Liberty GMC Reviews (55)
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Liberty GMC Rating
Description: Auto Dealers - New Cars, Auto Body Repair & Painting
Address: 8660 W. Bell Road, Peoria, Arizona, United States, 85382-3708
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I have spoken with [redacted] and [redacted] who he asked me to communicate with about this matter. The more pressing issue is, they are in the process of buying a 30ft trailer and this truck will not be able to pull it. He needs a 3/4 ton truck instead. We do not presently...
have one in his price and payment range. I have communicated to [redacted] and [redacted] a truck to fit his price and payment range that will pull 10-11k pounds could prove to be a tough find and may take some time, but still, we will diligently look for one that will work. They understand, and I will stay in communication with them till we can help them get the truck there looking for.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
This issue has been resolved. In short, there was an issue with the credit union involved. It took them longer than usual to fund this transaction because they would not internally calculate the interest rate reduction and send the customer a letter acknowledging the revised payment at...
the correct interest rate. This is a standard process among virtually all lenders so a customer is not inconvenienced to come back to the dealership to resign for a simply interest rate adjustment. We were unaware they did not follow that very customary practice. We subsequently did resign this transaction at the correct rate and all is resolved now.We apologize for the misunderstanding and miscommunication on this matter...
Being over a half a century old, I have had some experience with car dealerships, and this is by far the worst.
In July of 2015 I purchased a preowned avalanche.
I was hesitant because my payment would be going up by over 100.00 a month and my original goal was to lower my payment.
The vehicle was 10 years old, but was apparently in really good shape and had only 72k miles on it, and the sales manager assured me that after making payments for one year, I could refinance and lower my payment. The sales manager is either a liar, or just plain inept. I have been unable to locate any company willing to refinance a vehicle more than 8 years old. The truck has also been to the service department for numerous repairs. Some of the repairs have had to be done multiple times. Two of trips to their service department resulted in body damage to the drivers door which took there body shop a week to fix. One trip to the service department there was a complete misdiagnoses that
Will be 900.00 to repair now, plus the need for early replacement of all 4 tires. Even had one trip that I had an oil leak from the oil pan drain plug. The only way they would fix it was to pay for a full oil change, even though they were the ones that changed the oil the prior time.
I used the contact us feature on the liberty GMC web site and voiced my concerns and received several replies from the internet sales team trying to sell me a vehicle that obviously never even took the time to read the mail.. I have never received any contact attempts from anyone other than their internet sales department.
I don't recommend that you shop or have your vehicle repaired or serviced at liberty GMC.
I have reviewed the response made...
by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I do not agree with this response whatsoever, we are not complaining about the trade of another vehicle at this time. Our complaint is how they have continuously lied to us. The finance department tried pulling one over on us which took a full day to fix, they tried to finance us through a different company with a 9% interest rate, when we asked why we weren't continuing financing with [redacted] since we had been previously approved by them we were told we had been declined because of the age of the truck. The very next morning when [redacted] called us and asked why the first contract had been cancelled we explained the situation, we were then told that we hadn't been denied because they never even received the information for the second truck we were purchasing. Again after many discussions on the phone with [redacted] and Liberty GMC on top of visiting GMC regarding the financing we finally got it straight and we were financed with a 4.5% interest rate. WOW, again they attempted to pull one over on us. Then when we took the truck back in for the bed liner to be installed they were suppose to do a front end alignment and inspect any other possible issues mainly with the steering plus we were guaranteed a full tank of gas. Guess what, yes another problem, they claimed they did a front end alignment and they didn't fill the truck up with gas. My husband took it to another service shop for a second opinion because things didn't seem right, he definitely knew a front end alignment hadn't been done. So when we received the phone call regarding the second opinion we found out that the front end alignment was not done, the rear shocks needed to be replaced, the steering component was off, and the idler and pitman arm needed replacing. When calling the general manager, [redacted] he requested that we bring it back to their shop, why would we do that, they lie and apparently are incompetent. We have had so many hassles with this dealership that something seriously needs to be done. I can't imagine how many other customers have been lied to and had a fast one pulled on them, I think that they seriously need to be audited with knowing that the Dad is a salesman, one son works in the finance department and the other son is the general manager. What a huge conflict of interest, it seems pretty ironic that the departments they are in how easy it is to mess over people.
I have made multiple attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] in regards to the follow up or second complaint with out any success.
To begin with, it was only agreed upon to include a bed liner in this transaction to be installed after the lender funded the loan since there were issues with the lender. It's general protocol to not install included accessories or do any non-safety related work to a vehicle after it's sold till the transaction is finalized and funded. The only exception(s) being a prime or super-prime loan or a cash transaction. In this case we initially secured financing with a lender for a different vehicle at a different dollar amount and a higher equity position. It was for a 2012 financing 32,100 at a payment of $507. The vehicle ended up being unacceptable, we subsequently unwound the transaction and sold him the 2006 he has now. The numbers and equity position changed enough for the lender that initially approved the application two weeks prior turned this one down as submitted. However, they conditioned the new application to the same equity call as the prior application. That unfortunately wouldn't work unless more money was put down to meet the new approval. We ending up securing another approval with a different lender at 9.09% verses the 5.5% we initially had for the prior vehicle. We even compensated by allowing more ($2500) for the trade to lessen the blow for the payment going up because of the rate increase and for the sake of customer service since there was an issue with the first truck. The payments ended up being approximately $13 less. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] agreed and signed the paper work in our finance office and left with the truck. The next day she complained about the rate going up and even called the credit union and apparently got very aggressive with one of the loan officers. Simultaneously our Finance Director was also reaching out to the credit union, he was reviewing the file that same morning and noticed the credit union conditioned the application and that it was contracted to a different lender. He reached out to the lender to see why and if he could get an exception. Initially, he was told no, they would only do the new loan based upon their original approval with the same equity position. He was also told, they received quite an aggressive and pretty rude call from Mrs. [redacted]. They wanted to know why was she calling them about an indirect credit application. In any event, later that day, the very next day after we signed the paperwork, he was contacted back by the credit union, they were now doing the loan at a full call after a further conversation with Mrs. [redacted].
Mr.[redacted] was contacted with the good news, but truthfully, there was no satisfying this customer, I even offered to unwind the transaction on the second vehicle and part friends at this point, even though the payment went down to $438 another $55 and they were still getting the extra $2500 for their trade. Needless to say, we would have much rather secured the 5.5% rate initially. We wouldn't of had to make such a large adjustment that cost this dealership money by giving more money for the trade to compensate. We certainly would have rather stuck to the original $4500 for the trade verses increasing to $7000 and go 5.5% verses 9.09%. Incidentally, the payment that way ($4500 trade allowance, 5.5%) would have been about $485, lower than the $493, the payment they did agree to at 9.09 in finance and under camera. In the end, this customer got the best of both worlds, they ended up receiving a rate of 5.5% even though our next best approval was 9.09% and obviously received the renegotiated trade allowance as well.
They did come in and resign at the lower rate and payment. At that time we also agreed to make an appointment to fix the rear tailgate handle, check some brake noise, check the frontend alignment, and install the bed liner.
On 3/27/14, all the work was completed. Our service notes are very specific as is our procedure. The brakes were a little dirty and slightly out of alignment, they were cleaned and adjusted. Upon final road test, the squeaking ceased. The tailgate handle was replaced and fixed. The front end was inspected again, all vehicles are initially inspected before they are even available for sale. The truck is lifted and modified which was know by this customer. Everything was checked and operating within specs. The second complaint in the beginning of this month was my first indication there were any potential issues? As of this response, I still haven't had any contact with Mr. or Mrs. [redacted] about their alleged issues with the front end, not to mention the date of this complaint is about a month and a half after the truck was in our service department.
As for the comments for a conflict of interest in regards to family members being employed at the same dealership. We actually are a family owned dealership and promote not only a family atmosphere, but also have multiple family's and family members that work in all departments. This is the literally the first complaint I've seen ever in regards to family being employed. Actually in quite the contrast, we receive nothing but positive comments for our family atmosphere and family employees as most businesses do...
In our prior response, it was said we offered to replace the fuel pump for the sake of customer service, we didn't say we replaced it. As was said in the prior response, this customer elected to pull the vehicle from our repair facility before the engine mounts we're completed (only one was replaced) before we could replace the fuel pump.
At this point we're not sure of an actual resolution. Ownership is aware as stated in our prior response and did research the issue. Once again, the vehicle was returned per customer request and no payment due and isn't due.
While we can emphaize with [redacted], unfortunately, there is very little we can do in this matter. She did agree to take on the financial responsibility cosigning this loan in behalf of her granddaughter. In regard to what promises her granddaughter may or may not have made, or what...
their agreement of terms for cosigning the loan itself may have been, we certainly could not have an educated opinion either way...
This appears to be a personal issue between [redacted] and her granddaughter. Needless to say, both parties are equally responsible since they both signed all the appropriate documents knowingly accepting said responsibility. If [redacted] decides to take the vehicle away from her granddaughter, we would certainly be happy to help her liquidate it or possibly trade it on something she herself would be interested in. In the end, they are family and [redacted] was willing to help clearly knowing she had limited or impaired credit issues, otherwise she wouldn't have needed her assistance in the first place. Hopefully, they will be able to work this matter out between themselves!
If they can't, and if we can be of any other assistance, feel free to contact [redacted] at [redacted].
[redacted] purchased an used 2008 [redacted] with 62,689 miles on 12/30/2012 in "as is" condition. An extended service contract was offered and declined!On 3/5/13 we did inspect for a hard shift, there were no codes present and all data received was within...
specs. On 3/29/13, we inspected for a different issue; customer stated when driving 80-90mph, the engine seems to sputter/pop. Also occurred at idle when A/C is turned on, once again no codes were found or stored. Fuel pressure and fuel trim tested ok. Those are our only two recorded circumstances of this particular vehicle in our service facility. An inspection was never conducted nor was the vehicle checked into service from 3/29/12 till now, nor was any management ever made aware of an ongoing alleged problem by this customer till I received a call out of the blue last month stating we're responsible for a transmission failure at 107k miles, almost two years later and 40k plus miles later.I did ask customer if he ever had a routine transmission service completed in the last 2yrs and 40K miles, he said no. While we can emphasize with the situation, a $3,000 bill is never what we want, but it does happen and transmissions at 107k miles are obviously prone to failure in general when there is more wear and tear on the vehicle. Unfortunately, there is nothing monetarily we can do to remedy this situation. The vehicle was purchased in "as is" to begin with and they declined and additional protections. Not to mention a failure occurred 2 yrs and 40k later...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear First there were two other visits to that dealership with the same complaints that they simply ignored and did not put in their system. The extended warranty offered was almost as much as the present cost and would not have covered the transmission. I was never asked about regular transmission maintenance and never took the vehicle anywhere but to them per their request. Even now, as the truck is at [redacted] they say they told me that they wanted me to bring it to them instead. Loose bolts, leaks and major contamination are the major factors in the breakdown of this transmission and noone but Liberty GMC touched it leaving only them to blame. When this vehicle was purchased I was informed that it was at a discounted price due to the fact that it had been there awhile and even returned by one person. They new that this vehicle had issues with the transmission upon purchase and failed to disclose such information in a successful attempt to sell a problem vehicle.
I had pulled up my Kelly Blue Book Trade In Value on the Liberty GMC website prior to coming in. For hours I kept saying that their website gave me this amount and they would not listen. Was told multiple times that that value was the full Kelly Blue Boodk Value not Trade In? It's on THEIR website as Cash Trade In Value? Even pulled it up for the salesperson, again didn't listen. Because I was in a hurry I took less, nearly $2500 less. Also on their website the Jeep that I wanted showed as $31,400 but I was given a price of $35,999. I was told after showing them the online price, that "we are in the middle of transtioning crms so vehicles and their pricing are getting uploaded to the internet correctly and swapped." The $31,400 was posted 3 hours still after I bought the Jeep. I think their on-line advertising is deceptive and once you get in the dealership you are screwed unless you want to be there for HOURS arguing with them.
This has been resolved with Mr. Dreyer. We're reimbursing the amount of service performed he paid back to him...
I did take my vehicle from the shop and drove straight to another dealership for further diagnosis. First off, I have the paperwork from Liberty GMC stating they did not replace the fuel pump because they could not find anything wrong with it. I took my vehicle to another dealership and they were able to correctly diagnose the problems. Diagnosis was: Fuel pump needed to be replaced, leaking valve cover gasket (which was taken apart by Liberty GMC the last time I had it in), and a pinched fuel line- which caused fuel pump to go bad. This was all missed by Liberty GMC after having our vehicle for 6 days... In the customer copy report I was given, it states there was no problems found and no repairs needed at this time. Liberty GMC also claimed they did a GM Certified Inspection and a multi point inspection. None of these issues were found at Liberty GMC. I can provide a copy of the invoice from the dealer ship that was able to correctly diagnose and fixing the problem that was causing the vehicle to lock up while driving. I am concerned for the safety of other customers that get work done at Liberty GMC. If I were to continue driving my vehicle with these issues, my family could have been seriously hurt. I have had the worst experience with customer service and mechanical knowledge at Liberty GMC, and will not be returning for service or future vehicle purchases. I have lost trust and confidence. Also, with Liberty GMC claiming they replaced the fuel pump, in which they didn't, is also a lie and they should not be trusted. I have the invoice to prove it.
This customer was in our dealership for all of maybe 10 minutes (half of that time was in the bathroom). While [redacted] was not here, [redacted], one of [redacted]'s collogues in the internet department explained [redacted] was unavailable and he ([redacted]) was completely aware of the...
s? Someone he had but a couple of brief email exchanges to set up a time to come look at a vehicle and have his appraised. Really...An a
s?? In any event, I did personally reach out to make contact. I left a voice mail message on the number provided in this compliant, it was not returned. I'm not quite sure what to do on this one. I have to admit, I kind of agree with [redacted] on this one, we're not simply in the business of giving free tanks of gas away. If we were given a legitimate opportunity to appraise his trade and attempt to make a deal and still weren't able to, we would have gladly filled his vehicle up for his time spent here. But, considering he was here all of 8-10 minutes and giving us no opportunity, just doesn't make much sense...
vehicle he was interested in and knew about his trade as well. Other than a couple brief email exchanges with [redacted], there wasn't any other contact with this particular customer. What should have been a simple ok show me what you got turned into a belligerent rampage of how his time was wasted? Bear in mind, no numbers were finalized in advance, his trade still needed to be appraised, and this was his first time in the dealership. As specified, other than a couple brief email exchanges, there was no real connection to [redacted], so any other sales associate should have been able to assist a sincerely interested customer very easily. Instead of going out to look at the vehicle he was allegedly interested in and allowing us to evaluate his trade, he demanded we fill his gas tank for wasting his time. Wasting what time? [redacted] was thoroughly confused? Coincidentally, [redacted] was standing in front of an office [redacted] our Internet Director happened to be in and heard this whole tirade. He simply said, why would we fill your tank up, you just got here? You won't let us look at your trade, and you won't view are vehicle? Isn't that why you came? [redacted] continued, the tank of gas is to compensate you if we can't come to terms and/or don't give you what you want for your trade, you're not even giving us a chance to try? Needless to say, he also knew of the customer, knew he was coming, and what allegedly for. [redacted] had already communicated all the appropriate information not only to a coworker ([redacted]) but also to his supervisor so everyone would know and be able to help without a hitch. Instead, he cursed about dealerships in general and stormed out the door after being here for all of 8-10 minutes tops (again half of that time was in the bathroom). So [redacted] and [redacted] literally only had maybe 3-4 minutes with him before he flew out. He then responded to an automated email from a virtual assistant ([redacted]) on July 8th at approximately 1am calling [redacted] an a
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.While the dealership did call me and have me come down to resign for the new agreement, I am disputing their response that they did not know. I called and left a message with both parties that I dealt with and they did not retrun my call. So they where made aware of the situation, and decided not to do anything about it or return my call. When I spoke to [redacted] about this, I asked if there was anythign he would be willing to do, above and beyond, to help make me a satisfied customer. He said they would let me know when I got to the dealership to to sign the new paperwork. [redacted] had no idea what I was talking about and made no attempt to try and see.Overall, my experience with this dealership has been the worst out of any I have dealt with. If they do not want to take any ownership for this issue and it being escelated, that just goes to show the character for the people working here.Regards,
liberty gmc participates in a program called the instant offer program , this is run between kelly blue book and auto trader ,
The way it works is you fill out a questionnaire about the vehicle and you get an offer from a dealership to purchase the vehicle , I got an offer of $13721.00 for my 2004 gmc diesel truck when I got to the dealership they checked over the vehicle and lowered there offer to 13500..after going back and forth .I agreed to sell the truck for the 13500.00 but then they explained they would mail me a check in 7-10 days , I was not willing to wait 7 - 10 days so I told them I would pass and try the other 2 dealers .
So friday I took my truck to one of the other dealers recommended,at first all was going well and then when they pulled a vehicle history report they got upset and started asking how long I had owned the vehicle when I told them 6 years they scoffed and told me really that is funny because this truck is listed for sale as inventory at a dealership, and accused me of trying to pull a fast one on them , so I called liberty Buick and asked why they had my truck listed as inventory if they didn't own it . they had some excuse about there computer inventory system but then started pushing for me to bring it back and finish the deal with them and if I could get the truck to them before 5 pm Friday they could get me a check by Tuesday afternoon , they had to inspect the vehicle to make sure that it hadn't been in any accidents but as long as it hadn't been in any accidents they would have my check by Tuesday afternoon , so today is Tuesday afternoon and I get a call from a gentleman at the dealership who starts out by telling me all the little problems with the truck (it is a 12 year old truck and only has 103K) but these problems where discussed before and the main reason I was willing to take what I felt was low , then he started lying to me and told me my truck wouldn't pass emissions !!! big problem truck just passed emission he said check eng light was on !! Diesel trucks will not fail for a check eng light being on in fact in Arizona they dont even plug in a scanner on diesel trucks , they are dyno tested & smog checked , the check eng light is on do to a cold air intake filter that needs to be cleaned , it triggers a maf code and egr code , , these are not huge issues on duramax and common cheap fixes even if maf is bad it is a 200$ part that takes 15 minutes to change but it tests fine ,(i own an auto repair shop , and ive owned this truck for 6 years, ) and again I know the truck isnt perfect I never represented it as a perfect truck ,
We are in the process of trading him out of this vehicle into another one. If this attempt is unsuccessful, we are simply going reverse our existing transaction, refund his down payment in full, and part friends.
I purchased a preowned vehicle from Liberty the first week of October, 2014 through the [redacted] buying service. The purchase process was not a problem but getting the title paperwork processed so that the car could be titled in [redacted] was poorly handled, primarily because no one would return my phone calls inquiring about the status of the title. Finally in early December I had to have my bank call them to determine the status of the titling of the vehicle. At that point they sent me a title application which I cannot use to title the vehicle and they still will not return phone calls to help me resolve the problem..
I have reached out to Mr. [redacted] on multiple occasions for a potential resolution. He has not returned my attempts. However, if say 2 maybe 3 $25 gift visa gift cards will help to resolve this issue that would compensate a tank of gas for the trip here, I would be happy to send them out to him...Please let me know if that is acceptable.