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Reviews Hard Exteriors Contracting

Hard Exteriors Contracting Reviews (131)

After receiving a complaint through [redacted] on August 19, 2015, the remittance department was contacted in order to expedite the duplicate payment refundThe refund check was mailed August 21, and Ms [redacted] should receive the check within 7-business days (dependent upon [redacted] delivery)In the interest of customer service, a one-time credit of $has been applied to Ms [redacted] account to compensate her for the fees and late charges she incurred as a result of the duplicate payment [redacted] apologizes for any inconvenience.As of August 25, 2015, Ms [redacted] remaining balance after the credit was applied is $and is due by August 26,

Response to

August 27, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account #: [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Ms [redacted] states she signed up for service, and she added $to her account She states she move on August 1, 2015, and called to notify customer service of the move Ms [redacted] states she was advised service address changes cannot be updated on Saturdays She further states she contacted customer service again on Monday to report the change of address Ms [redacted] states the agent did not ask her to provide her new address, but states the agent stated her address was updated in the system Ms [redacted] states she received texts notification from Direct Energy stating her account had a negative balance She further states she contacted Direct Energy regarding the notifications She states she was told she was being charged for usage Ms [redacted] states she advised the agent she updated her address online and contacted Direct Energy to confirm her address was updated in the system She states she asked the agent why the system reflects her old address She states the agent advised the address was never updated in the system Ms [redacted] states she was in the process of enrolling her new premise for service with Direct Energy, but states she was disappointed with the customer service and cancelled the new enrollment Ms [redacted] states she continued to receive text message notifications reflecting the account continued to incur charges for usageShe states she contacted Direct Energy again regarding the new balance on the account She states the agent transferred the call to the Customer Care Center She states an agent answered the call but disconnected the call Ms [redacted] states the balance continues to increase, and states Direct Energy will not assist her with resolving the issue She states an agent opened a dispute on her behalf, but she only received a text stating the dispute was resolved negatively She further states Direct Energy continues to bill her for usage at a premise where she no longer resides Ms [redacted] states she wants the account closed In addition, she requests a reimbursement in the amount of $ COMPANY RESPONSE: Direct Energy confirms we do not have an account for [redacted] at [redacted] *** In addition, we do not have record of sending usage notifications A complaint analyst spoke to a person who identified herself as Jasmine [redacted] Ms [redacted] stated she is not associated with address [redacted] She further stated she did not file a complaint against Direct Energy with the The person filing the concern may contact Direct Energy to provide additional information to further our investigation

May 2, 2017[Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account # [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Ms [redacted] states she enrolled service at the incorrect address with First Choice PowerOn April 13, 2017, she states she canceled service with First Choice Power and enrolled with a different providerShe further states she was advised by First Choice Power that her $payment would be refunded in four to six weeksShe states she later received further text messages from First Choice Power stating she is being charged for service and was assessed a $fee for first time rentersShe states that she contacted First Choice Power once again and was advised service still needed to be canceledMs [redacted] states the account was placed under investigationShe states the account reached a negative balance of $292.05, and she was advised she would be responsible for the charges when communicating with an agent via email on April 21, SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: On April 9, 2017, Ms [redacted] enrolled service with First Choice Power Power-at [redacted] via the webA payment in the amount of $was receivedOn April 12, 2017, we received a request from Constellation to return the premiseOn April 13, 2017, the account became activeMs [redacted] was assessed a $Standard Move In Fee, leaving her with a balance of $Later on April 13, 2017, notes reflect Ms [redacted] speaking with an agent who advised an Inadvertent Switch had been logged which would result in the cancelation of the accountOn April 17, 2017, account notes reflect Ms [redacted] speaking with an agent about the status of the cancelationAccount notes reflect she was advised the Inadvertent Switch Process was still pendingFurther notes reflect her speaking with an additional agent who educated her on the Standard Move In FeeOn April 21, and April 22, 2017, notes reflect agents communicating with Ms [redacted] via email, advising her that the account cancelation is still pending due to the Inadvertent Switch processOn April 25, 2017, a complaint analyst attempted to reach Ms [redacted] without successOn April 27, 2017, the Inadvertent Switch Process completedThe address was transferred back to the previous provider, and Ms [redacted] ’s account was closedThe charges assessed while service was active with First Choice Power had been written off, leaving Ms [redacted] with a balance of $On April 28, 2017, her Standard Move In Fee was refunded, leaving her with her initial balance of $A complaint analyst attempted to reach Ms [redacted] without successOn April 29, 2017, a refund was issued back to her debit/credit card for the amount of $25.00, which may take up to five business days to completeOn May 1, 2017, a complaint analyst attempted to reach Ms [redacted] without successCOMPANY RESPONSE: Per the Inadvertent Switch process, charges assessed while service was active with First Choice Power have been written offAs a courtesy, her Standard Move In Fee was also waived, refunding her the full $payment she originally made when establishing the accountFirst Choice Power prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Ms [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, First Choice Power would be more than happy to discuss this matter further

August 6, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account #: [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Ms [redacted] states after enrolling services, she was disconnected three days laterMs [redacted] states she received a $credit; however, is seeking further compensation due to the food loss which occurred, while she was without service for one day SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: Mr [redacted] contacted Direct Energy on July 27, and established services for [redacted] **Services were established the following day on July 28, Previously, services were established under a different Direct Energy account holder, [redacted] ***, who occupied the premise along with Mrand Ms*** While services became active under Mr***’ newly established account, Ms***’s account did not finalize until July 29, Due to timing, Ms [redacted] transferred services to a new premise, which generated a Move Out for the premise shortly before the account finalizedAs a result, services were disconnected on July 30, After Ms [redacted] spoke with a Direct Energy agent, services were re-established the following day Since the account establishment, Mrand Ms [redacted] were issued two invoices on August 4, 2015, for services between July 28, and August 3, A complaint agent spoke with Ms [redacted] on August 6, to discuss the matterThe agent agreed to write off the amount of $40.93, the combined amount of the invoices issued on August 4, Because Ms [redacted] was disconnected for more than twenty four hours, the agent offered further compensation by placing a $credit on her accountMs [redacted] was satisfied COMPANY RESPONSE: Mr [redacted] established services at for [redacted] on July 27, 2015, which had previously been established under another Direct Energy account; Ms***’ services became effective the following dayThe existing Direct Energy account, for the same premise, had not finalized transferring services to the new premise, as a result when the Move Out order was successfully completed on the account Mr***’ service was disconnected Services were reconnected the following day, once Direct Energy was made aware of the situation A $credit for food spoilage was applied to Mr***’ account, and Ms [redacted] was satisfied A complaint agent spoke with Ms [redacted] on August 6, and provided our resolution Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Mrand Ms [redacted] have any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further

Our records reflect that Mr [redacted] 's concerns were previously addressed and resolved through a complaint placed with CT PURA The details of the complaint received from the appear to be dated during the same time as the PURA complaint, thus we have attached a copy of the PURA Complaint, our responses and supporting documentation If this does not resolve the complaint or if Mr [redacted] needs further assistance, he may contact our Office of the President Department at 866-670-and refer to case # [redacted] Thank You!Office of the President DepartmentDirect Energy Services

June 2, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account # [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: [redacted] is attempting to receive a reimbursement for a double payment of $ made to her account COMPANY RESPONSE: [redacted] had been a Direct Energy customer since December at [redacted] ***, [redacted] ***, ** [redacted] switched providers on April 28, She was sent her final invoice on April 29, for the amount of $ [redacted] remitted payment for the full amount on May 18, Due to a system error, the amount was drafted twice [redacted] spoke with a customer service agent in regards to the double payment The agent logged a reimbursement process, which would result in a check being mailed to [redacted] After receiving [redacted] ’ concerns from the, a complaint agent spoke with her on June 1, He advised that he cancelled the check from being sent, and instead reversed the funds back to her card used to make the paymentHe advised that the process can take up to seventy-two hours to complete Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further v

April 21, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account # [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Mr [redacted] states his enrollment was cancelled after the submission of his identification as requested by [redacted] ***He further states his enrollment was cancelled without notificationHe states he attempted to reach [redacted] to discuss the matter without success COMPANY RESPONSE: Our records reflect Mr [redacted] attempting to establish services at [redacted] on March 21, Before the enrollment process could be completed, Mr [redacted] was required to submit a copy of his driver’s license and Social Security card On March 24, 2016, [redacted] received a copy of Mr [redacted] ’s driver’s license and Social Security cardThe same day, an analyst from the Credit and Debt Department attempted to contact Mr [redacted] to complete the enrollment However, the analyst was unable to leave a messageLater that day, the analyst made a second attempt to contact Mr [redacted] without success Our records do not reflect Mr [redacted] contacting [redacted] to inquire about the enrollment processFurther, our records reflect multiple attempts by an agent to contact Mr [redacted] after the documents were received to complete the enrollment without success On April 1, 2016, the account was automatically cancelled when no further contact was made with Mr [redacted] Since receiving Mr [redacted] ’s complaint from the, a complaint analyst was able to communicate the reason the enrollment was cancelled via email with Mr [redacted] on April 19, No charges were assessed to Mr [redacted] as the enrollment was not completedThe analyst also advised that a new enrollment would be required should he wish to proceed with services with [redacted] *** If Mr [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, [redacted] would be more than happy to discuss this matter further I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint I found no response attached in the email I was sentOther than that, I was contacted by the company on Thursday October 1, Their representative offered no resolution to the problem other than to offer the same response I received initiallyI tried to make her understand that I was well aware that I signed a contract that stated there would be a fee for the thermostats if I ended the term earlyHowever, when their salesman informed me that I could potentially be charged by [redacted] for the thermostats, I asked if the fee would be waived if I returned the itemsHe said yesAny information I read following the salesman's claim that I could return the thermostats was not fully understood as I was under the impression that the thermostats should simply be returned before cancelling serviceAlso, [redacted] stresses that they do not have a cancellation feeThis is not the case, eitherTheir cancellation fee is $for their thermostats, even though it isn't framed that wayWhat's more, the [redacted] salesman looked at my bill and said that the rate they charged was cheaper, and he also claimed to be a "preferred provider" of First Energy/Toledo Edison company which was not the caseI feel like the entire sales call was disingenuous and misleadingI do not doubt a bit of ignorance on my part with the entire process of switching utility suppliers, and trusted that this man from a supposed reputable company would be the consultant he was intended to be and at least offer honesty and if nothing else, full knowledge of his product before selling itTheir solution of giving me a phone number to call Nest to attempt to return it is not acceptableThey need to waive the $fee, and hopefully, accept return of the merchandise Regards,DeQuaina [redacted]

Good Morning,At Direct Energy our objective is to provide customers with exceptional serviceWe apologize if Ms [redacted] interaction was less than favorable The accounts billed as contracted and no reimbursement is warranted For full investigation details, we would refer the to the original response Sincerely, Direct Energy Office of the President Department

July 30, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account # [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Ms [redacted] states she submitted payment online for her June invoice She further states she noticed Direct Energy drafted an additional $from her bank account without her consent Ms [redacted] states she contacted Direct Energy to request the return of her funds She states an agent advised the funds would be returned to her account within to business days Ms [redacted] states she contacted Direct Energy again as the funds were not refunded within the to business days She states an agent advised the funds were returned to her bank account on June 18, Ms [redacted] states she was advised by her financial institution of to business days for the funds to be reflected on her account She states Direct Energy contacted her on July 20, 2015, regarding her account She further states during the call she inquired about the status of the refund in the amount of $ Ms [redacted] states the agent refused to provide the status of the refund and ended the call SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: Ms [redacted] has been a Direct Energy customer since July 20, She began services at: [redacted] July 20, to July 16, [redacted] July 1, to March 31, [redacted] *** March 27, to Present On May 8, 2015, Direct Energy invoiced Ms [redacted] for kWh of usage received from [redacted] in the amount of $42.28, due by June 17, On June 9, 2015, Direct Energy invoiced Ms [redacted] for kWh of usage received from [redacted] in the amount of $46.53, due by July 17, On June15, 2015, an online payment of $posted to Ms [redacted] ’s account On June 16, 2015, an online payment of $posted to Ms [redacted] ’s account On June 16, 2015, Ms [redacted] contacted our Customer Care Center stating Direct Energy drafted a payment from her account without her consent Ms [redacted] requested to speak with a supervisor Our records reflect Ms [redacted] disconnected the call while waiting to speak with a supervisor On June 16, 2015, Ms [redacted] made a second call to our Customer Care Center inquiring why two payments were drafted from her account Our records reflect Ms [redacted] disconnected the call before the agent had the opportunity to provide an explanation On July 11, 2015, Ms [redacted] contacted our Customer Care Center requesting to review her monthly invoice She advised the agent she has not been credited for the $unauthorized draft from her account The agent advised the payment was reversed on June 18, Ms [redacted] requested to speak with a supervisor and the call was transferred Ms [redacted] advised the supervisor she did not authorize the payment of $ She further stated the funds were not returned to her card The supervisor reiterated Direct Energy’s record of the payment having been reversed on June 18, The supervisor advised Ms [redacted] to submit documentation to support that funds were not reversed to her account so further investigation could be completed On July 20, 2015, our Collections Department contacted Ms [redacted] to advise of an overdue balance of $and total account balance of $ Ms [redacted] stated a payment of $was drafted from her account without her consent The agent advised the payment was reversed Later the same day, Ms [redacted] contacted our Collections Department and was advised of a past due balance in the amount of $46.00; total account balance in the amount of $ Ms [redacted] inquired about the status of the $payment reversal The agent advised the payment was reversed Ms [redacted] stated the payment had not yet been returned to her account Ms [redacted] became agitated and began to use inappropriate language As a result, the agent ended the call A complaint analyst spoke to Ms [redacted] on July 29, 2015, to provide the findings of the investigation COMPANY RESPONSE: Our records reflect a payment in the amount of $was initiated online on June 15, Our records further reflect a second payment of $was initiated online on June 16, On June 16, 2015, Ms [redacted] notified Direct Energy of the second payment On June 18, 2015, in the interest of customer service Direct Energy processed a reversal in the amount of $ Our records reflect Ms [redacted] was advised on several occasions to submit documentation to support that funds were not returned to her bank account Direct Energy has no record of receiving the requested documentation We recommend Ms [redacted] provide trace # [redacted] to her financial institution as a means to assist them in locating the funds reversed to her account by Direct Energy A complaint analyst spoke with Ms [redacted] to provide the findings of the investigation Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Ms [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint I received a call from LC at Direct Energy from phone number [redacted] ***, and left a voicemail for me to contact ehr backThey hAve an account for me at [redacted] ***I work long hours at a hospital so I am unable to return calls during hours but I am able to be reached at [redacted] and I will try to call on my lunch, which is only minutes long and the hold time I have to wait is just terribleIf I do no have an account, then I would like to know who contacted me.Regards,

Please find attached our letter of response to Ms [redacted] 's concerns If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us at 1-866-670-6771.Office of the President DepartmentDirect Energy Services This letter is to inform you that First Choice Power has carried out to my satisfaction the resolution it proposed for my complaint, filed on 4/6/and assigned ID [redacted] Regards,

February 3, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – [redacted] Account # [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Mr [redacted] states he contacted Direct Energy on July 31, to establish services with a plan that included free weekends, using his debit card to pay for servicesHe later learned that his services did not become active, and was assessed charges from his apartment complexOnce he was able to get services established with Direct Energy, he was then assessed charges that were not consistent with the rate he agreed to SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: Our records reflect Mr [redacted] enrolling services with Direct Energy on July 16, at [redacted] under a plan that included free SaturdaysA soft credit check was assessed during his enrollmentA soft credit check does not impact a person’s credit reportMr [redacted] was assessed a $deposit, which he paid the following day On July 17, 2015, prior to services becoming active, the enrollment was cancelled due to customer requestThis is typically done when the premise is acquired by another Retail Energy Provider On August 27, 2015, Mr [redacted] contacted customer service to inquire as to why services were not active with Direct EnergyHe was advised of the cancelled enrollmentA soft credit check was performed as it is standard procedure for processing an enrollmentThe assisting agent performed a new enrollment and attempted to use the free Saturday rate previously selected Mr [redacted] ’s free Saturday rate did not take effect on his accountHe was sent invoices on the following dates: September 17, October 11, November 10, December 11, On December 18, 2015, a rate inquiry was initiated to address Mr [redacted] ’s rate issue On December 21, 2015, Mr [redacted] ’s account was updated to reflect the correct free Saturday rateIn addition, all previously issued invoices were reversed, and re-billed according to the correct rate on December 28, On February 1, 2016, a complaint analyst was able to speak with Mr [redacted] to discuss the enrollment cancellation, as well as the rate issue that had since been resolvedMr [redacted] stated he agreed to a rate that included both free Saturdays and Sundays, the analyst advised he would review the call and contact Mr [redacted] with an update Further review of the call confirmed Mr [redacted] , while inquiring about free weekends, was advised by the agent that such a plan was not available, and Mr [redacted] agreed to a rate that included free SaturdaysThe analyst attempted to follow up with Mr [redacted] on February 2, and February 3, without success In recognition of the inconvenience regarding the rate issue a complaint analyst applied a goodwill credit to Mr [redacted] ’s account in the amount of $127.41, leaving Mr [redacted] an account balance of $ COMPANY RESPONSE: Mr [redacted] contacted Direct Energy on July 16, to establish services with a rate that included free SaturdaysA soft credit check was performed, which does not affect his credit reportHe was assessed a $deposit, for which he used his debit card to submit the payment Prior to services becoming active, we received a customer requested cancellation, which typically occurs when a customer enrolls with a new providerAs a result, services did not become active Mr [redacted] later spoke with Direct Energy on August 27, to inquire about servicesHe was advised a new enrollment would be required and was processedA soft credit check was performed as it is standard procedure for processing an enrollmentA soft credit check does not impact a person’s credit report The agent attempted to use the same free Saturday rate Mr [redacted] previously agreed to; however, the system failed to apply the rateAs a result, he was issued four invoices between September and December with the incorrect rateThese invoices were later reversed and rebilled to the correct rate On February 1, 2016, a complaint analyst was able to speak with Mr [redacted] to discuss the enrollment cancellation, as well as the rate issue that had since been resolvedWhen Mr [redacted] stated he agreed to a rate that included both free Saturdays and Sundays, the analyst advised he would review the call and contact Mr [redacted] with an update Further review of the call confirmed Mr [redacted] was advised by the enrollment agent that such a plan was not available, and Mr [redacted] agreed to a rate that included free Saturdays A complaint analyst attempted to follow up with Mr [redacted] on February 2, and February 3, without success Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Mr [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further

Good Afternoon, Please find the following response for review Thank you, [redacted] Office of the President September 18, [Complaint No: [redacted] – [redacted] Account #: [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: [redacted] states he was told his rate with Direct Energy would be $0.06/kWh Mr [redacted] states his rate is $0.11/kWh Mr [redacted] states he paid an Early Cancellation Fee of $to [redacted] Energy, because he was told he would make up the difference in months Mr [redacted] states he has not saved anything, and his rate is about the same as it was with *** Mr [redacted] states Direct Energy offered to change him to a different plan he liked better and that was done Mr [redacted] states he has been asked to return the [redacted] Thermostat for the previous rate, and has been charged a $fee until the thermostat is returned Mr [redacted] asks for the $fee to be cancelled because he feels he was lied to SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: Direct Energy (DE) confirms [redacted] has been a customer with Direct Energy at [redacted] , [redacted] since June 30, Mr [redacted] completed an enrollment on June 29, for a month [redacted] Comfort and Control Plan The average price for kWh is $0.112/kWh, energy charge of $0.065/kWh, a $monthly base charge, and a $Early Cancellation Fee The plan includes a [redacted] Thermostat to be delivered in 4-weeks by ***- [redacted] after the plan begins A copy of the Electricity Facts Label (EFL) and the recorded enrollment call is attached Mr [redacted] acknowledged during his enrollment that the agent has left him a copy of the Terms of Service and Electricity Facts Label and a form to cancel the enrollment with no penalty within business days Mr [redacted] acknowledged that DE will not be responsible for his previous representatives Early Cancelation Fee (ECF) The [redacted] Thermostat was sent by ***- [redacted] on July 16, with tracking number [redacted] Mr [redacted] confirmed he received the device On August 2, 2015, an invoice was issued for June 30, to July 31, Usage was for 1,kWh and the energy charge was the agreed rate $and totaled $ AEP Texas Central Delivery Charges were $ The delivery charges are $per month and $0.03981/kWh as detailed in the EFL A copy of the invoice is attached On August 6, 2015, a collection call was placed to [redacted] advising him of an overdue balance for $ Mr [redacted] stated he disputed the delivery charges as he was not saving any money from his rate with [redacted] who had charged him $to terminate his contract Mr [redacted] was advised of the $cancellation fee if he cancelled On August 6, 2015, Ms [redacted] called back to request a Move Out She was transferred to a representative to discuss the dispute Ms [redacted] stated they were told they would begin to see a savings after several months of using the *** Ms [redacted] stated she was satisfied with the energy charge for $0.065, but did not agree with the delivery charge which made the average price $0.113/kWh The agent offered a different rate for an average price of $0.098/kWh for kWh, an energy charge for $0.051/kWh, a $monthly base charge and a $Early Cancellation Fee The AEP Central Delivery charges do not change Delivery charges are dependent on the number of kWh delivered to the premise for charges of $per month and $0.03981/kWh The rate was accepted and placed on the account immediately The agent advised he would request a waiver of the $ECF for the [redacted] thermostat, but he could not promise it could be waived On September 2, 2015, an invoice was issued for July 31, to August 31, The energy charge is $0.051/kWh, the new rate which was provided to the customer for their satisfactionThe invoice included a $Early Cancellation Fee for cancellation of the [redacted] rate plan A copy of the invoice is attached On September 8, 2015, Mr [redacted] called to ask if the ECF for $would be waived Mr [redacted] was advised Direct Energy will waive the $ECF once the [redacted] thermostat is returned, and he provides the tracking number for the return of the device The agent contacted [redacted] for the customer to obtain a return labelThe return label was emailed to [redacted] On September 10, 2015, a complaint was received and a hold was placed on the account A complaint analyst reviewed the enrollment call and determined the [redacted] rate was correctly provided to Mr [redacted] on June 29, No calls were made during the business day rescission period to cancel the rate The analyst contacted Mr [redacted] and provided the findings He stated that they had actually liked the [redacted] rate but did not like the AEP Central Delivery charges It was pointed out to him that his average cost on both the August 2, and September 2, invoices are the same Mr [redacted] stated he was out $for the Early Termination Fee (ECF) from his previous provider He was reminded that previous ECF was not part of the Direct Energy contract, and he accepted and acknowledged that disclosure during the enrollment call on June 29, Mr [redacted] was offered two options in an effort to satisfy his dispute Mr [redacted] may return the [redacted] Thermostat and provide the tracking number, and DE will remove the $ECF from his account He will remain on his current rate and I will place a $credit on his account Mr [redacted] was optionally offered to return to the [redacted] Rate and have the $ECF credited to his account The [redacted] rate is provided in conjunction with the [redacted] thermostat He stated he would discuss the option with his wife and call me back The analyst is prepared to provide either option when Mrand Ms [redacted] make a decision COMPANY RESPONSE: Direct Energy confirms a valid enrollment was completed by [redacted] on June 29, 2015, for a month [redacted] Comfort and Control Plan The plan utilizes a [redacted] thermostat that is sent to the customer 4-weeks after the enrollment Mr [redacted] acknowledged he received and installed the thermostat Mr [redacted] was changed to a new rate during his call on August 6, 2015, and the rate became effective in the next invoice issued on September 2, Mr [redacted] was required to return the [redacted] thermostat to have the $Device Cost Recovery Fee credited to the account Direct Energy has alternatively provided the resolution to Mrand Ms [redacted] to return the [redacted] thermostat and receive a $account credit, or return to the [redacted] Rate plan and Direct Energy will credit the $fee back to his account Mr and Ms [redacted] are undecided, and state they will contact the analyst when they make a decision on which plan they would like Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, Direct Energy would be more than happy to discuss this matter further Attachments: June 29, Enrollment call Electricity Fact Label – [redacted] Rate August 2, Invoice Electricity Fact Label [redacted] September 2, Invoice v

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me

DATE: July 28, 2015Complaint No: [redacted] – [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY:Ms [redacted] states a Direct Energy door to door agent provided misleading information Ms [redacted] is requesting her service not be switched to Direct Energy SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: [redacted] is not currently enrolled with Direct Energy.We forwarded the concern to our Sales Quality team for further review We are speaking with the agent who visited with Ms [redacted] regarding his presentation and coaching him to ensure all of Direct Energy’s policies and procedures are followedWe added Ms [redacted] ’s contact information to our internal Do Not Contact listings.Due to the nature of this complaint, we did not attempt to contact Ms [redacted] further.COMPANY RESPONSE: [redacted] is not currently enrolled with Direct Energy We added Ms [redacted] ’s contact information to our internal Do Not Contact listings.Due to the nature of this complaint, we did not attempt to contact Ms [redacted] further.Direct Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may be considered below satisfactoryIf Ms [redacted] has any further questions regarding this resolution, she may contact us at 1-866-670-6771, and Direct Energy will be more than happy to discuss this resolution further

October 11, [Complaint No: [redacted] ] – Allen [redacted] Account #: [redacted] COMPLAINT SUMMARY: Mr [redacted] states he was set up on a Deferred Payment Plan He states he made his payment one day early and was told he broke the plan and his services would be interrupted SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: MrAllen [redacted] has been a customer at [redacted] **., [redacted] since June 20, Service is provided to the residence and an outdoor security light On July 26, 2016, a Disconnection Notice was issued in the amount of $ On August 10, 2016, a Deferred Payment Plan (***) was initiated in the amount of $436.02, to be paid in six installments On August 17, 2016, an invoice was issued in the amount of $due by September 6, On September 16, 2016, an invoice was issued for current charges in the amount of $due by October 5, On September 22, 2016, a Disconnection Notice was issued in the amount of $due by October 3, 2016, to prevent a disruption of service On September 23, to September 30, 2016, collection calls were place to Mr*** The phone was not answered On October 1, 2016, Mr [redacted] contacted [redacted] (***) to state he made a [redacted] payment one day early in the amount of $and he received a letter advising his [redacted] had not been paid Mr [redacted] stated he planned to contact the to resolve the issue On October 3, 2016, a complaint analyst located a payment made on July 20, using the Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) in the amount of $ The payment was applied by Mr [redacted] to an account that had closed on December 17, A payment in the amount of $was made using the IVR on September 19, 2016, to the same closed account On October 3, 2016, both payments were transferred to the active account for Mr*** On October 3, 2016, Mr [redacted] made a payment in the amount of $ After the cash transfer of the misallocated funds and October 3, payment the account balance reflected a credit of $ On October 7, 2016, a complaint analyst spoke to Mr*** The findings were provided and Mr [redacted] was provided his active account number to be used for all payments Mr [redacted] did not realize he was using a closed account number to make past payments COMPANY RESPONSE: [redacted] Retail Energy (***) confirms that payments made by Mr [redacted] on July 20, 2016, and September 19, 2016, were made using the Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) to a closed account On September 22, 2016, a notice was mailed to Mr [redacted] notifying him a Deferred Payment Plan had been broken On October 3, 2016, the missing payments were located and applied to the active account for Mr*** The findings were provided to Mr [redacted] who confirmed his acceptance and agreement with the resolution [redacted] Retail Energy prides itself on maintaining a high level of customer service, and we regret anything that may have been considered unsatisfactoryIf Mr [redacted] has any further questions regarding this matter, [redacted] would be more than happy to discuss this matter further Tell us why here

Response to Case [redacted] Good Afternoon,The account belonging to Lorraine [redacted] is cancelled and will not begin service with Direct Energy For full investigation details, please see the attached response.Sincerely,Direct Energy Office of the President Department

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Address: 7680 Turnbrook Dr, Glen Burnie, Maryland, United States, 21060


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