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RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintAs we explained to you, your bank declined our charges every time we attempted under our agreement, from August until fnally honoring the amounts you owed on 12/4/ As you were also informed, we do not see any evidence of you contacting us to cancel, neither in writing, by email, chat, or telephone We can see all calls from your number as well during your tenure with us, and there is no call from you Here is a record of our chat with you, at least before you abruptly terminated the chat for unknown reasons: Lexington Law Client Site (SCCAP) action: resolveduserId: 140893roomId: 145179MEMBERS_WEB: 2467288[8:20:AM] [redacted] : Billing/Payment Questions[8:22:AM] [redacted] : Customer sitting alone in room[8:23:AM] Marija: Hello, how may I assist you today?[8:24:AM] [redacted] : Hello! I canceled my account and I noticed today $was withdrawn from my account and I would like the money refunded immediately.[8:25:AM] Marija: I can assist you with thisGive me one moment to review your case.[8:26:AM] Marija: Do you know when you requested to have your case closed? Was it through an e-mail, call or online chat?[8:27:AM] [redacted] : Call it was a couple of months ago.[8:29:AM] Marija: Do you know what month this may have been? I'm looking through the notes on your case and I'm not showing that a cancellation request was put in.[8:29:AM] [redacted] : October[8:29:AM] [redacted] : I have not had a charge on my account and then today all of sudden all of these chargers appearI would just like to have my money back![8:33:AM] Marija: I've looked through your case notes and I am not showing a cancellation request.[8:33:AM] Marija: While I can close your case moving forward, there would be no refund issued at this time as these were valid payments for services rendered.[8:34:AM] [redacted] : You didn't render services If you look you havent charged my card in months.[8:34:AM] [redacted] : I dont have money to be wasted[8:34:AM] Marija: I am actually showing that we have repeatedly tried to bill you[8:34:AM] [redacted] : if you cant refund me my money I will contact ftc[8:35:AM] Marija: However, these payments have been coming back as declinedWe're not able to issue a refund for these payments as services were completed on your behalf, these invoices have tried to be invoiced several times and we have sent you e-mails to inform you that your payments have been declining.[8:35:AM] Marija: There was also no cancellation request put in that I can see.[8:36:AM] Marija: Your payments started decling back on 09/14/This declined on 09/23/16, 10/02/16, 10/11/and an invoice was finally taken on 10/14/for the amount of $and on 10/20/for $19.95.[8:38:AM] Marija: However, this payment on 10/14/was for services rendered from 09/15/to 10/14/Your payment that was originally due on 09/14/continued to decine on 10/20/16, 10/29/16, 11/07/Your case went into a temporarily suspended status on 11/13/due to non-payment During this time, you accrued a second invoice for services rendered from 10/15/to 11/14/16.[8:38:AM] Marija: Your payments continued to decline on 11/16/and lastly on 11/25/until they were successfully collected on 12/04/16.[8:38:AM] Marija: There will be no refund at this time.[8:41:AM] Marija: Are you still with me?[8:43:AM] Marija: Regrettably, due to no response I will have to disconnect this chatThank you for choosing Lexington Law Firm, have a wonderful day.[8:44:AM] Chatbox: Marimarked as ResolvedAddtionally, you were notified by email of the work we were doing on your case You were also notified of the results during this time, including the removal of at least negative items You accusations that we did no work for you are unfounded Had you only contacted us to cancel we would have ceased this work, but you chose to continue getting great results without paying us for months We additionally waived the remaining fees you owed, when you made us aware of your confusion, as a courtesy, and to promote customer goodwill We hope this helps allay your concerns We hope you appreciate the improved credit standing our work gave you Claudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
RE: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington regrets to hear of any problems Ms [redacted] may have had while a clientLexington represents clients according to the engagement agreement they sign and on a month to month basisA client can terminate the representation at any time by calling, emailing, or chatting with a paralegal at LexingtonWhile a client, Lexington challenges negative items directly with the credit bureaus and sends letters to creditors on the client’s behalf to ensure each client has an accurate credit historyLexington also offers online tools for credit coaching, credit monitoring, and in some instances budgeting tools and a FICO scoreLexington received updated credit reports directly from the credit bureaus and makes them available to each client online or through requests to track the work being done on their caseMs [redacted] was a client of Lexington for a little over four monthsDuring that time Lexington sent out a number of challenges to the bureaus and letters to creditors as it stated it would do in the engagement agreementDuring that time Ms [redacted] saw twelve negative items removed from her credit reportsAfter receiving this Complaint from Ms [redacted] , an attorney from Lexington reviewed her case and communicated with her via email and have come to an amicable resolution to her complaint Claudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
Re: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’ Revdex.com complaintMs [redacted] was transferred to Lexington from a lender in order to speak with her about negative items on her credit reports holding her back from getting a loan Lexington assists clients in challenging negative items to ensure their credit reports are an accurate portrayal of their credit historyAfter Ms [redacted] was transferred to Lexington, a representative went over the service Lexington offers as well as the cost of the service, which Ms [redacted] understood as indicated in her ComplaintMs [redacted] provided her information to the representative, including her social security number, and authorized Lexington to pull her credit reports for herMs [redacted] also continued the process to engage Lexington and signed the engagement agreement that details the representationEach client has a five day right of rescission, within which a client can terminate the representation with Lexington and pay not feesMs [redacted] ended the relationshipwithin two days and was not charged by LexingtonUpon receiving this Complaint, an attorney from Lexington reached out to speak with Ms [redacted] regarding the details of her ComplaintAs of the time of this Response, Ms [redacted] and Lexington have not been able to discuss her concernsLexington is eager to speak with Ms [redacted] about her Complaint and would urge her to reach out to Lexington as indicated in the voicemail or email sent to herClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
Re: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm regrets to hear of any issues that may have arisen while Mr [redacted] was a client with LexingtonAfter receiving this Complaint an attorney reviewed Mr [redacted] ’s case to verify that disputes and letters to creditors were in fact sent according to what was told to Mr [redacted] while he was a clientAlthough many of our clients do see items removed from their credit reports, Lexington cannot guarantee removals as it is the sole discretion of creditors and/or credit bureaus that report items on credit reportsClients pay Lexington for their service and efforts in credit repair and not the ultimate outcome of their caseAn attorney also reached out to Mr [redacted] to speak with him about the issues stated in his ComplaintAfter speaking on the phone, Lexington and Mr [redacted] have come to an amicable resolution that allows each party to move forwardClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to MsF
*’s Revdex.com complaintThe pertinent phone calls were reviewed and it was determined that MsF [redacted] understood that she was signing up for Lexington Law Firm’s servicesOur records also show that she received positive results in the short period of time that she was with Lexington Law FirmHowever, Lexington Law Firm has determined as a courtesy that we will refund her $We consider this matter resolvedSincerely,Amy R [redacted] Executive AssistantLexington Law Firm
RE: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm regrets to hear of any troubles this individual may have had while a clientMs [redacted] engaged Lexington to represent her in credit repair to address negative items appearing on her credit reportLexington strives to help all its client achieve a fair and accurate credit profileClients may end their representation with Lexington by calling, emailing, or chatting with the firmUpon review of this Complaint, the firm reviewed Ms [redacted] ’s case and noted that when she called Lexington around June15th, the call disconnected before any communication about her case occurredIf Ms [redacted] intended to cancel that day, Lexington had no knowledge as the call was disconnectedNo other records of Ms [redacted] ending her termination can be foundAn attorney from Lexington tried to reach out to Ms [redacted] via telephone and email, but as of the time of this Response has not heard back from herThe firm has, however, taken steps it feels is adequate to resolve Ms [redacted] ’s concernsThose steps were communicated to her through emailIf Ms [redacted] has any additional questions or concerns, Lexington would advise her to contact the firm as indicated in the voicemail or emailClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
Re:# [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintWe are unable to locate your case based on the information you provided to the Revdex.comPlease provide either a case number or social in order for us to continue to investigate your concernWe are sorry for any inconvenience, but we are unable to complete an investigation without being able to pull up a case Claudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E: [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, Christopher P***
We received the following message from the business regarding this complaint: Re: # [redacted] *** This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr***’s Revdex.com complaintOur understanding is that you requested services, agreed to our price, read and signed our written contract, and then cancelled your service during the first month You were charged only the sfee, as agreed, five days after sign up This gave you a chance to cancel without charge during those first five days You did not cancel during the first five days, but rather days after sign up This was your choice and we had no option but to discontinue work on your case You neglect to mention that we were not successful in our billing as your bank declined us for lack of funds available We are still owed this $49.95, as you did not cancel during the grace period and we had spent our time and labor and infrastructure on your case, and you agreed in writing to pay for this We are legally entitled to the money you agreed to pay usYet you did not make any payments at allWe retain a chat transcript, where all of this is discussed During that discussion you pretended you did not know about the charge, but we have an earlier call where you discussed billing dates, and of course there is the contract you signed which clearly states we will charge and additional for missed payments You were also informed during that chat, after you became discourteous to our agent, that we were going to simply waive the charge as a customer service gesture, and take a loss on this arrangement This was extremely kind of the agent to make this offer to you You knew at that point we had completely resolved your issue, in your favor, and at a loss to us You even threatened the agent that it would not stop you from speaking ill about us Yet we did nothing but work on your behalf, then excuse you from obligation, waiving all fees for you You also demand we now make corrections to your credit report This is not possible as you cancelled the service that was for that very purpose Thanks,Kristine G [redacted] | Managing Executive Assistant, Lexington Law FirmStatement of Confidentiality: The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addresseeIf you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibitedIf you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message and its attachments, if anyEmail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, USC §§ 2510-and is legally privileged
RE: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’ Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm regrets to hear of any problems Mr [redacted] may have had with payments while he was a clientMr [redacted] and his wife engaged Lexington to represent them on April 14, Lexington had also previously represented Mr [redacted] for several months in and In representing Mr [redacted] and his wife, Lexington’s services were meant to ensure the items being reported on their credit reports are an accurate portrayal of their credit historyThe services, along with payment and billing details, are included in the engagement agreement that each client must sign before being represented by LexingtonMr [redacted] and his wife both signed this agreement when engaging LexingtonUpon review of their cases, each client did not end representation until July 3, Mr [redacted] spoke with a paralegal about his case onJune 14, but did not want Lexington to stop representing him at that timeBetween his case and his wife’s case, there were only two payments made in June and July and they totaled $These charges were for the services Lexington had provided to Mr [redacted] and his wife while they were clients with LexingtonAn attorney from Lexington has reached out to Mr [redacted] to speak with him about the details of his Complaint and the payments he made to LexingtonLexington has made two phone calls and sent an email to Mr [redacted] in an attempt to speak about his ComplaintAs of the time of this Response Lexington and Mr [redacted] have been unable to discuss his concernsLexington is committed to addressing Mr [redacted] ’ Complaint and urges him to contact Lexington as indicated in the email sent to himClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
RE: [redacted] *** *** This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr***’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm regrets to hear of any misunderstanding that occurred while Mr [redacted] was a clientMr [redacted] was referred to Lexington because he expressed interest in repairing his creditAfter a credit consultation, Mr [redacted] Lexington provides five (5) days for clients to cancel their service without condition or chargeMr [redacted] did not inform Lexington to cancel his service until nine (9) days laterAn attorney from Lexington has reached out to Mr [redacted] by phone and email but has been unable to speak with himAt the time Lexington wrote this response, Mr [redacted] has not returned any correspondenceDespite not being able to speak with Mr***, Lexington has taken steps it believes will resolve any remaining concernsClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
Re: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm is troubled to hear of any problems Mr [redacted] had with its credit repair servicesWhen a prospective client calls Lexington they receive a free credit consultation, which includes a brief summary of what may be hurting them on their credit reportBased on this initial consultation the person may continue to engage Lexington to represent them or may end the call with no obligationIf that person decides to proceed as a client they must sign an engagement agreement that sets forth the client’s rights and obligations as well as what services Lexington will provide on their behalfThe engagement agreement also states the pricing for the service level the client chooses as well as the client’s right to end representation and how that may be accomplishedClients should refer to the engagement agreement, which is located on the client website or by requesting a copy of it, for any questions regarding pricing or billing policiesUpon receiving this Complaint and attorney from Lexington has reviewed Mr [redacted] ’s case and a representative from Lexington has spoken with Mr [redacted] Lexington has taken steps it feels should resolve Mr [redacted] ’s concerns and urges Mr [redacted] to contact Lexington if he has any additional questions or concernsClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to MsT [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintWhile we do not agree with MsT [redacted] 's allegations, in the interest of client satisfaction we have issued MsT [redacted] the last four months payments made on her account in the total of $ [redacted] We consider this matter resolvedSincerely,Amy R [redacted] Executive AssistantLexington Law Firm
RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Ms [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington law firm is sorry to hear of any problems Ms [redacted] may have had with Lexington’s services while she was a clientMs [redacted] became a client of Lexington in April of and continued with Lexington until August of Lexington has not heard from or received any communication from Ms [redacted] since she closed her case in August of Lexington is unable to guarantee which items may be deleted or remain on a client’s credit report as the items are reported by creditors and/or the credit bureausLexington sent over disputes to credit bureaus and several letters to creditors on Ms [redacted] ’s behalfLexington sends these based on the information included in the client’s credit reportsAlthough it is not common, items can be deleted from a credit report and then re-added if the creditor is able to verify or update the informationWhether an item comes back on is, again, outside the control of LexingtonBased on the engagement agreement signed by Ms [redacted] when she became a client, Lexington provided all the services as stated within the agreementAn attorney from Lexington has tried to contact Ms [redacted] by phone and email to discuss her concerns, but as of the time of this Response has not yet received any returned correspondence from herLexington would encourage Ms [redacted] to contact Lexington as stated in the voicemail or email to discuss her concernsClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
RE: [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm has received Mr [redacted] ’s complaint and an attorney has reviewed his case in regards to his claims found thereinLexington is troubled to hear of the issues that arose during Mr [redacted] ’s time with LexingtonLexington takes all complaints very seriously and strives to resolve them in a timely mannerMr [redacted] signed up with Lexington for credit repair services and remained a client for a period of just over four monthsLexington is confused as to Mr [redacted] ’s comment that nothing has been done as promised on the contract as Mr [redacted] has seen a total of negative items removed from his credit reports during this periodThose reports are available for Mr [redacted] to review if he would like themAn attorney has reached out to Mr [redacted] in an attempt to resolve his concerns with LexingtonAfter speaking with him, Lexington and Mr [redacted] have come to a suitable resolution that should allow all parties to move forward at this timeClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
RE: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintLexington Law Firm offers different levels of service with differing features to ensure each client receives the service best fit for their situation and budgetWhen Mr [redacted] called to terminate the representation he was given the option to change to a different level and he decided to continue with the representation at that priceLexington bills clients in accordance with the Credit Repair Organizations Act, which states that payments for credit repair cannot be collected until work has been doneFor this reason, even when a client terminates the representation there will still be an amount owed based on work that had been provided up until the point of terminationUpon receiving this Complaint, an attorney reached out to Mr [redacted] and spoke with him regarding his case and the payments he madeAfter speaking on the phone, Lexington and Mr [redacted] have come to an amicable resolution to his ComplaintClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
I respectfully reject Lexingon Law's response to my complaint as follows 1) In Lexington Law's Answer, they state that "Lexington Law does not represent clients until they have signed an 'Engagement Agreement." I reiterate that I never executed/signed an "Engagement Agreement" nor any other agreement that retained me as their clientAs a result, Lexington Law deducted legal fees (estimated at $200.00) from my debit card2) Additionally, Lexington Law stated that an attorney (a MrF [redacted] ) from Lexington contacted me on 8/16/to discuss my complaint filed w/the Revdex.comOn 7/21/I sent an email to Lexington Law requesting that they remove me from their "do not call list"On that same date, received and email from Lexington Law confirming they had removed me from their "do not call list"MrF [redacted] is in violation of that email as he continues to contact me by phoneFinally, I reiterate that I want an explanation of charges, a full refund (estimated at $200.00) as well as that Lexington Law cease and desist any and all past and future services
RE: [redacted] [redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintThis is Lexington’s Response to Mr [redacted] ’s Complaint with the Revdex.comLexington is unable to guarantee specific results or outcomes of client’s cases as each case is unique and results are based on the creditors’ and/or the credit bureaus’ decisions to report items on a consumer’s credit reportThe statistics on Lexington’s website are an average that clients have seen in the past, but cannot be a predictor of future outcomesLexington points out on its website that it is unable guarantee any result, including that of the average clientLexington is glad Mr [redacted] was able to see removals on his caseLexington challenged each of Mr [redacted] ’s negative items while he was a client with Lexington and sent letters to those creditors on his behalfAlthough those items may not have been removed while he was a client with Lexington, he paid for Lexington’s efforts on his behalfLexington is able to show its work, including challenges and letters to creditors, to any client upon their requestUpon receiving this Complaint from Mr [redacted] , an attorney from Lexington contacted him to discuss his case and the details of his ComplaintAfter discussing the matter over the telephone, Mr [redacted] and Lexington have come to an amicable resolution to his ComplaintClaudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E:[email protected]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me I have been told that I have received a full refund Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] This is Lexington Law Firm’s formal response to Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaintWe remain unable to agree with the customer, and his admission that he failed to read our agreement before signing explains how he came to suffer such confusion However, he also states he will be satisfied with a refund of $to $ Our previous responses have addressed any concerns fully and states our position clearly for those with discernment Therefore as a courtesy, and as an offer of goodwill, we are accepting customer's offer to resolve this complaint by returning the amount requested Claudia I [redacted] Attorney StaffAdministrative AssistantLexington Law FirmNorth Salt Lake P: (801)297-2494Ext20056E: [redacted]