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Greenwave Energy

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Reviews Greenwave Energy

Greenwave Energy Reviews (24)

I was told Greenwave was working with PG&E and would save me money on my utilities so I signed up. They increased my monthly natural gas charges from under 20 dollars to 408 dollars, and, in one month, they tripled my gas cost from .76/therm to 4.99/therm. PGE is doing their billing for them. Am hiring a lawyer. Anybody else on board?

Sign me up with your lawyer. My Jan bill from just the Greenwave portion was over $700!

Does anyone know of people who were scammed by a company called Greenwave Energy? My ex signed on with them after they claimed they would reduce the cost of gas and electricity for him….which is total bs. So after several attempts to cancel the service, he gets the runaround…finally gets service canceled and it still shows up on the PGE bill…called Greenwave today only for them to say they can’t find the account?! Hmmm. I want to get a lawyer and file a class action law suit against this company….. lmk if you know anyone that has had this experience with Greenwave Energy.


I am rejecting this response because: I am unsure what the are proposing I was told I would save money and I in fact did not save moneyBy their very own admission I was lied toI do not wish to pay for any serviced for which I was lied to Are they proposing a refund?


Was still having trouble logging inHere is our response: Mr [redacted] 's bill statements for the time period he was with Greenwave are as follows: Billing Period: 10/22/- 11/22/Bill Date: 12/02/Bill Total: $26.10Billing Period: 11/22/- 12/22/Bill Date: 12/31/Bill Total: $35.15Billing Period: 12/22/- 1/22/Bill Date: 1/31/Bill Total: $Cancel Bill Date: 3/25/A final bill of $was cancelled and never re-billed to the customerThe amount of $was never received by Greenwave Energy Therefore, what we had assumed was four (4) billing cycles was actually only three (3), the last of which we did not collectTo be clear, the total amount on the three (3) bills attributable to and collected by Greenwave for the duration of their time with us was $As a result, his assertions that “Each bill was about $more than it normally was” are patently unlcearWe would be happy to provide a breakdown of the Greenwave charges that appeared on the customer’s [redacted] gas bill if that would clarify the facts in the situationGreenwave will do anything in our power to right any wrong the customer may have suffered as a result of our sales agent but upon review of the recorded third-party verification of the sale, it is clear that he understood the product he was purchasingThis fact leaves us more confused as to the reasons for his initial complaint and the strident nature of his subsequent correspondenceHad the customer elected to switch to Greenwave, he would have continued to receive a monthly bill from ***, the vast majority of which would have been comprised of charges for transmission, solar thermal exemptions, franchise fees and various other line itemsWe are sorry that the customer changed their mind about the decision to switch to Greenwave as his provider but based upon all the facts available, we cannot reasonably justify meeting the demands he has made

First and foremost, we apologize for any misrepresentations that our sales reps may have made to this customer. At the time, we were using a third-party marketing team who we have since let go and terminated the contract with them. Greenwave will do anything in our power to right any wrong the... customer may have suffered as a result of our sales agent but upon review of the recorded third-party verification of the sale, it is clear that he understood the product he was purchasing and furthermore, that no financial savings were promised. It appears Mr. [redacted] had reached out to our customer support team initially on 6/2/2017 inquiring about the increase on his bill. The customer also asked if they were under a contract, in which they were, but as our customer service rep was explaining the situation to the customer he hung up stating he would call back at another time. Therefore, there were no implications for our customer service representative to submit a cancellation request for the customer. On 6/9/2017 Mr. [redacted] did in fact call back and stated he wanted to cancel his services with Greenwave Energy. At this point we did successfully submit the disconnect request. One important thing to note is that all of our customer service representatives are trained to always disclose to the customer that a cancellation could take up to 1-2 billing cycles depending on when PG&E processes the disconnect order and is also dependent upon the meter read cycle. In this instance, the customers disconnect took 1 billing cycle to complete as the date was selected for 7/13/2017. The final bill included our $16.45 Green Home Fee. During the time Mr. [redacted] was a Greenwave Energy customer, the total amount on the three (3) bills attributable to and collected by Greenwave for the duration of their time with us was $73.65. Although we cannot reimburse a customer for their natural gas usage, we have requested to issue the customer a credit of $16.45 for the Green Home Fee they incurred on their final bill as this should have been done simultaneously when the customer called to cancel and the disconnect request was submitted.

We apologize for any misrepresentations that our representative may have made to this customerAt the time, we were using a third-party vendor that has since been terminated for misrepresentations of our products and servicesGreenwave Energy is a third-party supplier that offers consumers 100% carbon neutral natural gas to offset their carbon footprint for their homesIn addition to a Natural Gas offering, we also give homeowners the opportunity to “green up” their electricity by purchasing RECs on their behalfCustomers choosing to purchase both the natural gas and the REC effectively zero out their carbon footprint for their home energy usageThis premium product carries a monthly admin fee of $According to our records, Mrs [redacted] reached out to our customer care team on 9/28/to cancel services with Greenwave EnergyAt that point in time, we did submit an order for a disconnect to the utility, ***One important thing to note is that all of our customer service representatives are trained to always disclose to the customer that a cancellation could take up to 1-billing cycles depending on when [redacted] processes the disconnect order and is also dependent upon the meter read cycle, both of which are out of Greenwave’s controlIn this instance, the customers disconnect took two (2) billing cycles to complete as the date was selected for 11/13/Month three that the customer refers to is their final bill included our $Green Home FeeTo be clear, the total amount on the six (6) bills attributable to and collected by Greenwave for the duration of their time with us was $resulting in an average bill of $We would be happy to provide a breakdown of the Greenwave charges that appeared on the customer’s [redacted] gas bill if that would clarify the facts in the situation and charges attributable to GreenwaveGreenwave will do anything within reason to right any wrong the customer may have suffered as a result of our sales agent but upon review of the recorded third-party verification of the sale, it is clear that she understood the product she was purchasing was in fact a premium productAlthough we cannot reimburse a customer for their natural gas usage, we can offer the customer a credit of $for the Green Home Fee they incurred on their final bill that was generated in November based on the meter reads previously mentionedUpon the customer’s approval, Greenwave Energy will submit a request to the utility to cancel and rebill the customer without November’s Green Home Fee included I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, assuming that NO additional charges will appear on my next bill or in the future. If they do, I will file a new complaint.

I just had a guy come top my door stating that he represents PG&E and that I'm buy my gas from out of state which isn't allowed. He wore a Green Wave ID badge. I told him that was BS and closed the door on him!

Greenwave Energy sincerely apologizes for any inaccurate or misleading messaging that may have been provided by its contracted sales representativeWe take complaints of this nature very seriously and have conducted an investigation of this particular matter Greenwave Energy is a Core
Transport Agent, certified by the California Public Utilities Commission and is currently providing an alternative natural gas supply option to customers in the PG&E utility service area We employ independent sales contractors to communicate our product options and sign up residential and small business customersThese contractors are trained in the benefits of energy deregulation and are instructed to follow strict guidelines concerning their sales presentation and interactions with the public. To help ensure that a customer understands the nature of the program, a subsequent independent third-party verification process is required, and was completed successfully in this case Upon receipt of this complaint we performed a comprehensive review of the sales agent’s recent activityQuality Assurance phone calls were placed to each of his customers from the previous two weeks, and we analyzed his sales records from the past six monthsWe did not discover any evidence of intentionally deceptive behavior Nevertheless, we find this complaint to be very troubling, as it claims a contractor engaged in a deliberate misrepresentation, and a complete distortion of, our messageTherefore, as a result of these claims we have placed this contractor on days' probation whereby any similar complaint will result in immediate termination Greenwave Energy has cancelled this customer’s enrollment request with the utility, prior to the assigned switch dateNo charges or fees have been, or will be, incurred by the customer Again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience

First and foremost, we would like to apologize for the misrepresentation and misleading information that was presented to the customer by our third-party marketing vendorGreenwave Energy is an energy company that provides renewable energy products that allow customers to reduce their "carbon
footprint" in order to help reduce climate change This is our unique product offering rather than selling gas at a price that will provide the customer a savings below what they pay each month to ***. The contracted vendor and agent(s) that were hired by the third-party marketing company that conducts the door-to-door marketing for Greenwave has since been let go and is no longer working or representing Greenwave EnergyWe have also added a question to the third-party verification process after the marketing agents enroll a customer whereby the third-party verification company specifically asks the customer if they were told by the marketing agent that they would save money on their utility bill by enrolling with Greenwave Energy, because we intend to operate with complete integrity Secondly, there is no acceptable reason or excuse for the customer’s initial contact via our website to have gone unanswered and we do apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused by thisWhen Mr*** first called in and spoke to our customer service representative, the representative misinformed the customer that we would reimburse them for all of their billsUnfortunately, the only refund we are able to reimburse is the customer’s administration fees that are a part of the plan. Our customer service representative did not have the authorization to promise such reimbursements that are beyond Greenwave’s capabilitiesWhen the customer called in the second time, the customer service representative informed Mr*** that a reimbursement did come in the form of a one (1) bill adjustment of $on the *** bill and the admin fees were removed from the plan entirelyAs stated by the customer representative during the call, Greenwave Energy is only capable of reimbursing consumers of the admin fees and not the usage of the commodityHowever, when looking further into the customer’s account, an additional reimbursement of $can be sent to the customer via mail for two (2) additional billing cycles that were not able to be credited back the customer’s plan once they had requested to be disconnected

Hello *** ***, On behalf of Greenwave Energy I would like to express my regrets for your experience with this sales personWe will do our best to investigate the concerns you’ve expressed and retrain our sales staff where appropriateIt is not the intention of Greenwave Energy to deceive
its customersDuring the enrollment process all customers go through a recorded verification of the agreement where the monthly fees are disclosed, and a Welcome Packet is delivered within days of a successful enrollment containing written confirmation of the terms and conditions to be sure there is no misunderstanding of the termsThe terms and conditions state “ ...GWE will extend the cancellation period to midnight of the thirtieth (30th) day after the date of the first bill. However, if Customer chooses to cancel service, the amount due for the natural gas and green products delivered to Customer until the switch back to PG&E will still be due and payable." Had this request come in a timely manner quick action would have been taken to ensure customer satisfactionAgain, it is not the intention of Greenwave Energy to mislead our customers so in good faith we will refund your account months of the fees on your final billYour cancellation request was handled at the time of your first complaint to Greenwave Energy on April 11, and is effective 5/11/The disconnect date is determined by the Utility and is not within the control of Greenwave Energy

The early termination fee has been waived and will not appear on the customer's billsOn behalf of Greenwave Energy I would like to express my regrets for the consumers experience with this sales personWe will do our best to investigate the concerns expressed and retrain our sales staff where
appropriateThe customer service calls have been reviewed and retraining has taken place
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
I appreciate your help in this matter and am grateful for the the service you provide!

Mr. [redacted] telephoned Greenwave’s customer service line on February 12th and at the time a drop was submitted to the utility as requested. Mr. [redacted]’s account will not switch to the Greenwave pool. This complaint will be investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken with the sales...

individual/team. On behalf of the Greenwave Sales Team I apologize for the negative experience as described by Mr. [redacted], they are not in line with Greenwave sales policies.

Ms. [redacted] telephoned Greenwave’s customer service line on February 8th and lodged the same complaint with the Customer Service Representative. At that time a drop was submitted to the utility as requested and has since been accepted. Ms. [redacted]’s account will not switch to the Greenwave pool; the...

pending connect has been dropped. This complaint will be investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken with the sales individual/team. On behalf of the Greenwave Sales Team I apologize for the negative experience as the actions and statements described by Ms. [redacted] are not in line with Greenwave sales policies.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, assuming that NO additional charges will appear on my next bill or in the future. If they do, I will file a new complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.Thank you[redacted]

We apologize for any misrepresentations that our representative may have made to this customer. At the time, we were using a third-party vendor that has since been terminated for misrepresentations of our products and services. Greenwave Energy is a third-party supplier that offers consumers 100%...

carbon neutral natural gas to offset their carbon footprint for their homes. In addition to a Natural Gas offering, we also give homeowners the opportunity to “green up” their electricity by purchasing RECs on their behalf. Customers choosing to purchase both the natural gas and the REC effectively zero out their carbon footprint for their home energy usage. This premium product carries a monthly admin fee of $16.45. According to our records, Mrs. [redacted] reached out to our customer care team on 9/28/2017 to cancel services with Greenwave Energy. At that point in time, we did submit an order for a disconnect to the utility, [redacted]. One important thing to note is that all of our customer service representatives are trained to always disclose to the customer that a cancellation could take up to 1-2 billing cycles depending on when [redacted] processes the disconnect order and is also dependent upon the meter read cycle, both of which are out of Greenwave’s control. In this instance, the customers disconnect took two (2) billing cycles to complete as the date was selected for 11/13/2017. Month three that the customer refers to is their final bill included our $16.45 Green Home Fee. To be clear, the total amount on the six (6) bills attributable to and collected by Greenwave for the duration of their time with us was $123.51 resulting in an average bill of $20.59. We would be happy to provide a breakdown of the Greenwave charges that appeared on the customer’s [redacted] gas bill if that would clarify the facts in the situation and charges attributable to Greenwave. Greenwave will do anything within reason to right any wrong the customer may have suffered as a result of our sales agent but upon review of the recorded third-party verification of the sale, it is clear that she understood the product she was purchasing was in fact a premium product. Although we cannot reimburse a customer for their natural gas usage, we can offer the customer a credit of $16.45 for the Green Home Fee they incurred on their final bill that was generated in November based on the meter reads previously mentioned. Upon the customer’s approval, Greenwave Energy will submit a request to the utility to cancel and rebill the customer without November’s Green Home Fee included.

According to our records, this customer (Mr. [redacted]) was switched to the Greenwave Energy pool on 10/21/2016.  Later, the customer called on 12/06 requesting a disconnect, and Greenwave Energy's customer service (EnergyCare) generated the disconnect on the same day.  The [redacted]...

switching rules dictate that there be a 15 day hold period once the switch request has been received, and the connect/disconnect date is effective on the meter read date following the 15 day hold period.  Unfortunately, as a result of [redacted]'s rules, the account missed the December 21st meter read by 1 day.  The billing window has closed for Greenwave, so [redacted] recommends that we submit a cancel request for the bill segment that runs from 12/22-01/22 with the net charges of $68.38.  We will continue to work closely with [redacted] in order to switch the customer back to [redacted].  In addition, there will be no additional charges for the natural gas that was delivered to the customer above the price that the customer would have otherwise paid for their gas supply service with [redacted].In addition to natural gas, Greenwave Energy is an energy company that provides renewable energy products that allow customers to reduce their "carbon footprint" in order to help reduce climate change.  This is our unique product offering rather than selling gas at a price that will provide the customer a savings below what they pay each month to [redacted].  Unfortunately, the contract agent that was hired by a third-party marketing company that conducts the door-to-door marketing for Greenwave misrepresented the product Greenwave Energy is offering.  We have taken disciplinary action toward this agent and he is no longer working for Greenwave.  We have also added a question to the third-party verification process after the marketing agents enroll a customer whereby the third party verification company specifically asks the customer if they were told by the marketing agent that they would save money on their utility bill by enrolling with Greenwave Energy, because we intend to operate with complete integrity.  That is the only way to be successful in the market.It is our intent to continue working with the customer and [redacted] to resolve this matter to the customer's complete satisfaction, whereby they are returned to [redacted] service and the amount paid for the period of time they were supplied with natural gas by Greenwave will be no more than what [redacted] charged during that same period.

Was still having trouble logging in. Here is our response: Mr. [redacted]'s bill statements for the time period he was with Greenwave are as follows: Billing Period: 10/22/2016 - 11/22/2016. Bill Date: 12/02/16. Bill Total: $26.10Billing Period: 11/22/2016 - 12/22/2016. Bill Date: 12/31/16. Bill Total: $35.15Billing Period: 12/22/2016 - 1/22/2017. Bill Date: 1/31/17. Bill Total: $68.38 Cancel Bill Date: 3/25/17. A final bill of $68.38 was cancelled and never re-billed to the customer. The amount of $68.38 was never received by Greenwave Energy.  Therefore, what we had assumed was four (4) billing cycles was actually only three (3), the last of which we did not collect. To be clear, the total amount on the three (3) bills attributable to and collected by Greenwave for the duration of their time with us was $61.25. As a result, his assertions that “Each bill was about $150 more than it normally was” are patently unlcear. We would be happy to provide a breakdown of the Greenwave charges that appeared on the customer’s [redacted] gas bill if that would clarify the facts in the situation. Greenwave will do anything in our power to right any wrong the customer may have suffered as a result of our sales agent but upon review of the recorded third-party verification of the sale, it is clear that he understood the product he was purchasing. This fact leaves us more confused as to the reasons for his initial complaint and the strident nature of his subsequent correspondence. Had the customer elected to switch to Greenwave, he would have continued to receive a monthly bill from [redacted], the vast majority of which would have been comprised of charges for transmission, solar thermal exemptions, franchise fees and various other line items. We are sorry that the customer changed their mind about the decision to switch to Greenwave as his provider but based upon all the facts available, we cannot reasonably justify meeting the demands he has made.

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Address: 6520 Lonetree Blvd Ste 1029, Rocklin, California, United States, 95765-5874


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