any way. 
Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.  In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should the [redacted]'s be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have her as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington...

DC                                       ...         December 10, 2015
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:         [redacted]
Customer #[redacted] ID # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of December 2, 2015, regarding the above-referenced customer.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced.
Upon receipt of your correspondence, our Customer Solutions representative spoke with [redacted] and it was agreed that we would be cancelling both of [redacted]’s accounts without penalty, upon receipt of the cancellation letter.  Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled. 
In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should [redacted] be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have her as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington...

DC                                       ...         March 17, 2017 and Eastern Pennsylvania [redacted] 1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330 Philadelphia, PA 19103       Re:          Alarm Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] and [redacted] dated as of January 18, 2012 (the “Agreement”) Customer #4[redacted] ID # [redacted]     Dear [redacted],   Thank you for your recent correspondence that we received on March 13, 2017, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that **. and [redacted] may have experienced.   In reviewing the account, the [redacted]s were contacted in July of 2016 to upgrade their 2G system.  In exchange for a new thirty-six (36) month agreement, we were offering to upgrade the system free of charge.  The upgrade was completed, but the agreement was not signed, which is why the [redacted]s received an invoice of $379.00. However, it seems as though there may have been a miscommunication of what the offer entailed.  We sincerely regret any difficulties that the [redacted]s encountered and are saddened to lose their business as they have been a long-time customers of ours. As a courtesy, the balance on the account is being waived.   Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued and the account has been closed. In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should **. and [redacted] be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have them as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.  Sincerely,   Elizabeth *. B[redacted] VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington...

DC                                       ...                 July 26, 2016 and Eastern Pennsylvania [redacted] 1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Re:         Alarm Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] dated as of February 28, 2015 (the “Agreement”) Customer #[redacted] ID # [redacted]   Dear [redacted],   Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of July 22, 2016, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced.   My Alarm center is genuinely focused on providing both the highest levels of premium security, as well as superior customer service. [redacted]’s valuable feedback allows us to continue to provide the level of service our customers have come to expect. We sincerely regret the difficulties that were encountered in contacting our office to repair the alarm system and will be looking into any opportunities for improvement. It is my understanding that an appointment has been set for next week to service the system.      In addition, a two (2) month credit was placed on the account for [redacted]’s frustrations.  In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Again, we are very sorry for what transpired and are very grateful that [redacted] has allowed us the opportunity to rectify the situation.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.   Sincerely,   Elizabeth *. B[redacted] VP of Legal and Dealer Relations

From: <[redacted]>Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:35 PMSubject: complaintTo: [redacted] have submitted a complaint with My Alarm ID [redacted] I am sending this email because they have fix the problem and solve the complaint.  They are going to cancel my account as I...

have ask.  If I amsuppose to respond another way please let me know. [redacted]    ID [redacted]

Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] dated as of January 29, 2016 (the “Agreement”) Customer #[redacted]     Dear [redacted],   Thank you for your recent correspondence that we received on October 29, 2017, regarding...

the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced.    In reviewing the notes of the account, our records show that the service call and applicable fees were discussed with Mrs. [redacted] prior to the technician’s visit.  We have called Mr. [redacted] to review the situation and discuss his concerns further.  We are genuinely focused on providing both the highest levels of premium security, as well as superior customer service. It’s my understanding that a mutual agreement was met and the account updated as requested by Mr. [redacted].   In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Again, we are very sorry for what transpired and are very grateful that Mr. [redacted] has allowed us the opportunity to rectify the situation.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.     Sincerely,   MY ALARM CENTER Tell us why here... of Metropolitan Washington DC                                       ...                 April 30, 2015
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] & [redacted]
dated as of February 2, 2009
Customer #[redacted] File # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of April 28, 2015, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that **. and [redacted] may have experienced.
In reviewing the notes of the account, we do not show any records of speaking with **. [redacted] on January 24, 2015.  However, in contacting our 3rd party answering service, it appears that they did receive a message from **. [redacted] on Saturday, January 24th in regards to cancellation.  Unfortunately, this was inadvertently overlooked and never forwarded to our office.  I sincerely apologize for this oversight and the frustrations that **. and [redacted] may have experienced due to this mistake.
As a security company, we require written cancellation requests for liability purposes and will apply this correspondence to the account to process the cancellation.  Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.
In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should **. and [redacted] be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have them as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington DC                                       ... December 4, 2014
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA  19103
Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted]
dated as of March 13, 2003
Customer #[redacted] ID #[redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of November 24, 2014, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced. 
In reviewing [redacted]’s account, it appears that [redacted] first contacted our office on November 11, 2014 regarding cancellation of the monitoring services as the property had been sold.  It was at this time that our representative requested the written notification needed to close the account and explained that [redacted] would be responsible for the monitoring through November 2014.  We received [redacted]’ written cancellation request and a payment was drafted from his account on November 20th to satisfy the November 2014 invoice.
Notwithstanding, our primary focus is to ensure our customers are happy and protected.  In light of the situation, we have issued a refund of $28.20 to [redacted]’ original form of payment.  Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington...

DC                                       ...                 April 30, 2015
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] & [redacted]
dated as of February 2, 2009
Customer #[redacted] File # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of April 28, 2015, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that **. and [redacted] may have experienced.
In reviewing the notes of the account, we do not show any records of speaking with **. [redacted] on January 24, 2015.  However, in contacting our 3rd party answering service, it appears that they did receive a message from **. [redacted] on Saturday, January 24th in regards to cancellation.  Unfortunately, this was inadvertently overlooked and never forwarded to our office.  I sincerely apologize for this oversight and the frustrations that **. and [redacted] may have experienced due to this mistake.
As a security company, we require written cancellation requests for liability purposes and will apply this correspondence to the account to process the cancellation.  Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.
In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should **. and [redacted] be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have them as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations of Metropolitan Washington DC                                       ...                 June 30, 2015
and Eastern Pennsylvania
Ms. [redacted]
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re:          Monitoring Agreement for [redacted] & [redacted]
dated as of February 12, 2013
Customer #[redacted]  [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence that we received on June 29, 2015, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  It appears that this situation was already resolved prior to receipt of your notification.
Upon review of the account, Ms. [redacted] contacted our office on January 5, 2015 to inquire about cancelling the account, as they were moving into a new home and not yet sure if they wanted to transfer the service. Our representative kindly offered to suspend the account until May 1st to allow time to settle in the new home and determine if they would be interested in an alarm system at their new home.  Unfortunately, our representative inadvertently overlooked applying the credit to the account for the suspension and the quarterly invoice for February – April 2015 was mailed and paid on March 24, 2015. 
On June 26th, Ms. [redacted] inquired about the new invoice that she received, as she thought that the account has been cancelled in January.  Our representative kindly reviewed the discussion about suspending the account, but stated that we would be happy to process the cancellation as requested, upon receipt of a cancellation letter.  Our representative received the cancellation letter later that day, at which point it was noticed that the quarterly invoice for February – April 2015 had been paid and should not have been since service was not being provided during that time period.  Our representative issued a refund of $109.95 accordingly.
Our main focus is our customer’s satisfaction and I am very sorry to hear that Ms. [redacted] was not happy with our services.  Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed, and all payment obligations have been fulfilled. In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should Ms. [redacted] be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have her as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Elizabeth M. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

[redacted] <[redacted].com>2:41 PM (35 minutes ago)I accept the business' response to complaint #[redacted].  Thank you.  
[redacted] of Metropolitan Washington DC                                                                            ...

          February 28, 2017and Eastern Pennsylvania[redacted]1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330Philadelphia, PA 19103 Re:         Monitoring Agreement for Brandon Craftdated as of February 21, 2017 (the “Agreement”)Customer #[redacted] ID # [redacted] Dear [redacted], Thank you for your recent correspondence that we received on February 21, 2017, regarding the above-referenced customer.  It’s my understanding that our Operations Manager spoke with [redacted] and resolved the situation prior to receiving your complaint. We sincerely regret the difficulties that [redacted] encountered in trying to add additional cameras to his alarm system. There was a concern about the WIFI bandwidth requirements; but we have reviewed this with [redacted] and have scheduled the upgrade for March 4th.   In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Again, we are very sorry for what transpired and are very grateful that [redacted] has allowed us the opportunity to rectify the situation.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Elizabeth ** B[redacted]VP of Legal and Dealer Relations  Tell us why here... of Metropolitan Washington DC                                         ... September 11, 2014
and Eastern Pennsylvania
Ms. Alyssa Raiche
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA  19103
Re:         Monitoring Agreement for [redacted].
dated as of December 18, 2013
Customer # [redacted]; File # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of September 3, 2014, regarding the above-referenced Monitoring Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced.  However, in reviewing the account, it appears that this situation has already been resolved, since the complaint was generated.
In reviewing your correspondence it seems that **. and [redacted] believed that there was a 3 month trial period, which allowed for cancellation without penalty.  Unfortunately, I believe that there may have been some miscommunication, as this is not something that we would typically offer.  However, the Agreement does allow for a 3 day Right of Rescission, stating: “You, the Buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction.”  I do apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding regarding the terms of the Agreement.
When [redacted] contacted our office to cancel the agreement, our representative kindly explained to [redacted] that each section of the Agreement had been initialed, including the Initial Term and Right of Rescission.  However, as a show of good faith, even though we our representative honored [redacted]’ request to cancel the account, effective immediately with no further payments required. 
Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.  We feel as though the issue has been resolved.  Should [redacted] feel differently, please let me know and I would be more than happy to research this situation further.   
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 
Thank you,, for your assistance!!  :)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 
[redacted] Dear [redacted], Thank you for the quick responce for the subject matter that I have initiate, Alarm Center,LLC set up appointment to fix the problem of my alarm system in the houseon August 2, 2016.[redacted] [redacted]

Dear [redacted],   Thank you for your recent correspondence that we received on May 31, 2017, regarding the above-referenced Agreement.  First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] and [redacted] may have experienced.   In reviewing our records, we spoke...

with the customers on December 2, 2016, in regards to their cellular unit which needed to be replaced, as third party cellular carriers were phasing out support of 2G technology.  Our representative offered (i) a free cellular upgrade, with a reduced monthly rate for a new one (1) year agreement; or (ii) a discounted buyout offer to terminate the Agreement early.  Unfortunately, we did not receive a response until May 30th, at which point Mr. Li called in to inquire about the payout amount to cancel.   Nonetheless, we will cancel the account without penalty and a refund for five (5) months of monitoring fees is being issued.  We sincerely regret the difficulties that [redacted] and [redacted] encountered and are saddened to lose their business.   Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued and the account has been closed.  In our relentless pursuit of protection, we’re dedicated to making the world a more secure place – for families, businesses and communities.  Should they be in need of our security monitoring and automation services in the future, we would be happy to have [redacted] and [redacted] as part of our family again.  Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance in this matter. Sincerely,   Elizabeth M. B[redacted] VP of Compliance and Dealer Relations

After being a customer for 9 years, the monitoring system would not work after converting to U-Verse based landline from ATT. To remedy the situation I elected to install a cellular based system to enable my system.
When I sold the house 9 months later, I was told that I had to payout the remaining 3 years of my "contract" to be able to cancel--even though I no longer own the home or utilize the monitoring service.
I paid outright for the equipment so there is no embedded cost in the company providing or not providing the service.

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Description: Security Control Equipment & System Monitors, Billing Service, Burglar Alarm Systems - Dealers, Monitoring & Service

Address: 3803 West Chester Pike 1st Floor, Suite 100, Newtown Sq, Pennsylvania, United States, 19073-2304


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