My Alarm Center Reviews (207)
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Description: Security Control Equipment & System Monitors, Billing Service, Burglar Alarm Systems - Dealers, Monitoring & Service
Address: 3803 West Chester Pike 1st Floor, Suite 100, Newtown Sq, Pennsylvania, United States, 19073-2304
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Review: Complaint, C
r [redacted], invoice [redacted]. Deceptive business practices, wife was preyed upon my member of her BNI. I’m sure that the salesperson Mark R[redacted] knew of the company practices, but counted on the fact that she would not read the contract and would not give me the husband the information. Dec 2013, she was told this was a three month trial and she could cancel any time. I never wanted or approved the purchase because I went to work a job out of town. When I returned, I told my wife in strong terms to get rid of this “service”. At the end of three months, she spoke to Mark R[redacted] of Fort Worth Tx, to cancel and was told she had another two months, until June. She called ###-###-#### shortly thereafter to cancel at my insistence and was told to call back at the end of June. She called back and was told yes you can cancel but you have pat the whole entire three year contract. What kind of predatory cancellation policy is that? In all practicality you CAN’T cancel! I researched this company on the site, there are many complaints like mine in which they fight tooth and nail before attempting any settlement if at all. So I sending this to their local, because I think there representatives are targeting people who they think will never actually catch on that this actually is not a trial at all, but a permanent sale for them .I am sending a letter to company as well n parallel.
I do not want any more deals, any “extensions” “free trials” or any other ploy to keep us from cancelling. I’m a veteran of over 60 years old and hate the fact that they prey on the old.Desired Settlement: Desired Settlement: I simply want the account cancelled, I don't want any charges and I do not want anymore monthly bills.
I proactively unequivocably and with extreme passion decline every offer that they make or may make in perpetuity to keep this “service”. I never wanted it, never signed anything and yet this is in my name!
Review: March 29, 2014
My Alarm Center
Accounting Department
[redacted], PA [redacted]
Dear Sir or Madam:
Enclosed is my check #[redacted] ($145.00) in response to your
demands that I pay off a two-year contract in order to close my account.
I am aware that you can make these demands legally. Ethically you should be ashamed of yourself. I have been a loyal customer since 1986.
I foolishly agreed to the wireless upgrade at the insistence of your serviceman. (the previously installed system was causing problems he didn't want to deal with) He further demanded I sign a two year contract. Having been a customer for so many
years, and planning on continuing as a customer, I saw no problem complying.
When it became necessary to change locations, I contacted your company and asked if I could pay monthly until I was able to move.
I was given a monthly fee and began paying on a monthly basis.
When I called to discontinue service I was informed I would need to pay the full amount of the contract.
My reward for being a loyal customer since 1986 was to be charged for services I would never receive. This is how you treat a long time customer who has put up with mediocre service (taking days to respond to service problems and then only after myriad phone calls).
I have shared my experience with everyone I talk with, and will continue to do so. Your lawyers may be successful in securing money you have not earned, but your service record and treatment of customers wi11 be your downfall.
[redacted] ([redacted]. [redacted])
[redacted]Desired Settlement: Consumer did not specify a desired settlement.
Review: Several years ago, we purchased a home alarm system from [redacted], a distributor for My Alarm Center. Last week, our alarm system's cellular signal failed. I called my Alarm Center to report the problem. Initially I was told that it appeared that cellular radio had failed, and would need to be inspected/repaired by a technician. Because my alarm system was outside of the 1 year warranty period, I was told there would be a service call fee of $35, a labor rate of $95/hr plus any amount for parts.
In response, I explained to the My Alarm Center representative that the cellular radio did not appear to have "failed." Having some familiarity with the system, I ran the cellular radio diagnostic and found that the cellular radio was working, it simply was not registered. I disagreed that I should be charged a visit fee as the problem had to do with the service itself and not my equipment. The My Alarm Center representative agreed to waive the fee based on the results of the cellular radio test and put in a ticket for service.
Concerned that my panel had become "unregistered" for no apparent reason, I dug a little deeper on the internet to see if there was a history of similar issues. What I quickly found was that many of the panels provided by My Alarm Center operated on the 2G cellular frequency. Unfortunately, 2G is an older technology and is being slowly phased out by [redacted]. Concerned that my panel was the same, I pulled the IMEI code (unique cellular radio code for my alarm panel) from the alarm's cellular radio and plugged into a database on the internet to determine whether it was in fact 2G. Unfortunately, it was.
The third party technician arrived at my home this morning to service the equipment. I explained what I had found, and he confirmed that the issue was common. According to him, 2G service will be entirely unavailable from [redacted] by 2015. He then verified that the panel was 2G, and put in a work order to have the cellular radio upgraded to 3G. Not having the necessary parts on hand, he told me that I should expect a call in a week or so to reschedule service once the part was in.
About an hour after the technician left, I got a call from My Alarm Center asking how I would like to pay for the upcoming $99 "repair" to my cellular radio. I explained that I was surprised that they expected me to pay for either the work or the parts. The system had not malfunctioned, the equipment was simply no longer serviceable by [redacted]. I requested a manager, and was transferred to an individual named [redacted]. [redacted] confirmed that she was aware that 2G service was being phased out by [redacted], and would be entirely unavailable by 2015. I explained the situation to [redacted], pointing out that I have no control over who My Alarm Center chooses to subcontract cellular services with. If [redacted] has decided to no longer offer 2G service to My Alarm Center, it is not my issue. According to their website, Verizon offers 2G coverage in my area, as does [redacted]. However, she refused to waive the install charge, saying that it was my responsibility to pay for the "upgrade". However, she offered to waive the charge if I would simply extend my contract another two years. I again refused, explaining that it was My Alarm Center's responsibility to provide the monitoring service I pay for every month. Over nearly twenty minutes, [redacted] continued to pressure me to either pay for the cellular radio or extend my contract. According to [redacted], I could not expect to receive a $349.00 (up from the $99.00 stated earlier) upgrade for free.
At that point I told [redacted] that she could either waive the service fee or cancel my contract. I understand if My Alarm Center can no longer contract with [redacted] provide 2G service, but it is not my job to ensure that 2G service is available. That is what I pay a monthly monitoring fee for. If the service can no longer be provided, for whatever reason, that is understandable, but not my fault. She refused to cancel the contract and after several more minutes of arguing over our relative responsibilities under the contract, and a phone call to the technician who had been to my house this morning, [redacted] eventually agreed to waive the service fee, and notified me that a technician would be in touch shortly to schedule the service.
While [redacted] eventually did what I asked, I am very frustrated with how I have been treated. I had to take three hours of my morning to wait for a service call, only to confirm what My Alarm Center apparently already knew- the service to my equipment was inevitably going to fail. Rather than proactively acknowledging this known issue, My Alarm Center chose to let my service fail instead. Then, while my home was not protected by the monitoring I am paying for, they ask me to pay for the equipment they need to continue upholding their end of the deal?!
My home still sits unprotected, and will remain that way until a part can be ordered and a tech can return. No one has given me a time estimate on that repair, but the technician said at least a week. Meanwhile I'm still paying for a service that cannot be provided. This was totally avoidable, and the fact that My Alarm Center tried to pawn it off on me is wrong.
TDesired Settlement: This delay in service was inevitable and foreseeable. My Alarm Center simply failed to act to ensure that they would provide service. Given the hassle and lack of service, I believe a 3G cellular radio should be installed as soon as possible, and my account credited for the time service was down.
June 18, 2014
Review: The company was contracted to provide home security monitoring services and we had been with them since 2006. In 2012 we changed our internet service provider from [redacted] to [redacted]. This did not involve a change in our phone number, nor did it involve a change in technology - from hardwire to cellular services. My Alarm Center apparently dropped our home monitoring service at the time we made this change (according to their customer service rep), however, they never notified us that our home was not being monitored. They continued to bill and collect monies from us for service not provided. In April of 2014 I notified them via phone that we would not pay for services not provided and requested they cancel any account in our name. They informed me that I would have to make that request in writing which was done, along with a request to reimburse us for monies collected for services not provided.
Despite calling and writing we have continued to receive monthly bills (for services still not being provided) and calls for monies they are now considering past due.Desired Settlement: An response from my letter of April 18, 2014 and again on August 23, 2014 with:
* An apology that they failed to notify us that our home was not being monitored
* Remittance of the $471.00 they charged us since July 2012 for services they did not provide
* A confirmation that our account has been cancelled
* A commitment that we will receive no further calls from attempting to collect monies for services they are not providing, nor notice of collection
September 4, 2014 of Metropolitan Washington DC
and Eastern Pennsylvania
1880 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1330
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Re: Monitoring Agreement for [redacted]
dated as of March 7, 2006
Customer # [redacted]; File # [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent correspondence, dated as of August 25, 2014, regarding the above-referenced Monitoring Agreement. First, please allow me to apologize for any inconveniences that [redacted] may have experienced during his time with our company. In reviewing the account, it appears that this situation has already been resolved.
As per the notes of the account, it appears that [redacted] was experiencing communication issues with the alarm system that may have been due a change in phone service provider. On December 11, 2013, [redacted] called in to inform us of the situation. Our representative informed [redacted] that we would need to send a technician to the site and evaluate the system. [redacted] stated that he would call us back to schedule the appointment. Unfortunately, we did not hear back until April, at which point [redacted] requested to cancel the account. In reviewing the account, it does not appear that we received the April cancellation letter. When our representative spoke with [redacted] on August 25, she requested for [redacted] to kindly resend the cancellation letter so that we could process the cancellation, effective immediately.
In light of the situation, our representative also refunded [redacted] for five months of monitoring (for the period of December 2013 – April 2014) in the amount of $115.00. The remaining balance of the account has been credited off. Please let this letter serve as written confirmation that the above-referenced Agreement has been discontinued, the account has been closed and all payment obligations have been fulfilled.
We feel as though the situation has been resolved. However, should [redacted] feel differently, please let me know and I would be more than happy to research this situation further. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you in this matter.
Elizabeth *. B[redacted]
VP of Legal and Dealer Relations
I have attempted to get in contact with customer serves for 3.5 weeks. Staying on hold for over from 1-3 hours before I hung up. I also put it for call back four times and have not been called back. I put in three emails service request but have not had any returns. I made a change in my alarm center online account to make sure I was receiving their emails and I did receive an email from them. I put in a request to see about a system up grade, I was contacted in less than three hours. The system upgrade quote was well above the industry norm.
Review: I had a monitoring agreement with [redacted] Security Services. I completed my contract of 3 years. My Alarm Center took over and acquired the [redacted] Customers. They tried running several payments through on my account without authorization. I have called them multiple times and stated I had completed my contract and did not want to continue monitoring with them. The last attempt to cancel, I spoke to a gentleman with an arrogant attitude. He kept trying to negotiate to get me to keep the service. He stated he would not cancel the service and clear the invalid invoice. He said I had to call him back also. I do not know how else to get these people to stop bothering me and cancel the monitoring that I never wanted or agreed to have with My Alarm Center. I don't want anyone to come to my house, I don't want the bill cut in half to keep their monitoring service. I just want them to cancel all of my information and leave me alone. I am not and should not have to continue to call requesting that they cancel these services. I do not owe them and will not pay them for services that I had cancelled when [redacted] sold. Bullying customers to keep services is not the proper way to operate a business. They have added my landlord to my statement and I have no idea why! They are out of control and need to stop with the inappropriate tactics to try to force customers to stay with their company. I have contacted the 3 credit card bureau's to inform them that any invoices or statements sent from this company are not correct or owed.Desired Settlement: I would like for My Alarm Company to cancel the monitoring and remove the incorrect charges they are trying to collect from me. I would like an apology and for them to leave me alone.
Review: The company offered a 3 year service contract which I signed. They have rejected that offer and are now requiring me to sign a 5 year contract or they will report me to a credit agency. I have made the required monthly payments since this dispute arose.Desired Settlement: My Alarm Center needs to honor their offer (and contract) for a signed 3 year service contract.
July 26, 2013