...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. In Ms. [redacted]’s inquiry she indicates that when she contacted us regarding her disability and loss of work, we requested she provide more information and upon supplying us with the additional information we advised her that she did not start her SafeLine coverage until after she was injured. Ms. [redacted] is requesting her account to be cleared, collection efforts to stop, an apology and for her credit report to be updated. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] enrolled in SafeLine Plus Account Protection at the time the credit application was completed on our website on December 5, 2011. Ms. [redacted] would have received terms and conditions for her SafeLine Plus Account Protection plan, sent out the following day separately from her credit account terms and conditions. The monthly fee for the SafeLine Plus plan is $1.19 per $100 of the total balance of the WebBank/Fingerhut Credit Account at the end of each monthly billing cycle. SafeLine Plus is a program designed to assist the customer in making their payments should the customer experience a covered event such as unemployment, disability, a major life event, or a change in primary residence impacting the account holder. When a benefit application is received and approved, the plan will cover the current minimum payment due on a customer’s credit account during a covered event for 1 to 12 months, depending on the benefit. For some benefit events, like death or foreclosure, SafeLine Plus will waive the entire balance as of the date of the event (up to the assigned credit limit) providing all conditions are met. In November of 2013, Ms. [redacted] would also have received updated terms and conditions for the program when additional benefit events were added to the program. According to our records Ms. [redacted] contacted our SafeLine Services team via our website on February 4, 2015 to initiate a disability benefit which she indicated began on September 8, 2014. On February 5, 2015 the disability benefit form was mailed to Ms. [redacted] at the address we have on file for her of [redacted] New Bern, NC. 28562. On March 18, 2015 another disability benefit form was mailed to the same address. We have no record of receiving the completed benefit form from Ms. [redacted] and as a result, on May 6, 2015 the disability benefit initiation was closed and a letter was mailed advising Ms. [redacted] of the benefit initiation closure. On May 16, 2015 Ms. [redacted] initiated the care for sick family member benefit. On May 18, 2015 the benefit form was mailed to the address we have on file for Ms. [redacted]. After receiving no response from Ms. [redacted], another benefit form was sent on June 29, 2015. On August 17, 2015 the benefit initiation was closed since we did not receive the completed benefit form from Ms. [redacted]. On September 11, 2015 one of the benefit forms we sent to Ms. [redacted] was returned to us and marked as undeliverable by the post office. On September 17, 2015 SafeLine Services attempted to reach Ms. [redacted] by phone to verify the mailing address. A voicemail message was left at the phone number we have on file for Ms. [redacted] requesting her to contact us back to verify the mailing address. We have no record of Ms. [redacted] contacting us to verify the mailing address. Additionally, on October 8, 2015, Ms. [redacted] attempted to initiate a disability benefit online. Ms. [redacted] entered the date of disability as July 23, 2014. Per the SafeLine Plus terms and conditions, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact SafeLine Services within one year of the date the disability initially occurred. The Disability benefit was denied since the date Ms. [redacted] filed the benefit occurred beyond the one year requirement. Please understand we attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] several times regarding her benefits without any response. Ms. [redacted]’s SafeLine Plus Account Protection has been in a suspended status since October 23, 2015. Due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]’s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on April 21, 2016 and then sold to Jefferson Capital on June 1, 2016. Jefferson Capital will mail a notice within 7 days of the account purchase. For any further assistance Ms. [redacted] should need regarding this debt, she should contact Jefferson Capital at ###-###-####. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.Thank you, I greatly appreciate this matter being resolved. I only ask that this be removed from my credit report ASAP. TThank you!
...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted]– [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Please see attached letter(s) of response as it exceeds the 2,000 max character count.
[redacted]Hello and I would like to respond to this complaint by first offering my sincerest apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused the complainant. We did notify the complainant of this delinquent account, in writing on May -28-2016. We also offered the complainant payment...
arrangements. We were notified by complainant to cease communications with her on July- 15-2016 ,and we did so immediately, and have not contacted nor will we contact complainant again in the future in regards to this account.Please have the complainant contact me directly if she needs anything else .Thanks,Nick
Whom it May Concern, the enclosed attachment will show despite company's assertion account is closed the online page reflects current available spending credit. I wish account to be currently closed with NEW closure letter sent & reported to all credit bureaus. Sincerely, [redacted] ____________________________________________________________ The Unusual Link Between Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil (Watch) Memory Repair Protocol http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3131/5a399c7fbd9841c7e2052st04vuc
2017 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. In Mr. [redacted]’s letter, he states two promotions were offered, and not provided on his order. Mr. [redacted] is requesting for these promotion codes to be applied to his order. After reviewing Mr. [redacted]’s account, we show the promotions codes he provided to our customer service representatives were not valid at the time and came from a third party program. Unfortunately, we are not responsible for advertisements listed on affiliate websites which have expired or are not valid offers made by Fingerhut. We recommend that Mr. [redacted] please contact the website that advertised the offer for further assistance. If Mr. [redacted] would like to receive promotion codes from us, he can sign up for promotional emails via our website, Fingerhut.com. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If Mr. [redacted] has any further questions or concerns regarding his account, he may contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####, between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, Central Time, Monday-Friday. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/AH
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/28) */
January 26, 2016
# [redacted]
Revdex.com of Minnesota
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] placed an order on November 17, 2015 for an Asus 15.6" HD 4GB Windows 10 Laptop Computer, a MyPlace Laptop Workstation, a Markwins 76 pc. Beauty Train Case and an Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Care Set totaling $731.91. The balance on Mr. [redacted]'s account prior to this order was $1,186.16.
On November 18, 2015 and November 19, 2015, Mr. [redacted] placed additional orders totaling $777.86. A systematic review is completed at the time an order is placed and based on payment history and other determining factors, an order may be approved for more than the credit limit on the account. There are no fees charged for being over limit. Mr. [redacted]'s orders were approved and shipped to him due to this systematic review. While the systematic review will allow an order to be placed and processed initially, no further orders can be placed on the account while it is over limit.
We received the return of the Laptop on January 4, 2016. According to our records, Mr. [redacted] indicated on the return reason form that he was returning the Laptop for credit because he did not like the product. When the return was processed Mr. [redacted]'s account was credited $386.04. Mr. [redacted] also received previous credits in the amount of $14.99 and $28.96 for promotional code discounts. We have credited the original shipping and handling for the Laptop as a courtesy and the credit will be reflected on a future billing.
On December 9, 2015, Mr. [redacted]'s monthly billing statement was sent to the address we have on file for him. The minimum payment due by January 5, 2016 was $69.99. We did not receive the payment and a late fee was assessed per the terms and conditions Mr. [redacted] agreed to at the time he opened the account.
On January 11, 2016 Mr. [redacted] spoke to an agent in our Billing Department and inquired about the Laptop. The agent advised Mr. [redacted] that the Laptop had been credited and offered to take a payment to bring the account current so Mr. [redacted] could reorder the Laptop. Mr. [redacted] requested his account to be closed and the agent closed the account per Mr. [redacted]'s request.
Mr. [redacted] attempted to place an order on January 13, 2016 and on January 20, 2016 on our website. The orders were unable to process due to the account being closed. Mr. [redacted] also requested no further letters or phone calls from us. Per his request a Cease and Desist was placed on his account. A confirmation letter for the Cease and Desist was mailed to Mr. [redacted] at the address we have on file on January 12, 2016.
On January 21, 2016 a payment was received of $64.99. Since the minimum payment due was $69.99 the account is still past due. It is important to make the minimum payment by the due date each month to avoid late fees.
Additionally, due to Mr. [redacted]'s account being closed, we cannot place any further orders on his account and we are unable to send the Laptop.
We have received the faxes Mr. [redacted] sent to us on January 14, 2016 and January 19, 2016 regarding this issue and we will send a copy of this letter in response directly to the address we have on file for Mr. [redacted].
Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
I am rejecting this response because:
As I stated before, I have been a customer of Fingerhuts, in good standing, for a couple years now so I am constantly receiving some type of sale or "special." Several others in the past have been shady, but this one truly tops them all off. I sent copies of these advertisements and I hope my camera allowed everyone to see just how small the "details" was and how in the emails you would scroll down and it would have all the catagories, leading the customer to believe it truly was "SITEWIDE" I know we all have received sales notifications before and usually when they advertise a specific percentage off, there is an asterisk nearby and I do mean nearby, some are actually located on the number amount that is being advertised. Or there is parenthesis with the items not included close by the advertised number amount of the sale. Not some tiny, font 1 probably where people cannot see it. And to use the word SITEWIDE is another deceptive use of that word as I also included the long list of categories NOT included. You cant in all good conscience use the word Sitewide and it turn out to be only a couple categories. That in itself is deceptive. Sitewide should mean just that, SITEWIDE. A complete misuse of that word.Folks, there is no good reason to have advertising like this. So misleading, so deceptive, all it does is anger the consumer and they spend time picking out items they wish to purchase when in reality, there are very FEW categories that are included in this so called SITEWIDE sale. Why cant Fingerhut be honest and up front from the beginning in their advertising? Whats so wrong with that?And what about your rude employees? "Oh, this is the way it is..." and "Its legal..." hey, I didnt know you were an attorney!I am tired of being "played' by these big companies. There is no need to trick your consumers, which is what Fingerhut did. How about 20% off certain categories or items? Then the consumer would know that only certain items were on sale from the beginning. Just be honest and up front about everything. I spent allot of time researching and reading all their various laptops available through Fingerhut. After I picked several out after reading all the details on the ones Fingerhut had, I then took the ones I considered and researched them separately.I am tired of these games Fingerhut plays on their consumers. So no, this is NOT acceptable. Fingerhut was out of line here, deceptive, misleading and a complete waste of time when it didnt have to be that way if they just had truth in advertising.
...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted]– [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Ms. [redacted] indicates she placed an order for 2 daybeds with trundles and when she received the shipment, she received two packages that only contained the sides of the daybeds. She contacted Customer Service and was advised the missing parts would be delivered by December 22, 2016. Ms. [redacted] received a phone call from a supervisor in December 16, 2016 and was advised of an advertising error on the website at the time she placed the order. The supervisor advised Ms. [redacted] she could either return the two packages she received for full credit or she could purchase the other parts of the daybed for $300.00 per bed. Ms. [redacted] is requesting to have the remaining parts of the daybeds sent free of charge. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] placed an order on December 7, 2016 on our website for 2 of the Springfield Daybeds w/Trundle for a total of $192.38. The items shipped on December 8, 2016 and were delivered shortly after to the address we have on file for Ms. [redacted]. On December 9, 2016 Ms. [redacted] contacted us to advise she only received the sides of the daybeds and was missing the front(s), back(s) and trundle(s). The agent referred this information to our Parts Department to have the missing parts sent to Ms. [redacted]. As a precaution the agent also referred this information to a merchandise specialist for further verification and research of the extensive parts that were missing from the shipment. On December 12, 2016 the merchandise specialist referred their findings for further clarification of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Upon the conclusion of the merchandise specialists investigation on December 16, 2016 a supervisor contacted Ms. [redacted] and advised her of the advertising error on our website. The supervisor indicated the item number and pricing on our website was only 1 carton of the 3 separate cartons that make up the complete daybed. Ms. [redacted] requested for the missing cartons to be sent free of charge and the supervisor advised Ms. [redacted] the cartons could not be sent at no cost. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Ms. [redacted]. To complete Ms. [redacted]’s order for the daybeds we would need to place an order for the missing cartons (2 of QM706 and 2 of QM732). The cost for each of the additional cartons is $129.99 each for a total of $519.96 (4 x $129.99). As a courtesy we will waive the shipping and handling for the remaining cartons. If Ms. [redacted] would like to place the order for the remaining cartons needed she may contact a member of our Executive Care Team at ###-###-#### for assistance with placing the order. If Ms. [redacted] would like to return the cartons she has already received she may do so by using the postage paid return labels that came with the order or she may print the return labels needed directly from our website www.fingerhut.com by clicking on our Return Center link. If Ms. [redacted] has further questions she may contact Customer Service at ###-###-####, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM CT. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. i guess there ain't nuttin I can do about it but why does it take going to the Revdex.com to get an honest responce from someone at there company is beyond me
We are not able to locate a prospective account with the given information, can you please submit the cr from the back of the catalog you are receiving? Thank you [redacted]copied and pasted from email.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2015/08/10) */
August 10, 2015
# [redacted]
Revdex.com of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am...
writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. We sincerely apologize for any difficulty Mr. [redacted] experienced as a result of the issue outlined in the inquiry.
Our investigation confirms that Mr. [redacted] placed an order on July 4, 2015 for a MasterCraft Convertible Electric Trimmer & Edger and two (2) packages of Heat and Drought Grass Seed. The total cost of the order was $222.42. Mr. [redacted] paid this order in full with the $222.42 payment he made on July 14, 2015.
On July 16, 2015, he placed a new order for a Boss DVD Bluetooth Car Stereo with 7-inch Touch Screen. Because the total cost exceeded Mr. [redacted]'s credit limit, he paid the overage of $130 with a credit card. It was shipped the next day on July 17, 2015.
On the same date, our Credit Risk Department attempted to cancel the order for the stereo, but could not stop it in time. A request was made to the shipping carrier, United Parcel Service (UPS), to have the stereo returned to sender. UPS received our notification on July 20, 2015 and proceeded to send it back to us.
The Credit Risk Department policy is such that when a customer is in the status category of "new" and makes a large payment of $100 or more, they will put a hold on the account for 14 days. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that the large payment clears the bank. If there is a new order that exceeds the credit limit while this hold is in effect, they will cancel the order or request the return of the package if it has already been shipped.
This was the case with Mr. [redacted]'s order as it met all of the above criteria (despite his credit card payment covering the amount exceeding his credit limit).
Mr. [redacted] received full credit for the stereo, including the Express shipping/handling charge, when it was returned to us on July 28, 2015. On the same date, an electronic refund of $130 was issued back to his MasterCard ending '3140'. This should have already posted as a credit back to his card; if not, he should allow a few more days for it to process.
Our records indicate that a Credit Risk agent advised Mr. [redacted] by phone of these reasons for the intercepted package on July 23, 2015.
While we understand this process may be a frustrating inconvenience to our customers, it remains a necessary service and precaution that is intended for their protection, as well as our own. We again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].
As the payment Mr. [redacted] made on his account cleared, the hold has been removed. Mr. [redacted] is now able to repurchase the Boss DVD Bluetooth Car Stereo with 7-inch Touch Screen should he wish to.
Thank you for the opportunity to assist and explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 10, 2015/08/21) */
2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted]Attn: [redacted]220 S River Ridge CircleBurnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. In Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, she states that the microwave she received from us stopped working, and she contacted us regarding the one year service plan. She was told the one year warranty would not be covered until June 21, 2016, and that someone would be getting in touch with her in seven to ten days. When asked if she could return the microwave to us for credit, Ms. [redacted] was advised it was outside of our return timeframe. She has requested a refund for the microwave, including tax and shipping, or a brand new microwave made by a different manufacturer. We are sorry to hear that the microwave has become defective and that Ms. [redacted] was dissatisfied with the customer service she has received. We, at Gettington, strive for exceptional customer service in all interactions with our customers and sincerely apologize if this was not provided to her. We contacted Ms. [redacted] by phone on June 20, 2016 and spoke with her regarding this issue. Since the item is outside our 90 day return policy and the service plan is not yet in effect, Ms. [redacted] has confirmed that she would like a refund for the defective microwave. As such, we have sent a pre-paid return label to Ms. [redacted] so she may return the defective microwave to us at no charge to her. Upon receipt and inspection of the return, which typically takes 10 to 15 days from the date it is mailed back to us, a refund will be issued to Ms. [redacted]. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Ms. [redacted] may call our Executive Care Team at ###-###-#### if she has any further questions. Sincerely, Vi [redacted]Executive Care Team VF/jm
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/08/17) */
August 11, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota # XXXXXXXXXX
Attn: [redacted] S [redacted] XXXXX
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate that on November 26, 2014 Ms. [redacted] ordered a NCAA Fairway Stand Golf Bag. This item was then returned on December 22, 2014. We received the return, however there was a delay in credit being applied to Ms. [redacted]'s account. Ms. [redacted] was issued full credit for the item on July 31, 2014. In addition to the credit, we also credited finance charges that were accrued by this item.
We sincerely apologize for the delay in issuing a credit to Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. However, Ms. [redacted] made an additional purchase on November 29, 2014, for which we did not receive payments beyond January 9, 2015.
When a payment is not received on our customer's WebBank/Fingerhut Credit Account, our Payment Department will phone with payment reminders and if our Payment Department does not speak directly with our customer, they will continue to call until they are able to reach them and discuss the payment that is owed on the account.
Our records indicate that due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on August 7, 2015. As of the date on this letter the minimum due is $362.24.
We have updated the information on Ms. [redacted]'s credit reporting to reflect the change in balance due to the delayed return of the item outlined above. We advise to allow up to 60 days for the update to process.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 9, 2015/08/18) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have made numerous attempts to resolve this matter with fingerhut. All of which went unanswered. I had been hung up on several times by their customer service department and I informed them that I will not be making a payment until this matter was cleared. I do not understand why it took 8 months for this matter to be resolved. Why is it okay for the company to take their time to repay the customer, but not okay for the customer to get angry with the business for the same problem. My husband and I made several attempts to contact fingerhut, when calling from my phone the number would say the department was closed and to try back another time. My husband was able to get to customer service by using another number, to which we can only assume my number was blocked. Making it impossible for this issue to be resolved. I do not appreciate the negative credit reporting on my account nor do you think this account should have been sent to collections. I do not understand how this is not a criminal act against the consumer. This account balance needs to be cleared I have more then paid my debt to this company with the time and energy spent trying to make this right. They should be ashamed of their actions.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2015/08/25) */
August 20, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota # XXXXXXXXXX
Attn: [redacted] S [redacted] XXXXX
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted], Gina
Dear Ms. [redacted]
I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. Gina [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
As we stated in our last letter, our records indicate that on November 26, 2014 Ms. [redacted] ordered a NCAA Fairway Stand Golf Bag. This item was then returned on December 22, 2014. We received the return, however there was a delay in credit being applied to Ms. [redacted]'s account. Ms. [redacted] was issued full credit for the item on July 31, 2014. In addition to the credit, we also credited finance charges that were accrued by this item.
We would like to sincerely apologize again for the delay in issuing the credit her Ms. [redacted]'s account.
As we have previously stated, Ms. [redacted] made an additional purchase on November 29, 2014, for which we did not receive payments beyond January 9, 2015. Ms. [redacted] is responsible for payments on this item.
Our records indicate that due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on August 7, 2015. As of the date on this letter the minimum due is $362.24.
Additionally, as Ms. [redacted] is aware we have updated her credit report reflecting the change in balance. As previously stated Ms. [redacted] should allow up to 60 days for the update to process.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
I am accepting the result (cancellation and no charge) but I am rejecting their argument that I knowingly entered into this contract to get enrolled in this program.Their advertisement was very nasty. They know how to entrap customers in clicking the icon to enroll them in an expensive program without even noticing the details of the program. They entice customers with deceptive tactics. They should change this business practice. I demand that they conduct more ethical business practice and request their apology.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The stove was picked up on Saturday July 16th, 2016 at approximately 2 pm. The took it out of the original box and left it for me to dispose of because it had been cut open in order for pictures of the damage to be taken and sent to Fingerhut. They had me sign paperwork that they were picking it up but didn't leave me a copy. I will assume this is now their responsibility and my involvement is over. Thanks for finally making this pickup happen.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION November 23, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in regard to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of [redacted]’s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states that when he received the LG 49” Smart TV from us the screen was broken. He states that he was unable to use the return label that had been included with his package and was unable to get a prepaid return label from us to return the TV. He also states he wants a replacement TV sent to him and that the original TV was not properly packaged. We apologize that Mr. [redacted] had difficulty in obtaining a prepaid return label. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] contacted us on multiple occasions to receive a prepaid return label, and that he was sent an incorrect label initially. The correct label was sent to him on November 11, 2016. We received the return of the TV on November 18, 2016 and an exact exchange was shipped out to him on that same date. The tracking information for the replacement TV indicates it is in transit with Pilot Freight Services. The tracking/shipment number is [redacted], and it has an estimated delivery date of December 6, 2016. We will pass along Mr. [redacted]’s concern about how the original TV was packaged, to the appropriate department. If Mr. [redacted] has additional questions or concerns, he may contact us via email at www.fingerhut.com/customerservice or by calling us at ###-###-####, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm, Monday through Friday, Central Time. Thank you for this opportunity to assist. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION November 14, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account for [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] states that he and his mother each placed one order from Fingerhut, and that he’s been receiving calls about the account being past due. He also states that the monthly payment has doubled on both his purchase and his mothers. Mr. [redacted] also states that he has not been allowed to talk to someone about his mother’s account, even though he assists her with her bills. In regards to Mr. [redacted]’s account, our records indicate he placed an order on August 23, 2016, for a GPX 32” LED TV. A statement was printed on September 16, 2016 and sent to Mr. [redacted] indicating his minimum payment due was $23.99 and it was due on October 15, 2016. We did not receive a payment until October 31, 2016. The payment was for $23.99, but was received sixteen days after the due date. A second statement was printed on October 19, 2016, indicating the Mr. [redacted]’s minimum amount due was now $47.98 and due by November 15, 2016. This is because we did not receive the October payment by the due date. When the November statement was created, the minimum amount due included both October and November’s amount due. Mr. [redacted]’s account was assessed a late fee on October 15, 2016, in the amount of $23.99, because we didn’t receive his payment on time. Our records indicate his next payment is due November 15, 2016 in the amount of $23.99. Mr. [redacted] may make his payment on our website, www.fingerhut.com, or in our automated system at ###-###-####, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If Mr. [redacted] chooses to make a payment with an agent, the number he may call is also ###-###-####, but a fee of $5.00 may be assessed. Mr. [redacted]’s next statement will print on November 19, 2016. In regards to his mother’s account, we are unable to assist Mr. [redacted] with the account unless he can send in proof of Power of Attorney, showing he’s been granted legal rights to manage the account on his mother’s behalf. We apologize if this is inconvenient for them, but take our customer’s privacy seriously. If Mr. [redacted] obtains Power of Attorney, he may fax the documentation to us at ###-###-####, Attention: Account Support, or he may mail it to us at: Customer Service [redacted] St. Cloud, MN 56303. Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team
...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. In Ms. [redacted]’s inquiry she indicates that when she contacted us regarding her disability and loss of work, we requested she provide more information and upon supplying us with the additional information we advised her that she did not start her SafeLine coverage until after she was injured. Ms. [redacted] is requesting her account to be cleared, collection efforts to stop, an apology and for her credit report to be updated. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] enrolled in SafeLine Plus Account Protection at the time the credit application was completed on our website on December 5, 2011. Ms. [redacted] would have received terms and conditions for her SafeLine Plus Account Protection plan, sent out the following day separately from her credit account terms and conditions. The monthly fee for the SafeLine Plus plan is $1.19 per $100 of the total balance of the WebBank/Fingerhut Credit Account at the end of each monthly billing cycle. SafeLine Plus is a program designed to assist the customer in making their payments should the customer experience a covered event such as unemployment, disability, a major life event, or a change in primary residence impacting the account holder. When a benefit application is received and approved, the plan will cover the current minimum payment due on a customer’s credit account during a covered event for 1 to 12 months, depending on the benefit. For some benefit events, like death or foreclosure, SafeLine Plus will waive the entire balance as of the date of the event (up to the assigned credit limit) providing all conditions are met. In November of 2013, Ms. [redacted] would also have received updated terms and conditions for the program when additional benefit events were added to the program. According to our records Ms. [redacted] contacted our SafeLine Services team via our website on February 4, 2015 to initiate a disability benefit which she indicated began on September 8, 2014. On February 5, 2015 the disability benefit form was mailed to Ms. [redacted] at the address we have on file for her of [redacted] New Bern, NC. 28562. On March 18, 2015 another disability benefit form was mailed to the same address. We have no record of receiving the completed benefit form from Ms. [redacted] and as a result, on May 6, 2015 the disability benefit initiation was closed and a letter was mailed advising Ms. [redacted] of the benefit initiation closure. On May 16, 2015 Ms. [redacted] initiated the care for sick family member benefit. On May 18, 2015 the benefit form was mailed to the address we have on file for Ms. [redacted]. After receiving no response from Ms. [redacted], another benefit form was sent on June 29, 2015. On August 17, 2015 the benefit initiation was closed since we did not receive the completed benefit form from Ms. [redacted]. On September 11, 2015 one of the benefit forms we sent to Ms. [redacted] was returned to us and marked as undeliverable by the post office. On September 17, 2015 SafeLine Services attempted to reach Ms. [redacted] by phone to verify the mailing address. A voicemail message was left at the phone number we have on file for Ms. [redacted] requesting her to contact us back to verify the mailing address. We have no record of Ms. [redacted] contacting us to verify the mailing address. Additionally, on October 8, 2015, Ms. [redacted] attempted to initiate a disability benefit online. Ms. [redacted] entered the date of disability as July 23, 2014. Per the SafeLine Plus terms and conditions, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact SafeLine Services within one year of the date the disability initially occurred. The Disability benefit was denied since the date Ms. [redacted] filed the benefit occurred beyond the one year requirement. Please understand we attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] several times regarding her benefits without any response. Ms. [redacted]’s SafeLine Plus Account Protection has been in a suspended status since October 23, 2015. Due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]’s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on April 21, 2016 and then sold to Jefferson Capital on June 1, 2016. Jefferson Capital will mail a notice within 7 days of the account purchase. For any further assistance Ms. [redacted] should need regarding this debt, she should contact Jefferson Capital at ###-###-####. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.Thank you, I greatly appreciate this matter being resolved. I only ask that this be removed from my credit report ASAP. TThank you!
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/11/12) */
1st call back attempted 11/12
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 11, 2015/11/30) */
...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted]– [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Please see attached letter(s) of response as it exceeds the 2,000 max character count.
[redacted]Hello and I would like to respond to this complaint by first offering my sincerest apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused the complainant. We did notify the complainant of this delinquent account, in writing on May -28-2016. We also offered the complainant payment...
arrangements. We were notified by complainant to cease communications with her on July- 15-2016 ,and we did so immediately, and have not contacted nor will we contact complainant again in the future in regards to this account.Please have the complainant contact me directly if she needs anything else .Thanks,Nick
Dear Ms. [redacted], Please see full response attached. Sincerely, Vi [redacted]Executive Care TeamVF/ah
I am rejecting this response because:
Whom it May Concern, the enclosed attachment will show despite company's assertion account is closed the online page reflects current available spending credit. I wish account to be currently closed with NEW closure letter sent & reported to all credit bureaus. Sincerely, [redacted] ____________________________________________________________ The Unusual Link Between Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil (Watch) Memory Repair Protocol http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3131/5a399c7fbd9841c7e2052st04vuc
2017 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. In Mr. [redacted]’s letter, he states two promotions were offered, and not provided on his order. Mr. [redacted] is requesting for these promotion codes to be applied to his order. After reviewing Mr. [redacted]’s account, we show the promotions codes he provided to our customer service representatives were not valid at the time and came from a third party program. Unfortunately, we are not responsible for advertisements listed on affiliate websites which have expired or are not valid offers made by Fingerhut. We recommend that Mr. [redacted] please contact the website that advertised the offer for further assistance. If Mr. [redacted] would like to receive promotion codes from us, he can sign up for promotional emails via our website, Fingerhut.com. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If Mr. [redacted] has any further questions or concerns regarding his account, he may contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####, between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, Central Time, Monday-Friday. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/AH
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/28) */
January 26, 2016
# [redacted]
Revdex.com of Minnesota
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] placed an order on November 17, 2015 for an Asus 15.6" HD 4GB Windows 10 Laptop Computer, a MyPlace Laptop Workstation, a Markwins 76 pc. Beauty Train Case and an Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Care Set totaling $731.91. The balance on Mr. [redacted]'s account prior to this order was $1,186.16.
On November 18, 2015 and November 19, 2015, Mr. [redacted] placed additional orders totaling $777.86. A systematic review is completed at the time an order is placed and based on payment history and other determining factors, an order may be approved for more than the credit limit on the account. There are no fees charged for being over limit. Mr. [redacted]'s orders were approved and shipped to him due to this systematic review. While the systematic review will allow an order to be placed and processed initially, no further orders can be placed on the account while it is over limit.
We received the return of the Laptop on January 4, 2016. According to our records, Mr. [redacted] indicated on the return reason form that he was returning the Laptop for credit because he did not like the product. When the return was processed Mr. [redacted]'s account was credited $386.04. Mr. [redacted] also received previous credits in the amount of $14.99 and $28.96 for promotional code discounts. We have credited the original shipping and handling for the Laptop as a courtesy and the credit will be reflected on a future billing.
On December 9, 2015, Mr. [redacted]'s monthly billing statement was sent to the address we have on file for him. The minimum payment due by January 5, 2016 was $69.99. We did not receive the payment and a late fee was assessed per the terms and conditions Mr. [redacted] agreed to at the time he opened the account.
On January 11, 2016 Mr. [redacted] spoke to an agent in our Billing Department and inquired about the Laptop. The agent advised Mr. [redacted] that the Laptop had been credited and offered to take a payment to bring the account current so Mr. [redacted] could reorder the Laptop. Mr. [redacted] requested his account to be closed and the agent closed the account per Mr. [redacted]'s request.
Mr. [redacted] attempted to place an order on January 13, 2016 and on January 20, 2016 on our website. The orders were unable to process due to the account being closed. Mr. [redacted] also requested no further letters or phone calls from us. Per his request a Cease and Desist was placed on his account. A confirmation letter for the Cease and Desist was mailed to Mr. [redacted] at the address we have on file on January 12, 2016.
On January 21, 2016 a payment was received of $64.99. Since the minimum payment due was $69.99 the account is still past due. It is important to make the minimum payment by the due date each month to avoid late fees.
Additionally, due to Mr. [redacted]'s account being closed, we cannot place any further orders on his account and we are unable to send the Laptop.
We have received the faxes Mr. [redacted] sent to us on January 14, 2016 and January 19, 2016 regarding this issue and we will send a copy of this letter in response directly to the address we have on file for Mr. [redacted].
Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
I am rejecting this response because:
As I stated before, I have been a customer of Fingerhuts, in good standing, for a couple years now so I am constantly receiving some type of sale or "special." Several others in the past have been shady, but this one truly tops them all off. I sent copies of these advertisements and I hope my camera allowed everyone to see just how small the "details" was and how in the emails you would scroll down and it would have all the catagories, leading the customer to believe it truly was "SITEWIDE" I know we all have received sales notifications before and usually when they advertise a specific percentage off, there is an asterisk nearby and I do mean nearby, some are actually located on the number amount that is being advertised. Or there is parenthesis with the items not included close by the advertised number amount of the sale. Not some tiny, font 1 probably where people cannot see it. And to use the word SITEWIDE is another deceptive use of that word as I also included the long list of categories NOT included. You cant in all good conscience use the word Sitewide and it turn out to be only a couple categories. That in itself is deceptive. Sitewide should mean just that, SITEWIDE. A complete misuse of that word.Folks, there is no good reason to have advertising like this. So misleading, so deceptive, all it does is anger the consumer and they spend time picking out items they wish to purchase when in reality, there are very FEW categories that are included in this so called SITEWIDE sale. Why cant Fingerhut be honest and up front from the beginning in their advertising? Whats so wrong with that?And what about your rude employees? "Oh, this is the way it is..." and "Its legal..." hey, I didnt know you were an attorney!I am tired of being "played' by these big companies. There is no need to trick your consumers, which is what Fingerhut did. How about 20% off certain categories or items? Then the consumer would know that only certain items were on sale from the beginning. Just be honest and up front about everything. I spent allot of time researching and reading all their various laptops available through Fingerhut. After I picked several out after reading all the details on the ones Fingerhut had, I then took the ones I considered and researched them separately.I am tired of these games Fingerhut plays on their consumers. So no, this is NOT acceptable. Fingerhut was out of line here, deceptive, misleading and a complete waste of time when it didnt have to be that way if they just had truth in advertising.
...⇄ # [redacted] Revdex.com of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted]– [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Ms. [redacted] indicates she placed an order for 2 daybeds with trundles and when she received the shipment, she received two packages that only contained the sides of the daybeds. She contacted Customer Service and was advised the missing parts would be delivered by December 22, 2016. Ms. [redacted] received a phone call from a supervisor in December 16, 2016 and was advised of an advertising error on the website at the time she placed the order. The supervisor advised Ms. [redacted] she could either return the two packages she received for full credit or she could purchase the other parts of the daybed for $300.00 per bed. Ms. [redacted] is requesting to have the remaining parts of the daybeds sent free of charge. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] placed an order on December 7, 2016 on our website for 2 of the Springfield Daybeds w/Trundle for a total of $192.38. The items shipped on December 8, 2016 and were delivered shortly after to the address we have on file for Ms. [redacted]. On December 9, 2016 Ms. [redacted] contacted us to advise she only received the sides of the daybeds and was missing the front(s), back(s) and trundle(s). The agent referred this information to our Parts Department to have the missing parts sent to Ms. [redacted]. As a precaution the agent also referred this information to a merchandise specialist for further verification and research of the extensive parts that were missing from the shipment. On December 12, 2016 the merchandise specialist referred their findings for further clarification of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Upon the conclusion of the merchandise specialists investigation on December 16, 2016 a supervisor contacted Ms. [redacted] and advised her of the advertising error on our website. The supervisor indicated the item number and pricing on our website was only 1 carton of the 3 separate cartons that make up the complete daybed. Ms. [redacted] requested for the missing cartons to be sent free of charge and the supervisor advised Ms. [redacted] the cartons could not be sent at no cost. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Ms. [redacted]. To complete Ms. [redacted]’s order for the daybeds we would need to place an order for the missing cartons (2 of QM706 and 2 of QM732). The cost for each of the additional cartons is $129.99 each for a total of $519.96 (4 x $129.99). As a courtesy we will waive the shipping and handling for the remaining cartons. If Ms. [redacted] would like to place the order for the remaining cartons needed she may contact a member of our Executive Care Team at ###-###-#### for assistance with placing the order. If Ms. [redacted] would like to return the cartons she has already received she may do so by using the postage paid return labels that came with the order or she may print the return labels needed directly from our website www.fingerhut.com by clicking on our Return Center link. If Ms. [redacted] has further questions she may contact Customer Service at ###-###-####, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM CT. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/bw
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. i guess there ain't nuttin I can do about it but why does it take going to the Revdex.com to get an honest responce from someone at there company is beyond me
We are not able to locate a prospective account with the given information, can you please submit the c
r from the back of the catalog you are receiving? Thank you [redacted]copied and pasted from email.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2015/08/10) */
August 10, 2015
# [redacted]
Revdex.com of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am...
writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. We sincerely apologize for any difficulty Mr. [redacted] experienced as a result of the issue outlined in the inquiry.
Our investigation confirms that Mr. [redacted] placed an order on July 4, 2015 for a MasterCraft Convertible Electric Trimmer & Edger and two (2) packages of Heat and Drought Grass Seed. The total cost of the order was $222.42. Mr. [redacted] paid this order in full with the $222.42 payment he made on July 14, 2015.
On July 16, 2015, he placed a new order for a Boss DVD Bluetooth Car Stereo with 7-inch Touch Screen. Because the total cost exceeded Mr. [redacted]'s credit limit, he paid the overage of $130 with a credit card. It was shipped the next day on July 17, 2015.
On the same date, our Credit Risk Department attempted to cancel the order for the stereo, but could not stop it in time. A request was made to the shipping carrier, United Parcel Service (UPS), to have the stereo returned to sender. UPS received our notification on July 20, 2015 and proceeded to send it back to us.
The Credit Risk Department policy is such that when a customer is in the status category of "new" and makes a large payment of $100 or more, they will put a hold on the account for 14 days. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that the large payment clears the bank. If there is a new order that exceeds the credit limit while this hold is in effect, they will cancel the order or request the return of the package if it has already been shipped.
This was the case with Mr. [redacted]'s order as it met all of the above criteria (despite his credit card payment covering the amount exceeding his credit limit).
Mr. [redacted] received full credit for the stereo, including the Express shipping/handling charge, when it was returned to us on July 28, 2015. On the same date, an electronic refund of $130 was issued back to his MasterCard ending '3140'. This should have already posted as a credit back to his card; if not, he should allow a few more days for it to process.
Our records indicate that a Credit Risk agent advised Mr. [redacted] by phone of these reasons for the intercepted package on July 23, 2015.
While we understand this process may be a frustrating inconvenience to our customers, it remains a necessary service and precaution that is intended for their protection, as well as our own. We again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].
As the payment Mr. [redacted] made on his account cleared, the hold has been removed. Mr. [redacted] is now able to repurchase the Boss DVD Bluetooth Car Stereo with 7-inch Touch Screen should he wish to.
Thank you for the opportunity to assist and explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 10, 2015/08/21) */
2016 ...⇄ Revdex.com of Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted]Attn: [redacted]220 S River Ridge CircleBurnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account. In Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, she states that the microwave she received from us stopped working, and she contacted us regarding the one year service plan. She was told the one year warranty would not be covered until June 21, 2016, and that someone would be getting in touch with her in seven to ten days. When asked if she could return the microwave to us for credit, Ms. [redacted] was advised it was outside of our return timeframe. She has requested a refund for the microwave, including tax and shipping, or a brand new microwave made by a different manufacturer. We are sorry to hear that the microwave has become defective and that Ms. [redacted] was dissatisfied with the customer service she has received. We, at Gettington, strive for exceptional customer service in all interactions with our customers and sincerely apologize if this was not provided to her. We contacted Ms. [redacted] by phone on June 20, 2016 and spoke with her regarding this issue. Since the item is outside our 90 day return policy and the service plan is not yet in effect, Ms. [redacted] has confirmed that she would like a refund for the defective microwave. As such, we have sent a pre-paid return label to Ms. [redacted] so she may return the defective microwave to us at no charge to her. Upon receipt and inspection of the return, which typically takes 10 to 15 days from the date it is mailed back to us, a refund will be issued to Ms. [redacted]. Thank you for allowing us to explain. Ms. [redacted] may call our Executive Care Team at ###-###-#### if she has any further questions. Sincerely, Vi [redacted]Executive Care Team VF/jm
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/08/17) */
August 11, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota # XXXXXXXXXX
Attn: [redacted] S [redacted] XXXXX
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate that on November 26, 2014 Ms. [redacted] ordered a NCAA Fairway Stand Golf Bag. This item was then returned on December 22, 2014. We received the return, however there was a delay in credit being applied to Ms. [redacted]'s account. Ms. [redacted] was issued full credit for the item on July 31, 2014. In addition to the credit, we also credited finance charges that were accrued by this item.
We sincerely apologize for the delay in issuing a credit to Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. However, Ms. [redacted] made an additional purchase on November 29, 2014, for which we did not receive payments beyond January 9, 2015.
When a payment is not received on our customer's WebBank/Fingerhut Credit Account, our Payment Department will phone with payment reminders and if our Payment Department does not speak directly with our customer, they will continue to call until they are able to reach them and discuss the payment that is owed on the account.
Our records indicate that due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on August 7, 2015. As of the date on this letter the minimum due is $362.24.
We have updated the information on Ms. [redacted]'s credit reporting to reflect the change in balance due to the delayed return of the item outlined above. We advise to allow up to 60 days for the update to process.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 9, 2015/08/18) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have made numerous attempts to resolve this matter with fingerhut. All of which went unanswered. I had been hung up on several times by their customer service department and I informed them that I will not be making a payment until this matter was cleared. I do not understand why it took 8 months for this matter to be resolved. Why is it okay for the company to take their time to repay the customer, but not okay for the customer to get angry with the business for the same problem. My husband and I made several attempts to contact fingerhut, when calling from my phone the number would say the department was closed and to try back another time. My husband was able to get to customer service by using another number, to which we can only assume my number was blocked. Making it impossible for this issue to be resolved. I do not appreciate the negative credit reporting on my account nor do you think this account should have been sent to collections. I do not understand how this is not a criminal act against the consumer. This account balance needs to be cleared I have more then paid my debt to this company with the time and energy spent trying to make this right. They should be ashamed of their actions.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2015/08/25) */
August 20, 2015
Revdex.com of Minnesota # XXXXXXXXXX
Attn: [redacted] S [redacted] XXXXX
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted], Gina
Dear Ms. [redacted]
I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. Gina [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
As we stated in our last letter, our records indicate that on November 26, 2014 Ms. [redacted] ordered a NCAA Fairway Stand Golf Bag. This item was then returned on December 22, 2014. We received the return, however there was a delay in credit being applied to Ms. [redacted]'s account. Ms. [redacted] was issued full credit for the item on July 31, 2014. In addition to the credit, we also credited finance charges that were accrued by this item.
We would like to sincerely apologize again for the delay in issuing the credit her Ms. [redacted]'s account.
As we have previously stated, Ms. [redacted] made an additional purchase on November 29, 2014, for which we did not receive payments beyond January 9, 2015. Ms. [redacted] is responsible for payments on this item.
Our records indicate that due to severe delinquency, Ms. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account was charged off on August 7, 2015. As of the date on this letter the minimum due is $362.24.
Additionally, as Ms. [redacted] is aware we have updated her credit report reflecting the change in balance. As previously stated Ms. [redacted] should allow up to 60 days for the update to process.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team
I am accepting the result (cancellation and no charge) but I am rejecting their argument that I knowingly entered into this contract to get enrolled in this program.Their advertisement was very nasty. They know how to entrap customers in clicking the icon to enroll them in an expensive program without even noticing the details of the program. They entice customers with deceptive tactics. They should change this business practice. I demand that they conduct more ethical business practice and request their apology.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The stove was picked up on Saturday July 16th, 2016 at approximately 2 pm. The took it out of the original box and left it for me to dispose of because it had been cut open in order for pictures of the damage to be taken and sent to Fingerhut. They had me sign paperwork that they were picking it up but didn't leave me a copy. I will assume this is now their responsibility and my involvement is over. Thanks for finally making this pickup happen.
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION November 23, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted], [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in regard to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of [redacted]’s WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Mr. [redacted] states that when he received the LG 49” Smart TV from us the screen was broken. He states that he was unable to use the return label that had been included with his package and was unable to get a prepaid return label from us to return the TV. He also states he wants a replacement TV sent to him and that the original TV was not properly packaged. We apologize that Mr. [redacted] had difficulty in obtaining a prepaid return label. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] contacted us on multiple occasions to receive a prepaid return label, and that he was sent an incorrect label initially. The correct label was sent to him on November 11, 2016. We received the return of the TV on November 18, 2016 and an exact exchange was shipped out to him on that same date. The tracking information for the replacement TV indicates it is in transit with Pilot Freight Services. The tracking/shipment number is [redacted], and it has an estimated delivery date of December 6, 2016. We will pass along Mr. [redacted]’s concern about how the original TV was packaged, to the appropriate department. If Mr. [redacted] has additional questions or concerns, he may contact us via email at www.fingerhut.com/customerservice or by calling us at ###-###-####, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm, Monday through Friday, Central Time. Thank you for this opportunity to assist. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team
CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION November 14, 2016 Revdex.com of...
Minnesota �...⇄ # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account for [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] states that he and his mother each placed one order from Fingerhut, and that he’s been receiving calls about the account being past due. He also states that the monthly payment has doubled on both his purchase and his mothers. Mr. [redacted] also states that he has not been allowed to talk to someone about his mother’s account, even though he assists her with her bills. In regards to Mr. [redacted]’s account, our records indicate he placed an order on August 23, 2016, for a GPX 32” LED TV. A statement was printed on September 16, 2016 and sent to Mr. [redacted] indicating his minimum payment due was $23.99 and it was due on October 15, 2016. We did not receive a payment until October 31, 2016. The payment was for $23.99, but was received sixteen days after the due date. A second statement was printed on October 19, 2016, indicating the Mr. [redacted]’s minimum amount due was now $47.98 and due by November 15, 2016. This is because we did not receive the October payment by the due date. When the November statement was created, the minimum amount due included both October and November’s amount due. Mr. [redacted]’s account was assessed a late fee on October 15, 2016, in the amount of $23.99, because we didn’t receive his payment on time. Our records indicate his next payment is due November 15, 2016 in the amount of $23.99. Mr. [redacted] may make his payment on our website, www.fingerhut.com, or in our automated system at ###-###-####, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If Mr. [redacted] chooses to make a payment with an agent, the number he may call is also ###-###-####, but a fee of $5.00 may be assessed. Mr. [redacted]’s next statement will print on November 19, 2016. In regards to his mother’s account, we are unable to assist Mr. [redacted] with the account unless he can send in proof of Power of Attorney, showing he’s been granted legal rights to manage the account on his mother’s behalf. We apologize if this is inconvenient for them, but take our customer’s privacy seriously. If Mr. [redacted] obtains Power of Attorney, he may fax the documentation to us at ###-###-####, Attention: Account Support, or he may mail it to us at: Customer Service [redacted] St. Cloud, MN 56303. Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain. Sincerely, Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team