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Reviews Hard Exteriors Contracting

Hard Exteriors Contracting Reviews (131)

Good Afternoon, Please find the attached response for your review Thank you,
June 22,
[Complaint No:
*** * *** ***
Account # ***
*** *** states he enrolled with Direct Energy in a plan which includes
Nest thermostat. Mr*** further states
he has not yet received the thermostat. He
is requesting Direct Energy have the thermostat sent so he can begin taking
advantage of his selected rate plan which began May 29, 2015.
Direct Energy (DE) confirms Mr*** *** enrolled
May 20, in a rate that includes a Nest thermostat for service at *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** for service to begin on May 29,
Customers are advised during enrollment that
delivery of the Nest thermostat takes 4-weeks from the time of enrollment. The customer is also advised that Nest will
email them with the *** tracking number providing notification the thermostat
has been shipped.
Mr*** contacted DE customer service on June 2,
and was advised he should allow 4-weeks for delivery of the Nest
Mr*** contacted DE customer service on June 8,
and was again advised he should allow 4-weeks for delivery of the Nest
On June 10, 2015, Mr*** contacted DE and spoke
with a supervisor who reiterated the 4-week delivery timeframe as previously
provided. A complaint was opened on his
behalf and he was advised an analyst would investigate his concerns and contact
Mr*** contacted customer service June 11,
and advised he had not heard from the analyst.
He was advised the analyst is investigating and will contact him in 5-
business days.
Mr*** contacted DE June 12, and spoke to a
supervisor and requested his order for the Nest thermostat be expedited. Mr*** was again advised the delivery
time expectancy for the Nest thermostat is 4-weeks. He was advised a complaint analyst was
investigating his concerns and would contact him
A complaint was received on
June 12, 2015. The complaint was
assigned for handling and investigation
The analyst contacted Mr*** via email on June
16, to notify him the order for the Nest thermostat was in progress. Nest received the order and was processing it
at the time the complaint was received.
He should expect to get an email from Nest with his *** tracking
The analyst contacted Nest on June 17, and
verified the customer was sent a confirmation e-mail on June 16, with the
*** tracking number.
The analyst determined there were no delays or
discrepancies in the order and shipment process.
The analyst spoke to Mr*** on June 17, 2015. He confirmed his e-mail *** as being correct.
He confirmed he received an e-mail from the complaint analyst and the Nest
shipping confirmation email on June 16, 2015.
He stated his frustration was with contacting customer service several times
and not feeling as though he had been provided clear information. He expressed he is anxious to receive the
Nest thermostat and begin using it.
Mr*** thanked the analyst for
the contact and confirmed he was satisfied with and understood the resolution
Energy (DE) enrolled Mr*** *** on May 20, in a rate which includes a
Nest thermostat. Mr*** confirmed he
was advised at enrollment to allow 4-weeks from time of enrollment for
delivery of the thermostatServices
began with DE on May 29,
investigation confirmed the enrollment and Nest order processing time was on
track and delivery was initiated for Mr*** as promised
analyst spoke to Mr*** and provided the findings. Mr*** agreed with the resolution and
agreed he is very anxious to receive his Nest thermostat
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf *** ***
has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more
than happy to discuss this matter further

Tell us why hereSUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: Direct Energy (DE) confirms *** Tobar has been a customer at *** *** *** *** *** ** *** since July 6, 2015. The premise is serviced by Oncor Electric Delivery Company. The rate available and active for the premise
located in the Oncor delivery area is a month Live Brighter Weekend plan with an energy charge $0.084/kWh, and an average price of $0.079/kWh based on 2,kWh. On November 8, 2016, MsTobar contacted Direct Energy to request a switch to DE for her premise located at Teague Lane, Unit 201, Corpus Christi, TX 78410. The premise is located in the AEP Central Delivery area A Move In date was requested for November 18, 2016. MsTobar stated she wanted the same rate she presently had on her Benbrook, TX address. The agent attempted to place the month Live Brighter Weekend rate on the account and it was rejected. On November 15, 2016, a DE supervisor left a message for MsTobar asking her to contact customer service about the rate for her new premise. On November 16, 2016, MsTobar contacted DE customer service and was advised the change was in process to place her new premise on a month Live Brighter Free Weekend rate. On November 28, 2016, MsTobar contacted DE customer service and spoke to a supervisor. A second billing inquiry was opened to determine why the rate correction was not correctly reflected. On December 9, 2016, a complaint analyst spoke to MsTobar. MsTobar was advised her new premise at Teague Ln, #, Corpus Christi, TX was located in the AEP Texas Central delivery area. The month Live Brighter Weekend rate is available, but at a rate exclusive to the AEP Texas Central delivery area. MsTobar was offered and accepted a month Live Brighter Weekend rate with an energy charge $0.094/kWh, an average price based on 2,kWh for $0.010/kWh. On December 9, 2016, a new account *** was created for service at Teague Ln, #201, Corpus Christi, TX 78410. COMPANY RESPONSE: Direct Energy confirms a correction was made to place the new address *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** in a month Live Brighter Free Weekend rate specific to the AEP Central electric delivery areaMsTobar has a separate account number for each premise, which is necessary as the premises are located in different delivery areas; hence, different Transmission and Distribution Utility companies The findings by the complaint analyst determined an agent attempted to institute an inapplicable rate for the new premise which was rejected by the system. MsTobar was provided the findings of the investigation and she confirmed her understanding and agreement A $credit was placed on her new account as a gesture of good will. The first invoice will be generated in December and will be mailed to the Corpus Christi, TX address for account number *** Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf MsTobar has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further

Review of the disputed First Choice Power account
*** shows services at address *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** were active from October 13, through February 10, 2011. It is noted this account was migrated
our system following Direct Energy’s acquisition of First Choice Power in 2012. The account was already closed and in
collections upon acquisition.
A search performed using the social security number
in the disputed account reflects a previous Direct Energy account for the same
service address from August 16, through October 13, 2010, immediately
prior to the now disputed First Choice Power account. This Direct Energy account number *** was
disputed as fraudulent in December of by Mr***. The account was determined to be fraudulent
based on provision of information by Mr*** and the balance was written off
at that time. As Direct Energy did not
yet have knowledge of the First Choice Power account initiated with Mr***’
information, there were no actions taken on that account.
Based on the previous verification of fraud for the
Direct Energy account, our analyst has processed the First Choice Power number
*** as fraudulent. Mr***’
personal information will be removed from both accounts, Direct Energy account
*** (where his social security number was still reflected), as well as
First Choice Power account ***.
All collections activity will be recalled as associated with both
accounts and a letter of final disposition will be forwarded to Mr*** for
his records
Choice Power prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and
we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Mr***
has any further questions regarding this matter, First Choice Power would be
more than happy to discuss this matter further

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me
Thank you for your prompt actions.*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint
[I would like to know why my issue could not have been resolved on the first call as and would like to know every time I called I was told something diffrent..]

Please find attached, our response to MrSaleh's concern Thank You,Office of the President DepartmentDirect Energy Services

Good Afternoon, Please find the following response for review.   Thank you, [redacted] Office of the President
September 18,
[Complaint No:
Account #: [redacted]
[redacted] states he was told his rate...

with Direct Energy would be $0.06/kWh.  Mr. [redacted] states his rate is $0.11/kWh.  Mr. [redacted] states he paid an Early Cancellation
Fee of $200 to [redacted] Energy, because he was told he would make up the
difference in 2 months.  Mr. [redacted] states
he has not saved anything, and his rate is about the same as it was with
[redacted].  Mr. [redacted] states Direct Energy
offered to change him to a different plan he liked better and that was
done.  Mr. [redacted] states he has been asked
to return the [redacted] Thermostat for the previous rate, and has been charged a
$300 fee until the thermostat is returned. 
Mr. [redacted] asks for the $300 fee to be cancelled because he feels he was
lied to.
Direct Energy (DE) confirms [redacted] has been a
customer with Direct Energy at [redacted] since
June 30, 2015. 
Mr. [redacted] completed an enrollment on June 29, 2015
for a 36 month [redacted] Comfort and Control Plan. 
The average price for 2000 kWh is $0.112/kWh, energy charge of $0.065/kWh,
a $4.95 monthly base charge, and a $295 Early Cancellation Fee.  The plan includes a [redacted] Thermostat to be
delivered in 4-6 weeks by [redacted]-** after the plan begins.
A copy of the Electricity Facts Label (EFL) and the
recorded enrollment call is attached. 
Mr. [redacted] acknowledged during his enrollment that
the agent has left him a copy of the Terms of Service and Electricity Facts
Label and a form to cancel the enrollment with no penalty within 3 business
days.  Mr. [redacted] acknowledged that DE
will not be responsible for his previous representatives Early Cancelation Fee
The [redacted] Thermostat was sent by [redacted]-** on July 16,
2015 with tracking number [redacted].  Mr. [redacted] confirmed he received the device. 
On August 2, 2015, an invoice was issued for June
30, 2015 to July 31, 2015.  Usage was for
1,704 kWh and the energy charge was the agreed rate $0.065 and totaled $110.76.  AEP Texas Central Delivery Charges were
$76.83.  The delivery charges are $9 per
month and $0.03981/kWh as detailed in the EFL. 
A copy of the invoice is attached.
On August 6, 2015, a collection call was placed to
[redacted] advising him of an overdue balance for $193.  Mr. [redacted] stated he disputed the delivery
charges as he was not saving any money from his rate with [redacted] who had charged
him $200 to terminate his contract.  Mr.
[redacted] was advised of the $295 cancellation fee if he cancelled.
On August 6, 2015, Ms. [redacted] called back to
request a Move Out.  She was transferred
to a representative to discuss the dispute. 
Ms. [redacted] stated they were told they would begin to see a savings after
several months of using the [redacted].  Ms.
[redacted] stated she was satisfied with the energy charge for $0.065, but did not
agree with the delivery charge which made the average price $0.113/kWh.  The agent offered a different rate for an
average price of $0.098/kWh for 2000 kWh, an energy charge for $0.051/kWh, a
$4.95 monthly base charge and a $135 Early Cancellation Fee.  The AEP Central Delivery charges do not
change.  Delivery charges are dependent
on the number of kWh delivered to the premise for charges of $9 per month and
$0.03981/kWh.  The rate was accepted and
placed on the account immediately.  The
agent advised he would request a waiver of the $295 ECF for the [redacted] thermostat,
but he could not promise it could be waived. 

On September 2, 2015, an invoice was issued for July
31, 2015 to August 31, 2015. The energy charge is $0.051/kWh, the new rate
which was provided to the customer for their satisfaction. The invoice included a $295 Early Cancellation
Fee for cancellation of the [redacted] rate plan.   A copy of the invoice is attached.
On September 8, 2015, Mr. [redacted] called to ask if
the ECF for $295 would be waived.  Mr.
[redacted] was advised Direct Energy will waive the $295 ECF once the [redacted] thermostat
is returned, and he provides the tracking number for the return of the device.  The agent contacted [redacted] for the customer to
obtain a return label. The return label was emailed to [redacted]. 
On September 10, 2015, a
complaint was received and a hold was placed on the account.
A complaint analyst reviewed the enrollment call
and determined the [redacted] rate was correctly provided to Mr. [redacted] on June 29,
2015.  No calls were made during the 3
business day rescission period to cancel the rate. 
The analyst contacted Mr. [redacted] and provided the findings.  He stated that they had actually liked the
[redacted] rate but did not like the AEP Central Delivery charges.  It was pointed out to him that his average
cost on both the August 2, 2015 and September 2, 2015 invoices are the same.  Mr. [redacted] stated he was out $200 for the
Early Termination Fee (ECF) from his previous provider.  He was reminded that previous ECF was not
part of the Direct Energy contract, and he accepted and acknowledged that
disclosure during the enrollment call on June 29, 2015. 
Mr. [redacted] was offered two options in an effort to
satisfy his dispute.  Mr. [redacted] may
return the [redacted] Thermostat and provide the tracking number, and DE will remove
the $295 ECF from his account.  He will
remain on his current rate and I will place a $50 credit on his account.  Mr. [redacted] was optionally offered to return to
the [redacted] Rate and have the $295 ECF credited to his account.  The [redacted] rate is provided in conjunction with
the [redacted] thermostat.  He stated he would
discuss the option with his wife and call me back.  The analyst is prepared to provide either
option when Mr. and Ms. [redacted] make a decision.
Energy confirms a valid enrollment was completed by [redacted] on June 29,
2015, for a 36 month [redacted] Comfort and Control Plan.  The plan utilizes a [redacted] thermostat that is
sent to the customer 4-6 weeks after the enrollment.  Mr. [redacted] acknowledged he received and
installed the thermostat. 
[redacted] was changed to a new rate during his call on August 6, 2015, and the rate
became effective in the next invoice issued on September 2, 2015.  Mr. [redacted] was required to return the [redacted]
thermostat to have the $295 Device Cost Recovery Fee credited to the
Energy has alternatively provided the resolution to Mr. and Ms. [redacted] to return
the [redacted] thermostat and receive a $50 account credit, or return to the [redacted]
Rate plan and Direct Energy will credit the $295 fee back to his account.
and Ms. [redacted] are undecided, and state they will contact the analyst when they
make a decision on which plan they would like. 
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If [redacted] has
any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than
happy to discuss this matter further.
29, 2015 Enrollment call
Fact Label – [redacted] Rate
2, 2015 Invoice
Fact Label [redacted]
2, 2015 Invoice

September 1,
[Complaint No:
[redacted]] – [redacted]
Account # [redacted]
[redacted] established services on March 27, 2015, prior to moving to a new
premise under a plan which included a Nest Smart Thermostat. After moving,...

responded to an advertisement he received, and selected a new rate which did
not include the thermostat. As a result, he was assessed a $295.00 Early
Cancellation Fee and has not been able to have it successfully removed. He states
he was advised by Direct Energy agents the Early Cancellation Fee was assessed
as the [redacted] tracking number reflects the Nest was delivered to his old
Mr. [redacted] established services with Direct Energy
on March 27, 2015 at [redacted]. The plan selected included a
Nest Smart Thermostat.
On April 10, 2015, Mr. [redacted] accepted a new rate
in response to an advertisement he received in the mail. The new plan did not
include a Nest thermostat. Due to system limitations, Mr. [redacted] was
automatically assessed a $295.00 Early Cancellation Fee on his August 7, 2015
invoice. Due to a system error, he was assessed two Early Cancellation Fees.
After speaking with an agent, the invoice was
reversed and rebilled. He was issued a new invoice on August 25, 2015 reflecting
one of the Early Cancellation Fees was waived; however, was advised he was
responsible for the other Early Cancellation Fee.
Since receiving Mr. [redacted]’s concerns from the, a complaint analyst spoke with him on August 28, 2015.
He offered his apologies for the inconvenience this matter may have caused, and
advised he would remove the remaining Early Cancellation Fee. In addition, the
complaint analyst also advised as a gesture of goodwill he would apply a $50.00
credit to the account, in recognition of the inconvenience. Mr. [redacted] was
[redacted] originally established services using a Nest Smart Thermostat plan.
Shortly after, he accepted a new rate plan which did not include a Nest
thermostat, and was assessed a $295.00 Early Cancellation Fee as a result. Due
to a system error, he was assessed the Early Cancellation Fee twice on the August
7, 2015 invoice. He was rebilled on August 25, 2015 with a waiver for one fee;
however, was advised he would remain responsible for one of the fees, which has
since also been waived.  As a gesture of
goodwill we applied a $50 credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account.
complaint analyst spoke with Mr. [redacted]
on August 28, 2015 and provided our findings and resolution. Mr. [redacted] was
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Mr. [redacted] has
any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than
happy to discuss this matter further.

November 10,
[Complaint No:
[redacted]] – [redacted]
Account #: [redacted]
[redacted] states she previously had a debit with Direct Energy totaling $841.77.
She states after filing bankruptcy, the
debt with Direct Energy was still...

Ms. [redacted] was a Direct Energy customer at [redacted] Apt # [redacted], TX from June 30, 2008 to March 9, 2009.
On March 11, 2009, Ms. [redacted] was issued her final
invoice for the amount of $841.77.
On May 4, 2019, the unpaid debt was turned over to a
third party collection agency, IC Systems.
On November 10, 2015, after reviewing Ms. [redacted]’
bankruptcy documentation, we have initiated the process of re-calling the debt
from IC Systems, and will write off the balance due to the bankruptcy. Ms.
[redacted] will no longer owe the balance. Direct Energy did not initially take
action to remove the debt due to the debt being previously turned over to IC
Systems, and Direct Energy was not included in Ms. [redacted]’ bankruptcy
On November 10, 2015, a complaint agent spoke with
Ms. [redacted] to advise of the resolution. She was satisfied.
Energy forwarded Ms. [redacted] unpaid debt of $841.77 to IC Systems, a third party
collection ggency, on May 4, 2019. Because the debt had previously been
surrendered, and Ms. [redacted] did not include Direct Energy within her
bankruptcy documentation, Direct Energy did not initiate the removal of the
reviewing her bankruptcy documentation, Direct Energy has initiated the process
of re-calling the debt from IC Systems in order to write off the debt. Once
complete, Ms. [redacted] will no longer owe the debt. This was communicated to
Ms. [redacted] on November 10, 2015 when speaking with a complaint agent. Ms.
[redacted] was satisfied.
Ms. [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would
be more than happy to discuss this matter further.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  
I was told that on 01/11/2016 a technician from Oncor would be sent to physically take apart the meter, free of charge, and that they would call me before entering the premises. I received no call, and no technician has appeared at my residence.  However, I did receive a voicemail from direct energy stating that a meter read would cost me $75, when I was told by the supervisor from Direct Energy that no fee would be applied and that my physical meter read would be free of charge. Upon further research, I have used city date research tools and discovered; on my own; that the Kwh I have been charged would not equal the usage for a 700sq foot mobile home. In fact, it is extremely high. Yes, I have accounted for the weather changes. The analyst is incorrect. Attempting to deflect to my usage being high as a result of electric heating is ridiculous. Her multiple attempts at deflecting to the faulty meter, the adjustment made, and the disconnection of my account were not only rude but showed a lack of care. She astounded me with her use of arrogance and continuously interrupted me. I choose to put as little funds on the account as possible because of the massive errors in reads, this is why the account reflects several disconnections. This is not a point of concern, this is a statement made in my defense. The analyst did not take into consideration that as soon as their was a disconnect a payment was made.I am in the process of changing providers because of my frustration with this company. If need be, I can provide the emails I received from Direct Energy, as well as City data for my residence.

Good Afternoon,  Please see the below response for review.  Thank you,
October 1,
[Complaint No:
[redacted] – [redacted]
Account #: [redacted]
[redacted] states he was told by a customer service representative there were no
Early Cancellation Fees associated with cancelling his account.  Mr. [redacted] states he was charged a $200 Early
Cancellation Fee after switching providers. 
Mr. [redacted] states he called Customer Service to sort out the issue, and
states he was not called back at the time he was told he would be called.  Mr. [redacted] stated he was advised the Early
Cancellation Fee was to be credited back, but the credit was pending so he
received a collection call.
Direct Energy confirms [redacted] was a customer
at [redacted] from July 7, 2010 to July
1, 2015. 
Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in a 24 month fixed rate
which began August 24, 2013 and was to expire on August 24, 2015. 
Each invoice issued to Mr. [redacted] reflects the contract
expiration date as August 24, 2015 in his account details. 
On June 18, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted our Customer
Service Center to inquire if he had an Early Cancellation Fee.  The customer service agent advised him
incorrectly that she did not see a fee associated with his account.
On June 29, 2015, an Inbound Drop was received from
the Market. 
On July 3, 2015, the final invoice was issued and
included a $200 Early Cancellation Fee (ECF). 
On July 29, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Direct Energy
to make a payment for $50.78 on his account. 
He disputed the $200 ECF, and an inquiry was initiated. 
On August 18, 2015, Mrs. [redacted] contacted our Customer
Service Center and requested a callback regarding the ECF dispute. A complaint was opened on her behalf. 
On September 27, 2015, a
complaint was received and a hold was placed on the account.
A complaint analyst determined that the previous
review of the account initiated in July 2015 was incorrectly noted by the agent.
It was stated Mr. [redacted] had accepted a 24 month contract in August 2013, and
that he cancelled his contract before the expiration.  The agent did not review the June 16, 2015
call where Mr. [redacted] was incorrectly advised he did not have an ECF.  The error caused Mr. [redacted] to receive
collection calls.
On September 28, 2015, the $200 ECF was waived, and
a corrected invoice was issued to Mr. [redacted]. 
The collection agency was notified to remove all collection activity
from the account.
The analyst spoke with Mr. [redacted] and advised him of
the findings.  Mr. [redacted] appreciated the
follow-up and accepted the resolution. 
Energy confirms that Mr. [redacted] renewed in a 24 month contract on August 13,
2013.  All invoices state the expiration
date of his contract as August 24, 2015. 
Mr. [redacted] contacted customer service on June 18, 2015 to ask if he would
be charged an Early Cancellation Fee (ECF) if he switched providers.  Due to incorrect information provided to Mr.
[redacted] that he would not be assessed a fee, he switched providers. The final invoice charged a $200 ECF per the Terms
of Service; however, the ECP was later reversed, the account was recalled from
collections, and the account was closed with a zero balance. 
complaint analyst has provided our findings and resolution to Mr. [redacted] and he
is in agreement. 
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Mr. [redacted] has any
further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy
to discuss this matter further.

Good Afternoon,  Please find the response below for your review.  Thank you, Suzy [redacted] Office of the President Complaint Analyst
Retail Energy (CPL) does not presently have an account for Mr. [redacted]
[redacted].  The premise located at [redacted]...

[redacted] and the phone number provided were placed on
our internal Do Not Call and Do Not Knock lists.
complaint analyst attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] to provide our resolution.
Retail Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service,
and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Mr. [redacted]
has any further questions regarding this matter, CPL Retail Energy would be
more than happy to discuss this matter further.

After receiving a complaint through [redacted] on August 19, 2015, the remittance department was contacted in order to expedite the duplicate payment refund. The refund check was mailed August 21, 2015 and Ms. [redacted] should receive the check within 7-10 business days (dependent upon [redacted]...

delivery). In the interest of customer service, a one-time credit of $100.00 has been applied to Ms. [redacted] account to compensate her for the fees and late charges she incurred as a result of the duplicate payment. [redacted] apologizes for any inconvenience.As of August 25, 2015, Ms. [redacted] remaining balance after the credit was applied is $108.37 and is due by August 26, 2015.

June 23, 2015  
[Complaint No:
[redacted]]  – [redacted]
Account # [redacted]
[redacted] states she was assessed an Early Cancellation Fee even though she
cancelled services within fourteen days of her contract expiration...

[redacted] was a Direct Energy customer at [redacted] from June
18, 2014 to June 10, 2015. Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] selected a 12 month
fixed rate plan which was set to expire June 18, 2015.
June 10, 2015, account notes indicate Direct Energy received an e-mail from Ms.
[redacted] requesting to cancel her services. The following response was sent via
e-mail to [redacted]j@[redacted]:
“Thank you for contacting Direct Energy concerning your account
([redacted]). We are sorry to hear you would like to cancel service with Direct
Energy. Unfortunately we are unable to cancel service via e-mail. Please
contact our customer service department at the number listed below to schedule
your move out and provide a forwarding address to send your final invoice to.”
the same day, we can confirm Ms. [redacted] contacted Direct Energy to request a
Move Out. However, before the Move Out transaction could be logged, the call
was disconnected. We are unable to determine the cause of the call
disconnection. Furthermore, Direct Energy has no record of any other calls from
Ms. [redacted] to complete her Move Out request.
Energy received an Inbound Drop from Switch on June 10, 2015 indicating Ms.
[redacted] had chosen to switch providers prior to her contract end date of June
18, 2015. A final invoice was issued on June 11, 2015 in the amount of $155.11
which included a valid Early Cancellation Penalty of $135.00.
receiving the complaint, Ms. [redacted]’s account was reviewed and the decision was
made to waive the $135.00 Early Cancellation Fee in the interest of customer
service. Due to an unknown system error, the final invoice was billed at a much
lower rate than Ms. [redacted]’s previous 12 month fixed rate. As such, in our
reversal of the invoice which originally assessed the Early Cancellation
Penalty, she was re-billed at the cheaper rate.
complaint analyst spoke with Ms. [redacted] on June 17, 2015 and advised her of our
resolution leaving a final account balance of $108.63. Ms. [redacted] then stated she
already submitted a check in the amount of $91.22, which would have left her
with a remaining balance owed of $17.41. As a gesture of goodwill, the complaint
analyst agreed to write off the remaining balance so that Ms. [redacted] would not
have to remit any further payments.
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Ms. [redacted] has
any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than
happy to discuss this resolution further.

Response to Case [redacted]

response to [redacted]

October 2,
[Complaint No:
[redacted]] – [redacted]
Account #: [redacted]
[redacted] states she was made to make a payment using his credit card; however, a
double payment was taken by Direct Energy. 
She states he spoke with several company...

representatives who state they
made an error and would refund the duplicate payment.  She states now Direct Energy is using the duplicate
payment amount towards his next invoice which is not due for 2 weeks.
Ms. [redacted] has been a Direct Energy customer at
[redacted] Dr # [redacted], Dallas, TX since September 25, 2015.
On September 11, 2015, Ms. [redacted] submitted a
payment of $156.10. A duplicate payment for the same amount was entered the
same day. We are unable to determine if this was the result of a system error,
or customer error.
On September 15, 2015, the duplicate payment was
reversed, at her request, possibly through her financial institution.
Ms. [redacted] is welcome to contact Direct Energy’s
payment vendor, FiServ, by calling 1-888-393-9844. She may be able to obtain a
trace number for the reversal to further follow up with her bank. The time frame
in which the funds are returned are outside the control of Direct Energy.
A complaint analyst attempted to reach Ms. [redacted]
on September 30, 2015 and October 2, 2015 to discuss the matter without
success. In a voicemail, the agent did advise that she may wish to contact the
payment vendor directly and gave their telephone number.
Energy confirms Ms. [redacted] submitted a payment of $156.10 on September 11,
2015. A duplicate payment for the same amount was entered the same day. We are
unable to determine if this was the result of a system error, or customer
error.  Our records reflect Ms. [redacted]’
duplicate payment was reversed on September 15, 2015, at her request.
complaint analyst attempted to reach Mr. [redacted] without success.
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Ms. [redacted] has
any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than
happy to discuss this matter further.

November 4,
2015 Case
#[redacted] – [redacted]
Account #: [redacted]
Mr. [redacted] stated he went online on October
21, 2015 to set up new service to begin on October 23, 2015, and was assessed a
$100 deposit. He states he called on...

October 22, 2015 to confirm service would
be established on October 23, 2015. Mr. [redacted] sates his previous provider
disconnected the service on October 26, 2015, and when he contacted Direct Energy
he was assured service would be connected the same day before 7:00 p.m. Mr. [redacted] states he spoke with a supervisor
who stated there was service at his address already, and to check the breakers
and meter.  He states she called
Centerpoint Energy who stated they were on Emergency Mode, and she couldn't do
anything to assist. Mr. [redacted] states he explained he was attempting to
confirm that his new service was going to be established, and never cancelled
anything. Mr. [redacted] stated he contacted Centerpoint and provided his
information, and was advised they had not received an order from Direct Energy to
connect service at his service location. Mr. [redacted] states on October 27, 2015
he called Direct Energy and explained the situation, and was informed service
had been established at the wrong address since October 23, 2015, and would
need to put in another order. He states he had to sign up again for service.
Direct Energy’s records confirm Mr. [redacted] completed
an online enrollment for service at [redacted] to
be established on October 30, 2015.  A
$100.00 deposit was required to issue the service request (confirmation email
On October 21, 2015, a $100.00 payment was received
which satisfied the deposit amount.
On October 26, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted our
Customer Service Department indicating their service had been disconnected, and
requested to have service connected that same day.  She stated they had contacted Direct Energy
on October 21, 2015 and October 22, 2015 to verify the service would be
connected on October 23, 2015, as they had already submitted the deposit
payment.  She was advised a Switch can
take up to 7 days to complete, and the account reflected the requested date as
October 30, 2015.  To assist her further a
request to cancel the October 30, 2015 Switch was issued to the Market, and a same
day Move In was issued; however, the same day Switch was issued for the
customer’s previous service location at the [redacted].
On October 26, 2015, Marily [redacted] contacted our Customer
Service Department, and was advised the premise had been energized.  The representative assisting Ms. [redacted]
contacted the Centerpoint Energy; however, they were unable to assist as they
were in Emergency Mode, which indicates the utility daily transaction requests
are halted until the Emergency situation is cleared, at which time they would
resume the daily processing requests.
On October 27, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted our
Customer Service Department indicating the agent enrolled them for service at
the incorrect service address, and she was online completing a new enrollment
for the [redacted].  A same day Move In was scheduled, and
completed the same day.
A complaint analyst left a message on October 29,
2015 to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.  To
date, the call has not been returned.
Energy confirms a request for a Switch was received on October 21, 2015 with an
effective date of October 30, 2015 for service at [redacted].  The $100.00 deposit
requirement was received the same day, and the future Switch was issued to the Market.  There is no indication Mr. or Ms. [redacted] contacted
Direct Energy to inquire about the Switch request prior to their service
disconnection by their previous provider.
Ms. [redacted] contacted us on October 26, 2015, indicating the service had been
disconnected by the previous service provider, a cancellation request for the
future Switch was issued, and a same day Move In was submitted.  However, the same day Move In was submitted under
the [redacted]’s previous service address of [redacted].  When Ms. [redacted] contacted Direct
Energy stating service was not connected, a call to the utility was made to
inquire about the service connection; however, the utility was in Emergency Mode,
and could not provide assistance with the situation. When Ms. [redacted] contacted
Direct Energy on October 27, 2015, stating the Move In request had been issued
to the incorrect service address, a same day Move In was issued for the [redacted], which completed later that day.  A request to return the [redacted] service address to the previous provider was placed, and the
[redacted]’s will not be responsible for any charges associated with this service
complaint analyst attempted to contact Mr. or Ms. [redacted] without success.
Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we
regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactory. If Mr. or Ms.
[redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be
more than happy to discuss this matter further.

Good Morning,At
Direct Energy our objective is to provide customers with exceptional service. We
apologize if Ms. [redacted] interaction was
less than favorable.  The accounts billed
as contracted and no reimbursement is warranted.  For full investigation details, we would
refer the to the original response.
Energy Office of the President Department

September 21,
[Complaint No:
[redacted]] – [redacted]
Account #: [redacted]
[redacted] states he enrolled with Direct Energy on June 26, 2015 with the
impression he would be assessed $0.093/kWh should his consumption remain under
2000 kWh. He...

states when he received the Electricity Facts Label it
contradicted the rate he agreed to. In addition, he states the Electricity
Facts Label stated his price could change at any time after he was advised the
price would be locked in.
Mr. [redacted] has been a Direct Energy customer since
June 26, 2015 at 830 Indiana Ave # 3, Corpus Christi, TX
We are unable to access the enrollment call in which
Mr. [redacted] was read the terms of his fixed rate.
Mr. [redacted] had been invoiced according to the rate
that was selected during the enrollment.
A complaint analyst spoke with Mr. [redacted] on
September 21, 2015. The agent confirmed that Mr. [redacted]’ rate included a base
rate of $0.046/kWh, a monthly base charge of $4.95, and AEP Central Delivery
Charges. The analyst further explained that his average price per kWh was $0.093/kWh;
however, based on exactly 2,000 kWh as this disclosure is mandated by the
Public Utility Commission. Due to the nature of an average price, Mr. [redacted]’
price will fluctuate based on actual usage. The complaint analyst also advised
that Direct Energy currently does not offer variable priced products to
customers, and he is under a fixed rate term. Mr. [redacted] was referred to the
Electricity Facts Label he received after establishing his account, as this
information is presented within the document. 
After speaking with the analyst, Mr. [redacted] stated he had a better
understanding of his rate as well as the average price. The analyst offered a
$50.00 credit for customer satisfaction and also placed an extension on his
account for the remaining account balance of $57.10, which was currently past
due. Mr. [redacted] was satisfied.
[redacted] contacted Direct Energy on June 16, 2015 and established services
effective on June 26, 2015. He agreed to a fixed rate plan that included a base
rate of $0.046/kWh, a monthly base charge of $4.95, AEP Central Delivery
Charges, and an average price of $0.093/2000 kWh. Mr. [redacted] was provided with
a detailed explanation of the agreed upon rate. 
As a gesture of goodwill a $50.00 credit was applied to Mr. [redacted]
complaint analyst spoke with Mr. [redacted] on September 21, 2015 and provided our
finding. Mr. [redacted] was satisfied.
Mr. [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would
be more than happy to discuss this matter further.

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