Horizon Card Services Reviews (131)
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Address: 1707 Warren Rd, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States, 15701-2423
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Review: A**lied for a credit card for Horizon Gold, and was told I was a**roved. Had to *ay $39.95 *rocessing fee, and then was taken offline...never emailed/mailed an a**roval code, yet a charge of 39.95 has a**eared...customer service not returning calls.Desired Settlement: Would like to be refunded $39.95
We are in recei*t o f the above referenced com*laint dated 8/18/2016.[redacted] states in his com*laint that he a**lied for Horizon Gold, and was told he a**roved. Mr. [redacted] states he had to*ay $39.95 *rocessing fee, and then was taken offline. He states he never received an email/a**roval code, yet a charge of$39.95 has a**eared. [redacted] states customer service not returning calls.Our a**lication *rocess clearly states the card is a credit line to be used exclusively at our online sho**ing website. The termsand conditions o f the service are easily accessible on the first *age o f the a**lication. These terms and conditions in addition toex*lain the services offered also outline our cancellation and refund *olicy, clearly give our contact information, and ex*laincredit bureau re*orting. After entering his *ersonal information, [redacted] was to enter a valid credit card number andex*iration date. The website ex*lains that by entering the *ayment information and submitting the request, the a**licantunderstands and agrees to acce*t their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree thatthey will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly *artici*ation fee. [redacted]’stransaction for the initial fee was declined. [redacted] did not continue with the a**lication *rocess and does not have an accountwith Horizon Card Services. Horizon Card Services has no record o f Mr. [redacted]’s call request.[redacted] does not have an account with Horizon Card Services. There has been no *ayment made from Mr. [redacted] to createan account with Horizon Card Services, furthermore, there is no refund due.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Dee-ann B[redacted]Com*liance OfficerHorizon Card Services
Review: My horizon card has a monthly fee of$24.95 that includes roadside assistance. I used the service 09/02/16 for a tire change. Everything went fine. Next day needed it again. Called no problem they had someone come right out. Following week on 9th of September called again. Car radiator went out. They refused to send someone due to my account inactive. Hung up on me when I was told they would get a supervisor. This went on for 1hr. Had my wife bring me to work. I left car at gas station. Went back next day. Same thing. After about an hour on the phone young lady got roadside to see account was active. So now they are sending someone out to pick my car up. After waiting about 2.5 hrs in my van (9am-1135am) I called and asked when will the tow truck arrive the lady says we have call you phone 3 times and left a message. They used the number from the day before at my work number. They person that speaks with you ask for the best contact number and I know I gave her my cell number that sat morning. Well finally they come. And I was told $15 extra would need to be paid because they couldn't reach me with ten new quoted price. ( this is some bull) so I paid the gentleman $21 to get my car to a repair shop due to it being Saturday most close early. This was the most horrible experience I have ever dealt with. I have ask for my money back for paying for. A tow at a different rate than agreed upon. They refused. I cancelled my card as of today 09/14/16. Cancellation number
575032. I will never use that company again. And Some of the reps. Were so rude. Kept saying I understand and I ask have you been sitting in your van for 2.5 hrs thinking a tow was comin? She said no . I said well couldn't possible understand you may empathize but not understand. I would like to get the fund paid to a company that initially didn't want to help me. I feel I was force to pay the amounts. $21. I would love for that to be considered for the inconvenience .
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 9/14/2016.On June 7, 2016, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completedour application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, andhow to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing andsubmitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before theirapplication will be processed.To summarize [redacted]’s complaint, he states his horizon card has a monthly fee of $24.95 that includesroadside assistance. He states he used the service on 9/2/16 for a tire change and the following day use it again.He goes on to state the following week on the 9th o f September he called to use the roadside program because hiscar radiator had went out and they refused to send someone out due to his account being inactive and then hung upon him when he was told they would get a supervisor. He states he had to have his wife bring him to work andleave his car at the gas station. He states he went back the next day and the same thing happened. He states it tookan hour on the phone with a young lady that had got roadside assistance to see his account active. [redacted] statesafter 2 and a half hours he called back to see when the tow truck would arrive and the lady on the phone states shetried to call him three times and left a message. He states they used his work number from the day before and heknows he gave her his cell phone number. He states the tow truck finally comes and charges him $15 extrabecause they could not reach him with the quoted price. [redacted] states he paid the gentleman $21 to get his car tothe repair shop. He states he will never use this company again and he wants his money back that he had to pay touse the roadside assistance that was never agreed upon. He states the reps he spoke with were rude and he wouldlike the funds paid to the company be refunded.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms andconditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation andrefund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to clickthe check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box onJune 7, 2016 stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering his personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering thepayment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollmentinto Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time accountvalidation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. The Roadside Assistance terms andconditions clearly outline our Roadside Assistance Policy. As a member, the benefit coverage begins following a5-day waiting period from date o f enrollment or reinstatement. Up to 3 service calls or towing requests up to 15miles not to exceed the operator cost o f $50.00. Additional mileage and associated towing costs will be yourresponsibility to pay at the time o f service. NO more than one towing or service call is covered within a 30-dayperiod and no more than 3 total service calls within any 12-month period. [redacted] contacted HorizonCard Services several times during the month of September 2016 in regards to using the Roadside AssistanceProgram. A representative spoke with Roadside Assistance on September 10, 2016 ensuring [redacted] wasan active customer with the Roadside Assistance Program. Several efforts were made to assist [redacted] inusing his Roadside Assistance. After speaking with a supervisor with reference to the Roadside AssistanceProgram, [redacted] requested the account to be canceled. [redacted]’s account was canceled andissued a refund o f $24.95.Mr. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at his request on September 14, 2016. He has been refunded $24.95 inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions.We trust diat tins resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B[redacted]Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services###-###-####(Fax) ###-###-####
Review: Horizon Card Services deducted $29 from my debut card as deposit towards a secured credit card I never applied for. The date they gave as the application date is October 30, 2015. In addition, they deducted the amount without any prior notification which would have been impossible as I did not apply in the first placec. COmplaints made by others suggests this is a hustle. Perhaps enough individuals do not fight for such a small amount making the hustle worth all of the trouble on their part. However, I am concerned about how they received a great deal of my personal information.Desired Settlement: I simply want the $29 returned to my account and written statement that all of my personal information will not be sold, etc by Horizon Card Services.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 11/2/2015.On October 30, 2015, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services andcompleted our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refundpolicy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to themcompleting and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms andconditions before their application will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint that Horizon Card Services deducted S29.00 from her debit card as deposittowards a secured card that she never applied for. The date that she was given for the application was October 30,2015. She states that in addition, they deducted the amount without any prior notification, which would have beenimpossible, as she did not apply in the first place. She states she saw complaints made by others, which to hersuggests this is a hustle. She states perhaps enough individuals do not fight for such a small amount making thehustle worth all o f the trouble on their part. However she is concerned about how they received a great deal o f herpersonal information. She simply wants the $29.00 returned to her account and a written statement that HorizonCard Services will not sell all o f her personal information etc.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms andconditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o fcredit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms andconditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain creditbureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then clicksubmit. [redacted] checked the box on October 30, 2015 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions.After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. Thewebsite explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands andagrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they willbe billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted]contacted Horizon Card Services by phone on October 31, 2015 to request a cancellation and refund. She did stateshe was not aware o f signing up for the card. After being transferred to a supervisor who is authorised to process acancellation and refund, the account was canceled at the customer’s request and the S29.95 transaction was voided.Ms. Nor r is ’ account had been cancelled at her request on October 31, 2015. The transaction in the amount o f S29.95was voided in accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. A voidedtransaction is different than a refund. Ms. Nor r is ’ credit card was authorized for the amount o f S29.95 on October30, 2015. This means the money in the amount o f S29.95 is being held by her bank but not yet taken by HorizonCard Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]’ bankmay hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length o f time depends on her bank’spolicy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’ bank if she requests for us to do so. Ms.[redacted]’ personal information will not be marketed.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B[redacted]Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
If indeed the application was completed, it was by someone other than myself. However, the funds have been returned to my account so I am happy to move on from this matter. A number of comments exist on the web regarding their shady business practices so I would not and do not expect them to take responsibility.
Review: I [redacted] was looking online for a credit card for bad credit. I then seen this website www.horizoncardservices.com I told my husband I was excited with this company because it goes to the credit bureau. He kept telling me not to do it, but I did anyway. I went online 6/11/14 to sign up. I did not even fully register and the company withdrawn the amount of $29.95 6/11/14. I called ####-###-#### about three times and they informed me that it would charge that amount (register fee) and then the following month which would be on 7/11/14 it will go down to $24.99.. I agreed.. Well doing a lot of research online and reading reviews on this company I seen that this company was fraud and misleading to a lot of people.I called ####-###-#### on 6/23/14 and spoke to a customer service rep by the name of [redacted] and asked that my account be cancelled. She said that she did not have that authority and transferred me over to a supervisor she offered that the company lower my monthly payment to $4.99 and refund my account $11.00 for a difference that she said would hit my account right away. I agreed and told her that was a good price and I couldnt beat that. I decided to then keep it. (worst mistake ever) Well I look at my bank account the following day which was on 6/24/14 and show that Horizon Card Services charged my card again. I was very angry and called the company right away to demand to cancel this card. I spoke to a customer service rep by the name of [redacted] and told this rep I wanted to cancel. Well she then said let me get you to a supervisor that can help you. She transferred me to a supervisor by the name of Rebecca. She was so rude and this is the main reason for writing this complaint is because how rude and unprofessional this lady was. I asked her to refund my account and she said that was done. I explained to her that my bank statement said otherwise. I demanded that all the fees refund. I told her that the company charged me a overdraft fee and I expected the company to refund me that. She spoke loudly and said no we are not going to refund that. I asked for the corporate number and she would not give it to me. She kept telling me to look it up online. She hung up on me. So now Im very out rate for the wrong info, and now this lady hangs up on me..Well I call back again very upset that this supervisor hung up at ####-###-####. I dont recall her name but she explained in dept. what happened to my account. I told this lady that I registered this account and this company charged me the fee of $24.99 on 6/11/14, then they did it again when I cancelled. She said well send me a copy of the bank statement. I pulled my account and what is so weird is that when I look at 6/11/14 when I got this card it is completely GONE. I dont know what this company did but its like they charged me twice. My account is over drafted because of this company and I want it corrected. Please look into this so no one else gets the same experience I did. I feel so dumb for trusting a SCAM company. She gave me a cancel #[redacted]. Please call me regarding this matter. I want this refunded IMMEDITY!Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund!
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 6/25/2014.
On June 13, 2014 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our
application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to
contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting
their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will
be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she was online looking for a credit card for bad credit and came across
www.horizoncardservices.com. She states that after signing up she called the customer service number with general
questions and the pricing and service was explained to her. She agreed to keep the account. After doing research online,
she changed her mind and called customer service to cancel. After speaking with the phone representative, she agreed to
keep the account open and active at a lower package and was to receive a partial refund. She states she looked at her
bank account the next day and it shows she was charged the full amount again. She called again to cancel and was
transferred to a supervisor. She states the supervisor was rude and unprofessional. Ms. [redacted] explained to the supervisor
what she saw on her bank statement. Ms. [redacted] demanded the account be canceled and to be issued a full refund. The
supervisor advised Ms. [redacted] that she was not charged again and the refund was processed. Ms. [redacted] told the
supervisor that the charge caused an overdraft and that she expects the company to refund her for that. The supervisor
stated that the company would not refund the overdraft fee. Ms. [redacted] states the supervisor hung up on her. Ms. [redacted]
then called the customer advocacy number and explained the situation. The person she spoke with requested a copy of
the bank statement to resolve the issue. Ms. [redacted] states she looked at her bank statement and the original charge was
gone. She states she doesn’t know what the company did but feels she was charged twice. She states her account is over
drafted and she wants it corrected. Ms [redacted] was given a cancel number. She wishes to receive a full refund.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and
conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of
credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and
conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit
bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit.
[redacted] checked the box on June 13, 2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering
her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains
that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept
their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time
account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did contact customer
service on June 13th to question her account. She also called on June 16th and 18th with additional questions. Ms. [redacted]
then called on June 23rd requesting to cancel and to be refunded. After speaking with a supervisor, she agreed to keep
the account at a lower package level and a refund of $25.00 was processed. Ms. [redacted] called the next day stating she
was charged another $29.95 that over drafted her account. She was transferred to a supervisor who canceled the account
and refunded the remaining $4.95. Ms [redacted] was not happy with the supervisor and so the supervisor gave her our
customer advocacy phone number. The representative Ms. [redacted] spoke with in customer advocacy explained the
account was canceled and that two refunds had been issued totaling the entire initial cost.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on June 24, 2014. She has been refunded the full $29.95 in
accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. We have researched the second
fee Ms. [redacted] states is on her bank statement. We are not showing any additional fees. We need Ms. [redacted] to show us
the additional charge that caused an overdraft in order for us to cover any overdraft fees.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 9/12/2013. On September 11, 2013 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed. [redacted] states in her complaint that once she read all the fees, she exited out o f the website. She later found out her account was debited anyway. She feels it is a rip o f f and the company doesn’t want to reimburse the money back after taking it without permission. She states that once you enter your information and find out you d o n ’t want to go through with the transaction there’s no way o f cancelling your information. She wishes a $34.44 credit. Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on September 11, 2013 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. Ms. [redacted] contacted Member Services on September 12, 2013 and requested to cancel her services. The service was cancelled and we voided the $29.95 transaction that was submitted by Ms. [redacted] a day earlier. A voided transaction is different than a refund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $29.95 on September 11, 2013. This means the money in the amount o f $29.95 was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length o f time depends on her bank’s policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if she requests for us to do so. Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled at her request on September 12, 2013. The initial payment totaling $29.95 was voided at that time. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: I was looking for credit card services that would help me build credit. I was told to get the unsecured credit limit, I had to pay $29.95 fort first payment and then monthly instalments after which I did believing that it was an actual credit card company. Unfortunately, there is false advertisement stating it was an actual credit card that would report to the credit bureaus. Instead it was for shopping online with Horizons company. I would like my refund back. I have called them but no success of getting in touch with anyone to cancel.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund back of the charge $29.95. I'd also like to see these kind of companies falsely advertising and eventually shut these types of businesses down.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 9/2/2015.On September 2, 2015, Mary [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplication. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact ourMember Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. Allapplicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.Mary [redacted] states in her complaint that she was looking for credit card services that would help her build credit. She was told toget the unsecured credit limit; she had to pay $29.95 for first payment and then monthly installments after that which she did believingthat it was an actual credit card company. She feels there was false advertisement stating it was an actual credit card that would bereported to credit bureaus. Instead it is for shopping online with Horizon’s company. She would like her $29.95 refunded. She hascalled the company with no success o f getting in touch with anyone to cancel.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before theapplication can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an accountholder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to theterms and conditions, and then click submit. Mary [redacted] checked the box on September 2, 2015 stating she read and agrees to theterms and conditions. After entering her personal information, Mary [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date.The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees toaccept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time accountvalidation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. Mary [redacted] never contacted Horizon Card Services torequest a cancellation and refund.Ms. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled on September 2, 2015. The transaction in the amount o f $29.95 has been voided inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. A voided transaction is different than arefund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $29.95 on September 2, 2015. This means the money in theamount o f S29.95 is being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (takethe money) we voided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days.The length o f time depends on her b an k ’s policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if sherequests for us to do so.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: I want this credit card off my credit report from all three agencies! I declined this credit card over 4 years ago and I have never purchased one item using this card.However, when I try to contact this company they don't respond and they are continuing updating on my credit reports.Desired Settlement: I want this credit card completely removed from all three of my credit files immediately and no further updated to my credit.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 7/14/2014.
On June 6, 2014 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our
full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services
Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required
to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she wants this credit card o f f her credit report from all three agencies. She states she
declined this credit card four years ago and she has never purchased one item using this card. When she tries to contact the company,
they d o n ’t respond and continue to update her credit reports. She wants the credit card completely removed from all three o f her credit
files immediately and no further updates to her credit.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the
application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account
holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,
clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the
terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on June 6, 2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms
and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The
website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept
their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account
validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. Hope [redacted] did contact customer service via email on
July 18, 2014 requesting to cancel the account. The account was canceled as requested with no further contact attempts from Ms.
[redacted]. Ms. [redacted] did open this account with us prior to her account reactivation on June 6, 2014 and cancelation on July 18,
2014. The account was originally opened on April 15, 2011 and suspended on June 3, 2011 due to nonpayment o f the monthly fee.
Ms. [redacted] did not contact us concerning the account until her email on July 18, 2014. We report to one credit bureau and the
information in regards to the cancellation o f the account will be reported within the next update that we transmit.
Ms. [redacted]'s account had been cancelled at her request on July 18, 2014. The cancellation o f the account will be reported to the
credit bureau within the next update that we transmit. If Ms. [redacted]’s account is not showing on her report as canceled, I will be
happy to work with her and the credit bureau to ensure that it is taken care of.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: Horizon Card Services Is Stealing Money Out Of My Account. I Was Looking At My Bank Statement And See This Horizon Card Services Charged 24.95 To My Debit card. I looked Up This Site And Have No Clue What It Is. There Is No Email Or Number I Can Call To Get A Hold Of Them. I Keep Looking Down My Bank Statement And See That hey Have Been Taking Out $24.95 For The Last 8 Months!!!! It Totaled $254.50 They Have Taken Out Of My Account With Out My Consent. I Want My Money Back ASAP And For Them To Get Me OFF Of Their Membership Or What Ever They Are Running. I Have Never Spent Nor Received What They Are Doing.Here Is The Dates And Amount Of Money They Have Taken Out Of My Account. 11/05/2012 $29.9512/03/2012 $24.95 01/14/2013 $24.9502/19/2013 $24.9503/31/2013 $24.9505/06/2013 $24.9506/03/2013 $24.9506/28/2013 $24.9507/29/2013 $24.9508/23/2013 $24.95Desired Settlement: I Would Like All My Money Back The Full $254.50 Immediately!! ASAP!!!I Would Also Like For Them To Take Me Off Of There Membership Or Services, Whatever Im On I Want Off Now!!!!
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 8/27/2013. On October 27, 2012 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed. [redacted] states in his complaint that he looked at his bank statement and saw that Horizon Card Services has been debiting his account for $24.95 each month since November 2012. He looked up the site and did not recognize it. He states there is no email or phone number he can use to contact the company. He wants a refund in the amount o f $254.50 and his membership cancelled. Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on October 27, 2012 stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditions. Mr. [redacted] did not contact us to question his account or to request a cancellation and refund. Accounts remain open and active until we receive a verbal cancellation request. Our contact information is in the Terms and Conditions which are always located on our website. We also make sure that a contact phone number is included with our company name on the customers’ bank statements. Mr. [redacted]’ account has been cancelled at his request on August 28, 2013. The Terms and Conditions outline our 30-day refund policy but as a courtesy we have issued refund o f $74.85 for the last three months o f service. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time. Sincerely, [redacted] Compliance Officer Horizon Card Services [redacted] (Fax) [redacted]
Please tell them thanks for the $74.95 refund but they are still 179.50 shy the three month refund is not acceptable I want my full refund for this scam they are pulling on me for something I did not even sign up for. $254.50 is what they owe me.
I called and cancelled my horizon gold card. About 5 months later I get a call from fraud services with my bank where an office in the UK and in Pennsylvania had tried to charge my card the "one time a month fee" three different times in the same month. So needless to say I have had to cancel my bank card and wait for a new one to come in the mail. Looking back at my bank statements, they had continued to charge my account after I cancelled with them. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!
Review: I received an unauthorized deduction from my bank account ([redacted]). I called Horizon Gold to have this amount removed,$6.95. The company readily complied and the amount was removed. However, the very next day, Horizon Gold re-attached the same amount to my checking account. I again called to have this amount removed. The company did not comply and I issued me a Horizon Gold Card [redacted]. I have been receiving e-mails from this company. I have stated through a return e-mail that I wish to receive NO correspondence from them. I have also unsubscribed from receiving any future e-mails. I do not wish to do business with their on-line store and have stated that over and again both verbally and through e-mail. My money needs to be refunded and I want no further contact with this company. Could your company provide any assistance with this matter.Desired Settlement: No further correspondence unless it concerns my rapid refund.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 5/8/2015.On May 1, 2015, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full termsand conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made availableto all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditionsbefore their application will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint that she received an unauthorized deduction from her bank account. She called Horizon to have the $6.95removed. The company readily complied and the amount was removed. However, the very next day, Horizon Gold re-attached the same amount toher checking account. She again called to have this removed. She states the company did not comply and issued her a Horizon Gold Card. She hasbeen receiving emails from this company. She had stated in a return email that she wishes to receive no correspondence. She has also unsubscribedfrom receiving future emails. She does not wish to do business and has stated this over and again both verbally and through email. She wishes for hermoney to be refunded and no further contact with the company.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application canbe submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at ouronline shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, andexplain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on May 1, 2015 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting therequest, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree thatthey will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did contact MemberServices by phone to have the account canceled and to receive a refund. On May 4, 2015, the account was canceled and the initial payment o f $6.95was voided. On May 5th Ms. [redacted] contacted Member Services by phone again to question her refund and second charge. The phonerepresentative requested that Ms. [redacted] fax in a copy o f her bank statement showing the additional charge as our records only show her cardbeing authorized once and that transaction being voided. Ms. [redacted] agreed and was satisfied with the call.Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on May 4, 2015. Her transaction o f $6.95 was voided at that time. A voided transaction isdifferent than a refund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $6.95 on May 1, 2015. This means the money in the amount o f$6.95 was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided thetransaction. Ms. [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length o f time depends on her bank’spolicy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if she requests for us to do so. We do not show any additionalcharges made to Ms. [redacted]’s card. We would be happy to do a call with Ms. [redacted] and her bank to fix the issue. Ms. [redacted] has beensuccessfully unsubscribed from Horizon Gold Card. Any future correspondence is strictly to resolve any issues.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,[redacted]Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
Although the amount appears to be reversed for the second time and the situation is resolved. The company has made some false statements regarding this case. The issue at hand is the second time that the charges were submitted, that was not addressed. I did not agree for this action to take place. It was stated that I was satisfied with the explanation given for the second charge, I was not satisfied. At this point I did not whether Horizon Gold or [redacted] was at fault and I informed the telephone representative of Horizon Gold that I would be contacting Revdex.com for assistance in resolving the matter. I would not dispute the first charge even though I do not remember. The first charge was reversed promptly. I certainly did not agree to terms for the second charge, my information was simply added fraudulently.
Review: I wanted to cancel this card and they did not refund my 4.95 as they promise. I was sent an email with the instruction that would refund my money of 4.95.Desired Settlement: I would like the 4.95 cents put back into my account.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 8/12/2014.
On June 18, 2014, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application.
Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services
Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required
to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she wanted to cancel the card and was not refunded S4.95 as promised. She was sent an
email notifying her o f the refund. She would like $4.95 put back into her account.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the
application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clcarly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account
holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,
clearly give our contact information, and explain crcdit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the
terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on June 18, 2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms
and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The
website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept
their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account
validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did contact customer service on August 1,
2014 to cancel her service and to receive a refund. The call was transferred to a supervisor who is authorized to cancel and refund
accounts. After speaking with the supervisor, Ms [redacted]’s account was canceled as requested and the authorized transaction in the
amount o f $4.95 was voided.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on August 1, 2014. Her transaction o f $4.95 was voided at that time. A voided
transaction is different than a refund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $4.95 on August 1, 2014. This means
the money in the amount o f $4.95 was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture
the payment (take the money) we voided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]'s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between
3 to 30 days. The length o f time depends on her ban k ’s policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank
if she requests for us to do so.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: When I signed up for this 'credit card' it was in an effort to build my credit back up, however when I attempt to log into the companies website to browse the merchandise an error message pops up that the card number is not valid, and until I log in I cannot go anywhere, not even to the FAQs page, or terms and conditions page. I try to contact the company by phone to ask them what I should do to resolve the issue and after giving them all of my personal information all they tell me is that I need to go back on the website try my card number information again, and that the fees that I 'owe' haven't been paid, even though I am charged every month, $25.Desired Settlement: So I asked them to chancel the card and reimburse me the money they have been charging me since October of 2012 since I have never used the card, but they are not able to do so since that is against the original agreement. I was told today that my card is suspended, but they are still telling me that my card is suspended, but they continue to take a monthly fee from my account. Horizon owes me $300 if my card has been suspended, I have never been able to log into my account, thus I have never been able to use their card, so I have been paying a monthly service fee to them for no reason.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 11/25/2013. On October 21, 2012 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed. [redacted] states in his complaint that he signed up for the Horizon Card in an effort to build his credit back up however when he attempts to log into the company’s website to browse the merchandise, an error message pops up that the card number is not valid. He states that until he logs in, he cannot access the FAQ or terms and conditions page. He tried contacting the company by phone to ask what he needs to do to resolve the issue. After giving all his personal information, all he was told to do was that he needs to go back to the website to try the card number again and that the fees he owes haven’t been paid even though he is charged $25 every month. Mr. [redacted] wants the card canceled and to be refunded the money he has been charged since October 2012 since he has never used the card. He states he has never been able to log in to his account thus never been able to use his card. Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on October 21,2012 stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditions. Mr. [redacted] accessed the Members area and the Shopping Site several times between October 21, 2012 and May 25, 2013. The account remained open and active until November 22, 2013 in which it was suspended due to nonpayment of the monthly membership fee. Mr. Hope only needed to make a payment and he would have been able to access both the membership and shopping sites. Mr. Hope’s account has been cancelled at his request on November 25, 2013. As a courtesy, we have refunded his October 2013 membership fee in the amount of $24.95. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: This company offered me a line of credit to help build my credit but the web site wont allow me to log in with the info they gave me and they have already taken $59.90 from my direct express SSI Disability debit card and the # they gave to call wont respond,, I have tried to send a e-mail to them but Google saying the e-mail don't exist! They also took $ 29.90 out of my account through a site called Net first platinum which has the name horizon gold attached to it! I want my money refunded! I can't afford this,, I was just wanting to establish a form of credit,,here is a copy of the e-mail I sent,,9:33 AM (1 hour ago)to .TheHorizonOutlet.com I have tried and tried to log in and it doesn't work,, I want this cancelled and my money back ,, I am contacting social security services about this scam you and horizon have going,, I want a refund on both cards,,,,NOW!!! Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:Technical details of permanent failure: Error: Domain name not foundDesired Settlement: I want the $59.90 and the $29.90 refunded to my debit card.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 8/04/2014.
On July 2, 2014 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full
terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services
Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required
to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] s[redacted]s in her complaint that she was offered a line of credit to help build her credit and the website would not allow her to
log in with the information that was provided to her. She s[redacted]s $59.90 was taken from her debit card and the phone number she was
given has no response. She s[redacted]s she also tried sending an email but Google s[redacted]s the email does not exist. She s[redacted]s an additional
S29.90 was taken out of her account for a NetFirst card, which has the name Horizon Gold attached to it. She wants her money
refunded and the account canceled.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the
application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly s[redacted] this product is a line of credit that can be used by an account
holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,
clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the
terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on July 2, 2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms and
conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website
explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their
enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation
and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did contact customer service on August 4, 2014 to cancel her
service and to receive a refund. The call was transferred to a supervisor who is authorized to cancel and refund accounts. Ms. [redacted] did
sign up twice for the account and so the supervisor immediately voided the second fee in the amount of $29.95. After speaking with
the supervisor, Ms [redacted] still wanted the account to be canceled. The account was canceled as requested with no additional refund due.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on August 4, 2014. There was no refund due in accordance to the cancellation
and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. Since she did sign up for a second time, the $29.95 that she paid on August
3rd was voided. A voided transaction is different than a refund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount of $29.95 on
August 3, 2014. This means the money in the amount of $29.95 was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card
Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for
the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length of time depends on her bank’s policy. We would be happy to send a funds
release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if she requests for us to do so. As a courtesy we have refunded Ms. [redacted]’s initial fee of $29.95 that
was paid July 2, 2014. There were no additional payments made on this account. Ms. [redacted] has been refunded in full.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Compliance Officer
Horizon Card Services
I did receive the 29.95 refund on my account on 8-21-14,, but they have not refunded the 30.95 they took for the shopping club that is also their company!
Review: I was informed that this would be reported on my credit report as a paid revolving credit card account. I went to cancel because their products and terms were misrepresented. When I did the customer service rep. informed me that even if I don't purchase anything from them the monthly fee would be reported to transunion credit bureau as a credit card being paid on time and has already been done. This is not true. After 3 months of payments I have yet to see anything reported on my credit. I am a member of CreditKarma which works with transunion and nothing is being reported. This is total misrepresentation and I feel it to be fraud, because they told me all this b
t when I tried to cancel the card after immediately receiving it. I don't even remember requesting or applying to it in the first place.Desired Settlement: ALL my payments returned. I tried to cancel after seeing it on my bank statement (which was down before I even received anything in the mail). The initial charge of $29.95, and 2 months at $24.95.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 7/08/2014.
On May 2, 2014 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our
application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our
Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All
applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she was informed this account would be reported on her credit report as a paid
revolving credit card account. She went to cancel because she felt the products and terms were misrepresented. When she spoke with
the customer service representative, she was informed that even if she doesn’t purchase anything, the monthly fee would be reported
to a credit bureau as a credit card being paid on time and has already been done. She states this is not true. After three months o f
payments, she has yet to see anything reported. She feels this is a total misrepresentation and fraudulent. She states she doesn’t even
remember requesting or applying for the card in the first place. She wants a refund o f all payments totaling S79.85.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the
application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account
holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,
clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the
terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on May 2, 2014 stating she read and agrees to the
terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration
date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees
to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time
account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did contact customer service on
May 6th to question her account. The service was explained and Ms. [redacted] did not make a request for the account to be canceled
or refunded. Ms. [redacted] sent an email questioning the account on May 14th. We made two outbound call attempts to Ms.
[redacted] in an attempt to assist her. An email was sent requesting she contact customer service. Ms. [redacted] called on July 7th
requesting to cancel the service and to receive a refund. It is at this time that she states she does not see the account on her credit
report. After speaking with a supervisor, the account was canceled as requested and refunded $24.95 in accordance to the cancellation
and refund policy.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on July 7, 2014. She had been refunded the S24.95 in accordance to the
cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. Ms. [redacted]’s account information had been sent to the
credit bureau on May 19, 2014 and June 23, 2014. If Ms. [redacted]’s account is still not showing on her report, I will be happy to
work with her and the credit bureau to ensure that it is taken care of.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: Advertising that they are a mager credit card company for people with bad credit instead the card was to there outlet shopping flee market . Have called them numerously to cancel the card and services instead they are still taking money out of my bank account. I have filled a dispute with my bank for fraud of servicesDesired Settlement: Total refund and stop billing me for something I have cancelled
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 3/07/2016.On February 04, 2016, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplication. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact ourMember Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. Allapplicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint the advertising says it is a major credit card for people with bad credit. She states our card is onlyused at the outlet. [redacted] said she called numerous times to cancel and stated she was still being charged from her bank account.She states she filed a dispute with her bank. [redacted] states she wants a full refund.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before theapplication can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an accountholder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refundpolicy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeingto the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on February 4, 2016 stating she read and agrees tothe terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expirationdate. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands andagrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a onetime account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] contacted Horizon CardServices February 4, 2016 regarding general questions to her account. She contacted Horizon Card Services on February 9. 2016requesting to cancel. After speaking with a representative, [redacted] agreed to keep the account open and active with a monthly feeo f $6.95. [redacted] did not request a cancellation until March 7, 2016.Ms [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at her request on March 7, 2016. The transaction in the amount o f $6.95 was voided inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. A voided transaction is different than arefund. Ms. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $6.95 on March 4. 2015. This means the money in the amount ol$6.95 is being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money)we voided the transaction. Ms. Fo rd 's bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length o ftime depends on her ban k 's policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if she requests tor us to doso. [redacted] was also issued a refund for the initial enrollment fee in the amount o f $6.95 on March 7. 2016.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B[redacted]Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
Review: I canceled my account with them in October of 2012. They have been charging my bank account $6.95 a month since then. I called to find out why today, as my bank account was over drawn and my bank told me of the re-accruing charges from them. I called and they insisted my account was still open and that it was never closed!! But, they would happily return 4 charges of 6.95 to my bank account. They said they had no intentions of refunding the rest of the charges they took out of my account!! They would owe me over 1000.00.Desired Settlement: I would like them held responsible for refunding the money they took out of my account since 10/2012.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 4/8/2016.On August 2, 2013, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplication. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contactour Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting theirapplication. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will beprocessed.[redacted] states in the complaint she canceled her account in October 2012. She states they have been charging herbank account $6.95 a month since then. [redacted] states she called them today to find out why, as her bank account wasover drawn and her bank told her o f the recurring charges from 1 lorizon. [redacted] states they insisted my accountwas still open and that it was never closed. [redacted] states they would happily refund 4 charges o f $6.95 to my bankaccount, but they had no intentions o f refunding the rest. [redacted] states they should owe her over $1000.00.[redacted] would like a refund o f all o f her money from October 2012.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box onAugust 2, 2013 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information. [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the paymentinformation and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon CardServices. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuancefee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] contacted Horizon Card Services on April 13, 2016 requestinga cancellation and refund o f her account. After being transferred to a supervisor who is authorized to process a cancellationand refund, the account was canceled at the customer’s request and [redacted] was issued a full refund o f $6.95. As acourtesy, [redacted] was issued 3 additional refunds o f $6 95.Ms [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at her request on April 13, 2016. She has been refunded $6.95 in accordance tothe cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. And as a courtesy, an additional total o f $20.85refunded.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,[redacted]Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
Review: This company has completely FALSE advertising. I thought I was signing up for a credit card to help my credit, and it asked for my debit card number and social security number. I clicked the "why do you need this" button under the cursor box and it claimed that it needed it for security reasons. After hitting the submit button it told me that I was charged $29.99! There were absolutely NO boxes stating that I agreed to pay that anywhere in the sign up process. I want my money back PRONTO.Desired Settlement: Total refund of my $29.99.
We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 7/07/2014.
On July 5, 2014 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our
application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our
Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application.
All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she feels the company has completely false advertising. She thought she was
signing up for a credit card to help her credit and it asked her for her debit card number and social security number. She clicked
the “why do you need this” button under the cursor box and it claimed it was for security reasons. After hitting the submit
button it told her she was charged S29.99. She states there were no boxes stating that she agreed to pay that anywhere in the
sign up process. She wants her $29.99 refunded.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions
before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used
by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our
cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to
click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on July 5,
2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered
a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting
the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they
understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly
participation fee. [redacted] did contact customer service on July 15th to question her account. The service was
explained to her and there was no cancellation or refund request made. A short while later that same day, Ms. [redacted] did call
to request that the account be canceled. The account was canceled and refunded S 2 1.96 in accordance to the cancellation and
refund policy.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on July 15, 2014. She had been refunded the S21.96 in accordance to
the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. We have also refunded the remaining S7.99 as a
courtesy on July 23, 2014. This gives the customer a full refund of S29.95.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Review: My account was still charged $29.95 a month although I did not purchase anything. what irks me is that I can only use the card in their online store to purchase their products and I cannot use it for anything else.Desired Settlement: A refund of the $29.95 to my band account and to cancel my subscription at no charge.
[redacted] states in her complaint that her account was charged $29.95 a month although she did not
purchase anything. She is upset that the card can only be used on the online store to purchase products
On December 25, 2013 [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and
these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants arc required to read and agree to
refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants
completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal
and she can not use it for anything else.
give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check
shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly
product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online
and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms
box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on
to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they
that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees
information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains
December 25, 2013 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal
will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee.
accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions.
Ms. [redacted] account has been cancelled at her request on March 19, 2014. She was refunded $19.95 in
[redacted] never contacted us to question her account or to request a cancellation and refund.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
Compliance Officer
I just called Horizon Credit to cancel my account. The first woman I spoke to was very pleasant. The woman I spoke with to cancel my account was not. She gave a me a million reasons why I should keep the card, offered me an additional $500 to my credit limit. Said by having this card it will help my credit because it reports every month, even though it stopped reporting my account in 2013. But for a fee of $19.99 I could have Horizon start reporting on my behalf again. I told her I didn't want anything, just to close my account she wouldn't listen and kept offering me everything in the book. I was getting frustrated with this woman and told her more than 5 times I just want to close my account. Once she gave up with all her offers she became very rude! All I wanted to do was close this account I have never used.
So if you're looking to close your Horizon account, be prepared I say "I just want to close my account" more than 5 times.
Review: Applied for a card support to have 19.95 .I was told that I only had to pay this once if I was not using the card They would report it to the credit bureau so I could my credit in good standards. the following month they took out another 19.95 so I called to talk to someone about it and they said it would only be 4.95 a month than the next two weeks they 6.95 out of my account. I called again and was told that it would go back to my account in five days and it has not as of today.Desired Settlement: Have all of my money refunded because they lied to me.
We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 11/19/2014.On August 7, 2014, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application.Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member ServicesDepartment are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are requiredto read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint that she applied for a card support to have SI9.95. She states she was told that she only had topay this once if she wasn’t using the card. She states she was told it would be reported to a credit bureau. She says that another $19.95was taken the following month so she called to talk to someone about it. She says she was told it would just be $4.95 a month. Thenthe next two weeks they took $6.95 out o f her account. She states she called again and was told that it would go back to her account infive days and it has not as o f today, November 18th.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before theapplication can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used by an accountholder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to theterms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on August 7, 2014 stating she read and agrees to theterms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expirationdate. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agreesto accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one timeaccount validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] first contacted member services onAugust 13, 2014 to question her account but did not request a cancellation or refund. She then contacted member services on October1st asking if she would be charged monthly. The phone representative responded that yes, she would be charged monthly. Ms.[redacted] requested to cancel the account because of the monthly fee. She was transferred to a supervisor who is authorized to cancelaccounts. After speaking with the supervisor, Ms. [redacted] agreed to keep the account open at a lower rate with a lesser benefitpackage. She was issued a partial refund at this time. She called again on October 27th with general questions. The last call from Ms.[redacted] was made on November 3 lcl and again she was requesting to cancel the account. After speaking with a supervisor, theaccount was cancelled and the most recent payment of $6.95 was voided. A voided transaction is different than a refund. Ms.[redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount of $6.95 on October 3 I, 2014. This means the money in the amount of $6.95was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) wevoided the transaction. Ms. [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length oftime depends on her bank’s policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’s bank if she requests for us todo so.Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on November 3, 2014. We had voided her most recent transaction in theamount of $6.95. As a courtesy, we have also issued a refund in the amount of $4.95.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.