Midas Auto Service Reviews (143)
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Address: 2880 Highway 80 E, Pearl, Mississippi, United States, 39208-3407
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Review: misrepresentation, unreasonable delays, avoidance, lying, failing to reply to written requests, overcharging, failing to honor advertised pricing, and potential fraud.Desired Settlement: Refund of $305.52 (price paid on June 2, 2015) for front break job and the performance of rear break job inclusive of all parts and labor.
In response to ID #10925439. we have had many conversation with mr b[redacted] about his concerns. me and my gm. and corporate have addressed all his allegation. he still keep stating we have not. he brought his car to us a few times for brake. one time he ask me to est, all four rotors and brake calipers.to see how mutch all of those would cost, he at that time only needed pads and rotor on front of car, we noticed left front caliper had torn seal or dust boot. he declined caliper repair and only wanted pad and rotor front, when he returned a years later his file showed all caliper and rotors. he than questioned why he need all of those repairs. I explained to him what was needed again and showed him the caliper on left front still has seal damage. in the repair manuel for m.a. p standards of service any torn or missing dust seal should be fixed.he declined again to fix caliper, and requested pads and front rotors only. he received free pads and a discount on labor and two rotors on front only. he has stated we tried to over sell him and our prices are to high.after we did those repairs. what we charged him for service not only is very cheap but discounted more than we are allowed to . I am Sorry for the way he fells and I have reached out to him many times. he does not seem to remember what he stated when he was in the shop and is telling us we ripped him off. we don’t feel this is the case. we even had a three way phone call with corporate going over all his concerns he never asked for his money back until this letter. please feel free to call me at [redacted] my name is j[redacted].
Review: 10925439
I am rejecting this response because:
My computer is in the shop. I will have it back by Friday and will provide you a full complete response with documentation to the reply you received from Midas. In short the reply you received from Midas contains more half truths, deceptive answers and lies than truth.
I am writing this note with deep regret that Mr. B[redacted] is unhappy with our service. we have tried to take care of him the best we can . he claims over charge for brake repair, in fact the price he paid was heavily discounted. free brake pads and discounted labor and parts. he has indicated our staff worked on his car very fast and he should not pay for service because we are faster than the book time calls for, book time is a standard rate of charge for a set service and again this was discounted to him that day. market price for this repair is far more than he paid. he has stated another shop would charge less, this may be the case of cheaper products or service offered how ever. we feel he has tried to make this a issue of price and over selling service. this is not true and I believe we have his best interest in mind. if he can return all parts not worn or damaged I would be willing to refound his parts cost only . this does not sound like that possible because he drives his car. I don’t believe it is fair for him to expect a total refund while he has been using the parts that he purchased from the shop. now he does not seem to remember the conversation we had about the service he requested years ago for parts not needed. his car as I remember still has a bad dust seal on a caliper which should be repaired, but his brake have not failed so he has indicated it not needed. we pride ourselves on being honest and fair, after all we are here for him. I can be reached at [redacted] for any further discussion. please be advised I believe this is getting to a point of harassment by Mr. B[redacted]. and I am sorry he feels the was not a fair and just repair on his car but we don’t see that we did only what he asked us to do ............. case #10925439.
Review: 10925439
I am rejecting this response because:
This is my reply to the most recent comments from MIDAS. 1- The person responding to my complaint (which I presume to be J[redacted], the owner of the shop) wrote that he is “writing with deep regret that I am unhappy…” If he wrote this with deep regret or with any regret at all, why would the respondent fail to act on the promise he made to me in our last phone conversation? His commitment to me was to provide me with the written reply to the multiple issues I brought to his attention in the letter I sent to Midas corporate, in June and again in August of this year. Both of these letters were sent months before the respondent and I had the phone conversation wherein he promised to provide me with his written reply. That conversation included the respondent committing to provide me with a written reply within an agreed upon timeframe. A conversation that included a third party, a representative from Midas corporate. This comment appears to me to be little more than another in a pattern of examples of misleading and deceptive replies provided by the respondent. 2 The information I provided the Revdex.com clearly reflects that if the respondent believes “we have tried to take care of him…” then I would have received the written reply he committed to provide memonths ago. Once again this comment appears to me to be little more than another in a series of misleading and deceptive replies.3- “Price” is not and never has been the primary reason behind my complaint. It may be convenient for the respondent to focus his reply on price since he cannot support the action and lack of action by everyone at Midas, starting with the respondent and going up to the COO at Midas. That said what I paid for the work done at this Midas location was one of more than a half dozen points addressed in the two copies of my letter sent to Midas Corporate. The very same letter that despite his commitment to do so the respondent has never responded to. For the respondent to try to make it seem as if price was my reason for filing a complaint is nothing more than another misleading and deceptive reoly. The Revdex.com is in possession of a copy of the letter referred to that the respondent has not replied to. I believe the facts speak for themselves.4- In his reply the respondent mentioned: “book time” and “standard rates” and “market price” as if any of these were topics I raised. Not one of these topics appear in my letter to Midas or in my complaint to the Revdex.com. They do however appear in the respondents’ replies to the Revdex.com, perhaps in an attempt to draw attention away from the respondents’ lack of facts in support of his position and his failures including his failure to live up to his commitment to do what he said he would do. Nothing new here, just another in a series of misleading and deceptive statements.5- In his reply the respondent mentioned things like “he has stated another shop would charge less and this may be the case of cheaper products or service offered…” What I actually stated is this: “The entire brake job I had done at MIDAS in Simi Valley on June 2, 2015, (replacing two front pads and replacing the two front rotors) took less than one hour. For that I was charged $160.00 for labor. Maybe this is the real cost related to the MIDAS free brake pads for life program. This charge seems twice the labor charge it should have been for less than an hour of labor and much more than it ever has been at MIDAS in the past. I guess the old saying is true: “There is no such thing as a free brake pads lunch.” I don’t see a single reference to another shop here, but that fact didn’t stop the respondent from providing the Revdex.com with yet another misleading and deceptive comment.6- It only serves to make my point that the respondent would say something as absurd as: “I believe we have his best interest in mind.” If failing at every opportunity to live up to his commitment, failing to answer my questions or doing anything besides write two replies to the Revdex.com that were deceptive and misleading, than I would have to agree with the respondent, he has had my best interest in mind.7- The respondent stated that: “if he can return his parts not worn or damaged I would be willing to refund his parts costs only.”a. Where do I start? First the respondent has failed to mention a relevant fact anywhere in either of his two replies to the Revdex.com. That fact is that the rotors (half of the parts associated with the work his shop performed) were free, not because the respondent is / was a benevolent business owner, or he gave me a good deal, as his reply implies, but because I paid Midas a premium price up front years ago for the right to receive free replacement of the rotors on this car for as long as I own the car. Once again the reply you received is deceptive and misleading while at the same time managing to include what I believe may be the respondents most bizarre and ridiculous statement to date.b. The respondent stated: “We pride ourselves on being honest and fair, after all we are here for him.” I have no idea what “after all we are here for him” means in the context of this complaint. Clearly the respondent and I differ on our definition of the words honest and fair. I. My definition of honest includes: free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere, morally correct or even a little virtuous. ii. My definition of fair includes: just or appropriate, without trying to achieve unjust advantage.c. The respondent mentioned he believes this is getting close to the point of harassment. Given this statement I looked up the definition of the word “harassment”. It reads: “aggressive pressure or intimidation.” Where is the aggressive pressure, where is the intimidation?If the facts of this complaint show anything they reflect a respondent that since June of this years has done nothing to move towards a settlement. In fact the record shows that he has done the opposite in his ongoing attempts to deceive the Revdex.com, deflect the focus away from the issues, ignore facts, and by failing to reply as he promised.It is my opinion that in the roughly six months since I first contacted Midas that facts clearly reflect that no one at Midas at the Simi location or at the corporate level has addressed my complaint with me or with the Revdex.com professionally, honestly, sincerely, or fairly.Since Midas has been unwilling to open a dialog regarding a settlement here is my proposal to settle this matter: J[redacted] at the Simi Midas location and Roger Bell from corporate provide me their own type written apology. These apologies will be in my possession on or before December 21, 2015. That is it. No money need change hands. Provide me with the apologies I am requesting. Apologies that satisfy me by addressing no less than the following seven topics in my possession on or before December 21, 2015 and we will be done. These apologies will include:1- J[redacted] acknowledging the pattern of misleading and deceptive replies.2- J[redacted] acknowledging (A) I did not meet with him at his shop after the work was done in June AND (B) I never accused him of ripping me off.3- J[redacted] acknowledging his failure to keep his commitment and provide me with a written reply to my letter dated June 17, 2015.4- J[redacted] acknowledging the mistake his shop made on multiple occasions telling me I needed work done on my car that was not needed.5- J[redacted] acknowledging I have not harassed him or his business.6- J[redacted] acknowledging his failure to act professionally and in a business manner throughout this process.7- Roger acknowledging his role in this by failing to keep his word and get back to me after our initial phone conversation and his failure to reply to my two follow up text messages to him when I did not receive his follow up call.That is it. Proof that money was not and is not the issue or the reason behind me filing my complaint with the Revdex.com. That said, if the respondent would prefer to continue to make his position about money I would be willing to consider ending this by either of the following options in lieu of my receipt of the two apologies on or before December 21, 2015:1- Midas will perform the break job on the rear axle of my car at a date and Midas location of my choosing with Midas picking up the cost for all of the parts and labor that J[redacted]’s shop stated were needed back in June 2015.2- Here is a third option I would consider: Midas sends me a cashier’s check for $305.52, the amount I paid Midas in June 2015, with that check in my possession on or beforeDecember 21, 2015.I end my reply to the Revdex.com by asking you the same question I ask myself every time I read an email, text or letter from J[redacted] at Midas: “What am I missing?” In his replies to the Revdex.com the respondent has made false statements, ignored facts, failed to respond to specifics, failed to acknowledge any mistakes, let alone any wrong doing. He has also failed to offer any type of a settlement that would move this to a conclusion, at the same time failing to acknowledge the commitment he made and has not kept while routinely attempting to mislead and draw attention away from the real issues when writing to the Revdex.com.
Review: For two front brakes I took the car to midas. For checking He([redacted]) took all the tires off, told me needs a rotor, will cost $390. dollars. I refused, and I said I take to somewhere else. He said he can not put the tires back it is dangerous to drive, I can tow it to your house withyour expense. This is my first complain, that why was I forced to accepthis offer. Why could not put back the tires and why was he so concerned for my safety, as an adult I can decide about my safety. In that moment I finally said all right go ahead and do it. In couple of hours when I wentback to take the car he said He has to change one caliper, which will costanother $390.00 dollars,I was so upset again I told him put it back together I do not want anything to be changed, he said I do not know what to do with you people(means my husbant and I) it was so insulting. Finally my bill came to $821.94 when I told him I do not wish his concern for my safety but I was in a bad spot. finally I asked for replaced parts He said I have to pay $55.00 dollars for old changed caliper and he trashed theold rotor.Please look into this, how someone can take advantage of vulnerability ofan elderly and make her to pay that much for two front brakes. and if it was absolutely safety issue why I was forced to decide right at the spotinstead of putting the wheels back. I wanted to take the car back, the price he gave me was $380.00 which Icould not affordDesired Settlement: an apology and return the old parts caliber and rotor, and overcharged amount.I have no ability to upload the document but if you provide me a fax number I can fax it to you.
Review: 9948387
I am rejecting this response because:He is not telling the truth, he did not suggest to put the car together, did not give me a chance to take it for another estimate, he overcharged me and did not return the rotors. he is very dishonest business person. I am not happy with the lies he puts in his letters. I have nothing to do with him I expect the company (Midas) to review and retuen the overcharged amount and replaced rotor.
Review: I brought my 2011 Jeep Cherokee to have my left rear turn signal replaced yesterday (1 July, 2013). After the work was completed and I paid, I left the premises and returned to work. When I got to my office, I went to open the rear tailgate of my vehicle and noticed the shocks on it were no longer working. I went back to the Midas service center in [redacted], VA and explained to them what had happened. The manager instructed me to return the next day (2 July, 2013) at 9:00am and they would fix the problem. I returned and one of the cashiers took a look at my vehicle and stated they would not fix it because it could not be determined if their mechanics were the ones who caused the damage due to the parts being mechanical and not electrical. My liftgate worked fine before I brought my vehicle into this service center and now it's broken. He stated I would have to find my own mechanic and bring them to the buisness for them to make an assessment that the damage was caused by their service center. For the left rear turn signal to be replaced, the lifgate would have to be open. If it was broken before that, wouldn't the mechanic have said something? I explained to the clerk that I was going to file a Revdex.com complaint and his reponse was "Fine, that's not going to do anything, but go ahead". My vehicle has less then 40k miles on it and liftgates need a reason to break IE being overextended, or forced up. It is my belief that the mechanic who worked on my vehicle damaged the lift gate while replacing the left rear turn signal and now the service center is refusing to pay for it.Desired Settlement: I have already scheduled an appointment at the Chrysler Jeep dealership in [redacted], VA to have the parts replaced and fixed. I am requesting that either the Midas shop does this before my appointment (10 July, 2013) or reimburses me for the costs of the parts and labor for the repair (estimated at $235).
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