[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I want a refund because I was lied to about the price I was suppose to payI only paid the premiums each month because I was told a manager would adjust this and I didn't want to be without insuranceI was never called back and no managers ever changed my plan to a quote I was promisedI've never been compensated for anythingI just paid the higher priceThis company has ripped me off and just said theirs nothing we can do about itI want my refund
*** ***
NOVEMBER 20, 2015Revdex.com OF METRO WASHINGTON DC & EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA K StNW, 10th FloorWASHINGTON, DC 20005-3404Attn*** ***RE: COMPLAINT ID#***COMPLAINANT *** M*** OURCLAIM #: *** OUR INSURED: ***M*** LOSS Date: March 11, 2015Dear Mr
***,Thank you for your letter of inquiry dated November 13, 2015.On March 11, Mr***'s vehicle incurred damage to both sides of his vehicle due to an intersectional side swipe in which the vehicle temporarily rolled up onto its side and then back to resting position.After completion of repairs in April 2015, according to Mr*** the vehicle was brought back to the body shop of choice twice to address an issue of condensation appearing on the carpets in the front of the vehicleThe body shop of choice advised both times that the issue was corrected.On October 15, Mr*** called in advising that he was having trouble with his vehicle and had the vehicle towed to a different shop of choiceThe second shop advised Mr*** that the reason his vehicle had stalled was due to a crack in the transmission coolerMr*** authorized the replacement of the part and once repairs were completed he made contacted our Auto Damage Supervisor, Curtis E*** to request reimbursement for the repair.The transmission cooler is located in the frontend of the vehicle and is a part of a closed tubular metal systemThis cooler could not have been damaged as a result of the original accident on March 11, as the damage from that accident was contained to the sides of the VehicleBased on the time lapse from initial accident to now, and the location of the transmission cooler this damage could not have been form the original accidentWe have advised Mr*** that we cannot reimburse him for the transmission cooler repair as it is not related to the original accident.\lf any additional information is needed please contact Jenna W***, Consumer Relations Administrator at ###-###-#### or ***.Sincerely,Pionne C*** Assistant Vice President
We are in receipt of your follcorrespondence related to the above-noted complaint ID,As we stated in our earlier letter, our company is not affiliated with, nor do we guarantee repairs completed by *** Auto CollisionWhen our insured informed us he wished to have his vehicle repaired at a *** dealership and he was not familiar with any in the area, we might have assisted him in identifying a nearby *** dealerHowever, the *** dealer would have been required to obtain our insured's consent to repair his vehicleGEICO is unable to select a repair facility for a customer, or to authorize the repair of our customers' Vehicles.Upon receipt of your most recent inquiry, Todd K***, Auto Damage Director, contacted our customer to arrange a meetingOur insured indicated he would like to meet, but he was currently enrolled in summer classes, and he agreed to contact us when he could confirm a time that would fit his schedule.We note our insured's description of the customer service he received, and we regret that we failed to provide our insured with the outstanding level of customer service we strive to deliverWe will continue to attempt to arrange a convenient time to meet with him and the repair facilityIf you have any further questions, you can reach Todd K*** at ###-###-####, via fax at ###-###-#### or at ***.Sincerely,Don R*** Regional Vice President
Dear Mr***:
Thank you for your recent inquiry
We understand that Mr*** is seeking payment for diminished value of his *** ***Auto Damage Supervisor Aaron G*** tried to reach Mr*** on September 8, to discuss this matter, but was only able to leave
a message
We paid for the full cost to perform a high quality repair of Mr***’s vehicleDiminution of value is not covered under the physical damages coverage on Mr***’s policy. Please refer to Mr***’s policy contract:
Your Protection For Loss Or Damage To Your Car
The limit of our liability for loss:
is the actual cash value of the property at the time of the loss;
will not exceed the cost to repair or replace the property, or any of its parts, with other of like kind and
quality and will not include compensation for any diminution in the property’s value that is claimed to result from the loss;
It is possible that Mr*** can pursue a diminution of value claim with the other driver’s insurance carrier, ***, as a third party claimantMr*** should direct any inquiries about the diminished value of his vehicle to ***
If you have any questions, please contact Auto Damage Manager Craig H*** at ###-###-####
JLee M***, Jr
Assistant Vice President, Claims
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The good news is that I have now, finally, received a check.Beyond that, the narrative presented by the company is grossly misleading During this whole process, I spoke to a number of the company's representatives, and often these contradicted one another In particular, I was told on more than one occasion that "the check is in the mail," when, in fact, this was untrue according to another representative.The trouble seems to be that people on the phone in this company make commitments that back-office people then fail to fulfill.While, as I say, I have now, finally, received payment, the road to getting it was troubled by utter confusion on the part of the people I spoke to.This company needs to take a good look at its own procedures In the meantime, I cannot recommend it
*** ***
July 25, *** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th floor Washington DC 20005- VIA FACSIMILE: ###-###-####
RE: *** Insured: *** *** *** Policy Number: *** / Retention Key *** NAIC: ***-GEICO Casualty Dear *** ***: Thank you for your recent inquiry dated July 20, 2016. I welcome the opportunity to discuss *** ***’s automobile policy concerns On July 15, 2016, *** *** agreed an online quote for $per six months with a down payment of $On the same screen that *** *** entered her payment information, she was advised that she had an outstanding balance of $from her previous GEICO policyShe was also advised that we would process a separate payment of $prior to processing her down payment for the new policyThis premium is a result of coverage provided from August 18, until October 12, On October 1, 2010, *** *** was sent the attached cancellation notice advising that if the payment of $was not made by 12:am on October 12, the policy would cancel*** ***’s policy cancelled effective the October 12, due to non-payment leaving an outstanding balance of $The outstanding balance also includes two $penalty charges due to the retuned payments on August 30, and September 30, As a result of the July 15, transaction, an email was sent to *** *** advising that her payment of $was for the unpaid balance from her previous policyThe email also advised *** *** that the down payment to start a new policy was declinedWe are unable to refund *** ***’s payment of $as it was for her outstanding balance from her previous policyIn order to backdate the cancellation of the policy, she can provide proof that she had other coverage from August 18, until October 12, I apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused *** *** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####. Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:a.mto 3:p.mESTSincerely, John *L*** AVP, Underwriting Enclosures: Bills Cancellation Notice Email Tell us why here
We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of Mrs***I welcome the opportunity to respond to her concerns.I apologize for any difficulty Mrs*** is experiencing in relation to her auto policy billingIt appears that there may have been a misunderstanding between
Mrs*** and our Customer Service Department in relation to her policy billing amounts and due dates when she spoke with us on June 13, As a result, my associate, Phillip K***, spoke with Mrs*** on June 29, 2016, to work out a payment arrangement with herMrK*** has already extended her cancellation due date from June 30, 2016, to July 15, Mrs*** will contact MrK*** on June 30, 2016, to finalize the payment arrangement.I hope this information is helpful in resolving Mrs***’s concernsIf you have any additional questions please contact MrK*** at ###-###-####, extension 7321.Sincerely,Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO Casualty Company NAIC: 41491MS / pk/sd/el
This will acknowledge receipt of your August 2, inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy,Our records show that the above policy has been enrolled in an automatic electronic funds transfer payment method (EFT) since its April 10, inception date
The insured also elected to enroll the policy in the paperless billing option, On March 31, an EFT bill notification was sent to the insured via the email address on file (***@***.com) listing the dates and the respective installment amounts that were scheduled to be automatically extracted from the bank account on fileA copy of the EFT bill notification is enclosed.On June 30, a payment reminder was sent to the insured via the email address on file indicating that a payment for $was scheduled to be extracted on July 10, in accordance with the EFT payment schedule that was issued on March 31, A copy of the emailed reminder is enclosed,On July 8, the insured accessed her policy via our company’s website and requested to postpone the July 10, payment extraction to July 12, The $payment extraction was postponed as requested, and confirmation of the postponement was sent to the insured via the email address on fileA copy of the emailed confirmation is enclosed.On July 11, the insured accessed her policy via our company’s website and submitted an electronic check payment for July 12, in the amount of $65,Confirmation of the payment submission was also sent to the insured via the email address on fileA copy of the emailed confirmation is enclosed.On July 12, two payments for $each were applied to the policy as per the above requests made by the insured on July 8, and July 11, respectivelyThe insured’s bank subsequently notified GEICO on July 21, that one of the two payments was not honored due to insufficient fundsAs a result, the policy was assessed a $returned payment fee.As stated above, our records show that the two payments for $each that were applied to the policy on July 12, were in accordance with the online requests made by the insured on July 8, and July 11, respectivelyOur company provided confirmation via email after each transactionIf the insured submitted the second payment in error, there was ample opportunity to cancel the payment the same day upon receiving the emailed confirmationTherefore, it is GEICO’s position that both payment transactions were authorized by the insured, and as such, our company is unable to comply with the insured’s request to be reimbursed for any fees that were incurred as a result of the payment submissions.Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record,If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.Very truly yours,Brian O*** Executive Office
Please see the attached response.Regional Office: *** *** *** - Woodbury, NY ***December 3, 2015Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10" Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404Attention: *** ***Re: *** *** Case ID: *** Policy;#: ***Dear *** ***:This will acknowledge receipt of your December 3, follow up inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy.Please be advised that GEICO’s position on the matter remains unchangedPolicy paperwork is provided to the insured at every renewal, and after a requested change is made to the policyThe included policy declarations provide a clear breakdown of the premium for the individual coverage items along with a listing of the applicable discounts for which the insured is eligible.A number of factors are used in determining automobile insurance rates, including where a vehicle is customarily kept, the age and driving record of the driver, the type and use of the covered vehicle(s), as well as the coverage limits being carried on the policyThe premium charged to an individual policyholder is also affected directly by the number and cost of accidents caused by drivers who live in his or her rating territory and by the number of thefts in that territoryMsJames is receiving the best rate that our company can offer her at this time based on her underwriting factorsThere is no indication that she was ever overcharged by our company.Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record.If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.Very truly yours,Brian O*** Executive Office
November 15, *** *** Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC K Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005- Regarding: *** ** *** Claim Number: *** Revdex.com File Number: *** Dear *** ***: We have received your letter requesting additional assistance on behalf of *** *** ***. I assure *** *** that we have provided her with all available information, explanations and reassurances in response to her concerns. As mentioned in our previous responses, the coverages listed on *** ***’ California policy are in effect for her October 24, loss. This decision represents GEICO’s final position on the matter. If you have any additional questions, please contact my associate, Phillip K***, at ###-###-####, extension *** Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO General Insurance Company NAIC: ***
October 19,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC
and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
Re: *** ***
Case ID: ***
Policy#: ***
Dear *** ***:
This will acknowledge receipt of your
October 4, inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy
The above referenced policy renewed effective October 16, The insured has elected a monthly payment plan optionThe 1st payment for policies on the monthly payment plan is due one month before the policy effective date and subsequently each month thereafter 16.66% of the policy is dueThe purpose of paying the policy ahead is to maintain equity on the accountThis will ensure that if a payment is missed or postponed there is still equity remaining on the policy to extend coverageThis will allow the customer leverage to pay at a later date without immediate termination of the policy for non-payment
The renewal bill issued to the insured on September 1, was for the amount of $This bill included a pro-rated balance of $for an endorsement that was processed effective August 9, Enclosed is a copy of the bill sent to the insured for the renewal as well as an itemized statement of accounts
Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record
If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####
Scott D*** Executive Office
We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of *** ***I welcome the opportunity to respond to her concernsUpon receipt of the complaint, our Financial Services Director, Leigh Ann S***, reached out to *** ***. We advised her that we would process the refund back
to her *** *** card ending in *** immediately. MsS*** provided *** *** with her name and contact information and asked her to contact her directly if the funds were not available on her *** *** card by November 29, 2017. It normally takes approximately three days for funds to be available, but with the Thanksgiving holiday, it may take additional time for *** ***’s financial institution to make the funds availableMsS*** also emailed this information to *** ***. The refund was processed the afternoon of November 22, 2017. We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close out the complaint. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to call my associate, Barbara C***, at ***, ext***Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President Government Employees Insurance Company NAIC: ***
December 4,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
DATE OF LOSS: February 15,
COMPANY: GEICO Advantage Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
Thank you for your correspondence dated November 27,
The above referenced loss was reported on February 15, After the initial coverage and liability investigation was complete, Auto Damage Adjuster Lauren C*** completed the vehicle damage inspection on February 22,
On February 26, 2017, *** *** submitted an internet inquiry regarding moving her vehicle to her chosen repair facility
On February 27, 2017, MsC*** scheduled the vehicle’s transport to *** *** *** *** in Plano, TX as this was *** ***’s repair facility of choice
On March 16, 2017, a supplemental inspection request was received from *** ***, and assigned to Auto Damage Adjuster Jordan S*The supplement was completed the same day and the vehicle was deemed a total loss
Our review of the *** Rent-A-Car invoice confirms the details of the charges billed directly to *** *** by ***Of the total amount billed, $represents his first party deductible for damages sustained to the rental vehicle while in his careWe confirmed with *** the actual amount of damage sustained to the rental vehicle totaled $In addition, *** *** was billed $for an administration fee and $for loss of use of the rental vehicle while under repair*** has agreed to reimburse *** *** $for the administration and loss of use fees and has previously reimbursed him $for the deductible reimbursement
We also reviewed the sequence of events of the handling of the claim and will agree to reimburse *** *** $for the days of rental charges billed to him
On November 11, 2017, we received an internet inquiry from *** *** advising he did not agree with the total loss settlement value of his vehicleAuto Damage Supervisor Derrick C*** has attempted unsuccessfully to reach *** *** to discuss the total loss vehicle valuation
On November 30, 2017, Auto Damage Manager Terrence E*** phoned *** *** to advise of the reimbursement and conclusion of the total loss claim
Auto Damage Adjuster Ryan Atkinson attempted unsuccessfully to reach *** *** by phone on November 30, to arrange a meeting to settle the claimThat same day, we issued a rental reimbursement payment of $and a total loss settlement payment in the amount of $5,This amount represents the actual cash value of *** ***’s vehicle at the time of loss plus applicable taxes and fees less the $deductibleOn December 1, 2017, MrC*** left a message for *** *** in an attempt to arrange a time to meet and conclude the settlement
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact Claims Manager Terrence E*** at ###-###-####
Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
We received your correspondence dated June 26, We have not included any personal identifying information in our response, as you requested Our insured requested a tow on June 23, Our records do not indicate he later cancelled the towHe called on June 26, 2017, to request a
tow for the same disablement of his vehicleSince his Emergency Road Service amendment allows one tow per disablement, we declined to provide an additional tow on that date Our calls are recorded on a random basis for quality control purposesUnfortunately, the call of June 23, 2017, was not recordedOn June 28, 2017, based on the miscommunication, our Emergency Road Service Director called the insured, and advised him to submit a copy of his paid tow billUpon receipt, we will reimburse him for the tow We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close the complaintIf you have any further questions, please contact Gail M*** at ###-###-####, fax at ###-###-####, or *** Sincerely, Don R*** Don R*** Regional Vice President
Tell us why here...The points of impact do not indicate Mr*** had full control of the intersection as the damages were to the right front corner of his vehicle. We have no evidence that Ms*** was traveling at a high rate of speed The police report indicates "no" under speeding related for Ms***, however, indicates "racing" under speeding related for Mr***.If you have any further questions, you can contact our Claims Manager, Kristen S***,, at ###-###-#### ext ***Sincerely,Angela R***Assistance Vice President
January 13, 2017Revdex.comAttn: *** ***K StNW, 10th FloorWashington, D.C 20005-3404Re: Customer Name: *** *** Case Number: *** Company Name: GEICO Auto Insurance CompanyPolicy Number: ***Dear Ms
***:This is in response to your correspondence received in our Washington, D.CExecutive Offices It was referred to the Richardson, TX Regional Office for a reply.We apologize for any inconvenience Ms*** may have experienced regarding her auto policy with GEICO We reviewed her policy to better understand the specifics of her complaint We have cancelled her auto policy, effective August 3, 2016, which will eliminate any balance due.Our Consumer Relations Analyst, Marie B***, reached out to Ms***, on January 13, 2017, by telephone She called the contact number shown on the complaint; however, it rang and then disconnected She would like to advise Ms*** the collection agency will be notified the balance is cleared.Mr*** notified GEICO, on August 2, 2016, that he and Ms*** were no longer together A separate policy was issued for Ms*** in order to continue to provide her with auto insurance We were unable to reach her by telephone as we did not have a contact number for her Emails were sent to Ms***, on August 2, 2016, August 17, 2016, and August 31, 2016, to determine if she received the paperwork or had any questions We did not receive a response from Ms*** The policy cancelled, due to nonpayment of premium, effective August 29, A balance due, in the amount of $61.33, was for coverage provided from August 2, through August 29, 2016.We are sorry that Ms*** is no longer a member of the GEICO family If in the future she finds her insurance needs are not being met, we sincerely hope she reaches out to us We would be happy to welcome her back into the GEICO family. If you need additional information, please contact Patti K*** by telephone at ###-###-####, from 8:am to 4:pm CST, or by email at ***.Sincerely,Matthew Z***Assistant Vice PresidentCc: *** *** *** *** Dr Humble TX
December 7,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
COMPANY: GEICO County Mutual Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
Thank you for your follow up correspondence dated November 30,
As stated in our initial response, Auto Damage Supervisor Daniel M*** spoke with an employee, ***, at *** ***’s repair facility of choice, *** *** *** in Houston, TX, on November 21, *** confirmed that the order for the required parts had been placed and they were awaiting arrival from the manufacturerSome of the parts had arrived as of that conversationHowever, they were still awaiting the arrival of the vehicle’s lock set, which was damaged in the loss
MrM*** contacted the repair facility again on December 1, 2017, who confirmed the information referenced aboveMrM*** also contacted the manufacture’s parts divisionThey also confirmed that the repair facility placed the order on October 17, under *** order number ***They acknowledged that the part was being built but could not provide an arrival dateUnfortunately, GEICO cannot control the speed at which *** manufactures the required lock setAny information GEICO obtained regarding the issue was acquired directly from the repair facility and/or the vehicle manufacturer
Auto Damage Adjuster Ron B*** left a message for *** *** on November 6, in an attempt to explain the situationMrM*** also left messages for *** *** on November and December 1, MrM*** sent an email to *** ***’s personal email address on the latter dateGEICO requests that *** *** reply to MrM***’s inquiries should he have any additional concerns
If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact Claims Manager Chris C*** at ###-###-####
Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
I am writing to you in response to *** ***’s rejection of our previous response.As stated in our previous writing due to the length of her current lapse of insurance and her previous history of non-pay cancellations *** *** does not qualify to reinstate or rewrite a policy with *** through GIAI.The policy offered and accepted by *** *** provided by *** *** is the next available carrier she qualifies forThe computers and handbags are covered by the policy as standard personal propertyIf she provides individual appraisals for the jewelry, watches and furs *** *** will review for potential scheduled coverage.If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jeff B*** GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc
November 11, *** *** Revdex.com CONSUMER AFFAIRS K ST NW, 10TH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20005- Re: Compliant ID: *** Dear *** ***: We received your correspondence dated November 04, regarding the above-noted
consumer. We have not included any personal identifying information in our response as you requested Our Insured started a motorcycle policy with GEICO on June 07, with liability, comprehensive, and towing/labor coverageNew policy paperwork was sent to our Insured which included the Texas Personal Motorcycle Policy, Texas Motorcycle Information and Option Form, ID Cards, and declaration page showing the coverage on his policy On June 16, 2016, our Insured reported to GEICO that he was involved in an accident with his *** *** motorcycleOur claim representative explained to our Insured there was no collision coverage on his policy. GEICO did not make a payment for repairs to the motorcycle since there was no collision coverageOur Insured requested a recording of his phone conversation on June 06, with the sales representativeGEICO randomly records calls for quality purposesOur claim department researched to see if the call was recorded and determined it was not recordedPer review of his policy, there is no documentation our Insured requested collision coverage. While discussing the claim with a GEICO claim supervisor on July 06, our Insured requested to speak with a claim manager. The claim supervisor advised our Insured that his manager was out of the office and would call our Insured as soon as he returnsOn July 07, a GEICO Claim’s Regional Unit Manager called our Insured and left a voicemailOur records indicate our Insured never returned his call Two payments were made to *** *** Incorporated for towing services on our Insured’s motorcycle for the claim that occurred on June 08, A payment of $was issued on July 19, and a second payment of $was issued on July 26, GEICO reviewed every possible avenue to determine if any error on our part was madeGEICO did not find any errors in writing the policy and in the coverage and amount our Insured was charged forSince our Insured was not carrying collision coverage at the time of loss, there is no other course of action for our InsuredOur Insured was sent a denial letter on July 07, by the GEICO Claim’s Department advising the conclusion of our investigation regarding collision coverage We trust this information is sufficient to allow you to close your file. Please call Jimmette K***, Complaint Analyst, at ###-###-####, if you have any further questions Sincerely, Andrea B*** Virginia Beach Regional Office GEICO Indemnity Company NAIC #Tell us why here
June 22, 2015Dear *** ***,We received your correspondence dated June 16, 2015, regarding the above-noted ConsumerWe have not included any personal identifying information in our response as you requestedWe have attempted to contact the policyholder; however, we were unsuccessful.Our Insured’s
original policy canceled effective June 8, 2015, due to non-payment of premiumOn June 13, 2015, our Insured reissued her policy with a down payment of $We apologize but our calls are recorded for training purposes only and record at randomWe do not have the call from when our Insured contacted us.We have, however, made an exception to refund our Insured $if she enrolled in our monthly automatic payment planWe advised our Insured of the refund and she enrolled into automatic paymentsOur Insured has received her refund back to the card on file.We trust this information is sufficient to allow you to close your filePlease call Russell W***, Customer Service Director, at *** *** x***, if you have any further questions.Very Truly Yours,George R.Regional Vice President
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I want a refund because I was lied to about the price I was suppose to payI only paid the premiums each month because I was told a manager would adjust this and I didn't want to be without insuranceI was never called back and no managers ever changed my plan to a quote I was promisedI've never been compensated for anythingI just paid the higher priceThis company has ripped me off and just said theirs nothing we can do about itI want my refund
*** ***
NOVEMBER 20, 2015Revdex.com OF METRO WASHINGTON DC & EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA K StNW, 10th FloorWASHINGTON, DC 20005-3404Attn*** ***RE: COMPLAINT ID#***COMPLAINANT *** M*** OURCLAIM #: *** OUR INSURED: ***M*** LOSS Date: March 11, 2015Dear Mr
***,Thank you for your letter of inquiry dated November 13, 2015.On March 11, Mr***'s vehicle incurred damage to both sides of his vehicle due to an intersectional side swipe in which the vehicle temporarily rolled up onto its side and then back to resting position.After completion of repairs in April 2015, according to Mr*** the vehicle was brought back to the body shop of choice twice to address an issue of condensation appearing on the carpets in the front of the vehicleThe body shop of choice advised both times that the issue was corrected.On October 15, Mr*** called in advising that he was having trouble with his vehicle and had the vehicle towed to a different shop of choiceThe second shop advised Mr*** that the reason his vehicle had stalled was due to a crack in the transmission coolerMr*** authorized the replacement of the part and once repairs were completed he made contacted our Auto Damage Supervisor, Curtis E*** to request reimbursement for the repair.The transmission cooler is located in the frontend of the vehicle and is a part of a closed tubular metal systemThis cooler could not have been damaged as a result of the original accident on March 11, as the damage from that accident was contained to the sides of the VehicleBased on the time lapse from initial accident to now, and the location of the transmission cooler this damage could not have been form the original accidentWe have advised Mr*** that we cannot reimburse him for the transmission cooler repair as it is not related to the original accident.\lf any additional information is needed please contact Jenna W***, Consumer Relations Administrator at ###-###-#### or ***.Sincerely,Pionne C*** Assistant Vice President
We are in receipt of your follcorrespondence related to the above-noted complaint ID,As we stated in our earlier letter, our company is not affiliated with, nor do we guarantee repairs completed by *** Auto CollisionWhen our insured informed us he wished to have his vehicle repaired at a *** dealership and he was not familiar with any in the area, we might have assisted him in identifying a nearby *** dealerHowever, the *** dealer would have been required to obtain our insured's consent to repair his vehicleGEICO is unable to select a repair facility for a customer, or to authorize the repair of our customers' Vehicles.Upon receipt of your most recent inquiry, Todd K***, Auto Damage Director, contacted our customer to arrange a meetingOur insured indicated he would like to meet, but he was currently enrolled in summer classes, and he agreed to contact us when he could confirm a time that would fit his schedule.We note our insured's description of the customer service he received, and we regret that we failed to provide our insured with the outstanding level of customer service we strive to deliverWe will continue to attempt to arrange a convenient time to meet with him and the repair facilityIf you have any further questions, you can reach Todd K*** at ###-###-####, via fax at ###-###-#### or at ***.Sincerely,Don R*** Regional Vice President
Dear Mr***:
Thank you for your recent inquiry
We understand that Mr*** is seeking payment for diminished value of his *** ***Auto Damage Supervisor Aaron G*** tried to reach Mr*** on September 8, to discuss this matter, but was only able to leave
a message
We paid for the full cost to perform a high quality repair of Mr***’s vehicleDiminution of value is not covered under the physical damages coverage on Mr***’s policy. Please refer to Mr***’s policy contract:
Your Protection For Loss Or Damage To Your Car
The limit of our liability for loss:
is the actual cash value of the property at the time of the loss;
will not exceed the cost to repair or replace the property, or any of its parts, with other of like kind and
quality and will not include compensation for any diminution in the property’s value that is claimed to result from the loss;
It is possible that Mr*** can pursue a diminution of value claim with the other driver’s insurance carrier, ***, as a third party claimantMr*** should direct any inquiries about the diminished value of his vehicle to ***
If you have any questions, please contact Auto Damage Manager Craig H*** at ###-###-####
JLee M***, Jr
Assistant Vice President, Claims
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The good news is that I have now, finally, received a check.Beyond that, the narrative presented by the company is grossly misleading During this whole process, I spoke to a number of the company's representatives, and often these contradicted one another In particular, I was told on more than one occasion that "the check is in the mail," when, in fact, this was untrue according to another representative.The trouble seems to be that people on the phone in this company make commitments that back-office people then fail to fulfill.While, as I say, I have now, finally, received payment, the road to getting it was troubled by utter confusion on the part of the people I spoke to.This company needs to take a good look at its own procedures In the meantime, I cannot recommend it
*** ***
July 25, *** *** Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10th floor Washington DC 20005- VIA FACSIMILE: ###-###-####
RE: *** Insured: *** *** *** Policy Number: *** / Retention Key *** NAIC: ***-GEICO Casualty Dear *** ***: Thank you for your recent inquiry dated July 20, 2016. I welcome the opportunity to discuss *** ***’s automobile policy concerns On July 15, 2016, *** *** agreed an online quote for $per six months with a down payment of $On the same screen that *** *** entered her payment information, she was advised that she had an outstanding balance of $from her previous GEICO policyShe was also advised that we would process a separate payment of $prior to processing her down payment for the new policyThis premium is a result of coverage provided from August 18, until October 12, On October 1, 2010, *** *** was sent the attached cancellation notice advising that if the payment of $was not made by 12:am on October 12, the policy would cancel*** ***’s policy cancelled effective the October 12, due to non-payment leaving an outstanding balance of $The outstanding balance also includes two $penalty charges due to the retuned payments on August 30, and September 30, As a result of the July 15, transaction, an email was sent to *** *** advising that her payment of $was for the unpaid balance from her previous policyThe email also advised *** *** that the down payment to start a new policy was declinedWe are unable to refund *** ***’s payment of $as it was for her outstanding balance from her previous policyIn order to backdate the cancellation of the policy, she can provide proof that she had other coverage from August 18, until October 12, I apologize for an inconvenience and frustration this has caused *** *** and I hope this information will assist you in resolving this issueIf additional information is required, please contact Chelsea G*** at ###-###-####. Her office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:a.mto 3:p.mESTSincerely, John *L*** AVP, Underwriting Enclosures: Bills Cancellation Notice Email Tell us why here
We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of Mrs***I welcome the opportunity to respond to her concerns.I apologize for any difficulty Mrs*** is experiencing in relation to her auto policy billingIt appears that there may have been a misunderstanding between
Mrs*** and our Customer Service Department in relation to her policy billing amounts and due dates when she spoke with us on June 13, As a result, my associate, Phillip K***, spoke with Mrs*** on June 29, 2016, to work out a payment arrangement with herMrK*** has already extended her cancellation due date from June 30, 2016, to July 15, Mrs*** will contact MrK*** on June 30, 2016, to finalize the payment arrangement.I hope this information is helpful in resolving Mrs***’s concernsIf you have any additional questions please contact MrK*** at ###-###-####, extension 7321.Sincerely,Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO Casualty Company NAIC: 41491MS / pk/sd/el
This will acknowledge receipt of your August 2, inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy,Our records show that the above policy has been enrolled in an automatic electronic funds transfer payment method (EFT) since its April 10, inception date
The insured also elected to enroll the policy in the paperless billing option, On March 31, an EFT bill notification was sent to the insured via the email address on file (***@***.com) listing the dates and the respective installment amounts that were scheduled to be automatically extracted from the bank account on fileA copy of the EFT bill notification is enclosed.On June 30, a payment reminder was sent to the insured via the email address on file indicating that a payment for $was scheduled to be extracted on July 10, in accordance with the EFT payment schedule that was issued on March 31, A copy of the emailed reminder is enclosed,On July 8, the insured accessed her policy via our company’s website and requested to postpone the July 10, payment extraction to July 12, The $payment extraction was postponed as requested, and confirmation of the postponement was sent to the insured via the email address on fileA copy of the emailed confirmation is enclosed.On July 11, the insured accessed her policy via our company’s website and submitted an electronic check payment for July 12, in the amount of $65,Confirmation of the payment submission was also sent to the insured via the email address on fileA copy of the emailed confirmation is enclosed.On July 12, two payments for $each were applied to the policy as per the above requests made by the insured on July 8, and July 11, respectivelyThe insured’s bank subsequently notified GEICO on July 21, that one of the two payments was not honored due to insufficient fundsAs a result, the policy was assessed a $returned payment fee.As stated above, our records show that the two payments for $each that were applied to the policy on July 12, were in accordance with the online requests made by the insured on July 8, and July 11, respectivelyOur company provided confirmation via email after each transactionIf the insured submitted the second payment in error, there was ample opportunity to cancel the payment the same day upon receiving the emailed confirmationTherefore, it is GEICO’s position that both payment transactions were authorized by the insured, and as such, our company is unable to comply with the insured’s request to be reimbursed for any fees that were incurred as a result of the payment submissions.Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record,If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.Very truly yours,Brian O*** Executive Office
Please see the attached response.Regional Office: *** *** *** - Woodbury, NY ***December 3, 2015Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania K StNW, 10" Floor Washington, DC 20005-3404Attention: *** ***Re: *** *** Case ID: *** Policy;#: ***Dear *** ***:This will acknowledge receipt of your December 3, follow up inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy.Please be advised that GEICO’s position on the matter remains unchangedPolicy paperwork is provided to the insured at every renewal, and after a requested change is made to the policyThe included policy declarations provide a clear breakdown of the premium for the individual coverage items along with a listing of the applicable discounts for which the insured is eligible.A number of factors are used in determining automobile insurance rates, including where a vehicle is customarily kept, the age and driving record of the driver, the type and use of the covered vehicle(s), as well as the coverage limits being carried on the policyThe premium charged to an individual policyholder is also affected directly by the number and cost of accidents caused by drivers who live in his or her rating territory and by the number of thefts in that territoryMsJames is receiving the best rate that our company can offer her at this time based on her underwriting factorsThere is no indication that she was ever overcharged by our company.Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record.If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.Very truly yours,Brian O*** Executive Office
November 15, *** *** Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC K Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005- Regarding: *** ** *** Claim Number: *** Revdex.com File Number: *** Dear *** ***: We have received your letter requesting additional assistance on behalf of *** *** ***. I assure *** *** that we have provided her with all available information, explanations and reassurances in response to her concerns. As mentioned in our previous responses, the coverages listed on *** ***’ California policy are in effect for her October 24, loss. This decision represents GEICO’s final position on the matter. If you have any additional questions, please contact my associate, Phillip K***, at ###-###-####, extension *** Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO General Insurance Company NAIC: ***
October 19,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC
and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
Re: *** ***
Case ID: ***
Policy#: ***
Dear *** ***:
This will acknowledge receipt of your
October 4, inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy
The above referenced policy renewed effective October 16, The insured has elected a monthly payment plan optionThe 1st payment for policies on the monthly payment plan is due one month before the policy effective date and subsequently each month thereafter 16.66% of the policy is dueThe purpose of paying the policy ahead is to maintain equity on the accountThis will ensure that if a payment is missed or postponed there is still equity remaining on the policy to extend coverageThis will allow the customer leverage to pay at a later date without immediate termination of the policy for non-payment
The renewal bill issued to the insured on September 1, was for the amount of $This bill included a pro-rated balance of $for an endorsement that was processed effective August 9, Enclosed is a copy of the bill sent to the insured for the renewal as well as an itemized statement of accounts
Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record
If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####
Scott D*** Executive Office
We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of *** ***I welcome the opportunity to respond to her concernsUpon receipt of the complaint, our Financial Services Director, Leigh Ann S***, reached out to *** ***. We advised her that we would process the refund back
to her *** *** card ending in *** immediately. MsS*** provided *** *** with her name and contact information and asked her to contact her directly if the funds were not available on her *** *** card by November 29, 2017. It normally takes approximately three days for funds to be available, but with the Thanksgiving holiday, it may take additional time for *** ***’s financial institution to make the funds availableMsS*** also emailed this information to *** ***. The refund was processed the afternoon of November 22, 2017. We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close out the complaint. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to call my associate, Barbara C***, at ***, ext***Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President Government Employees Insurance Company NAIC: ***
December 4,
*The supplement was completed the same day and the vehicle was deemed a total loss
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
DATE OF LOSS: February 15,
COMPANY: GEICO Advantage Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
Thank you for your correspondence dated November 27,
The above referenced loss was reported on February 15, After the initial coverage and liability investigation was complete, Auto Damage Adjuster Lauren C*** completed the vehicle damage inspection on February 22,
On February 26, 2017, *** *** submitted an internet inquiry regarding moving her vehicle to her chosen repair facility
On February 27, 2017, MsC*** scheduled the vehicle’s transport to *** *** *** *** in Plano, TX as this was *** ***’s repair facility of choice
On March 16, 2017, a supplemental inspection request was received from *** ***, and assigned to Auto Damage Adjuster Jordan S
Our review of the *** Rent-A-Car invoice confirms the details of the charges billed directly to *** *** by ***Of the total amount billed, $represents his first party deductible for damages sustained to the rental vehicle while in his careWe confirmed with *** the actual amount of damage sustained to the rental vehicle totaled $In addition, *** *** was billed $for an administration fee and $for loss of use of the rental vehicle while under repair*** has agreed to reimburse *** *** $for the administration and loss of use fees and has previously reimbursed him $for the deductible reimbursement
We also reviewed the sequence of events of the handling of the claim and will agree to reimburse *** *** $for the days of rental charges billed to him
On November 11, 2017, we received an internet inquiry from *** *** advising he did not agree with the total loss settlement value of his vehicleAuto Damage Supervisor Derrick C*** has attempted unsuccessfully to reach *** *** to discuss the total loss vehicle valuation
On November 30, 2017, Auto Damage Manager Terrence E*** phoned *** *** to advise of the reimbursement and conclusion of the total loss claim
Auto Damage Adjuster Ryan Atkinson attempted unsuccessfully to reach *** *** by phone on November 30, to arrange a meeting to settle the claimThat same day, we issued a rental reimbursement payment of $and a total loss settlement payment in the amount of $5,This amount represents the actual cash value of *** ***’s vehicle at the time of loss plus applicable taxes and fees less the $deductibleOn December 1, 2017, MrC*** left a message for *** *** in an attempt to arrange a time to meet and conclude the settlement
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact Claims Manager Terrence E*** at ###-###-####
Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
We received your correspondence dated June 26, We have not included any personal identifying information in our response, as you requested Our insured requested a tow on June 23, Our records do not indicate he later cancelled the towHe called on June 26, 2017, to request a
tow for the same disablement of his vehicleSince his Emergency Road Service amendment allows one tow per disablement, we declined to provide an additional tow on that date Our calls are recorded on a random basis for quality control purposesUnfortunately, the call of June 23, 2017, was not recordedOn June 28, 2017, based on the miscommunication, our Emergency Road Service Director called the insured, and advised him to submit a copy of his paid tow billUpon receipt, we will reimburse him for the tow We trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close the complaintIf you have any further questions, please contact Gail M*** at ###-###-####, fax at ###-###-####, or *** Sincerely, Don R*** Don R*** Regional Vice President
Tell us why here...The points of impact do not indicate Mr*** had full control of the intersection as the damages were to the right front corner of his vehicle. We have no evidence that Ms*** was traveling at a high rate of speed The police report indicates "no" under speeding related for Ms***, however, indicates "racing" under speeding related for Mr***.If you have any further questions, you can contact our Claims Manager, Kristen S***,, at ###-###-#### ext ***Sincerely,Angela R***Assistance Vice President
January 13, 2017Revdex.comAttn: *** ***K StNW, 10th FloorWashington, D.C 20005-3404Re: Customer Name: *** *** Case Number: *** Company Name: GEICO Auto Insurance CompanyPolicy Number: ***Dear Ms
***:This is in response to your correspondence received in our Washington, D.CExecutive Offices It was referred to the Richardson, TX Regional Office for a reply.We apologize for any inconvenience Ms*** may have experienced regarding her auto policy with GEICO We reviewed her policy to better understand the specifics of her complaint We have cancelled her auto policy, effective August 3, 2016, which will eliminate any balance due.Our Consumer Relations Analyst, Marie B***, reached out to Ms***, on January 13, 2017, by telephone She called the contact number shown on the complaint; however, it rang and then disconnected She would like to advise Ms*** the collection agency will be notified the balance is cleared.Mr*** notified GEICO, on August 2, 2016, that he and Ms*** were no longer together A separate policy was issued for Ms*** in order to continue to provide her with auto insurance We were unable to reach her by telephone as we did not have a contact number for her Emails were sent to Ms***, on August 2, 2016, August 17, 2016, and August 31, 2016, to determine if she received the paperwork or had any questions We did not receive a response from Ms*** The policy cancelled, due to nonpayment of premium, effective August 29, A balance due, in the amount of $61.33, was for coverage provided from August 2, through August 29, 2016.We are sorry that Ms*** is no longer a member of the GEICO family If in the future she finds her insurance needs are not being met, we sincerely hope she reaches out to us We would be happy to welcome her back into the GEICO family. If you need additional information, please contact Patti K*** by telephone at ###-###-####, from 8:am to 4:pm CST, or by email at ***.Sincerely,Matthew Z***Assistant Vice PresidentCc: *** *** *** *** Dr Humble TX
December 7,
Revdex.com of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K StNW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
COMPANY: GEICO County Mutual Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
Thank you for your follow up correspondence dated November 30,
As stated in our initial response, Auto Damage Supervisor Daniel M*** spoke with an employee, ***, at *** ***’s repair facility of choice, *** *** *** in Houston, TX, on November 21, *** confirmed that the order for the required parts had been placed and they were awaiting arrival from the manufacturerSome of the parts had arrived as of that conversationHowever, they were still awaiting the arrival of the vehicle’s lock set, which was damaged in the loss
MrM*** contacted the repair facility again on December 1, 2017, who confirmed the information referenced aboveMrM*** also contacted the manufacture’s parts divisionThey also confirmed that the repair facility placed the order on October 17, under *** order number ***They acknowledged that the part was being built but could not provide an arrival dateUnfortunately, GEICO cannot control the speed at which *** manufactures the required lock setAny information GEICO obtained regarding the issue was acquired directly from the repair facility and/or the vehicle manufacturer
Auto Damage Adjuster Ron B*** left a message for *** *** on November 6, in an attempt to explain the situationMrM*** also left messages for *** *** on November and December 1, MrM*** sent an email to *** ***’s personal email address on the latter dateGEICO requests that *** *** reply to MrM***’s inquiries should he have any additional concerns
If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact Claims Manager Chris C*** at ###-###-####
Paul M*** Assistant Vice President
I am writing to you in response to *** ***’s rejection of our previous response.As stated in our previous writing due to the length of her current lapse of insurance and her previous history of non-pay cancellations *** *** does not qualify to reinstate or rewrite a policy with *** through GIAI.The policy offered and accepted by *** *** provided by *** *** is the next available carrier she qualifies forThe computers and handbags are covered by the policy as standard personal propertyIf she provides individual appraisals for the jewelry, watches and furs *** *** will review for potential scheduled coverage.If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jeff B*** GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc
November 11, *** *** Revdex.com CONSUMER AFFAIRS K ST NW, 10TH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20005- Re: Compliant ID: *** Dear *** ***: We received your correspondence dated November 04, regarding the above-noted
consumer. We have not included any personal identifying information in our response as you requested Our Insured started a motorcycle policy with GEICO on June 07, with liability, comprehensive, and towing/labor coverageNew policy paperwork was sent to our Insured which included the Texas Personal Motorcycle Policy, Texas Motorcycle Information and Option Form, ID Cards, and declaration page showing the coverage on his policy On June 16, 2016, our Insured reported to GEICO that he was involved in an accident with his *** *** motorcycleOur claim representative explained to our Insured there was no collision coverage on his policy. GEICO did not make a payment for repairs to the motorcycle since there was no collision coverageOur Insured requested a recording of his phone conversation on June 06, with the sales representativeGEICO randomly records calls for quality purposesOur claim department researched to see if the call was recorded and determined it was not recordedPer review of his policy, there is no documentation our Insured requested collision coverage. While discussing the claim with a GEICO claim supervisor on July 06, our Insured requested to speak with a claim manager. The claim supervisor advised our Insured that his manager was out of the office and would call our Insured as soon as he returnsOn July 07, a GEICO Claim’s Regional Unit Manager called our Insured and left a voicemailOur records indicate our Insured never returned his call Two payments were made to *** *** Incorporated for towing services on our Insured’s motorcycle for the claim that occurred on June 08, A payment of $was issued on July 19, and a second payment of $was issued on July 26, GEICO reviewed every possible avenue to determine if any error on our part was madeGEICO did not find any errors in writing the policy and in the coverage and amount our Insured was charged forSince our Insured was not carrying collision coverage at the time of loss, there is no other course of action for our InsuredOur Insured was sent a denial letter on July 07, by the GEICO Claim’s Department advising the conclusion of our investigation regarding collision coverage We trust this information is sufficient to allow you to close your file. Please call Jimmette K***, Complaint Analyst, at ###-###-####, if you have any further questions Sincerely, Andrea B*** Virginia Beach Regional Office GEICO Indemnity Company NAIC #Tell us why here
June 22, 2015Dear *** ***,We received your correspondence dated June 16, 2015, regarding the above-noted ConsumerWe have not included any personal identifying information in our response as you requestedWe have attempted to contact the policyholder; however, we were unsuccessful.Our Insured’s
original policy canceled effective June 8, 2015, due to non-payment of premiumOn June 13, 2015, our Insured reissued her policy with a down payment of $We apologize but our calls are recorded for training purposes only and record at randomWe do not have the call from when our Insured contacted us.We have, however, made an exception to refund our Insured $if she enrolled in our monthly automatic payment planWe advised our Insured of the refund and she enrolled into automatic paymentsOur Insured has received her refund back to the card on file.We trust this information is sufficient to allow you to close your filePlease call Russell W***, Customer Service Director, at *** *** x***, if you have any further questions.Very Truly Yours,George R.Regional Vice President