Kindness Animal Hospital Reviews (78)
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Address: 2325 32nd Ave S, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States, 58201-6546
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[redacted] ID # [redacted] COMPLAINTANT: [redacted] ,: I am in receipt of the followup complaint for the customer, [redacted] Talafous. The customer states that the move was improperly charged Shequestions the “law of only 10% over a quoted price”. This does not apply fora move that there was no onsite done on. Additionally, even with an onsite,this move would have been priced out the same because she only paid for thetime she used plus fuel surcharge and materials. She states that she was verbally abused, we have spoken to our foremanand helpers and they state that this did not exist and that the move wasfine up until the customer was presented with the final bill. The customers’ price increased because the inventory increased and shewas properly charged for the time she needed for this move. We never changedthe agreed upon price per hour and she signed all contracts agreeing to thisrate before we ever began the job. Therefore, there is no reason for anyreduction of the pricing. .Sincerely,Ace Moving and Storage I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: The $325 charge was never explained to me in any way. ACE Moving never responded to my calls asking for a breakdown of how they came about the $325 charge. If they did an "audit" of the move, then why weren't my phone calls returned? I have attached the copy of the Bill showing in Red on the bottom the $325 that was slipped into the Bill with no explanation of what that charge was. The "Foreman" that day could not explain the charge and when I called and spoke to Eli about the charge, he said he would speak with the Foreman and get back to me that following Monday. He never got back to me and still hasn't gotten back to me regarding this mysterious $325 charge. I signed the Bill because they wouldn't leave without me signing the Bill. The foreman that day also said that he would explain to me the charge the following Monday as well, but never did.In regards to the travel time, even though it has nothing to do with my complaint of the $325... I am a Police Officer and know the Laws of the road when it comes to commercial vehicles on the roadway! I left at the same time as the Movers from East Meadow to Massapequa and I also did not take any parkways! So there is no excuse as to why they took almost two hours and less than 30 minutes for me to get to the destination! I just want some professionalism just one time from this company. It was my mistake not to look at all these complaints online about this company before I used them. All I am asking for is a refund for the $325. I already paid $1263 which was already way too much considering all the damage they caused and time they took for the move. I have pictures of them getting breakfast at Dunkin Donuts with my furniture in the truck! They didn't deduct that from the total time! But like I said, I am not complaining about that. I am not asking for a refund for that. I am just asking for a refund for the $325 charge that has no reasoning behind it and nothing in writing explaining it. Thank you. In order for the BBB to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above. Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I am still waiting for your proof of materials used for the move that would suffice the $charge. Please send the proof that the charge is valid and not made up by your foreman. We both know why the Bill was signed! I already explained the reason. I was told by your foreman to call you regarding the charge that I had a problem with, and you decided to play games with me by not calling me back and by giving me fake names like David! Why would the President of Ace Moving Company tell me his name was David and then hang up on me? The Dispatcher told me David was not even a manager and there was no David working that day! Very unprofessional and it goes to show here in your responses that you are still unwilling to cooperate in this matter. We both know that the $charge should not have been on the Bill and that's why I complained to your foreman that day! I would like a refund for the $because there was no extra material used for my move, so therefore, what is the $charge for? Thank you.
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*** ***, At Ace Moving and Storage, we always want to maintain our integrity when billing is concernedOnce we were contacted by our customer, *** ***, we had the accounting do a complete audit for the move*** ***, was charged properly and the detailed were
explained to himThe customer signed the contract for all of the itemization and he was charged accordinglyAdditionally, we spoke with the foreman for this move and the customer was provided for the service that was requestedAs far as travel time from location to location, commercial vehicles can NOT use parkways in NY state and therefore drive time will always between cars and commercial vehicles will always be increased We are sorry that the customer feels as if there were additional charges but upon further review the customer Was charged properly and is NOT due any reductionAll the best, Ace Moving and Storage
Delivery was made on time upon contract agreement and I wish you all the best despite your blessing.all issues were resolved
09/**/,Complaint AnalystID # ***To whom it may concern, This customer continues to comment without bringing up any newarguments to be discussedWe fulfilled our obligation by picking up theshipment and facilitating the deliveryHow we transport the shipment isimmaterialWe have multiple options for deliveries and we use manydifferent formats depending on the delivery addressThe customer wascharged properly for the services rendered.Thank You,Ace Moving and Storage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Unfortunately, we are well beyond the point of an apology There had been no effort to alleviate my issues In fact, when I called to explain my situation (i.e., no clothes, no bed), several days past the point that everything should have been delivered, I was told to "go buy new ones." Also, "we tell everyone" regarding the wheeler extra cost is clearly not true, considering I was unaware This will be escalated to small claims, which I sincerely do not want to deal with, but there has not even been an olive branch offering by Ace Moving so far I paid times the quoted cost and my things were delivered weeks late I have more than a leg to stand on here, so considering Ace Movers position, I have no choice but to bring on representation
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*** ***
hiAs was told prior, we do not guaranty day of delivery, delivery was done in a timely manner , customer was suppose to pay a long carry pus flight of stairs total of $150.00we compensate the customer by paying that words of any damages so far from driver, we have a claim department to handle it if necessary. thank you in advance Ace moving & storage
As I stated earlier, you decided to purchase the blankets, we offer to take them back so no refund due to youthus move was a full pack of your apt/house therefore we used a lot of packing materials not just adjustment shell be rewarded, This is the 3rd time that we are answering the same complaintThe $was for packing materialThe contract states that it is packing material and the day of the move the contract was agreed uponWe are sorry that our customer is not happy about the charge but being that it is a charge that was signed for and paid for on the day of the move, there is absolutely NO reduction availableThank you,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved
*** *** I have now been contacted by Mr b*** after many calls, emails and months without any help thankstof the intervention of the I hope now that they can take responsibility and process my claims as expected, thanks.*** ***
We are in receipt of a complaint for *** ***, with a couple of issuesFirst off her items list increased significantly on the day of pickup and that is why the price increasedThe contract was flat rated out on the day of pickup and she was charged properlySecondly, as far as the
damages go, we informed her of how to facilitate the claim through our adjuster and that is the proper protocal for this actionWe are NOT in breach of contract, the items were picked up and delivered as assignedThank you, We are in receipt of a complaint from our customer *** ***She expresses that she is upset because the move increased from the estimate to the final amountWe have discussed this with our customer and explained that she was only charged for the items that
she tookWhen we gave the original estimate we were told that a total number of items would be shippedUpon arrival the foreman took an inventory of the actual items and it was over 70, he then explained to our customer that she had extra items and the move would cost more and if she wanted to take less items we would be able to reduce the total costThe customer told us to continue, signed all of the documentation and chose NOT to reduce the inventory We always do our best at Ace Moving to work within our customers budget But we must charge for all items being shippedShe could have reduced the Inventory and could have even sent the original items that we were presented so to create the estimateWe did not change the price per cubic foot or any parameters of the pricingThe sole reason for the increase was the increase in items being shipped Being that we provided the services that were requested, only charged the agreed upon parameters of the pricing and delivered within a timely manner there is absolutely NO reason for any reduction on this moveThank you in advance, Ace Moving and Storage
To whom it may concern: This is a new claim very recent, customer needs to be patience, the claims department is taking care of him in a timely matter. Ace Moving
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
Yes, there was an increase of items to be shipped, but at the amount they quoted, it is still incredibly steep for the amount I had shippedMost of these items were smaller boxes, so no I reject that the amount quoted on the day of pick up was a fair estimateI allowed them to take my items because I needed to be in my new location to begin a job, so essentially was in a bind and did not have the time to shop for a new company.To add to this complaint, once the truck with my items arrived, I was sure to have a location chosen that would not be difficult for them to pull their large truck intoWhen the driver arrived, he did not even attempt to pull his truck in, even though there was ample room to do soBoth myself and the manager of the storage unit I had them bring my belongings witnessed there was more than enough room and clearance for him to pull his truck intoThey then refused to give me my belongings and were going to drive off until the manager of the storage unit kindly offered me the use of his onsite moving vanTo add to this frustration, some of my belongings were carelessly dealt with, resulting in damage. So, again, I reject the business's response and wish to proceed with this complaintThey are both unprofessional, rude, and dishonest. *** ***
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*** ***
*** ***, We are in receipt for a complaint dated 11/**/from *** ***Theprimary complaint was for "the late delivery of my furniture". In reality, their first date of delivery was for 11/**/Wedelivered on Wednesday 11/**/When
our customer used the 2nd as theirfirst date of delivery, it meant that we could not get it there before thatdate..From the first date of delivery the average delivery time is within3-business days and we delivered at daysWe contacted the customerthroughout the move and they were well aware of the delivery time. As far as the relationship between Ace Moving and their employees, thiscrew has been with Ace for over years and reports being very happy withtheir jobs. Thank you for the email, only through customer reviews can we improveour customer relations.All the best,Ace Moving and Storage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The estimate was tripled before any work began. What about the law of only 10% over a quoted price? I did all the packing with exception of pictures. I would not allow ACE to pack any of my belongings.I was threatened and verbally abused - where is the response to this? No one has the right to use scare tactics to get more money from a customer.I feel SCAMMED - ACE gives a lower dollar quote for the move then triples the price. I felt helpless since I had to move. ?
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*** ***
*** ***Complaint # ***08/**/2016B.B.B.We are in receipt for the continuation of complaint # ***. Customer was calling 3-times a day, even though she was advised the proper procedure which was explained to her over and over, she was told that we will try to ship her goods
around the dates that she asked us, but was never promised.we are doing are best to deliver on time which we have a 90-percent success, but some time there some delays due to weather,breakage, calling and screaming and been nasty wont speed up the delivery, it is a ground transportation not an air freight.she received her delivery on 8/*/and was discounted by $
I am very happy you are posting this complaint , the reason been is that potential customer like you are not are cheap and rude and you think you can misquote us in regard to the amount of stuff you are moving in order to come out with a better price !!!!the deposit will not be return:
we showed up and you decided to cancel because you couldn't face the true cost for your move
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ***To whom it may concern, We are in receipt for the followup complaint from the
above mentioned customer.She states that “The delivery date was NOV * it was never
discussed it could be delayed 2-days.” We can always guarantee the pickup date but we can
NEVER guarantee the Delivery date is why we always state that the delivery is
approximately 3-days fromThe time the goods leave the NY area. For the same reasons previously stated and further
clarified above, there is absolutelyNO reason or basis for any compensationWe do our best at
Ace Moving to deliver as closeTo the First date of delivery and in turn this was a very
successful move.Thank you for your time.Sincerely,