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Home Partners of America

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Home Partners of America Reviews (259)

We are only into our 6th month of renting a home through Home Partners. A month ago a storm blew out some of the panels in our screen enclosure over our pool. So far its been a month and still is not fixed. We have made several calls in which we always get the standard answer " its being reviewed". They requested photos and videos of the damage but still no resolution.
We logged several complaints in the portal like they require but still nothing gets done.
We defiantly will be leaving this home when our lease is up. They have a very poor system to get repairs done and will NEVER return a call.
If you are looking into using Home Partners I suggest you run the other direction.

This company is a scam to get you to pay the $75 "credit check" fee. I was completely upfront with them on my low credit score due to having no credit at. I pay cash for everything and have come to realize that low scores are not just due to negative activity. I told Home Partners this and they assured me that they could work with me. Within hours of paying the $75 they said I was not approved.

Complaint: 10963537
I am rejecting this response because: we do not agree to the terms that are stated. This manipulation by Homepartners to get us to sign a 61 page contract has cost my family THOUSANDS of dollars and by trying to put a time limit or cap on our 30 day notice...

clause, they are  once again attempting to manipulate the situation. We have tried very hard to be nice and fair but we are very unhappy with their response. I also take offense that John states they dispute our claims, I have recordings that back up my allegations and forwarded on one of those recordings directly to Homepartners. John vehemently states in that recording that we are NEVER passed the expense for an inspection, yet I have the documents that show we are responsible for those charges should we purchase the home. We were given misleading and incorrect information in order for us to commit to a large monthly payment and when I tried to get answers from Homepartners for months, my requests for help and assistance were ignored. We have a moldy door frame, we have moldy carpet, we have rocks falling off the home; all because Homepartners hired non qualified inspectors. We paid for our own inspector after we were ignored for months to get repairs and our inspector has stated that many (expensive and safety) items were missed. I think the part that is most upsetting is the attempt that Homepartners and [redacted] (their managing company) are making to extort money from clients. We were 'charged' items on a 'make ready' list that were NEVER completed and I can prove it. Absolutely disgusting display of manipulation, extortion, and price gauging. Buyers/renters beware!
Melissa [redacted]

Home Partners' Lease with a Right to Purchase program is resident-led, whereby approved prospective residents who have applied to the program work with a licensed real estate agent to pick the home of their choice from available for sale housing stock in ares in which Home Partners invests.  If...

the home that has been selected by the prospective resident meets Home Partners' eligibility criteria, Home Partners will try to purchase the home from the seller.  This process does take longer, because Home Partners is purchasing a home from a third party seller.  Home Partners' website describes the process in detail, and the FAQs section of Home Partners' website also includes a question regarding timing, and states, "How Long does it take from when I select a home to when I move in?  On average, it takes approximately five to six weeks from the time we enter into a purchase agreement for a home until the day you are able to move in.  There are a number of variables that may affect the move-in time frame, including the length of negotiation with the seller leading up to when we enter into a purchase agreement....."  In addition, the FAQs section also states,"We have a one-time Application Fee of $75 per household that must be paid online as part of the application process.  This Application Fee covers all applicants in the household and is nonrefundable." Home Partners incurs costs to process each application which often exceeds the application fee collected.  Home Partners' customer service representative did not have the conversation as the complainant describes.

I am new customer to Home Partners. I have found the process to be very easy and if you follow everything correctly, you will be in your dream home in 30 days. I was looking to rent a home, however most of the homes were undesirable. Then my agent told me about Home Partners. This program allowed me to get into a home that was not a rental on the rental market and a home that I could possibly buy one day. The process was perfect and easy. Yes they have deadlines but they too have deadlines and they have to do all the work of buying the home and making it ready for you to move in. The cost may have higher fees than flat out buying a home right away but I am in my dream home within 30 days. I recently called for maintenance and they move very fast. They are very nice over the phone and they never seemed like they want to help. My experience with them so far has been awesome. I will update after a few months and let you all know how the experience is. If you ask my opinion, Home Partners is excellent, excellent excellent!

I thought Home Partners and our real estate agent, Brendan Sanford with Century 21 in Orlando, had a great path and solution to home ownership. I couldn't have been further from that fact. The program, seems viable, but right out of the gate I asked Brendan if there was a premium in then rent that Home Partners sought and he emphatically replied "No" on August 6. With his assurance, I moved forward and went through the application process. The rents on the Home Partners sight were far above market value! What a surprise! We even had a home picked out before it became available or listed on Home Partners site, but they wanted at least 20% more than market value in rent and it was above our approved amount with Home Partners as well. A waste of time and energy! Our hopes of being in the perfect home shattered. Home Partners refused to even refund our $75, only saying it was "non-refundable". BEWARE! Waste of time and money!

Very negative experience with this company. Not forthcoming with costs and I still can not get a straight answer. Beware. If you want a company who who is all talk this is one. All talk and no resolution is what I am getting. We closed on the house from them but still can not get the true costs. They were to refund us money but now all of a sudden they needed to use it. Hmmm very shady. They keep saying they are communicating but all they are doing is giving us bull [redacted]. No resolution. Just a poor company.

One of the most unscrupulous companies I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. This company has cost us thousands because they pulled out of a purchase agreement after a MONTH to buy our house for NO REASON except a made up excuse. We even put on a new roof. The reason? A $130 fireplace refractory board they said would cost $10,000. Liars and cheaters. We weren't even able to keep the earnest money after they pulled out AFTER TAKING OUR HOME OFF THE MARKET for them for a month!. They use terrible realtors who are the bottom of the barrel. In my opinion, they are the BIGGEST BUNCH OF CRIMINALS I'VE EVER DEALT WITH. If they offer to buy your home, turn down the offer and save yourself the headache and understand they might not buy your home and won't be held accountable. This gives them the chance to take homes off the market for no cost until they decide if they actually want to buy them. TURN DOWN ANY OFFERS IF THEY WANT TO BUY YOUR HOME!!

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Address: 180 N Stetson Ave STE 3650, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60601-6709


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