Horizon Card Services Reviews (131)
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Address: 1707 Warren Rd, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States, 15701-2423
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We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 4/8/2016.On August 2, 2013, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how
to contactour Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting theirapplicationAll applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will beprocessed.*** *** states in the complaint she canceled her account in October She states they have been charging herbank account $a month since then*** states she called them today to find out why, as her bank account wasover drawn and her bank told her o f the recurring charges from lorizon*** *** states they insisted my accountwas still open and that it was never closed*** states they would happily refund charges o f $to my bankaccount, but they had no intentions o f refunding the rest*** *** states they should owe her over $1000.00.*** *** would like a refund o f all o f her money from October 2012.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** *** checked the box onAugust 2, stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information*** entered a valid credit card number and expiration dateThe website explains that by entering the paymentinformation and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon CardServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuancefee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** contacted Horizon Card Services on April 13, requestinga cancellation and refund o f her accountAfter being transferred to a supervisor who is authorized to process a cancellationand refund, the account was canceled at the customer’s request and *** was issued a full refund o f $As acourtesy, *** *** was issued additional refunds o f $95.Ms ***’s account has been cancelled at her request on April 13, She has been refunded $in accordance tothe cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditionsAnd as a courtesy, an additional total o f $20.85refunded.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,*** ***Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 4/3/2017.On December 7, 2016, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and
how to contactour Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting theirapplicationAll applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will beprocessed.*** *** states in her complaint that she canceled her account back in January and which she assumed she canceledeverything including auto payShe states it is now April and she was charged $for her over due balance without herauthorization*** *** states she realizes she has a balance but she did not realize a business could charge her bankaccount after her membership was canceledShe stated she would like the charge reversed and be refunded $Miss*** states she will pay her balance when she is able to and will pay $for the next months on her own terms.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** *** checked the box onDecember 7, stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information,*** *** entered a valid credit card number and expiration dateThe website explains that by entering the paymentinformation and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon CardServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuancefee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** made a purchase from the online outlet on December 16, 2016with a total balance o f $Several attempts were made to collect on this balanceA successful payment was collectedon the outstanding balance owed on April 3, 2017.Miss G*** account has been cancelled at her request on January 31, She has been refunded $in accordanceto the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditionsThe $was paid on a balance owed andis not refundable.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B***Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 9/2/2015.On September 2, 2015, Mary *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and
how to contact ourMember Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their applicationAllapplicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.Mary *** states in her complaint that she was looking for credit card services that would help her build creditShe was told toget the unsecured credit limit; she had to pay $for first payment and then monthly installments after that which she did believingthat it was an actual credit card companyShe feels there was advertisement stating it was an actual credit card that would bereported to credit bureausInstead it is for shopping online with Horizon’s companyShe would like her $refundedShe hascalled the company with no success o f getting in touch with anyone to cancel.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before theapplication can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an accountholder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer has to click the check box agreeing to theterms and conditions, and then click submitMary *** checked the box on September 2, stating she read and agrees to theterms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information, Mary *** entered a valid credit card number and expiration date.The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees toaccept their enrollment into Horizon Card ServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time accountvalidation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation feeMary *** never contacted Horizon Card Services torequest a cancellation and refund.Ms***’s account has been cancelled on September 2, The transaction in the amount o f $has been voided inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditionsA voided transaction is different than arefundMs***’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $on September 2, This means the money in theamount o f Sis being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card ServicesSince we did not capture the payment (takethe money) we voided the transactionMs***’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between to days.The length o f time depends on her b an k ’s policyWe would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms***’s bank if sherequests for us to do so.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time
Re:ID ***Dear *** ***:We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 12/22/2016.On December 16, 2016, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our applicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services,
our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their applicationAll applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.*** *** states in his complaint he wants his account canceled and he called and they were refusing to cancel his accountHe states the note he received said he had days to cancel it and it was less than hours*** *** states he wants his $returned and the card canceled and would like no further contact.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** *** checked the box on December 16, stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditionsAfter entering his personal information, *** *** entered a valid credit card number and expiration dateThe website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card ServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** contacted Horizon Card Services by chat on December 22, to request a cancellation and refundAfter speaking with a live representative, *** ***’s account was canceled and refunded $6.95.Mr***’s account has been cancelled at his request on December 22, He has been refunded $in accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this timeSincerely,Dee-ann B***
*** *** *** *Card Services###-###-#### (Fax) ###-###-####
This company has sent me a full refund
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10290812, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 3/07/2016.On February 04, 2016, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and
how to contact ourMember Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their applicationAllapplicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.*** states in her complaint the advertising says it is a major credit card for people with bad creditShe states our card is onlyused at the outlet*** said she called numerous times to cancel and stated she was still being charged from her bank account.She states she filed a dispute with her bank*** states she wants a full refund.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before theapplication can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an accountholder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refundpolicy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer has to click the check box agreeingto the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** *** checked the box on February 4, stating she read and agrees tothe terms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information, *** *** entered a valid credit card number and expirationdateThe website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands andagrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card ServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a onetime account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** contacted Horizon CardServices February 4, regarding general questions to her accountShe contacted Horizon Card Services on February 2016requesting to cancelAfter speaking with a representative, *** agreed to keep the account open and active with a monthly feeo f $*** did not request a cancellation until March 7, 2016.Ms ***’s account has been cancelled at her request on March 7, The transaction in the amount o f $was voided inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditionsA voided transaction is different than arefundMs***’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $on March This means the money in the amount ol$is being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card ServicesSince we did not capture the payment (take the money)we voided the transactionMsFo rd 's bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between to daysThe length o ftime depends on her ban k 's policyWe would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms***’s bank if she requests tor us to doso*** *** was also issued a refund for the initial enrollment fee in the amount o f $on March 2016.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B***Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
We are in recei*t o f the above referenced com*laint dated 8/18/2016.*** *** states in his com*laint that he a**lied for Horizon Gold, and was told he a**rovedMr*** states he had to*ay $*rocessing fee, and then was taken offlineHe states he never received an email/a**roval code,
yet a charge of$has a**eared*** states customer service not returning calls.Our a**lication *rocess clearly states the card is a credit line to be used exclusively at our online sho**ing websiteThe termsand conditions o f the service are easily accessible on the first *age o f the a**licationThese terms and conditions in addition toex*lain the services offered also outline our cancellation and refund *olicy, clearly give our contact information, and ex*laincredit bureau re*ortingAfter entering his *ersonal information, *** *** was to enter a valid credit card number andex*iration dateThe website ex*lains that by entering the *ayment information and submitting the request, the a**licantunderstands and agrees to acce*t their enrollment into Horizon Card ServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree thatthey will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly *artici*ation fee*** ***’stransaction for the initial fee was declined*** did not continue with the a**lication *rocess and does not have an accountwith Horizon Card ServicesHorizon Card Services has no record o f Mr***’s call request.*** *** does not have an account with Horizon Card ServicesThere has been no *ayment made from Mr*** to createan account with Horizon Card Services, furthermore, there is no refund due.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Dee-ann B***Com*liance OfficerHorizon Card Services
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 3/1/2016.On October 10, 2015, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplicationOur full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and
how to contactour Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting theirapplicationAll applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will beprocessed.*** *** states in her complaint she found out on her last credit card statement that she was charged nearly everymonth since Novembe r She stated she thought it w as an application fee and turned out to be a monthly feeShestates she never used the plan and she has services through another service*** Gros se states she has an automaticpayment on her credit card and usually never uses their siteShe wants to be refunded all her money back and for theaccount to be canceled.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reportingThe customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** *** checked the box onOctober stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information*** entered a valid credit card number and expiration dateThe website explains that by entering the paymentinformation and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon CardServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuancefee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** did not contact Horizon Card Services regarding a cancellationto her account.Ms *** 's account has been cancelled at her request on March She has been refunded $in accordance tothe cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditionsAs a courtesy, we have refunded Ms *** anadditional S 19.95.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Compliance Officer
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 5/8/2015.On May 1, 2015, *** *** visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our applicationOur full termsand conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to
contact our Member Services Department are made availableto all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their applicationAll applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditionsbefore their application will be processed.*** *** states in her complaint that she received an unauthorized deduction from her bank accountShe called Horizon to have the $6.95removedThe company readily complied and the amount was removedHowever, the very next day, Horizon Gold re-attached the same amount toher checking accountShe again called to have this removedShe states the company did not comply and issued her a Horizon Gold CardShe hasbeen receiving emails from this companyShe had stated in a return email that she wishes to receive no correspondenceShe has also unsubscribedfrom receiving future emailsShe does not wish to do business and has stated this over and again both verbally and through emailShe wishes for hermoney to be refunded and no further contact with the company.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application canbe submittedThese terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at ouronline shopping websiteThese terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, andexplain credit bureau reportingThe customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit*** checked the box on May 1, stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditionsAfter entering her personal information, *** entered a valid credit card number and expiration dateThe website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting therequest, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card ServicesFurthermore, they understand and agree thatthey will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee*** *** did contact MemberServices by phone to have the account canceled and to receive a refundOn May 4, 2015, the account was canceled and the initial payment o f $6.95was voidedOn May 5th Ms*** contacted Member Services by phone again to question her refund and second chargeThe phonerepresentative requested that Ms*** fax in a copy o f her bank statement showing the additional charge as our records only show her cardbeing authorized once and that transaction being voidedMs*** agreed and was satisfied with the call.Ms***’s account had been cancelled at her request on May 4, Her transaction o f $was voided at that timeA voided transaction isdifferent than a refundMs***’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $on May 1, This means the money in the amount o f$was being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card ServicesSince we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided thetransactionMs***’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between to daysThe length o f time depends on her bank’spolicyWe would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms***’s bank if she requests for us to do soWe do not show any additionalcharges made to Ms***’s cardWe would be happy to do a call with Ms*** and her bank to fix the issueMs*** has beensuccessfully unsubscribed from Horizon Gold CardAny future correspondence is strictly to resolve any issues.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,*** ***Compliance OfficerHorizon Card Services
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 7/14/2016.On December 22, 2014, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplication. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how...
to contactour Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting theirapplication. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will beprocessed.[redacted] states in his complaint he called 3 months in a row to cancel his service with them. He states they have notcanceled the card and continue to deduct monthly fees. He states he is tired o f paying for something he does not use. Mr.[redacted] states he would like the last 3 months o f fees refunded to his account and the card canceled.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box onDecember 22, 2014 stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering his personal information. Ronald[redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the paymentinformation and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon CardServices. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuancefee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did not contact Horizon Card Services regarding a cancellation tohis account.Mr. Hess' account has been cancelled at his request on July 18, 2016. He has been refunded $19.95 in accordance to thecancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. As a courtesy, we have refunded Mr. [redacted] anadditional $19.95.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,Dee-ann B[redacted]Compliance Officer
Although the amount appears to be reversed for the second time and the situation is resolved. The company has made some false statements regarding this case. The issue at hand is the second time that the charges were submitted, that was not addressed. I did not agree for this action to take place. It was stated that I was satisfied with the explanation given for the second charge, I was not satisfied. At this point I did not whether Horizon Gold or [redacted] was at fault and I informed the telephone representative of Horizon Gold that I would be contacting Revdex.com for assistance in resolving the matter. I would not dispute the first charge even though I do not remember. The first charge was reversed promptly. I certainly did not agree to terms for the second charge, my information was simply added fraudulently.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
On February 3, 2017, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all...
applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed. [redacted] states in her complaint that her debit card is being charge from this business and she did not sign up for it. [redacted] states she wants a refund of her debit and to get rid of her info. She also states she wants to know how they got her debit info. Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on February 3, 2017 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] contacted Horizon Card Services by email on February 4, 2017 to request a cancellation and refund. After speaking with a live representative, [redacted]’ account was canceled and voided $6.95. Ms. [redacted] had been cancelled at her request on February 4, 2017. The transaction in the amount of $6.95 was voided in accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. A voided transaction is different than a refund. Ms. [redacted]’ credit card was authorized for the amount of $6.95 on February 3, 2017. This means the money in the amount of $6.95 is being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take the money) we voided the transaction. Mrs. [redacted]’ bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. The length of time depends on her bank's policy. We would be happy to send a funds release letter to Ms. [redacted]’ bank if she requests for us to do so. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time. Sincerely, CX
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 7/29/2016.On July 1, 2016, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed ourapplication. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how...
to contact ourMember Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. Allapplicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint she looked into Credit Card and declined. She states they are charging me, this willcontinue monthly until resolved 07/29/2016 7002 Horizon Card Services Indiana Pa 1 $7.95???? [redacted] states please refund mymoney to checking account and never charge me ag ain ...th is will continue monthly until resolved.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions beforethe application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by anaccount holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation andrefund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check boxagreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on July 1, 2016, stating she readand agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit cardnumber and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, theapplicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agreethat they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] did not contact Horizon Card Services regarding a cancellation to her account.Ms [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at her request on August 1, 2016. The transaction in the amount o f $7.95 was voided inaccordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. A voided transaction is different than arefund. Mr. [redacted]’s credit card was authorized for the amount o f $7.95 on July 29, 2016. This means the money in the amounto f $7.95 is being held by her bank but not yet taken by Horizon Card Services. Since we did not capture the payment (take themoney) we voided the transaction. Ms [redacted]’s bank may hold the funds for the transaction anywhere between 3 to 30 days. Thelength o f time depends on her ban k ’s policy. As a courtesy, we have refunded Ms [redacted] an additional $7.95.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
February 16, 2017 Re: ID [redacted] Dear [redacted]: We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 2/10/2017. [redacted] states in her complaint that since December of 2016 she has been charged monthly fees by Horizon Card Services. She states she has never authorized this company to...
charge any fees to her debit card and has not applied for any “secure credit card” account with this company. [redacted] states she at no point provided her account and/or debit card information to this company. She states the fees charged to date are as follows: December ’16 $39.95, January $24.95, January ’17 $0.75, February ’ 17 $24.95, February ’ 17 $24.95 and she states this fee was reversed. [redacted] states she would like to receive a full refund of all fees charged to her account. Our application process clearly states the card is a credit line to be used exclusively at our online shopping website. The terms and conditions of the service are easily accessible on the first page of the application. These terms and conditions in addition to explain the services offered also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. After entering personal information, [redacted] was to enter a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. Upon receipt of [redacted] ‘s complaint, we are unable to locate any transactions with the customer name of [redacted], and the address and phone number provided on the complaint. We tried contacting Ms. [redacted] by phone on February 14, 2017 and left a voicemail message with our customer advocacy phone number requesting she return our call. As of today, February 16, 2017, we have not heard from [redacted]. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time. Sincerely, Dee-ann [redacted] Compliance Officer Horizon Card Services
We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 10/31/2014.
On October 24, 2014, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our
application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy,...
and how to contact our
Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application.
All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she applied for the card thinking it was a credit card to help her improve her credit.
She applied for the card on October 1 1, 2014 and it declined. It then came out of her next check on October 24, 2014. She
received the approval and membership on October 24lh. She tried to look at the horizon outlet to see how it works and it
wouldn’t let her in. Then she received the card on October 3 I, 2014 and found it did not have a Visa or MasterCard on it. She
states she wants out of the scam and to receive her money back. She also wants her information deleted from the system.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions
before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used
by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our
cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to
click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on October 1 1,
2014 stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a
valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the
request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they
understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly
participation fee. The card did decline on October 1 l lh but Ms. [redacted] was given the opportunity to enter a dale she would like
the application to be resubmitted. She entered her next check date of October 24th. She also chose to enroll in a lesser
membership package with a lower monthly fee. [redacted] did not contact member services to question her account or to
request a cancellation and refund.
Ms. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at her request on November 3, 2014. She has been issued a refund of S6.95.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
We are in receipt of the above referenced complaint dated 2/14/2017. On November 28, 2016, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and...
how to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed. [redacted] states in his complaint that this company told him that he had to pay 6 dollars and some change to have a 1000 dollar credit limit and they would report to Equifax. He states he opened his account in November of 2016 and he checked his credit report and they were not reporting anything. [redacted] states after seeing this he closed his account with them and not a week later they reported to Equifax that he closed his account with only two payments. [redacted] states he made his first payment in Nov but it doesn’t show up. He states it also showed on his credit report that they lied and he only had 500-dollar credit line. [redacted] states his credit score dropped 25 points because of their lies so he would like to be refunded all of his money. Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line of credit that can be used by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on November 28, 2016 stating he read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering his personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] contacted Horizon Card Services several times with general questions and upgrades to his account. He did not request a cancellation until February 7, 2017. After speaking with a Supervisor, the account was cancelled as requested. Due to [redacted] late in the month enrollment, his account was first reported to the credit bureau on January 11, 2017 with an effective open date of November 28, 2016. [redacted] closed his account on February 7, 2017. On February 13, 2017 his account was reported to the credit bureau as a closed account with a closed date of February 7, 2017. Mr. [redacted] account has been cancelled at his request on February 7, 2017. He has been refunded $6.95 in accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time. Sincerely, Dee Compliance Officer Horizon Card Services
On December 9, 2013, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services and completed our application.
Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund policy, and how to contact our Member Services
Department are made available to...
all applicants prior to them completing and submitting their application. All applicants are required
to read and agree to these terms and conditions before their application will be processed.
[redacted] states in her complaint that she feels misled by the Horizon Card advertisement. After realizing the service was not a
major credit card, she called to cancel the service for herself and two other members. She states that even though she told Member
Services that they didn’t receive the cards she continued to be billed. She states that customer service was not willing to meet her
halfway. She states she had to speak to a supervisor in order to complete the cancellation.
Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditions before the
application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can be used by an account
holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline our cancellation and refund policy,
clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer has to click the check box agreeing to the
terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box on December 9, 2013 stating she read and agrees to the
terms and conditions. After entering her personal information, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date.
The website explains that by entering the payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to
accept their enrollment into Horizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account
validation and card issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] first contacted Member Services on December
23, 2013. She let the phone representative know she did not receive her card. After verifying the customer’s address, the card was
resent. Ms. [redacted] did not contact Member Services again until September 20, 2014. She requested for the account to be canceled and
wanted to receive a refund back to the date she signed up. The account was canceled as requested with no refund due.
Ms. [redacted]’s account had been cancelled at her request on September 20, 2014. There is no refund due in accordance to the cancellation
and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions. We have a 30-day refund policy and the last payment Ms. [redacted] made was on
August 1, 2014.
We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.
We are in receipt o f the above referenced complaint dated 6/26/2015.On March 6, 2015 and April 6, 2015, [redacted] visited our secure web site and willingly applied for our services andcompleted our application. Our full terms and conditions outlining our product and services, our liberal refund...
policy, andhow to contact our Member Services Department are made available to all applicants prior to them completing andsubmitting their application. All applicants are required to read and agree to these terms and conditions before theirapplication will be processed.[redacted] states in her complaint that she has two cards through Horizon Card Services in which she tried to use onetime but they never worked. She states she is charged $30 every two weeks for about 4 months or so. She wants to berefunded in full from the time she first applied.Our application process requires the customer to click on a check box to confirm they have read our terms and conditionsbefore the application can be submitted. These terms and conditions clearly state this product is a line o f credit that can beused by an account holder to shop exclusively at our online shopping website. These terms and conditions also outline ourcancellation and refund policy, clearly give our contact information, and explain credit bureau reporting. The customer hasto click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions, and then click submit. [redacted] checked the box onMarch 6, 2015 and April 6, 2015, stating she read and agrees to the terms and conditions. After entering her personalinformation, [redacted] entered a valid credit card number and expiration date. The website explains that by enteringthe payment information and submitting the request, the applicant understands and agrees to accept their enrollment intoHorizon Card Services. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they will be billed a one time account validation andcard issuance fee and a regular monthly participation fee. [redacted] never contacted Horizon Card Services toquestion her account or to request the accounts be canceled and to be issued a refund.Ms. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled at her request on July 2, 2015. She has been refunded $19.95 for one account and$6.95 for the other account in accordance to the cancellation and refund policy as outlined in the terms and conditions.We trust that this resolves this matter and that no further communication is needed at this time.Sincerely,