Internet Local Listings Reviews (245)
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Description: Advertising - Internet, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Services
Address: 1600 N Broadway #750, Santa Ana, California, United States, 92701
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This resolution does not solve my complaints. I was only notified of the initial payment and was told that I would receive bills on a monthly basis, but I never received anything. I also never received a contract or statement of any sort explaining what services would be provided. Local Listings took it upon themselves to continue charging my debit account monthly with out my knowledge and did not perform any services what so ever. I have tried multiple times to resolve this issue only to be asked for more money. And further more I have bank statements from February proving they charged my card which is when I then requested my account to be closed. There is no way in which a potential customer can find my business when doing a search for Fresno window cleaning. I have received no new clients or business as a result of their claimed webpage since it is not as easily accessible as they stated it would be.
Internet Local Listings would like to apologize for any inconvenience that this matter has caused you. We are currently attempting to contact Mr. [redacted] to get the website issue resolved as everything was created for the website but the website was not made live because the account was cancelled...
the day before it was set to go live. There was work provided to the client within the 6 days that the account was Active in our system. The entire process of obtaining information necessary for the account, including setting up the Google My Business Page, was completed during the initial set up phone call and work began on the account during that phone call. Content has been created, a website has been built and the URL was purchased: today in order to transfer to the client. We attempted to speak to the client and were finally able to get a hold of Mr. [redacted] to work through the website issue but were unable to get in contact before the client purchased the website URL that we previously explained was still available for purchase (the original reason we were unable to transfer the URL to the client). Upon signing up for services with Internet Local Listings, Mr. [redacted] received, read and signed the contract that stated our services and policies and procedures that he agreed to when signing the contract. Within the duration of the clients account, we had set up the Google My Business page (yes, this is a free service but must be maintained, which is why our clients hire us to manage it as it is time consuming), sent the post card to the client, obtained all keywords and cities that the client wanted included in the campaign, created content, built the website (although it had not yet gone live) and had begun the process of enrolling the clients business into online directory listings. Because the contract was signed and returned and all of this work had been provided, the client is not warranted a refund. In accordance with the signed contract, the client is to pay a cancellation fee as well, which is why the account is being sent to collections. The reason for this fee is that work has been provided that continues to cause work for Internet Local Listings although the account is no longer active. In conclusion, we again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted] and are more than happy to work out an agreement in regards to the cancellation fee with the clients cooperation. Our Accounts Receivable Department has been made aware of the situation and is ready to assist Mr. [redacted] if he would like to work with them. We do ask at this time that all harassment on Social Media platforms ends as we are simply handling this account like all accounts: in accordance to the signed and agreed upon contract that we have put into place to ensure that all clients understand the business agreement. Thank you.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused for Mr. [redacted] and would also like to ensure Mr. [redacted] that we take any information that we receive from clients seriously and are sure to look into it thoroughly so that we can accurately...
s the situation and handle it properly. Our Customer Service staff is available to every one of our clients and our clients often reach a different representative each time they call in. We do apologize for any confusion that this may have caused Mr. [redacted] but would like to ensure that it is known that this was not something that is intentionally done with any of our clients. For clients requiring follow up assistance, the same representative will reach out to make contact with the client and handle their issues thoroughly. We also have representatives that Mr. [redacted] spoke to from several different departments in order to handle every aspect of the account from the account sign up process with a member of our Pinning Department, to resolving an issue with the businesses Google Listing with a Google Issues Specialist to several customer service phone calls with different representatives. In several of these phone calls, Mr. [redacted] spoke with [redacted], a member of our Customer Service team. [redacted] assisted Mr. [redacted] by explaining our 45 day guarantee and walking him through the process of his account so that he would understand that it would take time in accordance with the contract that Mr. [redacted] signed upon enrolling in our Starter Package on June 24, 2015. While it is our goal for our clients to see results quicker than the 45 day guarantee, it is not guaranteed and this is why we make the 45 day guarantee explicit in the contract, during the account verification that is read before charging the client and in our account sign up process with a member of the pinning team. At no point was it promised to Mr. [redacted] that he would be receiving phone calls daily as we cannot make that guarantee for any of our clients. Our goal is to get businesses on the front page of Google for certain keywords in an effort to provide exposure to their business but we cannot guarantee that potential customers will choose the business to hire or purchase from. The Branded Website is provided to all of our clients and while it is not a customizable website, we are able to add custom photos to it. The goal of the Branded Websites is to offer an affordable website to clients that do not already have a website or, in the case of Mr. [redacted]' business, offer a website that will drive traffic to the client's existing website. The website that already existed for [redacted], Inc. is linked to from the Branded Website. It is explained to the client that because we cannot control their existing site, we create a website that we can control from the back end in order to provide optimal results for clients. There are several SEO factors that we work into the Branded Website that enable our client's businesses to be found on the front page with a quick and easy redirect to the businesses existing site. (By clicking on the business name on this Branded Website: [redacted] , potential clients will automatically be redirected to the businesses existing site.) While we do only display 3 photos on the Branded Websites, these Websites are, again, built to accommodate specific SEO needs in order to bring successful front page placement - which was achieved for Mr. [redacted] and [redacted], Inc. We would also like to bring it to Mr. [redacted]' attention that Internet Local Listings did list [redacted] Inc. on over 50 business directory listings. This information has been sent to Mr. [redacted] at the mail attached to this complaint. These are the 50 places that Internet Local Listings has made [redacted] Inc. seen on. The 2 places referred to by [redacted] in a conversation with Mr. [redacted] were in referral to the 2 keywords that the business was ranking for. The business is currently ranking for 4 keywords; retaining wall repairs, retaining wall supplier, retaining wall contractor and stone patio services 76022. As explained in the contract, the 45 day guarantee states that the client will be ranking for a minimum of 2 keywords before 45 days or the client will receive a push in the their billing at the end of their 3 month contract. Internet Local Listings has met this guarantee and surpassed the promised 2 keywords all well before the 45 day guarantee would be in effect. At this point, a refund of any type is not warranted to Mr. [redacted] as Internet Local Listings has provided the client with everything promised in the contract that was agreed to and signed on June 24. Custom content was written for the client, a Branded Website was created, the business was listed in over 50 online directories and the Google My Business page was maintained and has received over 3,300 insights over the past 30 days that Internet Local Listings was managing it (see above attachment). The contract also states that if the client cancels services prior to the end of their 3 month commitment, they are responsible for paying the Early Termination Fee of half of the remaining owed payments - meaning that Mr. [redacted] technically owes Internet Local Listings half of the $199.99 for the last month of service. As a courtesy, we did not charge Mr. [redacted] for this and sent the cancellation contract that was signed that states that, "It is also understood that the business agreement has ended on good terms and that all money previously garnished by the company (Internet Local Listings) has been paid for services already rendered for your business marketing campaign." We again apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused Mr. [redacted] and are happy to answer any further questions he may have through our [redacted] email or on the phone at ([redacted]. Thank you.
In regards to the account balance and collection of the account, I want to be sure that we will receive confirmation via a letter directly from the company concluding that the tree works of Connecticut LLC account has been zeroed out and will not be placed in collections also to conclude that this account has been canceled and we will no longer receive any communications or attempt to collect any further debt from local internet listings LLC. The prior conversation that I had with internet local listings was that the account was to be cancelled on February 10th there should have been no need for me to call in for further instruction unable due to the fact that they were unable to change the change the contact information they had the listing information completely inaccurate and the contact information again was not correct I made several attempts to correct that and was unsuccessful.
Regards, [redacted]
Again, we would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that has been pressed upon Mr. [redacted]. We have no reason to not add someone to our Do Not Call List as it is not our intention to continue calling and spending time trying to get the business of a potential client that is not interested. We have been experiencing some technical difficulties with our marketing efforts as we utilize a third party company to transfer phone calls to our Sales Executives. We have contacted the company that we work with to ensure that the phone number provided in this response by Mr. [redacted], has been manually added to the Do Not Call List to ensure that the number will no longer be called. We would like to share that we added the phone number to the Do Not Call List by methods provided to us on February 20, 2015, February 27, 2015 and March 9, 2015. The issue should no longer persist and we are further pursuing follow up action with the third party marketing company that we utilize to ensure that these issues cease immediately.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that this matter has caused for the client, Mr. [redacted]. We have been working diligently to meet the needs of this client and would like to, again, address each point that Mr. [redacted] brings up in this notice....
We would also like to address Ms. [redacted] in this response as we have been communicating with her in regards to this account as well. We do ask that both Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] understand the discrepancies that have been faced in the fact that Mr. [redacted] purchased our products and services and Ms. [redacted] was not involved in this process and therefor, may not understand what Mr. [redacted] purchased. One of the biggest issues we noticed in the involvement of Ms. [redacted] was that of the website. In the contract that is referred to by the client in this complaint (see attached "Signed Contract" document), a Branded Website is listed in the Package Basics and there is clearly a difference between the Branded and Premium Website as stated in the first bullet on page 2 of this contract; "Organic rankings are only possible by using either the branded or premium site provided by Internet Local Listings". This was mentioned to Mr. [redacted] upon signing up for services and the confusion of customization may have arisen from the clients capabilities to provide us with custom photos and information to be displayed on the Branded Website that we create for our clients. We would link to the Branded Website but it has been removed at the client's request. To address the first issue noted in this complaint from Mr. [redacted], we would like to bring attention to the signed contract again. At the top left of each page of this signed contract is our Internet Local Listings logo and tagline. It also explicitly states that the contract is, "between Fine Line Motorsports Inc. (the buyer) and Internet Local Listings (the seller)," and goes on further to state, "Thank you for partnering with Internet Local Listings!" This, in no way, shape or form, implies that our business is attempting to misrepresent ourselves as Google or any entity other than who we are: Internet Local Listings. The inclusion of this in the opening of our contract ensures that it cannot be stated that we are attempting, in any way, to falsely identify ourselves to take money from any of our clients. The only money that we receive from any of our clients is the money that is agreed to be paid to us for the products and services that we provide to our clients. Upon receiving any concern of the products and services provided to the client, our reps quickly and accurately addressed the client's concerns and attempted several times to resolve any issues that the client had. We explained the photos and any information could be sent in to further customize the products and services created for the success of the client's business online and sent several instances of the client ranking, the built out website, built out directory listings, custom written SEO content (as seen on the website prior to the request that it be taken down) and more. Internet Local Listings worked to meet the needs of Mr. [redacted] and continued to try to provide assistance throughout the cancellation process as well. Internet Local Listings did not refuse a refund and, in fact, provided a refund even though it was not warranted in accordance with the terms and conditions of our contract. On Page 6, the contract implicitly states that, "Upon cancellation, the client understands that they are not entitled to a refund of any payments that have already been made to Internet Local Listings as work has been provided to the client each month leading to the date of cancellation". This is put into place because, like any business, we cannot promise refunds to every client that decides they are not satisfied with the products and services that they agreed to purchase from Internet Local Listings. We work to provide the same quality products and services to each of our clients and explain these in our contract so that the client has a clear understanding of what they are being provided with and are agreeing to this upon signing the contract. The claim that Internet Local Listings had a DBA name change previously is false and inaccurate as we have been solely operating as Internet Local Listings since our DBA for this company was set up. The next issue of the client not being happy with services at the 45 day mark and wishing to cancel services can be resolved, again, by looking to the contract on pages 6 - 7 where the 45 day guarantee is thoroughly explained. This guarantee promises ranking for at least 2 keywords within 45 days and further states that the client will receive 1 month of pushed billing at the conclusion of the agreed to 3 month contract. The business relationship may be terminated at this time but a refund (please see above paragraph in regards to page 6) is not warranted simply because a client wishes to end the business agreement. The client also would not have been warranted a push in billing since the business is ranking for 9 keywords out of the guaranteed 2 keywords (please see all attachments of the client ranking for several keywords in different cities). The agreement was made in May of 2015 and work began on the account that day. Please refer to the attached screen shots of the Google My Business page that includes clear insights of how many times the clients business was found in Google searches since Internet Local Listings verified and set up this page. You can also view the listing here: It is clear to see that the business listing started gaining insights quickly after being set up through Internet Local Listings and has continued to be seen in over 1,400 searches since then. As stated in the contract on page 4, "Internet Local Listings does not promise a return of investment to the client for any of the offered and/or provided services or products". It is, of course, our goal for each of our clients to experience some type of ROI but the only way that we can encourage this to happen is by getting the business listing seen on the front pages of Google - which we did - and cannot make potential customers select their businesses for hire. Of course, we do believe that, given more time and more gained insights, potential customers would be more likely to choose this business for hire as it would be more solidified in online listings. We would like to sincerely apologize for any lack of communication that Internet Local Listings has made Mr. [redacted] uncomfortable with. Emails were sent out at the beginning of the campaign to explain the process of what was going to happen and the initial 3 month contracted period of time but we appreciate this feedback greatly and look forward to utilizing our resources to better reach out to clients in the future. In closing, Internet Local Listings has done our best to keep in line with the contracted agreement and has provided the client with all of the products, services and results that were agreed upon when the online marketing campaign was purchased and the client signed the contract. Although, in line with the terms and conditions of the contract, a refund was not warranted to the client, we did provide a refund of $199.99 as a courtesy to Mr. [redacted]. Internet Local Listings cannot be expected to pay for any outside costs that were incurred by the client for a third party to take care of the issue as the issue would have happily been addressed between reps of Internet Local Listings and Mr. [redacted] and was further discussed with Ms. [redacted]. Furthermore, the contract and above response implies exactly why a refund should not be warranted to the client and we respectfully ask that any further undeniably false claims of anything relating to an illegal felony cease at this time. Had the terms and conditions of the contract not been met and Mr. [redacted] not received what he had paid for, a refund would happily be warranted, however, Internet Local Listings was honest and upfront about everything that Mr. [redacted] purchased and all of the terms and conditions of the contract that were agreed to by the client upon signing up for this online marketing campaign and, as a company, are simply carrying out these terms and conditions that were agreed to. Thank you.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconveniences these issues may have caused you. We have worked hard to provide all of our clients with an excellent experience and try our best to avoid technical errors like these. We do experience some billing errors because we...
use different merchant accounts to process payments and since we do not have full control over these merchant accounts, we experience some technical difficulties when payments are changed but have no issues reversing and/or refunding any money that is charged that should not be charged.
In investigating this issue, we have recognized all issues with billing and also that they had been corrected. When [redacted] signed up for our services, he received a promotional email the following week for our Fall Special and called in to change his billing to reflect the promotional price. The following dates represent each time we spoke with [redacted] and what occurred during the phone call.
8/18/2014 - Client signed up for services with Internet Local Listings.
8/27/2014 - Client called in to ask about promotional deal and wanted billing changed to reflect the promotion. Although Internet Local Listings was unable to provide the client with a refund for the difference.
9/4/2014 - Client requested a Ranking Report and the client was emailed a Ranking Report that verified front page placement for nine, 9, keywords (Please see attached document)
9/22/2014- Client requested another Ranking Report and the report was again sent to client upon request, showing that the client's business was still ranking for all nine, 9, keywords.
9/23/2014 - Client was billed twice and called in to notify Internet Local Listings. The duplicate billing was refunded to the client at this time. Please note that when client was billed, it was a Saturday and our billing department did not notice the double billing at this time.)
9/24/2014 - Client contacted Internet Local Listings upset because notification of the refund taking between three, 3, and five, 5, business days was sent to client. A representative spoke with the client to explain that there was nothing that Internet Local Listings could do to speed up the process as it was in the control of the bank at that time.
10/20/2014- Client was again double billed, Billing Manager recognized the double-billing and automatically voided the second transaction. Client called in later that day to notify Billing Department about second transaction and a request was sent to Billing Processor to refund the amount and the refund was issued. Since the first payment was already voided and the second payment was refunded, the client owed Internet Local Listings the $159.00 for the month of October and the client was charged.
10/21/2014- Client requested a cancel and refund for the account. The client was cancelled and refunded for the month of October.
10/23/2014- Client called in stating that there was another charge processed - Internet Local Listings found no record of charging the client again and the client was unable to provide confirmation of the charge to the Billing Department.
To date, the client has only been charged a total of $319.98 for the months of August and September for which the client received services from Internet Local Listings. The client was ranking at the one-month mark of service as seen in the Ranking Reports provided in the attachment to this response. If the client was told that a report of the work done on the account was not available because there was no work, Internet Local Listings apologizes for this misrepresentation as, clearly, work was done as exhibited in the front page placement of the clients business for nine, 9, keywords just a month after signing up. We are currently investigating that issue further as it is the responsibility of our client representatives to accurately report the work that has been done.
Unfortunately, Internet Local Listings is not able to provide a refund for the months of August and September as all work promised to the client (as stated in our Terms and Conditions - please refer to the second attachment) and front page placement for nine, 9, keywords out of the guaranteed two, 2, have been provided to the client.
In closing, Internet Local Listings thoroughly apologizes for any misunderstanding that has been communicated with the client in regards to work not being done when it was and also thoroughly apologizes for any inconvenience that the billing issues have caused the client. It is important to the company that the client understands that this entire report is being investigated to improve services to all of our clients and to ensure that the proper methods of communication are being provided by all of our representatives.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that this matter may have caused to Ms. [redacted]. Upon receiving any type of information like this, we are sure to look through the account in its' entirety to ensure that everything was handled properly for our clients....
In looking into this account, we have attempted several times to work with Ms. [redacted] to get these matters handled quickly and efficiently as is always our goal with our clients. Ms. [redacted] has agreed to and signed a contract with us, please see attached, and was informed several times that we are Internet Local Listings and not [redacted]. Prior to being transferred to our pinning department where accounts are initially set up, the sales representative explicitly stated that we are Internet Local Listings and the Contract immediately states that it is between Ms. [redacted] (the buyer) and Internet Local Listings (the seller). It goes on further to thank the client for partnering with Internet Local Listings and also states that, "Internet Local Listings is an online marketing firm that is not [redacted], [redacted] or Bing directly." We are sure to inform all of our clients several times of this as we have found, over the years, that simply talking about the [redacted], [redacted] or Bing aspects of our products and services leads them to think we are one of these major Search Engines. The contract also states that Ms. [redacted] would receive one of our Branded Websites, which was provided to her but has since been taken down since her refusal to work with us on further developing it to fit her needs. Our Branded Websites are templates that are intended to provide a cost effective solution to a Premium Website (one of our other offered versions of websites that offer complete customization) as a part of our marketing package that is also built with front page placement for the company in mind. At this point, we have tried to work with Ms. [redacted] to make any changes necessary in the Branded Website and other online profiles but have been denied the opportunity to improve these products and services that were purchased by her. We've explained to Ms. [redacted] that she has agreed to an Early Termination Fee of half of the remaining contracted months in the signed contract and her account is currently in a Failed Payment status. Our biggest concern was working with Ms. [redacted] to provide her with any necessary changes - as in all marketing, there are initial versions that will be worked through to complete a final version with the help of the client - so that the Early Termination Fee could be avoided. Upon her request, we have removed her Branded Website and billing has been stopped on her account and we are currently working on getting in contact with her to resolve the Early Termination Fee in a manner that fits the business agreement made with Ms. [redacted] and Internet Local Listings. We ask that Ms. [redacted] return our phone calls so that this issue can be permanently resolved. Thank you.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused you and would also like to express our complete interest in providing each of our clients with the best customer service possible. We take all comments and concerns very seriously and...
thoroughly investigate everything so that we may continuously improve our client care. We spoke with [redacted] on February 13, one month after signing up, and he requested information about his account to which we provided him with knowledge that he was already ranking for one keyword at that time. We also informed him that this was a great position for the business to hold on the front page so quickly and that there should be further improvement by the time the account reached the 59 day guarantee. We also offered to provide [redacted] with the log in information so that he could check out his business rankings personally. A refund is not warranted to [redacted] as all promised products and services have been provided for the business. Upon partnering with Internet Local Listings, [redacted] signed our 3 month Contract that agreed to the placement of the business online for the city that it is located in as well as the possibility of the business listing ranking, although not guaranteed, in other areas with time. This Contract also holds the client to an agreed time period of 3 months unless a cancellation fee is paid. At this time, [redacted] has entered a failed payments status as the 2nd month has not been paid for. All work has been provided on the account and regular maintenance continues to be provided and this is why we charge our clients monthly. Since February 1st, we have introduced new package types to offer a different type of ranking and these were explained to [redacted] with a price point of $199.99. In order to provide [redacted] with the desired end results (ranking in several cities), Internet Local Listings is pleased to offer the new Starter Package at the same price that he is currently paying. This package will provide front page placement on major Search Engines for 5 surrounding cities. Although we cannot warrant a refund as payment has been accepted for the work that has been provided and the results that have been proven, we would like to extend this offer and hope that this can resolve the situation. In order for this upgrade to be provided at no cost, [redacted] will simply need to pay for the failed month and resume regular billing from there.
Internet Local Listings has the same contractual agreement with every client to ensure that they are aware of the products and services they are paying for during their time as a client with us. We provided the client with all promised products and services and obtained front page placement for three of the two guaranteed keywords within the guarantee parameters. All rankings are attached and may have changed since the time of the client's cancellation. For the short amount of time that IKA Cell was a client, we were able to obtain front page rankings and wish we could continue to see those improve. Again, at this time, we have done all that we can to transition the client into a cancelled position in accordance to their wishes and have reached out to the collections company in an effort to have them work with the client towards a more lenient agreement than the one that was agreed to by the client in the signing of the contract - in which Internet Local Listings has done everything stated in that contract.
In response to the rejection of our formal apology, Internet Local Listings would like to attach the only 2 phone calls that we received from Mrs. [redacted] from the phone number included in this complaint: ###-###-####.
In our initial response, it was explained that there was a possibility that the wrong number was chosen by Mrs. [redacted] when attempting to be removed from our call list and, as you can hear in the first recording, our sales representative was under the impression that Mrs. [redacted] was interested in purchasing our services. When our sales representative learned that Mrs. [redacted] was not interested, she hung up so as to assist another interested client. Also stated in our initial response, Andrea has been reprimanded for hanging up on Mrs. [redacted] in the form of a formal write-up as this is the only incident that we have from her.
The second recording is a clear indication of how the second and last phone call went. When our sales representative, Carlos, answered the phone, he assisted Mrs. [redacted] to the best of her ability but did not add the phone number to the Do Not Call List because it was never requested. Unfortunately, our sales representatives do not add phone numbers to our Do Not Call List unless requested by the client because they have no way of knowing unless they are told.
At this point, we have added the phone number to our Do Not Call List and have thoroughly researched the only 2 answered phone calls that we have from Mrs. [redacted]. Internet Local Listings feels as though we have adequately addressed the issue at hand by reprimanding the employee heard in the first recording, adding the phone number to the Do Not Call List and apologizing for any inconvenience we have caused Mrs. [redacted].
We have already handled this situation with the client and added his phone number to our Do Not Call List. We ask that Mr. [redacted] feel free to email us at [redacted] with any additional phone numbers that he'd like us to add to our Do Not Call List. Thank you.
As previously stated, we take all issues from clients seriously and thoroughly look into each matter to ensure that we better our client care and promote Internet Local Listings in the best ways possible. The Contract was sent to [redacted] via [redacted] - a secured gateway for our clients to approve the Contract through so they are well aware of all that will be provided during the time of service. This Contract was sent to the Email address submitted with this complaint, [redacted], signed and returned to Internet Local Listings. It is not assumed by Internet Local Listings that someone other than [redacted] has access to the email account provided as his own. A representative of our Provisioning Department sent the Contract and received the signed Contract back from [redacted] while on the phone with him the day he signed up for our services. Internet Local Listings would also like to point out that we do not offer a trial version of our services but can understand that that may be confused with the 3 Month Contract and apologize for any misconception there was at the point of signing up. Our goal for every client is to have them ranking on the front page of major Search Engines like [redacted], [redacted]! and Bing for the city they are located in as well as surrounding areas but we do explain that this takes time. When creating the [redacted] Places Page, we are able to enter the 15 zip codes and they should rank in more than the city they are located in over time, again as explained in the Contract. After only one month of service, the business listing is ranking for 3 keywords in the city that the business is located in which brings great attraction to the zip codes listed in the [redacted] Places Page. To explain in simpler terms, it's like a seed that is planted - once its' roots are firm in the ground, it will start to grow and branch out. We promised the services and products explained in the signed Contract and delivered them within a one month period. At this point, we are still providing work on the account even though the due payment has not been made so, in other words, we are still working to provide the business listing with even better rankings even though the client has not made the agreed to payment. Please see the Contract for all stipulations about an account that has entered the Failed Payment status. Again, we are more than willing to work something our with [redacted] to end the business agreement in good terms but cannot warrant a refund as all promised services and products have been provided. Internet Local Listings was paid to deliver these products and services to [redacted] and, as a business, cannot provide a full refund for time and work spent on an account. [redacted] was communicating with a member of our Billing Department, [redacted], and will continue to be contacted so that both parties involved can come to an agreement. We hope that [redacted] can understand why a refund is not warranted and ask that Internet Local Listings be able to successfully contact him to resolve this issue.
Internet Local Listings would like to formally apologize for any issues that have been pressed upon Mr. [redacted] in regards to receiving phone calls concerning our internet marketing services. We take these issues very seriously and have thoroughly investigated the matter. At this point, this problem...
has been dealt with and handled accordingly. Mr. [redacted] phone number has been added to our Do Not Call List as of April 15, 2015. As a precautionary measure, we would like to inform Mr. [redacted] that there are several companies that provide the same services as Internet Local Listings that could still be contacting the business number in question.In closing, this issue has already been resolved as the phone number in question - [redacted] - has been added to our active Do Not Call List. If Mr. [redacted] has any other numbers that he would like added to the Do Not Call List, they may be entered at any time using the form located at the bottom of our website:
Internet Local Listings would like to
start this response by apologizing for any inconvenience that [redacted] may
have experienced in working with us for the Internet Marketing Campaign set up
for [redacted] Academy. When [redacted] signed up on September 17, 2014, we
collected a payment...
and began working on the account immediately. We attempted to contact the client several times without success and sent the account to our keyword specialists on September 19th, 2014 to have the keywords chosen so that work could continue to be done on the account and an email was sent to [redacted] to inform him that work was being done on the account. We then received the signed contract back (please see attached) from [redacted] and attempted contact again with no success. At this point, we had created the Google My Business listing which, is a "free" service and had also written customized content, obtained photos and worked their business listing into over fifty, 50, online directory listings. We would like to point out that while the Google My Business listing is a free service provided by Google, Internet Local Listings prides itself on being able to provide all of the work necessary for the creation and maintenance of this listing (and more than fifty, 50, others). The Visibility Package that [redacted] signed up for provided him with the Google My Business Listing, ten, 10, keywords with unlimited clicks, custom written SEO content, listings in fifty, 50, online directories, submission to PowerListings, Video SEO, access to our Marketing Dashboard, our industry leading fifty-nine, 59, day guarantee, a custom Google+ Profile, custom Yelp! Profile, custom YouTube Channel, custom Facebook profile, custom Twitter profile, custom Yahoo! profile and custom Bing profile. Each and every one of these products and services has been provided to [redacted] and are not free to the company. We do not believe in charging people for not providing work and. in fact, pride ourselves on the high standard of ethics that we've set in place for the entire company: this is why work was provided to [redacted] even though we were unable to get a hold of him.Internet Local Listings would like to point out that the signed contract (attached) goes into great detail to explain our fifty-nine, 59, day guarantee as well as our failed payment and billing protocol. With the work in the products and services that we provide to each and every one of our clients, our goal is for their business listings to find placement on the front page of Google but we understand that that's not always possible. In order to bring this ultimate success to each and every one of our clients, we provide our fifty-nine, 59, day guarantee that pushes billing monthly (until the business listing is ranking) at the end of the initial three, 3, month contract. [redacted] failed payment on November 17th, 2014 and at this point, his account was sent to our accounts receivable department in order to collect the payment that was due to us. During this time, work is still provided to the client as their online directory listings are continuously updated with keywords and maintained but we are unable to provide new work for the account as we are not being paid to do so. When [redacted] was contacted by our accounts receivable department, he was informed of all of the work that was done on the account and was asked to pay for the past due balance - At that point, any work requested to be changed by [redacted] would have been taken care of. In closing, Internet Local Listings is not able to process a refund as all promised products and services were provided to [redacted] although the third month that [redacted] agreed to pay for in the contract that he signed has not been paid for. We are more than willing to work out an agreement with [redacted] and are happy to talk about what is going on with your account.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The screenshots sent by the business is searched with our postal code, means that when they search frozen yogurt they add my postal code. As it's known well no customer search the product or service with the postal code.So, it's very clear that they couldn't fulfill the contract and they have to refund all my payments.This morning, Steven called to me and mentioned that without any additional charge, they would create a webpage for me and our name will appear without adding a postal code. So, I can wait for a while to see what is happening.But, I want to cancel my contract with this company means I don't pay anything more. Company should send me a confirmation of the cancellation and no more charge to me.
Receipts of payment were sent to you each month as proof of billing so Mr. [redacted] was notified monthly of the payments that were being made. At the time that Mr. [redacted] signed up for services, we did not send contracts to our clients and only sent emails to confirm services and explain what would be provided. The reason that more money is being requested is because our records do not indicate that the client cancelled services and a cancellation form was not filled out, which is how we process our cancellation requests.As previously stated, work was provided to Mr. [redacted] and the links of the provided work are listed below as proof that we fulfilled our promised products and services to the client. We do not charge anyone that we are not providing work to and would not have continued to charge Mr. [redacted] if we were not working on his account. Google Maps ListingGoogle Plus (Google My Business Page)Branded WebsiteIn closing, the account has already been sent to a collections company at the discretion of the Accounts Receivable manager and is now out of our hands. We attempted to work out a resolution with Mr. [redacted] and unfortunately were unable to come to an agreement after offering half of the past due balance. We have provided Mr. [redacted] with proof of the work that was done on the account - content creation, image SEO, Google Maps and Google My Business listings and continued management of these listings and a branded site - all provided for the payments made.
At this point, we have resolved this issue with the client. Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait to ensure no future calls from this company are received. If they have in-fact ceased calling, I will consider this complaint resolved. I ask that if the publishes the contents of this complaint publicly, that they please remove my phone number from business's response to avoid future abuse by other parties.
Internet Local Listings would like to start by apologizing for any inconvenience that you may have experienced due to our phone calls. We pride ourselves on providing second to none customer service to all of our potential clients and current clients and take these reports seriously. This has been...
thoroughly investigated and any people involved in the phone calls that refused to add Ms. [redacted] to our Do Not Call list have been reprimanded as it is company policy to ensure that anyone asking to be added to the Do Not Call list is granted their request.
At this point, the phone number provided in this report has been added to our Do Not Call list but we would also like to provide the following URL:
This URL will provide Ms. [redacted] with an area where any phone number that she would like added to the Do Not Call list can be added personally. These phone numbers automatically enter our Do Not Call system and will not be contacted. We would also like to point out, however, that there are several companies that provide the same services that Internet Local Listings does and we cannot be held responsible for these companies contacting you. A lot of the messages provide the same information, if not very similar information.
As far as the money paid on September 16, 2014, the transaction never went through and was voided at Ms. [redacted]'s request the same day that the payment was initially made. Ms. [redacted] never received a receipt for the transaction because it was voided before it was processed. A copy of this voided transaction has been sent to Ms. [redacted] to clearly show that we did not take any money from her and have not held any money from her.
We, again, sincerely apologize and thank you for your time and hope that this has resolved any issues that you may have had.