M&T Bank Reviews (163)
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Address: 115 Harbert Dr., Ste. A, Andale, Kansas, United States, 67001
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The business hasresponded to the complaint however has requested that their response not bepublished.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. M&T is still stating that my 81 year mother had my Checking account number. That is a untrue statement. The teller looked up my mothers and my joint savings account, and noticed that I had another account. She then wrote my checking account number on the withdraw form and had my mother sign it. They are not taking responsibility for this whole mess. My mother handed the teller her banking journal that had her banking Code information. I have also included the paper that the teller wrote my name and my account number ending in 3690. The response letter said "On March 3, 2016, your mother, Benita [redacted], entered the M&T bank (Eden Park Branch and request to make a withdrawal and provided the account number ending - 3690" This is what I'm upset about. That is not a true statement, and the attached documentation is the proof. I want them to take responsibility for this whole mess! In the letter it states that I would receive a check for the amount of $1,700.00 and they do not say if they are going after my Mother for the balance owed the bank. I will not cash that check until I have in writing that they are not going to go after my 81 year old mother for a mistake that the teller made. All she had to do was to tell my mother that she didn't have enough in her savings account. These are my reasons for my not accepting the response. Regards, [redacted]
Consumer filed a new complaint referencing this old ID#. I filed a complaint against M&T Bank over their failed repayment plan system. To resolve the issue M&T recognized their error, agreed to remove all late fees for the timeframe involved, agreed to report me to the credit bureaus as current for the past 18 months and offered me a Loan Modification Package. I though this was fair and accepted their offer. I completed the loan modification and returned it. While I awaited a decision I held my 08/29/15 payment since I did not know how much was be due. I thought I had a good chance of getting the modification since they scheduled an appraisal of my home. When I didn't get a decision I called and was told that I was denied. I made the 08/15 payment that day. I was told that I could have been considered for a refinance if I had not mad the 08/29/15 payment late. First of all, that was never an offer, second of all if they made me current for the last 12 months 08/15 should not have been considered because it was not paid 30 days late. I feel like they intended to help me at all. I don't want something for nothing. I am a single mom who has been struggling to keep my home for the last 12 years. I just need some help. To make matters worst, I have reached out to another financial institution who was trying to assist me. The problem now is that my credit reports shows my M&T account as 30 days late for the past 12 months. That has taken my credit score down to below 600 and now they cant help me. I called M&T and was told that they only showed one late payment and that was for 08/15. I was transferred to customer service who said they show me as late 5 times in the last 12 months even though they have agreed that I paid as agreed during the repayment plan. The rep advised me that he could not see any agreement to report me as current during the repayment period and advised to take my complaint to the credit bureau for investigation. He said he was not removing anything or reporting anything that he did not see. When asked who would be able to see the info he said whoever was involved. I give up!!. Not only are they not going to help, but they are now preventing me from getting help from any other source. I believe they just want to take my home. Correction to a credit report If M&T had explained that by making me current, I was eligible to refinance and offered refinance as an option I would never had filled out the loan modification package. I don't think they should count the 08/15 payment as late since they never sent me the denial. I had to call them for the decision. I held the payment hoping that the modified amount would be less. I would like the lateness removed for 08/15. I would like to have my information reported to the credit bureau as current for the timeframe of the repayment plan as they agreed so I can try to get help from another bank.
To Revdex.com At this point in time, my issues with [redacted] and M & T to my knowledge have not been resolved. Until the...
property in question has been removed from my name and M & T, stops sending me mortgage statements, I will not consider this resolved, therefore, I am not ready to withdraw my complaint.[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the
business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that
this does not resolve my...
complaint. For your reference, details of the
offer I reviewed appear below. 1) I did not dispute the July 11, 2015 transaction because although I did use the card at the Charles Theater on this date, I did not use a PIN for the transaction. 2) I contacted the Charles Theater and when doing a credit transaction, a PIN is not needed nor requested. I was told that they upgraded their system years ago to take credit card transactions.3) I, as previously stated before, requested a PIN and never received one. When I requested a personal PIN number (that I had to mail in), I never received that PIN number confirmation either.I have never requested cash on the card nor have ever needed to use the card in conjunction with a PIN number on any transaction that I have done with the card.Regards, [redacted]
The following reasons why M & T Banks reply does not make sense and thus we do not accept the reply.1) On 1/10/2017 a service charge of 100.51 was taken out of the account. This service charge has no explanation as to why it was applied to our account.2) On 01/17/2017 the account had a withdraw by a phone pymt to capital one in the amount of $30.00. This payment was not authorized for this account, the bank had been notified of the mistake prior and has nothing to resolve it.3) Further on 2/8/2017 another service fee was withdrawn this on in the amount of $100.90 from the account with no explanation.4) Finally, I could have just discussed this with M T bank but their reply letter does not provide an email and phone point of contact for the person handling this matter at M T bank instead it provides info on their collection company. Again, showing they have no interest in fixing their mistakes, just I should just shut up and pay them is the attitude.5) this reply does not explain how account went from 109.18 (01/23/2017) overdrawn to the stated 194.53 on the letter.6) Also, I called the number given M T for MRS BPO three times today and no answers. You are just placed a waiting line for the next rep and no one picks up.7) The letter states a letter was sent on 05/24/2017 we have no such letter, another mistake by MT bank I guess.8) Finally got someone at MRS BPO but they were unable to assist me due to the fact M T bank did not put on the letter the MRS BPO account number. MRS BPO instructed me to contact MT bank back for the required info, such as the account number.9) I did receive a letter today from MRS BPO, so I called them, gave them the account number and they will not talk to me since I am not listed on my account at MRS BPO. M T bank did not put my name on my business account instead they put the wrong name on the account. They placed my wife’s name who is just listed on the account so she can do business transactions in my absence. Again, another example of MT banks continuing mistakes!So, M & T takes money for their mistakes, does not correct them, does not even explain them and does not provide the required information so we can get the collection company to explain them. What an effective way to make unhappy customers! I had and still offer to cover the $30.00 payment but not the $164.53 in fees due to M & T issues and mistakes. If I made the mistake I would expect to pay the fee, but since M T made the mistake they should cover the fee.Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This was a hardship as my X had left and was for me to take over the...
mortgage myself and remove him from the mortgage. I worked with an attorney and this is all covered. Since M&T has misled, I will have no other choice to talk with my attorney a file a lawsuit in regards to this matter and sue. Regards, [redacted]
t. This is, at best, yet another case of corporate carelessness and a complete lack of concern for people or, at worst, M&T Bank is a haven for liars, cheaters and thieves.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
So the answer is "The dog ate my homework?" Really? That's the response. M&T Bank is a million, if not billion, dollar corporation and they blame the Post Office for losing the mail? I notice that nowhere in the reply from M&T Bank do they include a tracking number of any kind so that we could get to the bottom of this problem or should we simply call the Post Office with no information whatsoever and ask them to make the car title appear out of thin air? What happens to M&T Bank customers when their bills aren't paid on time, when their mortgages are late or their deposits delayed, does the M&T Bank customer invent some fictional story about the Post Office being to blame? This response solves nothing. It was a car title, it was an important piece of information and something that M&T Bank was paid to send us, we kept up our end of the deal. M&T Bank got their money immediately. We were able to make sure that they got their money and - in exchange - they blame the Post Office? This is b
I am writing in response to your correspondence to the Revdex.com regarding the above referenced mortgage account. I understand that you were concerned with receiving a tax refund of $1,214.34. Please allow me to address your concerns below. I reviewed your account and confirmed that...
your loan was paid in full on November 10, 2014. Prior to your loan being paid in full, your scheduled County Tax payment of $1,214.34 was disbursed from your mortgage escrow account on November 5, 2014: Please be advised, if a written request is not received to postpone disbursement of your scheduled escrow payments, disbursements are processed as scheduled. On December 4, 2014, you contacted M&T Bank regarding the disbursement for theCounty Taxes. Per your inquiry, M&T Bank began tracking a possible refund from Solano County for a duplicate payment. We attempted to contact the tax assessor several times; however, we were unable to reach the tax assessor to review the inquiry. Upon receipt of the tax payment, Solano County automatically issued a refund to M&T Bank ("M&T") of $1,214.34 because they already received payment from your title company. On January 1, 2015, M&T mailed the refund check to you. I hope that I was able to fully address your concerns. We sincerely value your relationship with M&T Bank and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-800-724-2224, ext. 7809, with any concerns you may have. Sincerely, [redacted] Mortgage Customer Support cc: Revdex.com
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. ...
For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Jason [redacted] , the author of the business's reply letter, is consistent with M & T Bank's erroneous position that I and / or my insurance agent are at fault for failing to provide proof of insurance renewal by the deadline. Mr. [redacted] has not acknowledged that the fault lies with M & T, not with my insurance agent or me. Nor did he promise that the committed errors he wrongly denies and ignores will not be repeated. Regards, [redacted]
Your recent correspondence regarding Ms. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review and reply. As Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] obtained their loan through the Federal Housing Administration ("FHA"), M&T is required to follow the guidelines of the Department of Housing and Urban Development...
("HUD") when reviewing and processing a loan for the FHA Pre-Foreclosure Sale program. In accordance with HUD guidelines for owner-occupied properties, M&T is required to first review Pre-Foreclosure Sale applications for home retention options before reviewing for non-retention options. The retention review was completed on July 22, 2014, and deemed the [redacted] as ineligible for a Loss Mitigation home retention option. The loan was then reviewed for the Pre-Foreclosure Sale program, which per HUD's guidelines, requires that two property valuations be obtained. The first valuation is an appraisal which determines the full market value of the property. The second valuation is a Broker Price Opinion
("BPO") which validates the value determined by the appraisal. As the valuations came back within the 10% variance allowed by HUD, and the [redacted] met the other Pre-Foreclosure Sale program requirements, the Approval to Participate ("ATP") was issued September 25, 2014. At the time of approval for the Pre-Foreclosure Sale program, the $155,000 purchase offer presented in May had been withdrawn by the purchaser. The [redacted]' Agent advised M&T on October 9, 2014, that an offer of $152,000 was forthcoming; however, this offer was never presented to M&T for review. On October 24, 2014, a new purchase offer for $155,000 was received and reviewed by M&T. As per HUD guidelines, changes to the HUD-1 Settlement Statement are needed along with executed arms-length agreement(s) prior to approving this offer. This was communicated to the [redacted]' Agent on October 24, 2014, and M&T is actively working with the Agent to obtain these items.
Any additional offers must be presented for consideration until the end of the marketing period, January 23, 2015. If no qualifying offers have been received by this date, the [redacted] may then be reviewed for a Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure. The current assigned M&T Loss Mitigation Specialist, [redacted], has been in contact with both the [redacted]' and their Agent by way of e-mail. Since the [redacted]' responded to [redacted]'s e-mail communication a return call was not made. At M&T Bank, we strive to exceed our customers' expectations with superior quality and service. On behalf of M&T I would like to apologize for any inconvenience Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] may have experienced as a result of this situation. If there are any further questions please have Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] contact their Single Point of Contact ("SPOC"), [redacted] Waud, at 1-800-724-163 3. The hours of operation for this 800 number are Monday through Thursday, 8:00AM to 9:00PM, Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, and Saturday from 8:00AM to Noon, Eastern Time. Sincerely, [redacted] M&T Bank Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Regards, [redacted]
I have attached pictures of the paperwork we discussed on the phone. I have also attached the paperwork for the original date I paid for the stop payments which was 12-14-2015 & 12-15-2015, 2 weeks prior to when the charges where allowed to be debited from my account. I called to find out...
why the charges were able to clear, I was told by an M&T representative that the previous representative who filed these 3 stop payments did them incorrectly. There was not supposed to be a specific amount on the stop payment because the amount was always different when the companies charged my account. The way M&T bank is presenting the dispute on the signed papers(which I have not sent to M&T bank) is that I called the companies, [redacted] loans, [redacted], and [redacted] and told them not to charge my M&T bank account. That is not what happened. I paid M&T bank to stop payment of these charges and they let them clear anyway. I am going through a debt consolidation company to pay these companies. I needed to make sure I was not going to double pay them. I did my part by paying for the stop payments and M&T dropped the ball. They have been extremely difficult to deal with. They have allowed other stop payments to come through putting my account in the negative only to return it a full business day later. These 3 charges total $622.62 and because that money was allowed to be removed from my account, I had other charges clear that they charged me overdrafts of $38.50 per item totaling $77.00. This may not seem like a lot to M&T bank, but I am a senior citizen and it is a lot to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I was already told the matter was taken care of. And accepted that. You were unable to provide me with the information I needed when I asked, and the matter was closed as you can see through the Revdex.com website
Regards, [redacted]
Dear [redacted],Your recent correspondence regarding Mr. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review. Mr. [redacted] contacted the M&T Bank ("M&T") Telephone Banking Center on July 22, 2014, to report an unauthorized transaction in his M&T checking account. This transaction...
occurred on May 21 , 2014, in the amount of$327.11 debited by [redacted] (the "Merchant".) At that time Mr. [redacted] advised he paid for business leads for real estate prospects but did not receive the services stated on the contract. The Telephone Banking Representative filed a dispute per Mr. [redacted]'s request. On July 23, 2014, M&T provisionally credited Mr. [redacted]'s account with $327.11 while an investigation was performed. M&T reached out to the Merchant with Mr. [redacted]'sexplanation of services not received. On September 11, 2014, the Merchant advised M&T that Mr. [redacted] did receive the services promised. As a result, M&T mailed a letter to Mr. [redacted] asking him to review the information received by the Merchant and to respond to M&T within ten (10) business days. M&T did not receive a response. As a result, Mr. [redacted]'s dispute was denied on September 25, 2014. A letter was mailed to him the same day advising him the provisional credit would be removed on October 2, 2014. A fax was received at M&T on October 1, 2014, from Mr. [redacted] related to the dispute. As a result, the reversal of provisional credit set to take place on October 2, 2014, was delayed as M&T reviewed the information provided. After the fax was reviewed it was determined by M&T that no new information was provided and the dispute would remain denied. A denial letter was mailed to Mr. [redacted] on October 27, 2014, to advise the provisional credit would be reversed on November 3, 2014. On November 6, 2014, Mr. [redacted] attempted to reopen the dispute. However, Mr. [redacted] now alleges he was overcharged, whereas originally he alleged he did not receive services provided and made no mention regarding the amount charged. Based on the agreement already received from the Merchant, M&T did not honor Mr. [redacted]'s request to reopen this dispute. At this time the dispute remains closed. However, as a courtesy to Mr. [redacted], I have reversed one (1) overdraft fee received as a result of the above noted dispute. A total of $38.50 was credited to Mr. [redacted]'s account on December 2, 2014. Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate
Dear [redacted],
Your recent correspondence regarding Ms. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review and reply. On August 8, 20I4, Ms. [redacted] contacted the M&T Bank ("M&T") Telephone Banking Center to report a malfunction at an M&T ATM. Ms. [redacted] informed the representative that as...
she was making a cash and check deposit at the ATM located on Ritchie Highway in Baltimore, Maryland, the machine began to malfunction and although the machine took her deposits, her account was not credited the $I35.68 check deposit and the $700 cash deposit. The Telephone Banking Representative filed a dispute for Ms. [redacted] and submitted the dispute for investigation. M&T issued Ms. [redacted] provisional credit in the amount of $835.68 on August 12, 2014, while the investigation continued. M&T then monitored the ATM referenced above for an overage. On August 12, 2014, the check Ms. [redacted] deposited was located. However, as M&T already provided Ms. [redacted]' account with the amount of both the check and the cash deposit, no additional funds were credited. The ATM Dispute Team was notified of the check finding and therefore, continued to investigate the $700 cash deposit. The A TM machine was monitored once a week through September 10, 2014, and no overage was found. As a result, the dispute was denied on September 11, 2014. Ms. [redacted] was mailed a letter advising her dispute was denied and the provisional credit would be removed on September 18, 2014. The provisional reversal on September 18, 20 I4, was for the amount of $700. The $135.68 remained as this check was located as notated above. After receiving the denial letter, Ms. [redacted] responded to M&T via mail correspondence with a request to reopen the dispute. M&T reviewed her request and confirmed the correct ATM was monitored and no overage was found after five (5) weeks. However, the machine was checked again and an overage was located in the amount of $700 and on September 19, 2014, Ms. [redacted]' account was credited with the $700. Upon further review of Ms. [redacted] account it is important to note that all overdraft fees associated with the missing deposits have been refunded. On behalf of M&T, I apologize for the delay in resolution. I hope this information has been
helpful. Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. M&T bank has continued to refuse to acknowledge that I have been a good customer and have never been late on a payment. I missed the September payment because of an oversight on my part, and have asked them to agree to adjust my credit report out of goodwill since this missed payment was obviously an accident and it does not accurately reflect my likeliness of ever missing another payment in the future (as mentioned before, I have not been late on any payments to anyone in over 25 years). This company keeps reciting the dates of notifications to me (although I have already stated I which ones I received, the others I did not receive for reasons unknown), and side-stepping what I have stated is most important to me, which my credit report. Credit reports should let others agencies determine the relative risk of lending to a customer, and reporting a 30 day late payment does not help M&T, other agencies, or myself. I have proven that I am reliable and highly unlikely to ever miss a payment in the future, and this missed payment was purely accidental and an isolated incident. I am aware of the fair credit reporting act that M&T keeps quoting, however I am also aware that they are able to make an adjustment out of goodwill so that my credit report does not reflect a 30-day late payment. I would understand their unwillingness to do this if I were someone that often does not make on time payments, but I am not one of those people and I believe that any company that truly values good customers would be willing to forgive a single, isolated oversight. Regards, [redacted]
Dear [redacted],Your recent correspondence regarding Mr. [redacted] was brought to my attentionfor review and reply. Per Mr. [redacted]'s correspondence he states his available balance onFriday, November 14, 2014, was sufficient enough to cover the transactions purchased over theweekend; however...
he became overdrawn and received several overdraft fees.It is important to note that on November I 0, 2014, Mr. [redacted] changed his account electionvia www.mtb.com to not allow M&T Bank ("M&T") to authorized and pay A TM and everydaydebit card transactions when sufficient funds are not available in his account.Mr. [redacted]'s start-of-the-day balance on November 14,2014, was $101.09. Two ATMwithdrawals posted in the amounts of $10 and $15. In addition, a total of five (5) purchases weremade on November 14, 2014, via Mr. [redacted]'s debit card totaling $66.28 (note thatgenerally debit card purchases do not post to an account the same day they are authorized). Atthe time the debit card and ATM transactions were authorized, Mr. [redacted] had sufficientfunds in his account. A $53 automated ACH debit from "[redacted]" posted during batchprocessing. With the two posted ATM transactions and the [redacted] transaction, Mr.[redacted]'s balance was reduced to $23.09.On November 16, 2014 at I1: 19PM, Mr. [redacted] changed his election to 'yes' to authorizeM&T to pay overdrafts on everyday debit card and A TM transactions. At 11 :30pm on November16, 2014 (a non-business day), Mr. [redacted] made a $285 ATM withdrawal againstinsufficient funds.On Monday, November 17, 2014, the $66.28 in debit card transactions noted above postedduring M&T's nightly batch processing as did the $285 ATM withdrawal. As Mr. [redacted]'saccount indicated a ' yes ' election, M&T was authorized to pay items and assess overdraft fees onATM and everyday debit card transactions. As such, on November 18,2014, Mr. [redacted]'saccount was assessed four (4) overdraft fees, bringing the account balance to negative $520.69.As no deposit was made to his account within five (5) business days, an Extended Overdraft Feeof $38.50 was assessed on November 24, 2014.On November 25, 2014, Mr. [redacted] contacted the M&T Telephone Banking Centerregarding the overdraft fees. At that time his request for a refund was refused as no bank erroroccurred. Mr. [redacted] also requested to change his election to no, which was doneimmediately. However, on November 27, 2014, Mr. [redacted]'s election was changed to yesvia www.mtb.com, and has been changed four times again since then.Although no bank error occurred, as a courtesy, I have refunded the Extended Overdraft Fee andtwo (2) additional overdraft fees. A total of $115.50 was credited on December 08, 2014. It isrecommended that Mr. [redacted] maintain his "No" election to avoid a similar situation in thefuture.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Care SpecialistOffice of the Customer Advocate
Dear [redacted],
Your recent correspondence regarding Mr. [redacted] was brought to my attention for review and reply. On September 17, 20 14, Mr. [redacted] contacted M&T Bank ("M&T") with a request to apply for a Home Equity Line of Credit ("HELOC"). The application was taken via...
telephone with a Telephone Sales Representative. On September 18, 2014, M&T Underwriters reviewed Mr. [redacted]'s credit history. Upon their review they discovered Mr. [redacted] filed for Bankruptcy in 2010, a late mark was showing on his mortgage account in 2014, and several delinquencies on other accounts were showing in 2012. As a result of these findings, along with a high revolving usage and recent inquiries, the application was denied and a declination letter was mailed to him. On October 1, 2014, Mr. [redacted] contacted M&T's Consumer Credit Department advising the information related to the late mark on the mortgage and delinquencies in 2012 was incorrect. Mr. [redacted] also advised that he recently filed a complaint with Experian regarding the incorrect information on his credit report, and that Experian removed the incorrect information. As a result, Mr. [redacted] requested that M&T re-review his application. Per his request, Mr. [redacted]'s application was re-reviewed by the M&T Underwriters on October 8, 2014. Although the delinquencies from 2012 and the late mark on the mortgage from 2014 were removed, the application remains denied as a result of the Bankruptcy filed in 2010, high revolving usage and
several recent inquiries. A new declination letter will be sent to Mr. [redacted] reflecting the above declination reasons. I hope this clarifies the matter.
Sincerely, Customer Care Specialist Office of the Customer Advocate
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. M&T had an agent call us about two weeks ago. I can't remember her name, Lori, maybe but they had another rep call us. They didn't have the [redacted] agent call us or the [redacted] agent call us. Again, they send in another agent that basically reads from a manual. She repeated the same thing after I'd ask her a question. No, she was no help. And NO, I never referenced a 'second' mortgage on this loan. [redacted] asked me about it, I have the email to prove, when we had our second offer on the house. She wanted to know why there was a second mortgage showing on this house. I had thought M&T put this on our home but she said no it must have been [redacted]. I asked [redacted] to call [redacted] herself since they wouldn't talk to us after M&T bought out mortgage. So I had to go through all our M&T statements to see how far back this showed on 'their' billing statements and it started showing up on our M&T statement in December 2013. I am still totally confused on this and it would be nice if someone would call and go step by step on all of this. But again, when they call the rep has some script they are reading from. They always says this is how the HUD guidelines go. Ok, so how long do we have to drag this out. And yes they will be waiting on an October 2014 payment because the email sent to us, by [redacted], states we have to be 30 days delinquent at the signing of our contract if house is selling. BUT, how will we ever know when the house will sell. We thought one of the last offers would've gone through so not paying in October would've been our 30 days delinquent if they finally would've accepted the offer. David and I can't afford two house payments and if they would've taken the MAY offer of CASH of $155,000 we wouldn't have needed to be delinquent in the first place. I am sorry to all of this has happened, but unfortunately it did. We tried since February 2012 to sell this house and pay off this mortgage. I can't help that this company bought a delinquent mortgage but we had complied with every thing they asked us to do since July/August 2013. Now as it sits we have to wait for a DIL deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. Which we hope won't take 3-6 months like everything else this company has dragged out. I understand that every company has guidelines that they have to follow. I am truly sorry that we couldn't pay our mortgage for 6 months and even sorry now that we can't continue to pay on a house we don't live in. I am even sorrier that we tried to do the noble thing by trying to sell it FSBO in February 2012-June 2012. Then with the agent that sold us the house in June 2012. We then went on to our second agent in January 2013 thru June 2013 with not one single offer. All these times it was listed for $179000; which is $14,000 more than it just appraised for in September 2014. We listed it with our third agent this past March, 2014. WE HAVE tried and tried to get this house sold to pay off our debt. Now here we are ending another year. This company had one offer in May, another in September and then the same people again in October. I feel this company has screwed up and now this house will sell probably close to $140-$145,000, at best. This house will probably sit due to the issues we had with our next door neighbor too. Again, documented by all 3 agents that had our house listed.For now we are leaving it as we have to wait for the DIL. I do hope this process won't take long, but as usual I asked the agent how long this would take and she couldn't give me a time frame. What a shocker! I want to thank Revdex.com for at least trying, but I'm guessing we will get screwed over. [redacted]