April 10, *** *** Revdex.com of Metropolitan W***gton DC K Street NW, 10th Floor W***gton, DC 20005- Regarding: *** ***
Policy: *** Revdex.com File Number: *** Dear *** ***: We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of *** ***. I welcome the opportunity to respond to his concerns I am sorry to hear about *** ***’s frustration and concern regarding his auto policy billing. On February 13, 2017, *** *** paid his policy in full for the renewal period effective February 16, to August 16, 2017. On February 24, 2017, *** *** made an adjustment to his policy resulting in a pro-rated decrease of $1.52. Please note that it is our standard procedure to only issue a refund to a policyholder when the credit amount is larger than $2; however, at their request, we will issue a refund that is less than that amount. In *** ***’s case, since the credit amount of $was less than this threshold, the premium was automatically written off. I apologize if *** *** was not offered the option of receiving a refund. On March 17, 2017, *** *** made another adjustment to his policy resulting in a pro-rated increase of $1.33. On April 2, 2017, *** *** requested that we apply the original credit of $to his current balance of $1.33; therefore, the representative submitted a request to our billing department for processing. *** *** also spoke with a supervisor that day who advised him that the request was submitted and that they would personally follwith him once the processing was completed. On April 3, 2017, the original credit of $was applied to *** ***’s account balance, resulting in a new balance of $0.19. This balance was written off and *** ***’s account balance now reflects $0. On April 3, 2017, the supervisor *** *** spoke with sent him an email notifying him that he could review his updated account balance online at www.geico.com. I hope this information is helpful in resolving *** ***’s concerns. If *** *** has any additional questions, or does not find this response satisfactory, he may contact my associate, Phillip K***, directly at ###-###-####, extension *** Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO General Insurance Company NAIC: ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
It is not clear if GEICO has reimbursed *** for the three days that I had the rental car when my car was being inspected at *** *** Germantown shop under ***'s claim #***As soon as *** confirms that GEICO has reimbursed them for the rental car, this case can be closed
*** ***
January 23, 2018 Dear *** ***: We are writing in response to your letter of January 16, After carefully reviewing the facts of the aforementioned claim, we are con?dent that GEICO has handled *** *** claim properly. *** *** s vehicle was involved in a
front and rear end collision on July 24, resulting in minor cosmetic damage to the lower portion of the front plastic components of his *** *** *** brought his vehicle in for repair on November 1, The work was performed by *** *** ***, a GEICO Auto Repair Xpress facility, and was completed onNovember 6, The repairs to his vehicle consisted of the replacement of the front plastic bumper and two plastic fender linersDuring the repair the horns and headlights were inspected per *** *** s request, it was found that the horns and lights had no physical damage and were operating normally*** *** s vehicle was reviewed by an onsite GEICO adjuster at the time of completionThe repairs passed GEICO‘s pre-delivery review, and the vehicle wasphotographed during this reviewThis time stamped photograph is attached, showing the repairs were performed properly and all panels are intact and properly aligned.On December 21, 2017, approximately six weeks after taking possession of the repaired vehicle, *** *** returned to *** *** *** claiming that the lower shield was still damaged and hanging below the vehicleHe also advised the headlights were showing signs of condensation.As shown in the attached photo the lower shield was not hanging down after the repairsFurther, there was no damage to the headlamps from the claim that occurred in JulyThe GEICO adjuster advised *** *** that the current under shield issue was not related to the July 24, lossAdditionally the headlight condensation issue is not related to the initial accident or repairCondensation in headlights is a common issue with this year make and model of vehicle.This information was explained to *** *** at the time of the second inspectionWe also advised *** *** that he could take his vehicle to a shop of his choice for a second opinion and if any additional information could be provided relating the areas of concern we would review the matter*** *** brought the vehicle in to *** *** *** in Germantown, Maryland *** *** *** was unable to relate either of these issues to this claimAGEICO supervisor has been in contact with the representative at *** who advised when the vehicle is dropped off they will notify GEICO so that a supervisor can inspect the vehicle again per *** ***’ s request*** *** *** advised they did not ?nd any repair quality issues with paint, ?tment, or workmanship performed by *** *** ***They did determine that the bracket bolt for the grille needs to be tightened and can be completed upon return of the vehicle to *** on January 29, when he is scheduled to drop off for repairs related to a different claim with another insurance carrier.Please contact Claims Manager Bob T*** at ###-###-#### or ***@geico.com if you have any further questions. Sincerely,Sheryl W.Assistant Vice President
August 11, 2016*** ***Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th floorWashington DC 20005-3404 VIA FACSIMILE: ###-###-#### RE: ***Insured: *** *** *** Policy Number: *** / ***NAIC: ***-GEICO Casualty Dear *** ***: This is in response to your request for additional information on August 9, 2016. On August 9, 2016, *** ***’s bankruptcy documents were received and reviewed by our Accounts Receivable departmentAt that time, *** *** was contacted and advised that her payment of $from July 15, would be refundedOn August 10, 2016, the payment of $was refunded to *** ***’s credit card ending I apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused *** *** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####. Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:a.mto 4:p.mEST. Sincerely, John ** L***AVP, Underwriting
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The response provided by business only repeats the same claims made in their initial response without any evidence or supporting factsGenerally claiming that the repair cost of a model vehicle has suddenly been determined to be 10% higher in is a rootless and disturbingly ridiculous claimThe same goes for the claim that repair costs in TX have gone up by 10% in less than a month. I would like to remind you that my rate was evaluated on June entirely and determinedA sudden increase just months after does not make sense. I would like my rate to return back to what I was quoted on June 31, or to a meaningful and reasonable vicinity of that number.
*** ***
January 7,
Georgia Department of Insurance
Attn: *** ***
Investigator, Consumer Services Division
* *** *** *** ***, Drive
Suite ***, *** ***
Atlanta, GA
VIA FACSIMILE TO: ###-###-####
RE: Department’s Case Number: ***-***-*** Complainant: ***
*** ***
Policy Number: ***
NAIC: ***-GEICO General
Dear Ms***:
Thank you for your recent inquiry dated January 5, I welcome the opportunity to discuss Mr***’ automobile policy concerns
GEICO writes a Family Automobile Contract which covers Mr***, Mr***’ resident relatives, and any other regular operators of Mr***’ vehiclesTo ensure that all parties are properly covered and protected under this policy contract, when GEICO is notified of additional drivers in the household they are added to the policy
On November 16, 2015, Mrand Mrs*** purchased an automobile insurance policy online with a six month premium of $to be effective on December 11, This policy included coverage for t Mrand Mrs***, *** ***, a ***, and a *** E***Prior to purchasing this policy, Mrand Mrs*** received several other quotes online insuring different drivers and vehicles
On December 17, 2015, a GEICO underwriter sent an email to *** requesting information for *** ***, Mrand Mrs***’ son, due to Mrand Mrs*** quoting him but not insuring him to the policy they purchasedEffective December 29, 2015, due to no contact from Mrand Mrs***, *** *** was added to the policy
On December 29, 2015, Mrand Mrs*** requested to remove *** *** from the policyAt that time, they were advised to send in proof of insurance for *** *** to have him removed from the policyOn January 5, 2016, as a courtesy to Mrand Mrs***, a GEICO underwriter contacted *** *** and confirmed that *** *** had other insurance*** *** was updated as having other insurance effective December 29, 2015, the date the he was added to the policy
We absolutely strive to make our communications process and customer satisfaction our top prioritiesWe have reviewed both concerns, and feel that we have addressed them satisfactorilyI apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused Mrand Mrs*** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:a.mto 3:p.mEST
John J***
AVP, Underwriting
Enclosures: Declarations Pages
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meHowever, I hope that the Revdex.com would also post all of my comments, and those of the responses of GEICO on the Revdex.com website in view of promoting other good citizens to speak out when corporate America does not accept full responsibility for the actions of its employeesAND admit to the wrongdoing done by themIn the messages from the Assistant Vice President, not once did he mention the lengthy calls and conversations in which I, as the client, was mistreatedSheer ignorance to the fact that led to the ordeal in the first place, and an excellent reason for people to think carefully before applying for a policy with the company
As their commercial states, you might be able to save 15% or more on insurance, but that is only the initial quotationThe next week they will come up with a reason to nearly double itOr maybe even worse, and then not bother to call you to tell you about itThey simply send the revised policy and payment invoice via email the next weekRIDICULOUS!
Thank you Revdex.com for assisting me with my complaint
*** ***
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Good afternoon, My initial claim was filed with Geico Commercial Insurance on 2/10/Following days of processing, with little to no return phone calls from Geico on the status of my claim, I filed a first complaint with the Revdex.com on 3/8/My complaint to the Revdex.com immediately prompted a phone call on 3/13/from MrJason W***, a Geico Commercial Claims AdjusterHe sent me an official repair estimate of $5,for my vehicle and instructed me to drop-off my damaged car at the *** *** West Palm Beach Dealership to get fixedAt first, the check was mailed to me but I decided it would be best to send it directly to the *** *** dealership insteadI dropped my vehicle off at the *** *** body shop the following day on 3/14/and was told the car would be ready for pickup approximately 2-weeks laterOn 4/1/2017, the *** *** Dealership contacted me to advise that my car was readyHowever, the dealership indicated that the check received from GEICO was insufficient and would only cover part of the repairsTherefore, in order to retrieve my vehicle, I had to pay a difference of $1,using my personal credit cardSince 4/1/2017, I have been trying to reach my assigned adjuster Jason W*** (Tel: ###-###-#### / email:J***) without successIt has been days, and nobody is returning my calls or attempting to reimburse me as promisedMeanwhile, *** *** has contacted me again to advise that there are additional repair costs that were not included in the final invoice provided to me when I retrieved my carGEICO has been avoiding me as well as the *** *** DealershipGEICO needs to cover the full cost of my vehicle repair as promised.I would like GEICO Insurance to cover the entire repair costs of my vehicle as promised and also to reimburse me for the $1,payment I had to make out of pocket to retrieve my car from the body shop that they directed me to
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Even though GEICO has responded as I expected, I do not believe they have any numbers to back up their claims. Of course insurance companies use the number of claims for an area to determine premium rates. This makes sense and I agree with that logic. My complaint has to do with the amount my premium increased stemming from my recent address change. There is seemingly no reason for the dramatic rate increase other than greed. I don't believe a change of zip code in the same city justifies a 32% increase in premium rates. At the end of the day, in the city of Chicago, most people are driving the same roads (I-**/**, *** *** ***, ***, ***, ***, etc.). If you have a job downtown (which I do), everyone winds up in the same maze of traffic anyway. GEICO apparently took nothing else into consideration other than zip code when they decided to increase my rate by 32%. It's as if GEICO did not take into account my credit rating, home ownership status or driving record which I believe are all importance factors to look at when accessing the risk of insuring an individual. I believe they simply increased my premium by 32% because they thought I wouldn't complain. Either this or zip code is so heavily weighted in their algorithm that it overwhelms everything else in the equation. If zip code claims was the only variable of importance, I do not believe that my previous zip code of *** is so dramatically different my my new zip code of *** to justify a 32% premium increase. The *** zip code has a population of approximately 65,in and a population density of approximately 27,per square mile (Sources: http://www.city-data.com/zips/***.html, https://www.united***szipcodes.org/***/) while the *** zip code only has a population of approx49,and a population density of approx10,per square mile (source: http://www.city-data.com/zips/***.html, https://www.united***szipcodes.org/***/). Additionally, the median income is higher in *** than in ***. Even though I don't have the numbers to back this up, it would make more sense that car ownership is higher in *** than in *** leading to higher monthly average of auto insurance claims. It would make more sense that there are more cars on road and leading to more opportunity to hit each other. I would bet that higher median income correlates positively with higher car ownership rates. Furthermore, this is the city of Chicago. The north side is by far more densely populated and the roads are much more congested with traffic every day. If I were driving on north side roads every day, it would make more sense, intuitively, that there would be a higher probability of an accident. If GEICO is using claims per capita to determine my premium increase, then it would make more sense. However, the claims per person in an area would not necessarily increase the probability of my personal car having issues and it would definitely not increase it by 32%. How can a zip code with a smaller population, lower population density and likely fewer cars have more auto insurance claims? I don't think this is correct. For these reasons, I am taking my business to a different company.
*** ***
December 4, *** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404 File Number: *** Dear *** ***: Thank you for your letter of November 27, regarding the consumer’s claim.We received the consumer’s
claim on October 20, regarding her vandalism/theft claim. *** *** brought her drivable vehicle to our Auto Repair Express location where it was inspected. During this inspection she was advised coverage for her unendorsed aftermarket sound equipment could be covered up to $if she was able to provide purchase invoices for the equipment.On November 14, an Auto Damage Supervisor reviewed the photo of the invoice, which was a blank generic hand written receipt lacking any vendor information. The consumer was advised by the handling adjuster to reach out to the vendor who installed the equipment and request a receipt that contained location/vendor information, as well as an itemized breakdown of the equipment installed.Currently GEICO is awaiting a vendor invoice in order to afford coverage of the unendorsed aftermarket sound system that was reported as stolen at the time of loss.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Richard C***, Auto Damage Claims Manager at ###-###-####.Very truly yours, Ryan W*** Assistant Vice President RW/***
*** *** ***, Fredericksburg, VA 22412-0001January 25, 2016*** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K Street, NW, 10"Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404Regarding: *** ***, ID #: ***Dear Ms***:Thank you for your January 21, e-mail regarding
*** ***'s complaintMrN*** asked that I respond on his behalf and I welcome the opportunity.*** *** bought her policy online and chose our “paperless policy option” which means she can view anything related to her policy, including billing, payment and fee information onlineI have enclosed a copy of page (with her policy number redacted) of the billing statement she could have viewed on linePlease note, the second line from the top advises of a premium installment chargeThe fee amount is not listed on the billing statement because it is a generic form; billing fees are required to be filed with each state’s Regulatory Agency, and the fees are not the same in all statesGEICO’s Customer Service Associates are all highly trained licensed insurance agents and one of them would not have told her “there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE associated with it”.Ms***’s policy records show she has been on an installment pay plan, with the associated fees, since the inception of the policyWe have no record of her calling to make a pay plan changeHowever, as she states, she did, for a time, make her premium payment in full and she also paid a fee with each of those paymentsOnce those full payments were processed, our automated payment system determined the policy was paid-in-full and automatically refunded the fees to her credit cardShe can view her old statements for verificationI sincerely regret Ms*** did not realize she was paying installment fees when she decided not to pay her premium in full; however, we must charge her a fee that is in compliance with our filed fee plan, just as we do for all of our GEICO insureds.Sincerely,Carole BCease Underwriting Supervisor GEICO Insurance CompaniesCBC/md
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My claim was not or fraudulent and to use that term is upsetting . My claim was truthfulI was in my renewal cycle This company has poor service for customers who have been with them for year upon years to be dropped with no warning . The letter was sent out days after I noticed it was cancelled
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Geico has failed to admit they are wrong in what they did You CANNOT tell me I am covered with insurance and then revert it to not being covered due to a error in payment that could have easily been fixed but you failed to make me aware of this because you wanted to get my rate to become much higher then what it was What if I was in a major accident during April to May 5, would you decide to cover me and then not cover me? How could you say I am covered and then revert it back due to a simple error thathat was easily fixable? Are you that money hungry to make someone under the assumption they were covered when you quickly reverted it? This is plain sick and disgusting that Geico conducts such cruel and deceptive tactics in their business
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
January 29, Revdex.com Of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-USA Attention: *** *** Re: *** *** Case#: *** Policy#: *** Dear *** ***:
This will acknowledge receipt of your request regarding the above named insured’s private passenger automobile policy. In *** ***’s correspondence to your organization he expresses concern regarding a refund of unearned premium in the amount of $ He has requested that this refund be issued to him via a check GEICO’s records show that *** *** purchased the above named policy on December 1, via GEICO.com The policy was purchased and bound with a six month premium of $2,260.60, which he paid for in full using his *** Credit Card On January 9, 2018, *** *** contacted GEICO and requested to increase his collision coverage deductible from a $to $5,and his comprehensive coverage deductible from a $deductible with the glass waiver to a $2,deductible without the glass waiverThese changes resulted in a policy credit of $447.18. *** *** was advised that this credit would be refunded back to him. He requested that this refund be issued via check in lieu of a refund sent to his *** Credit Card. Refunds are automatically refunded in the same method as the last payment was received, thus the refund was issued to the same *** Credit Card that *** *** used to make his last payment to GEICO In his complaint, *** *** noted that a refund showed issued to his debit card the following day and requested that if credit is rejected that GEICO remits a check ASAP. GEICO’s records show the refund status as dispersed to his financial institution as of January 10, 2018. In the event that GEICO is notified by his financial institution that they have rejected the credit of $447.18, then a refund will be issued to *** *** via check It is GEICO’s position that all proper procedures were followed in the handling of *** ***’s policy. GEICO maintains that the refund was issued as per our standard company procedure. If you have any questions, or if GEICO can be of any further service in this matter, please contact Barbara F* at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Timothy L*** Assistant Vice President of Underwriting
December 4,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
DATE OF LOSS: August 30,
COMPANY: Government Employees Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
This is in response to your email of November 27, addressed to Tony N*** of GEICO
Our records show that on August 30, 2017, the Chevrolet on *** ***’ automobile policy was damaged as a result of Hurricane HarveyOn September 14, 2017, the vehicle was deemed a total lossWe contacted *** ***’ lienholder, Regional Acceptance Corporation, to secure a copy of the title and a letter of guaranteeA power of attorney form was sent to *** ***On September 15, 2017, we received this information and a payment in the amount of $9,was issued to the lienholderHowever, it was noted on the title and on the bill of sale, that *** *** *** and *** *** *** *** were the legal owners of the vehicleTherefore the equity payment in the amount of $2,was issued to them
*** *** disputed the equity payment stating that she had been paying the insurance premiums and she should receive the equity paymentWe issued a stop payment on the equity check while this issue was being resolved*** *** objected to us speaking with the titled owners of the vehicle without her permissionSince they had an insurable interest in the vehicle, we had to notify them the stop payment had been issued at *** ***’ requestWe apologize *** *** was not informed of our right to speak to the legal owners of the vehicle
*** *** has submitted court documentation showing that the small claims court ruled that *** *** has been ordered to submit payment to *** *** in the amount of $2,574.92, plus court costs of $The court documentation does not show why it was so ordered, and makes no mention of the transfer in ownership of the vehicle*** *** has been ordered to make this payment to Leona Evans by December 21, Since the vehicle was still in the name of Alice Johnson and *** ***, we will reissue the equity payment in the amount of $2,to themThey, in turn, can sign the payment over to *** *** to comply with the court orderWe are not, however, responsible for the court costs
We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close out the complaintIf you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to call my associate, Barbara C***, at ###-###-####, extension ***
Paul M***
Assistant Vice President
July 27, Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K St. NW, 10th floor P.OBox Washington, DC 20005- Attention: *** *** RE: CASE NUMBER:
*** COMPLAINANT: *** *** CLAIM NUMBER: *** DATE OF LOSS: September 28, 2015 COMPANY: Government Employees Insurance Company Dear *** ***: This letter is in response to your correspondence dated July 20, This loss is a lane change dispute. The only evidence available to GEICO was recorded statements from both parties involved. There were no witnesses who came forward, and the police did not investigate the loss. The accident occurred on Corporate Drive near Interstate ** in Lewisville, Texas. The road is four lanes, two in each directionThe right lane ends as it approaches the highway and becomes a turn only laneThe left lane is a straight only lane*** *** advised he was traveling in the right lane and the other vehicle was behind him. He stated he turned on his left blinker and began to change lanes when the impact occurredHe said the other driver must have moved into the lane just before or at the same time he was changing lanes, sped up and struck the driver's side rear of his vehicle when he was in the process of changing lanes. The other driver’s version indicates he had always been traveling in the left lane. He stated he was driving forward when he saw *** *** in a lane which became a right turn only. At that time, he advised *** *** came into his lane causing the accident. We estimated and photographed both vehicles involvedThe other driver’s damages are located on the passenger’s side front fender near the wheel-well and along the passenger side running board. The majority of damage to *** ***’ vehicle is on the driver side near the bed of the truck and cab, not the rear as his statement indicatedThe damages are not indicative of a rear-end loss as described by *** ***. The damages suggest the other driver was next to *** *** and *** *** struck the other driver while he was already established in the left lane. Due to the statements given to us as well as the damages, we found *** *** responsible for the loss and paid for the other party’s damages. GEICO advised *** *** on October 1, of the liability decision in regard to this claim. We also spoke to *** *** on November 16, and advised her of the liability decision as well*** *** contacted his adjuster on July 19, 2016. *** ***’ call was returned on the 19th and he was advised of our liability decision. We called and left a message for *** *** to further discuss the investigation and decision on July 20, 2016. We spoke with *** *** on July 25, and explained our liability decision. If you have any questions, please contact Claims Manager Emily R*** at ###-###-####Sincerely, Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as Geico pays the full amount to repaint the tank and fairing.
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: GEICO needs to answer my complaint through my complaint This PDF is vague, answers no part of my complaint, and is a "bait and switch" response to my complaint This is unacceptable I have made myself clear in my Revdex.com complaint I understand GEICO would like to hide their mistakes and look good on Revdex.com reviews However, the complaint still stands as written on my Revdex.com complaint I am still waiting for an appropriate response from GEICO
*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Revdex.com:I am satisfied with the decision
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
April 10, *** *** Revdex.com of Metropolitan W***gton DC K Street NW, 10th Floor W***gton, DC 20005- Regarding: *** ***
Policy: *** Revdex.com File Number: *** Dear *** ***: We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of *** ***. I welcome the opportunity to respond to his concerns I am sorry to hear about *** ***’s frustration and concern regarding his auto policy billing. On February 13, 2017, *** *** paid his policy in full for the renewal period effective February 16, to August 16, 2017. On February 24, 2017, *** *** made an adjustment to his policy resulting in a pro-rated decrease of $1.52. Please note that it is our standard procedure to only issue a refund to a policyholder when the credit amount is larger than $2; however, at their request, we will issue a refund that is less than that amount. In *** ***’s case, since the credit amount of $was less than this threshold, the premium was automatically written off. I apologize if *** *** was not offered the option of receiving a refund. On March 17, 2017, *** *** made another adjustment to his policy resulting in a pro-rated increase of $1.33. On April 2, 2017, *** *** requested that we apply the original credit of $to his current balance of $1.33; therefore, the representative submitted a request to our billing department for processing. *** *** also spoke with a supervisor that day who advised him that the request was submitted and that they would personally follwith him once the processing was completed. On April 3, 2017, the original credit of $was applied to *** ***’s account balance, resulting in a new balance of $0.19. This balance was written off and *** ***’s account balance now reflects $0. On April 3, 2017, the supervisor *** *** spoke with sent him an email notifying him that he could review his updated account balance online at www.geico.com. I hope this information is helpful in resolving *** ***’s concerns. If *** *** has any additional questions, or does not find this response satisfactory, he may contact my associate, Phillip K***, directly at ###-###-####, extension *** Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO General Insurance Company NAIC: ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
It is not clear if GEICO has reimbursed *** for the three days that I had the rental car when my car was being inspected at *** *** Germantown shop under ***'s claim #***As soon as *** confirms that GEICO has reimbursed them for the rental car, this case can be closed
*** ***
January 23, 2018 Dear *** ***: We are writing in response to your letter of January 16, After carefully reviewing the facts of the aforementioned claim, we are con?dent that GEICO has handled *** *** claim properly. *** *** s vehicle was involved in a
front and rear end collision on July 24, resulting in minor cosmetic damage to the lower portion of the front plastic components of his *** *** *** brought his vehicle in for repair on November 1, The work was performed by *** *** ***, a GEICO Auto Repair Xpress facility, and was completed onNovember 6, The repairs to his vehicle consisted of the replacement of the front plastic bumper and two plastic fender linersDuring the repair the horns and headlights were inspected per *** *** s request, it was found that the horns and lights had no physical damage and were operating normally*** *** s vehicle was reviewed by an onsite GEICO adjuster at the time of completionThe repairs passed GEICO‘s pre-delivery review, and the vehicle wasphotographed during this reviewThis time stamped photograph is attached, showing the repairs were performed properly and all panels are intact and properly aligned.On December 21, 2017, approximately six weeks after taking possession of the repaired vehicle, *** *** returned to *** *** *** claiming that the lower shield was still damaged and hanging below the vehicleHe also advised the headlights were showing signs of condensation.As shown in the attached photo the lower shield was not hanging down after the repairsFurther, there was no damage to the headlamps from the claim that occurred in JulyThe GEICO adjuster advised *** *** that the current under shield issue was not related to the July 24, lossAdditionally the headlight condensation issue is not related to the initial accident or repairCondensation in headlights is a common issue with this year make and model of vehicle.This information was explained to *** *** at the time of the second inspectionWe also advised *** *** that he could take his vehicle to a shop of his choice for a second opinion and if any additional information could be provided relating the areas of concern we would review the matter*** *** brought the vehicle in to *** *** *** in Germantown, Maryland *** *** *** was unable to relate either of these issues to this claimAGEICO supervisor has been in contact with the representative at *** who advised when the vehicle is dropped off they will notify GEICO so that a supervisor can inspect the vehicle again per *** ***’ s request*** *** *** advised they did not ?nd any repair quality issues with paint, ?tment, or workmanship performed by *** *** ***They did determine that the bracket bolt for the grille needs to be tightened and can be completed upon return of the vehicle to *** on January 29, when he is scheduled to drop off for repairs related to a different claim with another insurance carrier.Please contact Claims Manager Bob T*** at ###-###-#### or ***@geico.com if you have any further questions. Sincerely,Sheryl W.Assistant Vice President
August 11, 2016*** ***Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th floorWashington DC 20005-3404 VIA FACSIMILE: ###-###-#### RE: ***Insured: *** *** *** Policy Number: *** / ***NAIC: ***-GEICO Casualty Dear *** ***: This is in response to your request for additional information on August 9, 2016. On August 9, 2016, *** ***’s bankruptcy documents were received and reviewed by our Accounts Receivable departmentAt that time, *** *** was contacted and advised that her payment of $from July 15, would be refundedOn August 10, 2016, the payment of $was refunded to *** ***’s credit card ending I apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused *** *** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####. Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:a.mto 4:p.mEST. Sincerely, John ** L***AVP, Underwriting
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The response provided by business only repeats the same claims made in their initial response without any evidence or supporting factsGenerally claiming that the repair cost of a model vehicle has suddenly been determined to be 10% higher in is a rootless and disturbingly ridiculous claimThe same goes for the claim that repair costs in TX have gone up by 10% in less than a month. I would like to remind you that my rate was evaluated on June entirely and determinedA sudden increase just months after does not make sense. I would like my rate to return back to what I was quoted on June 31, or to a meaningful and reasonable vicinity of that number.
*** ***
January 7,
Georgia Department of Insurance
Attn: *** ***
Investigator, Consumer Services Division
* *** *** *** ***, Drive
Suite ***, *** ***
Atlanta, GA
VIA FACSIMILE TO: ###-###-####
RE: Department’s Case Number: ***-***-*** Complainant: ***
*** ***
Policy Number: ***
NAIC: ***-GEICO General
Dear Ms***:
Thank you for your recent inquiry dated January 5, I welcome the opportunity to discuss Mr***’ automobile policy concerns
GEICO writes a Family Automobile Contract which covers Mr***, Mr***’ resident relatives, and any other regular operators of Mr***’ vehiclesTo ensure that all parties are properly covered and protected under this policy contract, when GEICO is notified of additional drivers in the household they are added to the policy
On November 16, 2015, Mrand Mrs*** purchased an automobile insurance policy online with a six month premium of $to be effective on December 11, This policy included coverage for t Mrand Mrs***, *** ***, a ***, and a *** E***Prior to purchasing this policy, Mrand Mrs*** received several other quotes online insuring different drivers and vehicles
On December 17, 2015, a GEICO underwriter sent an email to *** requesting information for *** ***, Mrand Mrs***’ son, due to Mrand Mrs*** quoting him but not insuring him to the policy they purchasedEffective December 29, 2015, due to no contact from Mrand Mrs***, *** *** was added to the policy
On December 29, 2015, Mrand Mrs*** requested to remove *** *** from the policyAt that time, they were advised to send in proof of insurance for *** *** to have him removed from the policyOn January 5, 2016, as a courtesy to Mrand Mrs***, a GEICO underwriter contacted *** *** and confirmed that *** *** had other insurance*** *** was updated as having other insurance effective December 29, 2015, the date the he was added to the policy
We absolutely strive to make our communications process and customer satisfaction our top prioritiesWe have reviewed both concerns, and feel that we have addressed them satisfactorilyI apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused Mrand Mrs*** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:a.mto 3:p.mEST
John J***
AVP, Underwriting
Enclosures: Declarations Pages
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meHowever, I hope that the Revdex.com would also post all of my comments, and those of the responses of GEICO on the Revdex.com website in view of promoting other good citizens to speak out when corporate America does not accept full responsibility for the actions of its employeesAND admit to the wrongdoing done by themIn the messages from the Assistant Vice President, not once did he mention the lengthy calls and conversations in which I, as the client, was mistreatedSheer ignorance to the fact that led to the ordeal in the first place, and an excellent reason for people to think carefully before applying for a policy with the company
As their commercial states, you might be able to save 15% or more on insurance, but that is only the initial quotationThe next week they will come up with a reason to nearly double itOr maybe even worse, and then not bother to call you to tell you about itThey simply send the revised policy and payment invoice via email the next weekRIDICULOUS!
Thank you Revdex.com for assisting me with my complaint
*** ***
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Good afternoon, My initial claim was filed with Geico Commercial Insurance on 2/10/Following days of processing, with little to no return phone calls from Geico on the status of my claim, I filed a first complaint with the Revdex.com on 3/8/My complaint to the Revdex.com immediately prompted a phone call on 3/13/from MrJason W***, a Geico Commercial Claims AdjusterHe sent me an official repair estimate of $5,for my vehicle and instructed me to drop-off my damaged car at the *** *** West Palm Beach Dealership to get fixedAt first, the check was mailed to me but I decided it would be best to send it directly to the *** *** dealership insteadI dropped my vehicle off at the *** *** body shop the following day on 3/14/and was told the car would be ready for pickup approximately 2-weeks laterOn 4/1/2017, the *** *** Dealership contacted me to advise that my car was readyHowever, the dealership indicated that the check received from GEICO was insufficient and would only cover part of the repairsTherefore, in order to retrieve my vehicle, I had to pay a difference of $1,using my personal credit cardSince 4/1/2017, I have been trying to reach my assigned adjuster Jason W*** (Tel: ###-###-#### / email:J***) without successIt has been days, and nobody is returning my calls or attempting to reimburse me as promisedMeanwhile, *** *** has contacted me again to advise that there are additional repair costs that were not included in the final invoice provided to me when I retrieved my carGEICO has been avoiding me as well as the *** *** DealershipGEICO needs to cover the full cost of my vehicle repair as promised.I would like GEICO Insurance to cover the entire repair costs of my vehicle as promised and also to reimburse me for the $1,payment I had to make out of pocket to retrieve my car from the body shop that they directed me to
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Even though GEICO has responded as I expected, I do not believe they have any numbers to back up their claims. Of course insurance companies use the number of claims for an area to determine premium rates. This makes sense and I agree with that logic. My complaint has to do with the amount my premium increased stemming from my recent address change. There is seemingly no reason for the dramatic rate increase other than greed. I don't believe a change of zip code in the same city justifies a 32% increase in premium rates. At the end of the day, in the city of Chicago, most people are driving the same roads (I-**/**, *** *** ***, ***, ***, ***, etc.). If you have a job downtown (which I do), everyone winds up in the same maze of traffic anyway. GEICO apparently took nothing else into consideration other than zip code when they decided to increase my rate by 32%. It's as if GEICO did not take into account my credit rating, home ownership status or driving record which I believe are all importance factors to look at when accessing the risk of insuring an individual. I believe they simply increased my premium by 32% because they thought I wouldn't complain. Either this or zip code is so heavily weighted in their algorithm that it overwhelms everything else in the equation. If zip code claims was the only variable of importance, I do not believe that my previous zip code of *** is so dramatically different my my new zip code of *** to justify a 32% premium increase. The *** zip code has a population of approximately 65,in and a population density of approximately 27,per square mile (Sources: http://www.city-data.com/zips/***.html, https://www.united***szipcodes.org/***/) while the *** zip code only has a population of approx49,and a population density of approx10,per square mile (source: http://www.city-data.com/zips/***.html, https://www.united***szipcodes.org/***/). Additionally, the median income is higher in *** than in ***. Even though I don't have the numbers to back this up, it would make more sense that car ownership is higher in *** than in *** leading to higher monthly average of auto insurance claims. It would make more sense that there are more cars on road and leading to more opportunity to hit each other. I would bet that higher median income correlates positively with higher car ownership rates. Furthermore, this is the city of Chicago. The north side is by far more densely populated and the roads are much more congested with traffic every day. If I were driving on north side roads every day, it would make more sense, intuitively, that there would be a higher probability of an accident. If GEICO is using claims per capita to determine my premium increase, then it would make more sense. However, the claims per person in an area would not necessarily increase the probability of my personal car having issues and it would definitely not increase it by 32%. How can a zip code with a smaller population, lower population density and likely fewer cars have more auto insurance claims? I don't think this is correct. For these reasons, I am taking my business to a different company.
*** ***
December 4, *** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404 File Number: *** Dear *** ***: Thank you for your letter of November 27, regarding the consumer’s claim.We received the consumer’s
claim on October 20, regarding her vandalism/theft claim. *** *** brought her drivable vehicle to our Auto Repair Express location where it was inspected. During this inspection she was advised coverage for her unendorsed aftermarket sound equipment could be covered up to $if she was able to provide purchase invoices for the equipment.On November 14, an Auto Damage Supervisor reviewed the photo of the invoice, which was a blank generic hand written receipt lacking any vendor information. The consumer was advised by the handling adjuster to reach out to the vendor who installed the equipment and request a receipt that contained location/vendor information, as well as an itemized breakdown of the equipment installed.Currently GEICO is awaiting a vendor invoice in order to afford coverage of the unendorsed aftermarket sound system that was reported as stolen at the time of loss.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Richard C***, Auto Damage Claims Manager at ###-###-####.Very truly yours, Ryan W*** Assistant Vice President RW/***
*** *** ***, Fredericksburg, VA 22412-0001January 25, 2016*** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K Street, NW, 10"Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404Regarding: *** ***, ID #: ***Dear Ms***:Thank you for your January 21, e-mail regarding
*** ***'s complaintMrN*** asked that I respond on his behalf and I welcome the opportunity.*** *** bought her policy online and chose our “paperless policy option” which means she can view anything related to her policy, including billing, payment and fee information onlineI have enclosed a copy of page (with her policy number redacted) of the billing statement she could have viewed on linePlease note, the second line from the top advises of a premium installment chargeThe fee amount is not listed on the billing statement because it is a generic form; billing fees are required to be filed with each state’s Regulatory Agency, and the fees are not the same in all statesGEICO’s Customer Service Associates are all highly trained licensed insurance agents and one of them would not have told her “there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE associated with it”.Ms***’s policy records show she has been on an installment pay plan, with the associated fees, since the inception of the policyWe have no record of her calling to make a pay plan changeHowever, as she states, she did, for a time, make her premium payment in full and she also paid a fee with each of those paymentsOnce those full payments were processed, our automated payment system determined the policy was paid-in-full and automatically refunded the fees to her credit cardShe can view her old statements for verificationI sincerely regret Ms*** did not realize she was paying installment fees when she decided not to pay her premium in full; however, we must charge her a fee that is in compliance with our filed fee plan, just as we do for all of our GEICO insureds.Sincerely,Carole BCease Underwriting Supervisor GEICO Insurance CompaniesCBC/md
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My claim was not or fraudulent and to use that term is upsetting . My claim was truthfulI was in my renewal cycle This company has poor service for customers who have been with them for year upon years to be dropped with no warning . The letter was sent out days after I noticed it was cancelled
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Geico has failed to admit they are wrong in what they did You CANNOT tell me I am covered with insurance and then revert it to not being covered due to a error in payment that could have easily been fixed but you failed to make me aware of this because you wanted to get my rate to become much higher then what it was What if I was in a major accident during April to May 5, would you decide to cover me and then not cover me? How could you say I am covered and then revert it back due to a simple error thathat was easily fixable? Are you that money hungry to make someone under the assumption they were covered when you quickly reverted it? This is plain sick and disgusting that Geico conducts such cruel and deceptive tactics in their business
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
January 29, Revdex.com Of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005-USA Attention: *** *** Re: *** *** Case#: *** Policy#: *** Dear *** ***:
* at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Timothy L*** Assistant Vice President of Underwriting
This will acknowledge receipt of your request regarding the above named insured’s private passenger automobile policy. In *** ***’s correspondence to your organization he expresses concern regarding a refund of unearned premium in the amount of $ He has requested that this refund be issued to him via a check GEICO’s records show that *** *** purchased the above named policy on December 1, via GEICO.com The policy was purchased and bound with a six month premium of $2,260.60, which he paid for in full using his *** Credit Card On January 9, 2018, *** *** contacted GEICO and requested to increase his collision coverage deductible from a $to $5,and his comprehensive coverage deductible from a $deductible with the glass waiver to a $2,deductible without the glass waiverThese changes resulted in a policy credit of $447.18. *** *** was advised that this credit would be refunded back to him. He requested that this refund be issued via check in lieu of a refund sent to his *** Credit Card. Refunds are automatically refunded in the same method as the last payment was received, thus the refund was issued to the same *** Credit Card that *** *** used to make his last payment to GEICO In his complaint, *** *** noted that a refund showed issued to his debit card the following day and requested that if credit is rejected that GEICO remits a check ASAP. GEICO’s records show the refund status as dispersed to his financial institution as of January 10, 2018. In the event that GEICO is notified by his financial institution that they have rejected the credit of $447.18, then a refund will be issued to *** *** via check It is GEICO’s position that all proper procedures were followed in the handling of *** ***’s policy. GEICO maintains that the refund was issued as per our standard company procedure. If you have any questions, or if GEICO can be of any further service in this matter, please contact Barbara F
December 4,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
DATE OF LOSS: August 30,
COMPANY: Government Employees Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
This is in response to your email of November 27, addressed to Tony N*** of GEICO
Our records show that on August 30, 2017, the Chevrolet on *** ***’ automobile policy was damaged as a result of Hurricane HarveyOn September 14, 2017, the vehicle was deemed a total lossWe contacted *** ***’ lienholder, Regional Acceptance Corporation, to secure a copy of the title and a letter of guaranteeA power of attorney form was sent to *** ***On September 15, 2017, we received this information and a payment in the amount of $9,was issued to the lienholderHowever, it was noted on the title and on the bill of sale, that *** *** *** and *** *** *** *** were the legal owners of the vehicleTherefore the equity payment in the amount of $2,was issued to them
*** *** disputed the equity payment stating that she had been paying the insurance premiums and she should receive the equity paymentWe issued a stop payment on the equity check while this issue was being resolved*** *** objected to us speaking with the titled owners of the vehicle without her permissionSince they had an insurable interest in the vehicle, we had to notify them the stop payment had been issued at *** ***’ requestWe apologize *** *** was not informed of our right to speak to the legal owners of the vehicle
*** *** has submitted court documentation showing that the small claims court ruled that *** *** has been ordered to submit payment to *** *** in the amount of $2,574.92, plus court costs of $The court documentation does not show why it was so ordered, and makes no mention of the transfer in ownership of the vehicle*** *** has been ordered to make this payment to Leona Evans by December 21, Since the vehicle was still in the name of Alice Johnson and *** ***, we will reissue the equity payment in the amount of $2,to themThey, in turn, can sign the payment over to *** *** to comply with the court orderWe are not, however, responsible for the court costs
We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close out the complaintIf you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to call my associate, Barbara C***, at ###-###-####, extension ***
Paul M***
Assistant Vice President
July 27, Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K St. NW, 10th floor P.OBox Washington, DC 20005- Attention: *** *** RE: CASE NUMBER:
*** COMPLAINANT: *** *** CLAIM NUMBER: *** DATE OF LOSS: September 28, 2015 COMPANY: Government Employees Insurance Company Dear *** ***: This letter is in response to your correspondence dated July 20, This loss is a lane change dispute. The only evidence available to GEICO was recorded statements from both parties involved. There were no witnesses who came forward, and the police did not investigate the loss. The accident occurred on Corporate Drive near Interstate ** in Lewisville, Texas. The road is four lanes, two in each directionThe right lane ends as it approaches the highway and becomes a turn only laneThe left lane is a straight only lane*** *** advised he was traveling in the right lane and the other vehicle was behind him. He stated he turned on his left blinker and began to change lanes when the impact occurredHe said the other driver must have moved into the lane just before or at the same time he was changing lanes, sped up and struck the driver's side rear of his vehicle when he was in the process of changing lanes. The other driver’s version indicates he had always been traveling in the left lane. He stated he was driving forward when he saw *** *** in a lane which became a right turn only. At that time, he advised *** *** came into his lane causing the accident. We estimated and photographed both vehicles involvedThe other driver’s damages are located on the passenger’s side front fender near the wheel-well and along the passenger side running board. The majority of damage to *** ***’ vehicle is on the driver side near the bed of the truck and cab, not the rear as his statement indicatedThe damages are not indicative of a rear-end loss as described by *** ***. The damages suggest the other driver was next to *** *** and *** *** struck the other driver while he was already established in the left lane. Due to the statements given to us as well as the damages, we found *** *** responsible for the loss and paid for the other party’s damages. GEICO advised *** *** on October 1, of the liability decision in regard to this claim. We also spoke to *** *** on November 16, and advised her of the liability decision as well*** *** contacted his adjuster on July 19, 2016. *** ***’ call was returned on the 19th and he was advised of our liability decision. We called and left a message for *** *** to further discuss the investigation and decision on July 20, 2016. We spoke with *** *** on July 25, and explained our liability decision. If you have any questions, please contact Claims Manager Emily R*** at ###-###-####Sincerely, Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as Geico pays the full amount to repaint the tank and fairing.
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: GEICO needs to answer my complaint through my complaint This PDF is vague, answers no part of my complaint, and is a "bait and switch" response to my complaint This is unacceptable I have made myself clear in my Revdex.com complaint I understand GEICO would like to hide their mistakes and look good on Revdex.com reviews However, the complaint still stands as written on my Revdex.com complaint I am still waiting for an appropriate response from GEICO
*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Revdex.com:I am satisfied with the decision
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***