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ADVERTISEMENT, We have answered this response multiple times. The claims department is in contact with the customer and is handling the damages which is the proper protocol. We have deemed this complaint as having been completed. Thank You, Ace Moving and Storage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
This is the same answer that was submitted to [redacted]. Please note: I have ALL email exchanges between myself and Ace Movers/Ronnie R[redacted], etc. At NO point did I refuse or reject any offer from Ace Movers. I have it in THEIR "writing"! They instructed me to "Find local movers to remove/reload. I was told that I'd be reimbursed. I sent Ace Movers the receipt from the men that I hired, and Ronnie R[redacted] never responded. I ALSO have a written statement from Chris D[redacted], the Owner of the (second) moving company that I hired. (MANY) Additional photographs and emails are easily submittable evidence! Moreover, I am MORE than happy to provide ALL!Ace Movers are "painting" the situation, and my response, as very lackadaisical and nonchalant. They are ENTIRELY culpable for the delivery, chaos and damages in which we have been witness to and endured. Furthermore, the condition(s) were so appalling and dangerous, we couldn't step foot into the storage unit (please see pix) for over a month, as we were going back and forth with Ace Movers regarding what to do next!!! We are ALSO entitled to being reimbursed for the first month of storage ($169.00)! Did I mention GAS MONEY???AGAIN! PLEASE resort to [redacted] for practically IDENTICAL complaints!To REITERATE! I NEVER heard from a "claims person"! Not once!Many thanks for your help and diligence.JBL
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Sincerely, truthfully and accurately,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I have in writing through an email exchange from the representative at Ace Moving Plus, in which he explains that as long as I could make my things available for pick-up on their requested date, my things would arrive by the [redacted]. It was contingent upon this that I chose Ace Moving Plus in the first place. With the understanding that my things would arrive in Austin on time, I traveled with minimal clothing. I had to purchase clothes for work, along with something to sleep on to get me through the next 13 days. This was completely unacceptable, especially considering there was no mention by Ronnie or anyone at Ace that they might not be able to get me my belongings in time.An estimate is exactly that, an estimate. It aims at being as accurate as possible, with a little room for flexibility. I understand the fluctuation in cost by even up to a couple of hundred dollars, but increasing the price by a full third of the initial quote, the same day of the move was extremely unprofessional. I had also eliminated a sofa from my inventoried items that were included on that initial $1,125 quote, so if anything, the price should have gone down. Having to start my job immediately upon my move, I had no choice but to pay the increased price to keep my belongings, as I had no other way to transport them to my new residence in Austin.Ace Moving Plus also claims I was aware of this "shuttle fee", should the 18-wheeler could not fit into my complex. I had been aware that it was an 18 wheeler transporting my belongings to Austin, but not that I would have to incur a full cost of $250 if that 18 wheeler could not fit into my complex. My initial understanding was that they transport everything to a port in Austin and deliver from there to my residence. Ace Moving had me sign all disclosures as I was handing all of my belongings over to them. I have no acknowledgement of this potential additional cost, and when I asked if they could provide me with a signed copy, they could not provide me with anything. My initial quote was $1,125. I ended up paying directly to Ace Moving Company $1,784 ($659 over the quoted price). With the addition of the shuttle, which I had not been made aware of, my total costs came out to $2,034. This is simply WRONG. Had the final price to Ace Moving been a couple of hundred dollars within the quote, I would not have an issue. Had I known about an additional $250 cost for a shuttle (which I found out the night of deliver), I would not have an issue. Had it not taken 2 weeks past the date they said they would deliver my belongings, I would not have an issue. I have paid nearly twice the original quote for a service that did not even try to work with me on even the slightest discount for arriving 2 WEEKS late. This is not the way to do business, and while Ace Moving Plus may not care for retaining my business in the future, I certainly hope cares about the service that their members provide. I have attached both the email chain between the rep and myself explaining that my things would be delivered by the end of the month, and original quoted price. I have all copies of signed documents from Ace Moving, none of which mentioned a potential $250 charge.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I'll be satisfied once my damaged items have been reimbursed. Overall, very dissatisfied with the way this company conducts its business.
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[redacted]ID # [redacted]COMPLAINTANT: [redacted],: I am in receipt of the followup complaint for the customer, [redacted]Talafous. The customer states that the move was improperly charged Shequestions the “law of only 10% over a quoted price”. This does not apply fora move that there was no onsite done on. Additionally, even with an onsite,this move would have been priced out the same because she only paid for thetime she used plus fuel surcharge and materials. She states that she was verbally abused, we have spoken to our foremanand helpers and they state that this did not exist and that the move wasfine up until the customer was presented with the final bill. The customers’ price increased because the inventory increased and shewas properly charged for the time she needed for this move. We never changedthe agreed upon price per hour and she signed all contracts agreeing to thisrate before we ever began the job. Therefore, there is no reason for anyreduction of the pricing. .Sincerely,Ace Moving and Storage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The $325 charge was never explained to me in any way. ACE Moving never responded to my calls asking for a breakdown of how they came about the $325 charge. If they did an "audit" of the move, then why weren't my phone calls returned? I have attached the copy of the Bill showing in Red on the bottom the $325 that was slipped into the Bill with no explanation of what that charge was. The "Foreman" that day could not explain the charge and when I called and spoke to Eli about the charge, he said he would speak with the Foreman and get back to me that following Monday. He never got back to me and still hasn't gotten back to me regarding this mysterious $325 charge. I signed the Bill because they wouldn't leave without me signing the Bill. The foreman that day also said that he would explain to me the charge the following Monday as well, but never did.In regards to the travel time, even though it has nothing to do with my complaint of the $325... I am a Police Officer and know the Laws of the road when it comes to commercial vehicles on the roadway! I left at the same time as the Movers from East Meadow to Massapequa and I also did not take any parkways! So there is no excuse as to why they took almost two hours and less than 30 minutes for me to get to the destination! I just want some professionalism just one time from this company. It was my mistake not to look at all these complaints online about this company before I used them. All I am asking for is a refund for the $325. I already paid $1263 which was already way too much considering all the damage they caused and time they took for the move. I have pictures of them getting breakfast at Dunkin Donuts with my furniture in the truck! They didn't deduct that from the total time! But like I said, I am not complaining about that. I am not asking for a refund for that. I am just asking for a refund for the $325 charge that has no reasoning behind it and nothing in writing explaining it. Thank you.
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# [redacted]B.B.B. We are in receipt with our customers only request being that hisshipment is delivered before July [redacted]..We are in final arrangements to makedelivery and his goods will be delivered before the end of the business dayJuly [redacted]..Thank You,Ace Moving
To whom it may concern: customer had a lot of packing involved and she was discounted by $257 and was given a detail charge on all, inducing the fuel charge which was spot on as described on her initial estimate.we offered an additional $250.0.00 off which make it more than...
what she ids claiming for. thank you I advance Ace moving
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I never received these emails. Nobody ever said they were slaves. So they are just allowed to charge for more time than they are here? How about the additional liability that I never agreed to? How about not having their own tools? How long it would have taken if I didn't have tools to provide them? How about the boxes and pads that I was charged for that were never used? How about the incompetence that led to dissembling furniture incorrectly, which led to more time? How about the holes they put in my wall? Their response only mentions the extra half hour, which is illegal, charging me for time they weren't here. Respectfully, [redacted]
Sent from my iPhone
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Ronnie Roth INSTRUCTED me to, "[redacted] [redacted], as he, "[redacted]" in the area. I immediately emailed him in order to CLARIFY that I'd be reimbursed. Here is the "conversation":[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted]OBVIOUSLY, this correspondence refers to any discussion that WE had regarding any compensation/reimbursement! Otherwise, why would I have followed up and attempt to get something from ACE in writing??? Naturally I "expected" them to reimburse me, because RONNIE SAID that he/they would!!! Anything that he says to the contrary is a LIE! Thank You.
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern: I am in receiptof the complaint for the customer, [redacted] [redacted]. The customer states that...
“hereceived an immediate estimate” in the first line of his complaint. He isabsolutely correct he received an “estimate”. An estimate is exactly that, anestimate. We do our best to give as accurate a quote as possible on ourestimates but every job is unique. We did not raise the price per cubic foot orthe fuel surcharge rate. [redacted] signed all documents agreeing to bothbefore we began the move. In trucking wealways try to be on time for pickups and [redacted] states that he was calledthe day before for his confirmation and told that we would be there in theafternoon. He was picked up on the pickup date that was agreed upon at 1 p.m.The proper standards were used for this pickup and [redacted] was given hisconfirmation pickup phone call 24 hours before pickup as prescribed. As far asdelivery goes, [redacted]’s first date of delivery on his delivery form wasAugust [redacted]. We do our best to get the delivery to our customers asclose to this date without getting it there before that date. [redacted] wastold from the time the 18-wheeler leaves the NY/NJ area it is approximately 5-7business days for delivery. This is exactly what happened on this job. We canNEVER guarantee a delivery date because too many delays are inherent withintrucking. We stayed in contact with [redacted] and we delivered well within thetime frame that is authorized. This customerwas charged properly for his move, picked up on the date agreed upon andalthough slightly delayed on his desired pickup date, well within the standardsof the industry. There is absolutely NO reason for any reduction on this move. Sincerely, Ace Moving and Storage
[redacted]ID# [redacted]) Ace Moving & Storage, Inc.[redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted],This letter is in response to a inquiry by our...
customers Julian L[redacted] and his mother Susan L[redacted]. We did a long distance move for this customer on 06/**/2015. Upon delivery we were contacted by customers’ son, Julian L[redacted] and told that there were damages. We explained that there was a claims procedure and gave our claims adjusters’ information to the customers’ son. The customer states that the only problem with the move was..”[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]”. We offered to send movers to the storage and to straighten out the storage but the customer chose to hire alternate company to proceed.The customer was charged properly for the move and the move itself is not in dispute, therefore the customer is NOT due any discount.Thank you in advance,ACE MOVING
b.b.b Customer was offered $288.00 to cover for her claims by our claims adjuster base on her liability coverage ( even though she keep saying no respond from Robert b[redacted] the adjuster) but she decided to refuse the amount, she wanted to be increase which we can't do . thank you Ace moving
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I have mentioned before that I had a hundred things going on that day and didn't check the clock when they left. They were gone for a half an hour before I called to complain and the time then was 2:30. They took advantage of this. Again, their unprofessionalism, inability to disassemble furniture, lack of tools and smoking cigarettes led to the time being inflated. They put those holes in my wall. Of course their Forman wouldn't write it up. This is the same man that wrote down the wrong time, insulted my furniture and insulted me for not giving a bigger tip. Besides the holes, there is still the matter of the hundred dollars for pads that were never used.
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To whom it may concern: Let me begin by saying that the original estimate was closer to $5000.00 and not $3500 as the customer stated.secondly the estimate was very close unless the customer decided to add more items which was not of the list per our onsite estimator obviously inflated the...
price by $3000.00.thirdly we offered to unwrap all blankets used, but customer decided to purchase them at $20.00 per moving blanket which is a fair last we never guaranty exact day for delivery, we told him within 7 days he will receive his delivery.we gave the customer all option to resolve all issue and we proud it.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Thank you for the answer, I have the following comments:1. I was charged for packing materials at a price that was way higher of what was stated in the estimate. The estimate indicated as cost for box a range from $3 to $6 and I have been charged from $8 up to $50, notably $50 for the box for the TV set and $19 for each wardrobe box. The total cost of the material I have been charged with was $500. Note that I had to formally request an itemized billing for the packing costs and I have never been informed before the moving that I would have been charged so much for the packing material. The only indication that I had was what is reported in the estimate. As to the volume of the packing, a representative of ACE moving made a survey of the apartment before the moving and should have realized, using the standard applicable to a professional in the field, how much packing was involved. After a survey, there should not be any unanticipated high increase in the estimated costs as the one under review. The overall increase in the cost charged by ACE is approximately of 60% of the initially estimated costs. 2. I was charged $170 for fuel. According to the estimate the fuel was 7% of the estimated price (i.e. $952), so $67. 3. I was also charged for 8H of work/travel time when the actual work computed no more than 6H (at the rate of $119 per hour). ACE is saying that the moving started at 9:** am on 9/**/2016 and ended at 4 pm at 9/**/2016. The movers arrived at 10:00 am and I was on the phone with the "owner" of ACE subcontractor at 3 pm when I was told that the moving was finished. ACE is challenging these facts on discretionary basis, i.e. ACE has not produced any evidence that the estimate was indicating different prices for the packing material or that the fuel charge was in line with the estimate. The email with the estimate can be produced if necessary. As to the actual number of hours worked, phone log of the call I had with the "owner" of the subcontractor of ACE moving can also be produced. In the spirit of a settlement I have already indicated that I would accept a settlement amount of $500, which is composed of: (1) 50% of the value of the material charged for packing, i.e. $250, (2) $100 of unsupported fuel charges and (3) two hours of service that were overcharged ($238). Note the figure of $500 is already discounted in favor of ACE just to reach a compromise and settlement and as such shall not be construed as a waiver of any of the right to seek a full restitution for unjust enrichment of ACE.Best regards,[redacted]
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[redacted] To Whom It May Concern: I am in receipt of the complaint for the customer, [redacted]. The customer states that the move delivery was delayed. We always...
guarantee the pickup date but we can NEVER guarantee the delivery date. Too many things can happen in moving, i.e. weather, mechanical difficulties. We always do our best to deliver as close to the “first date for delivery” without arriving before that date. her first day of delivery is July [redacted] we loaded her household goods on the [redacted], she is going to get her delivery sometimes this weekend early next week, customer was told 7-10 business. that mean we have up until the [redacted] of July, we are still in the time frame we agreed. We always appreciate Constructive Criticism at Ace Moving and Storage and we appreciate the comments today. Sincerely, Ace Moving and Storage
Excellent staff and customer service. Dr Ryan W was the best vet ever my dog loves him he did surgery on my dogs face what an amazing job couldnt ask for a better place to bring my dog