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Address: 2880 Highway 80 E, Pearl, Mississippi, United States, 39208-3407
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The complaint is not coming from the owner of the vehicleOur courtesy inspection does not address rust issues as the State of Ct does not have a safety requirement for passenger vehiclesWhen we are repairing vehicles we sometimes find major issues and advise the customer not to drive the vehicleThis did occur in the [redacted] store this weekWe advised a customer not to repair the vehicle and park itIn regards to this complaint the vehicle was in at the very beginning of JuneWe have no way of knowing what condition the vehicle was in at that pointIt may have a rust covering the the places that are now holesBased in the pictures I have seen it appears that a sub frame replacement would get the vehicle back on the roadIt is an unfortunate situation,but he customer is indeed responsible to repair the rust issue regardless of when or where it was found
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThe problem will be settled once I receive my gift card for oil changes, tire rotations, and courtesy checks in the mail Sincerely, [redacted] ***
Complaint: I am rejecting this response because:Complainant’s response to the business in regards to complaint #11255574.From: A [redacted] *** It seems to be counter-productive because, after reading J***’s comments, this is going to be more about me having to defend myself against all the lies that are in his statementIn all of my years, anyone who knows me, has ever known me, everyone I’ve worked for and with would confirm that I am never verbally abusive to anyone, I do not lie-and certainly not for $I apologize for a lengthy statement, but each lie of J***’s requires an explanation HERE IS THE BUSINESS’ STATEMENT (in black) AND MY REPLIES (in red): She replied she had the car at another repair shop and they stated she had a leak behind the grill of her PT cruiser and it would take removing the front grill to fixI never said either of those thingsNo one said there was a leak “behind the grill” because no one had done a thorough check of the AC at that point .Midas was the firstI told her that is where the condenser is on that car and it is a big job to do thatShe stated she had spent dollars on the car at other shop and they could not do ac workTrueMy mechanics do not have equipment to work on ACs.I again told for thirty dollar we can check it for her and see if that was trueShe brought car to me and I checked car and found no Freon in system and found no leakHe didn’t find Freon in the system because I had already told him it had leaked out slowly over several months And he “found no leak” because he didn’t check for leaksHe stopped checking when he found the high pressure switch was broken.I discovered no power getting to compressor and I went into the office to explain and she became combative and insulting me stating we charge too much money and she does not want to put to much money in this car because she was selling itEverything in the above sentence is, in fact, a lieI never was combative with him and I never insulted himWHY would I do either when all that happened was: he told me the broken switch was the problem and I believed himBut his price seemed high, so I paid the $and leftAlso, I just paid more than $to fix everything on the car so I could sell it with good conscience.I explained that in a few minutes I would be able to tell her what was wrong and that it was not what she had stated was wrong,I never “stated anything was wrong” because I had NO idea what the problem wasI was counting on him to tell me since that’s what I was paying forThis is another of his lies.the car was out of Freon and had no power going to compressor, I found the pressure switch broken not holding tight to connection She than stated some time when hitting bumps it workedThat comment is beyond ridiculous nonsenseI never said it would work when I “hit bumps.” I am not that ignorant, and where in Simi are there any bumps to hit? I simply had told him it had been once in a while, but not consistently for quite some time but the car had no Freon in itThis will not work without FreonPossibly other shop let it out while working on it, No one let the Freon outI had told him the Freon had been leaking out on its own for monthsThe “other shop” had not touched the AC because he told me ahead of time he is not equipped to work on ACsand possibly they broke the switchI mentioned the switch to my mechanic who’d worked on the car and he said it is possible it may have accidentally broken while he was working on it He drove me home, went to buy me a new switch, installed it, and picked me up when he was done next day, all at NO COST TO MEI quoted her dollars to replace switch and service or fill the felon.Not true, his estimate was $for the part, a total of $to fixI am certain of that priceShe kept insulting me.This comment is nothing less than made up nonsenseI never insulted him or anyone elseI just don’t do thatWe had absolutely no disagreements, disputes or conflict between us at that pointHe’d simply given me a price and I declined, paid the $and leftThat is ALL that happened So why would insults or verbal abuse be necessary???I asked her what she would like me to do she stated she would pay for the diagnosis onlyTake Freon back outFreqn was added during course of inspection to check for leaksWith all due respect, I don’t see how a thorough inspection could have been done for leaks because my car was in there less than minutes, I remember that clearly because I was surprised when he came out with a diagnosis so quicklyHe made no further investigationOnce they discovered the broken switch and insisted that was the cause of my non-working AC, they concluded their inspection After a day went buy she called my service tech and asked if she could bring car back and put on the lift and show her the part that was brokenThat is not true eitherI did not ask him to do thatThat mechanic invited me to bring the car in and he would gladly show me the switchI was very appreciative and thanked him profusely.We did at no charge and we noticed someone tried to strap the broken part togetherI had taken the car next door to Midas to have it checked at Frigi-KingThe mechanic there simply plugged the switch back inHe told me it’s highly unlikely that the switch was why I was not getting cold airThen again she started insulting remarks stating she went on u tube and she could fix it herselfThat the part at auto zone was only dollarsI am going to repeat: I never insulted himWHY would I just start insulting someone? And I did not say I could fix that lower switch myself; I said I could fix the switch on top, because I saw on a YouTube video how easily the top switch is removed and replaced Once again, J [redacted] is distorting the facts.and I was a bad man and every one she talks to says I’m not niceA “bad man” ?? I would never use such a juvenile termJ [redacted] seems to lie with great ease and no conscience; I can now see why, at other shops and parts stores, he has such a bad reputation.I explained I am only trying help her fix her acshe called my corporate manager and stated we or I did not diagnosis the car and want her money backThat is true; they did not give a proper diagnosis, which is what I paid forThe switch was broken, and they could have broken it, but I could not prove that, so I said nothing about itHowever, that switch is NOT why I don’t get cold airI called her to discuss this and she was irate and should not let me talk He has definitely gotten this BACKWARDSWHY would I be “irate”? Truth is, he attacked me as soon as I said “hello,” and he completely dominated the conversation so I could not speak He did not call to discuss this, he called because he believed I was going around bad-mouthing him at other shops and parts storesWhen I discuss matters with anyone, I give them respect and equal time to speak without interrupting themThat was not possible with J***, so I had to hang up, but I told him I was going to before I didBut he was too busy ranting to hear me tell him I was hanging up.so I apologized to her stating He absolutely never apologized to meHow many lies are we at now?I was sorry she felt the way she did and she hung up on meThere was never any “sorry” from him never a kind word.I checked with the shop she stated she went toI never told him which shop I went to, so that’s a lieHow does he know where I went? He said he saw my car next door at Frigi-KingI went there because they had been recommended to me by others at parts stores and shops who don’t do ACs.and they told me they refused to fix her ac because of her verbal abuseOf all the LIES in this statement, this is the absolute MOST B.SNO ONE refused to fix my AC, especially not Frigi-KingThey invited me to come back if I wanted them to fix itMost importantly, they would confirm that I was not verbally abusive to anyone thereAgain, why would I be? Actually, I was very grateful to them and thanked them profusely for the time they gave me.It was there, when I asked if they would recommend Midas, I was told: “I would never let them touch my car, let me put it that way.” J [redacted] said he’d spoken to “the guys I’d been to,” but that also is a lie because how could he possibly know where I’d been? I didn’t go to other shops and say negative or derogatory things about J [redacted] or Midas, my focus was on getting prices for parts and labor.And she took the car to a shop next to them and the same thing happenedI have no idea why he lied about this because the only contact I had with the place next to Frigi-King was to ask if someone could check my AC because I thought they were Frigi-KingHe simply told me who to speak to and that’s all that was said between usSo it’s impossible for them to have said I had been abusiveAgain: WHY WOULD I BE VERBALLY ABUSIVE TO THEM? ***(Please consider this: According to J***, I’d been going around town being verbally abusive to everyoneDoes that make sense? WHY would I be abusive to them? I was asking for an estimate for my AC and nothing elseNo one was disrespectful to me, nor was I to themJ [redacted] has blown this entire situation very far out of proportion to what actually did happen.He was extremely rude to one of his mechanics who simply came in to ask a question and J [redacted] reprimanded him unmercifully in front of me that is extremely unprofessional, as well as being disrespectful to that mechanicThat is how J [redacted] seems to be with people; it’s how he was with me, and he is now trying to make it appear, in his statement, that I am the same wayI regret this complaint and I do not wish to discuss this further I consider this abuse of my service and a personal attack on my shop for no reason but to extort money.“Extort” money? Obviously J [redacted] is not well educatedExtortion is to try to take money from someone by using force, threats and by causing duressNone of that is going on hereI simply asked for that $refund because I did not get the diagnosis I paid for, they simply found a broken switch, blamed it on the switch and J [redacted] refuses to admit he is wrongSo: What did I get for my $30???? Regards, A [redacted] ***
From: [redacted] < [redacted] @***.com>Date: Mon, Jun 22, at 11:AMSubject: complaint-midas mtpoconoTo: " [redacted] @myRevdex.com.org" < [redacted] @myRevdex.com.org>on 6/12/met with mike J [redacted] manenger at midas,he told me my rear and axels were heated up and and needed to be replaced,he told me he had nation wide access to junk yards for the axel rear unit that he said I needed ,He said they come with month 12,mile warentyMike said he would call me when he found something,because it is midas policy that the custermer must call the junk yard to pay for it and have it shipped to midas for them to install itI was home from work with a wrist injury 6/15-6/waiting by my house and cell phone for a call from midas saying they found something,then on Friday 6/at 3pm mike called and said my van was fixed and redy to pick up.I went down Saturday to pick it up,they installed rear and axel unit with 90,miles on it and it only came with months 3,mile warenty, when I asked why they did not call me like we had talked about,He said they found this one and the owner of that midas said to put it inI had no clue this was happening until I got the phone call Friday afterI paid them $for the work with my credit card,which I had no choice,I have to be able to get to work.So with the$and the original $for the pinion seal which was only prevenative maintenance ,I have a total of$1,038.41.If they did not screw installing the new pinion seal and refilling the differential then I would not be writing this nowmy oppion is that they did not call me so they could cover up their mistakes,so now with a month warrenty it sounds like I could go through this all over again by the end of the summerHere is my new complaint, I want to be paid back the $1,and I want the rear differential and axels totally rebuilt with brand new parts at another service garage,not midas,and I want midas to pay for it thank you [redacted]
To whom it may concern, We have made multiple attempts to rectify this situation, but the customer has been non-responsive to our correspondenceWe have tried to contact Mr [redacted] by telephone, and our most recent attempt is the message I have attached to this emailIf you have any insight as to how we can rectify this, we are more than ready and willing to help Mr [redacted] to the best of our abilityThank you for your time and consideration Warmest Regards, Alicia [redacted] A [redacted] Service Advisor/Office Manager+++++++++++++++++++++++ [redacted] Hello Mr[redacted] , It has come to our attention that we did not meet your expectations during your last visit at our [redacted] locationWe are terribly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused youWe would like the opportunity to better communicate with you regarding the way in which your vehicle was handled When you came in for your grinding brakes, we determined you needed pads and rotors for the front of the vehiclePrior to installation we could not hear the other noise we noticed upon your second arrival hereThe noise we heard was a wheel bearing noise; to the technician the noise overpowered any squeaking he was looking forAs far as the brakes are concerned, they are in working order, but are breaking in currently, which is going to cause some squeaking I spoke with the Manger of the [redacted] Midas location about your current situation, and we decided to try replacing your brake pads againThat is the only suggestion that would currently be availableSadly, brake pads squeaking after being changed is rather common, and sometimes, this is the only way to rectify that problemWe would love the opportunity to resolve the nuisances you are experiencing; at no cost to you we will install a new set of brake padsIf you need further clarification please let us knowHave a wonderful day and thank you for your time and consideration If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, or if you would like to discuss this matter further please contact us at [redacted] Warmest Regards, Alicia [redacted] A***Service Advisor/Office Manager
I had an appointment 10/16/19 for 4 new tires which on 10/15/19 @ 5:25 pm stores closes at 6pm I was told the tires I wanted was in stock an could be installed on 10/16/19 at 10:30 am. I arrived at the location 6710 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd. Liberty township, Ohio. after being
t. This store does not know what the other hand is doing and highly recommend not doing business with this location unless the Company goes in and cleans house.
their for about 15 min the guy came out and told be the tires that were in stock just less than 15 hours ago 35 min before the store closed for the night went out on 10/15/19 I said bull s
Unsatisfied customer which had to reschedule his day to replace his tires which turned out not to be unnecessary.
in response to Revdex.com case #***
On Aug the 14th *** *** solicited
our services to replace a driver side wheel bearing in which she had
stated to the owner that two other shops refused to work on her
vehicleThe Bearing was replaced per her request with no
In November of Mrs*** returned to the shop with a compliant
of a noise and believed it to be the other wheel bearingA year
technician drove her vehicle and examined the vehicle on lift and did
not feel like the noise she was hearing was coming from the wheel
bearing and suggest it may be just a tire noiseAt no time did
anyone offer to sell her tiresIt was advised that she drive the
vehicle a little longer until the noise become more pronounced
On November the 24th Mrs ***
approached me in the local *** to express her disappointment that
we did not want to work on her vehicle and that her tires were fairly
newI explained to her that the technician was just being honest and
didn’t feel like her bearing was making the noise but bring the
vehicle back and I will personally get involved with the diagnosis
On November the 25thMrs*** came to the shop
and we personally test drove the vehicle so we both could agree on
the noise she was hearingAfter a couple simple road test I too
wasn’t sure the wheel bearing was the cause of the faint noise she
complained ofI explained to her we would put the vehicle on the
lift and I would get another technicians opinion of the noiseAfter
a complete evaluation of her vehicle at no charge by a second
technician the same one that replaced the first bearing, agreed that
he wasn’t completely 100% that the noise was coming from the wheel
bearing and that he could hear a faint noise in the hub but couldn’t
be 100% considering noises can travel through the drive train of a
vehicle but felt the bearing would be a good place to start consider
she just had one replacedMrs *** was notified of our finding and
agreed to change the wheel bearingThe procedure to remove and
replace the wheel bearing has a industry standard time of around
hours so the vehicle was repaired and available for pick up that day
To assure Mrs*** satisfaction we took a minute test drive
through town and on the interstate,she agreed the vehicle was fixed
On February 6th I received a phone call
from Mrs*** stating that the wheel bearing was installed
“crooked” and it caused her axle to fail also(This is a pressed
in type bearing it not possible to install “crooked” see attached
pictures)I said send me your bill and I will talk to the owner to
see what can be done about itI also explained she had a complete
parts and labor warranty that she should have contacted me from the
beginning we could have had the vehicle towed to our shopShe stated
that the work had already been done
After discussing the matter with the owner it was decided she
didn’t take advantage of the warranty she was provided She choose to
have the work done somewhere else and that we couldn’t do anything
for her but would make a exception to refund her previous bill for
the last bearing as a good neighbor gestureIf she had any further
questions to direct them to the owner who was working that day in the
February 26th ,twenty days after the initial
phone call and email I get another email with a bill attached for the
repairs stating that the wheel bearing was never replaced and that we
just basically took her money,never did the work and that if she
didn’t get her full refund she would take the next steps
After careful review of the invoices she provided we notice that
the shop had preformed the work on 1/29/for the sum of $
but then the vehicle was returned to the facility on February 9th
with the same problem where the once again they charged her to
install a used spindle and bearing for the sum of $261.37.(see
Considering the job takes around hrs for an experienced
technician not weeks and a second trip I can only assume your
vehicle was misdiagnosed by the faculty in question and most likely
beyond their skill set considering they had to relay on machine shop
to install the bearing for them not to mention having to re do the
work a 3rd time on February 9th 2015( and
charged her again!)
We have made attempts to satisfy this with Mrs *** going above
and beyond our legal obligations by offering her a refund on the
bearing we installedShe has never spoke with the owner choose
instead to use this outlet to make accusations weeks after the
fact therefor at this time we choose to not refund any of the her
I am rejecting this response because:
Complainant’s response to the business in regards to complaint #From: A*** ***
It seems to be counter-productive because, after reading J***’s comments, this is going to be more about me having to defend myself against all the lies that are in his statement
In all of my years, anyone who knows me, has ever known me, everyone I’ve worked for and with would confirm that I am never verbally abusive to anyone, I do not lie-and certainly not for $
I apologize for a lengthy statement, but each lie of J***’s requires an explanation
…She replied she had the car at another repair shop and they stated she had a leak behind the grill of her PT cruiser and it would take removing the front grill to fix
I never said either of those thingsNo one said there was a leak “behind the grill” because no one had done a thorough check of the AC at that point….Midas was the first
I told her that is where the condenser is on that car and it is a big job to do thatShe stated she had spent dollars on the car at other shop and they could not do ac work
TrueMy mechanics do not have equipment to work on ACsI again told for thirty dollar we can check it for her and see if that was trueShe brought car to me and I checked car and found no Freon in system and found no leak
He didn’t find Freon in the system because I had already told him it had leaked out slowly over several months. And he “found no leak” because he didn’t check for leaksHe stopped checking when he found the high pressure switch was brokenI discovered no power getting to compressor and I went into the office to explain and she became combative and insulting me stating we charge too much money and she does not want to put to much money in this car because she was selling it
Everything in the above sentence is, in fact, a lieI never was combative with him and I never insulted himWHY would I do either when all that happened was: he told me the broken switch was the problem and I believed himBut his price seemed high, so I paid the $and left
Also, I just paid more than $to fix everything on the car so I could sell it with good conscienceI explained that in a few minutes I would be able to tell her what was wrong and that it was not what she had stated was wrong,
I never “stated anything was wrong” because I had NO idea what the problem wasI was counting on him to tell me since that’s what I was paying forThis is another of his liesthe car was out of Freon and had no power going to compressor, I found the pressure switch broken not holding tight to connection
She than stated some time when hitting bumps it worked
That comment is beyond ridiculous nonsenseI never said it would work when I “hit bumps.” I am not that ignorant, and where in Simi are there any bumps to hit? I simply had told him it had been once in a while, but not consistently for quite some time.
but the car had no Freon in itThis will not work without FreonPossibly other shop let it out while working on it,
No one let the Freon outI had told him the Freon had been leaking out on its own for monthsThe “other shop” had not touched the AC because he told me ahead of time he is not equipped to work on ACs
and possibly they broke the switch
I mentioned the switch to my mechanic who’d worked on the car and he said it is possible it may have accidentally broken while he was working on it He drove me home, went to buy me a new switch, installed it, and picked me up when he was done next day, all at NO COST TO ME
I quoted her dollars to replace switch and service or fill the felonNot true, his estimate was $for the part, a total of $to fixI am certain of that price
She kept insulting meThis comment is nothing less than made up nonsenseI never insulted him or anyone elseI just don’t do thatWe had absolutely no disagreements, disputes or conflict between us at that pointHe’d simply given me a price and I declined, paid the $and leftThat is ALL that happened…So why would insults or verbal abuse be necessary???
I asked her what she would like me to do she stated she would pay for the diagnosis onlyTake Freon back outFreqn was added during course of inspection to check for leaks
With all due respect, I don’t see how a thorough inspection could have been done for leaks because my car was in there less than minutes, I remember that clearly because I was surprised when he came out with a diagnosis so quicklyHe made no further investigationOnce they discovered the broken switch and insisted that was the cause of my non-working AC, they concluded their inspection.
After a day went buy she called my service tech and asked if she could bring car back and put on the lift and show her the part that was broken
That is not true eitherI did not ask him to do thatThat mechanic invited me to bring the car in and he would gladly show me the switchI was very appreciative and thanked him profuselyWe did at no charge and we noticed someone tried to strap the broken part together
I had taken the car next door to Midas to have it checked at Frigi-KingThe mechanic there simply plugged the switch back inHe told me it’s highly unlikely that the switch was why I was not getting cold air
Then again she started insulting remarks stating she went on u tube and she could fix it herselfThat the part at auto zone was only dollars
I am going to repeat: I never insulted himWHY would I just start insulting someone?
And I did not say I could fix that lower switch myself; I said I could fix the switch on top, because I saw on a YouTube video how easily the top switch is removed and replaced Once again, J*** is distorting the factsand I was a bad man and every one she talks to says I’m not nice
A “bad man” ?? I would never use such a juvenile termJ*** seems to lie with great ease and no conscience; I can now see why, at other shops and parts stores, he has such a bad reputationI explained I am only trying help her fix her acshe called my corporate manager and stated we or I did not diagnosis the car and want her money back
That is true; they did not give a proper diagnosis, which is what I paid forThe switch was broken, and they could have broken it, but I could not prove that, so I said nothing about itHowever, that switch is NOT why I don’t get cold air
I called her to discuss this and she was irate and should not let me talk
He has definitely gotten this BACKWARDSWHY would I be “irate”? Truth is, he attacked me as soon as I said “hello,” and he completely dominated the conversation so I could not speak. He did not call to discuss this, he called because he believed I was going around bad-mouthing him at other shops and parts stores
When I discuss matters with anyone, I give them respect and equal time to speak without interrupting themThat was not possible with J***, so I had to hang up, but I told him I was going to before I didBut he was too busy ranting to hear me tell him I was hanging upso I apologized to her stating
He absolutely never apologized to meHow many lies are we at now?
I was sorry she felt the way she did and she hung up on me
There was never any “sorry” from him…never a kind wordI checked with the shop she stated she went to
I never told him which shop I went to, so that’s a lieHow does he know where I went? He said he saw my car next door at Frigi-KingI went there because they had been recommended to me by others at parts stores and shops who don’t do ACsand they told me they refused to fix her ac because of her verbal abuse
Of all the LIES in this statement, this is the absolute MOST B.SNO ONE refused to fix my AC, especially not Frigi-KingThey invited me to come back if I wanted them to fix itMost importantly, they would confirm that I was not verbally abusive to anyone thereAgain, why would I be? Actually, I was very grateful to them and thanked them profusely for the time they gave meIt was there, when I asked if they would recommend Midas, I was told: “I would never let them touch my car, let me put it that way.”
J*** said he’d spoken to “the guys I’d been to,” but that also is a lie because how could he possibly know where I’d been? I didn’t go to other shops and say negative or derogatory things about J*** or Midas, my focus was on getting prices… for parts and laborAnd she took the car to a shop next to them and the same thing happened
I have no idea why he lied about this because the only contact I had with the place next to Frigi-King was to ask if someone could check my AC because I thought they were Frigi-KingHe simply told me who to speak to and that’s all that was said between usSo it’s impossible for them to have said I had been abusiveAgain: WHY WOULD I BE VERBALLY ABUSIVE TO THEM?
***(Please consider this: According to J***, I’d been going around town being verbally abusive to everyoneDoes that make sense? WHY would I be abusive to them? I was asking for an estimate for my AC and nothing elseNo one was disrespectful to me, nor was I to them
J*** has blown this entire situation very far out of proportion to what actually did happenHe was extremely rude to one of his mechanics who simply came in to ask a question and J*** reprimanded him unmercifully in front of me… that is extremely unprofessional, as well as being disrespectful to that mechanicThat is how J*** seems to be with people; it’s how he was with me, and he is now trying to make it appear, in his statement, that I am the same way
I regret this complaint and I do not wish to discuss this further I consider this abuse of my service and a personal attack on my shop for no reason but to extort money“Extort” money? Obviously J*** is not well educatedExtortion is to try to take money from someone by using force, threats and by causing duressNone of that is going on hereI simply asked for that $refund because I did not get the diagnosis I paid for, they simply found a broken switch, blamed it on the switch and J*** refuses to admit he is wrong So: What did I get for my $30????
A*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/22) */
When *** came into our shop on April we informed him that he would need a center exhaust pipe and muffler*** declined the center exhaust pipe and only wanted the free mufflerAt no point in any conversation I had with ***
did I mention he would never have to pay for any exhaust ever again, especially since he declined work on his visitThe part of his exhaust that broke is the center pipe that is the part that we recommend to *** but he declinedI did inform *** that it is very common to have the exhaust fail on a Honda such as his did, we see it all the time*** called me a liar and said he was going to use his position at the fire department as a platform to slander usThe only thing *** wanted to hear was the word free...I take our customer service very seriously, we have won the Midas presidents award times in the last years for excellent customer service
Thank you for your time and any help you can give me to resolve this issue as quickly as possible
Mike ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/24) */
I responded to Midas directlyAnd no I am not satisfiedDO not close the case
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/06/27) */
As I stated in the last response the work that *** needs to have done was declined on his last visit on 4/26/14, he needs the center exhaust pipeWe replace the muffler only at his request I will attach another copy of the invoice stating thisAt no point did I or anyone in my shop tell *** that he would never have to pay anything again for his exhaustI would like you to close this matter as we are a busy shop and I would prefer to spend my time helping customers that are not trying to slander us around townIf *** wants his vehicle fixed we are more then happy to fix it however it will not be free as our center exhaust pipes do not come with a lifetime warranty only our mufflers doI do apologize for any confusion on ***s part however what he wants just can not be doneI have contacted midas international and explained this to them as well and they closed this matter on their end
thanks for your time have a great upcoming holiday weekend
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 7, 2015/08/13) */
Thanks for the quick refundI consider this case closed
First of all, all the work we did for *** was done correctlyWhen we saw the car for the first time someone else had done repairs, including transmission work and motor mount replacementwe showed him other things wrong with his car and he decided to do the repairs. There is no complaint
about this work. He did bring car back with a noise. We found a sub frame bolt below the transmission that was not tight. We did not charge for this timeThe bolt was left loose From previous work, not Midas. This car 162k plus miles and is far from perfectAny work we did was done correctly. *** stated he is trying to contact the person he bought the car from and find out about previous repairs, but no call back. If there is any problem with the work we did, we will gladly honor the warranty the he was givenwe did warranty the rest of his car. Thank you ***
In regards to complaint #on 3/11/A*** called me at the shop and asked if we do ac repairI explained we do and we charge dollars for diagnosis or check up to determine problem with this system
She replied she had the car at another repair shop and they stated she had a leak behind the grill of her PT cruiser and it would take removing the front grill to fixI told her that is where the condenser is on that car and it is a big job to do thatShe stated she had spent dollars on the car at other shop and they could not do ac workI again told for thirty dollar we can check it for her and see if that was trueShe brought car to me and I checked car and found no Freon in system and found no leakI discovered no power getting to compressor and I went into the office to explain and she became combative and insulting me stating we charge too much money and she does not want to put to much money in this car because she was selling itI explained that in a few minutes I would be able to tell her what was wrong and that it was not what she had stated was wrong, the car was out of Freon and had no power going to compressor, I found the pressure switch broken not holding tight to connection She than stated some time when hitting bumps it workedbut the car had no Freon in itThis will not work without FreonPossibly other shop let it out while working on it, and possibly they broke the switchI quoted her dollars to replace switch and service or fill the felonShe kept insulting meI asked her what she would like me to do she stated she would pay for the diagnosis onlyTake Freon back outFreqn was added during course of inspection to check for leaksAfter a day went buy she called my service tech and asked if she could bring car back and put on the lift and show her the part that was brokenWe did at no charge and we noticed someone tried to strap the broken part togetherThen again she started insulting remarks stating she went on u tube and she could fix it herselfThat the part at auto zone was only dollarsand I was a bad man and every one she talks to says I’m not niceI explained I am only trying help her fix her acshe called my corporate manager and stated we or I did not diagnosis the car and want her money backI called her to discuss this and she was irate and should not let me talk so I apologized to her stating I was sorry she felt the way she did and she hung up on meI checked with the shop she stated she went to and they told me they refused to fix her ac because of her verbal abuseAnd she took the car to a shop next to them and the same thing happenedI regret this complaint and I do not wish to discuss this further I consider this abuse of my service and a personal attack on my shop for no reason but to extort money
We have accepted responsibility and turned it over to our insurance companyIf you need further assistance please let me know.I am checking with the insurance company to insure the customer is contacted and the matter resolved
I am rejecting this response because:He is not telling the truth, he did not suggest to put the car together, did not give me a chance to take it for another estimate, he overcharged me and did not return the rotorshe is very dishonest business person. I am
not happy with the lies he puts in his letters. I have nothing to do with him I expect the company (Midas) to review and retuen the overcharged amount and replaced rotor
*** ***
The customer agreed to have his truck towed to our repair facility in Bloomfield,CT and leave it with us up to a week so we can duplicate the issue.The vehicle is running and for the last days no issues starting and running.Truck will be delivered to the customer in running order on March
1st 2016, we found issues with the electric system and fixed them free of charge
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2014/02/19) */
***response has been scanned in and converted to text below (full version is available using the online complaint system)
Customer's car (Nissan Altima) is on our lot prior to business hoursCustomer notifies us that
the vehicle does not start
Customer reported:
*He installed a new battery himself, it still only cranks but does not start
*Vehicle had been parked approximately days prior to trying to start vehicle
*Antifreeze leaking by radiator
*He has been talking to the Nissan dealer about the heating issue they advised him to replace the thermostat and requested an estimate for that service
Our initial inspection found:
*engine codes to trigger the engine light on, p(multiple cylinder misfire), p(low efficiency catalytic converter) and p(evap system small leak detected)
*An ignition coil broken on #cylinder, coil boots saturated with oil on #and #cylinders
*Antifreeze leaking at seam of radiator
Our initial estimate for these items was $857.90, we contacted customer at 10:a.mand left a voice message to call usCustomer returned our call and our technician went over repairs and estimateOur technician recommended that we hold off on repairs not associated with the starting issue until we get the vehicle startedCustomer explained that he needed the vehicle back as soon as possible and to take care of all items covered in the estimate
Around 1:30pm during our repair, we were told from our parts supplier that seals for the spark plug tubes (to seal oil away from coil boots) were to be included with the valve cover gasket setWith further research, we learned from the Nissan parts department that he seals are an integral part of the valve cover and are not replaceableWe stopped the repair process and called the customer and informed him of our findingsWe talked to him and informed him that they would need to order the part and could have it overnight freighted inCustomer expressed his concern to make sure other repairs were completed so that when valve cover came in the job could be finished quickly so he could get the vehicle back
Around 5pm, customer visited our shop to get update on vehicle repairsI showed him the progress, showed him the valve cover and what the seals doDuring this visit, he showed me an issue with the heater controls inside the dashHe disassembled the dash to show me issue while I watchedThe customer and I concluded the heater control was indeed broken and he requested pricing for thatAt that time we discussed the additional cost of the valve cover estimated at $
Valve cover came in and we finished repairOn our final test drive, the car was only capable of accelerating to 25-30mph with a loud rush of air escaping at the front of the vehicleWe performed an exhaust backpressure test and discovered that the rear catalytic converter was restrictedAgain, we called the customer and informed him of what was happeningIn order to make vehicle drivable, we need to replace the rear catalytic converter at a cost of $240, parts and laborDuring this conversation he requested we perform an oil change with the serviceAround 4:30pm, customer visited the shop and wanted us to include a tire rotationAround 5pm, customer returned to the shop to pick up finished vehicleI reviewed all the work performed, including the battery terminalThe battery terminal was loosely fit on the new battery and had a piece of wire in it to hold it in place, which could result in loss of electrical powerThe other terminal was the same way but it was tightly fitted onto batteryI showed the customer the catalytic converter and explained to him that the front converter had broken apart and sent particles downstream into the rear converter causing the restrictionI also explained that the engine light may come on due to of the initial codes found in computers memoryThe low efficiency code (p0420) was related to the broken catalystVehicle left our shop around 5:pm with miles on it and no warning lights on
NO contact from customer
Customer visited our shop looking for ***, was told he would be in on FridayThere was no mention of any issues at this time
Around 12pm, customer returned to our shop concerned that the car is smoking, the engine light came on and there is no oil in carI went out to vehicle and customer and I checked the oil levelI added 1qtof oil and it brought the oil level up to the full level markWe then started the car and vehicle immediately started smoking from underneath and rear of vehicleI offered to transport customer back to work along with his colleague
We brought the vehicle in, logged current mileage and retrieved engine code, p0301(#cylinder misfire)The #spark plug was removed and found engine oil inside of cylinderWe removed #and #spark plugs and found oil in those alsoAn engine compression test was performedWe found compression ranging from 120lbs to 150lbsCompression should be 180lbs on this engineAt this point we started researching causes of engine oil consumptionWe found a voluntary recall (NTB03-070a) that explains pieces of the front catalyst could enter engine cylinder and damage inside of engine causing increased oil consumption
Around 2pm we called our local Nissan service department and talked to a service writerWe provided vehicle identification number and our findings to see if this was a covered scenarioHe told us he would call us back
Customer called us to inquire about what is going onI informed him that the oil is going into engine and I found an issue that may be covered under a recallI informed customer that I was waiting to hear back from the Nissan dealer
Around 4pm, I again called and talked to a different service writer; in the background the original service writer said he was working on it and would call us backAt 5:10pm we called service and the service writer was gone for the dayI called my customer and told him we had not heard back yet and will not hear anything more until Monday 1-27-
I called Nissan service and talked to yet another service writerI briefed him on what happened and recall notice NTB03-070aHe spent time to briefly review page recall, enter VIN into his computer and concluded that this vehicle is out of recall periodI called Nissan of North America and got the same response from themI called the customer and reviewed the findings with himI concluded that the engine is in the need of replacement due to a defect in the design of the engine
11:customer visited our shop along with another colleagueThe customer stated he believed that the vehicle left our shop without any oil in the engine, causing engine failure
I tried to explain what happened and why it happenedI offered to show him my documentation explaining why the engine needed to be replaced, including replacement of the front catalytic converter as described in the voluntary recallThe customer declined to acknowledge the documents that explained the issueHis colleague expressed concern to come up with a solution to the problemThe customer and his colleague wanted to know what it takes to make the car "like new"I offered to make an estimate for the replacement of the engine and to inspect the rest of the vehicle
Checked vehicle over, found left front wheel bearing worn out and rear brakes close to worn outMade an estimate for the replacement on the engine and front catalytic converter, wheel bearing and rear brake pads and rotorsCalled customer with estimate of $I offered to split the cost of replacing the engine, to maintain a positive customer experienceHe concluded that car is not worthy of engine replacement and I agreed with that statementWhen this was declined I offered to refund the cost of my repairs, again, trying to maintain positive customer relations in an unfortunate situation
Around 11:40am customer visited shop along with his colleagueThey both agreed that vehicle repairs exceed value of the carThey wanted to know what I could do for themI asked what they thought was fairNo responseI offered $to compensate for loss and have a salvage yard remove vehicleThey declined this offerAgain, I asked what would be fair to them, no responseI then offered $for vehicle (refund on repairs, salvage value of car and his rental vehicle cost)At that point they brought up Kelly Blue Book and showed me a retail value of car in excellent conditionThis was $I showed him the same website with trade in value in good conditionThis was $They felt it would be fair for me to pay them $to make it rightI refused and offered $They told me there are ways for justice to be served, conversation was over
7:30om received notification via email from Midas that a consumer had called them in regards to repairs at my shopComplaint specifically stated that they did not want contact from the store level
7:30pm received notification via email customer had called Midas and given his version of his experience at my shopOnce again, he did not want contact from me
After reading his complaint, mentioning that his belief was that I did not put oil in the vehicle, I forwarded the email to my insurance company
4pm received phone call from my insurance companyThey inquired about my knowledge of the repairI told them about the recall related to what happened and they advised me I was not at fault and declined any further involvement
I called customer and left a message to call me with specific times I am available
4:50pm customer visited shopI talked with him about the missing oil issueI listened to his claim that I did not put oil in his vehicleI then explained to him the vehicle holds 1/quarts of oilI only added qt when he returned on 1-24-We also talked about the restricted catalytic converterI showed him my supporting documents and again offered to give him copies of what I hadHe said he had talked to Nissan and they claim it is impossible for this to happenI again showed him a document from Nissan that explains exactly what happened to this vehicleHe declined to take any of the documents but did ask to take a picture of the front page of the recall documentHe left my shop and said he would get back to me
Received Revdex.com letter in mail
The customer acknowledges he saw a flashing yellow engine light but does not mention at any time that there was a red warning light onThis vehicle has an operation red warning light to signal the driver of low oil pressureThis light was not on during our test drive, it was not on when vehicle left our shop on 1-21-or when he returned to our shop on 1-24-
In conclusion, I feel we did our best to communicate our diagnosis, advised our customer in a professional manner, kept him informed during the repair process and treated him fairly
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 6, 2015/10/02) */
Received refund after *** posting and conversation with managementLesson learned, I have found a more honest mechanic for the future
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Ron is changing his story to suit his needsDuring our first conversation he said blame should be placed on the previous shop the car was at, because rot does not happen immediately or quicklyNow he states the condition changed drastically from safe to drive to being rusted through to the point where I can fit my hand inside her sub frame in three monthsI am not blaming the shop for the rust, as damage happensHowever I do not think you should be able to claim a "courtesy check" or that you have the skills to diagnose unknown sounds if apparently visible damage does not get addressed.
Ron has never apologized to me for this oversight, nor has he promised to address this concern with his employees. The complaint is coming from the owner of the vehicle, but I, the owner's daughter, am dealing with the correspondence under complete direction of the ownerNot being required to guarantee the safety of passengers in the vehicles you allegedly "fix" is an excuse of the worst sort
At this point, the return of my money is secondary to my concerns about your endless justifications of poor service and the safety of the patrons of your shop.
*** ***
July 18, 2017I reviewed the file on the service of the *** *** **Based on my findings, the customer would be best served by a total refund of all the money spent on the repairs of the air conditioning systemThe check for the refund was mailed July 19, The check amount is $550.29.David S