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Hawaiian Holiday Tanning & Beauty Salon

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Reviews Beauty Salon Hawaiian Holiday Tanning & Beauty Salon

Hawaiian Holiday Tanning & Beauty Salon Reviews (53) They honored my request to to have the yearly fee waived as they felt they were in the wrong by not disclosing the annual fee and I am satisfied with this resolution Regards, [redacted] ***

I apologize that your are dissatisfied with the membership you joined I have attached documentation corresponding to your complaints to address and explain it in detailThe document titled " [redacted] .PNG" is your customer history showing the breakdown of the transaction totaling $You were not over charged as you purchased protective goggles in addition to the membershipPlease refer to the document titled " [redacted] Membership Authorization.pdf"You stated that you initially came in to cancel on 4/29/The document states managers are available weekdays, and 4/29/was on a weekend In addition to 4/29/being a Saturday, it was also prior to your first billing cycleAccording to the document, Changes to this membership such as freezing, downgrading, or cancelling cannot be requested prior to the first scheduled billing dateYou joined on 4/1/17, which made 5/1/your first scheduled billing cycle and the soonest date to cancelThis document also states that you authorized the processing fee on May 15th of $plus tax which is the $charge you mentionedPlease refer to the document titled " [redacted] Cancellation"This document shows that your cancellation was accepted on May 2ndWith the day notice, you would be debited your final billing cycle on June 1stWe offered you diamond upgrades to offset some of your charges strictly as a courtesy due to you not being happyYou declined the offerWe then terminated the membership as a courtesy so you not be debited your final bill on June 1st as you stated no longer wanted the servicesAll of our pricing is on our counter as a large 11x17" laminated menu, and on our websiteThis is to display the many different plans we have to fit every client’s needsAs you stated, you only needed months of tanningThe VIP membership you joined offers the discounted rate of $a month, opposed to the Day Pass rate of $This is the perk of being a recurring clientIf you had just purchased months, it would've been $including tax for two of the Level 1: Day PassesFor all of our plans that are NOT VIP pricing, there is no credit card required to put on file, no membership to join, nothing to cancelThe passes would've simply expired days from the purchase dateBy you joining the $VIP, you actually saved money by only spending a TOTAL of $on this membership between 4/1/and 5/31/when it expiredAt this time, we are unable to issue any refunds, or apply any further credits due to the documentation and explanation we have provided youThank you

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below 1.) This business is conducting business under an unlicensed and illegal name on all levels at all locations(See Attached) 2.) We signed this alleged "CONTRACT" fully believe we were only authorizing a one time charge for a month tanning period as verbally told to us by employee3.) At no time did the employee state that this one time charge would illegally evolve into a illegal reoccurring scheme to defraud billing practice4.) When we signed their signature pad, you could not view what you were signing forThere was no amount shown anywhere and the only one who can view the transaction is the employee who handles your transactionThey do so while you look at the BACK of their computer screenThey don't even show it to you5.) The top of contract says "TIL 2016", any reasonable person would believe that they had paid for tanning until end of which also happened to be the month period which we believe we paid for6.) No representative or employee from this company signed this agreement, which also listed their unregistered business name7.) We requested a total refund of all illicit reoccurring billing charges to which we were denied8.) We were never offered an in store credit, nor are we interestedWE WANT A FULL REFUND of the fraudulent charges($264.00)They never contacted us by any means to "WORK" this matter out9.) Yes we did sign a one time $charge, but we were not told it would evolve into this reoccurring billing scamAs stated earlier, they never provide you with any documents relating to same, & they also never provided a receipt10.) Brittany never disputes business use of Illegal name Hawaiian Holiday11.) We overlooked these charges at first because we had planned a trip to Hawaii and assumed these charges were related to our upcoming tripOnce we realized we couldn't account for the charges, we began our credit card dispute12.) This company operates in a cloud of darkness and charges from them on your credit card statement do not give a phone numberWe had a difficult time tracking down the #12.) Ourselves and our credit card company had a very difficult time contacting anyone from this business13.) We do not want an IN STORE refund as offeredWe want a full refund14.) All allegations of inappropriate conduct are untrue and unsupportedThere all cameras through out the lobby of this establishment and they should provide those for both the date of our alleged contract signing and alleged inappropriate conduct on my partWhich is irrelevant to this claim15.) Nowhere in the response does the company give their legal nameAlso, an offer of in store credit should be considered an admission of guilt for illicit billing practices16.) There are others who have made the same complaintSee attached17.) This matter is being investigated as FRAUD by our credit card company18.) While researching I found and attached documentation that states they cannot charge an additional taxI just wanted to add small details to this complaint 1.) They never produced a sales receipt or a copy of one for our single transactions of $- An actual receipt or copy of one would show that initial purchase of $2.) They have NOT tried contacting us to rectify this matter3.) Brittany's letter (reply) states our tanning was FREE, how could that be as we paid $? Regards, [redacted] ***

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.? For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted]

Attached is the billing authorization form that [redacted] signed at the time of joining her recurring membershipIn the billing authorization, it explains every detail of the membership including how to cancelIn the past, the only way to cancel recurring memberships was by mailIn January of this year, we implemented the option of filling out a form in our corporate store which is located in [redacted] , NY as a convenience to a majority of our clients as that office is centrally located between all locationsIf that option ends up not being a convenience, the client is to opt for our original cancellation process, which is to send a notice through the mailIt is not mandatory that it is sent certifiedAs listed in the billing authorization, that is a recommendation strictly to protect the client in the event it gets lost in the mail that way they will they will have proof of the date and address it was mailed to? A cancellation was submitted on her account on 8/29/16, so it will expire on 9/30/She is not scheduled to be billed going forward as her membership is now cancelled

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted]

Here at Hawaiian Holiday, we offer many different membership options, and equipment options. When you join a VIP monthly recurring membership, there are terms to the membership due to the automatic recurring nature of it. The client signed agreeing to and understanding the terms of the... membership. Unfortunately, we continue to receive bad reviews from this client as if we absolutely refuse to work with her. We have in fact accommodated her on several occasions and actually waived a total of $381.00 over the course of her being a member here. The only way for a customer to accumulate a past-due balance, is due to their credit/debit card being declined. To avoid potential billing errors on our end, our system is set up so it is not possible for our sales associates to enter in the billing information incorrectly. Our system requires the card number, expiration, cvc code, name on the card, billing address, and zip code affiliated with that card. It then processes a $1 (one dollar) authorization hold to try the card verifying everything is correct and set up properly for the recurring billing. Once the billing information is approved with the $1 authorization hold, that is the card that is attempted to be automatically debited on the 1st of each month until the membership is cancelled by the client according to our cancellation policy. The membership terms are gone over, and listed in the authorization form that is signed at the time the membership is joined for every client. Cancellations may be requested after the 1st billing cycle goes through with a 30-day notice. We have many many clients that have zero issues with cancelling, freezing, or downgrading their memberships. If the client simply follows the terms of the membership, the membership will indeed be cancelled out.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.? For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowThis response from the company is absolutely unacceptableThis is considered fraud, their statements are absolutely 100% untrueI visited the Rome facility in person and requested they terminate that membership, and I was assured that card would be removedI was told by their Management on public forum that you could visit any location and request a terminationI felt the matter was closed as I did not see a reoccurring charge the next month, thus no further action was takenMuch to my dismay, I noticed a charge for January, which led to my callingAs I had to explain to them in person in my local office, that card was not to be kept on file and used any longer for any recurring paymentsThey called their management team on the phone and got them involved, assured me that card was removed and I then paid for that current month on another card while in the officeAgain, I reiterate I was assured that card was removed from their system, and I would have no more recurring membership fees as I was so angry about the issue at hand that I requested my membership be terminatedI had no reason to believe they did not terminate the membership because the next month payment did not deductI only noticed when I saw the deductions in January.? ? furthermore, the agreement that I have with them stated the deductions would come out on the first of the month, you will know this deduction came out in the middle of January, that is a violation of the contract I signed up forOUR written agreement did not say they would deduct in the middle of the monthAdditionally, this is considered a fraudulent charge as I distinctly told them to remove that card from their system and terminate my monthly reoccurring membership feesI have saved screen captures of the conversation I had with theor manager on public forum, in what she told me over a year ago that I could visit any location and cancel auto membership feesAnd I did just that, and I am requesting that they refund me as they had no right to take any further deductions out of my account, especially not on a day that was never agreed upon in that contract.? I will be disputing this with my bank as a fraudulent charge, and if I have to involve my lawyer, I willThis is such a minimal amount, thus I did not see that as being necessary.? based on the fact that I went to that office in person, demanded they remove that card from reoccurring charges in their system, told them to terminate my reoccuring membership fees, was assured it was done, I am requesting they do the right thing and refund me.? Again, the contract that we had did not state deductions would come out in the middle of the month either.? additionally, this? business never allowed me refunds to the tune of hundreds of dollars, I don't know why they're claiming that because that is absolutely untrueI previously had a membership with them, I did not go in and utilize any of their services at allThat membership was canceled a long time ago and then I reinstated itThere were NO services that I received from them for which they would need to waive any fees for,? thus that statement is absolutely ludicrous.? if they had done the right thing from the get-go, we would not be in this predicament.? I was lied to blatantly, mishandling of my account, and deductions were unauthorized as I specifically instructed them that card was to be removed and reoccurring membership fees were to be canceledI was told I could do that in person and I expect them to honor their wordI will be filing a formal dispute with my bank as this is wrong on so many levels.? ? they need to do the right thing and uphold? the information? they provided to meIf they had done what they instructed me they did do, and removed my card from their system and terminated my membership, we would not be here today.? Regards, [redacted]

Attached are the documents showing [redacted] and his wife [redacted] ***'s authorization for their Diamond VIP membershipsThey joined this membership during a promotion where they each paid their $enrollment fee, then received their free tanning until 12/31/before their discounted rate of $ (tanning $+ 10% tan tax) billing began on 1/1/As stated in their billing authorization, they agreed to be billed these charges until they cancelled by mail days prior to the billing date they wished to be cancelled forWe never received any form of a cancellation letter, nor did they produce any documentation such as a Certified mail slip stating they attempted to cancelThis is because they never didInstead, they waited months worth of billing to randomly walk into our salon? completely irate, and impossible to accommodate? demanding a $refundDue to his bizarre behavior, I terminated their memberships on the spot despite our day notice/by mail policy as a courtesy to assure they would not be billed going forward.? Although [redacted] ripped their agreements from my hands and stormed out because he was unhappy that he wasn't able to receive this refund for fees that are non-refundable according to their signed agreements,? I issued them an in-store credit of $to each of their accounts although this was not owed to them as an additional courtesyThis man is treating the situation as if it has been completely ignored and we are not working with him at all, which in reality we did not need to? accommodate? them at allHe has been? harassing? our company ever since by slandering Hawaiian Holiday on our own [redacted] page with a lengthy star review encouraging customers to? pursue? a class action lawsuit against us, stating that we are an illegal business, and now the complaint continuing his claims and accusationsFor example, one of his accusations is that we placed his signature on the document unbeknownst to himIt is completely impossible to falsify the document that he and his wife signed in-store at the time of their sign up agreeing to the terms of this membershipThe electronic e-pad is set up where it actually documents the date and time of the signature is signedI also attached a screenshot of their accounts (the files titled sales history) for you to see it matches the date and time the membership was sold to themPlease refer to the bottom left corner where it says "History", you will see the $membership fee on 9-15-with the timeAs you will see when looking at their signatures on their agreements, the date and time is the same date and time that they signed upTherefore, his accusation saying that we "copy and pasted" a signature from a credit card slip is? completely? impossible and it is extremely slanderousWe take great pride in our customer service and offering our customers the best equipment and best service at the lowest prices, and have many, many very happy and satisfied customersIt is very upsetting to have one person that is trying to bring down our business simply because he wants a non-refundable refundWe look forward to hearing from you once this reviewed as we do not feel that it is fair for this complaint to be a public record being that is illegitimate Thank you for you time, Brittany District General Manager ?

Attached is the billing authorization form that [redacted] signed at the time of joining her recurring membershipIn the billing authorization, it explains every detail of the membership including how to cancelIn the past, the only way to cancel recurring memberships was by mailIn January of this year, we implemented the option of filling out a form in our corporate store which is located in [redacted] , NY as a convenience to a majority of our clients as that office is centrally located between all locationsIf that option ends up not being a convenience, the client is to opt for our original cancellation process, which is to send a notice through the mailIt is not mandatory that it is sent certifiedAs listed in the billing authorization, that is a recommendation strictly to protect the client in the event it gets lost in the mail that way they will they will have proof of the date and address it was mailed to A cancellation was submitted on her account on 8/29/16, so it will expire on 9/30/She is not scheduled to be billed going forward as her membership is now cancelled

Here at Hawaiian Holiday, we offer many different membership options, and equipment options.? When you join a VIP monthly recurring membership, there are terms to the membership due to the automatic recurring nature of itThe client signed agreeing to and understanding the terms of the membership.? Unfortunately, we continue to receive bad reviews from this client as if we absolutely refuse to work with herWe have in fact accommodated her on several occasions and actually waived a total of $over the course of her being a member hereThe only way for a customer to accumulate a past-due balance, is due to their credit/debit card being declinedTo avoid potential billing errors on our end, our system is set up so it is not possible for our sales associates to enter in the billing information incorrectlyOur system requires the card number, expiration, cvc code, name on the card, billing address, and zip code affiliated with that cardIt then processes a $(one dollar) authorization hold to try the card verifying everything is correct and set up properly for the recurring billingOnce the billing information is approved with the $authorization hold, that is the card that is attempted to be automatically debited on the 1st of each month until the membership is cancelled by the client according to our cancellation policyThe membership terms are gone over, and listed in the authorization form that is signed at the time the membership is joined for every clientCancellations may be requested after the 1st billing cycle goes through with a 30-day noticeWe have many many clients that have zero issues with cancelling, freezing, or downgrading their membershipsIf the client simply follows the terms of the membership, the membership will indeed be cancelled out.?

Our Account Manager Danielle and I both spoke with *** in reference to her cancellationI attached her signed documentation from when she joined and cancelledPer my phone conversation with ***, she did explain to me that she was coming in for a month of tanning and was asking for the best
dealOn our counter in front of each register, we have price guides, the same that is displayed on our website www.***.comAt the top of the price guide, it says "Compare and SAVE!" above the "VIP pricing" verses the "Month" pricing which are side by side for easy comparisonUnder the "Month" it states "Day Pass"Under the VIP pricing it states "a month" (for example "VIP $a month" vsMonth $Day Pass)The month pricing is non-member pricing which is a pass to tan for daysIt automatically expires days from the purchase date, and there is no credit card required and nothing to cancelA VIP is when you are joining as a member which is why you get the tanning for such a discounted rateWhen *** was looking for the best deal, what she purchased was in deed the best dealA level VIP is $plus tax a month as opposed to buying month for $plus taxOur sign up fee was also on sale for $that day, along with receiving a free week of upgrades valued at $which she usedThe membership cannot be set up without the client giving their credit/debit card along with all of the billing information connected to that cardShe joined on January 4th, and paid a total of $including taxThis was for her membership sign up fee, prorated amount of tanning for January, and pre-paying for the February billAlthough she pre-paid the February bill, the billing processes on the 1st of each monthAccording to the membership terms, freezing, downgrading, or cancelling cannot be requested prior to the 1st scheduled billing cycle (which in her case was February 1st.) We understand that she is upset that the month of February only has days and cancellations must be requested days prior to the billing cycleUnfortunately, this is not something we have control over as our VIP memberships are electronically set up (EFT)We offered *** two courtesy upgrades ($Value) to try to accommodate her, however she was not accepting of this offerHer cancellation was processed on the soonest possible date, 2/1/Her final billing cycle will be 3/1/and her membership will expire on 3/31/18.

I apologize that your are dissatisfied with the membership you joined I have attached documentation corresponding to your complaints to address and explain it in detail The document titled "***.PNG" is your customer history showing the breakdown of the transaction totaling $You
were not over charged as you purchased protective goggles in addition to the membership Please refer to the document titled "*** Membership Authorization.pdf"You stated that you initially came in to cancel on 4/29/The document states managers are available weekdays, and 4/29/was on a weekend In addition to 4/29/being a Saturday, it was also prior to your first billing cycleAccording to the document, Changes to this membership such as freezing, downgrading, or cancelling cannot be requested prior to the first scheduled billing dateYou joined on 4/1/17, which made 5/1/your first scheduled billing cycle and the soonest date to cancelThis document also states that you authorized the processing fee on May 15th of $plus tax which is the $charge you mentioned Please refer to the document titled "*** Cancellation"This document shows that your cancellation was accepted on May 2ndWith the day notice, you would be debited your final billing cycle on June 1st We offered you diamond upgrades to offset some of your charges strictly as a courtesy due to you not being happyYou declined the offerWe then terminated the membership as a courtesy so you not be debited your final bill on June 1st as you stated no longer wanted the services All of our pricing is on our counter as a large 11x17" laminated menu, and on our websiteThis is to display the many different plans we have to fit every client’s needsAs you stated, you only needed months of tanningThe VIP membership you joined offers the discounted rate of $a month, opposed to the Day Pass rate of $This is the perk of being a recurring clientIf you had just purchased months, it would've been $including tax for two of the Level 1: Day PassesFor all of our plans that are NOT VIP pricing, there is no credit card required to put on file, no membership to join, nothing to cancelThe passes would've simply expired days from the purchase dateBy you joining the $VIP, you actually saved money by only spending a TOTAL of $on this membership between 4/1/and 5/31/when it expired At this time, we are unable to issue any refunds, or apply any further credits due to the documentation and explanation we have provided you Thank you

As the billing authorization states, our cancellation policy is to to cancel in-store at the *** location only as this is our corporate officeIf a client is unable to come in person to ***, they simply send a written cancellation to the address on the formIt appears that we did
receive a written cancellation notice by mail which was processed according to the postmark date 10/28/The final debit attempt was made on 11/1/due to the 30-day noticeThat payment was declined so there is a -$past due balance on the accountThe membership will expire on 11/30/according to the cancellation, and there will not be any more billing attempts made

We spoke with Brittany on the phone on 11/3/and told her we would downgrade her membership with no problem for the month of December She said ok and was fine with thisSaid she understood and was fine by the time we ended the phone call

I was not told that there needed to be a billing cycle before I could cancelI even told the girl who waited on us that we only wanted tanning for monthsShe did not inform me that we needed to go through a billing cycleYou are saying that I could not cancel until after going through a billing cycle and I need to give days noticeThe membership began on 4/1/and since I need to go through a billing cycle which would be 5/1/17, I actually would not be able to cancel until 6/1/17-based on what you are saying-which would mean I need to join for at least monthsAgain, I clearly stated that we only wanted monthsI would never have considered joining at the rates you quoted in your response and any other rate was not discussed when we signed upI was not shown and pricing that is supposedly available on the counterThere were girls working, so maybe the x is available on the other girls counterWhen I signed the BLANK PAD as instructed by the girl that cashed me out, she just told me to sign, so I assumed I was signing for the months service that I requestedI was not shown what I was signing forTherefore, I also was unaware that I was agreeing to a $processing fee that I was charged after I already cancelled my membershipAgain, I was not given any paperwork stating I needed to go to the different location on a weekdayI was told verballyI was also not informed that I could have done so in writing until AFTER I made the inconvenient 2nd trip to the other location on 5/2/An upgrade made absolutely no sense-what purpose would an upgrade serve when I was cancelling a membership because it was no longer going to be used

We spoke with Brittany on the phone on 11/3/and told her we would downgrade her membership with no problem for the month of December She said ok and was fine with thisSaid she understood and was fine by the time we ended the phone call

Attached are the documents showing *** and his wife *** ***'s authorization for their Diamond VIP membershipsThey joined this membership during a promotion where they each paid their $enrollment fee, then received their free tanning until 12/31/before their discounted rate of $
(tanning $+ 10% tan tax) billing began on 1/1/As stated in their billing authorization, they agreed to be billed these charges until they cancelled by mail days prior to the billing date they wished to be cancelled forWe never received any form of a cancellation letter, nor did they produce any documentation such as a Certified mail slip stating they attempted to cancelThis is because they never didInstead, they waited months worth of billing to randomly walk into our salon completely irate, and impossible to accommodate demanding a $refundDue to his bizarre behavior, I terminated their memberships on the spot despite our day notice/by mail policy as a courtesy to assure they would not be billed going forward. Although *** ripped their agreements from my hands and stormed out because he was unhappy that he wasn't able to receive this refund for fees that are non-refundable according to their signed agreements, I issued them an in-store credit of $to each of their accounts although this was not owed to them as an additional courtesyThis man is treating the situation as if it has been completely ignored and we are not working with him at all, which in reality we did not need to accommodate them at allHe has been harassing our company ever since by slandering Hawaiian Holiday on our own *** page with a lengthy star review encouraging customers to pursue a class action lawsuit against us, stating that we are an illegal business, and now the complaint continuing his claims and accusationsFor example, one of his accusations is that we placed his signature on the document unbeknownst to himIt is completely impossible to falsify the document that he and his wife signed in-store at the time of their sign up agreeing to the terms of this membershipThe electronic e-pad is set up where it actually documents the date and time of the signature is signedI also attached a screenshot of their accounts (the files titled sales history) for you to see it matches the date and time the membership was sold to themPlease refer to the bottom left corner where it says "History", you will see the $membership fee on 9-15-with the timeAs you will see when looking at their signatures on their agreements, the date and time is the same date and time that they signed upTherefore, his accusation saying that we "copy and pasted" a signature from a credit card slip is completely impossible and it is extremely slanderousWe take great pride in our customer service and offering our customers the best equipment and best service at the lowest prices, and have many, many very happy and satisfied customersIt is very upsetting to have one person that is trying to bring down our business simply because he wants a non-refundable refundWe look forward to hearing from you once this reviewed as we do not feel that it is fair for this complaint to be a public record being that is illegitimateThank you for you time, Brittany District General Manager spoke to Danielle at business and the following was relayed: She was cancelled when she requested without the daysShe did resign with us on November 1st

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
There is no name attached to the response to this complaint so I will assume that it was Britney who respondedNames seem to be a secret with this establishmentI did speak with her to try to remedy this situation but at no time did I say to her that I went in there looking for the best dealAs stated previously, I went in there to tan for one month before my planned tripIt was the employee behind the desk that suggested to me to open the membership and then just cancel it, to which I confirmed with her that I would not have any difficulty cancellingShe affirmed that I would be able to give my day notice on the 18th, the last day of my tanning sessions because I would be leaving for my trip the next dayI was not told that I would need to wait until the end of the billing cycleIf indeed I was told, I would not be purchasing the $monthly charge but rather the $membership for two weeks of tanningThe prorated charges of $and because you are charged an additional month because you cannot cancel a membership in the month of February an additional $is charged to your account bringing the total to $That just does not make any senseWhy would I purchase one month of tanning for $when I can purchase it for $When I went there to purchase the one month of tanning, Rachel the employee at that time, was explaining the process to meI was not looking at any wall posters or counter boards to get the information, I was speaking with Rachel who told me that I can just cancel the membershipThe first time I tried to cancel on the 18th and was told that I couldn’t, I was told that Rachel shouldn’t have told me thatIf she should have or not, that is what she represented to me and that is what the company should have to live withAs to my signature on the contract, you are asked to sign an electronic signature pad and then you are handed the contract with your signature at the bottom of itYou are assuming that what you are signing is all that was just explained to you before you signI believed I was signing a membership that I could just cancel when I wanted to, as was just explained to me by RachelI don’t believe they have “no control over” their billing process simply because the funds are electronically transferredIn this case the funds were not being withdrawn for almost two monthsThis type of transfer can always be editedIf this is not the case and they were truly bargaining in good faith, they would say that they are not able to stop the withdrawal but they will be refunding the amount back to the accountThis is not the case hereAs I have stated previously, I am not the only one that they have done this toIf you read the reviews on this establishment, this is common practice with themEvery review charges that they are charged an extra months fees because they did not cancel correctlyObviously their process is not working, or is it working the way they want it toIn my case it’s only $but I will not be scammedIf this cannot be resolved here, I will be seeking the office of the State Attorney General
*** ***

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Address: Whitesboro, New York, United States, 13492


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