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Lexington Law Firm

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Lexington Law Firm Reviews (688)

RE [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal Response to Ms. [redacted]’s Complaint with the Lexington is unable to control the removal of items from a client’s credit report as the information is reported at the discretion of the creditors...

and/or the credit bureaus. Lexington challenges items to ensure they are reported correctly under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. An attorney has reviewed Ms. [redacted]’s case and can verify over the period of the last six months Lexington continued to challenge negative items on her credit reports and sent letters on her behalf to creditors. Ms. [redacted] also had access to online credit tools during this time. When a client’s representation is termination, the work that has previously been done and is still pending is not cancelled or stopped. The work already completed cannot be undone by Lexington as it will run its course under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Lexington has communicated with Ms. [redacted] based on her desired outcome and have come to an amicable resolution to her Complaint. If Ms. [redacted] has any additional questions or concerns then Lexington would urge her to contact the firm directly as indicated in its last email to her. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Lexington Law is always disappointed to hear that a client has had a negative experience during his or her time being represented by Lexington. When such issues...

arise, we do all within our powers to resolve the concerns. Mr. [redacted] was a client for almost 4 months. During that time, Lexington did work for him according as outlined in the Engagement Agreement. All billing practices were followed in accordance with the law and the contract. Lexington has reached out to Mr. [redacted], and both sides have reached a mutual resolution. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
[redacted]They made arrangement's with me to clear my accounts and start over. After refusing to email to me the schedule payments they had already received. So I cancelled my account and kept my Daughters, But they didn't take the payment on Sept 24, 2017And just shut the account down. This was not our agreement. No I'm not asking for a refund, I Love the work they have on my credit, They can treat a Human badly when their wrong. First thing they should have done was a dispute with my bank instead of changing dates. I've learned to do a better check on Company's now so I Thank you for your time Uath But this Company is committing fraud here and there!!!

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
TheThe Lexington law firm did not have tell me that they were going to take money from my account for someone else. I told the person I spoke with that. I told them do not take ANY MONEY from my account. So no I do not accept their response. 

RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Lexington Law Firm regrets to hear of any problems that may have arisen while Ms. [redacted] was a client. Lexington represents clients in credit repair to ensure the items...

reported on their credit reports are an accurate portrayal of their credit history. Lexington offers different levels of service to try and accommodate clients’ different budgets and various needs in regards to their credit. Any problems with payments and the due date of payments can be addressed if done within three days of when a payment is due. Lexington is willing to work with clients to find dates that work best for them. If a mistake is made then Lexington will do all it can to fix the mistake. Upon receiving this Complaint from Ms. [redacted], an attorney from Lexington reviewed her case and reached out to her to inquire if there was anything else, in addition to the refund she was already promised and issued, Lexington could do to address or assist in this situation. Lexington is still waiting to hear back from Ms. [redacted] and would urge her to contact Lexington directly as indicated in its emails to her if there is anything it is able to help her with. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], they refunded the money but did not offer any explanation as to why no one would follow-up or respond to me. Very poor customer service but I do appreciate them responding once the was involved. I do consider this resolved since I have received the refund. This could have been resolved with much less time involved on my part. Almost a month after my original communication to them I received the refund of charges that should not have ever happened. Based on the customer service I received I would not recommend service.

Re: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Lexington Law Firm has reviewed Ms. [redacted]’s Rebuttal and apologizes if she did not receive the email from Lexington as it may have gone to a spam or other folder. Based on her Rebuttal, an attorney from Lexington reached out to Ms. [redacted] via telephone to discuss her concerns. After speaking about those concerns, Lexington and Ms. [redacted] have come to an amicable resolution to her Complaint. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:For one thing I dont recall anyone sayin I had only 9 days,I do recall sayin I could cancel at any time and I dont recall anyone telling me it was $119.95 a month and on top of that another $19.95 which I would have agreed to.But on 6/21 they sent me a email to confirm I wanted sevices and I never sent it back.Then to my surprise on the 6/30 I noticed the $119.95 charge on my bank accou.I called them and was told they could only return $19.95.So I guess they keepy money for doing nothing. At the present this cost really hurt me and theres no. Way I would agree to this monthly charge.Thank you [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for your help. I'm sorry I didn't respond on the website but I didn't know how. It took a few days for the company to refund my money but they did and that never would have happened without your help. 

RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Customer makes it seem as if she did not ask for our help, or that she was not informed of our terms.  This is not true. We retain proof of her knowledge of and...

agreement to our terms of service.  Customer signed up asking us to help as she needed to purchase an automobile,  but had 57 negative items between her three reports.  We offered to set her up with our process, and provide a website for her use, and import her case into our system for a set up fee of 119.95, and her choice of plan at 119.95 per month as long as she wished to secure our service.  She agreed by electronic means, where she sent us a text message confirming she read and fully understood the terms of service, before we'd begin. Here are our notes when she called us on the day of sign up: business days is needed when posting a paymentConfirmed billing date and amountI walked the client through the Case Valet Set-up.Client would like to receive SMSI explained to the client the importance of updates and how to forward the information to us.Call complete. Additionally customer confirmed all of this a bit later in a separate phone call a few days later, but with a different agent on the phone she now attempted to state she was unaware of our fees.  Our agent did not argue, but simply cancelled her case, and ensured she would not be billed for our first month of service.  Additionally we will  return the normally non-refundable set up fee she agreed to pay,as a gesture of goodwill and in order to ensure resolution of this 'complaint'.  However, this is extremely costly for us, as she agreed to our service and the labor and infrastructure supplied to her, and we normally expect our customer's to respect and honor the agreement that makes this work possible.  Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

[redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. It appears that our explanation does not resolve customer's concerns.  We did make the fees clear to her and she agreed.  We retain the agreement signed by customer which makes this clear.  However in the interest of resolving this, and the apparent confusion being experienced by customer we will provide the refund she is asking for.  However we cannot continue to work for her without full acceptance of our terms.  We thought we had received this from her at sign up, but her allegations make it clear she does not understand the agreement we must have in place before we can work on her behalf.  Accordingly we are returning the amount she requested in full;  99.95 plus the late fee of $19.95.  However we are unable to work for her in the future as we rely on the agreement to protect our interests in the relationship.  Without this mutual understanding being perfect, we cannot work on her behalf.  We will therefore include another refund of one more monthly fee in addition to the amount she is requesting.  We have been unable to reach customer to determine if this is satisfactory, but since this is everything she has requested, aside from reinstatement, which is not possible without an agreement in full, we expect this will resolve the matter if customer accepts our refunds. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: but it is sad that you think contacting the was a threat. But you also staying in this tesponse you all were able to speak to me about my husbands account. Since my credit card was on both accounts. So a refund for both accounts mine as well as my husbands should be reimbursed on everything that was paid. Also first time you took 14.99 for my account as well as husbands account. 2 weeks later took 39.99 each account plus another 90 dollars, I understand it was refunded and discounted following month but the point is it should have not. So 349.92 should be my total refund back with both accounts 

Re: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. As you were informed, we cannot simply 'postpone' your payment, when you make a request on the day it is due.  Your bank is already processing the payment by this time.  We can sympathize with your 'personal matters', but they do not alter the agreement you made with us, nor would it be reasonable to expect so.  We were working on your behalf and you agreed to pay us.  However, you also know we provided you with significant discounts already.  Our agent even explained to you at one point that no one hung up on you purposely.  We are sorry if you insist on believing otherwise, but it remains an untrue belief.  We also do not believe it poor customer service to point out facts to you, when you are attempting to dodge our agreement.   Whether you disagree or not, we must inform you when you are mistaken.  Had you called us a few days in advance, as allowed in our written agreement, we could have provided more assistance for your 'personal matters', but we cannot accommodate your request the day payment is due.   You are aware and agreed in writing to all of this, so we ask that you simply understand we have provided over 41 deletions for you in the few months you were with us, you were never billed outside of your explicit written agreement with us, and we allowed you a courtesy discount of $119.95.   You may consider the discount of $119.95 to be for your perceived belief we gave you 'poor customer service".   Again we don't close cases unless a customer makes it clear they no longer will honor the agreement that makes our work possible.   Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

Re: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s Formal response to Mr. [redacted]’ complaint. Lexington is a consumer advocacy law firm that assists its clients in ensuring the items reported on their credit reports are a fair and accurate representation of...

their credit history. Lexington is not involved in debt collection and does not sue or threaten litigation to collect any debt. Emails from the domain “” do not originate from Lexington Law Firm, but rather are spam emails that a third party has sent using Lexington’s name. Lexington is currently making legal efforts to remedy the use of this domain to send email to individuals. Upon receiving this Complaint from Mr. [redacted], Lexington has reached out to make sure he understands that the threat of a lawsuit did not in fact come from Lexington, but from a third party. Having communicated this to Mr. [redacted], Lexington considers the matter resolved. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I have proof from my bank, and I had to perform a stop payment request with my bank. I can submit this if needed. 

RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Upon reaching 18 years of age you no longer have the ability to invoke this 'strategy'' with companies you make contracts with.  This works only prior to age...

18.  You now have the responsibility to honor them, and can blame no one for your decisions, you are an adult now.  However, we will issue a full refund as we sympathize that you may not be prepared for such responsibility.  Know that we have many customers who remain with us, and even sign up for services with no items to remove, as our service provides many other benefits, as well as continual monitoring, and immediate action when a problem does arise.  We understand that you feel you made a mistake.  We do apologize if you believe you were mislead, and you should receive your refund within a few days Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Michael [redacted]

RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Fir’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Lexington Law Firm regrets to hear of Ms. [redacted]’s experience. Lexington paralegals are available to assist our clients by phone, web chat, or email. Clients of Lexington...

Law can cancel their contract at any time in any number of ways, including telephoning Lexington, signing and mailing Lexington a notice of cancellation, or sending Lexington a written request. Lexington Law takes all concerns seriously and strives to resolve them to all parties’ satisfaction. Based on Ms. [redacted]’s Complaint, an attorney has reviewed her case and reached out to speak with her about this situation. After speaking on the phone, Lexington Law and Ms. [redacted] have reached a resolution that is satisfactory to all parties. Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I will be their client and all resolved.

Re: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. According to our records, you did not request cancellation until November 4th.  You signed up on the 28th of October, and the five day grace period was over by...

then, as you will understand.   However, your account was closed as requested, and you were not billed.  We hope that our waiver of this fee is appreciated.  Claudia I[redacted]Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext. 20056E:[email protected]

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Address: PO Box 510290, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84151-0290


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