I am rejecting this response because:
The company did not even read my complaint. I am NOT on a fresh start account. My sister is however. I have a regular account that you people blocked because I had hanged my recurring payments. I do not want my account blocked because I simply chose to pay my bill early. Perhaps read my complaint before responding next time. Again this has nothing to do with a fresh start account.
I am rejecting this response because:
2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states he purchased a TV from Fingerhut and started making payments in January 2016. He states his balance is higher than he believes it should be. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] purchased a Seiki 32" 720p LED TV/DVD Combo on January 31, 2016. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] is making his payments on time, paying the required minimum amount due each month. While Mr. [redacted]’s balance on his account is decreasing, interest charges are still be assessed to his account. As a reminder to Mr. [redacted], his account is a revolving credit account. As such, it is subject to accrued interest charges whenever a balance is carried from one billing cycle to the next. The interest is calculated based on the account’s current Annual Percentage Rate of 25.15%, and the monthly charges will vary in relation to increases of reductions in the account balance from month to month. This information is covered in the Terms and Conditions of the account, which Mr. [redacted] agreed to when he applied for this credit account. According to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, he states Fingerhut has refunded $67.00 to his account, and requests that the remaining amount be refunded. We have no record of that exact amount being returned to Mr. [redacted]. We do, however, have record of Mr. [redacted] ordering an LG 32” Television on November 13, 2015, which was returned to us on December 8, 2015 because it was defective. An exact exchange was sent to Mr. [redacted] on December 8, 2015, and subsequently returned to us on January 29, 2016. The order total for the LG 32” Television was $529.98. No credit was given when the first television was returned because an exact exchange was set up. Upon return of the exchanged item, only the purchase price was credited, which left the original shipping and handling and the return label fee on the account. As a one-time courtesy, the shipping and handling, in the amount of $19.99, was credited on February 4, 2016. The return label fee, in the amount of $23.95, was credited as a one-time courtesy on February 8, 2016, to Mr. [redacted]’s credit card ending in [redacted]. At this time the current balance on Mr. [redacted]’s account is $275.42. A minimum payment of $20.99 is due by September 7, 2016. Mr. [redacted] can pay his balance down more quickly by making payments that are larger than the minimum amount due. If Mr. [redacted] has any further questions he may contact Fingerhut Customer Service at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday 8:00AM-8:00PM Central Standard Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/KS
I am rejecting this response because:
A member of the support staff sent me a set of hand cream. This persons reaponse is a result if her thinking that she is in fact doing me a favor when my orders met and exceeded thw requirements if the offer. Fingerhut is selling products which do not list colors or options that create these types of fraudulent situations.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION December 28, 2016 Revdex.com of Minnesota...
...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the recent inquiry that we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. Ms. [redacted] states she was told we did not receive her October 2016 payment, but then later that month she saw the payment was credited to her account. She states her payment was not late that month and the $24.36 late fee was our error, so she requests a refund for this late fee. Our investigation confirms that Ms. [redacted]’s due date is the 11th of every month. The issue she describes impacted her September 2016 payment. We agree Ms. [redacted] uses her bank’s Bill Pay service each month, which they send as a check by mail, not electronically. This check was dated and mailed “September 9, 2016,” and the Payment Department applies payments immediately upon receiving them. On September 12, 2016, a payment reminder call was made to Ms. [redacted], who stated we should have already received the payment. Records show we received the $30.00 payment on September 14, 2016, although it was applied with a back-date of September 10, 2016 and considered paid on time so no late fee resulted. However, as Ms. [redacted] states, she put a stop payment on this check, and it was returned to us as an invalid payment on September 21, 2016. This effectively meant her September 2016 payment had not been received, so a $24.36 late fee was assessed on the same date. The amount needed to bring the account current by the October 11, 2016 due date was $48.72, the combined total of September and October’s $24.36 required minimum due. We received a $30.00 payment on October 8, 2016, so the amount needed to bring the account current by her November 11, 2016 due was $43.08 with $18.72 of that being past due. The two $30.00 payments received on November 7 and November 11, 2016 paid the account current. Due to the unique circumstances, we have made an exception to our standard policy and credited the $24.36 late fee. It is already applied to her account and will reflect on a future statement for her records. Ms. [redacted] should request her Bill Pay payments be made electronically to ensure they are received and applied as quickly as possible or, if mailed, to do so at least a week in advance of her due date. Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/ah
letter, they are addressing details that are not a part of the complaint, and they are even adding in actions I have taken since the complaint.I placed this complaint on 11/16/2017 about what happened to me on 11/17/2017.What does it matter that I purchased another order on Nov. 20 2017? In this letter they decide to state:" Also, our records indicate on November 20, 2017 order number [redacted], was placed on our website for NOJE9 XBOX One X 1TB Console. Express shipping was added to the order. UPS tracking number [redacted] shows the order was delivered November 24, 2017 at 12:30pm. If Mr. [redacted] did not intend to place two orders for the XBOX One X 1TB Console, or if he is dissatisfied with his purchases, he may return the item(s) within our return policy, which states: "Please show me where in my complaint did I mention "I did not intend to place two orders?" It is also easy to see that since I placed this complaint on 11/16/2017 something I did on 11/20 2017 could not have been an issue addressed.This letter further adds insult to the situation, for they attempted to address the "probability" that "I made a mistake" instead of taking responsibility and ownership of the real problem which their Customer Service agents "intentionally" gave me the run around until it was time for them to get off of work, and then allowed me to be hung up on.But since they want to include the point that I purchased another order on Nov. 20, which is correct, well I would like to add that the point that I was able to go online, see that you were then advertising that you had xbox one x systems that were in stock, but yet did not satisfy my pre-order first kinda adds insult to injury. But now I believe I see what took place. Since the xbox one x order I placed on 11/20/2017 which is After my Order in October, was handled and shipped before my back ordered xbox, and not only that, I know someone else that purchased one On Nov 20, 2017 and their order was filled before my back order dated on Oct. 25, and their unit was handled and shipped before my back order, I get a better picture of what you really care about. You were willing to sacrifice back orders that did not "PAY" for "Faster Delivery" in preference for New orders placed almost a month after your back order that did "Pay" for "Faster Delivery." Shouldn't you have fulfilled / handled your back orders first?Also, what if I had not gotten on the website and just happen to check if it showed it had xbox one x units "in stock" and someone else would have ordered that one for "Faster shipping and handling", Humm, would I have been told that the Xbox one X was still on back order? So this situation sorta tells on itself.But even all of that that was just said, does not deal with the point that I received horrible customer service, but the worse part is that it was intentional.The phone call that you speak of stated (left a message) that they were calling about the xbox orders, no one never stated that they were calling about my Customer Service complaint. So that is why I did not rush to return the call, same way you have not rushed to satisfy me, your customer. So in your letter, you try to point out what may have been my fault, and all your irrelevant info about your return policy and all of that, which I can read and already understood, for it is posted well on your website and other documentation. Then you decide to act like you were addressing MY COMPLAINT. You say, "We apologize the assistance Mr. [redacted] received for his order was not to his satisfaction." but me being lied to that the CSR could not give me information about my order status, and kept putting me on hold, never let me speak to a supervisor, and then kept me on hold until your phones went dead, is to your satisfaction? Again, take ownership, not try to pass blame on me and then have someone with the same values as the CSR's that wasted my time did and have someone of equal ability and training (I guess) write me this letter and try to call me on the phone. That would have pissed me off even more anyway. Just like this letter is.By the way, I have been an international Executive CSR training instructor for a Top 25 Fortune company for many years, and I know the difference between a company that runs a customer service department that cares about their customers versus a company that cares about just making money.See finger hut is a way for people who credit may have been in bad standing to get started repairing it. I happen to have gone through a divorce that left my credit in less favorable conditions. So I took the initiative to repair it. So not everyone that get a finger hut account is a Middle School Drop out and may not be able to read and understand what is going on.But to have been treated the way I have, then to attempt to give a misdirected, across the board, Public Relations written explanation, (For this is not an apology) and think I will be satisfied is not happening.Did you look at your CSR software, to see that I had indeed called multiple times, the times of those calls and the outcome of those calls? So if you had, you would not be saying, "We apologize the assistance Mr. [redacted] received for his order was not to his satisfaction."So now I do not accept this as a resolution to this problem, and I will not return a phone call to another one of your so called CSR that obviously have not been properly trained to give "Customer Service" so that they can piss me off. So I will accept any further communication that you wish to furnish via Mail.Sincerely,[redacted] L. [redacted] Jr.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION August 19, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: [redacted] Case #: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to an inquiry received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut credit account. We have included a copy of the account activity, credit application, Terms and Conditions and last three statements. Ms. [redacted] states she been receiving calls and letters from a third party attempting to collect on her WebBank/Fingerhut credit account. Ms. [redacted] further states when she contacted Fingerhut she was advised her account was open but when she asked if it was legal to sell an open account, the representative ended the call. Ms. [redacted] states she would like to know if payment arrangements will stop the third party from contacting her and the legality of selling an open account. According to our records, on June 1, 2013, an application was processed online using Ms. [redacted]’s name, address and social security number. Since the application was completed online, a written signature was not required. On that same day an order was placed online for a Little Tikes Princess Cozy Coupe- 30th Anniversary, with a 2 Year Service Plan. The merchandise was shipped via UPS to the same address as provided on the application. Multiple payments were received from a checking account ending in [redacted] in the name of [redacted]. The most recent payment of $216.69 was received on April 12, 2016 and reversed by her bank on April 15, 2016. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut on August 10, 2016 inquiring about her account being sold to a third party collector and if making payment arrangements with Fingerhut would stop the calls and letters from the third party collector. Ms. [redacted] was advised by an account specialist that the account had not been sold and the call ended cordially. No payment arrangements have been made to date. According to our records Fingerhut has not attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] since May 23, 2016 on any of the telephone numbers associated with her account. Fingerhut still owns Ms. [redacted]’s account and it has not been sold to third party collector. To avoid additional late fees, collection activity and potentially negative reporting to the credit bureaus, a minimum payment of $702.52 is due by September 2, 2016. If Ms. [redacted] is unable to make the full minimum payment due, her account may qualify for a payment plan. She may contact our Billing Department at ###-###-#### to discuss payment options. Their hours are 7:00am to 9:00pm Monday through Thursday; 7:00am to 6:00pm Friday; and 7:00am to noon Saturday Central Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Kari [redacted] Executive Care Team KD/sa Enclosures
2017 ...⇄ #[redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. In Mr. [redacted]’s inquiry he states his identity was stolen and an LCD TV was delivered to him. After researching, Mr. [redacted] found that a Gettington account was opened in his name fraudulently. Mr. [redacted] contacted us after he received a bill for the TV and advised us he would be returning the TV. He states he emailed us multiple times but has never gotten a response. Mr. [redacted] is requesting the charges be credited to the account and for the account to be closed and removed from his credit file. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s information was used to open an account on our website on October 7, 2016. The order for the TV was placed the same day, shipped and was delivered on October 17, 2016 to the address we have on file for Mr. [redacted]. On October 16, 2016 we received a payment of $449.98. On October 20, 2016 we received a call from Mr. [redacted] advising us that he did not open the account or place the order. Mr. [redacted] advised the agent he would be returning the TV. The agent placed a hold on the account to prevent any additional orders from being placed and sent an “affidavit of unauthorized use” for Mr. [redacted] to complete and return to us. On October 28, 2016 the payment of $449.98 was reversed as we were notified the payment did not clear the bank. Since the payment was reversed a late fee was assessed to the account. On November 8, 2016 our Fraud Department received the completed affidavit and a letter was sent to Mr. [redacted] advising him a police report was required in order for our Fraud Department to complete the investigation of unauthorized use. On November 16, 2016 Mr. [redacted] contacted us by phone and the agent explained a copy of the police report is required to complete the investigation. The agent sent another affidavit and Mr. [redacted] advised us he would be sending a copy of the police report and that he would be returning the item for credit. On December 19, 2016 the TV was received and credit was issued for the full price of $449.98. However, as Mr. [redacted] was already advised, no further credits will be issued until we receive the required police report. If the local police department will not file a report, Mr. [redacted] needs to provide documentation that no police report can be filed along with the officer’s name, precinct name and phone number. To expedite Mr. [redacted] may fax the information directly to our Fraud Department at ###-###-#### or by mail to [redacted] Saint Cloud, MN. 56303. Additionally, we only have record of receiving three emails from Mr. [redacted]. The first email was received on January 4, 2017 and Mr. [redacted] was questioning the status of the account. A reply was sent to Mr. [redacted] advising him to contact our Fraud Department for additional information. The second email was received on February 1, 2017. We have no record of a reply being sent to Mr. [redacted] in reference to this contact. We sincerely apologize for this oversight on our part. The last email was received on March 30, 2017 in which Mr. [redacted] stated he did not want to file a police report for late fees and interest charges. An agent from our Fraud Department attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] back by phone and a message was left advising Mr. [redacted] to contact our Fraud Department. If Mr. [redacted] has further questions or concerns he may contact our Fraud Department at ###-###-####, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT. Thank you for allowing us to explain and assist. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION August 7, 2017 Better Business...
Bureau of Minnesota �...⇄ [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the rebuttal we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. We take the privacy and protection of our customer accounts very seriously and dedicate resources to identify, resolve and permanently correct issues. In the interest of confidentiality, we have attached our response for the consumer to review. Sincerely, Vi [redacted]Executive Care Team VF/jg
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION June 30, 2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states the number he wanted to remove from his contact information is still appearing on our website under his account. As we have stated previously, the secondary phone number on his account has been removed from our call list on June 16, 2016. We will not be placing any further telephone calls to that number, however we cannot delete the number from your account. If Mr. [redacted] would like to change the number on his account he can contact Fingerhut Customer Service at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM Central Standard Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/KS
requested this account to be paid. You fail to recognize that your agents informed me that the account was charged off and they denied me to make a payment. I contacted Fingerhut in good faith last year to settle this. I informed you all that the bankruptcy was dismissed myself. If I had no intention of making this account right, I would have never called fingerhut after a 2 year debt. Even when I spoke to them last month, they stated you can make a payment but its charged off, its pointless. You are not accurately reporting anything to the credit bureaus. All I wanted to do was make this right and settle this debt.
I am rejecting this response because:
Finger hits response is inaccurate and misleading. First of all Fingerhuts request for a snapshot would only result my current account info. They know that. That's why they are requesting it. There is no way to turn back time to get a snapshot of the amount of money available to me before my orders. Also the way the account is set up is similar to a regular purchase or withdraw from a bank. When I made the first order the amount I spent was AUTOMATICALLY DEDUCTED from my account. It didn't take 2 business days for the amount I spent to be deducted from my account and consequently the same amount was available to me for my viewing pleasure on my online account. I believe the burden of proof should be Fingerhuts responsibility. Based on their experience with me I've been a responsible customer. Unfortunately for me Fingerhut has not been a irresponsible vendor to deal with. Let's face it, if they hadn't screwed so many customers over they would have never had to create a department just to deal with this issue. I found their statement that they couldn't withdraw the negative credit info due to their commitment to report only accurate info(by law) comical due to the fact the info was anything but accurate. It's David Vs Goliath They screwed me and my family and will continue to behave in an irresponsible manner to others. Nothing will change. I'll close by adding I paid my payment to Fingerhut this month as a responsible person should do. All Fingerhut did in regards to my account was lie and disregard a ligitimate concern and good customer and his family.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION July 20, 2016 Revdex.com of Minnesota ...
# [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a recent credit line change on his WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states his credit limit had been as high as $800 but has since been reduced. He claims this could have been done by a supervisor as it coincided around the time of their conversation. He is requesting his credit limit be restored to $800 as before. Please understand that in the contract agreement terms and conditions Mr. [redacted] agreed to upon accepting our credit offer and opening his account, under the section titled “Available Credit,” it states, in part: “We may increase or reduce your credit limit, or suspend or terminate your Account, at any time with or without cause. We will provide notice to you to the extent required by applicable law.” Any reduction, increase or other change to a line of credit is the result of ongoing, systematic monitoring of account activity data, such as payment history for example. This information may pertain to the Fingerhut credit account as well as a customer’s credit history as a whole. As a result of this process, on July 6, 2016, Mr. [redacted]’s credit limit was reduced from $800 to its current limit of $350. The order he placed on the same date for a Sony PlayStation 4 Console with game was cancelled by us as the cost exceeded Mr. [redacted]’s updated credit limit. On July 7, 2016, a letter enumerating the detailed reasons for our decision to reduce the credit limit was sent to Mr. [redacted]. He should allow a few more days to receive this letter if it has not yet arrived. We are unable to change his credit limit at this time, but accounts are reviewed up to ten times a year, and should Mr. [redacted] again qualify for an increase, he will be notified accordingly by email or regular mail. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/ah
made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They openly admitted that they called all these numbers that they have for me saying they were tied to my account. I also have the call logs to verify how many times they called.
agreement was that the payment was to be made by April 1, 2018. The second and third by May 1, 2018 and June 3, 2018. The March 30, 2018 payment came as that is when my check came. This check is not scheduled due until the 1st of each month. With the exceptions of the 1st being on a holiday or weekend, in these cases, the payment for said check is on the business day before the 1st. This resulted in the March 30, 2018 payment for April 1, 2018. April 1, 2018 was on a Sunday, the business day before was March 30, 2018. I would like the schedule to reflect the proper dates as I cannot pay when I do not have, and the due date on the account is the 1st of each month, not the 30th of the month. My next pay is scheduled for May 1, 2018, this is due to both the payment due on account has been the 1st of each month, and my check not coming until the 1st of each month with the exceptions stated. I do not have a guaranteed 30 of each month payment as the funds are not there. When I do get my checks I do make payments at that time. So if the payment is due on the 1st and the 1st would be a holiday (January 1 for example) I would be paid the 31st, 30th, 29th or 28th (this is dependent on whether there is a weekend just before the 1st [which would be a Monday for the holiday, the Sunday and Saturday being before would put payment on the previous Friday]). My check is guaranteed by the 1st of each month. As stated, the March 30, 2018 was the Friday before April 1, 2018 (Sunday April 1, 2018 not business day, Saturday, March 31, 2018 not business day, Friday March 30, 2018, Business day before April 1, 2018). The next day guaranteed is Tuesday, May 1, 2018. This is why I had told the first of each month. I am not guaranteed that the check will be there on the thirtieth of April or of May.
I am rejecting this response because:
I understand that I have late fees on the account but I agreed on March or April for my payments automatic monthly payment to be taken out monthly so they can be paid on time and not get reported for being late and they never took out the payments from my account. I have a 30 day past due in my credit report because of them not putting me on monthly automatic withdrawal when I agreed to do so. They said that they have all calls recorded then they should check the last time I called them and they will see I did agreed to get my payments off every month
I am rejecting this response because:Response is inaccurate and seeks to shift the blame. The law does not require that a payment history be provided, another lie. I am sorry I ever got mixed up with this 2nd rate company
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/29) */
October 29, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case #[redacted] - [redacted], [redacted]
Dear Ms....
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Ms. [redacted] states that she made her June payment on June 2, 2015. Our records show a minimum due of $329.57 was due June 2, and we received $255 on May 19. We show that we received a payment of $243 on June 26; this covered her July payment of $242.19 which was due July 2, 2015. She did not receive a late fee for this payment, as she brought her account current for July. We show that $160. 74 was due by August 2. When we did not receive a payment by this date, she received a late fee.
The due date for the customer is the 2nd of each month, and the cycle date is the 4th, meaning the statements are printed and sent out every 4th of the month. Payments received are applied accordingly to the cycle the account is in when we receive it. The customer may want to consider setting up automatic monthly payments to prevent any confusion or inconsistency for future payment dates. Ms. [redacted] can call us at [redacted] to receive assistance in setting this up.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/11/04) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
In June 2 Payments were made. One on 6/2 and one on 6/18. The one on 6/18 I was paying for my July payment, but you credited towards another June payment. In July I didn't make a payment, assuming I had already made my July payment and you assessed a late fee. I made my regular payment for August on 7/30, still not knowing my account was in arrears and was assessed another late fee. In September, when I finally realized what was going on, I called in and spoke to several people, including a supervisor. Who told me that they could not help me with the payment issue, even though I had made an extra payment and should not have had to make an extra payment again to make things right on this account. IT"S A FREAKING COMPUTER....YOU CAN MAKE IT DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! SO I made the one regular payment for September. They removed the 2 late fees for July and August. I then made another payment on 9/17, but it was 2 days after the (due date)....so you is went and charged me another late fee, even though technically my account was NEVER late with the extra payment that I had made in June! That is why I had requested my account to be closed....which it has not been! And for you to remove the late fee assessed in September, which it has not been! And to remove any negative credit reporting!
Final Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2015/11/16) */
November 16, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota #[redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case #[redacted] - [redacted], [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Ms. [redacted] states that she made two payments in June, the first on June 2nd, and the second on June 18th. Ms. [redacted] did not specify the payment amounts. Our records indicate the only payment we received in June was for $243.00 on June 26th. This payment satisfied the minimum of $242.19 due by July 2nd, bringing her account current.
Ms. [redacted] states she made another payment on July 30, which our records do not reflect. The next payment received was not until August 15th, in the amount of $330.00.. As Ms. [redacted]'s due date was August 2, she received a late fee.
Ms. [redacted] further states that she made an additional payment on September 17th, "two days after the due date", and that she received a late fee. However, we do not show that we received any payments in September.
Per the customer's request, the account has been closed.
To clarify to Ms. [redacted], her Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account is an open-end/revolving account, and does not allow the option to pay it ahead. A payment exceeding the minimum amount due and/or multiple payments made within the same billing cycle may only satisfy the payment required for that month and that month only. As a resolution to this limitation, we recommend that she consider activating an "automatic recurring payment schedule." Many customers feel this provides them the assurance of meeting their monthly payment obligation while also freeing them from any extra time or trouble associated with making an individual payment each month.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/22) */
January 22, 2016
Revdex.com of Minnesota # [redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms....
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate on November 30, 2015 Mr. [redacted] purchased a South Shore Sparkling Twin Bookcase Headboard, a South Shore Sparkling Night Stand, a South Shore Sparkling 5-Drawer Chest - White, and a South Shore Sparkling Dresser - White.
On December 1, 2015 Mr. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut to cancel this order. We were able to cancel the shipment of the headboard. Please understand that we start filling orders as soon as possible and occasionally a product is already in the process of being shipping at the time a cancellation request is processed. This is what occurred in the case of the other items Mr. [redacted] ordered.
Mr. [redacted] refused delivery of the items and they were returned to one of our vendors. On December 28, 2015 we contacted our vendor and they confirmed they received the return of the night stand, drawer chest, and dresser.
A credit for the full purchase price of the items ($248.98 for the night stand, $366.99 for the drawer chest, and $404.99 for the dresser) was credited to Mr. [redacted]'s account on January 12, 2016. Mr. [redacted] will see these credits on his next monthly statement.
The interest that was charged for these items in the amount of $3.02 has been credited to Mr. [redacted]'s account on January 21, 2016.
As a courtesy to Mr. [redacted] we have also waived a late fee of $27.00 that was applied to his account on January 15, 2016. Two interest charges one for $22.77 and another for $19.29 were credited as well.
At this time Mr. [redacted]'s account balance is $282.17. A minimum payment of $20.99 is due by February 15, 2016.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted]. Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/01/22) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I am rejecting this response because:
The company did not even read my complaint. I am NOT on a fresh start account. My sister is however. I have a regular account that you people blocked because I had hanged my recurring payments. I do not want my account blocked because I simply chose to pay my bill early. Perhaps read my complaint before responding next time. Again this has nothing to do with a fresh start account.
I am rejecting this response because:
2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states he purchased a TV from Fingerhut and started making payments in January 2016. He states his balance is higher than he believes it should be. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] purchased a Seiki 32" 720p LED TV/DVD Combo on January 31, 2016. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] is making his payments on time, paying the required minimum amount due each month. While Mr. [redacted]’s balance on his account is decreasing, interest charges are still be assessed to his account. As a reminder to Mr. [redacted], his account is a revolving credit account. As such, it is subject to accrued interest charges whenever a balance is carried from one billing cycle to the next. The interest is calculated based on the account’s current Annual Percentage Rate of 25.15%, and the monthly charges will vary in relation to increases of reductions in the account balance from month to month. This information is covered in the Terms and Conditions of the account, which Mr. [redacted] agreed to when he applied for this credit account. According to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, he states Fingerhut has refunded $67.00 to his account, and requests that the remaining amount be refunded. We have no record of that exact amount being returned to Mr. [redacted]. We do, however, have record of Mr. [redacted] ordering an LG 32” Television on November 13, 2015, which was returned to us on December 8, 2015 because it was defective. An exact exchange was sent to Mr. [redacted] on December 8, 2015, and subsequently returned to us on January 29, 2016. The order total for the LG 32” Television was $529.98. No credit was given when the first television was returned because an exact exchange was set up. Upon return of the exchanged item, only the purchase price was credited, which left the original shipping and handling and the return label fee on the account. As a one-time courtesy, the shipping and handling, in the amount of $19.99, was credited on February 4, 2016. The return label fee, in the amount of $23.95, was credited as a one-time courtesy on February 8, 2016, to Mr. [redacted]’s credit card ending in [redacted]. At this time the current balance on Mr. [redacted]’s account is $275.42. A minimum payment of $20.99 is due by September 7, 2016. Mr. [redacted] can pay his balance down more quickly by making payments that are larger than the minimum amount due. If Mr. [redacted] has any further questions he may contact Fingerhut Customer Service at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday 8:00AM-8:00PM Central Standard Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/KS
I am rejecting this response because:
A member of the support staff sent me a set of hand cream. This persons reaponse is a result if her thinking that she is in fact doing me a favor when my orders met and exceeded thw requirements if the offer. Fingerhut is selling products which do not list colors or options that create these types of fraudulent situations.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION December 28, 2016 Revdex.com of Minnesota...
...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the recent inquiry that we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. Ms. [redacted] states she was told we did not receive her October 2016 payment, but then later that month she saw the payment was credited to her account. She states her payment was not late that month and the $24.36 late fee was our error, so she requests a refund for this late fee. Our investigation confirms that Ms. [redacted]’s due date is the 11th of every month. The issue she describes impacted her September 2016 payment. We agree Ms. [redacted] uses her bank’s Bill Pay service each month, which they send as a check by mail, not electronically. This check was dated and mailed “September 9, 2016,” and the Payment Department applies payments immediately upon receiving them. On September 12, 2016, a payment reminder call was made to Ms. [redacted], who stated we should have already received the payment. Records show we received the $30.00 payment on September 14, 2016, although it was applied with a back-date of September 10, 2016 and considered paid on time so no late fee resulted. However, as Ms. [redacted] states, she put a stop payment on this check, and it was returned to us as an invalid payment on September 21, 2016. This effectively meant her September 2016 payment had not been received, so a $24.36 late fee was assessed on the same date. The amount needed to bring the account current by the October 11, 2016 due date was $48.72, the combined total of September and October’s $24.36 required minimum due. We received a $30.00 payment on October 8, 2016, so the amount needed to bring the account current by her November 11, 2016 due was $43.08 with $18.72 of that being past due. The two $30.00 payments received on November 7 and November 11, 2016 paid the account current. Due to the unique circumstances, we have made an exception to our standard policy and credited the $24.36 late fee. It is already applied to her account and will reflect on a future statement for her records. Ms. [redacted] should request her Bill Pay payments be made electronically to ensure they are received and applied as quickly as possible or, if mailed, to do so at least a week in advance of her due date. Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/ah
I am rejecting this response because:In this...
letter, they are addressing details that are not a part of the complaint, and they are even adding in actions I have taken since the complaint.I placed this complaint on 11/16/2017 about what happened to me on 11/17/2017.What does it matter that I purchased another order on Nov. 20 2017? In this letter they decide to state:" Also, our records indicate on November 20, 2017 order number [redacted], was placed on our website for NOJE9 XBOX One X 1TB Console. Express shipping was added to the order. UPS tracking number [redacted] shows the order was delivered November 24, 2017 at 12:30pm. If Mr. [redacted] did not intend to place two orders for the XBOX One X 1TB Console, or if he is dissatisfied with his purchases, he may return the item(s) within our return policy, which states: "Please show me where in my complaint did I mention "I did not intend to place two orders?" It is also easy to see that since I placed this complaint on 11/16/2017 something I did on 11/20 2017 could not have been an issue addressed.This letter further adds insult to the situation, for they attempted to address the "probability" that "I made a mistake" instead of taking responsibility and ownership of the real problem which their Customer Service agents "intentionally" gave me the run around until it was time for them to get off of work, and then allowed me to be hung up on.But since they want to include the point that I purchased another order on Nov. 20, which is correct, well I would like to add that the point that I was able to go online, see that you were then advertising that you had xbox one x systems that were in stock, but yet did not satisfy my pre-order first kinda adds insult to injury. But now I believe I see what took place. Since the xbox one x order I placed on 11/20/2017 which is After my Order in October, was handled and shipped before my back ordered xbox, and not only that, I know someone else that purchased one On Nov 20, 2017 and their order was filled before my back order dated on Oct. 25, and their unit was handled and shipped before my back order, I get a better picture of what you really care about. You were willing to sacrifice back orders that did not "PAY" for "Faster Delivery" in preference for New orders placed almost a month after your back order that did "Pay" for "Faster Delivery." Shouldn't you have fulfilled / handled your back orders first?Also, what if I had not gotten on the website and just happen to check if it showed it had xbox one x units "in stock" and someone else would have ordered that one for "Faster shipping and handling", Humm, would I have been told that the Xbox one X was still on back order? So this situation sorta tells on itself.But even all of that that was just said, does not deal with the point that I received horrible customer service, but the worse part is that it was intentional.The phone call that you speak of stated (left a message) that they were calling about the xbox orders, no one never stated that they were calling about my Customer Service complaint. So that is why I did not rush to return the call, same way you have not rushed to satisfy me, your customer. So in your letter, you try to point out what may have been my fault, and all your irrelevant info about your return policy and all of that, which I can read and already understood, for it is posted well on your website and other documentation. Then you decide to act like you were addressing MY COMPLAINT. You say, "We apologize the assistance Mr. [redacted] received for his order was not to his satisfaction." but me being lied to that the CSR could not give me information about my order status, and kept putting me on hold, never let me speak to a supervisor, and then kept me on hold until your phones went dead, is to your satisfaction? Again, take ownership, not try to pass blame on me and then have someone with the same values as the CSR's that wasted my time did and have someone of equal ability and training (I guess) write me this letter and try to call me on the phone. That would have pissed me off even more anyway. Just like this letter is.By the way, I have been an international Executive CSR training instructor for a Top 25 Fortune company for many years, and I know the difference between a company that runs a customer service department that cares about their customers versus a company that cares about just making money.See finger hut is a way for people who credit may have been in bad standing to get started repairing it. I happen to have gone through a divorce that left my credit in less favorable conditions. So I took the initiative to repair it. So not everyone that get a finger hut account is a Middle School Drop out and may not be able to read and understand what is going on.But to have been treated the way I have, then to attempt to give a misdirected, across the board, Public Relations written explanation, (For this is not an apology) and think I will be satisfied is not happening.Did you look at your CSR software, to see that I had indeed called multiple times, the times of those calls and the outcome of those calls? So if you had, you would not be saying, "We apologize the assistance Mr. [redacted] received for his order was not to his satisfaction."So now I do not accept this as a resolution to this problem, and I will not return a phone call to another one of your so called CSR that obviously have not been properly trained to give "Customer Service" so that they can piss me off. So I will accept any further communication that you wish to furnish via Mail.Sincerely,[redacted] L. [redacted] Jr.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION August 19, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: [redacted] Case #: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We are writing in response to an inquiry received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut credit account. We have included a copy of the account activity, credit application, Terms and Conditions and last three statements. Ms. [redacted] states she been receiving calls and letters from a third party attempting to collect on her WebBank/Fingerhut credit account. Ms. [redacted] further states when she contacted Fingerhut she was advised her account was open but when she asked if it was legal to sell an open account, the representative ended the call. Ms. [redacted] states she would like to know if payment arrangements will stop the third party from contacting her and the legality of selling an open account. According to our records, on June 1, 2013, an application was processed online using Ms. [redacted]’s name, address and social security number. Since the application was completed online, a written signature was not required. On that same day an order was placed online for a Little Tikes Princess Cozy Coupe- 30th Anniversary, with a 2 Year Service Plan. The merchandise was shipped via UPS to the same address as provided on the application. Multiple payments were received from a checking account ending in [redacted] in the name of [redacted]. The most recent payment of $216.69 was received on April 12, 2016 and reversed by her bank on April 15, 2016. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut on August 10, 2016 inquiring about her account being sold to a third party collector and if making payment arrangements with Fingerhut would stop the calls and letters from the third party collector. Ms. [redacted] was advised by an account specialist that the account had not been sold and the call ended cordially. No payment arrangements have been made to date. According to our records Fingerhut has not attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] since May 23, 2016 on any of the telephone numbers associated with her account. Fingerhut still owns Ms. [redacted]’s account and it has not been sold to third party collector. To avoid additional late fees, collection activity and potentially negative reporting to the credit bureaus, a minimum payment of $702.52 is due by September 2, 2016. If Ms. [redacted] is unable to make the full minimum payment due, her account may qualify for a payment plan. She may contact our Billing Department at ###-###-#### to discuss payment options. Their hours are 7:00am to 9:00pm Monday through Thursday; 7:00am to 6:00pm Friday; and 7:00am to noon Saturday Central Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Kari [redacted] Executive Care Team KD/sa Enclosures
2017 ...⇄ #[redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. In Mr. [redacted]’s inquiry he states his identity was stolen and an LCD TV was delivered to him. After researching, Mr. [redacted] found that a Gettington account was opened in his name fraudulently. Mr. [redacted] contacted us after he received a bill for the TV and advised us he would be returning the TV. He states he emailed us multiple times but has never gotten a response. Mr. [redacted] is requesting the charges be credited to the account and for the account to be closed and removed from his credit file. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s information was used to open an account on our website on October 7, 2016. The order for the TV was placed the same day, shipped and was delivered on October 17, 2016 to the address we have on file for Mr. [redacted]. On October 16, 2016 we received a payment of $449.98. On October 20, 2016 we received a call from Mr. [redacted] advising us that he did not open the account or place the order. Mr. [redacted] advised the agent he would be returning the TV. The agent placed a hold on the account to prevent any additional orders from being placed and sent an “affidavit of unauthorized use” for Mr. [redacted] to complete and return to us. On October 28, 2016 the payment of $449.98 was reversed as we were notified the payment did not clear the bank. Since the payment was reversed a late fee was assessed to the account. On November 8, 2016 our Fraud Department received the completed affidavit and a letter was sent to Mr. [redacted] advising him a police report was required in order for our Fraud Department to complete the investigation of unauthorized use. On November 16, 2016 Mr. [redacted] contacted us by phone and the agent explained a copy of the police report is required to complete the investigation. The agent sent another affidavit and Mr. [redacted] advised us he would be sending a copy of the police report and that he would be returning the item for credit. On December 19, 2016 the TV was received and credit was issued for the full price of $449.98. However, as Mr. [redacted] was already advised, no further credits will be issued until we receive the required police report. If the local police department will not file a report, Mr. [redacted] needs to provide documentation that no police report can be filed along with the officer’s name, precinct name and phone number. To expedite Mr. [redacted] may fax the information directly to our Fraud Department at ###-###-#### or by mail to [redacted] Saint Cloud, MN. 56303. Additionally, we only have record of receiving three emails from Mr. [redacted]. The first email was received on January 4, 2017 and Mr. [redacted] was questioning the status of the account. A reply was sent to Mr. [redacted] advising him to contact our Fraud Department for additional information. The second email was received on February 1, 2017. We have no record of a reply being sent to Mr. [redacted] in reference to this contact. We sincerely apologize for this oversight on our part. The last email was received on March 30, 2017 in which Mr. [redacted] stated he did not want to file a police report for late fees and interest charges. An agent from our Fraud Department attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] back by phone and a message was left advising Mr. [redacted] to contact our Fraud Department. If Mr. [redacted] has further questions or concerns he may contact our Fraud Department at ###-###-####, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT. Thank you for allowing us to explain and assist. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION August 7, 2017 Better Business...
Bureau of Minnesota �...⇄ [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the rebuttal we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. We take the privacy and protection of our customer accounts very seriously and dedicate resources to identify, resolve and permanently correct issues. In the interest of confidentiality, we have attached our response for the consumer to review. Sincerely, Vi [redacted]Executive Care Team VF/jg
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION June 30, 2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states the number he wanted to remove from his contact information is still appearing on our website under his account. As we have stated previously, the secondary phone number on his account has been removed from our call list on June 16, 2016. We will not be placing any further telephone calls to that number, however we cannot delete the number from your account. If Mr. [redacted] would like to change the number on his account he can contact Fingerhut Customer Service at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM Central Standard Time. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/KS
I am rejecting this response because:I been...
requested this account to be paid. You fail to recognize that your agents informed me that the account was charged off and they denied me to make a payment. I contacted Fingerhut in good faith last year to settle this. I informed you all that the bankruptcy was dismissed myself. If I had no intention of making this account right, I would have never called fingerhut after a 2 year debt. Even when I spoke to them last month, they stated you can make a payment but its charged off, its pointless. You are not accurately reporting anything to the credit bureaus. All I wanted to do was make this right and settle this debt.
I am rejecting this response because:
Finger hits response is inaccurate and misleading. First of all Fingerhuts request for a snapshot would only result my current account info. They know that. That's why they are requesting it. There is no way to turn back time to get a snapshot of the amount of money available to me before my orders. Also the way the account is set up is similar to a regular purchase or withdraw from a bank. When I made the first order the amount I spent was AUTOMATICALLY DEDUCTED from my account. It didn't take 2 business days for the amount I spent to be deducted from my account and consequently the same amount was available to me for my viewing pleasure on my online account. I believe the burden of proof should be Fingerhuts responsibility. Based on their experience with me I've been a responsible customer. Unfortunately for me Fingerhut has not been a irresponsible vendor to deal with. Let's face it, if they hadn't screwed so many customers over they would have never had to create a department just to deal with this issue. I found their statement that they couldn't withdraw the negative credit info due to their commitment to report only accurate info(by law) comical due to the fact the info was anything but accurate. It's David Vs Goliath They screwed me and my family and will continue to behave in an irresponsible manner to others. Nothing will change. I'll close by adding I paid my payment to Fingerhut this month as a responsible person should do. All Fingerhut did in regards to my account was lie and disregard a ligitimate concern and good customer and his family.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION July 20, 2016 Revdex.com of Minnesota ...
# [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a recent credit line change on his WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states his credit limit had been as high as $800 but has since been reduced. He claims this could have been done by a supervisor as it coincided around the time of their conversation. He is requesting his credit limit be restored to $800 as before. Please understand that in the contract agreement terms and conditions Mr. [redacted] agreed to upon accepting our credit offer and opening his account, under the section titled “Available Credit,” it states, in part: “We may increase or reduce your credit limit, or suspend or terminate your Account, at any time with or without cause. We will provide notice to you to the extent required by applicable law.” Any reduction, increase or other change to a line of credit is the result of ongoing, systematic monitoring of account activity data, such as payment history for example. This information may pertain to the Fingerhut credit account as well as a customer’s credit history as a whole. As a result of this process, on July 6, 2016, Mr. [redacted]’s credit limit was reduced from $800 to its current limit of $350. The order he placed on the same date for a Sony PlayStation 4 Console with game was cancelled by us as the cost exceeded Mr. [redacted]’s updated credit limit. On July 7, 2016, a letter enumerating the detailed reasons for our decision to reduce the credit limit was sent to Mr. [redacted]. He should allow a few more days to receive this letter if it has not yet arrived. We are unable to change his credit limit at this time, but accounts are reviewed up to ten times a year, and should Mr. [redacted] again qualify for an increase, he will be notified accordingly by email or regular mail. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/ah
I have reviewed the response...
made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They openly admitted that they called all these numbers that they have for me saying they were tied to my account. I also have the call logs to verify how many times they called.
I am rejecting this response because:
agreement was that the payment was to be made by April 1, 2018. The second and third by May 1, 2018 and June 3, 2018. The March 30, 2018 payment came as that is when my check came. This check is not scheduled due until the 1st of each month. With the exceptions of the 1st being on a holiday or weekend, in these cases, the payment for said check is on the business day before the 1st. This resulted in the March 30, 2018 payment for April 1, 2018. April 1, 2018 was on a Sunday, the business day before was March 30, 2018. I would like the schedule to reflect the proper dates as I cannot pay when I do not have, and the due date on the account is the 1st of each month, not the 30th of the month. My next pay is scheduled for May 1, 2018, this is due to both the payment due on account has been the 1st of each month, and my check not coming until the 1st of each month with the exceptions stated. I do not have a guaranteed 30 of each month payment as the funds are not there. When I do get my checks I do make payments at that time. So if the payment is due on the 1st and the 1st would be a holiday (January 1 for example) I would be paid the 31st, 30th, 29th or 28th (this is dependent on whether there is a weekend just before the 1st [which would be a Monday for the holiday, the Sunday and Saturday being before would put payment on the previous Friday]). My check is guaranteed by the 1st of each month. As stated, the March 30, 2018 was the Friday before April 1, 2018 (Sunday April 1, 2018 not business day, Saturday, March 31, 2018 not business day, Friday March 30, 2018, Business day before April 1, 2018). The next day guaranteed is Tuesday, May 1, 2018. This is why I had told the first of each month. I am not guaranteed that the check will be there on the thirtieth of April or of May.
I am rejecting this response because:
I understand that I have late fees on the account but I agreed on March or April for my payments automatic monthly payment to be taken out monthly so they can be paid on time and not get reported for being late and they never took out the payments from my account. I have a 30 day past due in my credit report because of them not putting me on monthly automatic withdrawal when I agreed to do so. They said that they have all calls recorded then they should check the last time I called them and they will see I did agreed to get my payments off every month
I am rejecting this response because:
I am rejecting this response because:Response is inaccurate and seeks to shift the blame. The law does not require that a payment history be provided, another lie. I am sorry I ever got mixed up with this 2nd rate company
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/29) */
s went and charged me another late fee, even though technically my account was NEVER late with the extra payment that I had made in June! That is why I had requested my account to be closed....which it has not been! And for you to remove the late fee assessed in September, which it has not been! And to remove any negative credit reporting!
October 29, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case #[redacted] - [redacted], [redacted]
Dear Ms....
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Ms. [redacted] states that she made her June payment on June 2, 2015. Our records show a minimum due of $329.57 was due June 2, and we received $255 on May 19. We show that we received a payment of $243 on June 26; this covered her July payment of $242.19 which was due July 2, 2015. She did not receive a late fee for this payment, as she brought her account current for July. We show that $160. 74 was due by August 2. When we did not receive a payment by this date, she received a late fee.
The due date for the customer is the 2nd of each month, and the cycle date is the 4th, meaning the statements are printed and sent out every 4th of the month. Payments received are applied accordingly to the cycle the account is in when we receive it. The customer may want to consider setting up automatic monthly payments to prevent any confusion or inconsistency for future payment dates. Ms. [redacted] can call us at [redacted] to receive assistance in setting this up.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/11/04) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
In June 2 Payments were made. One on 6/2 and one on 6/18. The one on 6/18 I was paying for my July payment, but you credited towards another June payment. In July I didn't make a payment, assuming I had already made my July payment and you assessed a late fee. I made my regular payment for August on 7/30, still not knowing my account was in arrears and was assessed another late fee. In September, when I finally realized what was going on, I called in and spoke to several people, including a supervisor. Who told me that they could not help me with the payment issue, even though I had made an extra payment and should not have had to make an extra payment again to make things right on this account. IT"S A FREAKING COMPUTER....YOU CAN MAKE IT DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! SO I made the one regular payment for September. They removed the 2 late fees for July and August. I then made another payment on 9/17, but it was 2 days after the (due date)....so you i
Final Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2015/11/16) */
November 16, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota #[redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case #[redacted] - [redacted], [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Ms. [redacted] states that she made two payments in June, the first on June 2nd, and the second on June 18th. Ms. [redacted] did not specify the payment amounts. Our records indicate the only payment we received in June was for $243.00 on June 26th. This payment satisfied the minimum of $242.19 due by July 2nd, bringing her account current.
Ms. [redacted] states she made another payment on July 30, which our records do not reflect. The next payment received was not until August 15th, in the amount of $330.00.. As Ms. [redacted]'s due date was August 2, she received a late fee.
Ms. [redacted] further states that she made an additional payment on September 17th, "two days after the due date", and that she received a late fee. However, we do not show that we received any payments in September.
Per the customer's request, the account has been closed.
To clarify to Ms. [redacted], her Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account is an open-end/revolving account, and does not allow the option to pay it ahead. A payment exceeding the minimum amount due and/or multiple payments made within the same billing cycle may only satisfy the payment required for that month and that month only. As a resolution to this limitation, we recommend that she consider activating an "automatic recurring payment schedule." Many customers feel this provides them the assurance of meeting their monthly payment obligation while also freeing them from any extra time or trouble associated with making an individual payment each month.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/22) */
January 22, 2016
Revdex.com of Minnesota # [redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms....
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate on November 30, 2015 Mr. [redacted] purchased a South Shore Sparkling Twin Bookcase Headboard, a South Shore Sparkling Night Stand, a South Shore Sparkling 5-Drawer Chest - White, and a South Shore Sparkling Dresser - White.
On December 1, 2015 Mr. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut to cancel this order. We were able to cancel the shipment of the headboard. Please understand that we start filling orders as soon as possible and occasionally a product is already in the process of being shipping at the time a cancellation request is processed. This is what occurred in the case of the other items Mr. [redacted] ordered.
Mr. [redacted] refused delivery of the items and they were returned to one of our vendors. On December 28, 2015 we contacted our vendor and they confirmed they received the return of the night stand, drawer chest, and dresser.
A credit for the full purchase price of the items ($248.98 for the night stand, $366.99 for the drawer chest, and $404.99 for the dresser) was credited to Mr. [redacted]'s account on January 12, 2016. Mr. [redacted] will see these credits on his next monthly statement.
The interest that was charged for these items in the amount of $3.02 has been credited to Mr. [redacted]'s account on January 21, 2016.
As a courtesy to Mr. [redacted] we have also waived a late fee of $27.00 that was applied to his account on January 15, 2016. Two interest charges one for $22.77 and another for $19.29 were credited as well.
At this time Mr. [redacted]'s account balance is $282.17. A minimum payment of $20.99 is due by February 15, 2016.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted]. Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/01/22) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)