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Lifelock, Inc.

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Reviews Lifelock, Inc.

Lifelock, Inc. Reviews (499)

RE: Complaint ID#: [redacted]Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant:Mr. [redacted] originally enrolled with LifeLock Ultimate service on September 25, 2011.  Mr. [redacted] called in on April 9, 2015 and was not satisfied with the service provided and requested the cancellation of his...

account. The account was cancelled then reinstated per Mr. [redacted] request.  I spoke to Mr. [redacted] on May 5, 2015 and advised we have a large number of companies in our network, not all merchants participate and on occasion an application may be submitted by a lender or service provider that does not fall within our network.I also advised that depending on a lender or service provider's internal processing procedures an application made within our network may not result in an alert or may result in a delayed alert notification.Mr. [redacted] was satisfied with the response and has chosen to remain an active LifeLock member. We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,[redacted]Member Services ManagerLifeLock, Inc.

RE: Complaint ID#: #[redacted]  Dear Dispute Resolution ConsultantWe are writing in response to your letter dated July 20th, 2015 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any...

complaints regarding our products or services.Ms. [redacted] has requested a full refund of $19.99.  She was felt that she was misled into believing that certain credit card transactions and certain types of alerts would be provided.   Under Ms. [redacted]’s’ plan, Lifelock Advantage Service, in which she enrolled on May 29th, 2015, she needed to be set up in a certain manner on our website in order to realize the full benefits of the transaction monitoring services offered.  Other credit alerts Ms. [redacted] was expecting are not a feature of the Lifelock Advantage planI have reviewed the details of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint as well reviewed our phone calls, which we will use as necessary for training and development.  Meanwhile, I have spoken to Ms. [redacted] on July 23, 2015 and extended a full refund pursuant to her request.  She was initially granted a pro-rated refund of $5.02 during her phone call to us on July 20th, and I have processed the remaining $14.97 today.  Also, I’ve clarified details of our services, and in what scenarios certain alerts would be provided.   We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,[redacted]Member Services, Team ManagerLiifelock, Inc.

We are writing in response to your letter dated May 22, 2014 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services. 
Mr. [redacted] was a user of the...

mobile LifeLock Wallet app.  We have determined that certain aspects of the mobile app may not be fully compliant with payment card industry (PCI) security standards.  For that reason, on May 15, 2014 we removed the LifeLock Wallet application from the [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted], and when users open the LifeLock Wallet, their information will be deleted in the app.  This does not in any way affect LifeLock subscription identity theft protection services we offer, of which Mr. [redacted] was not subscribed to.
We have taken steps to delete all stored information for the mobile app from our servers. Even though we have no reason to believe the data has been compromised, we believe this is the right thing to do. As a company dedicated to online security and safety, we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure those who trust us with their personal information can do so without question. 
On May 21, 2014 Mr. [redacted] contacted LifeLock Member Services and stated his concerns regarding the deletion of his saved data on the app to a Service Team Manager.
On May 22, 2014 I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on the phone in response to the Complaint he filed.  It was determined that if LifeLock takes all measured to return his data to him, he would be satisfied.  I acknowledged that LifeLock is currently working to determine a method to recover the data.  I advised that Mr. [redacted] will be contacted as soon as possible to return the data he is requesting.  He acknowledged that LifeLock does not currently have an estimated date of when the data will be recovered.
We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.
Member Services Manager
LifeLock, Inc.

I received an e-mail from Lifelock on April 15,2016 titled Lifelock Notification : Black Market website activity. The e-mail advised me to log in to my account and look at the notification. I did. The notification was dated August 22,2015. I am receiving this on April 16,2016 8 months later. The notification informs me "LifeLock detected a piece of your personal information being sold online. " It then asks me to "Carefully review the REPORT on this page. Pay particular attention to matches on your Social Security number, credit card or bank account numbers and PINs. A match or partial match may indicate that your personal information is being sold online." There was no report on the page. So I called Lifelock on April 15,2016.. I spent 30 minutes on the phone talking to the Lifelock representative. She repeatedly put me on hold going back and forth. I had three concerns: 1- Why did I receive this notification e-mail 8 months after the fact ? 2- Where is the report mentioned in the notification in my :Manage Alerts section Lifelock refers to ?, and 3- Do I have a problem with my identity being compromised. The representative did not know and could not answer any of these questions. I asked for this to be escalated. She did not. I suggested she talk to her Information Technology group. She said they were not involved. She asked me for the last four digits of any credit card I could remember ? I gave her those numbers of the ones in my wallet. I asked would I get a phone call resolving this matter ? She said that or an e-mail. I asked by when ? She said 48 hours. I informed the representative that this was serious enough to warrant a phone call. It has been almost 72 hours. There has been no phone call, no e-mail and nothing on my account as an update. Is Lifelock negligent or is their product a fraud ? I don't know, but I am worried about my account and Lifelock has very poor customer service.

10/30/2014 [redacted] LifeLock, Inc. [redacted] 
[redacted] Dear [redacted], In response to Complaint ID# [redacted], we have contacted [redacted], in regards to the request to...

refund the Annual Membership Fee. We processed an expedited refund today for the requested $198.00. Sincerely, [redacted], Member Services

Dispute Resolution Consultant [redacted]     RE: Complaint ID#: [redacted]     Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,   We are writing in response to your letter dated 12/30/2016 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services.   We have contacted  Mr. [redacted] to explain that under our Terms and Conditions, if he becomes a victim of identity theft while a LifeLock Member, we will spend up to one million dollars to hire experts to help his recovery.  Additionally, the benefits of the service guarantee are provided under a master insurance policy underwritten by United Specialty Insurance Company, and the full details, terms, and restrictions on the policy are available at  We have advised Mr. [redacted] that even if he cancels his service and discovers identity theft that happened while he was a member, LifeLock will assist him with the restoration of his identity.    We have explained the reason it may take 90 days to resolve his case is because the credit bureaus can take up to 90 days to remove the inquiry from his credit file, and that LifeLock orders the credit report after 90 days to ensure the inquiries are removed.   We have offered Mr. [redacted] one year free service in our premium plan.  Mr. [redacted] has declined at this point in time.  Mr. [redacted] has agreed to allow LifeLock to assist with the restoration of his identity in this case.    We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.   Sincerely,   Sally M[redacted] Member Affairs LifeLock, Inc.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID...

[redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Janet F[redacted]

We are writing in response to your letter dated March 27, 2015 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services.[redacted] enrolled with LifeLock on May...

12, 2011 in the LifeLock with [redacted] Score Manager. On April 3, 2015 I was able to speak with [redacted] regarding her concerns about her protection. I reassured the member that she has coverage with LifeLock and advised her of how her [redacted] work. Ms. [redacted] stated that she had placed a freeze on her [redacted] file and just recently requested another fraud alert. I explained how a [redacted] freeze works and that it permits from anyone accessing her file including LifeLock unless she lifts it. We were able to provide Ms. [redacted] with updated information when her [redacted] freeze was lifted. In reviewing her account, we confirmed that there were no lines of [redacted] established. I provided Ms. [redacted] with options to verify and advised if she had any concerns to contact LifeLock for further investigation. Ms. [redacted] was reassured that her information is protected and is continuing with her LifeLock service.We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,
[redacted]Member Operations ManagerLifeLock, Inc

See AttachedDear
Dispute Resolution Consultant,We are writing in response to your letter
dated 9/13/2017 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a
world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any
complaints regarding our products or services.[redacted]...

[redacted] advised he never joined LifeLock.
He received an email confirming he enrolled. On Sept. 12, 2017, we received an
email from [redacted] requesting we cancel this account. We confirmed by email
the same day that the account is cancelled. We apologize that he experienced
longer than usual wait times to speak to LifeLock. We recently have had higher
than normal call volumes since a recent announcement of a data security breach
from a major credit reporting bureau. I have attempted to contact [redacted]
and left voicemails with my direct contact information. If he has any
additional questions, he can contact me direct. We are sorry to hear that Mr. [redacted] believes
his identity has been compromised. We want to advise Mr. [redacted] that if he has a
good faith suspicion that he has been or about to become a victim of identity
theft, fraud alerts can be an effective first line of defense against credit-related
theft. He can set a fraud alert himself by contacting one of the credit bureaus
by phone, or visiting their website.We
hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,Debbie
N[redacted] Member
Symantec Corporation, Consumer Business Unit

See AttachedDear
Dispute Resolution Consultant,We are writing in response to your letter
dated 9/16/2017 regarding Richard [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a
world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any
complaints regarding our products or...

services.Richard [redacted] recently attempted to contact
LifeLock to advise us that his credit card was compromised and was concerned
that his identity was also compromised. He was experiencing longer than normal
wait times to speak to a member services representative.I spoke to [redacted] today. I
apologized for the longer than normal hold times and that this was not the
normal. I explained the increase call volume was a result of the recent major
credit-reporting bureau announcing a data security breech. I notated the
details of Mr. [redacted] credit card fraud. Mr. [redacted] advised this was still an
ongoing investigation with his credit card company. Mr. [redacted] confirmed he was
not being held responsible for the fraudulent charges. I explained that
LifeLock is unable to assist until the bank has completed their investigation
and holds the member responsible for the charges. I provided Mr. [redacted] insurance
instructions and claim form via email. We discussed his LifeLock service
features. Mr. [redacted] has my direct contact number in case he has any further
questions or concerns.We
hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,Debbie

Back in March of 2016 I told Life Lock to cancel my account. I found out today from my credit Union that they are still taking out my payments. They told me that I did not finish the process with them and I disagree. I told them that they had a class action suit against them. The person said no way,so I read it to them. The manager said tonite they have it in their records that I wanted to cancel it. This is dishonestly by a company

We are writing in response to your letter dated June 10, 2014 regarding [redacted].  LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services. 
On February 25, 2014 Mr....

[redacted] enrolled with LifeLock on the monthly plan at $9.00 a month. On May 13, 2014 member changed his billing cycle online from Monthly to Annual. Due to his next billing date being May 27, 2014 we tried to collect payment for the new Annual rate. On May 30, 2014 the payment was successful. Mr. [redacted] then called on May 31, 2014 and switched his plan back to Monthly. 
On June 9, 2014 member called in and requested to cancel his membership. Mr. [redacted] was contacted on June 10, 2014 to explain why he was charged a higher amount due to the change in his billing cycle.  A refund for $93.80 was processed back to the member at that time as well.
We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.
Member Services Manager
LifeLock, Inc.

RE: Complaint ID#: 11531785  
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">  Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,   We are writing in response to your letter dated 6/27/2016 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services.   I have attempted to call [redacted] on 6/27/2016 and 6/28/2016. I will be able to further assist him to cancel his accounts but for security measures I need to speak directly with him. My direct contact number is 1-800-543-3562, when the announcement begins press 8, then press 1, then my direct ext. 3032.     We hope to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of your office and the member..   Sincerely,   Debbie N[redacted] Member Affairs LifeLock, Inc.       PLEASE NOTE: LifeLock will never require you to provide personal, financial or identification information on a LifeLock-initiated call. In the event that LifeLock does contact you, we will always ask that, for your protection, you call us back at 1-800-LifeLock (543-3562) or go to your online portal at to provide the necessary information.   No one can prevent all identity theft

They flunk

January 13, 2015, I received an email noticing me that there was a problem with my credit card.

January 16, 2015, I logged on and my changed the credit card.

Janrary 20, 2015 the $220.00 Advantage package monies was pulled from my bank.

Janrary 26, 2015 I recieved a RoboCall announcing that my account with would be canceled if I diidnt pay the renew fee.

Immediately called Lifelock. I heard, "Oh yes, I see it was our fault, I very sorry, this won't happen again, very sorry for the inconvenience..

Janrary 27,
2015 I recieved a RoboCall announcing that my account with would be canceled if I diidnt pay the renew fee.

Immediately called Lifelock. I heard, "Oh yes, I see it was our fault, I very sorry, this won't happen again, very sorry for the inconvenience..

Janrary 28, 2015 I recieved a RoboCall announcing that my account with would be canceled if I diidnt pay the renew fee.

Immediately called Lifelock. I heard, "Oh yes, I see it was our fault, I very sorry, this won't happen again, very sorry for the inconvenience.. However this time I told them I wanted them to drop my services from the "Advantage" to " Standard" , the agreed to do so.

February 4, 2015, $124.84 was refunded to my account, leaving $95.16 for Standard service in Lifelocks account.

March 10, 2015. I received an email stating my account had been canceled do to non payment.

Immediately called Lifelock. I heard, "Oh yes, I see it was our fault, I very sorry, this won't happen again, very sorry for the inconvenience..
This time I told them I want a full refund, they understood and agreed.

Today is Mar 14, 2015 and have not seen the $95.16 yet.

This experience was horrible. I'm in very poor health and do not need a company who's right hand hasn't a clue as to the whereabouts of the left hand.

I hope the refund shows up in my account on Monday,

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

see attachedRE: Complaint ID#:  [redacted]Dear
Dispute Resolution Consultant,We are writing in response to your letter
dated May 25, 2016 regarding Rachel W[redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a
world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any

regarding our products or services.On May 25,
2016, Ms. W[redacted] contacted the [redacted] in reference to some fraudulent charges.  Ms. W[redacted] stated that LifeLock had charged
her debit card on February 24, 2016 for $8.99 and March 24, 2016 for $8.99
($17.98 total).  Ms. W[redacted] contacted
LifeLock, and we could not locate an account for her.  Therefore, LifeLock advised her to dispute
the charges with her bank.  Ms. W[redacted]
stated that she did cancel the card and the bank issued a new card.  Ms. W[redacted] stated that LifeLock is an identity
protection company and feels that LifeLock is supposed to prevent and stop things
like this from happening.Due to privacy laws in
the banking industry only the bank or credit card company that issued the
account can monitor it for possible unauthorized charges.  Unfortunately, there is no way for LifeLock
to know if a card is being used fraudulently until we are notified by the bank
or credit card company.  We suggest that
Ms. W[redacted] ask her financial institution if they have any additional security
measures that they can put in place to protect her from fraudulent charges in
the future. We
hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,Sally
Experience SpecialistLifeLock,

We are writing in response to your letter dated 4/4/16 regarding William T[redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any complaints regarding our products or services.On April 5, 2016, I spoke with William T[redacted], the billing primary about his account. Mr. T[redacted]’s wife Camille S[redacted]-T[redacted] was still concerned about how Lifelock was able to process a payment. In regards to your concern about your credit card number; many financial institutions and companies, like LifeLock, utilize an automatic account updater. This is where a financial institutions will automatically provide an updated expiration date when a card changes. This is typically utilized for services with automatic payments to help make things easier on the consumer. I apologized for any miss understanding or lack of communication that occurred with the cancellation process and their experience. Their refund was given in the full amount upon cancellation as referenced in my prior correspondence. We hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office. Sincerely, Denise S[redacted] Member Experience LifeLock, Inc.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Thank you for quickly responding and rectifying my complaint.
I have reviewed...

the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

See AttachmentDear
Dispute Resolution Consultant,We are writing in response to your letter
dated 9/22/17 regarding [redacted]. LifeLock is committed to providing a
world class experience to all of our members, including the resolution of any
complaints regarding our products or...

services.Member was
upset that she paid for her service for a year but could not access her account
online. Member stated she tried several times to log in to complete her profile
but our website kept bring up an error. Member then tried to call to cancel her
account but could not get through due to the long hold time.I was able
to speak to [redacted] today. I apologized for the inconvenience and
frustration that she recently experience with our website and long hold time
due to the recent credit bureau breach. I advised the member that her account
was cancelled and that it was done by a charge back. We
hope this resolves the matter to the satisfaction of your office.Sincerely,

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Description: Identity Theft Protection & Prevention Services

Address: 60 E Rio Salado Pkwy Ste 400, Tempe, Arizona, United States, 85281-9129


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