M&T Bank Reviews (163)
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Address: 115 Harbert Dr., Ste. A, Andale, Kansas, United States, 67001
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. ...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Before opening the account, I indicated that the only reason that I am opening the account is to get the coupon offer. I was told I will get it. After opening the account, I was told that the coupon expired but will try and there is hope to get the offer. I appreciate all MT and T saff but I specifically asked if I will get the offer before opening the account.I only came one day after the coupon expired and I was very busy due to the holiday season. Moreover, I instructed staff specifically to open the account if I will get the offer. I want to continue to be your customer and continue depositing in the account. Regards, [redacted]
Dear [redacted] L. [redacted],I am writing in response to your letter of complaint filed with the Revdex.comregarding the above referenced mortgage.In review of the account, check #1342 was made payable to you, [redacted],from [redacted] in the amount of $675.00. The...
funds posted to the account on10/22/14 and were returned due to non-sufficient funds (NSF) on 11/3/14. When thepayment was reversed from the mortgage, the automatic draft payment received on10/30/14 in the amount of $786.84 was reversed in error instead of the payment in theamount of $675.00. On 11/12/14, due to research being conducted per your request,M&T Bank located the error and corrected the payments to reflect the application of theBi-Weekly payment and the reversal of the $675.00. The payment in the amount of$300.00 received on 11/7/14 was applied to suspense (your unapplied funds account) dueto the above payment application error which caused the account to incorrectly reflect asdelinquent.Per your complaint, we have reapplied to the payments as requested, including the$300.00 to principal only. I have enclosed a copy of the payment history for your review.At this time, the mortgage is due for the 11/27/14 Bi-Weekly draft and there are no fundsin suspense. As a result of the payment corrections on your account, your 11/27/14 Bi-Weeklydraft was not processed. The 11/27/14 Bi-Weekly draft will be drafted on12/8/14, effective dated for 11/27/14. Upon receipt of your 11/27/14 payment, yourmortgage will be due for the 12/11/14 Bi-Weekly draft. No negative credit reportingoccurred or late fees assessed due to the above.I have confirmed that the account has been updated to reflect that any additionalpayments received before the Bi-Weekly draft is to be applied to principal only.I hope I was able to fully address your concerns. We sincerely value your relationshipwith M&T Bank and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service. Ifyou have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####,ext. 7809, with any concerns you may have.Sincerely,[redacted]Mortgage Customer SupportRetail ServicingEnclosureCC: Revdex.com
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10626996, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I have attached copies of the Payoff Statements for each loan and my letter of April 22, 2015. Payoff Statement for loan [redacted]0 dated February 2, 2015 included interest from January 1 through March 1.Interest $9,301.41 and Other Funds Due $4,310.41 totaling $13,611.82. $827,046.94 X 9.87500% / 360 X 41 = $9,301.41 $827,046.94 X 9.87500% / 360 X 19 = $4310.41 This confirms that M&T Bank did collect the interest amount through the payment due date of March 1, 2015. Payoff Statement for loan [redacted] dated February 2, 2015 included interest from January 1 through March 1. Interest $1,162.68 and Other Funds Due $538.80 totaling $1,701.48.$103,381.15 X 9.87500% / 360 X 41 = $1,162.38 $103,381.15 X 9.87500% / 360 X 19 = $538.80 This confirms that M&T Bank did collect the interest amount through the payment due date of March 1, 2015. Therefore, they should review my letter of April 22, 2015 and my calculations and send a refund. I find it very difficult to believe M&T Bank is in the business of servicing mortgage loans, no one will ever know how many others they have cheated.Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. ...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Regards,
[redacted] I do not accept the response, it is not my fault that all I wanted to do was make some extra cash and love to shop, so I received a check to go and evaluate a store. I have all the emails and texts that I received.. All I want is my $10. and my account back. If it was my fault it would be a different story. I can send all if needed.
Dear [redacted], Your recent correspondence regarding Ms. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review and reply. Per Ms. [redacted]'s correspondence she states she was recently contacted by a debt collection agency referencing a balance owed to M&T Bank ("M&T".) M&T records show a...
joint account was opened in the names of [redacted] and [redacted] on June 1, 2004. Although Ms. [redacted] states within her correspondence she did not use this account, as seen on the enclosed account statements, the account remained active through May 2009 when the account became overdrawn. As the overdrawn balance was not satisfied, the account was charged off to the M&T Collection Department on August 19, 2009, with a balanceowed of $1,005.39. As the M&T Collections Department was unable to collect on this debt, the account was sold to [redacted] ("UCR") in February 2012. Since M&T no longer owns the account, we do not have updated information to provide regarding the balance. We recommend Ms. [redacted] continue to work with the agency that has been in contact with her regarding the debt owed. Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate Enclosure
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I am happy that this matter is coming to a closure, however M & T Bank did not send me a letter for my record keeping purposes that this matter has been resolved. I requested a letter be sent to my home address on file so that I have written documentation that the matter has been resolved. A recap in a better business complaint is not sufficient for my record keeping purposes with the IRS. This matter will not be considered closed until I have received a formal letter from M&T Bank. Thank you in advance for all of your assistance in this matter.
Regards, [redacted]
Dear [redacted],Your recent correspondence regarding Mr. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review.Ms. [redacted] indicates having a savings account with M& T Bank ({/M& T") that has been charged fees andbelieves M& T changed the account without advising her of the changes....
She is requesting for the fees tobe refunded and for the account not to be assessed additional fees.On June 7, 2013, Ms. [redacted] opened a Relationship Savings account with M& T, and upon accountopening Ms. [redacted] was provided disclosures. I have enclosed the disclosures titled Specific Featuresand Terms for Relationship Savings Accounts. The disclosures indicate, among other things, that the feefor excessive withdrawals was $5. This fee applies for certain withdrawal transactions in excess of four(4) made during any monthly service charge cycle .In November 2013, a change in terms notices was provided with each monthly statement entitledImportant Information Regarding Changes to Consumer Deposit Accounts, enclosed for your reference.This document describes changes to certain checking and savings account, including changes effectiveMarch 13, 2014 to the Excess Withdrawal Fees .. As noted, the Excess Withdrawal Fee is now $12.50 forcertain withdrawal transactions in excess of six (6) made during any monthly service charge cycle.A review of our records indicates you were charged Excess Withdrawals Fees for the first time inNovember, 2014. Total charges for the statement period were $62.50. During this period, three (3)purchases were made from the account and eight (8) web transfers from the account. As noted above,the fee applies for each transaction over six (6) for these types of transactions.Ms. [redacted] has requested for M& T to refund the fees that had been charged and would like the sameaccount with no added fees. As courtesy, M&T refunded three (3) fees totaling $37.50 on November 10,2014. As these restrictions and fees apply to all personal savings accounts at M&T, we are unable tochange how your account functions. Please note that in addition to the fee, the terms of the accountspecifically indicate there are transaction limitations. Continued excessive usage can result in youraccount being closed so we recommend you carefully manage the usage of your savings account.If Ms. [redacted] has any additional questions regarding the fees and withdrawals, she may contact M& TTelephone Banking Center at ###-###-####; Monday- Friday 6am to 9pm; Saturday-Sunday 9am toSincerely,[redacted]Customer Care SpecialistOffice of the Customer AdvocateEnclosure
March 20, 2017*Revdex.com Case Number: *Dear Ms. [redacted]:I am writing on behalf of M&T Bank ("M&T") in response to the recent correspondence you filed withthe Revdex.com.You state in your correspondence that you received two (2) insufficient funds fees on April 18 and April26, 2016, as a...
result of Pay Pal debiting your checking account instead of your savings account. Youindicate that you were advised that the fees would be refunded as a courtesy. I apologize if this was notcompleted. Note that your account was credited in the amount of $38.50 on March 15, 2017 for theinsufficient funds fee assessed on April 19, 2016.You also indicate in your correspondence that you have attempted to open a small business checking andsavings accounts, a Roth IRA, and obtain a personal loan, but have been unable to identify products tomeet your needs. It is recommended that you visit your local M&T branch and meet with a representativewho would be able to assist you in identifying the best products to meet your business needs. In addition,you also requested closure of your checking and savings accounts. It is recommended that the closure ofyour account be completed at your local M&T branch, and a representative would be able to assist youwith this request.Please be assured that we are appreciative of your feedback, and are continuously evaluating the productsand services offered. At M&T, we strive to provide the highest level of quality service to our customers.If you have any further questions regarding your account or small business needs, please contact Deborah[redacted], Bear Branch Manager, at * and she will be glad to assist you. The branch islocated at 10 Fox Hunt Drive and is opened Monday-Thursday 9am- 5pm, Friday 9am- 6pm, andSaturday 9am- 12pm ET.Sincerely,Laura *Customer Care SpecialistOffice of the Customer Advocate
Your recent correspondence regarding Ms. Jennifer [redacted] was brought to my attention forreview and reply.On November 20,2014, as noted in Ms. Zaworski's correspondence, Ms. [redacted] attempted totransact a $400 withdrawal from an M&T Bank ("M&T") branded Automated Teller Machine("ATM)...
located at High's in Eldersburg, Maryland. After having difficulties making the initialwithdraw, Ms. [redacted] made four (4) separate withdrawals in the amounts of $200, $40, $60,and $100. However, as Ms. [redacted] noted, the ATM only dispensed $80 of the final $100request.Ms. [redacted] contacted the M&T Telephone Banking Center on November 2 1'20 14, to reportshe did not receive the full $100 request. A dispute was filed on her behalf and on November 24,2014, M&T provided her account with the $20 provisional credit while an investigation began.The ATM at High's is branded as M&T but is not owned or operated by M&T. Therefore, M&Trequested a review of the transactions through the STAR network. The information providedfrom STAR indicates that their audit review concluded the machine was in balance and thetransactions successfully completed. As a result, the dispute was denied and Ms. [redacted] wasmailed a letter advising her of the denial and also advising the $20 provisional credit would beremoved on December 17,20 14.Given the difficulty Ms. [redacted] had with the transactions, I have credited her account $20.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. ...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The following is a complete falsehood.The representative reviewed your request and informed you that your external bank account ending -4710 was currently suspended in the Bank to Bank Transfers service, and as a result, the transfers were unable to be processed. As part of M&T's due diligence and for your protection, after you submitted the transfer request online, M&T contacted [redacted] Bank to verify that the account ending -4710 was owned by you. Because [redacted] Bank refused to verify the account ownership, M&T cancelled the transfers and suspended the account. I was never advised of the above and infact I went through the M&T verification process with [redacted] bank which was successful. I'm sorry but M&T Bank is the most inefficient bank.
Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Requesting a policy change so that M&T acts like a reputable financial institution rather than a Loan Shark. Action Request: When a problem occurs that the M &T contact client by phone, leaving a reasonable message, and contact number so that any problem can be resolved fairly. They...
had called before when they wanted me to refinance, so why not again? Notes: I sent an early payment which the bank returned, then stated a policy never mentioned before about post dated checks. My original loan was with [redacted] and I never had any problems. This company (M&T) is a unknown financial institution to be researched. How they got my account has still not been explained. If they had cashed it, the check, the money was in the bank since I was sending the payment early because I was going to be traveling. Instead they recorded that they did not receive the payment and put it on my credit report. Costing me long term problems. I wish them (M&T) to act like a reputable institution and give my loan back to [redacted]!! If not possible, to act like an American company instead of a foreign bank. Decency. Thank you, [redacted]Please keep all data on their file. I don't want this to happen to others.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID
[redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. The payoff statements
for both my accounts were calculated on February 2, included interest for
January through March 1, and were sent to Stewart Title for closing on February
3. M&T Bank
received and applied my February payments on February 3, so the interest on the
payoff statements should have been recalculated on a lower principal
balance for both accounts from February 3 through March 1. I spoke to
[redacted], a supervisor on May 27, and she understood what I was
saying and was supposed to call me back, I have not heard from her. Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. ...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I don't accept this explanation as they do not acknowledge that they are illegally citing the Patriot Act as an excuse to make customers come into the branch to deal with dormant accounts. Furthermore they now say they don't close dormant accounts, that is the reason they gave why they could not deal with this matter on the phone. They caused me to leave work early and it was completely unnecessary Regards, [redacted]
Your recent correspondence to the Revdex.com ("Revdex.com") was brought to my attention for review. According to your correspondence, you indicate that you received a form in October 2013 from M&T Bank ("M&T") to verify your Social Security Number ("SSN") on a savings bond that had been cashed in November 2012. After receiving the form, you went into your local M&T branch and worked with the branch manager. The forms were completed and the branch manager faxed them to the appropriate department within M&T. In October 2014, a year later, you received the same form requesting the same information. You went back into the branch and provided copies from the following year's information; however, you were unable to get any further assistance. After reviewing M&T records, the information you provided in October 2013 did satisfy the requirement of the original notice. The second notice you received in October 2014 was sent in error and requires no further action from you. On behalf of M&T, I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this may have caused and thank you for bringing this matter to our attention as M&T prides itself on providing efficient and courteous service to each of our valued customers. Please be aware your concerns have been brought to the attention of the appropriate parties for coaching and training opportunities. Sincerely,[redacted] Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate cc: Revdex.com
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Regards, [redacted]